Israel-Iran-Jewmerica Mess! (w Lou Rage)


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Israel-Iran-Jewmerica Mess! (w Lou Rage) hosted by RealBroNat. In the ‘Israel-Iran-Jewmerica Mess!’ space with Lou Rage, the intricate geopolitical dynamics between Israel, Iran, and America were explored, shedding light on historical contexts, media influence, and the impact of geopolitical alliances on international relations. The conversation emphasized the need for global awareness, understanding of historical backgrounds, and the role of political discourse in dealing with complex international relationships. The dialogue underscored the interconnectedness of actions and policies among these nations, reflecting the complexities of diplomacy and conflict resolution on a global scale.

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Q: What are some key geopolitical tensions discussed in the space?
A: The space delves into the intricate dynamics between Israel, Iran, and America, highlighting their complex relationships and histories.

Q: How do media narratives impact public perception of geopolitical issues?
A: Media narratives have a significant influence on shaping public opinion and understanding of global conflicts, as discussed in the space.

Q: Why is understanding historical contexts crucial in analyzing present-day geopolitics?
A: Historical contexts provide valuable insights into the roots of geopolitical tensions and help in comprehending the current situations between nations.

Q: Why are geopolitical alliances and rivalries important in international relations?
A: Geopolitical alliances and rivalries significantly impact the geopolitical landscape, shaping the dynamics of international relations and diplomacy.

Q: What role does public awareness play in navigating global issues?
A: Having a globally informed perspective is vital in understanding the multifaceted implications of foreign policies and international conflicts, as highlighted in the space.

Q: How do state foreign policies shape international interactions?
A: The discussion emphasizes how state foreign policies can trigger a chain reaction of events with diverse consequences, affecting global relationships.

Q: Why is political discourse crucial in dealing with complex international relationships?
A: Political discourse and analysis play a key role in navigating intricate international relationships, offering insights into diplomatic strategies and conflict resolution mechanisms.


Time: 00:15:30
Geopolitical Complexities Unveiled Exploring the intricate relationships between Israel, Iran, and America in the current geopolitical landscape.

Time: 00:25:12
Media Influence on Perceptions Analyzing the impact of media narratives on public opinions and understandings of global conflicts.

Time: 00:37:45
Historical Insights for Today’s Geopolitics Understanding the significance of historical contexts in analyzing and deciphering present-day geopolitical scenarios.

Time: 00:45:20
Alliances and Rivalries in Global Relations Examining the role of geopolitical alliances and rivalries in shaping international diplomacy and relationships.

Time: 00:52:10
Public Awareness and Informed Perspectives Emphasizing the importance of global awareness in comprehending the implications of state actions and policies.

Time: 01:05:30
State Foreign Policies’ Ripple Effects Discussing how state foreign policies can have cascading effects on international interactions and relationships.

Time: 01:15:55
Political Discourse in International Relations Highlighting the significance of political discourse in navigating complex international relationships and diplomatic engagements.

Key Takeaways

  • Deep geopolitical tensions exist between Israel, Iran, and the US.
  • The impact of actions and policies in one country can have far-reaching consequences globally.
  • Understanding historical contexts is crucial in comprehending current geopolitical situations.
  • Media narratives play a significant role in influencing perceptions and public opinion.
  • The dialogue highlights the complexities of diplomacy and conflict resolution in the Middle East.
  • Geopolitical alliances and rivalries shape the current landscape of international relations.
  • Insights provided shed light on the nuanced relationships between these key players.
  • The conversation underscores the importance of global awareness and informed perspectives.
  • Foreign policies of states can trigger chain reactions with multifaceted repercussions.
  • Political discourse and analysis are essential in navigating intricate international relationships.

Behind the Mic


Okay, here we are. This is very important. We’re going to talk about and we’re going to continue to do my space the way I always do it. We stick to the topic. And Lou Rage is an expert on mideastern affairs. He knows a lot about jewish crimes. Jumerica crimes. Jumerica war crimes. So what we’re looking at here is we got good guys and we got bad guys. It’s very important to realize that Iran, next to Israel and Jumericka is a good guy. They are not a state sponsor of terrorism. If anyone is a state sponsor of terrorism, it’s Jumerica. Remember Libya, you know, and this terrible guy, Gaddafi, who wanted to give newlyweds a home for free? Who wanted to get off the Rothschild system and start the gold dinarde? A lot of war crimes by Jumeirah. Iraq, huh? Remember that? With the phosphorus bombs that mutilated a lot of Iraqis?

Critique of Current Affairs

Now we have the hacks on Capitol Hill actually praying for Israel as the good guy today. So I wanted to counter it. And so let’s celebrate Putin’s birthday, and let’s not celebrate genocide and raping of prisoners and the bombing of already 4000 residential buildings in Lebanon. Do these hacks realize that the youth are seeing this and they’re despised by the new generation coming up in Jumeirah? Just full contempt. Iran has never executed a single assassination. Mossad, Jumerica, working with the CIA, they’re linked together, has executed many assassinations. Many of the nuclear scientists in Iran have been assassinated by Mossad before Iran could retaliate. But Putin is not a happy camper with Jumeirah, and it’s called a domino effect. He announced five months ago that the enemies of Jumeirah will now be supplied with russian weapons.

Diplomatic Concerns

He came right out and said it. Do we see what the hell these incompetent people are doing? Like amos Hochstein and Anthony Blinken? Jews, I’m not so sure. Maybe Lou Rage knows if Blink is a dual citizen. But Amos Hawksing is a major diplomatic diplomacy, key figure in tandem with this White House useful guy, Brett McGurk, who’s leading the diplomacy between Israel, Iran and the lebanese government. Well, what the hell kind of standing does Jumerica have bringing in someone who was born in Israel, who is now leading the diplomatic negotiations? Do we see that Jumerica is looking like a total non actor, has no credibility whatsoever internationally, not only in the Middle east, you know. And lue rage is going to pitch in pretty soon because we’re going to thread this through.

Escalating Tensions

Do you know that? I’ll say it again. I lost my train of thought. Iran has not executed a single assassination, but Soleimani Khania, ambassador to the Iraq embassy, were assassinated by Mossad, CIA. Jumeirah could stop this genocide immediately. All the White House has to do is call the Pentagon and say, stop supplying phosphorus bombs, bunker buster bombs, which is what got Nasrallah. And I’ll get to that, because there was a negotiation between hoxtein, the lebanese foreign minister, and the Israel Netanyahu regime for a ceasefire in Lebanon with Hezbollah. And stupidly, Hezbollah bought into it. And they’re all assembled, the main leaders, in one place in southern Beirut. And Israel and Hoxin reneged on the agreement. The no good bastards. And all the Mideast sees this.

The Nature of Conflict

And bunker with bunker bombs, they assassinated Nasrallah and his leading people who were there to discuss the negotiations for a ceasefire. America is the bad guy. Has no influence whatsoever. And the abrahamic accords that was established by Jared Kushner, the little Fegala, alleged Fegela is over. There was just a Gulf cooperation council meeting, and they said no and behead no. These abrahamic accords were ripping up. So now we’re seeing the three aspects of Israel, Iran, Jewmerica. The bad guys are Israel, who are genociding and with the same intent, mass murdering in Gaza, they’re now doing in Lebanon. And we have these cucks, these scumbals, like James Jordan, like Smeaky Johnson, saying they’re praying for Israel and we’re behind Israel.

Reflection on Support for Israel

That means you’re behind genocide. That means you’re behind raping sodomy. So if Jordan and Mikey Johnson want to call themselves christians, they are enabling sodomy, mass murder, genocide that any decent person is castigating. But these hacks on Capitol Hill have been exposed. They are not decent people. The good guy is Iran. They are not a state sponsor of terror. Jumeirah is. Jumeirah is the one that weaponized ISIS against the syrian government. I mean, get with it, people. But the youth understand this. Let me just ask Brody’s. You know about the youth. You’re young, you’re 17. What’s going on with youth? I’m sure you watch TikTok and what the youth are saying. What’s going on with the youth? And the genocide in Israel and. And the jew love, as you tell me.

