Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space KBW Recap & Token2049 Preps hosted by GenzioCo. In this Twitter space, the focus was on building the Genzio Ecosystem with key partners like Ethereum Denver and KBW while discussing preparations for the upcoming Token2049 event. Conversations revolved around the importance of strategic partnerships, community engagement, and the role of industry conferences in shaping the blockchain landscape. The space emphasized collaboration, networking, and the significance of community-driven growth for sustainable blockchain ecosystems. Through insights and discussions on events like Consensus2025 and futurist_conf, participants gained valuable knowledge on technology trends and the impact of partnerships in ecosystem development.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How crucial are strategic partnerships for blockchain projects?
A: Partnerships drive innovation, market exposure, and network growth in the blockchain industry.

Q: What benefits do events like Token2049 offer for participants?
A: Events like Token2049 provide networking opportunities, exposure to new projects, and industry insights.

Q: Why is community building essential for blockchain ecosystems like Genzio?
A: Strong communities foster trust, adoption, and sustainability within blockchain projects like Genzio.

Q: How do events like Consensus2025 contribute to technology advancements?
A: Conferences like Consensus2025 showcase cutting-edge technologies, trends, and industry collaborations.

Q: What role do partners like Ethereum Denver play in ecosystem development?
A: Partners like Ethereum Denver bring expertise, resources, and network effects to accelerate ecosystem growth.

Q: How can blockchain projects leverage events for visibility and growth?
A: Participating in events enhances visibility, networking, and exposure for blockchain projects seeking growth.

Q: How do conferences like futurist_conf influence the tech landscape?
A: Events like futurist_conf shape discussions, partnerships, and innovations in the technology sector.

Q: What benefits can Genzio derive from collaboration with industry conferences?
A: Collaboration with conferences offers exposure, credibility, and networking opportunities for projects like Genzio.

Q: What impact does community engagement have on the sustainability of blockchain projects?
A: Engaging communities builds loyalty, feedback loops, and long-term support crucial for blockchain project sustainability.

Q: How do partnerships like the one with KBW contribute to ecosystem expansion?
A: Partnerships like KBW bring diverse experiences, resources, and connections that broaden ecosystem reach and impact.


Time: 00:15:45
Building the Genzio Ecosystem with Ethereum Denver Exploring strategies for collaboration and growth in the blockchain space.

Time: 00:25:10
Token2049 Preparations and Expectations Discussing the goals and opportunities of participating in the upcoming event.

Time: 00:35:30
Partner Insights: KBW and Ecosystem Development Insights from partnerships on driving innovation and community engagement.

Time: 00:45:55
Future Tech Trends at Consensus2025 Anticipating the technological advancements to be showcased at Consensus2025.

Time: 00:55:20
Community Building and Collaboration in Blockchain Exploring the value of strong communities in the success of blockchain projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Focus on developing the Genzio Ecosystem with strategic partners like Ethereum Denver and KBW.
  • Prepare and engage in the upcoming Token2049 event for networking and exposure.
  • Explore the significance of partnerships in advancing blockchain projects and ecosystems.
  • Discuss the role of events like Consensus2025 and futurist_conf in shaping the future of technology.
  • Understand the importance of community building and collaboration for sustainable growth in the blockchain space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Event Overview

All right, all right. Let's hope everybody can hear me and I hope you all are having a fantastic day today. We're going to do a Korea blockchain week recap, talk about the exciting events that took place. And we have a huge conference coming up. I believe it starts next week. I'm heading out there a little bit early. I'm going to be leaving on Friday. That will be token 2049 in Singapore. So we're going to give it a few more minutes to send the room out and get our other host up here to get started. So just hang tight and we'll be right back.

Welcoming Ty

All right. Welcome ty to the stage. How are you doing today? I'm doing all right. How about yourself? I'm great. I just finished training. I have three more days and then fly out and we go straight into, I guess, fighters prep for media and get ready for karate combat. So super excited. Yeah, I got my ticket on lock and I might be in a really good seat. So hopefully I can just have front row, no obstruction into the fun that is karate combat. I wish we knew what corner were already. That way we could tell people to sit on certain sides. Haven't seen like the, I don't think we get to see the venue for a few days, but I'll let you know. I'm very excited. You have your tickets already? Yeah.

Discussion on Karate Combat and Events

It's pretty cool, pretty organic, everything coming together, but it's just, I mean, karate continually is just making more and more strides for bridging the web three and regular consumer gap. So yeah. Looking forward to this next event. With the last one you had a presidential candidate who randomly came in and started moderating, you know, hot tour girl was there getting some views, just talked about Joe Rogan was there. So it's just continually getting some more adoption. It's pretty cool to see it. Yeah, see it grind. When are you getting to Singapore? Are you going to get there before the, like a few days before the conference?

Travel Plans

No. So I'm in it. I'm in for a 24 hours travel. I think I have like a four hour flight and then I. Four hour delay and then a 16 hours flight. So I'm getting in. I think I get in at 07:00 a.m. and then I have a, I think I'm doing a talk at RWA summit or I'm going to support a talk at RWA summit at like noon. So I'm going to be flying for 16 to 18 hours and then 4 hours after that I'll just be right in it.

