Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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The Twitter Space Is SocialFi the Next Big Thing #CryptoDaily w/@Utherverse hosted by RoundtableSpace. Discover the transformative landscape of SocialFi where decentralized finance meets social connectivity. Explore the fusion of influencer partnerships, community-driven initiatives, gamification, regulatory compliance, and AI innovation reshaping the future of finance. Learn how 'Play-to-Earn' models blur the lines between gaming and earning, and navigate the challenges of developing unique projects in this dynamic niche. Join @Utherverse on #CryptoDaily for insights into the exciting world of SocialFi.

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Total Listeners: 91


Q: How does SocialFi revolutionize user engagement in the crypto space?
A: SocialFi merges social interactions with financial activities, enabling users to earn and connect within decentralized ecosystems.

Q: Why is influencer collaboration crucial for SocialFi projects?
A: Partnerships with influencers amplify visibility and trust, driving wider adoption of SocialFi platforms.

Q: What role do community-driven initiatives play in SocialFi development?
A: Community-driven projects foster decentralization, inclusivity, and democratic decision-making processes.

Q: How can gamification elements enhance user experiences in SocialFi platforms?
A: Gamification boosts engagement, loyalty, and user retention by introducing interactive and rewarding features.

Q: Why is regulatory compliance vital for the longevity of SocialFi ecosystems?
A: Clear regulations ensure legal compliance, user protection, and sustainable growth of SocialFi projects.

Q: What are the key marketing strategies for successful SocialFi projects?
A: Education, transparency, and community engagement are essential components for marketing SocialFi initiatives effectively.

Q: How do 'Play-to-Earn' models redefine earning possibilities in SocialFi?
A: 'Play-to-Earn' models combine gaming elements with finance, allowing users to earn digital assets through gameplay.

Q: In what ways can AI technologies enhance user experiences within SocialFi networks?
A: AI innovations improve personalization, efficiency, and engagement, optimizing user interactions in SocialFi platforms.

Q: What challenges exist in creating unique projects within the SocialFi niche?
A: Balancing innovation, utility, and community relevance poses challenges in developing distinct projects within the SocialFi sector.


Time: 00:15:40
Innovative Integration of Social Media and DeFi Exploring how SocialFi reshapes traditional finance through social connectivity and decentralized platforms.

Time: 00:25:17
The Power of Influencer Partnerships in SocialFi Discussing the impact of influencer collaborations on user acquisition and trust in SocialFi projects.

Time: 00:35:59
Community-Driven Decentralization in SocialFi Examining how community-led initiatives drive inclusivity and governance in SocialFi ecosystems.

Time: 00:45:22
Gamification Strategies for Enhanced User Engagement Implementing gamified features to increase user interaction and retention in SocialFi platforms.

Time: 00:55:46
Navigating Regulatory Landscape in SocialFi Highlighting the importance of regulatory compliance for the sustainability and credibility of SocialFi projects.

Time: 01:05:30
Marketing Tactics for SocialFi Success Strategies that focus on education, transparency, and community building as key elements for successful SocialFi project promotion.

Time: 01:15:12
'Play-to-Earn' Innovation in SocialFi Exploring how 'Play-to-Earn' models revolutionize earning opportunities by blending gaming and financial activities.

Time: 01:25:08
AI Integration for Enhanced User Experiences Utilizing AI technologies to personalize user journeys and optimize engagement within SocialFi networks.

Time: 01:35:44
Challenges of Unique Project Development in SocialFi Balancing innovation, utility, and community demand to create distinctive projects within the SocialFi sector.

Key Takeaways

  • SocialFi intertwines social media and DeFi, offering new opportunities for user engagement and financial inclusion.
  • Collaborations between influencers and DeFi platforms can drive awareness and adoption of SocialFi projects.
  • The rise of community-driven initiatives in SocialFi emphasizes decentralization and user empowerment.
  • Incorporating gamification elements in SocialFi platforms enhances user interaction and retention.
  • Regulatory clarity and compliance are essential for the sustainable growth of SocialFi ecosystems.
  • Marketing strategies that prioritize education and transparency are crucial for SocialFi project success.
  • Wallet security and user data protection play a significant role in fostering trust among SocialFi users.
  • 'Play-to-Earn' models in SocialFi blur the lines between gaming and finance, revolutionizing traditional monetization.
  • Innovation in AI technologies can optimize user experiences and incentivize active participation within SocialFi networks.
  • Creating unique projects within the SocialFi niche requires a balance between creativity, utility, and community engagement.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Market Sentiment

