Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Japa to Tech- Leverage your transferable skills into Business Analysis hosted by NIUKCommunity. The Twitter space 'Japa to Tech- Leverage your transferable skills into Business Analysis' focused on empowering Nigerians in the UK community by discussing the transition of transferable skills into lucrative Business Analysis roles. The space highlighted the importance of networking, continuous learning, personal branding, and adapting to technological advancements for career growth. Key takeaways emphasized the value of mentorship, effective communication, and staying informed about industry trends. By offering insights and tips, the space aimed to support professionals in leveraging their skills for success within the Development Agency niche.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.

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Total Listeners: 117


Q: How can transferable skills benefit a transition to Business Analysis?
A: Transferable skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving can enhance one's ability to analyze business processes.

Q: Why is networking important for career growth?
A: Networking helps in creating connections, discovering opportunities, and gaining insights from experienced professionals.

Q: What role does continuous learning play in career advancement?
A: Continuous learning ensures professionals stay relevant, adapt to changes, and acquire new skills in the evolving job market.

Q: How does personal branding impact career development?
A: Personal branding helps professionals differentiate themselves, establish credibility, and showcase their expertise.

Q: Why is staying informed about industry trends crucial?
A: Being aware of industry trends allows professionals to anticipate changes, innovate, and remain competitive.

Q: How can mentorship contribute to career progression?
A: Mentorship provides guidance, support, and valuable insights from experienced individuals, accelerating career growth.

Q: What are the benefits of building a strong professional network?
A: A strong network can lead to job referrals, collaborations, mentorship opportunities, and exposure to new career paths.

Q: How important is effective communication in business analysis roles?
A: Effective communication ensures clarity, understanding of business requirements, and successful project implementation in business analysis.

Q: Why is upskilling in tech areas essential for marketability?
A: Tech skills are in high demand and can make professionals more competitive and adaptable to industry changes.

Q: Why is adapting to technological advancements crucial in the business world?
A: Embracing new technologies allows businesses to innovate, improve efficiency, and stay ahead in the market.

Q: How can leveraging skills within the Nigerian community in the UK be beneficial?
A: The community offers support, networking opportunities, and a platform to showcase skills and expertise among like-minded individuals.


Time: 00:10:35
Importance of Transferable Skills Discussions on how skills like problem-solving and adaptability can translate into successful business analysis careers.

Time: 00:25:48
Networking Insights Exploring the power of networking within the Nigerian community in the UK for career growth.

Time: 00:38:12
Continuous Learning Strategies Tips on staying current in tech and industry trends to advance professionally.

Time: 00:45:20
Personal Branding Tips Insights on building a personal brand to stand out in the competitive job market.

Time: 00:57:09
Mentorship in Career Development Benefits of mentorship and how it can shape one's career trajectory.

Time: 01:10:44
Professional Networking Advice Strategies to expand professional networks and leverage connections for career growth.

Time: 01:25:17
Tech Upskilling Importance Exploring the necessity of keeping up with technological advancements in the job market.

Time: 01:35:29
Effective Communication Insights The role of communication skills in successful business analysis and career advancement.

Time: 01:45:55
Industry Trends Awareness The significance of understanding and adapting to industry trends for career success.

Time: 02:00:12
Adapting to Tech Changes Discussions on embracing technological changes to remain competitive in the business landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Transferable skills hold value in transitioning to Business Analysis roles.
  • Networking within the Nigerian community in the UK can open up new opportunities.
  • Embracing continuous learning is essential for career advancement.
  • Upskilling in tech-related areas enhances marketability in the job market.
  • Effective communication is crucial in business analysis roles.
  • Seeking mentorship and guidance can aid in career progression.
  • Understanding industry trends is key to staying competitive in the job market.
  • Personal branding plays a significant role in career development.
  • Building a strong professional network can lead to new opportunities.
  • Adapting to technological advancements is crucial in the business world.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Initial Thoughts

Sadeena. Sadeena. Yo. Gmb. Travis, did you end up getting up here? I did, yeah. Yeah. A little glitchy, but that is life in the land of Twitter spaces. What is up, everyone? We're going to be talking about NFTs today and specifically ordinal NFTs and all the NFTs, so going to be interesting to hear. Are they dead? Are they. Are they still. Are they on life support or do they got an IV drip? I mean, what's the deal? What do you think, Matt? Yeah, this is sick. And yeah, totally hear you on the co-hosting thing. My blood pressure is always elevated when that happens, and that's why I like to do this type of work, because I can't just live a normal lifestyle NFT-wise, dude, I'm here for it. I'm stoked to talk to Mister Black later, our sponsor. But I looked into the NFTs and cool art also noticed that it's free. So. Anyway, don't need to start shilling that just yet. Just yet. But it's cool to see some friends up here from the NFT world.