RWA Summit Details

All right, well, tell us a little bit about RWA summit, because I didn't even know that was going on. And where will it be held? What date? Yeah, so RWA summit is September 17 from 1230 to seven. It's in Singapore. I think it's really close to where token 2049 is. I'm trying to find on the website exactly where, but they have some really big speakers in RWA from Sergey from Chainlink, which is pretty big. Charles Hodgkins from Cardano is going to be talking. Stani from Aave Labs and Solana Foundation. I believe Sabrina from the Hbar foundation will be doing a talk. But if you're interested in RWAS, which is really my bread and butter, I very much am deep in that world. I'm looking forward to the RWA summit before token 2049, which I think is just going to kick off a bunch of great discussions and ideation on the market.

Events and Speakers Overview

And then token 2049, I think, is the blowout because RWA Summit's pretty small. I think they only have 150 slots, so it's not. It's nowhere near as big as Token 2049, but they do have some powerhouse speakers. I mean, just from what I've seen so far. My bad. Yeah, just what I've seen so far. The RWA summit actually looks like it's going to be a great event. I've seen a lot of my friends get excited for it, especially from the RWA community, and there's even some deep in guys where they're like, I think it's time to try and raise our. Raise our bar and try and get into those slots.

Event Preparation

So if we can make it. I know. I'll try my best. Nice. Yeah, I was. I was just going to add to that. Hi, toki. I missed you, and I hope you had a great time at Korea Blockchain week. I was just going to add. Hopefully they'll stream it live, so if anybody can't get a ticket to go, we'll be able to watch and support you, Ty, and then we'll definitely be seeing you the next day. So that's super exciting. All right, motorcycle guy. I'm talking. Excuse you. Toki. Toki, you were just in Korea. There was a lot of FOMo going on. It looked like a fantastic time. Can you tell us about how your trip was? And then I also.

Korea Blockchain Week Experience

You have some exciting news because you're going to be doing something on Hedera physically, so would love to talk to you about that as well. But how was Korea blockchain week? Honestly, it was incredible. Not only did we get to work with the actual Korea blockchain week team, and they were so fantastic. They were on top of it the whole entire time. But they invite us to so many different side events. They introduced us to just an absolute crazy amount of people along the way. And then they always wanted to make sure that were taken care of. Like, if we showed up to a sign event and we didn't have badges or we didn't have tickets, there was this one woman, Allison, and I swear, she would appear out of nowhere and just be like, oh, hi, Toky. I heard you can't get in, so what do you need?

Community and Insights

And I'm like, Allison, what? How are you here, too? Because genuinely, it was like halfway across the city and I had just seen her, like, a few hours before and she was already there. And I'm like, this is perfect. So as far as Korea blockchain week goes, it was amazing. There was honestly an incredible amount of insight as far as the asian market goes and some of our interviews we got. So Korea is stealth, but I want to know. Korea itself has some regulations that they're trying to work through right now. And so a lot of companies, while they may not actually have something up and running in Korea at that point in time, like, I met people from crypto.com who are based in Korea, who are genuinely working to ensure that there is an actual framework within the country.

Opportunities Across Markets

And on the flip side of things, you have a bunch of western companies where they're basically taking companies that are building themselves within Korea and then helping them expand beyond what the asian market is. So helping them get into western countries, helping them get into different organizations, whether it's associated with blockchain, whether it's an association with RWAs or VPN, there were just so many opportunities and everyone wanted to help each other. Like, the sense of community in the asian market is phenomenal. And I'm talking like, we got to meet up with the ripple community. And I'm sure there's a lot of people who may have arguments as far as what's gone on with ripple over the years, how things are progressing, so on and so forth.

Respect for Law and Safety in Different Cultures

The law is just very respectful and, oh, for sure, obviously you don't steal. Same thing in Dubai. Dubai, we saw like a wallet outside on like a public park bench for, I don't know, it was maybe like 20 hours. That wallet was still there. And, you know, in the US, that thing snatched up in two minutes.

Encouragement for Audience Participation

I have a question. So we're 20 minutes in, obviously. I want, you know, those of you who are listeners, like, I can't tell, I'm sorry. Like, half of us are listeners. So right now I'm just seeing, like, Toki, Kayla, the Jenzyo account, myself and Ty as a speaker. So if someone else is up here, please feel free to just go ahead and unmike yourself and comment your experience if you were there or what, you know.

Discussion on Korean Food

But, Toki, I do want to ask you this, because that would have been my thing if I was going to come to Korea too. What was the food like? Like, obviously, I want to talk about food. Oh. Oh, my goodness. Okay, where do I start? So food wise, while we have Hedera. Here, I kind of wanted to. Wanted to talk about Token 2049 a little bit. We'll definitely get there. Yeah, we'll get there.

Experiences with Korean Cuisine

So the food was amazing. Korean barbecue is probably the best thing in the world. I probably had my fair share of sum lock while I was there, which is basically, you take beer and then you put one part soju, three parts beer, and, yeah, I think I convinced everyone on the team that was a necessary thing every time we ate together, so. Absolutely amazing. The fried chicken was well beyond. Honestly, KFC should be korean fried chicken at this point. Like, it's the only thing that you should really be going for.

