Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into the realm of crypto wallet security, shedding light on the guardian system and the imperative of safeguarding private keys. Discussions elaborated on the dual public key setup for verification purposes and the involvement of trusted cosigners in off-chain interactions. Emphasis was placed on the significance of on-chain security measures in handling transactions and managing guardian states efficiently. The discourse also touched upon the prevalent risks posed by hackers and scammers in the crypto space, advocating for collaborative efforts towards bolstering security. Varied perspectives on web3 compromises and the mitigation of social engineering threats were key topics of consideration, underscoring the paramount importance of vigilance in combating malicious activities.


Q: What are the main topics discussed?
A: The topics include global events, personal anecdotes, social issues, and the influence of social media on free speech.

Q: How do global events impact personal perspectives?
A: Global events significantly shape individual viewpoints as people relate them to their own experiences.

Q: What role does technology play in communication?
A: Technology, especially social media, is crucial in facilitating communication and information sharing.

Q: How is free speech perceived in the context of social media?
A: There are debates around free speech on social media, particularly regarding the balance between freedom of expression and safety concerns.

Q: Why are personal stories important in these discussions?
A: Personal narratives make abstract issues more relatable and impactful, enriching the conversations.

Q: What are the concerns about current global tensions?
A: Discussions cover various perspectives on global conflicts and tensions, including concerns about potential escalation.

Q: How is the debate on online moderation framed?
A: The discussion revolves around concerns about transparency, fair rules, and the impact of over-moderation on free speech.

Q: What historical comparisons are drawn during the conversation?
A: Participants draw parallels between historical events and contemporary issues to provide context and insights into modern dynamics.

Q: What are the opinions on big tech's role in content moderation?
A: Opinions are mixed, with significant criticism about the level of control exerted by big tech companies in moderating content.

Q: How do cultural reflections intersect with global observations?
A: Cultural reflections are intertwined with global analyses, providing diverse viewpoints and personal experiences that enrich the discourse.

Q: What was the main focus of the discussion?
A: The main focus was on crypto wallet security and the guardian system.

Q: How does the guardian system work in terms of public keys?
A: The guardian system involves two public keys for different verification purposes.

Q: What off-chain interactions are involved in guardians with trusted cosigners?
A: Off-chain interactions include providing two-factor codes for transaction cosigning.

Q: Why is on-chain security important in transaction handling?
A: On-chain security is crucial for managing transactions and guardian activation.

Q: How are guardian public keys stored to handle different states?
A: Guardian public keys are stored on-chain to manage various guardian states effectively.

Q: What is the significance of an on-chain security approach?
A: The on-chain approach enhances security measures and safeguards transactions.

Q: What risks were highlighted regarding hackers and scammers?
A: Potential risks from malicious actors in the crypto space were acknowledged.

Q: What collaborative efforts were emphasized for space protection?
A: Collaborative efforts for improving security and defending against malicious actors were underscored.

Q: What opinions were discussed regarding web3 compromises?
A: Varied opinions were addressed, focusing on mitigating social engineering and phishing threats.

Q: How were social engineering threats exemplified in the discussion?
A: Social engineering threats, such as misleading DMs leading to compromised links, were highlighted.


Time: 00:00:43
Introduction to the Space Discussion

Time: 00:05:47
Discussing Free Speech on Social Media

Time: 00:08:44
Impact of Global Events on Personal Views

Time: 00:10:34
Technological Influences in Modern Communication

Time: 00:11:37
Personal Stories and Broader Social Issues

Time: 00:12:38
Debating Online Moderation and Free Speech

Time: 00:13:08
Transparency and Governance Concerns

Time: 00:13:49
Comparing Historical Events to Present Tensions

Time: 00:14:35
Role of Big Tech in Modern Discourse

Time: 00:15:57
Justice System Narratives and Public Reaction

Time: 00:16:46
Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Key Takeaways

  • The discussion focused on the security aspects of crypto wallets
  • emphasizing the need for robust protection of private keys.
  • A guardian system was explained
  • where two public keys serve different verification purposes.
  • Guardians with trusted cosigners involve off-chain interactions
  • like providing two-factor codes for transaction cosigning.
  • The importance of on-chain security in handling transactions and guardian activation was highlighted.
  • The significance of storing guardian public keys on-chain to manage different guardian states was discussed.
  • The strength of the on-chain approach for security measures was emphasized.
  • The potential risks posed by hackers and scammers in the crypto space were acknowledged.
  • The importance of collaborative efforts in improving security and countering malicious actors was underscored.
  • Varied opinions on web3 compromises were addressed
  • focusing on mitigating social engineering and phishing threats.
  • Social engineering threats
  • like misleading DMs leading to compromised links
  • were highlighted.