Alrighty, guys, what is going on? Good to see all of you rolling up on through here on this fine Friday. Oh, man. How, how are we liking this price action on land Wolfenhe? This is looking really good and this is kind of what I was waiting to see play out with land Wolf there. It's just been consolidating sideways for literally almost a month, setting that kind of bottom in at that 11 million mark and then just really making higher low after higher low. A lot of people not recognizing that as kind of an accumulation point that was entering in. And when you get these big pumps, you know, to the upside where essentially, like, since the bottom where were at about 14, eight to the top side here, we've already moved back up almost 150%. And you're really not seeing a lot of sell pressure come in after such a large move within a quick time period. And that's just usually what happens when you have that type of sideways consolidation for a while.

Bullish Outlook

We're seeing a lot of the boys club projects bounce up, which I also think is kind of adding fuel to the fire as well. Also just with, you know, I think a lot of people are getting really bullish right now with where the market is and kind of expecting the up only time period, we'll see exactly how that ends up playing out. But whether the up only time period is now or is, you know, can going to continue to come around the corner, maybe later next year. I mean, sorry, later starting next year, then that is, you know, totally fine. Land Wolf has obviously, you know, I've continued to push, you know, the brand and the idea of the boys club and standing strong behind, you know, what I personally believe is the golden meta, which is actually, I don't even care. It's not even about believing that it's the golden meta. I mean, there's a reason why you see so many successful boys club projects out in the space.

Market Dynamics and Competitors

It would be foolish to think that anything else was going to be the golden in new meta of this cycle. We do have that here. And really what's so strong about land Wolf that I don't think people were really counting on, and to me, it just kind of seemed like such common sense is that, you know, this is the largest boys club project on all of Solana. And here's the thing is, we've had this title essentially the entire time that land wolf has been out. But it's even more prevalent now that even after land Wolf had, you know, it's downside move and then ranging sideways you're not really even seeing any other serious boys club style competitor on this chain even really try to do anything, which I think is quite interesting by other teams to not even try to come for that spot. Because as we know, this is probably going to be the number one chain for memes the entire cycle. I think it's very obvious and I'm not. Obviously, we know that there's going to be other chains that are going to do very well, as we've already seen take place. But as far as being the dominant chain with memes this cycle, overall, it's really going to be Solana.

Market Expectations and Future Projections

So you get your golden in new meta with the boys club and then you have the largest boys club native project on this chain. To me, when you see that sideways consolidation, that's a very interesting chart. And, you know, that's also kind of another key point of realizing, like, where we are in the cycle. You know, to even see land Wolf's chart kind of bottom out and flatten for a month on a meme coin is really usually that alone. Should have told you that there was something getting ready to happen on this project. And, you know, were just getting started, in my personal opinion. And after that massive move to the upside, you know, I think we may spend a little bit of time arranging, but overall, I think the trajectory is going to be continuing uptrend because if you look at the macro timeframe, that's all we want to really see here. Right? We see these higher lows coming in place and now we're seeing higher highs.

Eventual Market Trends

So the chart went from being in a downtrend to essentially being really in an uptrend since early September because, you know, it was highway consolidating, but still it wasn't breaking down lower. And then now we're breaking up, making these higher highs. So the chart trajectory on land wolf looks really good. And this is where you kind of want to see it falling into place because, like, I personally believe that next year, early next year, going into next year is when the magic is going to really happen. I will say that I'm a little skeptical with November coming around in the elections as far as how the outcome of that's going to go. Because, you know, if Kamala Harris does win, I do think that there will be a temporary style, probably capitulation event that does happen in crypto. And I know overall crypto is much so on the Trump side, and I can obviously see why. But if, you know, we can't exclude the fact that it is a very real possibility that somebody like her is actually going to end up winning the election.

Potential Market Reactions

And if that does happen, then yes, we will probably see one more style. Maybe like a miniature Covid crash or something happening in the month of November is personally what I think would happen. And then after that, I think it would be up. Only now, of course, you know, Trump gets in, then I'm sure we would probably see the opposite and see a large spike initially going into it. But I just want to throw that out there. That not to say that I'm of course, skeptical, I do believe that everybody should have their positions already putting into place in the market and always have more dry powder to continue to average in afterwards. But don't be foolish to believe that November couldn't actually be used kind of against us. And if you look at 2022 20, the charts are actually kind of similar on the larger times since with bitcoin, where we really saw bitcoin kind of looking like it was going to break out and go and make a new all time high there.