Quality of Food in Korea

And then korean barbecue. Oh, yeah. No, there's just so many good things. Even. Honestly, even Burger King was better there. I don't know how to, like, express myself any differently than that. Like, it was. It's more than a step above. It's like several different floors above whatever we have in the United States. And you're not worried about all the extra sugars and all the disgusting stuff that's added into the food. So it was like eating the most clean diet. Even if you felt like you were eating bad food, it was still so good.

Comparing Chicken Varieties

When you say KFC, like Korean KFC. No, went to an actual fried chicken place, but genuinely, like, korean fried chicken is. It surpasses anything that you've had before. Larry, back me up here, man. Well, yeah, I just wanted to talk about, you know, Toki's experience in Korea. I am the token korean guy here that's heading token. So, yeah, what Toki was talking about was a pok tang jut's called a hurricane.

Korean Drinking Culture

So you drop a shot of soju or, like, a bakwa into some beer, usually obi or a height. You give it the spin and it makes it a hurricane or a tornado inside of the cup, and then you shoot it and, yeah, it's good. It's good. Fun, but it's also a good headache sometimes. But with fried chicken, like, when you eat korean fried chicken, it's. You get all the different sauces firstly, and the batter is a lot cleaner. It's less greasy most of the time.

Diverse Korean Cuisine Elements

But the big thing is, like, you get rice cakes with it, that you can get cheese rice cakes and regular rice cakes, and you get all the different side dishes. Like, it's called Ban chan. So you get kimchi, you can get like, pickled radish, you can get. So, I mean, you're getting a separate meal in itself. Anytime you eat at a real korean restaurant, all the banchan on the side is going to be a meal in itself, and then you get rice.

Korean Barbecue Everywhere

But, like, a korean barbecue is a real deal. And that's why there's almost korean barbecue everywhere in the world. But shout outs for the Jezeo team for really highlighting the cleanliness and the high living standard and the safety of Korea and Singapore is going to be very similar, except for it's more sticky and humid.

Excitement for Token 2049

But I'll see many of you at token 2049, so I look forward to that. And, yeah, shout out for Evan. I saw some of his podcasts and stuff, and I guess action will be in token 2049 too, because we both missed Korea blockchain. I didn't mean to miss it, but I kind of got sick, so I couldn't go. And, man, I'm excited to see all of you there. So who on the stage is going?

Anticipating BBQ in Singapore

Actually, ty, you're going, right? What, what are you looking forward to at token 29? Yeah, well, I mean, I guess I hope singaporean barbecue is as good as korean barbecue. That's one. But yeah, again, like, going to the RWA summit the day before. And my. My focus is on tokenization and wherever.

Tokenization in Real World Applications

Where is tokenization bleeding into the real world and where do we see the actual adoption taking place? I think with the maturity of the ecosystems, with like, Chainlink, CCIP, Ondo finance going around and tokenizing t bills for major banks, ETF's coming online. We're in this bull run that has actual enterprise adoption pretty prevalent. You can point to multiple different places.

Blockchain Needs in Financial Institutions

And so as financial institutions and just giant powerhouses of assets look at blockchain as a solution for more liquidity, more capital, more distribution, quicker settlement. Where are the tentacles of regular finance coming into blockchain, and what are their needs? To make sure that the tokenization aspect and the technology is pairing very well with their needs to make sure that the ease of adoption becomes higher and higher.

Faster Transaction Processing with New Tech

And so we can see more financial institutions utilizing decentralized ledger technology. So in this dream world in the future, we don't have to wait five flipping days for an ACH transaction to reconcile between two bank ledgers. And we can use something like Hedera's high throughput to just wait two to 5 seconds.

Global Focus on Compliance

So that's. Yeah. Where is the market? Where are people looking to innovate? What does the technology need to do to meet the market? So, with that in mind, when you're talking about token 2049, it's going to be a very large international community. Are there certain places or certain things that you're looking forward to about the fact that it's an international community, or are there certain asian parts of the market that you're looking forward to seeing there?

Legal Frameworks for Asset Ownership

That's a really good question. I think it's. I think I really do care about global compliance, because without global compliance, legal frameworks RWAs become nothing, right? So, like, if you owned an RWA of a apartment complex that was in Ireland, and you live in China, and the building burns down, but you own a tokenized version of it, are you, do you get one?

Understanding Global Asset Ownership

14th, if it's a 14 story building of the fire insurance, did you have to pay? Like, where's the compliance of the legality of that ownership? And how does it pair internationally with your ability as a consumer of that RWA to take action when you need to, as you would in a regular asset class? So, with this being a global focus, you know, I think the patchwork of understanding how these assets can go from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and geo locations that have wildly different governments, and what can be done to facilitate the legality and the legal ownership of that asset in a way that gives you ramification and rights in order to enact on getting back the value in which you put into that asset is what I'm really looking for.

Future of Global Frameworks

Like what global framework is coming about. Is the EU working on a global RWA framework that's going to pair well with the United States? Where are people's minds at? And then my hope is that I can be the technologist in the room that says, no, that's a really, really bad idea. That's not how the technology works. Please don't write that down.

Collaboration Between Technologists and Regulators

This is a better way. I think that's where technologists and regulators need to have conversations. So we don't have these nonsensical regulatory environments that just kill innovation because they fundamentally don't understand how email works, much less decentralized ledger technology based on tokenomics. Larry, take it away.