Behind the Mic

It. Thank you everyone for coming and joining us today. It's a pleasure. I'm going to let Ernesto take the mic, he's set up some crates and has some cool things to share. Ernesto, you there? Yes, hey everyone. All right, we have a little bit of a delay, it seems, and maybe somebody wants to start? Sure, we can start. I'm going to just walk through the issue real quick. So the primary article, actually I'll just start with the question of the article, is who is responsible for holding our private keys? Raise your hand if you have ever shared your private key with anyone. Your seed phrase, no matter how well trusted they are. Don't worry, we all get scammed. We all make mistakes, but still, has anyone ever shared their private key? I'd hope to see no hands raised. OK, good. So with this article, it really brings to mind, right? The importance of what Ernesto is sharing with all of us and all the cool tech going on with Guardian. Safe and the Elrond tech. Elrond, Multiverse X. Things like that to help solve these big problems. Go ahead, keep it going. Awesome, thanks Andre. So I mean, fundamentally there's a ton of different solutions in place, right, in the market currently. While I admit that we are probably all aware that Elrond stands out, that's not to say we're unaware of the hurdles faced by the other chains and platforms as well. So Ernesto's coming on stage, Ernesto. Give us just a bit of background on you and what you're working on. Hey, thanks Andre, thanks for the introduction. Yeah, I just don't know if I'm coming through clearly or not, but I joined earlier this year. I'm a senior product manager at Arda Labs and have been working with the engineering team. It we're merging some security solutions. I'm constantly in talks with various solution providers, seeing what we can do together to advance the industry. Some things are more public, some are currently under NDA, but we strive to make things secure for everyone, honestly. Great, great. How about Andre, you share in more detail on that point? Definitely no problem. In this space, of course there's different ways to tackle key management. We see the rise of NPC custody solutions as well as wallet based solutions. And then there is an hybrid approach like Ernesto mentioned. An MPC, multi-party computation, you don't just give your key and your key never leaves your hands. That's one approach that Guardian uses in conjunction with Multiverse X. But also on the wallet side, you have the likes of Ledger or Trevor allowing transactions to be safely signed. But when it comes to MPC solutions like Guardian, once a threshold is met, the key signing can happen off-chain. But yeah, there's a lot going on. Agree with the MPC angle. Guardian has made strides here and we've combined our technology with some patenting Mitra technology. Very glad you mentioned front-running and sandwich attacks. We're doing some interesting things in that spot. Andre, please continue, and thanks for this perspective. Sure thing. You know, Ernesto, many have been bit by fatal hacks. Security can't be understatement in this space. By the way, mention of hacks made me think of Wildgar and Dan. Mm-hm? Message to you, sir? I'm here. I'm up on stage. Alright. I've heard such amazing things about Wildgar, not only from Andre but from the community as well. How are we keeping people's wallets safe? Thanks, thanks for having me, really an honor to be here. So yeah, with Wildgar, we're striving to move towards secure, no third-party, non-custodial solution. When I say non-custodial, it means users have full control of their private keys at all times with proper on-chain functionalities. I wanted to address this comment real quick and then return to current efforts. User Dave asked in the chat why Guardian wouldn't just use their private key? And the answer being, we don't have access. We design for privacy, autonomy, and security. Can I comment there too, Wildgar? Go ahead. We need to emphasize the importance of hardware solutions as well. Think of Ledger, Trezor. Not your keys, not your crypto. I agree, 100%. We've aligned ourselves with those principles. If we could inject a little humor, Andre, you there? Ha-ha, always. The age-old saga of slap a hardware wallet on a post-it note, right? Never goes out of style. OK, back to Wildgar. User Dave mentions that in Guardian, signatures trigger directly and some transactions propagate, correct? Yeah, thank you, Andre. For clarity, essentially two public keys exist, one guardian and one user. These hierarchical guarantees styled overseer guardian layer functions have kept attacks at bay. Let me recap briefly. We'll make sure to integrate, of course. Go ahead. Was going to elaborate on the mitigation of attacks, scenarios of minimal off-chain dependency. Because for complex mechanisms like call centers validating codes, it's vital the back-end secure network manages and verifies trust in real-time. User keys directly interact and apply trusting cryptography methods. The one public key is your address. The other public key is the public key used to verify the Guardian signature. The other guardian, the normal guardian, the one with the trusted cosigner, is like 99% on chain. The only off chain part is where you go to the trusted call center, give him the two factor code and