Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space discussion provided a deep dive into the complexities of cryptocurrency taxation, particularly focusing on unrealized gains and their impact on market behaviors. A significant part of the conversation highlighted the challenges faced by the Japanese crypto community due to stringent tax regulations. Comparisons were drawn between political promises and actual policy implementations, creating parallels with US policies on marijuana. The discussion also included potential new tax proposals and their feasibility. An insightful interview with Jasmy Samurai brought further depth to the session, which ended with a lively community engagement. The moderators invited the audience for future interviews, ensuring a continuous discussion on this pertinent topic.


Q: What was discussed about unrealized gains?
A: The impact of taxing unrealized gains particularly in Japanese crypto markets.

Q: What are the challenges mentioned in crypto taxation?
A: Complex taxation laws are discouraging crypto involvement.

Q: How do political promises affect crypto policies?
A: Politicians often promise reforms but fail to deliver, impacting confidence.

Q: What was the comparison made with Biden's policies?
A: Biden's unfulfilled marijuana law reforms as a parallel to crypto policy promises.

Q: Are new tax proposals likely?
A: Such proposals are being discussed, but their enactment seems uncertain.

Q: What is the potential impact of new tax laws?
A: New laws could significantly affect market behavior and participant involvement.

Q: Were there any economic implications discussed?
A: Yes, the broader economic impact of crypto policies was debated.

Q: What was the community response?
A: The community was actively engaged, sharing feedback and concerns.

Q: Who was featured in the interview?
A: The interview featured Jasmy Samurai, also known as jiunisme on Reddit.

Q: Are future interviews planned?
A: Yes, there's an open invitation for future interviews and community discussions.


Time: 00:10:00
Opening remarks

Time: 00:20:15
Discussion on unrealized gains tax

Time: 00:35:30
Japan's crypto market challenges

Time: 01:05:20
Comparisons to US political promises

Time: 01:25:00
Proposed tax laws

Time: 01:50:10
Feasibility and economic impact debate

Time: 02:05:45
Interview with Jasmy Samurai

Time: 02:30:00
Community engagement session

Time: 02:45:30
Summary and closing comments

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of unrealized gains in taxation.
  • Recognition of crypto taxation challenges in Japan.
  • Political promises versus actual resolutions.
  • Comparison to Biden's marijuana policies in the US.
  • Potential new tax proposals discussed.
  • Discussion on the feasibility of new tax laws.
  • Economic implications of crypto policies.
  • Community engagement and feedback.
  • Interview featured Jasmy Samurai.
  • Invitation to future interviews and discussions.

