KAON | Community AMA #1


Space Summary

The Twitter Space KAON | Community AMA #1 hosted by kaonlabs. The KAON Community AMA #1 provided in-depth insights into the Programmable Bitcoin Layer and its impact on the DeFi and blockchain space. Discussions revolved around community engagement, scalability, and the unique features of KAON. Experts highlighted the significance of leveraging Bitcoin's capabilities for decentralized finance and shared valuable perspectives on the future roadmap of KAON. This space aimed to educate and involve the community in the development and growth of KAON within the evolving crypto landscape.

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Q: What is the main focus of the Programmable Bitcoin Layer within KAON?
A: The Programmable Bitcoin Layer aims to enhance the functionalities and capabilities of Bitcoin for DeFi and blockchain applications.

Q: How does community participation impact the development of KAON?
A: Community engagement fosters innovation, feedback, and growth opportunities for KAON and its ecosystem.

Q: What sets KAON apart from other projects in the DeFi space?
A: KAON distinguishes itself through its unique approach to leveraging Bitcoin's potential in DeFi and blockchain technology.

Q: How does KAON address scalability challenges within the blockchain ecosystem?
A: KAON prioritizes interoperability and scalability solutions to ensure efficient operations within decentralized finance and blockchain networks.


Time: 00:15:47
Introduction to KAON's Vision Exploring the core mission and vision of KAON in the crypto landscape.

Time: 00:30:22
Community Engagement Strategies Discussing the importance of building a thriving community around KAON.

Time: 00:45:11
Scalability Solutions in DeFi Analyzing KAON's approaches to address scalability challenges in decentralized finance.

Time: 01:00:05
Future Roadmap for KAON Previewing the upcoming developments and milestones for KAON.

Time: 01:15:30
Technical Innovations in the Programmable Bitcoin Layer Exploring the technical aspects and innovations within KAON's infrastructure.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the concept of the Programmable Bitcoin Layer and its implications.
  • Exploring the potential of KAON in revolutionizing decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain technology.
  • Insights into the future developments and advancements of KAON within the crypto space.
  • Community engagement and collaboration as crucial components for the success of KAON.
  • The significance of interoperability and scalability for the growth of KAON and DeFi projects.
  • Key considerations in programming and utilizing the Bitcoin Layer effectively.
  • Exploring the unique features and functionalities that set KAON apart in the blockchain ecosystem.

Behind the Mic

Introduction by Speaker 1

Sadeena. Sadeena.

Community AMA Announcement

Hey guys, we'll be starting off in just 1 minute. It. Hey everyone, how are you doing today? As you can see, today is our first community Ama. As a kaon, I will be co hosting and moderating and asking questions and collecting questions. If you have any, you can post it on Telegram or discord or under the AMA announcement on twitter. And my colleague Bo will be answering all these questions. So he's hosting from the call on twitter. Say hi to everyone, Bo. Hey guys, how's everyone doing today? Okay, I don't know if we should wait a little bit for more people or we should kick start it as it is. Let's just get started and then more people will join, I'm sure. Yeah. And it's recorded so everyone will be able to actually listen afterwards.

Importance of Cowon

So let's start from the first and the most important question that everyone might be asking because the project has been around for a long time and Cowon was a huge announcement. So can you please tell everyone what is basically, what is Cowon and how did we arrive at the idea of creating it? Yeah, of course. So a little bit of history lesson for the folks on the call here. So K on actually started off as Acropolis, right, which was founded back in 2017. And the whole idea behind Acropolis was it came from a vision of an alternative financial system which is based on non USD denominated real world assets and the subsequent stable coins and daos that arose from this area. We wanted to see these types of assets perform the roles that are equivalent to the pension funds, the community banks, the credit unions that are around today. The reason why is because if you actually look at the space around you can see that there's so many gaps and so many holes and leaks.

Financial Services Gaps

Any traditional financial services sector, I mean, just look at what happened with the UK pension funds, right? In 2022, like, you know, yield spiked 150 basis points in two to three weeks and the entire UK pension system was about to collapse. As Acro, we saw this as early as 2017, and were highlighting the importance of alternative sources of yield, of uncorrelated sources of yield with the broader financial sector, because were anticipating that the system would implode. You know, what we almost saw happened two years ago. And so since then, the crypto ecosystem as a whole. I mean, look, obviously we've seen a massive explosion of defi native yield, right? And as this Defi native yield continues to grow, so much of it is actually focused on native governance, token emissions, which are, I mean, like, who knows? How do you value those?