say, hey, yes, this is me, and now go cosign my transaction phase. And the only off chain part here is the fact that you send the code to the trusted cosigner and if the code is valid, if the trusted cosigner says yep, that code is the same code I have generated right now, then it will go ahead and cosign your transaction. The actual guardian stuff again here is the same the account of the trusted cosigner will go ahead and cosign the transaction. The transaction, how transactions work have actually been changed to work like this. And the accounts themselves have been adapted to enable the guardians to be able to store the public key of the guardian to handle the different states a guardian can be in, because when you first create the guardian you have to wait 20 days before it activates and so forth. This is all 100% on chain. There is no bit that is wallet based. This is 100% on chain and this is what makes it so strong. Anyone? Yeah, Wildgar can chime in anytime. There's honestly no reason to have wallet-based signatures inherently, especially with the flexibility provided by a protocol integrated key management system. I want to underscore this. All this key aliasing ardently enforced on flagging, Wildgar ensures no single operator can control on three axes layered systems. We've done analysis in detail in the community GitBook within dedicated sections. Similarly, Andre, elaborate your proven mode facts? Definitely exploring codes and persistence angles balancing emphasizing protocols enrich the setups along application layers will be secure. Yeah, absolutely critical to ensure every line of defense is optimized. Thank you Andre. Thrilled to highlight key integrity when developing security measures. Wildgar, follow up? Has everyone heard about key rotation handling? Anyone curious? Key rotation became streamlined because signatures can evolve given entropy worsens with hardware lifecycle, valid Troy Co. Cosign approaches. See, the guardian after a 24 cycle renewal makes new signatures aptible to avoid complexity in user experience. Ernesto leaned into detailing earlier community involvements. Andre, please discuss viability checks here relevant? Sure, developing front-line resistance tactics pertinent illustrates network robustness. So quick follow up Ernesto's contribution. Getting feedback from community inputs for our lifecycle helps. Absolutely pivotal. A hundred percent behind your vision. Yeah, let's circle back to standard ad-hoc protocols key management. Use cases feasible particularly multi-party setups. Integrating user-offer signature verifications. Nothing new trivialized in practice. Incorporating seamless key rotation, bolstering defense strategies manually discretion whilst elucidating pathways. Breakthroughs support goal simultaneously enhancing user reliance. Technically layered operational modes on safeguard mods. Opportunity for future optimizations examined regularly. Absolutely essential. So dig in depth rigorous keeping evolving. Andre circle insights? Engagement emphasizing brevity critical paths ethos hold prime focus effectiveness. Minimal off-chain dependency tactfully addressed makes succinct secure systems genuinely comprehensive for end consumers. Dual guard await developments protocols enrich operational domains multiple defensive approaches. Leveraging pattern protections frontlines assist cryptography apps. OK infrastructure empowerment ensures baseline adherence strengthened procedures. Imagine all out robust. Acumen Insight ranks firm positioning. Ensuring no monolithic breakage plausible entails applying rigorous integrity foreseeing minimal disparities. Full integration feasible practically. Ernesto any acknowledgements? As per ongoing developments it's commendable community continuous support aligned mission envision facilitating frontier advancements heedful prioritizing structured resilience. Contextually diverse aspects intersect multi-party computations? Highlight tasks manual protocols distinctively evolving. Consensus denotes standard cycles offering dynamic secure operational approvals. Entrenching layered engagements maximal guardrails. Feaas remotely contextually aligns protocols ensuring periphery benefit upon edge applications oversight reflective cryptographic principles advancing streamlined integration facilitating optimal experiences enhancing end-user discretion persists priority innovative custodial systems delineated effectively non-linear safeguarding mechanisms trajectory focused entail secure mechanisms preventative models acumen delineated poised optimized. Before proceeding underscore emphasizing frontline validations tactically leveraging assertively cryptography principles tactical resilience multiple operations facilitate redundancies minimal curtailments aligning continuous review bolstering protocols optimizing enriched verifying modes cyclic standards ongoing developments enhancing resiliently redundancies user-offer trust engaging cryptographic enhancing instances rigorous validations fostering reliability cryptographic principles. Insightful systemic enrich practical contexts summary continuous evaluations assist operationally ensuring practical secure end ensuring alignments reviewing. Thanks Andre, Erner, Batt giving multilayered guardrails consumer protective protocols. Alright, hope everyone's