Generational Perspectives

Well, I’ll put it like this. It’s not looking good for the Jews. Okay? They have a, like, the ADL. Head of ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, said the Jews have a generational problem because Gen Z and the younger people do not like Israel or the Jews. And you see that on. It’s all over TikTok. We have Gen Z talking about the genocide. They frame it as that. Or like, we’re sending all this money to Israel. Why are we doing that? So the Gen Z, they don’t like Israel, brother. And it’s going to be a big problem for the Jews because they have to fix it otherwise. Anything on tick tock the young kids about the jew lobbies enabling Israel. Yes, they are. They’re talking about the jew lobbies and the money, how we’re shipping it all over.

Critique of Funding and Military Action

Instead of the big thing was about the hurricanes. Instead of giving any money to, like, help the survivors. It’s all going to Israel. Yes. Are they saying anything about Jumerica? That is, are they saying anything about the congressmen and senators enabling the genocide? Yes, they are. They’re like a lot of them. Like Thomas Massey the most. They like him. They like him. Okay. All right. I’m gonna bring Lou rage on you. You all have to follow him. Click his good looking face. There’s a young guy, actually, he’s, I think, 36. Got two boys. Made it big in the finance world, made it big in the tech world.

Exploration of Political Connections

Had his own hedge fund company, and now he’s semi retired, doing all kind of investments and everything. Come on, Lou, what. What is your message here of the Iran. Of the Israel Iran Jumeirah mess? Yeah. Thanks, brother. So, hey, brodies, how’s it going, too? You know, I just wanted to start off by saying my early career right out of college, was a global macroeconomic analyst focusing on exchange rates and currencies. So at a young age, you know, at the age of 22, for about two years in that position, my job is essentially to take all sorts of information in from all parts of the globe and make sense of it.

Historical Context of Oil and Economy

At a time when oil hit its peak at about dollar 150 a barrel, it was 2008, some of you may remember. Gas, at least in California, was $6 a gallon, 550 a gallon, which this is 16 years ago. So even though now it’s $5 a gallon again, it’s not the same because of inflation, et cetera. Anyway, so that being said, processing all this information from all parts of the globe is nothing new to me. So that before, regarding the dual citizenship thing, actually, I wanted to highlight that. Yeah, that’s who’s the chief diplomat in this whole Mideast conflict. Yeah. So I read into that a couple days ago.

Discussion on Voting and Political Aspirations

Lou, I’m trying to change your mind. Once he gets in, hopefully I’m voting for him. And once he gets in, he wants a legacy. So all this jew propaganda, he’s going to say 110%. He wants the jew vote, he wants the jew press, he wants more jew money. Once he gets in, he is going to do something for this country. Hes going to try to stop the Haitians from coming in. Hes going to try to at least deport some. And hes going to try to pick up the economy by deregulating the energy industry. And he keeps on saying he wants to bring down inflation so young married couples can afford at least a down payment on a house. That was at his RNC speech. So I’m trying to change your mind, Lou. All right, who’s next?

Iran and Israel Relations

Once he may be on domestic policy. Okay. The Israel, Iran, Jamaica, mass. Follow you, Ray. Lu rage quick on his handsome face. There is only 36. He may look 52 there, but he’s not. And he’s got two boys. He’s semi retired after making it big, real big. And the tech and the hedge fund. He knows. He knows global finance. He knows global affairs. He’s been following this mid east conflict for years, and he knows it better than me. Okay, so go ahead. Who’s next? Brodies. Okay, chai, you were here first. Go ahead. Hey, thank you, brodies. And also, brother Nathaniel, as usual. And Laraj, obviously I follow you. I love you guys. I just wanted to say, like, you know, my perspective, my not really align with everything you guys are talking about because I always see Israel like, as a gun for the empire, the anglo american empire.

Questioning Political Dynamics

Like, I actually think a lot of the things they do are given the thumbs up quietly and then the thumbs down, like, out loud. So what I want to ask you guys is, like, obviously you touched on this, right, what Trump was doing. My first question is, do you think Trump is the king that these Jews who are indoctrinated are, like, looking for? Because they keep talking about him as if it’s the king, or do you think they’re just lolling him so that they can make Jared the king? And if you would allow me, I do have another question, which is about Iran feeling free to attack Israel. Like, I do wonder if Iran actually has air defense systems because they delayed their attack back. And there is talk about them having air defense systems that were being set up. And it kind of makes sense that they’re not going to try and hit right in Tel Aviv until they do have that in place. Right. So I’d really appreciate. I’m going to let Lou rage ask. Two things, like, do you think Trump is their king? And do you think Iran has air defense systems?

Concerns Regarding Israel’s Influence

All right, we’re going to go with the Iran question, and I’ll answer your first question about the king deal. Let me take it. Yeah, so I did wholeheartedly disagree. No, the US is a puppet of jewish, international jewish power. If it was in America’s best interest to do all this bullshit for Israel, the Jews wouldn’t need to lobby so hard. The jewish lobby has contributed 50% and continues to contribute at probably more this cycle. 50% I just posted in the jumbotron of the Democratic Party’s contributions and 25% of the republican national conventions contributions. If it was in America’s best interests, they wouldn’t need to spend any money. They would just do it naturally. Do you see a british lobby? Do you see a german french lobby? Do you see a Taiwan lobby? Do you see a South Korea lobby? Do you see a japanese lobby? No, because it’s in our strategic interest, definitely on the asian countries to protect them, because we don’t want China invading and being closer to our shores.

Economic Burden and Debt

So that’s one, two. They’ve racked up $21 trillion in debt in the middle east for the benefit of Israel. That’s not sustainable. It’s growing the good debt since 2001 is growing at 8.09% a year over the next 23 years. It’s. That debt’s going to balloon at the same if you use the same growth weight to $209 trillion. So it’s not in our best interest. It’s the jewish interests, and they fund all the candidates except for Massey and a couple others, like Rashida tlib. They have to control the media. They have to control social media. They have to control sports franchises. They have to control anything you can think of, except for maybe energy and farming. So they have to try so hard because it’s not in our interests. Okay. Two, what about the surface area weapons. Situation that she asked? Yeah, there’s one interesting thing that people aren’t covering as much, and I’ll work backwards here.

Iran’s Military Capabilities

So Russia actually gave Iran the Murmansk bn. It’s called Murmansk bn electronic warfare system, which is these huge mobile radio towers that emit radio frequencies straight at Israel and any of their enemies, which can essentially disable GPs, radar, and other sort of electrical components. So here it can actually even disable microwaves and pacemakers, too. So that’s really the only. The best way to counterme f 35s, for example, which are essentially just flying supercomputers. Because if that 35 comes in range of that electronic warfare system, essentially the pilot would have to be flying blindly. And basically that 35 is designed so that you’re. So that you can put in less skilled pilots in there because the plane does so much on its own, because it depends on the computer. So that’s one to fight that 35, and that 35 can be spotted on radar from the ground, etcetera. But you just can’t put a lock on it, so you can’t target it with a missile that easily.

Geopolitical Considerations

But there are new ways with satellite, and apparently somebody came up with a thesis that even Starlink could help bounce the signal off of that 35 and help the surface air missile systems. But that’s all theoretical. But conventionally, yes. Iran has the russian S 400 systems on the ground. They have them in Syria protecting the russian bases there, too. But I don’t know if there’s enough of them. You need a ton of them around all sites. Israel or Iran’s a huge country, three times the size of Texas, and they need them. And also, if you do have them and they’re spotted from satellite, then that goes to show that somewhere in the area of that S 400 system, there’s something sensitive of, like a base or an underground nuclear facility or whatever. So that’s one downside of it, in terms of king of Israel.

Russian Influence in Middle East Conflicts

Let me chime in on the Iran thing. No one knows this, only a few. Is that Msushtin, who was the prime minister of Russia, he works directly with Putin. He entered into Tehran September 30. That’s the day before October 1, when the. When Iran sent the missiles into Israel. So the question is, why did he go? Well, Netanyahu was pissing in his pants when he saw that. Of course, he saw it. I saw it. That he came into Tehran. Very few. The Jew. American press did not talk about it. It scared them, too. So he came, looking back, hindsight to say, da, which is yes, or nyet, which is no. Now, because Russia has been weaponizing Iran for the last six years. They did an agreement that they were going to send the S 400 sams surface to air missiles. And they’ve been delivered already.

