Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Join us for the epic sandwich cat space with our guest @RealCashper

This space is hosted by SandwichCatCoin

Space Summary

In this Twitter space, the focus was on innovation and wealth creation opportunities in the digital landscape. The discussion covered mainstream exposure, evolving perspectives, financial empowerment, and the potential of decentralized finance, encouraging engagement and curiosity. Participants explored stagnant vs. dynamic market perceptions, emphasizing real-time learning, adaptation, and embracing digital assets for growth. The conversation also delved into the generational shift towards digital opportunities, highlighting the importance of financial awareness and independence. This insightful discussion touched on marketing, memes, creative spaces, engagement, and growth.


Q: What is the main focus of the discussed project?
A: The main focus is promoting the ‘Sandwich Cat’ meme coin.

Q: What are the plans for market expansion?
A: The team plans to enter the Japanese market with tailored content.

Q: How does the team engage the community?
A: Through regular competitions, giveaways, and engaging meme content.

Q: What kind of educational material is being developed?
A: Videos and content on how to join the base ecosystem and use Sandwich Cat.

Q: Are there any collaborations in the pipeline?
A: Yes, collaborations and partnerships are planned to boost project visibility.

Q: What is the importance of punctuality for the team?
A: The team values punctuality, considering it a mark of professionalism.

Q: How does the team intend to attract the Japanese audience?
A: By creating specific marketing videos and content for the Japanese market.

Q: What type of content does the team focus on creating?
A: Engaging and funny meme content.

Q: What additional activities are planned to engage users?
A: Competitions and giveaways are regularly planned to maintain engagement.

Q: How does the team communicate with the community?
A: They prioritize transparent and frequent communication with the community.

Q: What ecosystem is the project associated with?
A: The project is associated with the base ecosystem.

Q: What is the main focus of the discussion?
A: The main focus revolves around exploring innovation and wealth creation within the space.

Q: Why is embracing digital assets emphasized?
A: There is an emphasis on the generational shift towards digital assets for financial growth.

Q: What mindset is encouraged for growth?
A: A proactive mindset of continuous learning, adaptation, and engagement for growth and success.

Q: What is the significance of DeFi in the conversation?
A: DeFi is highlighted for its accessibility and potential in empowering individuals in the financial space.

Q: How is the market landscape discussed?
A: The conversation delves into the contrast between stagnant market perceptions and dynamic wealth creation opportunities.

Q: What shift is mentioned in the discussion?
A: There is a noted shift towards digital assets and new financial horizons, reflecting a generational change.

Q: Why is financial awareness important?
A: Financial awareness is key to empowering individuals towards independence and informed financial decisions.

Q: What kind of engagement is encouraged?
A: Active involvement and curiosity in the digital wealth creation space is highly encouraged for growth.

Q: How is learning emphasized in the discussion?
A: Real-time learning and adaptation are highlighted as crucial in navigating the evolving financial landscape for success.

Q: How is the evolving landscape perceived?
A: Diverse perspectives are shared on the evolving landscape, underlining its significance and potential opportunities.


Time: 00:02:33
“Hello, hello.” – Welcome remarks.

Time: 00:02:47
“I just woke up really, like five minutes ago.” – Casual conversation.

Time: 00:03:10
“Welcome to our space.” – Officially starting the space.

Time: 00:03:46
“How many people do you usually get in your spaces?” – Discussing audience size.

Time: 00:04:05
“I apologize for being late.” – Apologies and explanations for delay.

Time: 00:07:10
“It’s just gonna bring more people and get more eyes on Sandwich Cat.” – Marketing plan.

Time: 00:07:42
“I want to make sure this happens as soon as possible.” – Urgency in execution.

Time: 00:08:04
“Base ecosystem is always looking for new projects.” – Community opportunity.

Time: 00:08:29
“This week, we start with Sandwich Cat into Japan.” – Expansion strategy.

Time: 00:09:01
“Should we run our competition right now?” – Engagement activities.