Historical Comparisons

It kind of broke out of that range there and then it kind of capitulated down from COVID Now that was obviously a Covid crash. I don't think it's going to be that. If that happens, I'm saying if that outcome happens, I don't think it's going to be anything like that. But definitely a drastic move to the downside because you're going to already see people on Twitter saying it's over for crypto. Kamala won this and that. But just keep in mind that if she does win, it's okay because Biden won in 2020 and the 2021 bull market still persisted to take place afterwards no matter what. So I think there's a bull market that is going to be heavily influenced coming into play no matter what ends up happening. Just don't be shocked if, you know, we look really good for the month of October, which is exactly what I think is going to happen, and then something ends up lackluster in November just from something like that.

Upcoming Developments and Merchandise

But back to the point to a few other updates. Talking with the team. There is merchandise that is getting ready to be launched and I actually just saw some of the early, it's basically, I believe, almost like ready to go to be listed on their site. It looks really freaking cool. These guys went over and beyond with everything they do. I mean, as you guys have seen, the content video that these individuals are putting out, it's the best content in the entire space. And that's not even, that's not an opinion at this point. I mean, some of the. That, that gladiator one that they just posted yesterday is just freaking. It's insane. The. Nobody's making content like these guys in, you know, in the space. It just period. Everybody else, you're going to start seeing them up their content game to compete with Land Wolf.

Branding and Content Quality

And that's something that's really special. And I like the way these guys are going about, you know, picking like, specific movies and things that play off that really kind of that connectivity base and rolling on through. I think there's also going to be a few other branding change ups as far as, like, the website and stuff goes. Probably minimal stuff. You guys will see it as it comes along. But the benefit right now with where we're at, and this is what I love is that, you know, when were moving sideways there, a lot of people were like, oh, we need a new exchange listing. We need this, we need that. But what I love is that obviously landlord has been listed on quite a few exchanges. But the real fun starts to happen when you get listed on exchanges like bybit getting the perpetual futures right, that's usually the first big step to see take place.

Exchange Listings and Market Cap

And usually you're not seeing coins reach the market cap of what land wolf has, and them, you know, not already have that in place.

Market Activity and Volume

So the fact that we've already had a massive run up, you got 46,000 holders holding strong. There was $7 million in volume yesterday. There's about just under 6 million today going into the weekend, too, as well, which is also freaking insane. I mean, just to put it in comparison, I don't think. I don't even think Brett is doing a million dollars on the decks. Of course they have, you know, the CeX's, which I guess that's where more people are trading it, which makes sense. But, yeah, 857. So land Wolf is quite literally yesterday alone doing seven, eight times more volume than a billion dollar boys club project, which just really, like, hones in on the value that Solana brings into play on top of it, which is something special.

Momentum and Future Potential

But point is we're in a position right now where the chart is shifting and starting to look really bullish with its momentum. And then on top of that, you're now adding that there's so much left in the tank. Like, it's not like this project ran up to 220 million and then was already listed on Bybit or Kucoin or crypto.com or binance, perpetual futures, it still has all of that right left in the tank. So I actually think while a lot of people mistakenly were kind of like shouting on top of their lungs, like, oh, we need to have this now, we need to get this now. But it made no sense, right? It made no sense to have that done, because now when we shift this momentum, we're in an uptrend. We have so much more as far as the exchanges goes and the partnerships and the marketing goes for this to really be put into place.

Community Strength and Market Resilience

And you don't see what, like I said, I can't stress it enough that there's something different going on with land. Wolf on Solana. You don't usually see memes range the way that did for an entire month, not breaking any lower structure. I was one of the only people who was even talking about it, essentially for the past month, with a few exceptions in there. So basically riding on my back and maybe a few others for an entire month, just moving sideways, but still building structure, you don't see that is a telltale sign of how strong the community actually is, no matter what anybody wants to say. And yeah, I do think we flat lined out in that area. There was no more sell pressure, and people were kind of accumulating up in these lower areas.

Expectations for the Future

And I think that as time kind of goes on here and we see the brand unveil and we start to see Pepe continue to rise up, we see Brett rise up. Solana is going to need a top boys club chain. And I feel like when normies really come into the space, the risk to award ratio on, you know, on land, wolf on Solana is the highest of any boys club member. Right. There is the most risk involved, for sure, but there absolutely is the highest reward involved for getting this thing to actually play out. Right. There's a lot more potential x's that you can get on this in comparison to, obviously, Pepe or Brett or, you know, any of these other, you know, larger native boys club, you know, projects, you know, but they are safer bets at the. At the end of the day, right?