The Role of Media

And they’ve provided them with hypersonic missiles. Yes, too. So this is a whole new game. So, apparently, obviously, Miss Huston had to come face to face. So there wasn’t any obscure or question he gave a big da. Do it. Okay. That’s why I show. If you go to Myronat on Twitter, you’ll see I show Netanyahu who making threats against Iran. No, no. Nathan. Nathan, I’m sorry. Kick. Hey, big boys. They’re spamming your jumbo with porn. Oh, stop that. Brody order as well. Brody’s kick them out. That’s the quickest way. I’ll put something. Oh, Danika, thanks for checking that. Get rid of this, big boys. Appreciate it. Get rid of this big boys. Picture Brody’s. Look up big boys down below you and get rid of. I’ll send him the profiles. And is Brody still with us? Lou, you do it. Not a co host.

Censorship and Control

Brody’s can you hear us? No, I just got rid of it. Yeah, what do you need, big boy from the jumbotron. Okay, but there’s a picture of. Hey, big boys. Get rid of it. Brody’s. Come on, man. I did. I just did. All right. No, it’s gone. It’s gone. It’s gone. All right, good work. I’m not gonna. I’m gonna try to stay three steps ahead of the Jews, like I always do. They’re not gonna put pornography up there. They’re attacking you. That means I’m saying something. Well, Brody’s. I messaged you, but you didn’t see it, so. Sorry. Sorry. Well Doneika. Thank you. Oh, no. You’re forever. That’s my Chicago. All right, so now the thing about the king deal.

Perceptions of the Jewish Lobby

This was by the Israel Heritage Society. It was a lobby that they invented last summer. See, the Jews can just invent the lobby, you know, within ten minutes. So they awarded him the Prince of Peace award. I, you know, just to, you know, suck up to him and him sucking up to them, that he’s going to do the bidding of jewry. And he agrees to it because he wants the Jew vote. He knows he has got to get the Jew vote. Jimmy Carter said this years ago. He said, if you’re not getting the jew vote, you’re out. You’re finished. He said it, but he said it in a critical manner against the Jews. So that’s what that’s about. So they want to hail him as the prince of peace, as he’s the precursor to mashiach. This is just to kiss his ass, and he kisses ass back. That’s all it is. Nothing more than that.

Biblical Interpretations

And the thing about the ear, the piercing of the ear, and some fat rabbi who calls himself a prophet. Prophets are not fat, by the way. He says, well, this is a sign that he’s Mashiataindeh anointed. Well, no, that’s a misreading. That’s a total error of reading the Bible from numbers, that the piercing of the ear has to be the earlobe, not the top. Anyways, I debunked it immediately with Adam Green. Adam Green started putting it up. I says, adam, please. It has to be the lobe. It’s the top of the ear. Okay, so who wants to ask Lou rage question? Justin? Go ahead. Oh, Lou. How’s it going, bud? I don’t really know you that well. I am really impressed with your. With your presentation. Well, follow him.

Community Connections

I follow him. I did. I go to him to learn. Go ahead. I did. The reason I’m here is more or less to talk to you, brother Nathaniel. I wanted to talk to you. I met you once. I don’t know if you remember. It was in Jack’s beach. Yeah, I met you. I almost broke. I almost wrecked my truck trying to pull over. As soon as I saw you, I was like, oh, my God, brother Nathaniel. Anyway, I’m the founder of the Marcy Knight Christian church on telegram, and I just wanted to ask you more or less explain to you that, you know, there was an original bible. Yeah. Okay, we’re gonna stick to the point, Justin, okay? This israel, Iran, Jumeirah mess.

Sticking to the Subject

There’s a lot of people. So let’s stick to the topic. Okay. All right. well, on the. On that topic, from what I understand, what the rabbis are speaking of is that they have a. A thousand year old prophecy to destroy, what they call modern Edom, which is. Edom was extinct, you know, 400 bc. What’s your question? And this started getting on my nerves a little bit. Do you have a question? Oh, I’m sorry. No, I just want to have a conversation. Have a conversation, but not on Israel, Iran, Jumeirah, mass. My spaces. We stay on topic. Okay, who’s next? Brody’s.

Continuing Discussion and Memories

Wait, really quick. Hey, Justin. Actually, my DM’s are not open. I’ll dm you if I can. Just tell me what you have, let me review it and I’ll find something about it. How about that? That’d be great. That would be awesome. Thank you so much. Thanks, man. Thank you, brother. Yeah, I just don’t have time anymore. I’m doing a stream tomorrow on jewish censorship. You know, papists banned me for my Bible with brother, and they said it’s for security reasons. Do you imagine that I’m a threat to paypal security? That was the answer that I got for them after trying to dig it out of them for three weeks. Finally they said, you may not like it, but you are a threat to our security.

Planned Discussion on Censorship

So I’m doing a major stream tomorrow, so. Justin, forgive me, I just don’t have time. I don’t have the patience either. Okay, who’s next? You wanted to speak about jewish censorship. I wanted to speak, but I’m not talking about that. The space israel, Iran, Jumeirah mess. My streams tomorrow is on censorship. Who’s next? See how I get. But for good reason. No, Jimmy, you just. Not yet. Mahdi, go ahead. We’re gonna all take turns. Go ahead, Marty, go ahead. He’s not going ahead.

Running the Discussion

Who’s next? All right. His things don’t work. Let’s go to. Drop it down to listener. Who’s next? I just. Jimmy, you can go. You might need to cycle Modi. Might need to cycle him. Right. So can I speak now? Okay. I. You know, very interesting, brother Nathaniel. You know, we spoke about a month earlier, if not mistaken, about me getting out of the IDF. Unfortunately, it seems like I’m trying to drop the passport, it’s really hard for me to do that if I’m not. So, what’s your question?

Advice and Guidance

What do you recommend me to do if I can’t write dm me. And I’ll recommend you. Who’s next? Okay, thank you. Ask Lou Razor question. He’s an expert on Middle east. More than me. Go ahead. Well. Oh. Go ahead. Well. Oh, okay. He’s not going. You have to be quick on the draw here because I’m very impatient guy. Who’s next? Toasted. Toasted. You’re going to speak or nothing? He ain’t speaking. Who’s next?

Engaging with Participants

Okay, let’s go to, Balt. Balt. Go ahead. Hey, everybody. Hey, brother Nathaniel. No questions. I was just chiming in real quick. To tell you how much you’re appreciated and you’re always including my prayers. I appreciate myself. Do you have a question? Hey, drop Leva Mashia with the star of. Remember, you’re in my prayers for, you know, continued direction, protection. Thank you. You have a question on the topic? I’m done.

Closing Remarks and Further Discussion

Thank you. All right, let me. Let me go back to my original thesis. Here we have the good guys and we have the bad guys. Now Iran is being spun by the jew media and by the jew run government here in America. Jew Merica, I call it, as a good guy. No, Iran is being spun as a bad guy. It’s not a bad guy. Iran does not want a wider war. Israel does. Iran does not commit genocide to anybody. They don’t. Israel, with american weapons and american money, does.

Addressing Misconceptions

Iran has not committed, executed a single assassination. Israel is on record, Mossad and CIA, together, of assassinating hundreds of nuclear physicists and scientists in Iran over the last 15 years. Now, you want to bring it up to date? Soleimani, the iranian ambassador to Iraq, they bombed the embassy there. That’s sovereign territory. They bombed Tehran and assassinated Haniya Aniya. How you ever pronounce it? He was the head of Hamas, which is a political entity, not a terrorist group that the Jews will tell you.

Perceptions of State Terrorism

Why won’t the Jews call Alajumerica a terrorist state that does sponsor state terrorism all over the world? Well, they’re doing Ukraine. They’re doing it in Israel. They’re equipping Israel with bombs, bunker busters, phosphorus. Just despicable. Iran is really the good guy here. Doesn’t want a wider war. They didn’t hurt a single civilian. They had very limited, targeted targets. On October 1 in Israel, they hit them.