Acropolis Evolution into Kaon

So from our side, what we really wanted to do was look at native primitive yield on chain that is sustainable, that has a Lindy effect attached to it. And so as Acropolis evolved into k on, we wanted to carry on this message and carry on this mission by bringing Acropolis to the bitcoin space. After an extended period called two and a half years of R and D rebranding, extended team, we're finally able to introduce a new BTC layer infrastructure that actually allows users to accomplish this with native BTC liquidity pools. This is now yield that users can get without having to compromise the security of users' funds, without having to worry about the emissions of native governance tokens, without having to worry about non-custodial wrapping, all that sort of stuff. So our decision to introduce this called Utxo based EVM chain is actually super firmly rooted in the original vision that we had as acro.

Security and Transparency

We wanted to make something that was more secure, more open and more transparent than what's out there today. And so with this new solution, we're able to do this for both the BTC native and EVM builders and hopefully expand this across the entire crypto space. Sorry, that was a super long winded way of answering your question. No, no, it answers the question perfectly, because, yeah, a lot of people, like, won't see any connection between our initial ideas, what were developing, and what we left as open source solutions for everyone to use and our current product proposition that's basically common. But to follow up on the question, as you said, it's bitcoin, Utxo based model with AVM compatibility and everything. It's a lot of big words. Can you tell me what basically makes Kaon different from other bitcoin layer one solutions?

Unique Features of Kaon

Our BTC PI and defi on bitcoin or whatever. I'm five years old and I don't understand any technical UtxO model stuff. Yeah, of course. No, I mean, look, that's a very fair question, right, because there are other BTC layer solutions that have been popping up over the course of this year. What K on is, we are the first BTC l one that is actually native. What I mean by that is the bitcoin that you get on K on is tied to one bitcoin that exists today. It's not tied to a pool, it's not tied to some sort of multisig, anything like that. What KL allows users to do is actually interact directly with native BTC liquidity pools without having to rely on any sort of custodial solutions, without having to rely on any sort of bridging or any sort of wrapping.

Security Enhancements

This is super important because it eliminates a massive attack vector that exists in the space today and it allows k on to enhance both security and decentralization. The beauty of the whole tech that K on has built over the last two years is that it can actually seamlessly integrate directly with bitcoin's existing network. So basically what you're allowing people to get is the Defi opportunities that you want and see and hope to explore, right, on bitcoin without compromising any of the core strengths, which are security, trust and decentralization. And super, super importantly, the design of K on is builder friendly to the core BTC builders. This is not an l one or an l two, which is building away for EVM builders to get access to bitcoin liquidity.

Inclusivity for All Users

This is built so that if you're like a bitcoin og or a bitcoin whale who want to experience what a future on bitcoin is like with like advanced smart contract functionality, with multi-chain interoperability, this is where you can get it, of course. Yes, EVM interoperability as well. Right. But instead of one way traffic, it's now directionally fair and equivalent. And in doing so, through this kind of framework of approach, what we're doing is we're bringing like true BTC, true bitcoin to the entire crypto space. That's how we think we're different. Yeah, yeah. You caught me at security because every year I read about these bridges exploited. That breach is exploited, so many funds are lost, some vulnerability, whatever. Like it's always very sad to read about. I'm not a builder myself. Like I'm. I don't have a development background or anything.

Opportunities Beyond Users

So for the building, like I'm excited for the builders, but I won't be building myself, obviously, but I. Who else would be actually benefiting from this new approach? Like apart from the general users who will be less about the security of their operations, and apart from the BTC builders who will be getting new areas of development. What about, I don't know, miners or node operators or whatever, what is there? Absolutely no. I mean, you know, I think you've hit on a really important point. Right. And before I dive into, you know, who will want to build on, I think it's really important to address why eliminating bridges and oracles are actually super important for security. Because without the type of you know, without unparalleled security.

Security Challenges Explained

Right. Top tier security, you're not going to get the real serious builders. Right. And the issue with bridges, Oracles, is that it? You know, I mentioned this earlier, right. It's one of the largest attack vectors in crypto billions with the capital b. Right. Assets have an I exploited from bridges and Oracles within Oracle. You can literally freeze the price of an asset on two different platforms and give yourself a risk free arbitrage and just literally siphon all the capital from the other platform. Right. This is the attack vector of Oracles. Not to say that I've done this myself or have any, but just throwing this out there as a third party observer. Right. Yeah.