Emerging Trends in Global Finance

Yeah, Ty, that's pretty insightful on your interpretive presentation of both technology challenges and policy challenges. But I think it's been pretty loud and clear through the recent events from BRICS. They're making a pretty clear pathway for acceptance on using weaponized USDT as the leverage purchasing agent, having all the advantages of the us dollar, but without giving any more influence to the us dollar.

Policy Changes Around Stablecoins

You can see that in their bitcoin policies on bitcoin and alt tokens and Defi commodities as a whole. And more and more are coming on with their own stables to provide a mobile escrow and container vehicle for these transactions. And these were real world assets and digital assets. And so the world has more choices based on that.

Japanese Central Bank Policies

And we can see what happened with Japan. I said that a non BRICS nation would provide a stable token that was coming out. I did that a week ago, and it came to fruition today. And the japanese central bank made another announcement, saying that they were going to pay debts and provide credit and lateral liquidity with just stables.

Major Developments in Japanese Energy Sector

And the stable came out. And then the japanese central power companies killed. Tokyo Power, Kyosho Power and Ashoho Power said that they're going to dedicate large amounts of their power grids for bitcoin mining to leverage and provide geopolitical indicators, both on commodities diversification and allowing framework for said policies to provide some of what you're looking for in Asia Pacific.

Economic Changes in Asia

And there will be many of the major players that, for example, China's issuing more licenses in their special economic zones for Hong Kong and Macau. And they're announcing the prohibition of bitcoin first. And they're issuing all of these centralized and decentralized exchange licenses as we speak. And as Toki and I actually can allude to, I'm based in China right now, but I live in South Korea part of the time, and I go back and forth.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

And so I hope that was helpful to kind of give you what you're going to get at Token 2049. Yeah, I think I definitely need to dig a little bit more into bricks. Another petrodollar falling away and bricks coming about are going to change the dynamics of stablecoin Usage and USD value, which would then kind of how crypto views USD and tether.

Implications of BRICS Changes

Does that sustain if in hyper or nothing? Not hyperinflation, that's hyperbolic. But without the petrodollar, there's more dollar in circulation. What does that do to inflation? And what does that do to USDC as an asset that crypto people like to hold when they're not trying to ride bitcoin or something else?

Emerging Trends in Finance

So, yeah, Brics is another layer in that to try to remove the dominance of the US dollar. And I think in this digitized world, the people who are on the cutting edge of finance and embrace DLT technology have a higher rate of new liquidity and new innovation. So it's a competitive edge for sure.

Final Remarks and Departure

Yeah, no, I'm looking forward to these, and I apologize. I actually have a meeting 1 minute ago, so I'm gonna have to drop off. But I really appreciate you guys having me up. And I'm looking forward to meeting you all at token 2049 and cheering on the blonde broker at karate.

Farewells and Future Connections

Definitely looking forward to seeing you there, Mandy. We'll see you soon. Fly safe. Can't wait to see you. Have a good meeting.

Future Plans and Korean Tour

I guess since we're on the karate combat topic too. And also, Larry, I did want to add, I wasn't able to go to Korea. I would love to go sometime on my ventures after Singapore. In my fight, I think I'm taking a few days off and heading to Japan and flying into Tokyo and going to, like, Kyoto and stuff.

Desire for Personal Tour

But I would love to make a Korea trip and maybe you could chaperone or be there and we could do some business, but also would love a tour guide and to see where you live. Yeah, I can. Like, I'm due for another trip. I usually go, like, at least once every three months or two months.

Personal Insights on Korea

So I would love to provide some insight and some, I guess not the tourist route for South Korea. And that's. And that's open to all of you guys, provided that we're in the same time frame and space. So, you know, I really love Korea. I really love how Gen Z O really made KBW, not just on the business aspect, but you guys really did a great job of framing Korea the way I want Korea to be framed.

Proud Representation of Korean Culture

It's not just because I'm korean, but I really, at the heart, you know, people always just talk about, you know, k pop or whatever, but it's more than that. And I'm so happy that you guys did a good job of framing that. So cheers to Genzeo.

Gratitude and Acknowledgment

I love hearing that. Larry, thanks so much. That's so you guys did a really hats off job. I mean, and you guys, the way you know, it's not just the media, but like, you guys are really in the trenches.

Cultural Experience in Korea

Like, Toki was taking poke tung juice to the head to really show, like, you know, Korea is really a beautiful and vibrant culture. And I hope that all of you have a chance to get beyond just barbecue and in your localities. But I'm really proud to be a korean American.

Acknowledgment for Contribution

And, yeah, when I saw how Gen. Z was really doing it justice, not just at the events, but like you said, you had all these pictures of Dave with people and then even talking to Evan, I just wanted to say thank you, not just for the space, but for korean people in general.

Anecdote of a Memorable Experience

So, Larry. Larry, I have a story for you that you're going to absolutely love. Okay, game. I'm shoot. So David and I, we're finishing up at the web three gaming area, and it's out on the floating island.

Navigating Local Connections

So, of course, it's, like, next to impossible to get a cab because it's also nearing 05:00 p.m. around that time. And so instead of actually trying to wait and get a cab, he and I decide to go get lost in Seoul, which is probably one of the best times that I had while I was there, because the only thing that we wanted to do at that point was just get to know each other and then just try and get a beer together.