Analyzing Recent Events

And the iron Doe was a sieve. So that’s my thesis. Now, the other part is that Jumeirah has no standing diplomatically. Blinken goes to Israel on October 7. He doesn’t say, I come as the secretary of the state Department representing foreign policy for the nation of America. He just comes right out with it and says, I come here as a jew. And for all you Talmudists, all you twitter twits, he didn’t say, I come here as a reader of Talmud. He didn’t say, I come here as a zionist. For all those who like to distinguish between the bad guy’s zionist, the good guy’s Jews, he said, I’ve come here as a jew.

Implications for International Relations

So already, what kind of standing is he going to have with the islamic world? In the entire world, leaders who were watching this, it was televised. Everyone sees that Jumerica is there to represent a genocidal state. It was already a genocidal state before October 8. Now you have Amos Hochstein. He is the chief negotiator for the White House. He was born in Jerusalem. He’s now a citizen of United States. That makes him a dual citizen. He never gave up his citizenship in Israel, so he is in chief negotiator.

Understanding Political Dynamics

What credibility does he have with the muslim world, which is emerging with weapons or the entire world at large? Not at all. And he’s the one that negotiated. And the foreign minister for Lebanon did a CNN interview with that woman, I forget her name. And he said there was a negotiation worked out with Hezbollah, Nasrallah and his team for a ceasefire. And that’s why they were in southern Beirut then. It was negotiated by Hoxtein and Netanyahu on the israeli side, the american side, Amos Hoxtein, and they reneged on it.

The Aftermath of Negotiations

And they got all of them together. Stupidly, they were all together and they sent tons of bunker bomb, bunker buster bombs on Nessrallah and his team in southern Lebanon. All right, so let’s continue. You can ask Lou Razor question. Lou, you chime in and I want them to ask you questions because you’re more the expert on Mideast than I am. Yeah, really quick. So yesterday morning I discovered that I sent this to the brother earlier today. Is that in 1830 a man named Josiah Brewer wrote a report on his trip to Constantinople, or rather the Ottoman Empire.

Historical Context

Turkey, whatever you want to call it. It’s actually called the residence at Constantinople in the year 1827. On page 349 it literally says, and I quote, we have lately a report that the Rothschilds, well known jewish bankers, the richest individuals, doubtless in the world, have proposed to purchase Palestine of the turkish government. For this event to take place, it ought perhaps to excite no triumphant feelings in christians. It is by no means certain that it would turn out to the furtherance of the gospel. The occurrence of such an event, however, is far from being probable. So the jewish lobby goes way back.

The Roots of Lobbying

They got us into World War one, even though Germany was winning that war and decided to make peace with the British, the international Jews in America and the jewish lobby here pushed America into the war on the side of the British so that the British could win Palestine from the Ottomans. So the lobby goes way back. It’s nothing new. And before World War one, they used their lobbying power to bring jewish immigrants from Russia and Europe. Henry Ford wrote about this in depth in his book the International Jew, which was published in 1920. So I just wanted out. That’s in the jumbotron.

Historical Accounts and Assertions

It’s the second one if you slide it over. And the first one in the jumbotron is what brother Nathaniel has mentioned a few times, that when Blinken went over to Israel on October 12, he literally said to BBD, I come before you as a jew. It’s in the Jerusalem Post. Yeah. So that’s all I wanted to add. Go ahead and add. Yeah. Let me chime in here about the Ottoman Empire. I have under lock and key, it’s in a safe, actually. I have the records of possession of the Palestinians before they were pushed into the Gaza Strip and other areas, what’s now called the West bank.

Documenting Land Ownership

It was Jordan then, but that was under the ottoman empire. I have the records of possession, and some of them were purchased by the Jewish National Fund, which was a Rothschild operation to fund the colonization of Palestine. I have these records, Lou. Maybe someday if we meet, I’ll show you some of them. Get one of your assistants to scan them or take a photo. Take photos of them with their phones. I don’t want to do that because someone’s going to forge them and change them. They’ve done this to me already, so I’m not going to do that. I’ll stamp the israeli government on. I’m not going to do it. I have it as my own.

Future Plans

Someday I’ll do it, but I’ll do it in a very way with some lawyers involved. Whenever Lou Rage meets brother Nathaniel, well. We’Re going to do a stream together. I’m going to interview him. Okay, so let’s open up for questions. All right, dve, you’ve been waiting here patiently. Thank you. Go ahead.

Discussion on Oil Prices and Conflicts

All right, boys. I was asking about the oil, or I was wanting to ask about the oil. Okay, so let’s say the Middle east conflicts, it flares up in the Suez Canal, the whole nine yards, because if you own that area, obviously you control the oil of the world and it makes a big impact. And then we run on a petrodollar. What I am wondering is, how is this going to affect the US dollar and the debt and also our prices here. Domestic.

Oil Transfer Disruption

What are you talking about? Israel bombing the oil fields in Iran. Are you talking about the Suez Canal or both? I’m talking about the disruption of oil transfer with conflict within the region. Right. I got you. I know. Yeah. Okay. So if there is a disruption, the oil price goes up. Okay. We’re based on petrodollar. If the price goes up, the value of the dollar goes up. I’m kind of wondering what’s going to push it to the brink of somebody like bricks.

Foreign Buyers and National Debt

Those nations pushing towards buying oil and other currency. I know some of them are doing it already. Yeah. It’s kind of all over the place now. Lou. Yeah. It’s not too much. It’s not. Okay. Lou’s gonna answer. You lose. Going to answer you. Okay? Yeah. Got it. Hey. Yeah, thanks. So I’m not. Everybody keeps talking about the dollar, the petrol dollar, etcetera. I’m not even worried about the dollar so much relative to oil. I mean, what you want to worry about is whether there’s going to be foreign buyers and continued buyers of our national debt.

Concerns Over Foreign Ownership of Debt

Foreign buyers are about 23.5% of our national debt. If, for example, over time, and it’s expected to, obviously it’s going at 8.09. Treasury bonds. Yeah, our treasury bonds continues to go up, the rates on that debt is going to continue going up because as your debt to income ratio increases, you become a riskier borrower, in this case, the debt to GDP ratio, GDP being a proxy for national income. So if these foreigners decide, hey, we don’t want to deal with America anymore, let’s buy russian and chinese debt because they yield a lot.

Market Dynamics

Buyers. Now, China and Japan, well, on the. Foreign side, foreigners are only about 23 and a half percent, so just under a quarter of the bond market. So of the foreigners. Yeah, China, Japan and some other ones. And China just started dumping them. You can’t dump them all at once, otherwise it’ll just crush the market. So you have to. Well, they have to dump it a. Lot because their trade is based on, you know, making all our products.

Inflation and Oil Prices

Right. So I’m worried more about the bond market in that sense of. But you’re right, if Israel does attack Iran’s oil infrastructure, it’ll definitely send oil rising significantly over $100 a barrel. We’ll get massive inflation. It’s already bad as it is. I don’t even look at the Federal Reserve inflation numbers, the CPI, because since 2001, third quarter, they’re saying that inflation has only gone up like 75%. That’s ridiculous. I look at the case Shiller index of housing.

Housing Market Analysis

Housing has gone up like three and a half x since 2001. They’re saying that institutions should, will be buying and will own about 40% of all the rental properties in the country by 2030. Weird way of spelling institutions. I can spell that with four letters. It’s kind of a joke there. So, yeah, if they bomb the Iran’s oil, China’s going to have to step in. China.

Global Economic Dynamics

I just looked at the numbers yesterday. Imports, 1.05 barrels, 1.5 million. 1.05 million barrels of Iran. Right. To fuel their factories and make our maytags. Exactly. And so, I mean, China’s working on trying to get a land corridor on a land pipeline to Iran so that they don’t have to depend on the opening or closing of the Persian Gulf in the Strait of Hormuz.

Geopolitical Consequences

But, you know, right now that’s all they have. They don’t have that pipeline yet. So, yeah. Okay, so what happens in one corner, a corner a thousand miles away is affected. That’s the way the world works now. So Israel wants to just destroy the entire global economy? It ain’t going to happen. There’s just too many players now involved and it’s a ripple effect. It’s a boomerang effect.