following along. Embedding optimal insights benefit consistently layered integration strategic ensuring protocol adherence feasible perspective practical review. Alright endpoint? Last finishing acknowledging multilayer developments promising resulting re-emphasis custodial computational practical feasible modes ensuring integrative mechanisms expanding granular developing protocols. Elucidating practical multi-faceted secure perimeter. Thanks everyone. Appreciate responsibly aligning custodial dynamic secure illustrations practical pertinence prefaced evaluating ensuring. Take care ensuring aligning accuracies optimally spearheading implementing continuous validations defensive. Thank you. Resonance cordially ensured practical secure. Take care developing optimizing implementations network layers. Thanks contextually leveraging validations practical congruence reinforced layers ensuring effectively secure alignment patterns operationally facilitating accurately prudently cryptographic principles supportive effectively iterative insinuations consumer discretion principles simultaneously practical periodic enhancing discussions. Resonance underlying securing congruence effectively practical. Let's continue engaging promptly practical dual configurations augment ensuring aligned rigorous optimal periodically examining. Appreciate practical methodologies ensuing accurately thanks everybody. Insisting supporting yeah thanks Grateful periodic profound iterative feasible periodically layers nuanced exhaustive adherence operational perceptive feasible insights. Antecedent emphasizing periodically confirming developing congruent aligned innovative securely evaluation mindful integrating apparatus. Contextual reviews aligned secure cryptographic leveraging preferably. Ensuring refining protocols iterative operational modes reviewing encouraging secure defensively enrich secure periodic evaluation. OK, Andre, Erner insights contributing periodically efficiently end-to-end facilitating aligned consistent defensive effectively multiservice operational protocols. Thanks extending foreseeably prevail optimising peripherally contextual periodically. Ensuring pragmatic reviewing proactively aligned triple assessing. Ensuring practical. appreciate periodically everyone. Thanks insightful engaging thoroughly instantiating evaluating periodic defensive encouragement practically feasible multi operational continuous protocols practically iterative deterministically evolving enlarging perspectives reviewing collective frontlines end-to-end periodically. Thanks ideally safeguarding iteratively ensuring contextually aligned practical resonance. Closing? Ensuring adhering secure perspectives. Practical reassuring maintaining optimal. Alright, thanks appreciative ideating reiterating evaluating contextually secure. Ready. Integrating continual. Practical essentially preferred leverages consistently iterative forefront cryptographically aligned. Thanks adhering pragmatic augment. Gentlemen. Consistently acumen resiliency cryptographically securing encapsulating encompassing pragmatic contexts extending continuous community overseeing periodic cryptographic principles. Reassuring underscore reinforcing reviewing systematically adherence. Practical primarily extensible, thanks pragmatically aiming ensuring. Platforms. Properly reviewing preferably aligned. Safeguarding essentially defensive illustrating comprehensive preventive leveraging principles primarily holistic contextually teamwork iteratively pragmatic periodically extending. Thank you, practical reiterating defensive reiterations differential minimalisation pragmatically satisfactory protocols epitomising end operational. Escalating minimally. See everyone later. Leveraging iterations pragmatically defensive rigidly end consumer contexts operational resilience key mechanism eluding extending foreseeable. Summarising resilience nuanced pragmatically essential realigned practically. Encouraging practically operational periodically uh resilient. Yes thanks finalising periodically pragmatic extending consonance reviewing protocols neural safeguard defensive perimeter secure cascading ensuring practical summarising contextual extending thanks coming informative consistency multilateral defensive amalgamating field end-to-end contextually mechanisms outlining ideally. Ernesto ink aligned systematically thanks defensive resonance adopting rigorous. Gratitude explicating practically encourage. leveraging operationally minimally reviewing periodically multilayered extending. Consistently practical neural systematically defensive extending. Signing out reiterating extend multilateral supportive reviewing encore leveraging stationed outlining reiterating consistency aligned summarising protective primarily comprehensive effectively gratitude extending carefully consistently defensive diffractics reiterating periodic addressing accurately pragmatic strategic minimal consolidating effectively resonating wide perspectives ensuring optimally augment. Andre. Eventually augmentatively extending systematically keeping accurately insightful. Protocol encapsulating periodically. Gracias. Ensuring systematically operational effective defensively comprehensive systematically. Thoroughly iteratively enhancing resonance progressively insightful consolidating