Discussion on NFTs and Ordinals

I'm actually, like, pretty excited to talk to Platty, but yeah, man, Travis, it's a. It's been a good day dialing in here. Stoked to talk about NFTs and ordinals, especially. Big, big topic. Feels like we're kind of in an area right now where the market is. Has got some, like, grumblings happening deep in the cave of NFT land, and maybe they're going to come out of the cave and start wreaking havoc on the land and maybe they won't. Maybe they're gonna keep sleeping, but that kind of seems like the vibe from my perspective. I'd be curious to hear what the rest of the crowd has to say. I'd love to hear from Platty, if that's all right. Maybe kick it over to her. Haven't heard that voice in a while. Her voice in a while. Platty, what's going on in your end of the NFT world? What are you. What are you seeing from your perspective? Oh, hi, Matt. I'm just finishing up at work. If you can give me a minute, I would love to see lots of things.

Community Perspectives

We can give you a minute or two or three, as many as you need. 21 million. What do you think? What are you thinking about this whole NFT stuff going on right now? I'm Matty, personally, man, I love it. You're talking to me, right? 21? I'm hoping. Yeah, I wasn't sure. I had a couple of mics turn off. But for me, I think it's actually pretty great because the sense of community, right? So many things were down during that bear market, man. And I think a lot of people just lost the energy of what it takes to actually be in this market and what it feels like to be during this part of the cycle. So to me, it's actually amazing to see not only that people are, the NFTs are making that comeback, but at the same time, people are actually having the ideas of creating new things. Right. The 404s are a great new idea. They're still escaping that kind of old sentiment like old NFTs.

Transition to New Trends

I think people have kind of a sour taste in their mouth over the last four, three years, right? Let's just say of things that were kind of coming and going. And now a lot of us have gotten more educated, we've gotten more intelligent, and we know what to look for. And at the same time, I like to see this because NFTs are completely different from tokens. And to me, as someone from the gaming side, I prefer them not only for the gaming use, but also because, again, you have more of a community like, hey, my PFP. This is who I am, and your PFP is who you are. We can both be token holders, but you can't be the token. You could be the part of the NFT, if that makes sense. So I want to. I like to see it kind of going back up and you're going to see it again as the larger communities take over and run with the NFT, that's where I think you'll see more of an influence and an inspiration come from.

Looking Ahead in the NFT Space

The smaller communities as well. They just need to see that back then. It's part of the cycle. It's going to come and it's bitcoin. Right? Larger small caps, larger alts. Excuse me, right, smaller alts. And then we kind of will get to NFTs. We just need some creative ideas. I want to see number one again, more on the gaming side. Number two, let's get away from the animals. You know, I think we've had every single animal possible. You really get creative. Guys like, this is crypto, this is bitcoin. It's been around for 15 years. None of us think the same way we did as 15 year olds. We do not have to think the same way we did last year and last cycle. Continue to move things. But thank you, guys. So true.

Sentiments on NFT Market Trends

Love it. We got a bonds and a Fonz. That's pretty good. Hey, Matty, how you doing over there, buddy? Yo. I'm chilling. I'm actually sitting here digging through some charts, volumes by chain, and it's interesting because we're kind of in this sentiment where there are greener pastures coming, good times are about to roll. But at the same time, I look at charts, mints are down on Ethereum and Solana. Volume on chains is still on a downtrend as of last week, coming into this week. So, you know, maybe we haven't bottomed yet. Maybe we haven't bottomed yet. But I still think that there are some, you know, put narratives that people can jump on. And I'm super curious to hear from the panel how they perceive, you know, the kind of just taking it a step further. Like, what are some narratives in NFT land that, you know, people can lean into? How are, how are things trending?

Current Trends and Project Insights

You know, we actually have a fair amount of ordinals projects in here on the panel. I think. Bonds, you're a pizza ninja, if I'm. If I'm not mistaken. Absolutely, man. I think one of the more blue chip of the. Of the bitcoin collections. Yeah. Facts. And, like, I'm looking at. At, you know, ordinals. So you guys are top ten pizza ninjas on Magic Eden. And, you know, I'm seeing chart go up and to the right over the last 30 days for most of these top ten collections on here. So how is the status quo looking from your perspective? And where do you guys see this kind of heading in the upcoming quarters? Super bullish. That's really all I can say. And I guess even when were in that sort of lull, I mean, I know everybody's been kind of. We've been doing the crab walk all summer, right. And I think it kind of the collections that sort of held their floor in bitcoin terms all summer while we were just going sideways chop forever.