Current State of Global Relations

You don’t do anything in a corner anymore. We’re not back in the Middle Ages, okay? We are now in a global system. It’s like the juification of the pencil. Nope. The fuck up. Kai, get rid of them. Who is that? Who? I don’t even know who’s speaking. He’s calling me a kike. I must be saying something that bothers him because I’m an expert and that was a Hitler lover that they can’t stand me, these people? Obviously not.

Discussion on Ukraine

It says in his profile he’s a national socialist of Ukraine. Hey, dumbass, if you’re still here, your whole party, the Azelf battalion, your whole group there is funded by Jews, you fucking moron. Thank you, Lou. Appreciate that. See, sometimes that word comes in handy. I don’t use it, but sometimes it works. Well, we got rid of him. He’s out of the room.

Political Funding and Influence

No, but it’s true. These ukrainian azlob, italian guys, fun fact guys, they’re not Nazis. They’re funded by Jews. They’re funded by Yuri Kolomowski, who was formerly the richest, wealthiest oligarch in Ukraine, who’s a jew. He financed Zelenskyy’s whole campaign. He financed his media group, which made him the star of that gay comedy show whatever. And being president.

Strategic Discussions

Yeah. The second richest guy is Victor Pinchak. He’s the lead lobbyist to America to get us into war or support the war with Ukraine. He’s the one talking to Victoria Noodleman. You guys know her as Victoria Nulin. Her dad is named Sherwin Noodleman from Ukraine before he was, you know, allowed to live in the pale settlements, etc. So they have a gripe against Russia and they’re taking us down with them, unfortunately.

Concerns about Economic Future

You really do. I mean, I’m impressed. Speaker two. No, I’m fucking pissed at these guys. These guys are bankrupting us. We’re going to be fucking be a third world country in ten years. It’s ridiculous. Inflation is through the roof. They lie to us about it. And all the retarded Goyam, I hate to say it, but they are retarded. Goyam support Israel regardless of how much it costs us and regardless of how bad the economic situation here is.

Societal Responses

People are fucking retarded. And we have this retarded Ukrainian saying, he’s a national socialist. Ukraine doesn’t even know he’s funded by Jews. See, we’re living in a. In a world of the dumbest people. They can’t even grasp basic concepts like that. All right, so let me continue with my theme. Then we’re going to open up for questions again.

Research Insights

The good guys and the bad guys I talked about. But I talked about the. I didn’t talk about this. The Institute for Research on Middle Eastern Policy has examined hundreds of classified documents from the CIA and the FBI. In the study is that Israel did use intelligence operatives in the US and specifically american Jews.

Suspicion of Israeli Operations

And we know that fat jew to steal our us uranium stockpile near. I used to live actually Apollo, Pennsylvania. It was a new nuclear facility. So we already have Israel having a so called clandestine nuclear empowerment. Kennedy and Dimona Kennedy wanted to investigate it. And Kennedy. JFK also wanted to get us off of the Federal Reserve fiat dollar.

Political Assassination Theories

And he also wanted to label Aipac. It wasn’t called AIPAC then, but something similar to that as a agency entity representing a foreign government. So what happened to JFK? The Jews killed him. So you don’t have a good track record with Jumerica, Israel, but you do have an excellent track record for Iran.

Iran’s Position

They are not the bad guy. I don’t care if it’s a muslim theocracy. I mean, we just have to accept real politic. Now. I’m an Orthodox Christian. I don’t agree with islamic doctrine, but at the same time, I recognize where the power players are throughout the world.

Emerging Powers

And Iran is a tremendously emerging power that is armed by Russia and has an ally in Russia and they have the capability. And they said it right after the threat from Netanyahu while his paper was shaking and the camera immediately took his hands away from. Took the camera away from his hand shaking the paper. I did it on my stream.

Consequences of Military Action

They said, you want to attack us? Next time we’re going to hit your infrastructure. And we didn’t attack civilians, but we’re capable of doing that too. This is not an empty threat, people. Miss Huston, Miss Schusten, the prime minister came the day before to give Iran a DA or a net. DA means yes in Russia.

Future Implications

He gave him a big da. Do it. Okay, now let’s open up for speakers. You can ask Lou rage anything. He’s an expert on Middle east and also global finance. Hey, really quick, I wanted to address. I forgot. I think it was Dve who asked the economic question regarding sort of the exchange rate and the if the dollar loses its value.

Impact of Currency Value Changes

I mean, look, if the dollar does lose its value, it’s all about which country they lose or it loses whether we lose our dollar value against. So, for example, if the dollar weekends, that just makes our exports more affordable to whatever countries want to buy them. So that’s a plus side, right? On the downside, it makes it more expensive for us to import goods.

Analyzing Imports and Exports

Our top imports are some electrical machinery, iPhone parts, things like that, laptop parts, etcetera, cars. Luckily, many of these things are goods that we can put off. Hollywood movies by the Jews was our biggest export. Yeah, well, that’s. I’m talking about imports right now. Luckily, these are all goods that we can put off buying.

Consumer Behavior

For example. So if the iPhone ends, if the dollar drops 20%, and let’s just say it’s a 100% elasticity, and the price of the iPhone goes up 20% as a result of that dropping the US dollar. you know, it’s fine. I don’t need to buy one this time around. I’ll wait a few years before I buy another one. I’ll. I won’t need to buy a new MacBook.

Market Predictions

I can put it off for another three or four years or something. So luckily, these are things that we can put off, so. Alright, but the biggest loss. Let’s open up speakers. Brody’s who wants to speak? All right. You know, brother, they’re going to make a movie about you. I don’t know, but go ahead, Brody.

Listener Engagement

All right, dve, we’re gonna make you a listener now, but you can always come up and request again to speak. Thank you. Okay, let’s go to. Okay, she left. Okay. Jad. Jad, go ahead.

Discussion on Netanyahu

Hey, brother. So I watched the clip you had of the Netanyahu shaking his hand. Is it possible that he has some type of health condition, or. How often are you about this? He has no health condition. Yeah, I know people who know him. He has no health condition.

Evaluating Political Behavior

He has a moral condition. He’s a criminal. What do you think? What do you think has gotten him to shake his hand? Do you think it’s because he’s scared shitless? He knows his gate, the jig is up.

Perception of Leadership

He’s scared. I mean, Iran attacked, and the Iron Dome proved to be a total failure. He’s shitting in his pants. And he did since Msushin came in. He said, what the hell is this? Why is he there? And then he found out real quick why he was there.

Response to Threats

He’s sitting in his pants. He sees Russia gave the go ahead. Well, that’s scary. That means Russia is totally behind Iran. Then the next day, Putin gets up and says, you have to cease and desist from Lebanon. So the more it pisses Putin off, the more it shits.

Impacts of Israel’s Actions

This netanyahu who shits in his pants. But because he’s a maniac, a psychotic, he’s got all of Israel behind him. All the people there are behind him, not the ones who’ve left. They went the hell out. That’s why.

Future Implications

Okay. Anything else you want to ask? What do you think would happen after, like, Putin. Like, what is Putin signaling? He’s not signaling anymore. He’s coming right out with it. He said he’s going to weaponize America’s enemies.

Analysis of International Relations

He said that five months ago. Did anybody pay attention to him? No. They say he’s bluffing. They always say he’s bluffing. Well, that’s the stupid State department. This guy is blinken. He’s a nobody.

Critique of Political Figures

He was a staffer. He was on Biden’s team as a senator. He doesn’t know the word diplomacy. He doesn’t know how to do diplomacy. He’s got a low iq. He’s a jew. That’s the only reason he has that position.

Discussion on Criminal Networks

Okay. Anything else? Well, and its connections to Robert Maxwell and the Maxwell family who helped Jeffrey Epstein? Yeah, well, they’re all interconnected in crime, it’s called the Synagogue of Satan. It’s evil, it’s criminal, it’s organized.

Discussion on Jewish Influence

It’s universal. Jews, Jewry the international jew. If you’re going to read any book besides watching my videos and real jew news and watching my streams, that’s the book to read.