Time: 00:03:10
Welcome and Introduction, Opening of the Twitter Space with welcoming remarks and participant introductions.

Time: 00:05:48
Discussion Overview, Overview of the main topics and themes to be covered during the session.

Time: 00:06:07
Community Engagement Importance, Highlighting the significance of community involvement in project promotion.

Time: 00:07:17
Community Interaction Observation, Examining how the community interacts with the provided content.

Time: 00:08:04
Ecosystem and Project Sharing, Delving into the ecosystem structure and the importance of sharing project details.

Time: 00:10:11
Creative Memes Necessity, Stressing the essential role of creative and engaging memes in the community.

Time: 00:18:01
Key Aspects for Project Growth, Identifying crucial elements essential for the growth of projects.

Time: 00:36:30
Longevity of Memes, Discussing the lasting impact of well-crafted and relatable memes.

Time: 00:44:15
Attention Importance, Underlining the significance of attentiveness and focus in the community space.

Time: 00:51:05
Engaging Newer Generations, Exploring the challenges in engaging the TikTok generation with traditional content like white papers.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussion on the evolution of mainstream exposure to the ‘space’.
  • Diverse perspectives shared on the significance of the evolving landscape.
  • Focus on empowering individuals towards financial awareness and independence.
  • Highlighting the accessibility and potential of decentralized finance (DeFi).
  • Encouragement for curiosity and engagement in the digital wealth creation space.
  • Examination of the contrast between stagnant and dynamic market perceptions.
  • Emphasis on the generational shift towards embracing digital assets and financial opportunities.
  • Importance of real-time learning and adaptation in the evolving financial landscape.
  • Encouragement for active involvement in the space for growth and wealth creation.