The Role of Founders in NFT Success

You know, the, especially like, you know, blue chip collections, like pizza ninjas, obviously, with what Trevor's doing and, you know, sort of leading the charge over there. When you have, when you have founders that are putting in the work like these guys, you know, it's like people want in. And of course, like pizza ninja specifically is like kind of a smaller collection. There's only 1500 of them. So it's like, there's just not enough for everybody. It's kind of like bitcoin, right? there's not enough for everybody. So, I think collections like that obviously held their value, but, you know, you have the, you know, the ombs of the world and, you know, the frogs and of course, the quantum cats and, you know, all these other blue chip collection. But I think what's happening on bitcoin is like, is sort of. I mean, obviously that's where I'm focused. That's where my energy is, so. Or my attention is, I should say so.

Shifting Perspectives and Successful Projects

I, of course, I'm bullish on everything happening on bitcoin. I think the amount of development is obviously off the charts. I think that's where sort of the majority of the brain power kind of went, from last cycle to this cycle. And, So. Yeah, nice. I know. Go ahead, buddy. I see, I see Mister Black's got his hand up and I want to go to him, but. Go ahead, man. no, you know what? Let's hear from Mister Black. I like, I like this dude's PFP. And I want to hear his perspective. Hi, guys. Thank you. I appreciate the time. So, first of all, I hear a lot of people talking about ordinals. I know I look scary, but I have to be very kind. My first collection I actually created was on Ethereum, and this collection is on bitcoin ordinal. What I noticed, and by the way, I heard someone mention about they're sick of animals.

Introducing Humanity Collection

What I created was humanity. I created 21,000 pieces. And I guess in honor of the 21 million bitcoins, I created humanity. Really, this project took me years to make. And it's really interesting. And it's free, by the way. So I'm not selling anything. I would like to clear that up. I'm not selling anything. It's free mint. However, gas fees are not going to me, obviously, we all know, but it's a really cool project. It's very different. As we all. I heard many of my comrades and my brethren who spoke about something different. This I truly believe is different. Yes, it's meant to. Yeah. Black. Before we dig into the. The project and the collection, can you zoom out for me a little bit and just kind of share what is going on in the ordinal space from your perspective?

Future of Art and Ordinals

Oh, yeah. So what, I believe the ordinals. I believe the ordinals is the future of art, right. Because really what, it's inscribed in the Satoshi. Right. Inscription on the Satoshi. Right. So really, what it is, it's art that's forever, right? It is eternal art, essentially, right? Because if you really think about it, I'm talking about art from art perspective. My first project, Tripsters, was on Ethereum. I launched it May 1, the day after other sites. It was the worst possible timing. It wasn't a success. Ever since then, I've been working. But what I noticed when it wasn't a success, I was able to modify the metadata, right? So as the creator of the art, I realized, wait, I was able to create the metadata. Elon Musk mentioned something about nfts, you know, during the last bull run.

Inscriptions and Permanence of Art

Is that really if an ETH program, if EtH project doesn't do well, then, you know, the creator technically has opportunity to change. Right. Now on the satoshi, what I noticed, right, is when you inscribe it, I, as an artist, no matter what I inscribe, is there forever, right? Gun to my head, I cannot change it. Now you compare it to traditional art, right? Traditional art, you have the opposite. You have the opposite effect. The creator leaves it to the owner. The owner. Though, as you study art, I've studied art tremendously. They've been masterpieces that have been modified. They modified for the times. Now, the creator, the artist, unfortunately, his origin of the art was modified by the owner. Now, art on the satoshi can never be modified by the creator or the purchaser.

Eternal Art and Its Significance

Therefore, it's eternal art. That's really my point. And I think it's. I really do believe, I honestly do believe it is the future of art. I think that's the cool use case about ordinals, right? Because you inscribe, it's all inscriptions. It's there forever. It's not like nfts on ERc 20 where, you know, you can always change the metadata. You can always update the. The files if they're on ipfs. Or aws, like. Exactly right. And it's all there. You better be ready to put that up. Fine. In finality when you do that. Go ahead, Mister Black, and then we'll kick it over to taco. No, so that. I mean, yes, ERc 20, you could, but yes. So the inscriptions that I made, as you see, they already, by the way, already begin minting the inscriptions.