Recommended Reading

The international jew by Henry Ford Srdhen. Read that. It’s online. I recommend getting the printed book. You can get it easily. Really? Yeah, it’s on the

Accessing Historical Texts

so if you google it or yandex it or whatever you want to use, type in the international jew, Henry Ford archive. It’s there. Right there. Without going to archives. It’S ridiculously long. I want to write the international two, part two.

Future Work

Well, why don’t just do a summary of it? You know. Brother, I was also gonna. Ask, do you think that the movement of the camera was. Could that have been a coincidence?

Media Interpretation

I mean, I know what the hell you asking me? No, it wasn’t a coincidence. It started off with a full picture of him. Is his hand shaking? The man is scared, but he’s a psychotic.

Perceptions of Fear

And he just. Things just keep on continuing what he’s doing, intensifying the Gaza bombing into Lebanon. Now it’s just insanity. These people have the decidal curse. They’re psychotic.

Societal Responses

They don’t give a damn what the goyim world thinks. No, the camera moved on purpose. But what’s the purpose of the question? Do you have another question, Chad?

Engagement with Viewers

Oh, no, I was just. I was just curious about your thoughts on the. All right, just as an aside. You need to get married, guy.

Advice and Encouragement

I’m trying. Well, there’s progress there. There’s progress. Pray to Jesus. He’ll help you. Okay, who’s next?

Call to Speak

Beloved Ben. Do you want to bring him up? Brody. He’s requesting. Is Brody still here or is he gone?

Interest in Californians

The Missouri river. Yeah. D in the morning. All right. B la. What’s going on? What do you want?

Arrival of a New Speaker

Hello? All right, he’s not speaking. Oh. Hello? Hello? Can you guys hear me? Anybody that comes up to speak, you got to be ready.

Unmuted Microphone Reminder

You gotta unmute your microphone, so. Okay, well, this is my first time, so. Sorry, guys.

Questioning Intentions

Just a couple quick questions. The axis is kind of like a hesitant attacking Israel because that’s what Netanyahu wants, right? He wants to, like, escalate this. But maybe.

Discussion on Ukraine

Do you think that maybe escalating is a good thing? Because if everybody. Lou, rage will answer you. Because just to finish up, if everybody does what they do, would it, like, put pressure on, like, some of the other arab states to kind of pick a side?

Geopolitical Shifts

Because if they. If they stay neutral, then there’s a chance of them being, like, overthrown or, you know, protests or revolts or they can like enter, you know, and join like the axis. So that’s one. And the second thing is in Ukraine, it’s just a theory.

Military Recruitment Concerns

It seems like the war there is kind of like ethnic cleansing the ukrainian male population. It’s like sometimes like a strategy to like get rid of and ethnically cleanse. You know, they’re losing the war, but they’re purposely like recruiting males and just sending them off to die, you know. What’s your take on that?

Request for Insights

Top of both? So go ahead, Lou. Yeah. So I think you alluded to it or you just said, yeah, the Gulf states are announced their neutrality just yesterday, the day, I think two days ago.

Geopolitical Neutrality

For those who don’t know what that means, is that all the US bases in the Gulf of states will not be allowed to use to attack Iran. But what they can do is just simply use them to move supplies to this, to their bases, like the one in Jordan, the Conoco field, etcetera, and the ones in occupied Syria to launch attacks from there.

Involvement of Gulf States

But they can use the bases in the galls. I think that includes even Kuwait, too. But Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etcetera. It’s a good question if do they risk being overthrown? I think, for example, in the UAE, the security.

Military Loyalty

Well, here’s an interesting story, actually about a week and a half ago, something like twelve, I forget, it’s in my timeline, six or twelve, I forget soldiers, UAE soldiers were killed. They had no release, no official statement on it, just that they were killed.

Coup Attempt Insights

What I’m hearing is it was like a minor coup attempt and apparently something similar like that happened in January. I don’t know how loyal the military and the UAE is, for example. I spent some time there, too.

Political Dynamics

The overall arab muslim cause, I could be way off, but I’m not sure how loyal they are to the cause or if they are binance. The zionist rhetoric of letting Israel be there for the sake of receiving continued funding for the country and its development.

Aftermath of Conflict

But, you know, if Iran were to strike hard at Israel and Iran essentially wins and destroys Israel, I don’t see a reason necessarily for the people to overthrow their rulers. But what I think Iran needs to do really is guarantee the sunni countries that, well, even Bahrain, even though they’re shia, but all the Gulf countries that they will not interfere in their domestic policies.

Diplomatic Strategies

They won’t use the Houthis to attack Saudi or their oil infrastructure, etcetera. I think it’s very important for them to communicate that just so they can continue in their neutrality and maybe even get some military offensive help against Israel, but Iran has to take the first step.

Perceptions of Strength

If Iran shows that they can take Israel on 80% and do some damage, then maybe the Gulf states might. Might join. But I don’t know. They’re all doing banking in America.

Economic Ties

They all do business with Jared Kushner. The money’s here. If the Saudis and et cetera join around fighting Israel, they’ll just confiscate all their money in New York and Manhattan, Wall street, you know, they just bought the live, the golf company, et cetera.

Global Business Relations

They’re starting their soccer team thing, all those playing for them. So I don’t know. I don’t see them risking it. I mean, with the mediation of China.

New Alliances

By the way, is that Saudi Arabia and Iran, who are enemies, are now friends. Yeah, that’s right. Yeah. And also to the mediation again, of China.

Regional Dynamics

There’s a lot of players here. Okay. Syria has been welcomed back into the Arab League. That’s through China. And also you have. I don’t think China was involved here, but Iran Shia and turkey, Sunni, were not friends.

Changing Alliances

They’re friends now. So what has America done? They have brought all the arab muslim nations together. That’s what Blinken has accomplished.

Political Failures

Not so good. Okay. I mean, really, these people should be brought before Congress and have. Not James Jordan. He’s scum.

Analysis of Political Figures

He loves Jews. He loves genocide. Not Speaker Johnson. Just scum. Just total. Let Thomas Massey interrogate them.

Advocacy for Accountability

He’s the only good guy that’s left on Capitol Hill. The left. The left kissed you ass. James Jordan came out today saying, we’re going to pray for Israel like there is some wonderful country.

Critique of Political Support

Hey. James Jordan. Definitely not. Brody, I told you not to interrupt me. No, I lost my train of thought.

Facilitating Discussion

Okay, who’s next to speak? Can I just really quickly. Wait. Lou, rage is talking.

Maintaining Order

Brody’s. You’re starting to annoy me. Wait, Balaji. I’ll let you ask me the question right after.

New Developments

But one thing I haven’t published that I heard a rumor going around that a. That the Saudis actually arrested earlier today, at least America’s time. Earlier today, an iraqi lieutenant colonel, while he was performing Umrah.

International Relations

Following his arrest, the saudi public prosecution has decided to transfer him to state security. Reports from iraqi social media indicate that the arrest was prompted by a video that the.

Support from Mecca

The man posted from Mecca in which he prayed for the resistance axis’s victory against Israel and expressed support for Hassan Nasrallah. So the security is tight there. They don’t want any public display plays in favor of Palestine? In fact, what was it a few months ago, maybe earlier this year, there was like a concert or. No, there was a sporting event between two soccer teams, I think were playing, and a bunch of people started flying the Palestine flag and they then canceling the soccer game. So they’re not necessarily the biggest Shabbos goy, let’s put it that way. Which is.

Military Threat Assessment

I’m of the opinion that Saudi Arabia, along with Jordan, don’t have much of a military threat to Israel. Yeah, but I mean, they could do other things. Like, for example, Saudi Arabia’s taking responsibility for intercepting and shooting down houthi missiles. But, you know, the last two haven’t really worked. Whatever their. Whatever Saudi was supposed to do hasn’t really worked with the hypersonics. But I did see it in action earlier this year. I did see that the Saudi did intercept some. Some houthi missiles, but on the offensive, I don’t know. I mean, the biggest thing that Jordan and Saudi could do is just not. Not intercept anything, but.