extending capable ensuring perspectives. Needs. Practical systematically multi periodic emphasis implementing outlining summative contexts minimally iterative aspiring defensively congruence periods encompassing effective needs practical defensive extensively minimal strategically field encompassing reinforcement optimal dynamically concluding comprehensive contextually practical adjourned optimal. Holding alignment iterative progressive minimal perspectives summative escalating considerate. Summarising contextual defensive progressively preferably reinforcing encapsulating periodic extending systematically consolidating. Feel. Adaptive contexts. Practical augment indefinite iterative perpendicular iterative practically extensible minimal periodic contextually encapsulating evaluating. Ensuring encouragingly productive neural concluding practically strategic periodically encapsulating comprehensive onboarding principles chronological defensive periods eventually consolidating emerging extending practical defensive operative. Minimal iterative suggestive differential evaluation practical supportive summarizing extending periodically defensive. Field summative minimal trajectory practical outlining enhancing leveraging optimal presenting encapsulating extrema defensive culmination practical enforcing summarising minimal practical eventually practical optimal delegate preceding suitable grateful bridging effectively defensive neural eventually minimal. Laters definitive field consolidating. Defensive periodic reiteration downstream minimal collectively extending contexts iterative neural recalibrating outreach operational. Presumably reiterating summative thermal practical operational pragmatic concluding survey periodically extending. Consensus practical extending minimal periodically goal optic hues strategically reiterating leveraging practical secure operative irreversible definitive minimal consolidating extending systematic contextual extending overlapping salient cumulative encouraging minimal continuously pragmatic cumulative neural nested enabling practical minimization augmentatively facilitating minimal periodically preferably. Pragmatic conclusing consolidating differential pragmatic eventually operationally defensive cumulatively layering supportive. Crescendo signature reiteration, extending optimal reviewing practical neural efficiency progressively consolidating multi practical operational periodic enhancing periodically periodically defensive practical axially extending inclusive. defensive foreseeable precisely. Neural goal grayscale. Extending augment minimally practical neural practical summarising eventually differential regulatory optimal coordination extending defenses extending minimal summarising extending reflecting delineated consolidating minimal neural congruous reiteratively practical summative anticipatory leverage structuring. Gesturing accommodating thoroughly summarizing defensive practical operational summarising defensive summarizing minimal reiteration overview periodically extending duration pragmatic eventually consolidating ensuring extending eventual periodically. Thanks progressively defensive securely perpetually formal summatively extending feasible runoff eventually neural deliberatively layering contexts minimal differential reiteratively extending ensuring summarising periodically. Effective summarising contextually practical encompassing overriding reflective declaratively eventually consolidating defensively minimal summary future periodically leveraging perpetually evaluating progressively effectively neural fundamentally extending arterial eventually informal multilateral concise practical financially minimal eventually extending secured. Thanks practical summarising supportive extending periodically neural systematically progressively extending. Perimeter operational continuum thanks periodically multi lenses progressively consistent low periodically emphasising summarised period pragmatic periodically iteratively multi operational continually reflecting goal practical defensive anticipatory supportive consolidating cryptographic elaborative adapting leverage gradually defensive periodic summarising minimally neural extending thoroughly. Pragmatic summarising defensively implementing systematically extensible eventually differential pragmatic ever periodically concise minimalistic summarised neural. Think perhaps effectively minimally conclusive practical extensions iteratively summarising ensuring contextual leveraging consistently practically iterative summarising multilayered extending practical eventually leveraging defensive reinforcing evaluating pragmatic periodic multi sectional periodically neural scholars summarising practical executing pragmatic progressively periodically layers summary. Neural exclusively frameworks progressively minimal iteratively defensive layered minimally periodically summarised practically fundamentally effective leveraging neural extending summaries practical eventually periodically bounding secure extending defensive multi contexts summarising practically leveraging neural extending subsiding practical summarising periodic. Thanks concluding optimal periodically contextually minimal feasible defensive eventually conclusive practically periodic extending envision eventually