Understanding Bridge Vulnerabilities

Bridges, very similar. Right. They're controlled by, for the most part, by multisig wallets, which are themselves a massive attack vector.

Concerns About Safety

Like, I mean, surely you've seen, you know, on Twitter as well, all these stories and news flow of, you know, this person was out for a walk and he got held at gunpoint for his wallet. Right? Happens every day. Happens every day. Yeah. Stay safe out there, guys. Happens every day. But it's a massive risk for a bridge. Right? So to put some stats around this, over $2 billion. Over $2 billion haven't stolen from oracles and bridges. Right? $2 billion. Over 70% of crypto hacks in 2022 were from this attack vector alone. So it's a very. I would say it's a massive attack factor in crypto. And that's why with K on, we've decided to abandon that approach and do a utxo native route where everything is validated on chain.

Building Concerns and Ecosystem Security

Everything is verified on chain. There's no need for bridges or for oracles. Now, why is this important to builders and who does this apply to? Yeah, I mean, look, you know, if. If I'm a serious type of builder, right, whether I'm like a market maker or an exchange or a custodian. All right, well, I'm gonna be concerned about is, are my funds going to get stolen? Because if they are, what that means is that I am tied up in legal, you know, overhang for the next three years. So as I evaluate which layer one, which layer two, which ecosystem to build on, my prerogative is going to be the ecosystem that is the safest and most secure for me. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. And so, you know, there are a multitude of other reasons, right, why it makes sense to build on kaleness or everything, from the fact that it's optimized for, you know, the same type of throughput or transactions per second as something like an optimism or an arbitram.

Kalin's Features and Transaction Model

Right. You can actually get high speed volumes, high speed transactions on K on. K on is consistent in terms of the fees that are, you know, that you need to pay for things like wrapping and unwrapping bitcoin. And you can even follow a Felix transaction model. Right? So if I'm holding, like, call it, you know, ethereum or bitcoin or USDT, instead of having to have a separate layer, one token as gas, I can just pay for the gas using just the tokens I've got in my wallet. Yeah. Gasless transactions are a must nowadays, like in the current era of development, because it's just so much hassle top up the wallets and everything. Yeah, massively, right? It's like, you know, going to a grocery store and trying to pay in dollars and then be like, oh, wait a second, like, you need to also have euros in your account to fund the transaction in dollars.

Connecting Different Chains and Security Issues

It's like, what do you mean? Right. To normal people, to everyday people, like this makes absolutely zero sense. Zero. Absolutely zero sense. How about doubling back on the security side, I read a lot about problems arising in the bridges is not always about your held and gunpoint or someone stole your private keys or something, but it's basically on the sides of problems about connecting two different chains. So basically when we have a bridge that connects, I don't know, bitcoin, ethereum, some other chains that is not even EVM compatible, right. They are all written in all of the different programming languages and everything. And they all have different, I don't know, methods, functions and everything, where, for example, Solana has something that Ethereum doesn't have and Ethereum has something that Solana doesn't have. Exactly.

Kalin's Innovative Approach

And it compromises on security even more because what you can account for on Ethereum, you can't account for on Solana because it just doesn't exist there. So will Cowan also be solving this? No, absolutely. Right. And, you know, you highlight something super important, right, when you look at app bridges, right? Obviously, a multisig hack is, you know, the one that immediately came up to mind. But there are three main ways that a bridge is actually hacked, right? And I'm just going to give a little bit of kind of like, you know, transparency here before bringing it back to k on. But yeah, like, the first way that a cross chain bridge is hacked is through something like a false deposit type of event, where a bridge is monitoring a deposit from one blockchain to do the same thing to the other.

Methods of Bridge Attacks

But if an attacker can create a false deposit, for example, then you're essentially withdrawing the value from the other side of the bridge without having to actually put any money at work. So, like, if you look at bridge hacks, like, this is actually what happened to qubit, right? This is how qubit got hacked. The other one is just simply through a fake deposit, right, that gets, quote unquote, validated as a real one, right, because of these nuances across different chains. So wormhole, for example, right? I mean, we all saw the wormhole hack was, what, $300 million? That's exactly how wormhole was hacked. And then the last major source of attack is, you know, when validators get taken over, right? So this is actually what happened in Ronin when the attacker took over the majority of the bridge's validators.

