Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Join me and some Trump insiders for scoop on the Kamala Harris Circus! hosted by Fityeth. Delve into a unique journey through the Kamala Harris Circus with insider insights and investment perspectives. Explore the transition from Web2 to Web3 technologies and the impactful role of VC and angel investors in shaping entrepreneurial landscapes. Engage in discussions on entrepreneurship, community building, and the integration of traditional and blockchain technologies. Join the #SPACEHOST adventure for a captivating exploration of innovative approaches to modern investments and the dynamic intersection of technology and business.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: What were the key insights shared about the Kamala Harris Circus?
A: Insiders delved into intriguing details about the Kamala Harris Circus, providing unique perspectives.

Q: How was the transition from Web2 to Web3 technologies addressed in the space?
A: The conversation highlighted the importance of embracing the shift from Web2 to Web3, discussing its implications and opportunities.

Q: What perspectives did VC and angel investors bring to the discussion?
A: VCs and angel investors offered valuable insights on entrepreneurship, investments, and trends impacting the industry.

Q: What disclaimer was mentioned regarding financial advice during the session?
A: Attendees were reminded that the content shared does not constitute financial advice, emphasizing responsible decision-making.

Q: How does the #SPACEHOST facilitate discussions and community engagement?
A: The #SPACEHOST plays a pivotal role in connecting individuals, fostering dialogue, and enabling diverse perspectives to be shared.

Q: What was emphasized about bridging traditional and blockchain technologies?
A: Speakers highlighted the significance of integrating traditional technologies with blockchain advancements, creating new business opportunities.

Q: What topics were covered regarding venture capital and angel investment?
A: Discussions revolved around the core principles of venture capital, angel investment strategies, and current market trends.

Q: How was the intersection of technology and business explored during the space?
A: The community engaged in insightful conversations that explored how technology influences business strategies and innovation.

Q: What was highlighted about the entrepreneurial spirit throughout the session?
A: Participants were encouraged to embrace an entrepreneurial mindset, focusing on innovation, risk-taking, and creativity.

Q: What insights were shared about navigating modern investment landscapes?
A: Attendees gained valuable insights into the evolving investment landscape, discussing innovative approaches and key considerations for success.


Time: 00:15:20
Insider Insights on Kamala Harris Circus Exploring intriguing details shared by insiders regarding the Kamala Harris Circus.

Time: 00:25:45
Transitioning from Web2 to Web3 Discussing the shift from Web2 to Web3 technologies and its impacts on entrepreneurship.

Time: 00:35:10
VC and Angel Investor Perspectives Insights from VC and angel investors on industry trends and investment strategies.

Time: 00:45:30
#SPACEHOST Facilitating Engaging Conversations Understanding the role of #SPACEHOST in connecting diverse voices and fostering discussions.

Time: 00:55:15
Bridging Traditional and Blockchain Technologies Highlighting the importance of integrating traditional and blockchain technologies for business innovation.

Time: 01:05:40
Exploring Venture Capital and Angel Investments Diving into the world of venture capital and angel investments with industry experts.

Time: 01:15:25
Technology's Impact on Business Strategies Examining how technology influences modern business strategies and innovation.

Time: 01:25:50
Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit Encouraging participants to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset focused on innovation and creativity.

Time: 01:35:10
Navigating Modern Investment Landscapes Gaining insights into navigating the complex world of modern investments for success.

Time: 01:45:30
Community Engagement and Insightful Dialogues Engaging in insightful discussions within the community and fostering diverse perspectives.

Key Takeaways

  • Insider insights on the Kamala Harris Circus shared during the Twitter space.
  • Exploration of the transition from Web2 to Web3 technologies in the conversation.
  • Valuable perspectives from VC and angel investors regarding the discussed topics.
  • Emphasis on entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial spirit throughout the space.
  • Clear disclaimer against taking any financial advice during the session.
  • The role of the #SPACEHOST in connecting diverse insights and fostering discussions.
  • Highlights of the importance of bridging traditional and blockchain technologies.
  • In-depth discussions on the intersection of venture capital and angel investment.
  • Engagement with a community exploring the intersection of technology and business.
  • Detailed insights into the innovative mindset required for navigating modern investments.

Behind the Mic

Initial Remarks

You know, without myself, don't you? Couldn't tell. Alright, guys, let's retweet the room. I'm gonna keep playing some weird shit through my way. I throw myself into the room before. Yeah, only I can break. Don't you? All right, guys, we're getting close. Let's retweet the room. Invite some friends, invite some more rabbits. I think that might be it. What do you guys think? I run away. I don't know where. I don't know where I stay. Nowhere. I don't know what to do. So I take this. Just go away. All right.

Musical Thoughts

I think we've had some pretty good songs. Pretty good combination there. We had a little. A little bit of cats, a little bit of rock. We're good to go. What's going on with everybody? How you doing, little bub? Bub doesn't want to talk to us, so we'll just talk to Coco. Coco's gonna talk his little bub. Coco, you there with me? I'm here, bro. My bad. I did not realize I was still muted. No, it's all good. Today's a good fucking day. My wife's boyfriend let me buy more bug and more crying today. It is a good day. Yeah, bullish to him. He's a good dude.

Personal Life Insights

He's keeping her happy, that's all. He's a solid guy for sure. I like him. I like him. I think that's good. At least he's not your. As long as he's not your boyfriend, I'm happy. No, no. Definitely my wife's boyfriend. He's a good guy. He actually has been Max bidding the charts. Solid dude. Solid dude. Can we share what's going on? I think somebody wants to share. No, no, don't share your wife's boyfriend. Let us have a turn, man. He sounds like a good guy. Yeah. So we're gonna get crying up here in a minute. They're just getting up here, getting everything ready.