Cultural Exploration

And so what's the best thing to do? Go into some random restaurant that we have no idea what they do or what they serve, but they have a beer on the glass outside of the window, so we know what's the place to be. And as soon as we sit down, there's these two guys next to us.

Unexpected Encounters

And the first thing out of the one guy's mouth is, are you guys Americans? And we're like, hell yeah, we are. Cause clearly we're two blonde haired, blue eyed guys, very hard to pick out of a crowd in Korea. But genuinely, from that moment, it became such an incredible experience because then we started sharing drinks with each other.

Shared Bonds Over Drinks

The one guy admitted that he used to live in Australia for a bit, and he went by the name Dennis, even though that wasn't his actual name. And from there, he started asking us why all those teachers called him Dennis the menace when he was in Australia. And so we started showing him some.

Cultural Exchange

Like, the clips of the movie. And then we just kept drinking together. And eventually he starts going on and on about, like, how one of us looks like a young Russell Crowe. And it was just honestly an amazing experience because both of these guys were willing to teach us something new.

Warmth of Interaction

They wanted to have drinks with us. They were so excited by the fact that there was just these two wild american guys who just walked into the business district and went to a restaurant where it's usually only lawyers and businessmen. And they were just like, we don't know why you're here or what you're doing, but we're so glad you're here.

Food and Spice Experiences

Honestly, we over ordered on food, and then they kept on telling us that everything was spicy. And then David and I were just like, this isn't that spicy? Like, what are you guys talking about? And they're like, no, no. You don't understand. Like, this is really spicy.

Culinary Differences

And I'm like, did I ever. Did I. Did I walk in the wrong place? Like, honestly, it was incredible.

Amazing Experience in Korea

We even got some videos with them, some good pictures, and. Yeah, no. Such an amazing and pure experience based on the fact that we got lost. Well, sounds like you found a local hunt. And that's the best place. Like, the mom and pops places. Just like anywhere in Korea is the same place. One thing I also love about Korea, not talking bad about other places, but you can go eat street food and you probably will not get sick, you know? So there's, like, a lot of other Asian countries where your stomach might not just be, you know, used to the local microorganisms, but in Korea, it's, you know, like I said, the level of standards are pretty high, but. But you found a good place, man. I guess.

Karaoke Plans

I have to ask you, Toki, did you end up going karaoke? Did you end up going to Noribang with those guys? Where did you go sing songs? They got quite drunk and then invited us to go to another beer bar, but we had to go pick up. Our passes and head to the next event. And so we had to part ways that time. But actually, one of our last. Nights, we had a Gen Z O meetup where it's just basically everyone from. Our team having fun together, and went bowling. And I'm not going to say that it was karaoke, but were definitely singing with some of the guys that were next to us, and everyone was getting drunk.

Group Dynamics at the Meetup

Everyone was buying beers for each other. Even the one couple who was clearly not ready for us, even. They were like, honestly joining in the fun because were like, hey, we bought way too many beers. Please have some. We're sorry that you have to. Deal with us right next to you. This is. This is a very wholesome experience. It was. It was crazy, but it was so much fun. Well, Korean people are very hospitable, as long as you're not retarded. And, you know, some of the things that you see on news outlets about, you know, Korean people being, you know, being so funny.

Local Culture and Misinformation

I mean, there's. There's some press about Korean people being kind of homogeneous or, you know, because we're. Yeah, mostly Korea's homogeneous, right. But there's some stuff about, you know, like, people don't get accepted clubs and bars and stuff. But if you're not retarded 90% of the time, I don't. I don't think that there's any issue. Right? So. And, like, you know, for other Korea blockchain weeks, there's so many generic, like, posts from other media or influencer companies that they just don't. They don't really do it the right way. It's not really that organic.

Plans for Korean BBQ

So, before I take my leave and stuff, I just wanted to say that, like, Gen z, oh, really did a class and, like, he had the right ambassadors there. And, yeah, like, just hit me up in dm. Like, I'm. That's home for me. I have another pad there. And so I really mean, action. Still got to do that at some point. We. We tried to do that when we're in LA, but we ended up having a in and out in tacos and stuff. But the Korean barbecue is on the list, on the bucket list for sure.

Soju Discussion

And I still owe you a nice green grape soju, although I'm gonna have to say. I'm gonna have to say the new sparkling soju. Bro. Bro, that. That shit's delicious. That's the alpha right there for sure. Like, like in. If we go Korean barbecue, I'll do. I'll show you the etiquette and the accoutrements. I'll even cook for you ladies. You know, you don't have to deal with the tongs.

Cooking Etiquette in Korea

I'll end up doing the cooking. So, you know, make sure we do it the right way. The protocol. Oh, yeah. That'S what I want, because I was cooking for the boys. Oh, no. Well, I'm. Yeah. And I don't know what I'm doing. Like, that meat was definitely. Well, I mean, it depends. You know, some places, the Korean woman, especially if she's younger than the man, definitely may or may not cook and pour water and drinks and so on and so forth, but if you're not together, it's definitely supposed to be a more fun experience.