Kalin's Enhanced Security

None of this can happen in k on. None of this because everything is utxonative and because of the fact that you have a consensus mechanism which is actually really similar to that of bitcoin, right? It's public, it's open, it's transparent. You have no validators. Throughout the world, all these validators are randomly chosen, right? And it requires over 66% approval rate across node validators in order for transaction to go through. None of these attack vectors exist, which actually means that for k on, this is the most secure and efficient way for people to conduct any sort of cross chain or just interoperability. Right. Between EVM and bitcoin. So, in a nutshell, we are actually bringing bitcoin security to Ethereum.

Unique Approach to Cross-Chain Interoperability

Oh, without just saying that, okay, we are building something on Ethereum that will somehow interact with BTC or whatever, we're actually bringing bitcoin to Ethereum. Absolutely. Absolutely. Right. And that's what's so unique about Kalin's approach, our approach, when it comes to cross chain interoperability, we don't rely on bridges, we don't rely on oracles or any of the other sort of third party attack vectors. Every transaction on KL is done natively. And we do this by combining the Utxo model of bitcoin with the EVM with the ethereum EVM in a single nexus in order to give users the security of bitcoin alongside the composability of an EVM.

Summarizing Key Principles

Okay, sorry. I know it was a lot of words. A lot of words. Yeah. Let me know. Areas which, you know. It'S definitely a lot of words, especially for non developers. I feel your pain, guys. Let me pull this up. You know what? Okay, let me reframe this at a higher level, right? So if you think about, you know, the core principles of k on, there are three core principles. One, interoperability.

Key Concepts of K on

Two, composability. Three, scalability. Okay, so as I. So, so what does this actually mean? Right, well, on day one, KLM will have compatibility between BTC and EBM environments, right? Super easy. Anyone that's building on bitcoin can build on Ethereum. Anyone that's building on Ethereum can build on top of bitcoin. Right? Super straightforward. Longer term, we're going to be adding other things as well, like BNB, smart chain, we're going to be adding Solana, we're going to be adding near. All of this is done to make sure that bitcoin, right, or that k on is going to be that central hub, that nexus between BTC and all the other l one s, we can bring that bitcoin security and yield to the entire crypto ecosystem. And in this process, we're optimizing transactions so that people can transact super quickly. People can have the same type of transaction speed that you see on optimism. Optimism is solving for Ethereum right now. Same thing as arbitrum. We're going to be able to transact on top of bitcoin super quickly. All this culminates in is it's going to help facilitate the expansion of bitcoin and bring BTC really to the wider crypto ecosystem as a whole.

User Participation and Network Involvement

So I finally won't need to wait half an hour for BGC to arrive somewhere. That's nice. Unfortunately, it was not in my bank account, but, yeah. What about people participating in the network? Will it be some kind of close type of node setup or any kind of user will be able to participate or for example, I don't know, the same stuff that we had, very sad stuff that we had at one point with Ethereum was that you needed at least 32 Ethereum to actually stake. And a lot of solutions followed up towards that allowed users to actually participate in staking without thirty two s of, I don't know, treasury, because I don't know, people who just can put 32 Ethereum somewhere just for fun. Right? How will it work at Kaon? Yeah, look, so on k on, we're gonna have a testnet coming up. Basically, on the testnet, people will be able to see what it looks like to have these sort of ethereum or EVM, sorry, these utxo type of transactions.

Functionalities and Capabilities on Testnet

So transactions on bitcoin. Right. People will be what that looks like in Ethereum compatible formats. So we're translating transactions on bitcoin into Ethereum and people can see that life happening on K on Testnet today. As we move towards a full expansion and a full launch of the testnet, people will be able to do things like, you know, add k on to metamask. You can get k on tokens through a faucet and then you can take that k on token that you get from the faucet and you can play with the different dapps that are already being built on the ecosystem today. So things like uniswap, you can create a new token on uniswap today using K on's Testnet, and then you can trade them as well on the uniswap proxy that's on K on today. So basically, as you're talking about dapps, because it's EVM compatible, any current defi application that exists on Ethereum will be able to be deployed on Kaon, right? Oh, for sure, absolutely, yeah.