Behind the Mic

know, things are probably going to get very hot very soon because we did a picture of him sitting up in his seat. Right. And usually that stance is when somebody is getting serious. Yeah. Can you, can you make a cashba speaker sandwich kit? Yo, I apologize. I don’t know why Elon hates me. Yeah. Can you guys hear me clearly? Yep, yep. All right, all right. so I came in and I heard was talking about GMe and roaring kitty, right? Yeah. Yep, yep. All right. So I was actually in a space on Friday. it was Mario in a fall space the roundtable. And I was in a space with Wall street bets. And we’re actually discussing this extreme, you know, really for about an hour. if you can’t see the signs, like, of him locking in after being gone for four years. Right. It. That was a clear sign as to what’s to come, right? He didn’t do that lightly. Okay. And shit is absolutely about to go crazy. This is just what I think, but it’s. It’s also just a vibe or his army. And for everyone. I mean, I don’t know if you saw the breaking bad video he posted. Did anyone see that? Yep. Yep, I saw that one. And what did he call on everyone to do? Buy meme tokens? He literally put out a video calling on everyone, said, this is how. This is how you’re gonna make this money. This is it. Calling on everyone to buy meme coins. Just because we haven’t seen him. If. If anyone thinks that he’s not 100% aware of this space and exactly a state that it’s in, you’re not paying attention. And he came back at this time for a reason. That is a very calculated, intelligent individual. He didn’t come back to fuck around like this. Shit didn’t just happen out of nowhere. Shit’s about to get fun. A lot of people are gonna print if they’re paying attention, and if they’re locked in and you don’t have a risk tolerance and put some skin in the game, everyone’s not going to win. A lot of people are going to get wrecked. They’re going to. Going to overextend themselves, but people going to make money, and it’s going to be fun. And I would definitely recommend paying attention and keeping tabs on this dude. because have you guys ever seen someone controlled a stage like that for that long of a period of time and be that poised with his message? Never break character. Does not get thrown off by anyone. Keeps the message not swayed by anything. That’s incredible talent, knowledge. And he doesn’t miss. He did as a Super Bowl commercial for a TV show. So that that’s just what I think I just wanted to know, because I think it kind of ties into what we talk about, you know? So these guys are clearly watching and very aware as to what’s going on here. And I think it’s going to get very exciting. And I personally am bullish. I I don’t see how I mean the anybody who has a brain has to be bullish here. And they just understand the intelligence of when you’re dealing with somebody who knows how markets work. Info from markets. Market sentiment, contagious marketing watching, seeing, knowing and I’m telling you, this is all one funnel happening at the same agreed. Hey, but it’s math that I needed that bro. So I’m gonna do actually, this is what we do in backgrounds. sounds like from some of the smaller communities I’m in, he’s working on things behind the scenes. And because he he’s actually traded crypto and did really well in 21, from what I heard. He knows what he’s doing. It’s just I’ve seen some traders like nuclear. He commented and said that he’s working on some just some things in the background. So that’s what I’ve heard personally. He even posted a few things at like 02:00 a.m. this morning in his selfie every day. So he he knows what he’s doing, even though he may not say it, I think we’ll see what happens soon enough. Yeah, and like what what would be the healthiest like way to to use somebody like that to say that they that they got their roots? you can basically point to the AMCC and they go, look, those these guys are looking to invest in crypto. you know, they’re they’re looking to be serious in crypto. they’re watching that they’re aware of it. And now they’re going ahead, GME has probably been like the, these stocks that have been the best performer in the past 8 months, right? Any stock probably. I think it’s clear that they they’re acquiring a position. They there. It’s not been disclosed yet. You know, it’s whatever GME has there’s some some sort of play that they’re investing in and embracing. And I, personally, I’m getting long if I’m on the sidelines because I think, if we were to time it, it kind of lines pretty well. We’re probably within the next two to 3 months. we’re gonna we’re gonna be begin to see the tipping point happening and this could be a black swan event, you know, with these things, you see where where large institutional funds are misoriented and they and they don’t understand the trend. So pointing out like hey, all this information, all these guys, this is where you need to point your mind. And so that as far as I’m concerned with that, if we think of of the angle of market sentiment and the angle of, you know, as as what someone just said, would he miss with? No. He literally played it strategically to the point he didn’t miss. He took that stage as his stage. And there are people who command the stage like that. They certainly believe you know, they’re smarter than they believe they can just lay out information whenever they can. And I don’t think it’s just it’s just it’s just playing out on this and I’m personally bullish on. On all this that that has gone down. So I go ahead. Oh, I was just agreeing with with Matt there. I think, for sure, you know, it’s it’s someone coming back in such a way where we’ve had the time to keep our eye on what’s what’s been going on and you come back and you say to someone like, you have a reputation that precedes you but at the same time there are going to be things that are that are unpredictable for the normal for the normal people