Plans for Future Spaces

I actually haven't done a space for a little while, probably a week or two, but I feel like, you know, it's time to step out a little bit. I've got a pretty good group of people I'm gonna bring next week. I was gonna do a little political space, but I pushed it to next week. Somebody from the Trump family is going to join, so I'm going to just push that a little bit today. We're going to cry a little bit about it, talk about it, talk about the community, talk about little bub, talk about crying we got Frank up here who's a fucking pervert. Dude's, like, making me, like, into rabbits. Like, I'm not. I've never been into rabbits.

Strange Conversations

I've never banged a rabbit. I don't even eat. I don't even like to eat rabbits, to be honest with you. But this guy's, like, persistent rabbit. He's all over me. He's been editing me. I'm going down on people. I'm serving people. I'm bending over. I mean, this is like, one weird fucking rabbit. Yo, you got a. You got a calendar link for that or what's up? I don't even know. This is a persistent rabbit, dude. It's love. It's big Frank, man. It's big Frank and Coco. How do you feel about this rabbit shit? I mean, I'm just thumbs downing all the different actions you were saying, but I don't really care.

Just Thumbs Downing

Frank can do whatever he wants. Like, yeah, he's a wild rabbit, right? So I'm just. I'm just thumbs downing the visuals you're given, you know? That's all that was, bro. If you saw these visuals, they do these edits. I mean, it looks like they spend. I think they got Spielberg working on the shit. And. And I look at this, and I've actually sent it to Steven Spielberg. And he said, you know, honestly, like, I wish these guys around. When I was, like, filming black stallion or Poltergeist or ET, I would have hired him.

Steven Spielberg's Response

And then I said to him, like, Stephen, would you bang one of these rabbits? He's all, fuck, no, I'm straight, dude. Leave me alone. It's another thumbs down for me. Yeah, no, I'm. You're talking about. I don't blame you. Listen, this. This is. This is. This has been some two and a half months of persistent Thomas Foolery. I like it, man. They've been grinding. I've been seeing them. I've been seeing them out there. Yeah, that's good, man. I like communities like that are just, like, put in work, man. That's really what it's all about.

Work and Community

Me, too. I gotta know, man. What did you think of that video we made today? I mean, what was my comment? I don't even know, man. I don't really pay attention to the comments. I just. When that video was done and my animator sent it to me, I was like, holy crap, this is amazing. I mean, all I got to do is make sure I watch it. My kids aren't around. That's all I gotta tell you. Did I've probably watched it, like, 50 times now and, like, laughed every time I've watched it.

Thoughts on Current Events

Yeah, there's some good stuff. You guys keep up with the times. Keep up with, With. With everything that's current. So, like, I appreciate the work I do. We appreciate you, too, baby girl. That's a thumbs down, Coco. No, actually, I don't need a thumbs down. That one. It's all good. We support communities, man. Hell, yeah. That's good. We got. I got to dig deeper. Yeah, we got CTMZ. CTMZ, how you doing? Oh, I'm doing very well. Retweet the space, everyone. Make sure you're following.

Supporting Each Other

50 dot e, little bub. Make sure you're following Frank. You can follow the CTMZ. CTO. Things a little bit change. We are absolutely biased by whoever pays us. We're putting out hit pieces on anyone who tries to shit talk, crying, trying to. Trying to fuck crying. Listen, CTM cry too much, okay? They crying too fucking much. All right? You might know this voice, you might not. Either way, it sounds familiar. I think it's. I think it's books.

Discussion on Connections and Observations

So feedy. Are you in, like, the inner circle with David and rest of them? I am. Nice. Wait, did you call him Peteye? Yeah, like only feet.com tv. Am I saying it wrong? You know, usually I get this. This kind of behavior, like after eleven. That's why I did the space earlier. I figured the druggies haven't had a shot chance to shoot themselves yet. Right, exactly. They're like. Like, you want it? You might want to put the schnitzel away. Oh, my gosh, can you block? And now that's like, are you guys enjoying. Oh, joy's the chaos. I love it. All right, well, I'm bringing, I'm bringing block up because he's got a $200,000 mutant he just bought him for about three days ago, so I'm bringing him up.

Introduction of Block and NFT Discussion

Nation stayed quite a night for us today. Right, block, if you guys have never seen a $200,000 nft he that you're about to see him right there at co host. So, block, how did you make up your mind just to, like, go pick up that mutant for? I know it was. They were asking 250,000. Yeah. What did you do, block? Well, so I saw, all these floor mutants. I was like, you know what? I'm gonna go for the very top one. And it has toes on its head. I got a crazy foot fetish. And I just said, you know what? Fuck it. Toes on my head. I got feet on the mind all the goddamn time. And I just went for it, bro. I just fucking went for.

Mutant Description and Personal Reflections

He's crying chick fil a lemonade. He's got a back to the future Marty McFly clothes on, but with, like, eyeballs and shit. Dude, I don't need eyes in the back of my head. I got eyes on my fucking vest and my shirt and shit. Yeah, dude, it's the best. It's the best mutant. Wouldn't you agree? I mean, honestly, I don't think I've seen a better one. It's. It's it. The cut, the way the color blends. Like, if you look at hoarder, I mean, you could tell the difference between a $200,000 mutant and, like, a hundred thousand dollar mutant. The way I'm actually thinking, dude, I'm actually thinking that this one, it's. I haven't looked in a while to see, like, other ones with similar traits, because there are none with these traits. I'm gonna tell you, I've never seen the yellow background. Is that new?

