Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Is Monster Catching the Best Gaming Genre? hosted by spellbornegame. Delve into the world of Monster Catching games with a focus on gameplay mechanics, community engagement, and future trends in the industry. @MonStudiosHQ's upcoming MMORPG launch generates excitement across different platforms, emphasizing the importance of immersive experiences, player feedback, and competitive gameplay. Learn how nostalgia meets innovation, and explore the significance of balancing challenge and reward systems for player retention. Discover the vital role of community interactions, in-game economies, and storyline development in shaping the success of monster-catching games.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How do monster-catching games blend nostalgia with innovation?
A: By incorporating familiar gameplay elements alongside new features and enhanced graphics.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for game development?
A: Engaging with communities fosters feedback, loyalty, and a sense of belonging among players.

Q: What role does cross-platform accessibility play in expanding the game's reach?
A: Cross-platform availability enables players from different devices to enjoy the game seamlessly.

Q: How do in-game economies impact player experiences in monster-catching games?
A: Economies influence progression, trading, and customization, adding depth to the gameplay.

Q: Why are updates and events important in maintaining player interest?
A: Regular content updates and events keep the game dynamic, offering new challenges and rewards.

Q: What elements contribute to a balanced gameplay experience in monster-catching games?
A: Balancing difficulty levels, rewards, and progression ensures a satisfying gaming experience.

Q: How does competition enhance the longevity of monster-catching games?
A: Competitive features like leaderboards and PvP modes encourage player engagement and skill development.

Q: How do exploration and social interactions enrich the gaming experience?
A: Exploration fosters discovery, while social interactions create a sense of community and shared experiences.

Q: How can player feedback influence the direction of game development?
A: Listening to player suggestions helps developers understand player preferences and improve the game's content.

Q: What aspects of game lore contribute to player immersion and retention?
A: Engaging storylines, character backgrounds, and world-building enhance the immersive experience for players.


Time: 00:15:40
Nostalgia and Innovation in Monster-Catching Games Exploring how these games balance classic elements and innovative gameplay mechanics.

Time: 00:25:12
Community Engagement on Discord The importance of community feedback and interaction in shaping game development.

Time: 00:35:48
Cross-Platform Access in Gaming Discussing the advantages of allowing players to access the game across various platforms.

Time: 00:45:21
In-Game Economies and Creature Diversity How economies and creature variety impact player strategies and in-game dynamics.

Time: 00:55:33
Game Lore and Immersive Storylines Creating captivating narratives that draw players into the game world.

Time: 01:05:17
Balancing Challenge and Reward Systems Striking the right balance to keep players engaged and motivated.

Time: 01:15:59
Competitive Gameplay in Monster-Catching Exploring how competition adds a competitive edge and excitement to gameplay.

Time: 01:25:40
Exploration and Social Interactions The role of exploration and social features in enhancing player experiences.

Time: 01:35:22
Player Feedback and Game Development How player input shapes updates, new features, and the overall game development.

Time: 01:45:10
Game Updates for Continued Engagement Keeping the game fresh with regular content additions and community events.

Key Takeaways

  • Monster-catching games evoke nostalgia while innovating with new features and graphics.
  • Community engagement through platforms like Discord plays a crucial role in game development.
  • Cross-platform accessibility offers a broader reach for gaming audiences.
  • In-game economies, creature diversity, and battle mechanics are key considerations for monster-catching games.
  • Game lore and storylines contribute significantly to player immersion and retention.
  • Regular updates and events are vital for keeping the game fresh and engaging for players.
  • Balancing challenge and reward systems is essential for player satisfaction and retention.
  • The competitive aspect of monster-catching games adds depth and longevity to gameplay.
  • Exploration, discovery, and social interactions enhance the overall gaming experience.
  • Player feedback and suggestions influence game development direction and future updates.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Near Alpha Show

All right, guys, welcome to the near alpha show. We host a show every single Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. pST. It's great to see some familiar faces in here. If you could just take a second before we get started and repost the space for me. Bottom right corner, the little purple pill. You hit that, or I just pin something up at the top. You could repost the space, especially if you are a speaker. let people know that we're out here. if you're in the listening, let people know that the near office shows just begun. We just got started here just a second ago, and we're chatting with the daft app team. I had dapped up here 2 seconds ago, and then they disappeared. So I'm not sure what happened to them, but they were just up here like 3 seconds ago. So, maybe, frederick, if you can help track them down. But either way, a bunch of stuff has just happened.

Recent Announcements and Updates

near protocol has just announced q three roadmap literally was posted within the day, within the same day. So I haven't even had a chance to look at it yet. But I did retweet it, so it's on my page. We'll put it up here at the top. I did just post the near alpha of the week as well, so I'll be pulling a little bit from there as we kind of go over some of the things that have been going on in your protocol. I still wanted to hit on. I know last week we hit on Defi a little bit because we had Dex tools on and we had maybe refinance. I think it was also up with us. There's a few other topics I want to hit on for Defi. Just because we had dapped app and dapped up is kind of all about gamifying the Defi and decentralized app world, I guess, if you will. And so I was kind of interested in talking about that, and as long as they show up, we can have that conversation.

Panelists and Community Participation

But I'll throw it over to my amazing other panelists. We got Lawana and Monza up here in the house. And guys, if you're in the near community, definitely request up if you want to be a part of the conversation, but I'll throw it over to Luana first. How are you doing? Hey, how are you? How is everybody? Super excited to be here. Another Wednesday with near week and Kate and Monsa and everybody super, super excited about this hackathon that is happening also with Nir. There is like a lot of rewards happening there. I know that we're going to have, like, there has been an amae, with proximity. And the other alpha. I saw that Jared actually shares some stuff about shard dog. Next phase is going to be fire. where is shardog to tell me this? Alpha, please.

Discussion on Shard Dog and Community Dynamics

No. Exactly. I need to know what's happening with shard dog. Maybe rime has some intel. I know he, He's close to the shard dog people. He loves shard dogs. Maybe rime's got some intel on it. Maybe nothing. Yeah, I also saw there was a little bit of. I don't know if I call it beef or drama, but definitely some. Some discourse going back and forth between the communities. I don't know if it's really communities or more. Just so a hot take, but the shih tzu and meteor wallets, gear token, and just sort of talking about the meme season going in for season five of ref finance. I don't know exactly the details. Cause I feel like I lack the historical context. Shih Tzu to properly disclose, to properly outline this in a way where I feel like I would do either team justice, all I noticed was there are some drama. I try to stay away as much as I can, but I don't know, it kind of lured me in, and it was an interesting idea.