Cultural Commentary through Art

Like Mister Biden, you see, I think he was number 46. You know, you could see my thing. You could see that it's already live. He was inscribed as the cowardly leader. Right. Because he has been nothing more than a cowardly leader. Right. But it's a really cool collection. It's created humanity. There's all sort of athletes, rock stars, raps, rappers, movie stars. It's a really very different collection. And it's free. Absolutely free. Yeah. Love to hear it. The eyes are always watching. And let's. Let's put a pin in that for now. I'm gonna reset the space a little bit. We'll dig into a deeper ama with you, Mister Black, in about 15 minutes from now to learn more about the project.

Engagement and Community Interaction

In the meantime, I want to ask people in the crowd, I mean, everyone that has nfts, whether it's on bitcoin, Cardano, Solana, Ethereum, it is imperative that you are working for your own bags. I know anyone that I know, that is, someone is always down to share. You know what nfts, they're rocking recently. So if there's people in the crowd, give us a comment. Show us what your favorite nfts are that you're rocking, whether it's on ordinals, whether it's on ethereum, you know, if you have node monkeys, bitcoin puppets, some quantum cats, ombs, frogs, ninjas, like, I want to see them all, and I want to see them down in the comments, I'm stoked to kind of scroll through, even though I may disagree with some of the art on these things, because it literally looks like someone made it an MS paint.

Critique and Humor in NFT Art

And I know that's what one of them did. But, you know, apparently that's art. That's the beauty of it. All right. It's so bad. It's good. So let me see those comments, folks. Give us retweets as well. But diving back in, I know bonds, you had your hand raised, and I think it was taco, but I'd love to hear your takes. Let's take it a little further here. Yeah, I just wanted to add one little, I think, important point to what Mister Black was saying. Like, I think there's like a distinction to be made between, you know, ordinals and, you know, he brought up ipfs pointers or being able to be able to change the metadata or change the collection.

The Dangers of Metadata Changes

I think, I think to take it a step further, it's like the real danger is like these projects. Basically, if you're buying a link to ipfs or whatever server, wherever it is, you're kind of beholden to like someone maintaining that server. And like there's already collections on Ethereum that like you can go to that collection and it's like you get like a 404 error. Like the NFT doesn't exist, right? So like, so like you're beholden that something that wherever that NFT is actually stored. If you're, if you're buying like a pointer to somewhere, like you're, you don't really own anything because someone can turn that server off or they could stop paying the bill over AwS or whatever the case and like, you own nothing.

Security and Decentralization in Bitcoin Art

And I think that's like the huge difference between, actually inscribing our on bitcoin. That's like basically hosted, decentrally, decentralized all over the world. Like everybody who's running nodes like this data will be kept forever and you'll always be able to access it and there's nobody that can just really shut it off or stop paying the bill on the server or just kind of rug your NFT. Like if you own that satoshi and you own that inscription, you'll be able to sort of access that forever. I think that's sort of an important distinction. I just kind of want to make that point. Yeah. Facts. I also like the idea of like real world use cases with nfts. I'd be curious to see how that all shakes up with inscriptions and the bitcoin.

Bitcoin Network Resilience and Future

Because the idea is that like, you know, as long as the network is alive, BTC, those inscriptions will be there. So, you know, non zero chance of it going down. But, but, you know, the way things are going, hash rate keeps building. Seems like we'll have this network going for a while. Such a great, such a great point. You know, a lot of those tokens are, you know, even the ones we launched on wax was really early on, so those were on Pinata. Right? So they're still on cloud. And I know a lot of these other Ethereum ones are also not necessarily on the chain. So it is fast. Dude, I was looking at this. It's crazy how the prices have gone down.

Market Fluctuations and Predictions

Like you can get a bored ape for almost the same price as the pudgy penguin. Now, you know that's pretty crazy. It's wild. And, and the, the fudding that led to us getting to this point, it just, there's so much lost porn that people have been sharing and, but people are still holding, you know, I don't know. I have no idea where they're going to go. I have no idea what the future holds. It's just incredible to see, you know, how the waves of innovation and just because someone is on the top and is king doesn't mean that they will be king for it. Volume starting to pop off on some of these, too.