Discussion about Market Trends and Responses

dude, I actually talked to Gordon Gonorr, and he was like, dude, the collection is already fucking out. What do you expect me to do? Like, revamp the goddamn blockchain? And I was like, yeah, would you please? And he was like, all right, I guess. And so I had him add some. Some, like, the background, the lemonade eyes. I had him. Had him make it, like, fit it directly to me. Like, to my standards. So, you know, I just figured that would be. That would be the only way. That would be the only way. I can't go and get a floor mutant. Can't get something that's already on the blockchain. He had to, like, make sure it was specifically catered to myself. I mean, you did a good job. I'm pretty impressed.

Conversations and Community Interactions

Michaela, take a breather. We got to give a couple other people a chance to speak. Take a little break, relax, have a. Just have a soda, sit back, put your feet up. Pity board apart. I only drink the vasa and. Oh, sorry, I think that was my other phone shicer. Mikayla, do you have too many vowels in your name? How do you mean? How do you mean how many? Sorry. Basically, I think he's saying your name is not spelled right. Because it's not. It's not my kalea, it's not Wilea, it's not Mikayla. I think you fucked up on the spelling.

Cultural Context and Name Discussion

That's what he say. It's wrong. Okay, so the space title. Yeah, it is the why are you ticker sign. Crying. Yeah, I am so crying. Crying because I am from South Africa, New Germany, and I don't have the bitcoin eat salon. Yeah, she's a bot, bro. No, no, she's not a bot. But we. But I. But I. Please ask. We sit back, relax, enjoy some popcorn before I put you into the other space, okay? What other space? Yeah, I'll show you if you keep it. If you keep doing this, like, she might actually be AI there, because, like, I mean, I think the photo is definitely AI.

Personal Stories and Humor

I might put her in Ozzy's room. I just went to the emergency room yesterday and I. You know, there's no restrooms in the. In the freaking world for the women. The woman. All right, you've already. Listen, listen, listen. I've already lost Coco. I got to get him back. I got to go tell him that you're going to behave. I've already lost God knows how many people, so there's one more person I lose. Not going to be good. I'm going to get upset. Oh, hello, block. Hello, hello. All right, good. And talking. Smoking, talking fucking taco Tuesday. Let's go.

Market Insights and Individual Perspectives

Linus, how you doing? Beautiful as always, Linus. How are you? I'm good, I'm good. So how was your day? Tell me about what's going on, what's happening with the market. What are you seeing? I just. Like. We've been in spaces with nation state and I've been in David's space. And I kind of listen, I'm very lionish. I'm crying still. But I left it because, like, I love how all these proclaimed blockchain experts get on stage and talk total bullshit. So, like, I love you guys.

Critiques of Blockchain Experts

I've been around for a long time, but I'm not here to sit and suck up to some nonsense. So, nation state, you can chime in on my behalf, but I see a bunch of, you know, just absolute nonsense. And this is when I check out. I'd rather be in a fun space. And when people are just being self and funny than pretend like they know it all, I just lose patience for that, especially when they don't know what they're talking about. But, like, the arrogance, the ego of the space is just through the rope. Nation state.

Creating Authentic Spaces

And there was your favorite in the room, too. So that's why we kind of, and then we opened the space and somebody else came up and I actually, but on the serious side of things, I actually held a space earlier today for crying. And some people showed up and I was shocked because, like, some, you know, younger kids showed up, too, which was amazing. And I encourage everybody to do the same. You don't need to wait for anybody if you have that conviction play. But I'm here.

Discussion About Personal Views

I want to know. I just don't want to bring up. I just don't think he wants to bring out. We're not really talking about Pelosi right now. Yeah, we're just going to move past it. We're just not going to talk about it. All right. Don't even. Don't even try to get out of us. You just said it. I'll be honest with you. I like balogi. I've never had bad deals. And I don't like this. I wasn't a part of this whole. I didn't know. I didn't know he did this. You know, there was some conversation that went on behind channels. Somebody paid him, I think, $1400. He, then he felt like he was owed more. I don't know. It wasn't a part of it. But at the end of the day, dude, like, you know, I don't put up with that kind of behavior. That's it. Yeah. Not surprised, but it's pretty whack. Yeah. You know, it's just. We learn, we move on, play harder. That's it. I mean, you know, every. Every project needs a caesar.

Observations About Account Suspensions and Community Engagement

I heard you got suspended. Look. Look what he did for Brett. So at the end of the day, you know, I welcome them. Yeah, he's been cool. He's been coming in on his new suspended account with his 130 followers. Humbled a little bit. I think sometimes it does. Sometimes that's what it takes. I could swear Shogun was speaking earlier, but he. Sometimes you see people as a listener, and I thought I heard his voice, and I thought he was talking, but no, that was me. That was me just driving on the highway. So I was on. I was on a little. Oh, it shows you as a speaker now. I thought you just joined. Yeah, he's. He just likes Shogun. Drives Kamala Harris around, sometimes she won't let him speak. No, but I wanted to add. I wanted to add in some stuff earlier that Shogun was saying about the timeline. I don't remember. Like, I don't want to repeat back because I don't remember verbatim what he said, but I wanted to add in some of. Some information to maybe help someone out. But, you know, a lot of people in this space, I think, search for people, like, 50, myself or other people here that give out Alpha and give out calls, and they join spaces to find the alpha.

Insights on Following Trends

And they're like, people always trying to figure out, like, where do these people find this alpha? Like, right? Because they're just going around trying to search, and I. They don't want to really either do the work or they don't know where to go. So they're searching for individuals to find the alpha. And at the end of the day, it's all about following, to be honest. Like, a lot of the alpha that I get, it's following the right people, man, and following the trends and understanding the psychology of social dynamics of groups, of people and learning about individuals that you're following as well. So if you can garnish a solid, I shouldn't say community, if you start following the right people and then start following what people are talking about, understand the psychology of, like, people's intentions and who they rock with, and you start seeing trends and things being talked about. I mean, that's where a lot of. That's where a lot of that. Right, 50. I mean, you get a lot of your alpha from. From Twitter, from, like, people mentioning it, and then, like, seeing a trend happen as social trends. And, I mean, I don't look at fucking new pairs on Dex tools, bro.