Reflections on Popular Shows and Personal Insights

Like, the idea of, like, which constitutes as a meme point. Does it even count? Is it supposed to be. I don't even know. Meteor wall's position. Like, do they want it to be a meme coin? Like, I don't even know what to do here. I like both teams. We have Shih tzu on. We've had him on multiple times. We've had. We've hung out with. With the guys over from media wall multiple times as well. So I'm not exactly sure what to think because I just lack a lot of the context. But, hey, we'll see what happens. I'll throw it over to Monza. I know Monza's in the house. Great to have you, man. Yo, yo. What's up, y'all? How you doing? A little sick. My. My girl started teaching the other day, and she's teaching kindergarteners, and she came home sick, so at least we get that out of the way to start the year, but we'll power through and excited to have dad tap on here and learn some more about everything they got going on.

Dramatic Developments in the Community

But, yeah, that. The Shih tzu drama was. It was something, but not to get too much into it, but, yeah, it's just basically, you know, determining what. What is and what isn't a meme coin and, you know, it's a, it's gonna be subjective to everyone. So sucks that the Shih tzu community, who's been here since the start, kind of gets pushed to the side on that one. So looks like they're coming up with a solution. So excited to see how they, how the gear and the, or the meteor and the Shih tzu team works together because it seems like they had something in the works there. So again, that's what's awesome about the near community is even when someone feels like they get screwed, you know, the other teams are there to help them. So out of the drama, it looks like there's going to be some good stuff coming out of it, at least.

Shifting Topics to Popular Culture

You know, it reminds me of, I just finished the show the hundred, dude, I could not stop watching that show. And it was so bad. It was literally one of the worst shows I've ever seen in my entire life. And I could not stop binging it. I literally would just blow through, like 20 episodes a day. I could not stop watching. And I was watching on two x because it was so terrible. The dialogue was terrible, the story was terrible, but the places that they were in, the situations they were put in were so interesting that I had to know what happened. And I was just thinking, like, from the rises we or, no, from the rises. From the ashes we rise. Just like, popped in my head when you said that.

Conversations About Recent Shows

And also, maz, I don't know if you caught it, but I was playing the intro to death Note. I also just binged that. I just, I had to knock off a couple shows off the roster, bro. I've been, I'm backed up. I haven't had time to watch anything. I need to fit in a couple of shows. And so I blasted through death Note. That show was good. That show was good. Oh, yeah. We watched that in Denver, right? I don't know if we watched the first episode of that or if it was something else, but, oh, you know what? You're right. We did. You're right. I wasn't fully bought in at that point. I needed to watch the first episode two or three times before I was like, okay, I'll watch this thing.

Personal Viewing Experiences

I just knew I had to commit, dude. Like, I knew everyone else likes it. I was like, look, there's something to be said here. For some reason, this show is an instant hit for everybody, especially non-anime people. But anyways, man, yeah, crazy. Good show. I'll throw it over to dap. Dap. We got a little bit off track there, but it's okay. Daftap. How's it going guys? What's up. Yo? By the way, there's a. There's quite a bit of background sound on your phone right now. Sorry, should get better in a sec. I didn't get a spaces plan beforehand, but yeah, feel free to ask anything away relating to that.

Continuing the Discussion on Roadmap and Updates

Right on. I was going to say also this might help. I'm not sure where you're at right now, but if you have an iPhone and you scroll down from the top to that scroll down menu where you can do like the flashlight and stuff, the top, right will say mic mode and you can hit voice isolation and switch it off standard. I just know that from a lot of space you probably know this too, but just in case, that typically will fix most of the problems. But anyways, I wanted to run through some of the stories, so like I said a second ago, Q three near protocol roadmap has just been updated. And you guys know there's been a few pretty big developments.

Technical Updates and Innovations

Like I know, like the near one team has come out. There's a chance traction team as well. And some of the things that they mentioned to fully reap the benefits of this new design, they obviously had. What's the word? What's the word I'm looking for? Their big updated chase signatures launched the other day like a couple weeks ago, and then very most recently was the nightshade 2.0. That came out as well, and so had a crazy amount of things happening. They really are optimizing. So I'm just reading off the right paper now just from a few of the main points. They want to optimize for state witness size, reduce gas costs for storage operations.

Previous Trends and New Initiatives

They want to reshard. So resharding is something they're going to be focusing on. The launch of stateless validation means that no validator node needs to track all the shards. It just enables, which enables scaling to potentially many more shards. But the old method of restarting is no longer working and a new one needs to be developed and tested. So it's going to be a lot faster and it's going to be super dynamic and efficient. That's something they're going to be focusing on. Node synchronization, transaction priority fees, dynamic resharding, runtime performance improvements, leaderless consensus, bunch of big words. Sharded smart contracts.

Concluding Thoughts on Near Protocol Developments

These are some like the main topics that they're going to be hitting on. So I just wanted to outline that for people. And then, yeah, I was going to see if Juana has any thoughts. Dap, dap. Manta, get some thoughts on the roadmap. I mean, I actually checked it out, like, and I'm impressed about everything that is going to be happening for that momentum. And I just want to say that I have to really go back and check, like, all over again because I went and fledged it, like, I read it like, super fast, but I'm sure Monsa actually probably looked at it, like, even better than me.

Engagement with the Community

Yeah, you're going to be mistaken on that one. I saw the tweet two minutes before we got into this space, if I'm being completely honest with that. I did see the tweet from a couple of days ago about the. The speaker that's going to be at redacted, though, and I just pinned that up top. I thought that announcement was pretty sweet. Dude, who even is that guy? Edward Snowden? Yes. That's crazy. Yeah, yeah, it's going to be crazy, actually, to hear all those different topics he's going touch right there.

Final Invitations and Reflections

So definitely, if you want to, like, you should be going to redacted no matter what because you also have, like, and especially if you don't have access, like, to go to redacted somehow. Anyway, participate in the online hackathon. There is 500k in bounties. Like, are you kidding me? 500 k's? Yeah, 500 of me. No, 500k. Okay. Okay. My bad, my bad. You're going to be there. So. So if you. If you want to meet Kate in person, everybody, let's go to redacted. Yeah, unfortunately, I had my glasses stolen at the last conference lawn. Has my glasses right now.