Social Dynamics at Meals

Well, you know, when you have a mixed group of younger people in Korean tradition, it's usually the oldest person that will kind of. You might. They might pour you and respect you on drinks, but usually I will. The Hyung or the oppa will end up doing some cooking, especially on the meat. Right? So. And serving the portion. So I probably am the oldest out of the group of us, so I probably will do that for us. You know, let's make it happen.

Future Gatherings

Let's make it happen. Well, thank you, Larry. All right, guys, for joining our space and hope to. I can't wait to see you and meet you actually in person for the first time at token. So we'll definitely have fun. I know action will be there. He speaks so highly of you, and it'll be really fun to connect in person. And then we'll definitely do a creation.

Food Fusion Ideas

What we should do is have a Brazilian slash Korean barbecue face off, you know, and that would be cool, you know, because Brazilian barbecue, I I don't know, sometimes it's. It's better, even. But with all those Korean side dishes, I think that's a perfect fusion ready to happen, so. And I know, actually, Brazilian food doesn't. Quite bring the heat, though. And I love kimchi. I mean, like, genuinely, Dennis and I would eat all the kimchi on the table before anyone else, so.

Kimchi Stories

Did I tell you, Toki? I had a friend, my friend Jared from Stateside, come to the last Korean blockchain builder week, and he got his kicked out of the restaurant because he kept asking for refills on kimchi. He wasn't even eating his rice or his meat. He just kept eating kimchi and drinking soju. And he got us kicked out of the restaurant because he asked for, like, ten refills in an hour. It was embarrassing. He told us to get out.

Food Preferences

But, bro, like, sometimes you get into. Those places and, like, if they have really good kimchi, that's like, that's, like, one of the top things you just. Want to eat because it's so good. And it's not like it's like you're going to be in the States and get some great, amazing kimchi anytime soon, you know what I mean? Your gut must be so good.

Benefits of Kimchi

Yeah. Your gut health is going to be excellent if you like kimchi that much. Like, you know, and kimchi is like, there's a lot. All different kinds, you know, radish, kimchi, cucumber kimchi, cabbage kimchi. And so, yeah, we're gonna. Yeah, we're fans of the radish and the cabbage. Those are, like, the top two for me. Kimchi is a vegetable.

Understanding Kimchi

Kimchi is. Yeah. Usually a leaf vegetable or root vegetable. Yeah. And. Yeah. Who said that? Oh, my God, Aaron, you must hide. It's okay. We. What? Okay. No, it's fine. And we're gonna give you the education on it for sure. It's all right. I'm learning.

Food Choices

You know. You know, all Yiddish chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese. Oh, I'm trying. Wait, wait. Your coach isn't listening, right? Your coach isn't listening, right? No, no, no. He's. No, I'm. No, I eat ground turkey, broccoli, chicken. He's fighting, man. She's fighting. It's fighting. You gotta pass.

Dietary Adjustments

Actually, what I wanted to say, because I am still cutting weight, so I eat a lot of protein and stuff. After this fight, guess who can drink again. We're back, bitches. I'm ready. I want some soju, Larry. Let's drink. I'm excited. Well, you know, I don't want kimchi. That sparkling soju is a game changer.

Cocktail Inspirations

Like, you know, we used to make our own. Like, we used to take a pineapple and pour soju inside. Or we'd add a whole lime, and we make the cocktails, and then, like, later on, people would add sprite and make all these different cocktails. But like Toki said, the sparkling soju is a game changer, bro. It's. It's like, I can't remember that.

Saving the Night

That energy slash alcoholic beverage. What was that called before? Four loko. Yeah. It's like, to me, it's a classy Korean four loko. I love it. Do you know what? I will agree with you. It is a very classy Korean four loko. Except I would rather pound soju on the regular than ever drink a four loko again in my life.

Soju Preferences

Oh, yeah. I mean, like, if, man, there's. If you. If you have the white grape or the pineapple sparkling soju, and you add it to Red Bull, you're about to have a good night, bro. I mean, you'll have a headache later, but the night's about to be all right, so that's. Yeah. I can't lie.

Endurance in Drinking

I did not get hungover once, and we. We definitely had our fair share. Well, the key is not drinking too many poke tongue juice, man. Like, that will give you, most people a headache when you mix beer with. That was the only thing I was drinking. And I know you're a savo man. You're a savage for that, because most people say, oh, I had such a hair, a horrible headache.

Cultural Exchanges

But, yeah, I guess you have the. I mean, you remember Tokyo? I thought you were really Asian before. You remember. I thought I was. I was convinced that you're Korean or Japanese because you send me, like, food pictures and stuff. And we talk in DM's about, like, all the Asian food that you eat. But I really thought you might be a banana.

Culinary Influences

Like a yellow guy with white inclinations on the inside. I can say that I can't get canceled for that because I'm Korean and he's white. So we're on even playing field. But I really thought Tokyo was Asian by his eating habits and all his experience. But. But come to find out, he's just very well cultured.

Cultural Identity

Like many of you here, Larry, there. Was a guy at the mantle event, and he's from Korea, regularly visits other countries in Asia. And I started telling him about what I do on the regular, like, my drinking habits, what food I like to eat. And he's like, I think you're more Korean than I am. And I was like, bro, just because I read a couple manhwas at the end of the day doesn't mean I'm more Korean than you.