Risk and Reward Dynamics

So the higher the risk, the higher the reward comes into play. And, you know, I'm a maxi of the boys club, so I believe in having exposure in all different areas is kind of key. And these guys do union unison or they do move in unison the way that they kind of take off and start to shift around. So it's, you know, I don't think it's any sort of shock that we're seeing them all kind of move and do their thing at the same time. And I think that next year especially is where I'm eyeballing. I want to continue to see accumulation kind of come into play. I want to see more holders kind of jump in. I want to see more. You know, you guys are awesome too.

Community Engagement and Project Development

I mean, a lot of you guys in the community have been holding it down. So shout out to you guys, hats off to you. You guys have been busting your asses to continue to keep this project rolling and I'm going to continue to see what's going on with some of the development side and talking with the team and seeing what can be put out. But at the end of the day, I know it probably the way these guys do things, and I agree with it completely, is not really telling people when these exchanges are going to drop. But I do know that the next goal for an exchange is going to be a buybit petrol's listing, which is then going to add a serious level of leverage behind land. Wolf.

Volume and Exchange Interest

And with the amount of volume that you have coming into place here, I think a lot of these exchanges are going to like this, especially in comparison to some of the other boys club projects, because these exchanges, they do make money off of volume at the end of the day. And you have to understand that for an asset at only $27 million in comparison to it's, you know, billion dollar counterparts, it's quite literally doing several times the volume as these other projects. So that's just something super important to keep in mind. This is, you know, there's something super active and just crazy going on.

Market Trends and Future Outlook

I don't think I've ever seen anything like this. It's like you can't kill this project if, even if you want to. It's just insane. The community's amazing and I think it just makes so much sense for this to really happen and we'll continue to put our best foot forward and really building out this project. I think we're really in a building transition time period with where the markets are at and it will be go time here pretty soon. And I think this is just a little taste of where things are. But nonetheless, I'm not worried about where the charts going in short term or about the branding development for the boys club.

Emerging Trends and Future Performance

And I think I'm starting to see other individuals really accepting the fact that the boys club, you know, is going to be kind of this, you know, this dominant meta in the crypto markets, which is super exciting. And we are seeing also too I've made some tweets about it. We're also seeing some pretty serious strength coming into, like Sol versus Ethereum's chart, which I think during this time period at least, so will probably continue to outperform ETH the same way we've been seeing it. I think today might be the first day that Ethereum is about a 1% higher move, but the entire move back up Sol has been outperforming ETH quite a bit, and I think that's also playing tribute to what's going on now.

Market Dynamics and Future Trajectory

We're seeing some of these newer memes launch over, and they're starting to bring some attraction back to Seoul, too, because I think it was kind of lackluster. People were focusing on Tron for a second, which didn't last very long, but it just kind of threw people all over the place. They didn't really know where to look. And now we're kind of seeing the balance of things kind of come back into play or getting these, some of these random projects that are just launching on Seoul, like mudding or whatever it's called, a little hippo that is doing really good. So that's bringing a lot of eyes back to, you know, back to Solana, and that's good. That's what we want to see.

Anticipation for Land Wolf's Development

Come into play for land wolf and letting these guys build out what we know can, and evidently, what I believe will be built out with this entire meta coming into play. So I'm super pumped about it, man. Excited to see where all this stuff ends up landing in the future. let's see here. I'm gonna let a few of you guys come up here. What's up, Mayo? Are you loading in here? What's up, Mayo? You got the mic, bro? Mayo, you there? Not. Mmm. No worries. Okay, let's see here. Let's get somebody else up. Cd, what's good, cd, you got the mic or see docs, what's good, bro?

Observations on Lamore

Good evening. I've been sitting here watching lamore for like, three, four weeks now, and this boys club is getting stronger and stronger. We got do is look where the content is. Look where the foundations have been built. It's incredible what you guys are doing. So I'm going to keep it short and sweet, but I saw this one coming, and all you got to do is just look for the signs, guys. Look where the foundations are being built. Look where the content's being created every day. And you ape. And hold, stop chasing these hundred x's and early calls. Look where the good teams are. That's all my piece. Nice one. Thanks, Rex.