Introduction to Defi and DaVinci

Like, I just watched a podcast where he was on and, these things are possible. So, anyways, I'll. We can run through some of the top stories here, but I wanted to throw it over to Daptap first just because Daptap has a couple of the stories that I had listed even in my last post today. They just launched DaVinci, which is the next gen Defi consumer app. And basically the goal is to usher in some new Defi renaissance, spark some interest, have some fun on that world. So I'll throw it over to adaptab, get some thoughts on that, how the launch went, what are your main goals? And just give a little bit of color on that announcement.

Daptap's Launch Experience

Yeah, sure. Thanks. I just posted, I just see linear shadow this out as well. Go check them out. They're really cool consensus. But yeah, we had our eventually launched, it went quite well. I think it was like, it went a lot like the market reception was a lot better than I expected yesterday. We got some great support from all the layer tools around in the market. I think sort of the goal we're trying to solve, which is ultimately blockchain fragmentation. That's why we're using the Natex style. It's something everyone appreciates. So yeah, it was really cool to see lots of apps, like lots of air tools like arbitram and everyone some support. So yeah, we had a great launch. And shout out everyone in the new community. Show the love as well. Love it, love it. Appreciate the insights there.

Understanding DaVinci – Elevator Pitch

So with dappdap, just for people who aren't fully aware of whatever you guys are building, what's like your 1520 2nd elevator pitch when someone asks what you do? Extremely simple, right? We're at the next gen defi consumer app, so if you want to use any bucks. And currently we're focused on the Ethereum EDM ecosystem. Right? But if you want to use any Ethereum or EVM blockchain out there, use that. That's the easiest way you can learn all the apps, right? You can find out all the PVL, what all the steps are, and you never have to use leave the interface. And as well, you're not sort of, there's no, because all our front ends are open source and permissionless users won't get scammed. Right. So it's something that, it's always a risky to type in uniswap in Google and pick the first link, but with that, all our content are verified.

Defi and AI Integration

And so that's the added benefit. Right on. So for someone who's like, yo, I don't even know what that means. I use ref finance. It's easy enough. Like what's the main value add slash win condition that DAP provides that people are missing. Like, there's a bit of a disconnect, I think, in the defi conversation, especially for people who aren't like veterans who haven't been here for a couple of years and seen some stuff. They're like, dude, I don't know, I barely use meteor wallet, I kind of use ref finance. I'm too nervous. I don't know. What's the win condition for daft app? Yeah, no, that's a really good point. We don't just want people to use the app. Like what we are trying to optimize in is showing users where the best yield and lending opportunities are available. So what we do is currently we have integrated over 18 Ethereum l two s, and each of these l two s comes with its own liquidity, its own dapps, its own dexs, its own sort of yield bearing opportunities.

Navigating Defi with DaVinci

So what that does is it offers like one place where you can get a really good oversight of, let's say you have ten eth in your wallet, right? Where is the best yield available? Well, you can just go to daplab and find out and use it and deposit directly without ever leaving the interface. So I think that's the easiest way to sort of explain the ultimate value add. It's just getting that like whole oversight into the Ethereum EVM market. Gotcha. Gotcha. Makes sense. Yes. It's kind of in line with the chance to actually have everything in one spot, making it a little bit more convenient for you. So it makes sense. Makes sense. Listen, I want to run through some of the top stories here as well. We'll come back. And I know you've got a few different announcements that you had to drop, and it's kind of part of the conversation. I also am curious on bringing up Defi and talking about the role of AI.

Emerging Trends in AI and Defi

We just saw, like, one of the stories I was going to bring up was BTA protocol partnering with. Who do they partner up with, bro? Thunderhood Labs. So that's another NFT, not NFT, meme coin launchpad that makes it easier to. To drop meme coins. Right. And so they're parting with BTA to have a smoother experience with AI powered. I'm not exactly sure what that entails. There wasn't too much information there. But I am kind of curious on somebody else's thoughts on the conversation of AI and the role it will play within Defi. Maybe we can get Luana's thoughts on this. I know she's working with Cody games or CMO now. She's got a big fancy title for Cody games, but I bet some of the conversations, I mean, we've been in a lot of the gaming conversations, a lot of defies involved in the gaming world. I imagine for the conversations you're having, people are incorporating AI into them a little bit, or at least it's a buzzword.

Insights on AI's Role in Defi

But I'm kind of curious if you have any thoughts on AI optimization for Defi. If maybe you think that people will lean into it for trading strategies, maybe they'll. They'll use it for gaming. just because Zapdap is kind of. I imagine they're gonna have their hand in all of the various cookie jars. And so I want to get some of your thoughts, Luana. I mean, 100% AI will play a vital role in a lot of the things that are gonna be happening with Defi. And I think that we have been, like, kind of already playing with it when it comes to, like, the development side. So I think that most of it is not only the integration on how things are going to flow, it's the advantages that really users are going to have as an experience in a completely different idea, where you can actually have tools that will benefit your traits and as well have access to more data than what we have right now when it comes to just one platform.

Chain Abstraction and AI

I think that also to bring in that topic, the defi fact of all the connections that right now they are getting built in your protocol, and the idea of chain abstraction is going to play a lot of roles in the defi. I think that we are in a chain that it's really thinking about bringing a solution into such a huge problem when it comes to seamlessly user interaction and experience that we're really looking to have with web three. We don't want to continue building the same wheel as everybody's been trying to do. I think the idea of having AI integration is to really bring up a different type of solution to what we have right now. Yeah, great points there all around. I'm curious. We'll throw it to Monza. And then I saw a great question here that I just pinned up at the top.

Monza's Perspective on AI in Defi

But Manza, I want to get some of your thoughts on the AI conversation within defi. Would you use an AI platform? Do you think it would be helpful to you especially, or like the average retail user who comes in, do you think they would be interested incorporating AI into it, or do you think it comes in stages? I kind of want to just get some thoughts from this part of the conversation. I mean, I think it can be just like the conversation that we always have on the larger crypto scene in general is, you know, using it without actually knowing you're using it. So if there's ways that you can implement AI onto your platform and normal user doesn't even know that they're using it, but it makes the experience better, something like that would benefit everyone, I think. Yeah, I agree with you because for me at least, DeFi is a portion of a yemenite, of a bigger conversation as well.