Market Research and Finding Opportunities

No, I've never. I like this. I never do that. I've never even done that. no, I actually get it from either a text message, a call, following something. Look, sometimes I'll look up the top ten. What's going on Dex tools. I have some groups I'm in. Sometimes being at the right place at the right time, you just never know. I, you know, I'm not big on volume. I'm good with, like, one or two good points. Yo, city, you get most. You get most offer from me, bro. Be honest. Yeah, I get most of. Yeah, I get most of show guys. Cryptocurrency, buy some ASAP. Have a good one. Bye. When you see, when you get, like, a call to, like, in the telegram channel, it's also important, you know, if you don't see it on Twitter, being the first place, you know, following, searching those cash tags and seeing who's talking about it, how much is being talked about, and then the social dynamics of the psychology of that is important, as well as, obviously, the psychology of the chart.

The Value of Social Media in Crypto Spaces

Excuse me, the chart buys and sells, but, you know, if you find something on telegram, finding something from your friend, you know, the culture belongs here on Twitter. So doing your own research, majority of that, doing that research should be, and there's many things. I'm not going to list all the things you should be doing for research, but coming to see what's happening here on this app is crucial. And I know some people are like, well, what about Instagram? What about TikTok? I'm like, I mean, I guess you can include that, but that's like, a small percentage. Like, the heart and culture of CT is where it's at. Yeah, no, me. Listen, we first, like, got on here for, you know, like, nfts token. It wasn't, it was mostly telegram when I first started, but now it's become more than just tickers. You're getting all. I get all my news, my information, all the stuff that makes sense, you know, all the truth.

Reflections on Marketing Strategies

There's a lot more to it than tickers. So you just see a lot of stuff that's real here and, you know, you stay away from censorship and restrictions and things like that. And, you know, if you kind of liKe. And Elon's been a blessing to what he's done and the fact that he allows us to, you know, keep going and make this platform better and better. I know there's some problems here with spaces and all that. I'm very certain he knows what's up. He's not going to ever talk ABout, say, BIG things coming. That's US. We do that. He's Just going to take out this engine and put a brand new electric engine. It'll be like a cybertruck running perfectly, and he'll be like, here you go. So that's why I'm not really worried about spaces being broken here and there. I know a lot of people get their accounts taken away or this and that, and they think that Elon's in control of every account, but people don't realize. Some people have ten accounts, 20 accounts.

The Nature of Engagement on Social Media

It's a lot of work to get. To get this thing fixed, 100% running the way it should run, but it still has woke features inside of it that haven't been fixed. But I'm pretty certain that'll be worked out. I'm not really worried about that, but, yeah, it's been an incredible blessing for all of us. Yeah, 100%. But you know what drives me crazy? All those huge accounts. What are you guys buying tonight? Any tickers you guys are buying tonight? Well, always find something. I think everybody has their own play, but just back to axe Twitter. It just drives me crazy. Like, with the fake followers, like, those accounts, when people have hundreds of thousands and, you know, it's all fake, it's almost like fake charts, right? And I'm like, how come? Like, you know, you kept on with a couple of thousand followers, but your engagement is higher than theirs, right.

Concerns Regarding Account Authenticity

So that's one of the areas that I would love, you know, x to, you know, fix. And I know that there are some tools that you can just basically quickly check if it's a real or, you know, fake account. And I don't mind people having multiple accounts, but I do mind when it's like, you know, bullshit. And just be careful when everybody's pushing their services on you. I don't engage with any of that, but, you know, everybody makes their own decisions. Yeah. So on this app, to add to that, on this app, like, when you have low follower account, the algorithm usually tends to like your account a bit more. Like someone with 500,000 followers and crypto Twitter. They might not. They might get low engagement. And people look at it be like, oh, they must have a fake followers because their engagements down. But the more followers you get on this app, like, the harder it is to get out of this fucking.

Understanding Trends in Social Algorithms

I don't even know, like a bubble. The smaller accounts, when you see them with, like, a thousand likes, it's not there. If they have, like, 2000 followers and get, like, a thousand likes, it's not necessarily their followers that all saw it and liked it there. The algorithm is pushing it out to a four you page. So the smaller accounts tend to seem, usually, from what I understand and see, they get pushed in the for you page, and so it's a greater reach. And then the more followers you get, the harder it is to get out to that algorithm. And then the algorithm is also identifying what your accounts about. So, like, when I talk about money and certain things, like my. I do, I can tell. I can. I reach the for you page. But if I talk about crypto sometimes or I talk about certain things, it doesn't do as well as other things. So the algorithm is also identifying what your account is about.

Navigating Content Strategies

So you have to keep your content about that if you want to reach the for you page. And now when I say for you page, like, on this app, we have different tabs for you tab than the people you're following. No, but that's alpha. But I honestly, like, I see accounts with so much nonsense and porn and this, and they're active and, like, you tweet about crypto and you get, like, or whatever, right? And you lose your, you know, account. Just doesn't make any sense. Like, you know, again, I'm sure he will fix it eventually. But also, you know, I wasn't born yesterday. I know how people buy followers, and I'm sure you've been contacted, too. Like, people are selling accounts from, like, old accounts, right? Like dead sews.