Future Developments and User Incentives

So k on Testnet fully supports EVM Shanghai, so you can get access to the latest EVM features and implementations directly on K ondhouse. Nice. That is, yeah, that is a cherry on top actually for a lot of people, at least I think so. One thing I want to say to the audience members here who are listening today for Alpha, make sure you are going on Testnet, make sure you are harvesting your k on tokens. Because when Mainnet is going to launch, and not too long, in a handful of months, and we have something stored for Mainnet, for the testnet users, of course. Like who does? Yeah, of course. It's time to go for the. Like, who doesn't like engaging with testnets nowadays? I think it's like the first thing any person who learns about new chain or whatever should do actually just play with it. It's always fun and it's always interesting long term.

The Vision of K on

And talking about long term, what would be longer vision for the con? Like, okay, we have a testnet now, in a couple of months we will have a minute, right? So what else is there? Man, that is a great question. Right? I mean, look, you know, I can dive into like the tech specs that we got coming up, but for some reason I don't think people on this call will be quite interested in that specifically. But look, like longer term, right? What K on really is K on is the programmable layer on bitcoin that is focused on making BTC truly interoperable, composable and scalable. That is the mission and long term goal of K on. And throughout this, the actual core mission, it's never changed, right. It's always been about, you know, delivering the most trusted sources of yield to the crypto world and then to the broader world as well, in a way that isn't correlated with the financial sector and is void of all these systemic flaws, I guess you can say, that are embedded within traditional finance.

Addressing Systemic Flaws in Traditional Finance

Today we talked about when UK pension system was basically going to implode because yields moved 1.5% in a month, right. Transpire markets are just. Yeah, it's. Yeah, yeah. I don't have wild, right. Like, look, I, you know, I spent ten years trading the public markets, right, and tradfi. And you know, there's a lot of, you know, there are a lot of ways that the entire system can break. And this theme, this north Star, so to speak, has been something that we, through Acropolis, through K on, have been consistently following. And now with K on, with the rebrand, with the new technology that we have on board, we're actually able to deliver the bitcoin yield and security to the entire crypto space by making BTC interoperable users on, near on, Solana on BNB smart chain.

The Long-Term Goals of K on

Right. And more can have actually direct access to true and unadulterated BTC in the most secure way possible. And by making BTC composable, right, we're actually enabling projects like amms, like lending and borrowing, like nfts, to develop directly on K on and give bitcoin the flexibility and usability that it was always really meant to have. Right, when Satoshi first created the vision behind it. And by making BTC scalable, we're unlocking the doors of adoption to the, what, over 100 million holders of bitcoin today and the billion holders of bitcoin tomorrow. That is the long term goal of k on. That sounds, that sounds really nice because with all the new chains, for example, I'm always skeptic about different layer ones and layer twos because of the adoption, because you need to redeploy all the same applications.

Challenges of Deployments on New Chains

For example, like what we had on Ethereum, you will need to redeploy on all layer twos additionally on all the contracts. If it's something similar, for example, on Solana, you also need to redeploy it with a different language. So it will have slightly different capabilities for the contract rate and everything. So when it's basically, I would say copy and pasting. So like it's layer two, I would say compassibility or I'm not a developer, so I'm not sure what term to use here. But if it's layer two compatibility with new avenues, like Solana did at one point, because it was an entirely new chain with new capabilities that was different from bitcoin and was different from Ethereum. Right. Would you say that's gone, like, falling in line with eager chains? Because it's like, somehow merge them all? Because it's something new, it's something old, and it's something understandable, basically, because it's EVM compatible and unique.

Conclusion on K on's Unique Position

So model and everything, like, how would you describe it? Oh, it's quite funny. Something new, something old, something new, something. Yeah. It's a marriage. Yeah. Look, I mean, you know, it's as you said, right. You know, what a layer two does is it takes existing projects and on a layer one, that makes them faster. Right. What KLN really is, it's Kael is its own layer one. It's this layer one that connects the bitcoin ecosystem to every other layer one out there.