The Intersection of Gaming, AI, and Defi

Like, you bring in big words like the metaverse. you bring in big words like basically, I mean, literally anything. Like any massive industry, like gaming or the metaverse defies a massive portion that makes it possible. Slash makes it something that blockchain would be incorporated in. Like if you have a gaming platform, and there's not really a big difference between you and some other web two company. the big difference might be the blockchain aspect of it or the defi aspect where you can trade some of these tokens and stuff. That might be the main sell that they have. We were also in a lizard lab space the other day. There are big gaming projects and gaming, what's the word? Gaming, not guild, it's some other gaming company word. But they were talking about it and they were like, yeah, we just went to this big gaming convention and there was no distinction or separation between these normal gaming companies and these web three companies.

Challenges in Gaming and DeFi Integration

The conversation even of owning your assets was even coming up and he was like, crap, we have a harder game than we thought. Maybe that we have to wrestle with getting people to choose gaming as the main thing that they're going to spend their time on. And then furthermore, getting them to bother with the defi aspect of things. So that's where I was like, maybe AI will have a hand in it and make it easier for them so there won't be as many steps and hoops they have to jump through. But Luana, over to you, I mean completely on that. I think gaming is already trying to integrate a lot of things when it comes to optimization and AI. It can bring really good stuff for user experience.

AI's Potential in DeFi Platforms

And I think one of the perks that we have seen with AI and literally defi can be like, first of all, you're going to have, we know that this environment is kind of involved in all these, a speculation of what the market trend is going to be or how the analysis can be and all that. And AI and DeFi platforms can really predict maybe better those market trends and analyze those patterns. But I have also seen those into a challenge where people feel that AI algorithms might lead to trust issues in some way because of the users and regulators that really will have a demand on how those are made, those decisions. So I think that we are still trying to go around it because we have to think in the full environment and how the helicopter view can really show us a picture of what can happen.

Developments and Challenges in AI Integration

And I think the more we develop certain solutions, we go like with a lot of challenges behind us. And I think that with more time in the development side, we're going to be able to see a better background on how things are going to turn. But definitely the scalability of it. You can have like, oh my God, there is a smart contract optimization that I actually saw that it can really, really optimize the smart contracts in so many ways by really analyzing the code in a crazy way. And aside from that, like imagine having your personalized financial service. Like you can have a personalized investment advice or your portfolio management. I saw like certain things that were like really like moving forward into it. And aside, like in Korea right now, that is happening.

AI Development and Real World Applications

Blockchain, the blockchain week, there has been a lot of points on AI and actually Mir also was there, is there actually, and they have been, you know, kind of like bringing all this information on chain obstruction and all these different projects, just like kind of like talking about these topics. So I'm really like eager to see like what came up out of that. Yeah, definitely. I've been seeing some posts as well from their protocol. They're out there. I think it's in Korea. So. Yeah. Great points. Great points all around. There's a few other rabbit holes actually on this topic, but I want to throw it over to dap and get some thoughts as well.

Future of DAP and AI Integration

I had a question here from open Wifi, I think is how you say it. And by the way, guys, if you have any questions, thoughts, or topics you want to post to the panel, definitely go to the bottom right corner, hit the little purple pill, the little purple message icon, and retweet the space, and then drop a question below. We'd love to incorporate into the conversation. Really appreciate getting the feedback from you guys, but they asked, will you build some AI features into the platform as well? Curious if you guys have had any of those conversations or if it's already being optimized. It's already being optimized. It's the latter. We are just looking like it's probably. We released DaVinci as a core product.

Upcoming Developments and Anticipations

Right. And I think the most I can say is, aside from just integrating AI into DaVinci, we will also be releasing an AI focused product. But I can't slow, and that will be very soon. So expect some news at banker. Really? All right. All right. There's nothing you can drop. I don't know how much of this I could already say, honestly. So, yeah, I'm definitely starting up now. He's about to get the call from the higher ups. He'd be like, bro, get off the stage. Get off the state. We had a guy in one of our other spaces. We just found. I'm pretty sure that something went wrong. Like, maybe he said too much about something and I don't know if we're going to be hearing back from them anymore, but. No, I'm just kidding.

Reflections and Further Input

I'm just playing, but okay. Very cool. Very cool. Right on. Sounds good. Sounds good. I'll throw it over to Luana and Manza and get any thoughts. If there's any stories across the ecosystem you guys thought were interesting that you wanted to bring up. Otherwise, I've got some as well, but I'll throw it over to Luana first and see if she's got any particular stories or topics. I know, right before you go, that near protocol is kind of bouncy in the last month or so. Bouncy between $3.50 and $5.13 or so on the month. And so there's tons of opportunity for swing trading. It's starting to get a little bit. A little bit not so good for swing trading.

Market Trends and Future Considerations

There's a period where the swings were pretty consistent, but now it's starting to feel a little bit bearish. And that's pretty much expected, at least from a lot of people I was talking to. September is typically a more bearish month. So from the trading side of things, if you're opening shorts and you have a trading platform or something like that, you're probably totally fine because you just have to flip the chart over and you're all good. But anyways, I want to throw it over to Luana and Mazna, get any thoughts on any stories they thought were interesting. So I'll start with Luana. I mean, I'm really interested in seeing dub developments right now because I think that they have been bringing a lot of stuff.

Community Engagement and Workshops

Also, I'm going to have a workshop with Metapool and the girls of crypto curiosas. We're going to be talking about a lot of stuff about DeFi as well, and the innovation with chain obstructions and all those stuff. And it's going to be for the community in Spanish. So if you are interested in participate in this workshop, just like come to my Twitter or my ex. I will say before Elon cuts my microphone, you can come to my space, to my ex, and you can check the tweet that I just posted about this workshop. We're going to have great talks with the medical team and some other girls participating with me.

Updates and Insights Sharing

I'm trying to find the post to pin it up at the top. Is it this one? I just pinned it up at the top. I don't see it, but I'm going to pin it up. Don't worry. All right. No, I think I pinned the wrong one. No, I'm kidding. Mazda. I'll throw it over to you, man. See if you've got any particular stories you thought were interesting, if there's any updates from open force protocol or any projects that you're more deeply involved in. Yeah, I was going to say, I haven't given an open forest protocol update in a while, and I don't have anything too crazy, but I can say that, you know, we discussed.