Behind the Mic

if it wasn't in jasmine, but I would prefer if it was in an ecosystem where people are earning jasmine that they can actually recycle and it can be free. But you can't. It can't, it won't be free if you don't participate. Exactly. Only one thing about what Jasmine Wallet and their, they mentioned if in order to have a fully function activate, you must deposit jasmine in it. It's like, you know, XRP, if you want to activate the wallet, you must like deposit ten, at least ten XRB in order to like make a transaction between exchange to wallet or whatever. So jasmine have the same concept. In order to have the fully function, okay, wallet, you must deposit, which is another way to hold the coins. So yeah, they've said that there will be a small deposit for users, but that can be withdrawn at any time. You can, yeah, you can unstate and get off the platform. Yeah, but you will lose the privilege of having the wallet full because there is a reward for it. So you must make a deposit in order to use the fully function wallet. Correct. Which means that if you. Yeah, if you take your wallet, it means nothing. I mean, it's like subscription and from there you can use the data like obtain the DD coin, whatever the surface that they will give you in the future. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But with the mathematic, with the mass adoption, if they target like hundred million active user, it's also another way to take from the circulating supply the coins. Yes, it would. If you know, if you say even, you know, ten jasmine coin for 100 million users, that's you know, billion right there. And if you make it more, it just gets bigger and bigger. So yes, it definitely would be. Is there is anything about the decentralized GPU by function junction function. You said the decentralized GPU's with Jackson. Yeah, and unfortunately, like, I don't even know enough about, like they have all these plans, obviously, but I haven't been able to find any like details. And. Yeah, and another thing that permissionless AI also like, they're thinking of creating a framework which user can share their GPU for AI enhancement possibilities to do whatever AI human data and a lot of calculations and stuff. So it's one of the permissionless AI functions. Something that all of us may have a little bit of our own little side hustle of computing power. GPUs for good long periods of time can be useful for just those big moderation algorithms that really need us to run through big data sets. And you can see the world changing if a lot of computers can program less freeware, open source tools for the general public, educate themselves, use the resources already given to them, especially in non first world countries trying to be their own central hubs for doing more of their own in-house development as opposed to relying on major corporations to come in and send stuff in. I mean, compute power is the way to go in economies where they need to extract value beyond just human labor. It's modern processes we can get from East Asia and China and all these other makers of semiconductor industries platforms available cheap to build without companies knowing where to get them. A jasmine worker could be making some of these chips and software. A jasmine worker is going to be much more efficient if it's with his own job rather than being on top. No need for corporate involvement, no need for incentives financially. If the person's earning fair wages, good wages from the get-go at a reduced speed and accurate volume for mass production there's going to be demand for their modular chip creations across multiple modules. AI frameworks, that's the big picture. Meantime, hopefully the jasmine wallet can fill a lot of other holes in the road without having to go too far down to the hardware for jasmine enthusiasts. I think there's a lot of good that jasmine can work out for people in the short term, and we're still in this weird early adoption phase. Number of projects going on over there man. I just hope jasmine picks up, and I hope it stays solvent, hope it gets popular. It sticks around because I think honestly as long as they're getting the framework correct I'm looking for companies to fill in some of those gaps. Possibly working with Jasmine wallet. And so many other things we’re partnered with. You're talking about decentralizing GPU supply networks in general. One more Uber next century and maybe all cars won't clog out city streets causing pollution ruining the road for the dependents we'll always rely on. I mean might as well have likeness in pieces in numbers sufficient enough to cover the expenses in computational terms of volume depending on what nation sold to. It's, you know, I might be overshooting the mark, but I hope that's not too overambitious here. If that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. I hope that answers your question. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks. Has anyone heard any updates anything unique from the Jasmine team or has it just been kind of people just talking? Anyone anything burning that we should know about just as jasmine rumors theories? So for a while towards like I was trying to just get a good understanding to see someone could give me an update over there looking for some Jasmine uncensored news, too. You know, I was just as curious if anybody had anything that nobody else knew as much as anybody else. Yep, that's exactly why I was there. Kind of looking for some stuff. And, yeah, there was some good information and. But, yeah, it was when they were accusing you of being somebody else, and I was like, no. And I think I left probably the same time you did. I'm sorry. At that point, there was no reason to be there. There's no debate. There was no trying to understand each other or anything. So I agree. Yeah. I really don't think I lasted about three months on Reddit, I was banned. I got banned within three months. Yeah. You didn't make a new username. People with new usernames. After I got banned, I looked at reviews and there were a lot of mentions of backups I knew. Like everyone had one or something. I was I was able to create a new account without any bans for some time. But then you constantly have to keep up more than me to stay ahead of that. It's crazy, man. And it's all about there's still a learning curve too. So if you're like newbie, you're just going to get chewed up if you're casual, semi-casual, they drop it drop of novelty wears off it's not gonna keep you there without constantly refilling. Yeah, I think one of the mods there. It's not, then they don't break an egg and don't take lightly. So when I got banned, it was for some silly things. But, yeah, I'll tell you that Reddit is definitely difficult place. It's the worst place. Yeah, yeah, definitely. But you have to program the right voice sometimes to get the help. So I def know how you feel. I can empathize. But when I went to Jasmine, yeah, I liked what saw I just wasn't able to engage very much. A lot of places if you like slightly outside customary thoughts gets rough how they implement it. Absolutely. Which I hope the non-sanctioned platforms will prevent that from being a problem. Because people can trade with what they got the tools to start. Almost like a criticism I think as well turning into resource and opportunity. People resource. Those alone more like an object became more abstraction especially when you piece them together. Do you think we'll ever get our OG NFTs and maybe they'll be valuable then? Oh, gosh, I really want mine just for my own personal story. Still haven't got, like, when I win something, I want it. You know, I think the NFTs that are coming out now for Jasmy and Jasmy's podesthe partners, they're gonna be worth something. They're the first stage of the Metaverse. So it's like having the earliest Pokemon cards and like you say, it's, you know, some of these artists only become famous when they die. Like Vincent van Gogh, you know, nobody knew about him when he was alive. And everyone, you know, now he's painting. So for millions. So imagine in 1020 years time when jasmine something big and it's in everything that's connected to IoT and is regarded to data. I think Jasmy's kind of collectibles are going to be worth something, man. It's going to be the, it's like version one of something. The NFTs now is the early NFT technology. It's going, yeah, the future. And like I say, you know, the changing landscape of how we keep our information about ourselves. It's got new radical uses coming out and so much grander capabilities. And it's just, it's, we're a little bit ahead of ourselves, I think maybe like misunderstood. But that doesn't mean it's not coming down the pipes anytime soon either. Just a little perspective on holding. Is there any estimation on how long it will take to get there? on some of accomplishments? Are there any controls back in place that make me things taking longer certain games regulations landscapes out there would otherwise in junction has the Jasmine ecosystem forthcoming. Projects keynote is in the content so forth. We want to make sure you can borrow. People can trade underwear for copper, you know, whatever they need, you know, and hopefully the people in the actual governments can benefit from that trade. And not just global conglomerates, which we see everywhere. That's still mostly how it's done. I expect to see more countries fighting for their independence from corporations. But I think also corporations have it on lock on how to get in and get resources out. And when you don't deal with them, it can take 2030 years and six civil wars before it will ever happen. So. But for Jasmine to succeed, they're going to need chips and chips require materials. And so I think the only way that any of this works is if the world is working together. And if the world is not working together, then Supply chains will get cut off and you know, not everything will be as easy as you know, one would like. Yeah, definitely. I agree with you. Yeah, that is a good point. All right. I see. Might be time to call it. But. Houston, little bid, man, and it's been an honor being up here with you. Likewise, man. It was a pleasure to hear you, and thank you so much for all what you did for the community. Thank you so much, ma'am. It is your day, and we really appreciate it that we have you today. Thank you. Thank you. And I'll be back at it. We're gonna. We're gonna be hard at work. Hey, guys, I just finished up. Are we, are we wrapping up here? I think so. I think so. Yeah. Good session. Good to hear your voice. Tryingism and. Yeah, big up, everybody. Thank you for having me. All right, everybody, this was episode two of Jasmine samurai interviews, featuring Jasmy Samurai, aka jiunisme from Reddit. And it turned into an open session at the end, which is badass. So, yeah, until next time, if anybody's interested in being interviewed, feel free to send me a DM and we can set something up. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your evening, and be well. Until next time, Hodl that jasmine. Thank you, man. Thank you, guys. Can't wait till number three. It.

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