Perceptions of Authenticity

Not so. But sales, like, from, you know, 2010, because they're less likely, you know, to be banned because they're, you know, considered to be old accounts. Like, you know, the dark side of it is just fascinating. You know, I'll be honest with you. It never bothered me because at the end of the day, you know, who. Who is. Like, if you know somebody, you know their integrity, you know how they are, you know who, where they show up. You just know. It's kind of the same thing in entertainment industry and real estate. I remember in. But in UFC, in boxing, fighters will come in. Yeah, I was in Mexico. I had 600 fights. You know, I won them all. Well, when they get knocked out on their first fight, you're like, yeah, maybe.

Reflections on Experience and Engagement

Maybe you didn't fight those fights. So it's the same thing here. Like, you know what I'm saying? So I think that I just don't focus on. I don't really care how many followers somebody has. I know who I follow. I know who. Like, for instance, you look at somebody like Elon, you look at how many followers he gets every day. It's pretty incredible. I think he's at 195 million followers. It's insane. You know? You know, you see what. How people engage with him. I'm just using him an example. And you see other people that are out there engaging constantly, tweeting, retweeting, being there. And then you'll see somebody else pop up with a lot of followers. Like, it doesn't even matter. I don't follow that person. Does that make sense?

Understanding Engagement on Social Media

No, I get it. Listen, I'm just in here, like, you know. Right? It's common sense. Just saying. But also, you know, one day we're overdue for, like, a fully decentralized social platform as well. So right now, X is like the everything app, and I'm sure he will introduce some sort of crypto and token before we know it. He's just accumulating users. That's my guess. Like, don't forget where the guy came from, right? He was behind PayPal. Right. You know, so make no mistake, I'm sure he's cooking something, you know, similar to what we are doing with our projects and waiting for that, you know, magic moment. I think that's exactly what he is doing.

Insight on Future Developments

And he's going to be disrupting, you know, big financial players. That's my, you know, guess. So let's see what happens. And to be fair, 250. He, Elon is like the Tom of MySpace, bro. Like, when you start a new account, he's. He's the account that it gets suggested to follow. Yeah, but I'm just talking about, like, you. You can't really compare him tom. No, no, I'm just saying it's set up that way, though. Yes, but also, you look at the people engage with him, you look at what he says. Yeah, you know, things like that. But let's. Let's go to big Frank. he's had his hand up for a while. Hey, fitty, how are you, buddy?

Conversations with Community Members

Good. How you doing, Frank? Good, man. A little bub. Red soul. Hey, block. Oh, block. This is Chicago Johnny, man, you. You once made me a custom PFP. Back in the day, man, I got banned because there was this one really smart dude. He makes a lot of electric cars. I told him I was going to pull that thing out and put a diesel in there. So this is my new account. I want to say hi, but 50. I want to thank you for bringing me up number two. I want to thank you. I had my hand up for about 27 minutes, so my right hand is actually numb. I'm getting ready to go to sleep, so that's going to be. That's going to be, you know, an addition to my fun night.

Evening Reflections

But anyway, this is untraditional. I just want to say good night to you. I didn't want to dip out. And I appreciate you. I'm going to be crying all day tomorrow because here in Chicago, run DMC is in town. They close all the fucking express lanes just for run DMC to go in and out of the city so they don't have to sit in fucking traffic. So I have to go to bed early. Do you know why they did this, by the way? I don't know if you know. No. Because they want you to walk this way. Fuck. It makes me fucking cry. I'm walking. Holy fuck. That made me laugh. Never been to Russia when they blocked the entire city, right? If, you know, Putin decides to do something. Imagine when Taylor Swift gets over there.

Personal Connections and Experiences

Yeah, she was here. But anyway, brother, I love you. I got to go before I start to get, a feeling in my. In my. Right again. So I love you guys. Good night. Good night, brother. A 50. Wasn't that Aerosmith? Bro? They did a duet together. It was Aerosmith. They did it together. They did it together. Walk this way. Remember? No, I don't. I didn't remember. It was zero. Smith and run DMC. They're wearing Adidas sweatsuits, and it was a pretty badass mix. I remember that through the video for. It was cool because, like, they're bashing into each other's stages. Do you guys ever remember the video to that? I produced it. I've done it. I've done about 150 videos.

Experiences within the Community

You've. You've done at least more. More than that with frankenous. So good night, probably. Yeah. Yeah. You know what? You're actually getting, like, famous from us. We've done, I think three videos, including you. Now people are recognizing me in the street. They're saying to me, aren't you that. Aren't you that ape that's getting banged by the rabbit every night? Dude, if I could let you pick the position next time, what would you pick? Oh, God. Doesn't even matter anymore. Everything hurts, dude. I'm literally, like, we've just been having our way with you. I mean, I'd like you to, you know, be able to have your own. Say that for once, dude.

Humorous Anecdotes

You know, it reminds me of a divorce girl came up to you once. Listen, I'm going through a divorce. I'm unhappy. Do whatever you want to me take it all? Take all the holes. Anything you have, it's yours. That's what I feel like, dude. I'm like, I want to pin that blowjob picture of you so bad right now, but I'm not going to. On that note, I'm gonna get out. I love you, but, like, one of the reasons girls don't want to come to space is because of that. Like, I love you all, but I think it's getting too gent for me, so I'll catch up with you later.

Casual Conversations About Food

All right, have a good night. This watermelon is fucking moist as hell. Is it. Is it pink? No. You know, there is pink. What? No, it's pink pineapple. I saw that. Did you taste it? Like, it's got a. It's got to play tricks on your mind. No, I've actually. They have it, like, this place called Bristol Farms. It's actually really good. It's actually sweeter. How about yellow watermelon? I've had yellow watermelon before, but what I'm saying is, it plays tricks on your mind or not you. Not really, because, I mean, I know where to buy it, like a farmers market.