The Importance of Content Creation

I appreciate that, bro. And, yeah, I've been seeing some of your posts that you've been making about it and 100%, I mean, you know, it's one of those things that I believe that when this fully continues out, people are going to say it's obvious in hindsight, but, you know, it is important, right? You know, things look, you know, like they're dead and they look, you know, they're in a really bad, gloomy spot. But when you see the type of content that is being put out and worked on and you see teams that are, you know, really just trying to improve every level of their game, it's. It's super important. And what I love is that, you know, I feel the first project to really set a high standard of content is Ponky. Ponky was definitely the first project, I think, that really started to, like, overly focus on the type of, like, game of, like, how content supposed to be made.

Emerging Competition in Content Quality

And then now you're seeing projects like Land Wolf that, like, some of my, like, irl buddies and stuff, they'll see some of the videos that the content team from Land Wolf, you know, that they're dropping and they're like, that literally looks like something that's on tv. Like, that's, you know, it's absolutely insane. With some of the level of content, I feel that, you know, you'll start to see that level of change up where people, and this is good. Like, what land Wolf is doing is good for the space because this puts pressure on the other projects. This puts pressure on them to have to evolve their content game, too, to be able to compete with the type of content, the level of content that we're actually putting out, which is beneficial to other bags that you may or may not be holding. And you're going to just continue to see that never ending race of individuals that they're trying to just put something solid forward.

Acknowledging Mo Trades

So, you know, kudos to land wolf to really, you know, step that game up and, you know, get that type of content out there for sure. Let's see here. Mo trades is loading you in. Mo trades. Give it a sec. May or may not let them up. No. Weird. Okay. Yeah, I got you. What's up, bro? All good. Can you hear us? Yeah, I can hear you. Sweet. How you doing? Hello? Can you guys hear me? Yeah, we got you, bro. Yeah, I can hear. I can hear. Okay, cool. So what's going on? All good. Bro, I'm just pumped up after this pump from wolf. I've been DCA all the way down from the heist, looking forward to this next month.

Maintaining Conviction in the Project

Yeah, and I've been posting about Wolf. I've never lost conviction in this shit, bro. I believe we will go to 1 billion and above, hopefully. So, my guy. So, yeah, I always tune into your lives and yeah, man, just thank you, bro, for this. I appreciate it, man. Really, really appreciate you coming up and 100%, man, we're going to kill it. There's no stopping. And as I made a promise to everybody that I made in June that I was going to continue to push this through with the community no matter what ended up happening. And I plan on continuing to keep that exact same promise no matter how long it takes for us to kind of get this mission up on through.

The Future of Wolf

Rome was good, bro. What's up, brother? Yeah, man, I'm super pumped about wolf. As you guys know, I've always held onto my wolf bag. Super excited for the future of wolf and what they've been doing. Their content is on the next level. And what I really feel like that did in this space is it really caused other projects to step that up. Like you were saying, it caused a lot of projects to step up their content creation, which is going to make memes more bullish long term as well. And that's something I kind of wanted touch up on was as more teams start to realize that the only way you're going to make it in this space is if you're competing with the best.

Competing for Quality in Content

When it comes to content, when it comes to recognition, brand making and all of that stuff for a long term future and massive gains to come, I feel like Wolf really put the pressure on all the other coins to, like, step up your content game, you know, like, make the normies so attracted to memes that they just, they can't help but look into these videos, right, of, like, land wolf slaying bears, like a gladiator turning into, you know, Goku destroying Vegeta, who's a bear, like, doing all of these things, people are going to want to look into this, and that's going to cause a lot of fomo. When some people start to realize how much money can be made in the meme coin industry, right? Like, once they see these really awesome con, this really awesome content from all of these teams, not just the landlord team, but from all of these teams, that's going to make people interested in saying, oh, crap, like, I can make money by paying attention to who's dropping the best content, and that's where the real money is to be made.

Concluding Remarks

Thanks for letting me have the stage, Rex. Yeah, absolutely, bro. No, 1000%. I mean, at the end of the day, you know, it's. If you guys, if you look at the, like the jumbotron, the middle. Go ahead. If you haven't watched that video, go ahead and watch that video. Because I think that most recent one is, you know, and I'm not the only one who said this travel ad also took a look and he said the same thing.

Praise for Video Quality

I think this is. That's quite literally probably the best video I've ever seen any project put out for anything. I think that's literally the best video, man, I've ever seen any project ever put out. It's insanity what these guys are willing to put the marketing material towards and stuff, because once you have this nice collection of all these videos. And what I love, too, is, you know, when land Wolf had this dip, it gave everybody a second chance to get, you know, a nice position and play. But the difference is you guys who got that second chance, you have, like, such an easier write up, right? You already have land wolf listed on a bunch of different exchanges. You already have. The Twitter's already been through the ringer, right? So the Twitter isn't going to get banned anymore because it's already been through the ringer. So you don't have to worry about any of that stuff anymore. That's all out the window. The write up is just so much smoother this time around.