Engaging with the NFT Community

If you go on DAP radar and take a look at the rankings of the various NFT collections and it's just always fun. If you like nFts, go do that. But you can see here over the last 24 hours and over the last week, the volumes are increasing, there's more sales happening. So it seems like we're at that beginning stages. And I think people have said, hey, maybe we're at the bottom. Like the average price of a board ape over the last 24 hours was 32 grand and now the floor price is 40 grand. So I mean, that's kind of a thing where that's a quick flip. So if that movement is going to happen that those go back up to 100 grand or whatever.

Potential Growth and Caution

Not financial advice or whatever, clearly, but it's kind of fascinating to take a look at that stuff. Yeah, bless anyone that has the ability to even like dive in financially. I'm kind of scrolling through the bitcoin floor prices of some of these ordinals and I just know that it's just like sticker shock for a lot of folks when they're going to try a. .1 BTC is not what it used to be and say, I mean, you go up 0.2, you know, I see 0.25 here. It's just 0.01. I mean, I've read a statistic the other day. It's like one bitcoin is starting to be more and more rare.

Rarity of Bitcoin Ownership

So like an owner of one bitcoin is becoming to be more rare than ever before. It's like .01% of the entire holders on bitcoin have a full coin and that number is only going to get smaller. I imagine loads of hands. Let's keep it moving, platy. I saw you were up first. What's up? I did want to ask Mister Black some questions because I honestly went to look at the collection. I plugged in some numbers and I looked at the piece he was talking about. Biden. I have so many questions. There's like ones with pizza.

Collaborative Community Engagement

But now that you've talked about NFT trading volume, I just wanted to ask you, what do you think about, you know, how do you measure cross community collaboration? Because like for example, I'm a SaPI seal holder. The Seals might not have an increase in volume yet. The community is so active when they go and raid a game that just came out or another protocol and there's power in that.

Measuring Community Movement

And how do you measure it? Like, you don't know that the community is out minting something and they're moving. I like to see when, you know, it's on the same chain, you can measure how many of the holders who minted this new project came from that project. People don't always think about that or talk about that because they're looking, is that collection moving? Well, yeah, they are. They're moving on to other projects and accumulating other stuff. Yeah. The other thing is like, you know, there's airdrop farming, there's minting, but also like rating games. And I think that's really important when we look to the NFT bull run beginning, like, don't count out those projects because those projects are ogs that have the knowledge, that have the information that are going to network. There's going to be a network effect and they're going to be grasping onto opportunities and then people are going to realize, oh, if I had that information from one of these, from holding, not necessarily a seal, but anything, it could be like, there's so many projects that I'm a part of that are like that.

Value from Holding Projects

It's like, oh, wow, thank God. I hold this project and it's so undervalued. It's. .02 you can get one for .02. And then they get me access to all kinds of things. There we go. Starting to see more utility. So that's exciting. Love to see that. Hey, taco, I see your hands up, buddy. Let's keep, let's keep it moving. We got, we're getting close to the mid to near the end, so we want to get the other hands taken care of. But thank you for your input today, buddy. Yeah, I just wanted to say this is a great conversation about NFTs I heard, like, DaP radar was mentioned. I like to go to crypto slam IO. So you can look at like, all time sales and volume. They even track wash trading. So I mean, you can see Ethereum is well and far in the lead at $44 billion in sales. Then you got Solana at 5.8 billion. And then really close to Solana is bitcoin at 4.5 billion. So.

2021 NFT Market Reflections

And also what platy was saying that just reminded me of like, 2021, the NFT bull market. It actually, joining an NFT collection back then actually got me a job in crypto. And I'm super thankful for that because it's allowed me to be on a stage like this and talk to you great people about crypto and NFTs as a whole. And even rewinding the conversation just a little bit on chain art on Ethereum, for example, that is like set in stone. You cannot edit the metadata. So there are collections out there that have on chain art on Ethereum. But yeah, you cannot deny the fact that bitcoin ordinals are inscribed on satoshis. And I don't know if this was said, but, like, the pizza ninjas, I believe. I believe there's like a little icon next to some of those NFTs that illustrate that was a satoshi that was used to purchase that bitcoin, that pizza back in the day. That guy is famous for purchasing, using, I think, 10,000 bitcoin to purchase two pies. Yeah, Laszlo, all pizza ninjas are on.