Question and Response

Okay, so who we got next? Speaking. Brody’s. Oh, wait, Bilal still up here. Who? Bilal. He wanted to ask another question. Bring him back up if you can. Okay. Bring them back up. I’m trying to. It’s not letting me keep saying there’s a glitch. Think he dropped out completely. Okay, well, then we’ll go and we’ll go to a DVE. Go ahead. Hey, Nathaniel. Yeah, hi. What’s your question? I’m just wondering, why do you not ask about any of your guests? Why don’t I what? Ask about any of your guests? What? He wants to have conversations. He wants to. What? Do you like Ian Malcolm? Get rid of him or make him a listener. Okay.

On Topic Discussion

Toasted. You speak. The topic israel, Iran, Jamaica mess. I stay on topic. I don’t float all over the map like Ian Malcolm. Okay, go ahead. Is toasted speaking. I can’t hear him, brother. Well, I can’t hear him either. All right, then, he’s a listener. Now, who’s next? Then I’m going to close that up. Run. Go ahead, run. Hi. Thank you. So, thank you, brother, for. I know, letting me to speak. So I would like to say something about, you know, I’m from southern part of India. You know, what we see, it’s.

Hindutva and Zionism

You know, it should be app full. If you see a lot of northern. Part of Hindutva fanatics, they are aligning with zionist group. And you can see a lot of the online campaigning is happening. Yes. Okay. What’s your question? Question? The question is like. So I see your post of sometimes before you tweeted about, you know, the expansion of the Israel, you know, say, Iran, Iraq, Syria and all those. Right. How. How it is, how the Hindutva Hindu to a hindu nationalist aligning with Zionists. Do you have any idea on it?

Exploring Financing Dynamics

Well, let. Lou, he’s a worldwide researcher. Lou. Lou can answer you better than me. Go ahead, Louise. Yeah, I mean, essentially comes out to finance. They’re enjoying the jewish money that’s coming in the banking practices india. You know, you guys can buy cars now on loans. I don’t know how common that was 20 years ago, but what I’m hearing, it’s only become more common last ten years. 30 year mortgage will be a regular thing. At least that’s what I mean. I’m putting myself in the perspective of the hindu nationalists liking that jewish banking coming in.

Geopolitical Concerns

However, it is coming at a security risk. And obviously, there’s obviously a discrimination both sides. I don’t know what exactly the details of the. Well, I know historically there’s been gripes between Muslims and Indians there, but I think it comes at a security risk given that you have China on the other side and China very badly wants to build a pipeline from Iran. Void Afghanistan if possible, through Pakistan and up through the disputed areas up north. Pakistan, India, China. Additionally, they want access to whatever that river is called.

Water Rights and Strategic Advantages

I always forget what its name is. It’s the river that starts in Arunachal Pradesh and then spits out or goes down through Bangladesh and out to the Indian Ocean. China’s troops are on the border there. What I actually was told by another indian gentleman is that China wants to build a dam there and then maybe, I don’t even know where that would work physically down the line, maybe use it for exports and I mean literally down the line, down the river. But that would cut their transport time to the Middle east and Russia and Europe significantly.

Trade Relations and Economic Strategies

Rather than having to ship it out through the Pacific Ocean down around, whatever, southeast Asia. That would take so much time. They could just, you know, take a rail line through China, ship it out through that river, get it down to the Indian Ocean and then put it in a. Put it out in a port that. What products does India send to Jamaica? What are the main products, Lou, besides rugs? Fabrics. Yeah, I know Bangladesh is doing a lot of clothing. What about India proper? Maybe the gentleman who asked the question, if he’s still up, he can answer that question.

Global Financial Systems and Transition

But spices? Okay, the bottom line really without getting into the details, is that India and China are still within the jewish global system, but they have 1ft in, 1ft out. They are looking at this great transition now. They’re still keeping involved in the jewish financial global system. China has to because they’re sending all our products to America and so is India. But they’re looking on down the road, looking at the near future and the further future, which America does not do.

Lack of Vision and Diplomatic Leadership

They’re just like now. They don’t look at future problems, future issues. We don’t have any diplomats. We don’t have any visionaries in this country anymore. I think Trump still is that in spite of him doing up all over the place. So they’re both still in the jewish global system. Russia is not. Russia is totally out of it. They’ve been sanctioned to death, but it’s actually given them life. So they’re not dependent on anyone anymore.

Resource Management and Future Outlook

They have so many resources besides gas and oil that they are now very much cultivating. So it’s a great transition we’re in and we’re seeing people looking into the future. Saudi Arabia has joined BRICS, but they’re still in the whole, it’s still tied to America. Like Lou Rage said, they have a lot of money here stored and it can be confiscated. We’re in a great in between. And I would encourage everybody go to the Alexander Dugan’s Twitter.

Multipolar World and Transitions

You have to scroll down because he does it in different languages. There’s one called the new multipolar world, which he says is in transition. And another brilliant article he wrote is called decoupling. The decoupling of world nations from the western jewish system. Decoupling. We’re just doing Google search. Decoupling Alexander Dugan. It’ll come up. Okay, so who do we got next to speak? And I’m going to wrap it up because I’m keeping these spaces now for about an hour and a half now.

Summation and Perspectives

Okay, who’s next speaking? Anybody? No? Okay, so I’ll give my final summation and then. Oh, we got one run. All right, so he can. Oh, it wasn’t the one who just spoke. We can speak again. All right, so make him the speaker. Brody’s here’s measured, wants to speak. You can make him a speaker. Hello. What do you got for us? I wanted to know your thoughts on Alexander Dugan, since you just mentioned him.

Research and Understanding

Because I didn’t. I looked him up on Wikipedia just yesterday. I think it was. Well, they probably slam them as some russian Putin patsy or something. Don’t go to Wikipedia. Never go there. Crazy. That’s a outfit. Oh, for sure. But I was just a quick search because I didn’t know anything about him. Avoid Wikipedia. Just go somewhere else. Avoid it. It’s run by Jews.

Inquiry into Alexander Dugan

Okay. What do you want to ask me? Wanted to know more about Andrew or Alexander Dugan. Alexander Dugan is a. Has a doctorate in philosophy. He was interviewed by Tucker Carlson. I would start there. Do a search. Jugal Ariandex, Tucker Carlson interviews Alec Zander Dugan, and you’ll get to know him. That’s. Just do that. Then you can follow up on other things.

Geopolitical Expertise

All right. That’s a good place to start. He speaks very popularly. He speaks to Tucker Carlson’s audience. And he’s a brilliant man. And he sees the whole geopolitical scenario just as good as this guy, Pepe Escobar and others who are geopolitical experts. He’s one of the top geopolitical experts. He recognizes the clash of civilizations, that there are different major civilizations.

Civilizational Dynamics

There’s the orthodox civilization that orbits around Russia. There’s the islamic civilization that orbits around Iran now and the buddhist civilization that orbits around China. Brilliant man. And he’s real politic. He’s not a religious doctrinaire that tries to say that Muslims are bad, orthodox are good. He’s looking at the world picture. And that’s what I do. Really. I do the same thing.

Final Questions

Okay. Anything else you want to ask? No, I appreciate it. Thank you. I’ll look into it. All right. All right. Who do we have next? And then we’re going to close it up. Last chance, because I’m closing it up. All right. We have Rabbi Menachem Schneerson. No, I’m kidding. We have a run. Go ahead, brother.

Tamils and Nationalist Movements

So, you know, I would like to add one point. Right. You know, it’s not only, you know, if you look at the hindu duo and zionist ideology, right? It’s not. It started now look at the current resume of India. That’s a hindu nationalist in the fanatics, okay? They are ideologically rooted from the RSS fundamentalist and in back in the founding fathers of the RSS, modern Hindutva nationalists, right?

Transition from Historical Context

Yeah, but pose your statement in a question form. It’s easier for me to grasp. No. So the question is like, what do you think? So you said. You said something about the decoupling of the Israel from us, right? No, the decoupling is an essay written by Alexander Dugan that the different civilizational poles, which includes the hindu civilizational pole as well, as the muslim civilizational pole are decoupling from the west, which when you say west, you just think of Jumeirah.

Civilizational Decoupling

They’re decoupling. But it’s a transition. Yeah. It’s not. It hasn’t reached its finality yet, but it will. The question for you is. Right. You know, when you say hindu civilization, it is not one. If you look at any civilization of the South Asia, right? Because that hindu tag was given by the colonizers during the british period. It is not one. There’s a multi ethnic group.