Market Overview

The distribution of holders. I mean, there's 46,000 holders in this project right now, and it's still at such a low market cap, especially in comparison to the, you know, to the other competitors. And the. Why didn't save competitors? Because they're on different chains. That is the most important thing to really take a look at. And, you know, it is in everybody's invested interest for us to come together and really send this thing. And that's what's going to happen. You know, it's going to take the community just continuing doing what they're doing and the brand awareness on land wealth. I mean, we hit 36 million this morning. I didn't realize how high we hit this morning. Holy cow. We went all the way back up to 36 million this morning, which is insane. As I said, I believe it was about up from the low, that local low right there.

Market Pumps and Positioning

$150 million or, sorry, 150% pump. And then if you look at the actual bottom of the market, to there, it's gone up 225%. So if you were buying in that bottom range, as one of the believers there, then you're up, you know, drastically. And if you're somebody who bought higher, that's how you average your position to get yourself in a really good spot. So let's say, you know, your first buy in was, you know, 100 million or 80 million or whatever, and you're like, oh, shit, you know, I got in a higher area. If you average in at some of these lower areas, as you're rising up before you even get back to where your original purchases at, then you're at a. You're at a better level, which is just kind of a nice area and way to, I guess DC ing meme coins is kind of a funny thing to say. At least in the previous market cycle, we definitely wouldn't have put too much emphasis on doing something like that.

Predictions for Meme Coins

But this cycle is different, man. I think that this is going to be, you know, the. The two biggest things this cycle is meme coins. And I think the ETF cycle, that's really what this is going to be. I think, you know, for the big money, as far as the, you know, these layer ones go, I think it's going to be, you know, whatever's got a. Got an ETF put into play. Obviously, we know that bitcoin and ethereum are already on the table. We'll see what comes next. But after that, then it's memes. This is. This is the meme cycle, guys. I don't even think people, you know, I'm sure utility plays may have a. A moment again at some point, possibly, but ultimately, at the end of the day, man, this is gonna be the. This is gonna be the cycle where we are just so heavily focused on memes, and these memes are gonna onboard these masses like crazy and stuff.

Community Success and Future Moves

And, you know, the land wolf project is clearly, as it's shown you and stood the test of time. It's just not going anywhere. I mean, the haters can hate all they want. They can get freaking mad, they can get pissed. A lot of the people who are running their mouths when were ranging sideways there, they're sure as hell quiet right now. And that's funny because we're. We're still just so early out of the range to get moving. But that's just what happens. We have a, you know, we have a habit here of making people eat their own words. So, you know, other than that, you guys know that I don't ever like to keep spaces too long, because when people relisten to them, I like to make sure that they can jump in and get all this information. So, Rome, you got any. If you've got any last things, man, if not, then we can go ahead and shut it down.

Closing Remarks

No, man. Great job today. We're. We're killing it, guys. And keep up the good work. Keep up positive vibes. Yes, sir. Absolutely, guys. So, you guys on the community, like I said, much love to every single one of you. You guys are the real MVP's here, and you are, you know, you're putting in a lot of work, and believe me, that does not go unnoticed. And it's gonna. It's gonna pay off for you guys as you're getting a little bit of a taste of what's already happened by just staying strong. The. The way this is unfolding is just beautiful because if we can get an. Especially, even if we could just get, like, a nice low uptrend when the market really turns super bullish, if we're coming out of an uptrend like that, I mean, it's gonna just be a massive move can take place off of something like that.

Final Thoughts on Positioning

So patience is key in this game. Positioning yourself before the masses come in is also the next key, and understanding where the money is going to flow boys club just seems so obvious. I think Pepe on the next run is going to probably head to, well, you know, 1010, $15 billion. Brett's going to probably head to three to five, and then we'll probably see land Wolfenhe. You know, we'll see where land wolf ends up running from that area. Just simply the fact that, like I said, this is the highest risk reward ratio of any of those boys club projects, so we could land at a very nice position. So, other than that, guys, I appreciate every single one of you spending a little bit of time of your Friday to come out and listen into what we've got going on, but it is now time for us to get back to work and get pushing.

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