NFTs and Unique Value Propositions

Are on pizza sats. Okay, there you go. There you go. So just that little bit of history provides that more of a value proposition for those type of NFTs. So again, yeah, NFTs, I think they are going to flourish in the future, whether it be gaming. I mean, Ronin. Ronin is known as like the blockchain, gaming central or one of them. And they're at a 4.2 billion in sales in their all time history. And like, crypto slam also goes by buyers. So you could see all the buyers across all these different chains. You can see the top collections. So I think NFTs are definitely here to stay and they're going to just keep growing and the technology and the communities, like buddy was saying, are going to infiltrate different NFT collections and just expand. Absolutely. You know that, you know, crypto slam started off tracking only wax and because in the early days, so we've had a chance to chat with that guy. He was a one man band.

The Emergence of Crypto Communities

Yeah, yeah. I love the fact that. There it is. I was about to ask about the discord. We're also telling everyone to join Mario's discord. There's going to be a bunch of alpha around crypto defi politics, AI, sports and more. So I'm stoked about that. It's just going to be a nice little community where you can go and jam with us and really just, you know, align with what's going on at the Mario ecosystem. So, yeah, with that being said, we're going to talk to mister Black now. There's, there's a lot to unpackage here because I went to the website and I was like, oh, another NFT project. I mean, that's just like my, you know. Right, Jake? You know, reaction. But the reality is, I mean, it's free. And when I saw that, I was like, all right, I kind of want to talk to this dude now. And I'm stoked that he's here. And I kind of went through, which is also cool, the artwork viewer, you can go in and put a, put in a number and it shows you, literally shows you the art that got minted on that particular mint.

Launching Unique Projects

So anyway, we're here and there's a lot to dig into with the eyes kind of ordinals, bitcoin, nft, mint. I think the thing that is really interesting to me is the amount here, 21,000 unique ordinals on bitcoin. Mister Black, what, just out of, you know, sheer curiosity, what made you land on that number? Well, 21 million bitcoin divided by a. Thousand is, well, there goes that topic. What about the thousand? Why a thousand? Because it was very godly. And if you notice in the Bible, God talks a lot about a thousand. So if you notice, by the way, I encourage people, this is free, so I'm not trying to sell you anything. Also, another thing I want to point out, I'm launching, talk about unique. I am launching a tequila called Casa Malka. If you look, I believe it's number six in the viewer.

Community and Art

What do you mean, six in the viewer? I mean, if you look at the art viewer, number six, the six piece of art. It's casa malka tequila. Casa malka means house of the Queen Casa in Spanish, as we all know. And Malka in Hebrew means queen house. The queen malka. You guys, look on Instagram, I'm doxxing myself by the nut behind who I am. Casa Malka is the name of the Instagram account. And I'm claiming it's the holy spirit. So this is very, something very real on bitcoin. And like I said, I'm not selling you anything. It's been around. It's launched the same exact time. What's very unique is I'm launching both projects at the exact same time, which is very interesting because bitcoin, the idea of bitcoin is universal. I know many people spoke about what I truly believe because I launched an Ethereum project, I launched now a Satoshi project is that I'm actually not claiming, and I want to make this very clear to anyone, this is an, it looks like a community owned project.

Clarifying Concepts of Ownership

It is not. It is strictly art. I'm not making any, precisely any. And you can please read the disclaimer also any claims of utility. I'm just claiming that it's art. Now, my Ethereum project, tripsters does have utility. The trip. Other projects talk about bringing communities together. I think Ethereum is very different because Ethereum and bitcoin, if you really think about what they are, bitcoin really is meant for store value on the Satoshi. If you really study what could hold, what could be held on the Satoshi, only very limited data on Ethereum on their hand, it could, it's meant to grow layers, right? So it's meant to connect. But I, that's why I'm not making any claims of a community owned art. It just, it looks like I created humanity. By the way, there's some really cool ones in there.

Cultural Representations in Art

Lebron's in there, Messi's in there. I mean, I. Babe Ruth's in there. Every, every rock rappers, people, rock stars who passed away, unfortunately. Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix. I mean, huge music guy. I'm 40 years old. Exactly. And I've been an introvert my whole life and I've been listening to music. So it really represents me, to be honest. Mister Black. And it's a really cool project. There's been no promotion. I want to point that out. It's been completely pure. No, very, very little marketing. It's really meant to.

The Concept of Eyes Watching

And by the way, another thing, the eyes are always watching. The eyes always watching is in reference to God's eyes, right? It's really to remind humanity that God is always watching. And that's really. So, Brooke, by the way, I love the. Yeah, absolutely. Yes. Please. By the way, I ramble on, so please feel free to call me off at any time. Sorry. Okay. You're the man. Thanks.