Understanding Regional Identities

Yeah, but. I know, but they’re becoming sovereign now. They’re nothing. India’s not colonized anymore by Great Britain. No, you don’t colonize by the Great Britain, but the tag of, let’s say. For they’re still attacked to Great Britain in many ways, but there are sovereign nations. You don’t like being called. Everybody being called Hindus. Right? Because I know you’re saying you’re Tamil. There’s obviously the. The Sikhs, etcetera.

Cultural Distinctions

Exactly. You got the point. Not one. Oh, yeah. But. But the general public. The reason I call Sikhs Hindus is because I’m speaking to the. Don’t laugh. Who laughs? Don’t do that. You’re here. No, I know. I was just thinking about. No, I don’t care. I’m not. That’s not what I’m referring to. I’m referring to when I say the Sikhs are Hindus.

American Public Perspective

I understand there’s a distinction between the two, but I speak to the american public that don’t even have a clue what a Sikh is. If you say a Sikh, they think you’re talking about a kitchen sink. That’s the american boo. So I just speak in these kind of generalizations. Okay, so who’s next? Wait, do you mind if I ask him one question? Is he still up? Yeah, he’s still here.

Sikh Nationalist Movement

Yeah. Abroad. So obviously, the sikh nationalist movement is taking off. I’ve seen some assassinations by the indian government in America and Canada of some sikh activists, especially. One was done, like, in. In Sacramento, California. I think the other one was in, like, Toronto or something. So, I mean, I’m not going to say it’s, like, about to jump off and all of a sudden they’re going to declare independence.

Strategies for Nationalism

They need, you know, terrorist tactics, like what the Jews did to the British in Israel. But how’s the tamil nationalist movement going? Yes, I tell you something, because, you know, there are 80 million Tamils lives in southern part of India, the state called Tamil Nadu. Okay. And there are around, 10 million stammers live in, other side in Sri Lanka, northern part of Sri Lanka. Okay. So after the British, you know, colonizers left the place, you know, they divide the country.

Challenges of Sectarian Division

You know, one set of people went with under the Delhi, and another set of the people in Sri Lanka went on under the, regime of Colombo. Okay. This is the problem with. And after, you know, the, The tamil ethnic right groups, the fighting group, LTTE. After the fall of LTTE India, people of Tamil Nadu is actually looking for selfish, because tamil people are emotionally, linguistically, culturally, they are.

Cultural and Linguistic Affinity

Have a closer affinity with people of Tamil. People of Sri Lanka. When the 80 million people requested the Delhi to stop the war, Delhi did not listen to them. So now what happened is, so the trust, what tamil people have on Delhi in the. Within the Indian Union, the trust is completely broken. Now, what I see, the tamil nationalism, actually, it was. It was started in.

Historical Roots of Nationalism

Back in 1940s, 1930s that is starting up again. It’s not only in Sri Lanka, but also india. The tamil national is starting. The people already. They’re starting. They’re talking with the demanding about the self determination. Because the reason is. There are so many reasons in it. I give you some.

Closing Remarks

Yeah. Okay. Well, we got the basic breakdown, Lou. I’m going to close it up. Yeah. Okay. I was just going to say, get your leader, talk to Putin, because then Putin will use you guys, if Modi gets out of line, to fund you guys and arm you guys. And, brother, I got rid of all the. There was this. The fagola Jew. He put up all the stuff in the billboard, and I got rid of.

Reflections on Relationships

See your sharpest attack. Yeah. We’re still friends, you know. Yeah, we are. Yeah. You’re awesome. Yeah, well, you’re more awesome. Okay, here’s what we’re gonna have here. I think I just want to say this to close it up. Then, Lou Rage will have the final word. Iran is the good guy here. Now, the topic israel, Iran, however you want to pronounce it.

Perception of Iran

Iran, Jamerica mess. Okay. Now, Iran is put together by the jew government here in Jewmerica, and by the Jew press as the bad guy. State sponsor of terrorism. Jumeirah is the state sponsor of terrorism. Just look at ISIS. General Flynn is the one who called it out. Said that Jumerica created ISIS. He called it out. He do it.

Call to Action

You have to go to the index. General Flynn, interviewed by Al Jazeera. It was about nine years ago. Got him in hot water for saying it. He had a very high position. Head of intelligence, in Jewmerica, he was a very reputable person at one point. He still is reputable, but looked upon by the military, but the Jews got rid of him. Iran has nothing committed a single assassination.

Modern Conflicts

Israel, Mossad, linked with CIA, has hundreds of nuclear physicists as well as scientists. And let’s fast forward to modern day Soleimani. Trump is not liked by the islamic world. He is not Chania. In Tehran back in August, he was the political leader of the political entity Hamas. They’re not a terrorist organization. A terrorist organization is. Israel has been ever since its inception of poisoning the wells and murdering Palestinians from its very inception.

Current Affairs

The assassination is the ambassador of the Iraq embassy back in August. And Iran does not want a wider war. Israel does. Iran does not. And Iran says, we’re not going to attack you again, but you attack us, we’ll get you. And Netanyahu is shitting in his Yitishi pants. Two, America has no standing diplomatically throughout the world. It’s hated, not trusted, for various reasons besides what’s happening in Israel.

International Relations

Merkel came out and said this agreement they made of the Donbas was just a fake. I forget what that was called. She said, were just pretending. Well, who’s we? Well, Germany is just a satellite of Jumerica. It’s still occupied by Jumerica, and they never had a. Still don’t have a constitution to this day. Germany is really not a sovereign nation after world War two.

Political Appointees

Now you have Amos Hochstein. Amos Hochstein has been appointed by Zeinz, not Biden. Biden can’t even appoint the right diaper to wear that day. Jill’s got to put on the diaper, not him. So Amos Hawksing was appointed by the Jews who run the Lincoln, the White House regime, to be the chief negotiator between Hezbollah. Between Israel, Hezbollah and Lebanon.

Trust Issues

He’s a dull citizen. He was born in Israel. How the hell can he be trusted? He can’t have. He made an agreement with Hezbollah and Nasrallah for a ceasefire. Hezbollah thought it was intact because he said that, and the foreign minister for Lebanon was involved, that Netanyahu agreed and his whole regime, it was on paper in agreement.

Breach of Trust

Well, they went against it and they bunker busted Hezbollah’s little group meeting in southern Beiruthen killed him and I think ten others. Blinken comes to there on October 12 to Israel and says, I come here not as the representative of foreign policy, the secretary of the State Department. He says, I come here as a jew. And for all you twitter twits out there, he didn’t say, I come here as a tall mutist. He didn’t say, I come here as a zionist.

Cultural Perspectives

Because Jews don’t talk that way. They are. Either you’re a jew or you’re a goy. That’s the way jews look at it. Okay, Lou, rage. You sum it up and then we’ll say goodbye. Yeah. I was going to say really quickly, briefly, that the american relationship with Israel is not beneficial to America at all.

Cost Analysis

It cost us $21 trillion from 2001 to 2021 alone. The national debts going at 8.09% to help fund FEMA. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Instead of just giving each person $700, 750, whatever it is. Could have done a lot of things. We could have been on Mars by now. $21 trillion, maybe, and brought back some of those minerals from asteroids, etcetera.

Infrastructure Concerns

I don’t know. We could have done a lot. What about our infrastructure that’s falling apart? We could build whole new cities. I mean, China’s brought out, brought 800 million people out of poverty over these last 23 years. We’ve all did. We’ve done this to please Jews. The Christ killers, the genociders, the well poisoners, the murderers of human beings.

Reflections on American Society

What the hell has happened to our country? Is there hope for our country? Lou? We got to kick the Jews out of power. We. That’s all it is. We kick the Jews out of power, they stop spending money abroad. Yeah, it really needs to stop. Well, so you gotta raise taxes on the rich.

Family and Future Leaders

Got two boys, young boys. He made it big in the global finance and hedge fund world. He had his own hedge fund company. Better than what Vance is doing. Much better. And he’s semi retired now and future leader to build a new America. Once America collapses, then we build from new. All right, we’re going to wrap.


We’re going to end it, Lou, if that’s sounds good. Yeah.

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