Open Forest Protocol Developments

We discussed a possible OFP token before, and I can say that is. That is coming sooner rather than later. So things on the OFP front are going to start picking up, talking about tokens. So it's going to be a lot of just information about that, about what the token is and everything. So get ready for that and just pay attention. Is there any. If you have any questions, I'll answer them. Is there anything you can dive into right now without breaking NDAs and stuff?

Plans for Upcoming Information

I don't think there's anything too specific I can say at this moment, but there will be information coming from my account, coming from Emmy's account, probably coming from Nono's account, and then from the official OFP account in the next, I'll say week or two.

Acknowledgment and Greetings

Got it. Got it. Okay, cool, cool. We got Emmy up on stage as well. Maybe Emmy's, maybe Emmy's gonna drop something that you weren't aware of. Monsa. Emmy, it's great to have you. Hi, Kate. Oh, my, you've been cracking my ribs from the listener row. Thank you so much for hosting and GM near week, GM Monza and everyone here. Hi, Dab. Dabdeh Loana, I think you have so many unread DM's from me. I know, I know. I have so many unread messages from a lot of people. I'm very bad. I've been very bad.

Busy with Work and Promises

But it has been because I have been really crazy busy with web three games and a lot of spaces and a lot of events and a lot of crazy things going on. But definitely going on those DM's now that I am not in Korea. So I will be answering. Don't worry, Emmy, it's fine. It's fine. Thank you so much. And yeah, there would be so much updates like Monza, like there would be an update on open forest coming from my account as well. So stay tuned and yes, thank you all.

Exciting Updates on Open Forest Protocol

Let's go. Let's go. It's great to have you up here. Awesome, awesome stuff. Well, let me run through some of the stories here. It's cool that we're going to see some open force protocol updates soon. I actually just posted, well, the wolf account just posted an RGBA video that I filmed that I thought was pretty interesting. Give a quick plug to open forest protocol in that video. Actually, I'll see if I can pin it up at the top now. It's a pretty good video. I was proud of myself. I scripted it and I thought it was very well done. So I'll put it up at the top here.

Discussing RWA and Tokenization

If you guys have any interest in that video on RWA. It's a pretty interesting industry, actually, for people who don't know the idea of robot assets and incorporating things that are backed and traditionally traded on stocks, markets and stuff, and you're able to tokenize and fractionalize real stuff like land or real estate or whatever it is, bonds, and you can tokenize it and then you can own part of it digitally. Its backed on the blockchain. It makes a whole lot of sense. I really think the RWA world is going to be pretty big.

Investment Trends and Market Insights

The blackrocks, the JPMorgans, those kind of big companies, the big name companies, they're pouring quite literally billions of dollars into the industry and retail almost always follows that money. So it's going to be crazy stuff. It's going to be crazy stuff. I imagine there's going to be some pretty cool defi things that happen on those platforms as well. And there will be a whole lot of things to go through. But anyways, yeah, there's a few other stories I wanted to jump through and we'll throw it over back to daft app after.

Ref Finance and Meme Coin Seasons

I know they've got another big announcement. I think you pinned it up at the top here. A partnership with Polygons. We'll hit on them in just a second. but just some other things, just so people are aware of everything going on in your protocol. So like I said earlier, ref finance has their meme season five going down right now. This season is supposed to be different from all the previous seasons of meme coin. Fun. I don't know what that means exactly. all I know is they've capped season one through four.

NFT Airdrops and Opportunities

There's an honorary NFT for season four also that's being airdropped to people. I think it's already been airdropped for anyone who was whitelisted in season four and qualified through that snapshot. And the benefits of holding those in your wallet is daily check in token rewards. So hopefully those are fruitful and then future collection whitelist access. So if you're bullish on refinance, I imagine holding the NFT is not a bad idea. There's also this project that came out of nowhere, at least from my side of things.

New Projects and Market Trends

I hadn't heard of them before. It's called happy or happy h a p I their cybersecurity solution. And I'm not 100% sure on everything going on over there. I just know that they have an NFT collection. It's now trading and live on miteihood NFT trading platform. Mite also has a new meme coin called Corgi that found its way onto the main stage. So the corgi meme coin is up here alive and kicking. We had spear on near drop a game under their ecosystem called Text Royale, a new text based battle royale rpg experience in Telegram.

Collaboration Opportunities and Updates

I just made a tweet about that as well. So much opportunities to collaborate and have some cool quests and things going down on telegram over there and then jump Defi also came out of the cave and has finally given us an update on what they've been busy on the last few months here, essentially. In short, this is quoting from their tweet. They're developing a swapping, sorry, they're developing a swap aggregator leveraging best in class algos that connect every Dex architecture on near. So a bunch of big words.

Future Updates from Jump Defi

I only know half of them. I need to wait for another follow up announcement to see what that even means. but anyways, yeah, they're going to be coming out. We'll see a lot more of them coming soon, so hopefully we'll see some content from some of the amazing creators on stage here. and then meme cooking. Their, their launch pad has now announced that Testnet is live, so I believe all the meme launch pads are now live, at least on Testnet. And so you can definitely give this a go if that's your world.

Meme Coin Opportunities and Personal Insights

I'm not as deep in the meme coin world currently. I like to get in when bitcoin is a lot more bullish. but I'm sure there will be opportunities for anyone who gets in there then. The last thing on meme coins is the chill token. They just partnered with meme cooking for a fair TGE launch. So that's another reason to kind of keep tabs on meme cooking because that's something I knew from the start with chill token is they wanted to have a fair launch. And so it's good to know, that's good to see and we'll see what comes of it.

Market Dynamics and Community Engagement

But if anyone has any thoughts on any of their stories on the meme launchpads, like, I don't know, Luana Monza, dap. Emmy, if you guys have been using those launchpads, if you guys think that's a good idea, if it's bullish or bearish for the ecosystem, does that push the defi narrative forward? I'm curious. Maybe I'll hit Emmy real quick, get your thoughts on the defi conversation. The meme coin launch pad conversation, what are your general thoughts on that?