Discussion on Religion and Life

The. The bottle is talking about this, you know, touching on this whole, like, religion thing, and I. First of all, the haim. Cheers. Yes. To life. And that's what we're all here for, right? For life. You know, I love the. The jewish kind of, you know, integration there with the. With the casa, you know, the two languages, merging the bottle itself, just so you know, look like. Really reminds me of my youth when I used to go to church all the time and the priests would have the. The holy water like, it looks like a holy water vase, you know?

Art and Expression

So that's what it is. Look, how about this? You know, I know this whole. Look, I'm making many claims. I really don't want to talk about them until it's minted out. But please, I encourage people. I encourage people to read it, and I want to. I want to point something else out, okay? huh. Okay. I I have been silenced by x, which is very backwards, okay? They have silenced me for what I'm writing. Okay? Talk about freedom of expression. Okay. Freedom. Expression is a lot worse. You take away freedom of expression is. I mean, look, they're rationalizing.

Critique on Freedom of Expression

Take. Taking away freedom of free speech, okay, by saying they're protecting, you know, that, right, in a righteous way, which is Elon Musk. Not spend $44 billion for an artist to be silenced. Right. It's completely fucking backwards. I mean, it's. It's. It's completely. I mean, we are living in. I mean, this. This is for. If you. If you see, I. You know, I'm obviously very right wing because I think the left is ran by name. Someone named Misses Saros in my. In my art collection, because I am Hebrew. Soros in Hebrew actually means hardship.

Art Collection and Intentions

And you'll see, I hope my popes within this art collection, that the world will see. And by the way, there's a public forum, and I am doxed. I'm calling him out publicly that he is evil on the planet. Him and Kamini man in Iran. My art collection, I hope, will highlight that. And really, it's. It's. It's. It's for free. I mean, I can't stress that enough. I'm not selling. I'm not selling anything.

Background and Work Experiences

Mister Black, what made you want to do the collection and Casa Malta at the same time? Like, is there any. Well, what's even more fascinating about my story, and I'm happy to tell it more once. Once the whole story is out, is I actually am a manager in a hedge fund. I was on Wall street for 20 years. So I did three things at one time, which is, I don't even know how it's even possible, but I was nice. I gotta say that. I gotta say this, mister Black, you got an interesting story. We got six minutes left on the space, so we want to make sure that we can cover as many of these things as possible.

Discussion on Crypto and Choices

I guess maybe the first thing would be, aside from all that, is, what made you choose the BTC chain primarily? Well, I realized it was eternal. Right. I realized that BTC lasts forever and Ethereum and, you know, you heard Elon. You know, really? Elon gave me the idea, to be honest, because, you know, during the last bull run, he started posting about nfts. They're not fun. Like, are they really fungible? Right? And what his point was is that if a company goes bankrupt, they could unplug it.

Significance of Tequila and Additives

Balance. Toshi is there forever. Right. This art, it just lives there. Right. The satoshi is limited to what it could actually hold. It can't hold, you know, doesn't operate the same way as Ethereum or the other chains. It just doesn't. Yeah. Facts. And then, like, you know, I think the. This whole thing, you know, you're. You're kind of like the. The views, the eye is always watching. It all makes sense because it kind of like BTC is the king. At the end of the day, you know, I'm coming from, like, a marketing brain. So to me, this is kind of, like, all kind of weaving together.

Promotion of Clean Tequila

I also like the fact that Casamalca tequila is, you know, branded in such a way where it's like the. Almost like the elixir of life. By the way, great job on doing Blanco and reposado. I know that some people like, you know, more of the smoky flavors in their. In their libation. I know we have a couple point. A couple minutes left. So I'll point out Casamalca is clean tequila, okay? All mainstream tequilas nowadays that are promoted by celebrities have additives in it. Okay? I'm here to expose them, okay? Because they say 100% agave.

Additives and Health Concerns

But I've done tremendous amount of research on what it actually is. Okay. And according to the mexican laws, obviously, there's not much oversight, but there are 4% additives. We're still saying 100% agave. Now, there's a question if it's one for 1% or 14%. So there's very little oversight and there's very lax laws. I am all the celebrities who promote very healthy lifestyles. And by the way, additives, you guys could google it, is coming out, and it's causing tremendous amount of colon cancer in youths. I mean, I'm 40 years old, people as young as 20. And additives is strictly driven by greed.