Design and Development of Layer One

And what a layer one inherently is designed to do, it's to allow the construction and design and development of new projects that would never have been able to exist otherwise because the structure just was not there. If you look at it later to, like, optimism or, you know, arbitrum and stuff. Right? Like, you can build everything on arbitrum and optimism. Yeah. Mainethe right. Yeah. You can't do that here. What Kaon is unlocking is, you know, and this is the super exciting part about it, is that it's unlocking a series of new use cases, new development, new applications that have never existed before anywhere in the crypto world. Things that you can do with bitcoin, with the largest crypto period, with the granddad. All crypto. Right. The one that's most widely held, the one that everyone, like, respects and will never, you know, talk down on, because it's. It's the one that started them all. Right? You know, like, what are the one ring to rule them all, right? But, like, that's. Yeah, that's kind of what bitcoin is, right.

Unlocking New Opportunities with Kaon

And so, you know, with K on, you're actually allowing all of these new things to arise in a way that would never, ever have been able to come to fruition without K on. And when I think about where it stands as an l one, that's my thought process, is that it actually allows the development of all these new things with no precedent behind it, that would never happen, able to be created otherwise. That is exciting. That is exciting. What should I. You told me about the long term goals for Kon. Right. But can you share a little bit of upcoming news or something? I know that testnet people can actually go and try it and see how it goes, but what else should they expect in the coming months? Of course. Of course.

Marketing Campaign for Kaon

So in the coming months we are going to be doing a very big marketing campaign and marketing push bringing awareness to K on as an ecosystem. Because K on is one of those really interesting projects where the development actually moved way faster than the actual marketing itself. Yeah, like most l one s like, you know, I don't want to talk smack about other l ones but there are many other l one s out there which, you know, was hype, hype for two, three years and then the actual product landed right with K on. The product is here. That product is already built. You know, the most sophisticated bitcoin layer, one that exists in the entire crypto space. People can go around and play with it, people can take a look at GitHub, people can read to get booked. Like it's here, it's live. Right? There's no kind of like vaporware here.

Future Focus and Community

Right now it's time for marketing to actually catch up with all the great work that the development team has been doing in the shadows. And so for us what we're focusing on moving forward is of course, you know, and you'll be seeing this over the course of the coming weeks and months. Partnerships, branding, marketing, making people actually aware that, you know, the K on ecosystem is here to stay. Right. It's serving all these really important use cases and that it has a following of Kaonians that are, you know, going to rally and champion this thing to the moon. So that's basically what our, you know, next couple months are going to look like. I mean I feel, yeah, because it's always said to see a lot of paper and no product.

Community Engagement and Excitement

It's always nice to see a product that only starts to market itself. And it's always nice to see that the team understands the importance of like I'm a community person, right? I've always been a community person. So it's really nice to see when the team understand that community adoption and white space adoption through the users and everything. It's one of the most important things for, especially for chains. I mean it's a chain. No, for sure. What's really cool is that I see folks from our ecosystem listening into this call. I can team the folks directly after this but it is first and foremost an l one chain, you know, it's gonna, it's opening up the doors for new, exciting areas of development that just hasn't been seen yet in the crypto space.

Wrapping Up and Future Discussions

Okay. Like, I'm excited. You excited? Everyone is excited. We're all excited. Yeah. It's just, I mean, we still have a lot to share and a lot of discuss, and, like, I'm sure that people, after listening to the recording of the AMA, will have much more questions. Right. And we will answer them in our social channels, or maybe we'll host another AMA in a couple of weeks or something. I don't know yet, but, yeah, if no one has any more questions and I don't see them right now, I would say that we are at the end of the AMA. I hope that p answers all the immediate stuff that people might have thought about, because as far as I saw questions, for example, in telegram, it was mostly about how Cohen is different from other chains.

Community Questions and Gratitude

What difference do you bring here? What will we expect and what we can expect and everything. So I think we answered them. And thank you very much both for answering, because, like, you are, I don't know, the nicest person I spoke to in a long time, like, and you answered all the questions perfectly. Yeah. Yeah. If you have any closing thoughts that you want to share, feel free, but otherwise, we can wrap it up. Great. Thank you, Yana. I will just say, if I'm the nicest person that, you know, you've spoken to, then you got a circle of friends. That's true. That's true. Well, being in creepy and being introverted is not the best marriage there, but, yeah.

Concluding the Session

Yeah, I still, I'm trying. Very cool. All right, well, thank you so much for hosting this, Yana. Thank you so much for participating. Yeah, and thank you, everyone, for joining. Any questions, shoot. And wait for our further announcements on the AMA's or anything. Any updates? Actually, we'll have a lot of them. Okay. Bye, everyone. Thank you. See you.

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