Thoughts from Monza and Lawanna

Oh, Emmy, if you're speaking, your mic is muted, by the way. All good. I'll bounce it over, I'll throw it to Monza. Yeah, I mean, I think it's all great, but at the end of the day, we need more liquidity in the ecosystem, right? So all these things are great and if they work, they're better, but need people to use them. So if these projects are focusing on new users, then it's all great. But if we're just running around, you know, getting the same hundred people to use our things, it's not really gonna be worth it.

Highlighting User Experience Challenges

So I guess it just depends on the marketing of them and then how we all, how it all works out. But, you know, we do need products for people to use. So the products are there for the people to use. And then we just got to bring in the people. Bring them in, Mazda. Bring them in. Brother. We need your help. Let me throw it over to Lawanna and get some thoughts over from her.

Lawanna's Insights on Retail Investors

I mean, I couldn't agree more with what Manza just said. And I think that right now we haven't seen a really good stream of retail investors actually come in. I don't think only for NIR. I think in the whole ecosystem it has been very dry, I feel, for this season when it comes to it. I think definitely we have to focus in the user experience. Most of these platforms right now are on a test side, but I think that we should really start focusing on that community building in the outside of what neo realm is.

Building Bridges Across Ecosystems

And those are going to bring the real feedback as well because they're going to have a different comparison, they're going to come from a different type of realm when it comes to trading and as well like different other tokens. And I guess, like, those cross collaborations will be like a great focus. And it has been something that I have always tried to push on. Nier is to have, like more cross relationships with other projects outside the Nier ecosystem.

User Interaction and Community Growth

I think that will bring a, that kind of investors to really bring that liquidity or if I'm saying, like, come and interact also with our platforms. That's a great point, actually. That just reminds me of another announcement I had seen from Delta trade. They're a grid trading bot. I think they're pretty cool. And they just posted this. It says, next stop, Solana chain.

Cross-Chain Integration Importance

I think that is the move to be incorporated into other ecosystems and drawing in people from the outside in is one, as you have to have all sides of it. You have to have things going on in the ecosystem for the people who are already here. But you also do need some outreach mechanisms and some cool collaborations. It's sometimes hard to remember, but like in the 2021 bull market, when it was just crazy.

Partnerships as a Liquidity Strategy

Retail NFTs were pumping everywhere like monkeys were going viral and stuff like that. During that period of time, partnerships pretty much led the way for getting in new liquidity and stuff and interest and hype and maintaining momentum. Partnerships were pretty much the hack. Now it's hard to know if that will sort of work again because a lot of people, they sort of know better because most of them ended up being nothing. But there will be retail people that we can fool.

Monza's Trading Expertise

So it's no problem. Everyone else can be our exit. Liquidity. Monza can cash out and buy another yacht, his second or third at this point, I don't know. All I know is he saved me when I was drowning multiple times and pulled out four or five people out of the burning wreckage. It was quite incredible to watch as I was just put. Pulling myself together.

Witnessing Monza's Generosity

I was just watching him dive back in for another sacrifice, his fifth yacht, to. To save the people. And then right after, he just gave them his seed phrase and said, listen, I don't need this money. I'm going to just give it to you. You could use it more than I could. And it was incredible. It was incredible to see. You could tell this guy has been trading on Solana, or, sorry, has been trading on near protocol and just making bags, dude.

Sharing Thoughts with Dap

Like, that's really all that's been going on over there. It was incredible to see, man. But, anyways, let me throw it over to, to dap. Dap. Get some thoughts over here on this part of the conversation. Yes, sir. It's very multifaceted, right? So I think there's a couple of angles. I think the first, most important thing is that if you look, for example, at devtop right now, we're like a team that has spun out from the near ecosystem that's leveraging the near tech stack to.

Focus on User Experience

To actually make the web three user experience significantly better. But the reason we haven't actually integrated it near Mainnet is because it's not EVM compatible. You have the Aurora smart contract, but that's a different story. And so Nir is working on stuff like that with making metamask snaps compatible, but it's not at that level yet where we'd actually have to sacrifice user focus to integrate it. And I think that highlights, like, a core problem of Nierette.

Future Integrations and Growth

Like, we've always been so focused in our own bubble. So it will happen soon once we push pagoda spin out, right? But whatever spin out is working on that right now to integrate it. So just to offer perspective on how we can sort of maintain newest growth. It is also making it easy for applications like that or major wallets like Siri and Rainbow wallets to integrate with NIR. I think that's a core focus.

Recognizing Innovative Projects

And I think for partnerships in general, Delta trade is doing some really cool stuff. Really cool team there. So love what they're doing. And I think they're actually bringing an experience to Solana right now that is not, like there. There's no, but, like, delta trade on Solana right now. So it will definitely gain some market traction, which is cool to see.

The Importance of Unique Value Propositions

And I think that's supporting. Right. We can't just have, like, projects existing on there where there's, like, there's another alternative chains. You have to, like, sort of be thinking like, what's in the unique value proposition? And then that sort of brings eyes of other people to nier. Right. When they see that.

Final Thoughts and Acknowledgments

So, yeah, shout out to other trade and, yeah, I think that's all. Love it. Yeah, yeah. Delta trade is doing some cool stuff for sure. Speaking of partnerships and being cross chains and also just bringing just sort of unifying crypto, in a sense. You guys have partnered up with Polygon and you're going to be joining the list of contributors building the.

Exploration of Partnership Goals

I don't know if you call it ag. I assume you don't call it ag layer, but it's. I assume it's Agg layer. But either way, could you give us some color on that partnership, what you guys are hoping to achieve there and build? Yeah, of course. I'm sorry to add layer because it's short for aggregation layer. So you said it.

Understanding the Bigger Picture

Right. I think I just maybe taking a step back, right. And not just making about dab. You see, like, all the big layer twos right now with most market attention, most liquidity, probably like Polygon, arbitram, optimization, Zksync, they're all pivoting towards this sort of super chain elastic chain arbitrage orbits.