Education on Additives

By greed. By the suit. The suit. Yeah, very true. And the whole additive thing, you know, I'm glad that you're bringing this up, and I think it requires a lot of education and consistency. Kind of like banging this message home, because they're the agave industry. It's very similar to, like, the mexican avocado industry. You know, they started calling them, like, blood avocados recently. Not to go, like, dark or anything, but, you know, the. The amount of additives. I. And I especially learned this from one of, like, the. The people I follow on Instagram.

Conclusions and Future Directions

It's actually, like a guy that runs a tequila service, you know, a shop online, and he reviews a. All of these tequilas, and he points out, you know, some of. Some of them. Some of them have, you know, your favorite. You know, I'm not gonna. Maybe it's like casamigos or any of those, you know, mainstream ones that you were referring to have stuff like vanilla additives in them. They have other kinds of additives in there that. That aren't. That don't necessarily need to be in there. And especially now when you're tying health into this, I mean, it becomes a big problem.

Wrap-Up of Discussion

It is fascinating, man. I wonder, are we minting tequila today? We're not. This is like tequila talk, guys. We're. I want to shoot this out here, guys. Eyes. 4384.com. That's where the NFT collection is located. I'm curious, mister Black, why that particular number? I'm trying to find the numerology behind it, but I don't understand. What is 4384? Okay, so listen, you have to understand is that I was born in Jerusalem till age of three, and then I was raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Okay.

Personal Connections to Numbers

So I always celebrate in my english birthday. Recently, I reconnected to my lunar because that really was. There's. We have a solar calendar and a lunar calendar, right? All created by God. Right. I always am very into signs, right? I always followed my solar sign, not my lunar. And when I realized four through a four actually represents the hebrew date. But what's fascinating about my birthday, 624 84, okay. Is June 24, 1984, was my birthday in the lunar calendar.

Cosmic Significance of Birthday

Tonight at 07:00 p.m. an hour and a half, it will represent 624 84 in the lunar calendar. Because being born in 1984, you can see, is a very odd year. The lunar calendar and the solar calendar are aligned the same. So I've, my birthday in. Both calendars are cyclical. That's fascinating. That's fascinating. As we're wrapping this thing up, mister Black, I'd like to ask, where would you like folks to follow along? How do they mint?

Instructions for Minting

Where do they get anything else you'd like to include on it? So, okay, so you could mint on the, you can mint on my x 4384. There's a minting site, it's free. You can see the art that's already been minted. A lot of, I mean, really, it's humanity. It's a really cool project. I had a team of researchers research the top 20 crypto countries and do tremendous amount of research about their tradition. Not just Americans, right? We are America, but really what their tradition is.

Cultural Representations Through Art

So you'll see a lot of culture from, you know, the east, from Asia, from Russia, from China. It's really, it's meant to represent humanity. So it's really, it's a cool project. And I was, I want to say 1.1 more thing out, okay. I originally started on Ethereum. Okay? I realized, dare, I think he's listening. He gave me the idea to put it on bitcoin. I paid $440,000 to do it, to switch it. The Ethereum contract was already created.

Final Thoughts on Bitcoin

I really wanted to do Satoshi. So it's eternal. It lasts forever. And I was able to envision the difference, right? And really, by the way, in terms of 21,000, you see, you have to understand that I truly believe, and we all believe, because we're all here, that adoption is really around the corner. Okay? And a lot of my project is about cash is trash, right? And you read my scriptures. Cash is trash.

Satoshi's Enigma

And really, I truly believe bitcoin is the future. And by the way, talking about God, Satoshi, no one knows who Satoshi is, right? We don't know who he is. Like, who is he like? And think whether he was created by God or he's very God of the human. Most of us would have taken, if not all of us, probably every single one of us would have taken the $20 billion by now, right? Facts.

Conclusion of the Conversation

And I think on that, we should end the space for today. Guys. We have Mister Black here from eyes four, three, eight, four dot com. The art is pretty dope. The mint is free. The, the number checker is cool. The artwork viewer to be able to jump in there and do that. Really interesting story, man. And wish you the best of luck on the mint. I hope you get it to the 21k that you're trying to get to. Congrats on Casa Malka.

Wrapping Up the Session

And, yeah, follow Mister Black and our lovely panelists here today, and we'll see you all on the next Mario Nafal roundtable. Thanks, everyone. Have a great rest of your days. Appreciate it, guys. Thank you. Have a bus day, guys. Thanks, guys.

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