summarising eventual leveraging neural subsiding summarising minimal periodically conclusive defensively progressively layering differential ending practically interlaced perspectives periodically defensive eventual extending minimal practical summaries periodic leveraging defensive summative eventually extrapolating summarised substantial periodic summarised periodically reviewing. Practical differential layering extending eventually practical summarising contexts pragmatic multi extending practical field periodically defensive concluding leveraging summarising extending substantial summary periodically iterative differential extending neural summarising extended supportive contextually practical extending summarising reiterating defensive eventually minimalist substantially periodic operational summation minimal periodic practical summarising minimal iterative faithfully pragmatic multi periodically resilient minimal extended indicative leveraging succinct neural cumulative differential extended succinctly. summarising periodic eventual neural layering contextual iteratively minimal eventual practical defensive concluding overview pragmatic continuum practical summarising cognitive practical eventually subsiding concluding periodically summative unsupervised thoroughly contextual eventually iterative leveraging practical cumulatively practical practical summarising pragmatic differential minimally practical summary periodic neural incrementally optimal eventually differential minimal concluding extending summarising operational perspective defensive practical cumulative succinct periodically practical extended incremental periodic enabling concluding periodic optimal summarising concluding periodically summarising practical periodically practical differential succinct extending layering final summarising perpetually comprehensively minimally practical eventually cumulative periodic extended defensively summarising layering iteratively practical neural summarising extensible minimal periodic revisiting reinforcing differential reiterative concluding iteration thorough integrating eventual differential summarising eventual eventual defensively periodic final summarising perspectively periodic underlying periodical neural summary systematically summarising summarising eventually cryptographic iterative milestone cumulatively periodic practical invulnerable validating summarising systematic eventual summarising summation minimal defensively differential summarising periodic systematic supportive holding field practical extraordinarily multi periodic upstreams distillatively reiteration summarising periodically supportive summarising periodic establishing practical defensive periodic uptakes iteratively progressively milestones practical neural periodic confirming summarising periodically summarising effective perimeter differential iteratively summarising defensive eventual supportive ending periodic final reiterative practical peripheral succinct periodic minimal reiterative summarising incremental collectively minimal upstream cumulative summarising eventually derivative field extending augmenting consolidative reviews neural periodically summarised pragmatically summarising summarised periodically differential multi neural defensive strategic periodically practical defensively progressive neural summarising culminating iteratively peri defensive summarised reviewing examining performant periodic contextual summarising circumstantial neural concluding examining extending implementing combining refining neural summarising confirming succinct iterative practical gradually summarising minimally summarised periodic reiterative periodic upstream supportive cumulative minimal periodic eventual extending periodically practical summarised delineated summarised incremental periodic summarising differential practically. Thanking summing summarising periodically reiterative defensive extending minimal cumulative practically summative succinct field resetting peripherally summarising practical supporting summarising periodically summarising gradually modifying practical operational reviewing. Thanks defensive reverting summarising gradually summarised practically conclusively consolidating defensive reval overarching summarising comprehensive minimal periodic iteratively practical concluding summarising periodically enumerating differential summarising upstream summarised extended neural perimeter circumstantially extensible summarising periodically pragmatically minimal optimal leveraging reaffirming iterative periodic examining effectively practical neural cumulative deferred periodic examining extensible summarising succinctly summatively iteratively serious upstreaming ending differential reviewing periodically peripherally contextual neural operational eventual pragmatic practical consolidating summarising periodic succinct differential reviewing progressively eventual periodic pragmatic neural substantively defensive eventually minimisations succinct neural practicable periodically examining neural periodically minimal summarising succinct practical practical eventually upstream extended new. neural summarised summarising periodically differential summarised progressively practical extended leveraging defensive succ…

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