AG Layer Interface Development

So the product has actually already been built and we're just building the interface for the ag layer frontend. And so this will be the official interface hosted on like the Polygon website when users want to try out Ag layer. And it will, you know, it will use the stack on the front end to facilitate everything. Sorry, there's some loud people here, but basically what I think just to add to that, so what I mean is like this product will hopefully make Webtree experience better for all. Everyone that wants to use AG layer now will hopefully have a better experience because of it. I think that's the long term vision, right? It's how can we abstract away any complexities with web three and. Yeah, so that's what we're doing with Polygon and the reason we actually, normally we just release products, we don't do any announcement, but we wanted to announce this beforehand because I think when Polygon does the official aG layer launch in like a few months, they just want to focus on people using AG layer and not necessarily promoting that it's built by that lab, which makes sense. So we kind of requested to announce it beforehand. Hope that finds anything. Let me know if you have any questions.

Discussion on Partnerships and User Experience

Well, I saw Luana, I saw you throwing up a bunch of emojis during that take. So curious if you had any questions before. I did, no, I really love the fact that they are actually looking into partner with other blockchains as well because this is like the first and initial thing that were talking about. We have to open the scope so we can actually have a better stream of new users to make it easier also for a solid platform to continue participating. Because at the end this is what we need. We need not only users to experience in the platform, but also we need them to participate in certain way. So I'm very excited to see how that will turn and definitely we'll try. Dubbed up. Let's go, let's go. Monsa, I didn't know if you had any perspective or questions on that as well. This guy's still recovering from the boat accident. It's all right. We'll, we'll come some slack on this one for sure.

AI in Defi and Market Trends

That also, I was going to say, oh, right before this, there was one other story I forgot to mention earlier and makes me extra bullish on the AI conversation. I've been seeing a lot of tweets and buzz around AI stuff happening on near protocol. I also saw that Sender Labs has updated their username now twice in the last couple of months here from sender labs to sender network. And now I was trying to tag them earlier and now they have rebranded to Sender AI. So now their bio says AI agents powering decentralized blockchain operations for web three, backed by Binance Labs and Pantera Capital. So I don't know what's good with sender labs. They put out announcements and stuff every now and then. They've done a couple of social like campaigns. I know they're, I believe they're in Korea right now, but yeah, they've taken a step towards AI, obviously. We saw thunderhood partner up with BTA protocol. We had that conversation earlier about how AI may optimize some of these defi solutions and stuff, but I thought that was pretty interesting. So definitely you guys have any thoughts on that? Throw up a hand. Otherwise we'll throw it over to DaP.

Introduction of DaVinci Product

Dap. Because they also had a pretty big launch and going in line with something that Luana said earlier in regards to consumer apps and having. We need more focus on them, making sure they're run well and they're fun and they're easy to use and things like that. And so, yeah, that you guys have a pretty big announcement that I'm down for you guys to sort of introduce here called DaVinci. Yeah, for sure. So DaVinci is our flagship product right now. It's where we'll be focusing most of, like, most of our core attention. So what we don't want to do is we don't want to be chasing the market ever. Right. I think we want to be like this comes from everyone involved. But I think just as builders also standing from Nair, like you always say, Nair does the sort of the tech rebrand or pivot, like maybe a year before it becomes cool and then has already pivoted away, then it becomes like a hot thing in the market. I think everyone can agree on that.

Future of the DaVinci Platform

Right. So, you know, but I think probably we don't want to keep on doing that as products like you want to actually get user based and like get people to use the product, get familiar. So we started using the near blockchain operating system, sort of aggregation capabilities on the front end and we're going to continue doing so, you know, like, so that's part of DaVinci. And DaVinci is like our core platform. It's like our YouTube if were Google. And it's where you can use experience all of web three. So when we start releasing more medals soon and doing more updates and getting more of the overview around where you can get the best yield and everything, it will be on DaVinci. And then besides DaVinci, we'll be working with Polygon to optimize their own front end and we'll also be releasing an AI product soon. So there's a lot more to come there too. And hopefully we can also implement some like change signature tech into DaVinci itself, use some more of the near tech stack.

Challenges and Community Feedback

But yeah, that's all I can say. I think the biggest call to action is if you ever want to experience Ethereum L, two s or evms, that is the best place. Honestly, right now there's still actually a lot of problems. You'll notice the UI isn't perfect yet. We're like a small team of eight people. So we're trying to aggregate the whole Ethereum EVM landscape. It's a bit of a task, but we're getting there. So DaVinci is sort of our first proper step forward at that and you know, based on community feedback, user feedback, and we'll keep on optimizing it to be like fully functional because it's not, it's honestly not there yet entirely. But we're not too far away now. So I'm very optimistic towards the future of like actually usable defi and usable on chain experiences because I think that's something that we as like maybe more Djen folk often forget, you know, like, and especially when you look at the whole layer two landscape, like layer ones don't really have this issue, they have more the liquidity issue.

User Experience in Layer Two Solutions

Layer twos often have a lot of liquidity, but they just have like the user experience issue where it's like, you know, they just really struggle actually getting users to use the blockchain. So hopefully we can sort of merge that all together with DaVinci. And we're also looking our eyes at some of the new layer ones out there that are EVM compatible. So like Verachain Monad, sort of all the hype ones that have a lot of market attention. How can we sort of make their visions the best possible and do that? By using the near tech stack. Yeah. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Love it. No, I appreciate the breakdown there. I'm curious if people will if, like, game theory, like, a lot of the conversations we have when we're talking bitcoin on other spaces that I'm on is the idea of game theory playing in and being a master or being sort of like a.

Game Theory and Ecosystem Competition

What's going to happen essentially? You know, with, I mean, it happens. We see it play out pretty much across the board. It's a pretty interesting conversation, especially if you're, you know, sharing a beer with a friend or something like that, and you're just like, let's talk about game theory. That conversation can get pretty wild. But I am interested in the game theory that may play out with the defi ecosystems, especially the l two s. It's pretty split across the board on whether or not people support the l two s. A lot of people are, what's the word? Like, tribalistic with it. And so l two incorporates this new world where it's like another level of abstraction, deeper. And some people really don't like it. Some people are like, dude, whatever. Whatever gets people over here raises interest and, you know, supports the chain and stuff. But I think there will be a level of game theory here, because if you start to have something that has a lot of success and brings users, competition will innately want to come.