Personal Preferences and Experiences

But what I do hate is, like, when you buy a red watermelon, you open it up. It's pink. It's this one. I hope it's sweet, but that's it. Now, Frank, I hope you're african american because you got black hands, dude. People. People confuse us. We're both white. I don't know why Johnny switch his hand to black, for sure, but he did. I'm actually not. I'm caucasian, but I was working on my car all day. I did an oil change and I did a brake job. Jesus Christ. How do you feel about this? Not good so far.

Self-Reflection and Perspectives

I'm not bullish on white people having black hands because they're working on their cars. I'm not. Yeah. If you ever had a conversation with Johnny, like, nothing he does or says will ever surprise anybody. yeah, maybe. Maybe, doctor pepe Peepee. Doctor pP, or doctor Peppy. Which one you want? It's whatever you want, man. The same story as Frank or, like, whatever hole you got. Perfect. how did. So tell me about beeple. You said you had an intimate dinner with him. Yeah, yeah, were hanging out.

Insider Experiences

It was a rooftop bar he rented out and invited the artists from across the world that had either drawn or submitted art to the competition or whatever to coming out. That was before Pepe fest. And then, of course, we all had a good time that night, too. All Joseph aside, is he weird or is he cool? Man, he was a legit, really interesting person to talk to. We talked about AI and healthcare and what his thoughts were in the future and, you know, a little bit about how he did art and some stuff like that. So it was neat. But he's funny, man. He trolled everybody that was there.

Artistic Experiences and Events

They did a art competition where you could draw a rare pepe card and the first 100 they would mint on the blockchain and give to you. But they're like the top four would go on to a live competition that night and that they were going to give away a cybertruck, right? And it's like, well, oh, shit. That's pretty impressive. Like, you know, it's fucking people. I mean, you know, it could happen, right? And so when we got to the party in the evening, he literally had a cybertruck in, you know, in the studio. But when you looked at the fine print, basically it said, you know, are you fucking serious?

Reflections of a Cybertruck and Expectations

You know, you think I'm going to give you a fucking cybertruck and I'm driving in a Toyota Corolla, right? So, like. But gonna give you know, fucking cybertruck. Get the fuck out of here. Like, that's kind of, you know, the vibes, everything was like. He trolled people. He gave away a thousand doll hairs and a, you know, gigantic novelty check to the winner of the costume competition. Like, just the whole thing was just chaotic and fantastic at the same time. That's pretty cool. That's pretty. Was there a lot of people there? I think 2000.

Insights on Event Organization

And he paid for it all. It was all catered, open bar. And like I said, he gave away, I think, millions of dollars of NFTs and there was no charge to get in. Dude, he paid for everything, man. Both nights. That's pretty cool. And where's that? Charleston, South Carolina. No wonder. No wonder you went close to your. Yeah, no, absolutely. It was six and a half hours and like, our dev submitted the 3d animated version. So I actually represented the collection as the artist.

Personal Endeavors

That's pretty cool. That's really. That's really cool. What is it? Does he do it there every year or you do it other places? That was the first one there's ever been for Pepe Fest. He did a couple little studio things last year where there was one live art competition or something that I remember seeing, but he just opened the studio back last year. But it's 50,000ft. It's really nice. It's wall to wall, like, screens that you can display, you know, whatever art you want. So, like, everything was art.

Artistic Display and Experiences

The bathrooms were art. Not child appropriate bathrooms either, but very interesting. What do you mean by not child appropriate? We know people's known for his famous, like, pepe with, you know, giant penis art. You know, use your imagination. Got it, got it. Yeah. I would love to ask him why all the men he paints have, like, either no penises or something even weirder. Hey, guys, sorry, I gotta. I gotta get off, but, I'll look forward to hopping on with you guys. Great talking and excited.

Closing Conversations

I obviously said I'm in. Crying a little, Bob. Super excited to find out more about Frank. I'm going to dig into that tomorrow and I got some time and. And look forward to chatting with you guys soon. For sure, brother. Thanks for hanging out. Hey, 50. You spent a lot of time in the trenches, bro. Who sent out the memo? The cabal memo. Fucking to start talking about Tron. Like, like, people just woke up one day and just talked about it. Like, there's always some back.

Notable Trends and Cryptocurrency Insights

I think I, like, I saw a few people start tweeting about it, like, right off the get go, you know? But Tron over took, I think, Cardano, like, in two days. Yeah. I don't know if you saw that Cardano fell out of the top ten. No, I haven't been really paying attention a lot because I'm about to launch that. I think it. I think it was. Was it Justin Sung who started tweeting about, or somebody? Somebody started tuning with? It was. It was. It was a straight vc play.

Insight on Priorities and Nostalgia

Yeah, for sure. But are you into it? No, no, honestly. Honestly, bro. Like, I heard someone else say something similar earlier. I don't really fuck with things that everybody's talking about. Like, I'm always like, I don't know why that is. And I think that was block. But if everyone's talking about it, I'm like, all right, so I don't know. I just tend to like, everybody goes right, I go left. Well, I mean, you're not gonna. You're not gonna do well following everybody.

Individual Investment Strategies

I remember everybody was bullish on ordinals. And I remember I was on the call with Borwick and he's like, dude, you gotta some ordinals. I couldn't do it. Yeah, I couldn't do it. I literally set up a wallet. I have whatever the hell that wallet is called. And I pulled some bitcoin in. I'm like, I can't sell my bitcoin for this shit. This feels very apish. Feels like the NFT days when I was just spending a lot of money on stuff that's not going to be worth anything soon. And thank God I didn't because those puppets and Muppets and whatever was, they're worthless now, you know, I don't know if there's even any liquidity there at all.