in this kind of traditional, unopened, unrestricted to what can be done. And it’s very clear what, what is happening now. And it’s in such a space, but you’re right. Definitely. Yeah, thanks for that. it also kind of leads into what was saying earlier. People coming in, doing, doing all this stuff, working on their stuff. we mentioned volume. He said something about meme coins, right? with meme coins being the funnest place in crypto, doesn’t mean it’s the safest. Certainly. Certainly, not the safest. We speak English too, Sir. Yes, yes. And with with crypto in general to be to be bluntly clear when we’re talking about what’s happening clearly and some of our calls on it. And I think why don’t why don’t I just put this in perspective too, just to just to kind of hammer it to make it understandable. Absolutely, right. So we do this spaces, we do crazy spaces like this is meant to be fun from the people. The thing that I always look at is I always look at what does human nature want, right? And and we’ve always found that right here. And we liked them because just have some fun. Get somewhere in relation to things that are happening in the space, and ultimately we just want to have fun. And that’s not changed. let’s bring up sandwich kit. I’m going to ask so so this is all new to me. I and I will see what happens, but I’m certainly I’m watching everything, and if it comes back if I’ve got 100% against me and if you think maybe what just happened is actually stayed away, that happening. Certain there’s maybe a lot, but we end up being the cause of almost facts. But I think if people got to the point of not taking this seriously enough of this, then who, who who are the people that are gonna get tired of it, right? I got fed up with it real quick, and I know a ton of people are just completely over it because it’s just so fixed. Right. You can’t. I mean, as long as, you know, contracts announced everything out there. Like, the. You know, they can’t just say, you know, you can’t trade this token. Someone else is gonna lose money. You get in, you get out. It’s 24, 7365. Everyone has the same opportunities, you know, to gather alpha, make plays, and pay attention. Yeah. There’s. There’s nowhere else that they’re gonna go. He didn’t. He didn’t come back. Like, he didn’t come back. Like, he did not come back, to just pitch GME. Like, if you’re paying attention, he’s looking at the space. He knows that there’s so much wealth in here and that we’re literally making magical money. We’re going ahead and making magical money. The layer zero team, that the terms everybody’s talking about, one of the LZ people. So the guys are from pretty sure pillar one and they’re really well-respected. And in terms of smart contract knowledge and the programmers there, these guys built official consensus layer zero is known to do really strong things there, and I’m. I’m also. I’m curious because I don’t know exactly like, what does it mean for him to be the layer zero right now? Here’s here’s what I believe. I think, you know, we already have known that he’s not only an equity player, which is also hustling in crypto. But also he knows how to work in projects and create the mind share and get people wanting to build with equity. Because he did it in the most complicated situation, equity based on a API two token, So he’s going ahead and we essentially raised this. And it’s moving to the base. And I believe what’s going to happen is that you’ll see now we’re going to have a lot more content coming through with layer zero right now. And we’re going to be moving quicker because he’s already been in this and we can hire more. More people want to enter, more developers wanna work. That’s no that’s the basic developer focused ecosystem and we can see that we have the foundation right now. I think I think ultimately right now we’re gonna be said, you know, the foundations are laid for the next phase. And ultimately here were. We can do whatever we want to build on layer 2 tokens whether that’s something or another. And we’re we strategically going to be putting more content in that base layer. And I’m doing it also in a way of giving back to the community. and that’s what’s going to be on there, essentially. Yeah, and and I’d like to say, you know, huge shout out to also took the bets. you know, we got guys over here on the stage Elton and Noel Dragonina the model Arcadium. everyone who’s been here in/on the stage was just in the back. You know, moving things along. And and and this collaboration right here how different they were. And oh, there? Yeah, Kato’s here. Oh, it’s so, so it’s just like so everybody getting behind it, right? Really appreciate because this wouldn’t be possible if I didn’t get like a huge push from especially male man mark. If it wasn’t for Mark and car and Adam over here, pushing to bring this in, we would have not begun here. So we thank everybody from the team. Yeah. Thank you for for, you know, putting this off and understanding the opportunities and seeing, I’m just seeing it through and you know, thank you. That’s high. Let’s go back to what you’re saying. Let’s turn the topic really quick. let’s let’s go back to what everyone was saying about these you know, meme coins. The the, the, the collections that you guys are seeing are crazy. you know, the hottest space in the world. And, you know, it’s it’s you know, like why would you not want to see that happening? You know, I’ve I’ve seen a lot of these called out, you know, so I get this what people are interested in. You know, it’s which want to do that project or opportunity. I think it’s fantastic that we see that. And, I mean. I think the coins and I gotta say something else, right. I mean it. It might be fun, but only for a couple of months. I don’t see this as a long term play for the meme coins. I think it’s something that can change the meta quickly because it really does give a brand new flavor to the