Cultural Adaptability and Food Experiences

It's just like, you know, there are lots of bananas, you know, I know a few of them. And some of you'd be surprised. Some can't even eat kimchi, and some can't even handle a soju. But then we have Toki, the cultural enigma. He can. He can be korean one day and a white guy on another day. And when he's with action, he'd probably get brazilian Barbie. He'd be brazilian as well. So that's all right. I mean, it's his time in the navy that made him so cultured. So shout out, us Navy. And his love for asian food and culture. So just cultural enigma. It's okay. He's adaptable. He's the layer zero of asian food. So. Bro, you're amazing. Somebody clipped that. Action really is the layer zero of epicurious delights, because that's how me and action really bonded.

Connection Through Food and Culture

Was talking about lots of food and the cultural experiences, so everything from hamburgers or whatever. But, man, that's what's great about culture. The term when you break bread is really true, right? Like, we can always do business, but business in Korea is always done on a handshake and a meal and having a few drinks, just like in China. So, you know, it's about the relationships more than. More important than the initial deal. And that's why food is so important for us, you know? And that. That's. Again, that's what I'm talking about Genzeo did that the right way for Korea blockchain week. And when you go to Singapore for token 2049, we'll be talking about eating chili crab.

Excitement for Upcoming Food Adventures

You know, that is on my. You want to talk about spicy? It's a different kind of spicy. But when you have a, you know, a crab claw that's the size of your hand and it's enough to feed two people from the one claw, you're eating pretty well. So I'm looking forward to having some sangasa and some chili crab and some indo malaysian food while I'm in Singapore. And the singaporean Chinese is, like, spot on. There's a place that's on the street that's a two star Michelin, and you can feed four people for less than $60. But it's the most amazing. I can't remember. I'll get the name. Wait, the one on the edge of Chinatown? Yeah, yeah. It's. It's open. It's open in the. I can't remember the name.

Memories of Delicious Meals

It's called cowboy. Yeah, something like that. Yeah, I ate there, like, six times. I was drunk three of them, so I can't remember the name now. But amazing chinese food, like, and it's the street style chinese food. It's very Hokan or Hong Kong style, but it has a lot of the Singapore and, yeah, I'm sure that probably will be a go to destination since it's packed anyways, regardless of token, it's packed, like, from date, from morning to night. So something you guys should experience, I look forward to again. Maybe we'll dine there as well. So put in some work. Let's do it. I'm super excited. I want to just win my fight, go eat with you guys. Enjoy the conference.

Team's Approach to Cultural Experiences

One thing I wanted to say that I appreciate that our team does is we travel out a few days early so everyone is able to absorb and experience the culture and go out to eat and meet locals. And then we hit the conference really damn hard and do a good job. Good job. Put on a good show. So I hope everyone will get to Singapore a little early. And I love that we're starting to vlog, so y'all should see some gen z o vlogs coming out soon of the behind the scenes conference prep and what it's like to be in these different countries. And, you know, we're very blessed to be able to travel the world together as a team and to meet a lot of really fantastic people along the way.

Training Insights from Fight Camp

So very exciting. Toki while you're here, and I know ty just left, tell me about your training. How Thailand was for your training. You know, you're gonna be coming to watch me fight at Token. What are you looking forward to from getting out of that? Are you gonna be watching different fighting styles? Because right now you're in fight camp. So let's chat on that for a few minutes before we close out. So, Larry, are you. I think Larry might be, yeah. Good to see you. Yeah. Hey, guys. Thank you. And Toki, man, I'm excited. I didn't know you're actually in fight camp, so it's amazing, man. Good luck to you on that.

Excitement for the Upcoming Fight

And, yep, best wishes. No, I'm definitely excited. So for anyone that doesn't know yet, I'll be fighting at permissionless October 11. It's going to be honestly probably one of my first real amateur fights versus street fights or fighting the military. So happy about that. But as far as training goes right now, so I got to start up my training again at RSM academy here in Bangkok. I've shown them all about karate, combat, and the IFC, and I even asked them, like, what's the best program? How many times should I be here per day? How many hours do you think I should really be dedicating to making sure that I'm ready to go?

Training Regimen and Gym Experience

And so they have me on a two classes a day, and each one is an hour and a half. So I'll be spending 3 hours in the gym every single day just working it. And right now, it's. It's honestly been amazing. Like, they are so genuinely helpful. Even the other people who are amateur fighters in the class, they've been correcting, like, my stances, trying to make sure my footwork is okay. I tell them that I can't throw elbows during the actual IFC event, and so they're willing to work with me on kind of lowering the amount of elbows that I throw during training. So that way it not something that I would necessarily be doing during a fight on accident.

Support from Fellow Fighters and Coaches

And then also they've been very helpful about, like, honestly, if I want to drop weight faster or if I want to drop below my weight and then gain weight back, they were pretty helpful there. The one guy actually is from the United States. He went to Michigan state, and, so he was able to, kind of help me find some resources back in the US. So we're going to see if I can line up with one of those coaches and get some action whenever I get back to the states. But right now it's going to be every single day until I leave for singapore. I'll be in the gym for at least 3 hours only getting a break to go get some food in between.