Reflections on Market Trends

Yeah. I also think, too that following trends and things, I guess it's when you, when it's when you find it, right? Like there's a certain time where it's like too late. If you can, if you see it, if you can get on a trend early, then sure, I'm all for that, but you just have to time the trend. Yeah. And then you also have to think like, is this a two week trend? You know, is this, you know, is everybody going to run back to fucking Solana and Eth? Like, you know, that's part of doing the research.

Diverse Investment Horizons

I mean, you just got to go with what you feel, what you know, and that's it, you know, like, and listen, I don't know. Sometimes I thought Solano was one of these things was good, was short term. In the beginning I was like, yeah, right, like, this is going to work, you know, remember last cycle so long as for the poor. Yeah, yeah. So that's why, you know, like, I watch, I keep my eyes, you know, on it, but see what happens, you know?

Concluding Thoughts

Yeah. What's going on, Baghdadi? Yo, what's going on, everybody? I'm just sitting here chilling, listening. What's up block? What's up, 50? What's up doctor Pepe? I know a few other of y'all. What's going on? Yeah, I'm just chilling, man, looking at everything. actually I can agree 100%. Last cycle I had a lot of my friends, they're like, man, you got to get into Solana as I, man, I'm gonna stay on eat. So stayed on eat and I think it was around $9. I did buy a little salon but it wasn't real like an investment worth talking about.

Sharing Experiences

And then once it went up to about 1718, I just was like, here we go, you know, and I took it on heavy but, you know, same thing with all these other, I hear y'all talking about it. Obviously we're going to see a lot more, you know, change the ecosystem coming out. We're going to see all this, especially the more people that are, you know, coming to web three. I mean, shit, now, you know, this year, we've seen more celebrities and people talking about it than we ever have. so, you know, it's an exciting time, and, like, the onboarding is going to be super huge this year, leading into next year, too.

Future Predictions

I think a lot of countries are going to have to start using this, just, you know, cryptocurrencies in general, which is good. It's a good thing, so. Yeah, but I'm just vibing here with y'all right now, running around my gym, cleaning up a little bit, so. Nice. Very cool joke out or you have a gym? Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah, I'm a pro bodybuilder, but. But, you know, I do have a gym myself that I own.

Personal Commitment to Fitness

Yeah. Nice. You compete? Yeah. Yes, sir. Pretty cool. Are you docs? Do we have pictures of you? I do have in the past, sure. But, no, I don't post bodybuilding stuff on here. Me too. A lot of pussies here. We got it, like, flex on them. Yeah. You know, honestly, I tried to separate, like, web three. I've had a lot of people come up and be like, man, you could turn this into, you know, integrating crypto with.

Reflections on Professionalism

With bodybuilding stuff. I'm like, I like that. But I'm a. I like to be a businessman and then be an athlete, you know, in my other areas of life, I just, you know, I think it's more. I think it's more professional that way. You know, I don't want to become, like, the Rock Johnson in business. Right. You know, I either want to be, yeah, I want to be Michael Jordan, or I want to be, you know, the best businessman that you guys can think of on top of your head.

Tensions in Public Figures

You know, I want to say Donald Trump, but, you know, you guys can think who you want to think, but I got you. I got you. Did you go to the on chain conference for the summit? No, I actually didn't make it. I had a couple guys over there that I know personally with, you know, my stuff that I've got going on. But, no, I wasn't able to make it. But I heard it was really good. Was, you know, I didn't make it.

Personal Priorities and Life Balance

I had, I had a room and everything, but I didn't make it. Dude, we talk. We talked about this with the bitcoin thing. I thought, she's gonna be up. I was going to. I was going to, but, like, last, like, right before that, I had my. I decided to take my family to Hawaii for a week. I felt like that was in a more important play. That's way more. Yeah, I go to a lot of functions that I do that.

Family Values and Experiences

But they're going back to school tomorrow. I said, you know, let's just take them somewhere for, like, eight, nine days. Yeah. Did you got to do that? Especially in today's world, we don't know what's going to happen next, man. You got to enjoy time with the family. Who knows what we're going to be able to do in the future, you know? So enjoying time and, you know, just keeping doing what we're doing. Hustling and preaching the good word.

Legacy and Impact

Yeah, for sure. You know, I want to compliment you one thing that not a lot of people would do in the space is, you know, I'm not going to bring up the whole conversation, but, you know, you was basically talking about how this space works, and you were being very transparent and honest with people about how it goes, and, you know, I've been doing this for a long time now. At first, it was my real name that I used on crypto, and then I was like, you know what? I just want to be decentralized. The whole purpose of crypto, you know, a huge purpose, would be to be decentralized.

Understanding Project Structures and Responsibilities

So let me go ahead and do that. You know, but you said something in the space about, you know, basically how projects work, what, you know, what your side of the project would be, like, maybe your job or your responsibility in that sense. And I heard one guy say, you know, he didn't take allocations, and he was kind of like, no, dude, don't lie. You know, and basically was kind of showing people that, you know, this is how the game works, which it works in all facets of business, real estate, everything.

Insight into Business Practices

You know, it could be multiple people going in on a house, and we all flip it for, you know, I've done this many times, but I. There's always something, you know, that maybe not a lot of people are taught or they know. But I also want to state this, too, that there's a lot of things in business that's the reason why business is successful. Right. You know, not everybody does know, and that's why the winners win. But the people who want to learn, they'll definitely learn.

Opportunities for Learning

Yeah, no, 100%. There's. There's a lot of people that just don't really cuff up. Like, when I hear, like, oh, we're 100% organic, you know, or grass Fed projeCt. We don't do anything unorthodox. We just keep everything organic, and they'll throw that organic word around. Nothing organic about the space, and there's nothing organic about it. Doesn't have to be like, if you look at any stores or business that are successful, I mean, they spend MonEy on marketing.