space. I think ultimately change more of the structural base, or the community that’s going to be involved in it. And hey, you know, it’s not 100% about the coin because you really don’t need the coin to begin out of it. It’s essentially a play that’s going to be up, fun for people and if we see that happening, until we get something else that’s more important, they picked far really like the end the end game of the meme corner. So. I would probably say, I probably will say that this layer zero probably understand that sentiment of not getting fed up of just people getting really tired of it and really trying to understand and build on the base. You are built up, what’s there and having some fun or we just you know, ultimately understand that. So I think you know the end game is for me personally what’s going to happen when we develop this and explore more. Oh, I don’t know anything about me. Codes like I mean, if you listen to people they haven’t spoke about rebounds or things I find very interesting from political perspective crypto means that everything is real world to the extent of regulation, or just even if touching on these points on like what we’re seeing here and now speaking about just irrespective, I mean the regulatory environment right now in crypto may be perfect but it’s advancing so fast and underdeveloped and we’ve been trying to probably balance those sectors, and trying to understand about the market, you know. Clearly, and the the layers. the the way crypto projects work and seeing all these these tokens get shifting. There’s a difference in and I see a lot opportunities as to okay, we’re clearly in the space where where folks are. are really deciding on this fundamental understanding an underlying issues. And so when the regulation happens, gonna get people secure and it will build out the foundation. And see sides and get to understand and then structurally build to recapitalize it. it ultimately makes, makes the most sense. but that’s great like that we’re in that there that we’re in there, so, yeah. Think think that sounds good right. Yeah, it’s, you know, for the record, math. I know everyone saying that you drop some real good alpha. And I mean, just touching point earlier, you know, those those those players who are gonna be spot on. And I love that economic basically story outline that you give here. So thanks for that. it really helped me bring up my tokens is essentially yeah, man, no problem, man. I appreciated these these calls with you all and more appreciation of what you’re saying, you know, you know, you go we’re gonna proceed in that direction. You know where? We work fundamentals we put out more information. Special appreciation to folks such as sandwich, can folks dropping content daily on spaces man, the biggest CAT in this, possibly in the state of yield protocols, you know, everyone who participating in these calls, putting out daily information. Getting mining people mining. And it’s a great recognition coming in this community over here, so thank you for for for providing that. Yeah, and we’re happy to kind of move folks along and just bringing them up to speed and and such so really hard development fundamentals you name it. Everyone doing work daily over here below and and and and thank you for that so with the team and everyone moving along probably just just kind of you know, move these calls on and in the direction of probably just seeing what the best advises on that. And we’ll continue develop so yeah a lot of paths ahead of and up and gains so do look out for more people in our spaces happy to add on more. You know, the the best content we on spaces on on sandwich can with on man so just hit that subscribe on our more even better projects coming out in this community. And that’s just huge so thank you Math, thanks for that. By the way so so some development actually in these call, you know, saying that you know, we see probably a lot of paths this year happening with crypto folks in here. They are developed and I think we missing here in this base so we thank you for that math, right? And that’s essentially my my thoughts on that is, there is a question from something saying here, what to put in perspective, in, you know, focusing on mpel token, mpel market space or another development say that’s happening with folks talking about that since probably on you identified on signal may be instead of friend affecting with another space essentially on the same, right? That’s the target perspective essentially how you would want to see that put in signal call comes email so putting that perspective with that in terms of signal identifying the token aspect what’s your thoughts on. this my thoughts are basically what I’m seeing is that we’re layering base with token sort of like, form and function but ultimately, playing for just getting to people building and formative segments perspective essentially, right. So yeah, that that’s essentially important from from it’s time to eat guys. I would I’ll correct. Oh, okay yeah. All right. see you guys. Happy Easter God it was paperhands paperhands. He said that he always wins. paperhands. I knew it was him time to eat guys this times to have God know. They should, they should probably start the spaces with like breaking news you know be informed ahead next time so think that’d be great so just those closing notes this is essentially good feedback from Matt that we just shared appreciate sandwich, and all that so we’re gonna end up the space for today you know great input on the game I think this was a wonderful call let’s take a good note on that and I think that’s it so thank you guys, closing soon I appreciate you know folks in general feedback ASAP so thank you for that. pull out and closing soon you know maybe download stop so thank you’re tuning in with, sandwiches, so yeah we good to go so bye’d connect later guys.

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