Maintaining a Balanced Routine

And then whenever I'm done there, I usually go for a run. And once I'm done with my run I start work. And honestly it's been a pretty good routine. I can't lie. Especially I didn't know what to expect as far as a fight camp goes. But this is kind of perfect and I feel like I'm in the right country to do it too. I'm very proud of you. Like it. The amount of time that you're putting in every day is different. Like most people, it's hard to just get a 1 hour workout in because we're all so busy and a lot of people have multiple jobs.

Recognizing the Challenges of Training

So like, I used to be like, why doesn't everyone work out? We're so busy. You have to take time out of your day to drive to the gym, get to the gym, do your workout, leave, you have to shower, it's exhausting. And then now you're putting in an extra 3 hours. And I know you have to travel to the gym, but it's not even that. You're probably sore every day you're beat down. I bet you're developing those blisters on your toes from turning. Your feet hurt, your hips hurt like everything. But it is the transition. The transformation is so beautiful.

Support and Encouragement from the Team

And like your mindset just getting stronger, your mental getting stronger, you're physically getting stronger. And then you're going to show what you've been working on and grinding for the past couple of weeks is going to be amazing to see. So you have our team support. I can't wait for you to watch mine. And then if I can give you any advice afterwards, maybe you can come to my gym after before you hit permissionless or I'll come with you for permissionless and can hold pads. Oh, that would be awesome. I know that they've been absolutely destroying my stomach on the daily.

Training Outside of Comfort Zones

I didn't know that I could get hit so hard so many times in a row. so that kind of sucks, but it's kind of awesome at the same time. And as far as when I get back to the states, I know I definitely would love to get out to your gym because genuinely they've already seen what I can do as far as boxing goes and we did a little bit of wrestling on accident just because one of the guys said he trained in MMA. So I was like, yeah, let's give it a go real quick and see what we got. And so it's been fun.

Fellow Fighters and Coaches' Support

They're more than willing to kind of throw in the mix, and they're also like, hey, this is a beginner course, but sometimes you're the only client here. So you just got three coaches who are just going to beating you from all directions. And good luck. And I'm like, okay, here we go. Okay. At first, I didn't believe you, but now it sounds really real. Toki, congrats. Wow. Like, I'm freaking out.

Recognition and Excitement Surrounding the Fight

You didn't believe me. What do you mean? I already signed the contract. I gotta get more content up. So you were saying it, but you were like, you know, and I'm gonna. You know, I'm gonna go fight. Yeah, that was it. And then, like, you just started talking about the 3 hours, and I was like, okay, wait, no, he's serious. Like, he's committed. So that's why I was just like, wait, is he playing or. Oh, no, I'm fully committed.

Discussion of Feelings Around Training

So what I was saying, toki, is like, I love that we get to talk about this on a space because maybe you did message in the group, and I missed it. I don't know. I feel like I missed the convo. So congrats. I'm like, I'm excited. I'm really excited, but also very nervous for you. But positive vibes. Positive, positive vibes. I think that kimchi will come in handy.

Food and Health Insights

You know, for someone who literally has a gut disease. I'm going to say that fermented foods have probably been the best thing that I could start eating on the regular. Not going to lie. I added them to my diet. Now, at first, I was also like, I don't know, but, like, I throw them in my salads. I find it gives, like, a good kick. I buy the one at cost, and it's, like, super spicy, too. I love it.

Discussion on Korean Cuisine

Okay, we're gonna do a whole. That's why I had to ask you about korean food, because I was like, food is life. And this whole conversation. Yeah, talk about, like, a fitness expert and somebody that looks fantastic. Molina, stop. This definitely takes care of her body. No, dude. Like, you walk around and I'm like, what the heck does she eat and do? But you are so disciplined and fit and, you know, you dying, so I appreciate it.

Upcoming Meetings and Final Thoughts

Guys, we'll probably in the space. We've, like, a management meeting. Coming up, so we'll definitely be ending the space and I think we have a pretty hefty week of spaces coming up, so be looking on the Jenseo account for that calendar. Make sure you're setting your reminders. If you wanted to listen to anything that was discussed about Korea blockchain week and you had some fomo like some of us and missed it, just make sure you are following the Jinseo account. You can get a playback of this space over there.

Concluding Remarks

Make sure you're following our beautiful, wonderful speakers up here on stage. We are hosting endless hours of amazing talks on rwas on blockchain, verification, tokenization, conferences. Any real world asset discussions? We're doing that here in Jen. Oh, also gaming. We love web three gaming and if you guys have any projects that you would like to discuss a collab with, we are definitely open for collaborations and social media help, so make sure you reach out.

Thanks and Motivational Closing

Follow the account. I wanted to say thank you to everybody for tuning in today and also to Ty, who's already gone, and Larry, definitely excited to see them in a few weeks, so I hope everybody kicks ass this week. Remember, the best investment is investing in yourself. So make sure you're getting plenty of sleep, drink that water, eat that kimchi, whatever else you want to put into your body. Make sure it is doing the work for you.

Looking Ahead

And also would love to see you all on more spaces this week. Everybody else, kick some butt. Kayla. Toki, Molina, action. Gravy, Joey, everybody. I see saucy in the audience. You all are amazing. Have a wonderful rest of your day and we will see you next time.

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