Insights on Marketing Dynamics

Fine. You should, you know, look at. Look at any gym memberships equallY. Look at Equinox. They spend tons of MonEy on marketing 24 hours fitness. They had magic Johnson, they gave him a piece of their gym. Just to sit there at a gym for, like, a year and sign autographs and welcome people, and they gave. It was called, used to be called MaGIC Johnson's 24 hours fitness. I remember I met him therE. And not because I knew him, just because he was signed to a contract and he's like, can't wait for, like, day number 320.

Business Success Stories

I can stop coming here every morning and doing the bike with, ask people, asking me questions. So there's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong marketing. And that's what people don't understand. Yeah, 100%. We all know that. Like the old story, people be like, you can pay for a billboard, and, you know, they will pass by probably a thousand times before they actually go eat or go to the business itself. You know, like, I like the organic thing. I like people saying that.

Challenges in Perception and Reality

But in all reality, in any business in life, if, you know, the one who does it first ruins it for everybody. So if somebody starts marketing then or anything, you know, then it had. There's a game that you're gonna have to play, you know, to outbeat the. The one who's doing the performance of, you know, the marketing or whoever's doing that, whatever, you know. So, you know what I'm saying? Basically, at the end of the day, anything that opens up, new or old, will have some sort of game to be played.

Final Thoughts on Strategic Approaches

And if you don't play the game, you know, your chances of making it are very low. Yeah, I know. A hundred percent, dude. You got it.

Family and Fitness

You got to bring your family next time. Bitcoin. You see, you see a big guy like me, that's like a tour for. Exactly. Exactly. One of my really good friends as a bodybuilder, he's actually owns the gold gym out in north Hollywood. Oh, that's what's up. I guarantee that's business. Oh, yeah. So I work out with him once in a while. I mean, he's, you know, he could pretty much bench me, but we're. We've been friends for a long time, so I've been around that area for a long time. You know, remember rich piano? I do. I think he trained at the north Hollywood and, yeah, I've seen him there a couple times, dude. Yeah, I guarantee that guy was massive. I used to see that one guy who blew up his bicep. I forgot his name. Do you remember that guy? Blew up. Literally blew up.

Bodybuilding and Competition

I don't know. See, like, with bodybuilding, it's so, like, you know, professional and competitive bodybuilding, like, when rich piano started doing that with his arms, kind of, people extorted, you know, push them away. So, like, I don't know. We don't really see that. But I mean, I know that if that dude had, because he put stuff in his arms, I'm sure that shit blows up in your fucking arms. Yeah, no, crazy stuff, man! Blocks. What's going on over there, little bub. What's going on? You guys sleeping on me? Never, bro. I listen to you guys talk about people blowing up their bikes pretty insane. Like, I think this guy had a record of, like, I think it was like, 26 inch. Some bicep that, like, literally blew up. I'm not even kidding, bro. I saw a video where a dude was doing squats. He was squatting, like, I don't know, a thousand pounds or some shit like that.

Injury Stories

It's fucking. His whole ass fell out of his fucking ass while he was fucking squatting. Oh, dude, that's disgusting. Dude, I hate watching those videos. I don't know how I can see you, like, in this, like, three times. Like, there's no way this is fucking real. I mean, you just gave me some good ideas for Grok, too. Thank you. Yeah. Dude, this quad, game changer, have you guys been playing with it? No, people have been sending me. It is so cool. Like, look at this. I did this in about a second. All I did was just go to Grok two and said, create an image of Elon Musk with a hat. This is a money sign crying. Like, it takes seconds. See it? Oh, yeah, that's pretty. I mean, sometimes it'll generate a picture. It doesn't look like it.

Creating with AI

I've got a pretty good one with Kamala and Joe Biden in bed wearing x clothing and hats. You could do some pretty creative stuff, and sometimes it doesn't work. It's how you word it, but it's pretty fun. And it doesn't really look like AI. It doesn't have that whole AI look. It actually looks like a picture. We had someone come in on speculation one night. It was like, a year ago when AI was first getting maybe a little over a year when AI was first getting popular, bro, he showed us everything about prompting and how to word things and how to tell the computer exactly what you want. It's all about the prompting. You can literally change, like, you just. Just start tweaking it, like, little different words and stuff. You can probably google, like, the best prompts for certain things, and it'll probably just.

The Importance of Prompting

It'll probably change your, like, everything you think about, like, how. How to ask Grok for stuff. But, yeah, prompting is the most important thing when it comes to, like, when it comes to this shit. But, yeah, dude, it looks. It looks pretty fucking good. Like, it looks pretty fucking good. Yeah, I just saw your doctor. Doctor Peepee. I just saw the ape wax one you did with Elon. That's pretty damn good. Yeah, well, I mean, you know who you heard about Grok 2.0 doing this from? So I've been playing with it since it came out, man. Did people give you some advice on, like, some of the prompts and all that? How to work? There's things that I can't talk about on a Yemenite recorded space there.

Community and Support

I gotta call you and find out, because I. Some of the stuff I put in, I’m like, what? This doesn’t look like that. Well, I’m just saying Elon has a very good beard, and I’m glad that he’s promoting apex. So there you go. I’m back 50. I had to take. I had to dip out, but I’m back. Oh, good. I’ll get. I thought that girl scared you, dude. Oh, yeah. She’s a little bit mental. Like, I didn’t. I mean, I don’t give a shit about that, but I just had to go run. Don’t let him lie to you. He was in the little bub TG chatting it up. I seen some. Yeah, that’s. That’s respect for that. That’s hard work. You know, that’s what you gotta do. Yeah, that’s what you got to do.

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