The Future of Defi

And then you'll have someone who comes in and challenges you and becomes your Burger king to McDonald's. You know, it'll never overtake, of course, because Burger King is terrible, but it could. The idea is there, and the game theory plays out, and so pretty curious. There's no way, Loana, that you like Burger King, bro. There's. There's zero. I love Burger King. What? Oh, my God, bro. I can't believe in the coffee. We much in the coffee, but come on. Like, the owner of my glasses is a Burger king. Maxi, there's no way. There is no way. I've fallen this dude. The fall from grace is real. This is bad. No, I'm dead. That's hilarious. That's layers. Dap, dap.

AI in Competitive Gaming

I see your hand jumped up. Yeah, because one of the raised, I think you raised, like, a really good point about Burger King theory, but the Burger King example was poignant. So I don't mean to discredit, sort of like, it's what we've been trying to like, enable efficiently at that dab, right? Because what's happening now is that when I mentioned earlier, with the best yield and rates, right, like, when we optimize that experience fully, users will just go to dafel, right, and have like, okay, I've maybe USDT and USDC, I want to deposit it in like a stable lp. Where do I get the highest yield of return? And they'll just be able to find out on that dab. And they don't really want to care about which chain it is on, right? As long as the yield is, as long as the yield is the highest in the most sort of stable and secure form.

Exploring Tokenization of Carbon Capture

So whether that's in scroll or on linear or on secret sync, it won't matter. So eventually what that's enabling is that they'll just let the best chains just win, right? They offer the best product that offer the best yield, offer the best return, the best user experience. We're just providing like a more efficient platform for that to play out. That's why we also integrate like layer one evms, right? So, yeah, I just want to say, like, it's curious to see how it plays out. We're trying to sort of just avoid the competition game by just being that extra user attention layer. And so that's why if you look at like, our DaVinci plus, you know, you see like all the layer twos and Dexs competing with each other, like in the replies, sort of trying to probably get more user attention to their products on top, which is kind of, maybe a bit toxic, but also kind of wholesome, if it makes sense, right.

Challenges of Game Theory

So I think that's the most maybe free market experience we can get at the moment. Because the other thing is, right, like, the problem with game theory without a platform like that, maybe for it to execute is it doesn't really pay out like that. You'll have layer twos that have lots of liquidity, but a compromised multisig that get attention. You have the airdrop meta influencing things constantly without necessarily being the best user experience associated with it. So I think that's also maybe fuck things up a bit. But yeah, hope we can sort of solve it for everyone. Awesome stuff. Yeah, yeah. And I appreciate the breakdown there. I'll throw it over to Mazda and Luana for any final thoughts on this topic or anything they want to plug as we wrap up the show.

AI-Driven Matchmaking in Gaming

But Manza, I'll go over to you if you have any thoughts on game theory or anything dot de p just said or any final comments in general? I was just, I was talking to Luana a little bit about using AI in these games to improve matchmaking. And for me, that's like, I don't know, just the biggest thing as a competitive gamer and hopping in a. What's supposed to be a competitive match. And then because of the terrible matchmaking, you just, you know, someone quits earlier. Just. Just something like that. So seeing how AI can be used to, you know, improve the experience inside competitive games would be. Would be pretty cool to me.

Tokenizing Environmental Assets

And then just unrelated closing statement here, you mentioned, you know, OFP and RWAs and all that stuff and tokenizing assets. So the asset that OFP will be tokenizing would be the trees slash, the carbon that they are capturing from the atmosphere. So they've got almost 200 reforestation projects all over the world in many different continents, in many different countries. And all of those projects are planting trees. And as those trees grow, they will, you know, capture more carbon and then that carbon is being tokenized. And yeah, it goes from there. So companies can then purchase that captured carbon to offset their carbon output. So. So that's theory there. So stand by for more info and how you can get involved with OFP here pretty soon.

Wrap-up and Final Thoughts

Let's go. Love it. Love it. Appreciate it, bro. We throw it over to Luana. Get any final takes or any thoughts or plugs before we wrap up? Yes. So first I wanted to say that now that, you know, that monster was talking about this and I about gaming and AI, I mean, we all know how NPC's are, right? But talking with the team of cocody, I was like looking into this AI driven NPC's and now with this enhanced realism that they're going to be adding with AI, NPC's actually will be able to be more responsive and capable of learning the player interaction. It's going to be crazy. Once that starts. And we are, for example, in Kokodi, we're planning to have battle royale destruction.

Technological Improvements in Near Protocol

So you're actually going to be able to participate with more than 64 players at the same time. And imagine having all these NPC's around and just like your own NPC copying everything and learning from you and then being able to battle with them, those monsters through the dungeons. I mean, there is a lot of things that I can bring up to that, but also I wanted touch ground on the q three from near protocol. There is one thing that I really like about what they're going to be working on, and it will be the node synchronization that they're like amplifying. So as you know, right now we have like a challenge with synchronization times, you know, for maynothing for mainnet nodes are very lengthy and sometimes they can be like problematic. But what near is working is putting soul in focus and speeding up that synchronization and really removing that dependency on centralized services.

Looking Forward to Near's Innovations

So we're going to see a whole different node operation efficiency that is going to bring so many things and I think also the stateless validation advantage. Sorry, sorry. The background, I'm in the streets, that is going to have a huge impact in the lower gas cost. So I think that is going to bring so many cool things and I'm really excited to see the results from what near is cooking. Let's go, let's go. Awesome, awesome stuff. Dap dap. I'll throw it over to you for a final take before we wrap. Yeah, shout out everyone here.

Encouragement for Community Feedback

Right, thanks for hosting, Kate. Thanks for, you know, giving us the opportunity to speak and hopefully we'll speak to you guys soon. And also thank you Ivana near Monza. I also see some community members in the chat, so shout out for coming to show support here as well. Yeah, that's all. Go try out Dapap. Let us know if you have any feedback and we will implement and execute. Love it, love it. Awesome guys, thank you so much for being here. Luana Monza. Dap dap. Emmy popped in for a little bit. Love doing these shows every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. pST. Hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day.

End of the Show

Be sure to check out near week. And yeah, as always, shout out to the host near week and check out the newsletter, check out all the content that they're pumping out, spaces, videos, threads, pretty much everything under the sun. Go to near week and collect all that stuff and we'll see you all later. Guys. Content is coming out every single day. Lawanna, what's up? You got a hand up? Yes. Go to Burger King. Oh my brother's. No way she's, there's no way she doubled down on that. Go to McDonald's, everybody. We'll see you all later. Take care.

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