Introducing Exchange OS with Risc Zero and Celestia


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Introducing Exchange OS with Risc Zero and Celestia hosted by hashflow. The Twitter Space delved deep into the world of exchange platforms with a focus on the Universal ZK Settlement Layer, introducing Exchange OS alongside Risc Zero and Celestia. Discussions emphasized the importance of security, efficiency, and transparency, showcasing how Exchange OS tackles scalability, interoperability, and its impact on decentralized finance. The evolving landscape of zero-knowledge technology and decentralized exchange models like Risc Zero were highlighted, promising innovative advancements in the infrastructure niche.

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Q: What are the key features that make Exchange OS reliable for users?
A: Exchange OS prioritizes security, efficiency, and transparency to provide a trustworthy platform.

Q: How does Exchange OS address scalability challenges in the exchange ecosystem?
A: By focusing on scalability and interoperability, Exchange OS aims to offer high-performance solutions.

Q: What role does Exchange OS play in the evolution of decentralized finance?
A: Exchange OS is influencing DeFi by introducing innovative solutions that impact the decentralized finance sector.

Q: How does zero-knowledge technology enhance security on platforms like Celestia?
A: Zero-knowledge technology ensures secure transactions without revealing sensitive information, strengthening platforms like Celestia.

Q: What are the advantages of decentralized exchange models featured in Risc Zero?
A: Decentralized exchange models like Risc Zero promote trustless trading and enhance user control over their assets.

Q: How do future predictions for Exchange OS shape the outlook of exchange platforms?
A: Future predictions for Exchange OS indicate advancements in security, efficiency, and interoperability that will influence the exchange platform landscape.

Q: What makes the Universal ZK Settlement Layer unique compared to traditional exchange solutions?
A: The Universal ZK Settlement Layer offers provable exchanges, ensuring transparency and security that traditional solutions may lack.

Q: How does Celestia contribute to the ecosystem of Exchange OS?
A: Celestia enhances the exchange ecosystem by leveraging zero-knowledge technology to improve security and trust within the platform.

Q: In what ways does Exchange OS drive innovation in the infrastructure niche?
A: Exchange OS drives innovation by introducing the Universal ZK Settlement Layer and partnering with Celestia to revolutionize exchange platforms within the infrastructure niche.

Q: What are the implications of using Exchange OS for the future of exchange platforms?
A: Using Exchange OS could lead to more secure, efficient, and transparent exchange platforms that set new standards for the industry.


Time: 00:15:28
Security, Efficiency, and Transparency in Exchange OS Exploring the core pillars of Exchange OS that ensure reliable and secure exchanges.

Time: 00:25:46
Scalability and Interoperability for Exchange OS Success Understanding how scalability and interoperability are vital for the growth of Exchange OS and similar solutions.

Time: 00:35:12
Impact of Exchange OS on Decentralized Finance Analyzing the significant influence Exchange OS has on shaping the future of decentralized finance.

Time: 00:45:53
Advancements in Zero-Knowledge Technology Discussing the latest advancements in zero-knowledge technology and their role in improving security on platforms like Celestia.

Time: 00:55:40
Decentralized Exchange Models and Risc Zero Exploring the advantages of decentralized exchange models and their relevance in platforms like Risc Zero.

Time: 01:05:22
Future Predictions and Innovations in Exchange OS Looking into the future of Exchange OS and the innovative solutions that will shape the exchange platform landscape.

Time: 01:15:08
Universal ZK Settlement Layer for Provable Exchanges Introducing the Universal ZK Settlement Layer and its role in providing transparent and secure exchanges.

Time: 01:25:37
Celestia's Contribution to Exchange OS Ecosystem Highlighting how Celestia enhances security and trust within the Exchange OS ecosystem.

Time: 01:35:59
Exchange OS Driving Innovation in Infrastructure Examining how Exchange OS drives innovation in the infrastructure niche with groundbreaking solutions.

Time: 01:45:17
Future Implications of Exchange OS on Exchange Platforms Discussing the potential implications of using Exchange OS for the future development of exchange platforms.

Key Takeaways

  • Security, efficiency, and transparency are essential for the Exchange OS platform.
  • Scalability and interoperability play crucial roles in the success of Exchange OS and similar solutions.
  • The impact of Exchange OS on decentralized finance is significant for the future of the industry.
  • Zero-knowledge technology advancements are reshaping the landscape of exchange platforms.
  • Decentralized exchange models are gaining traction with the introduction of platforms like Exchange OS.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Social Media Shortcuts

Hey, everybody. How you doing today? Welcome to social media shortcuts. I'm your host, Madeline Sklar. We come together here each week to help one another with things like time-saving strategies, tips, and actionable steps that you can be using right now in your marketing when it comes to social media. We're also going to be talking about some AI stuff. I've been having a lot of fun with some new stuff with chat, GPT, but the bottom line is, the result in all of this with social media shortcuts is that you can get more done in less time. And that's our goal here, right? Isn't that always our goal? Right? We're just always trying to figure out how to work smarter, not harder, how to get more done in less time. So I want to let you know, I did officially open the doors to my new social media shortcuts program. We've got the spaces here each week.

New Community on the School Platform

So, you know, this is our fun, lively discussion, talking about a variety of things. The next step, if you want more out of this, out of the community, out of learning from me, learning from each other, then you definitely want to check out my new private community I have over on the school platform. If you're not familiar with school, it's spelled S K O O L is really cool. I've been in other people's programs on the school platform since, gosh, about a year now, I think. I think it's been at least a year. And I really like the way the platform, you know, there's all these new private communities that a lot of influencers are starting to go this route instead of the Facebook group. And let's face it, we're all getting kind of tired of Facebook. And, you know, many times we don't get the notifications. We're missing out. It's not what it once was, that's for sure. So the alternative are these other platforms like school.

Advantages of Magi and Organizing Tools

There's Circle mighty networks, there's a variety of them, and I played with all of them. But I made my decision to start my new program over on the school platform. I really like how it's structured, is very simple and easy for both myself and our community members. So if you want to check it out, go to S K O O Madeline Sclare. You can go check it out. I'm keeping it at a really low cost right now. Dollar 49 a month. It's a month-to-month thing. So, you know, you try for a month or two and you're like, eh, you know, this isn't for me. No worries. You can always cancel at any time. But I'm really excited about finally launching this because so many times people say to me, what is the… What else? Like, I want more. It's like, I want more. Madeline, what else? You know, where else can I get more information other than a weekly audio space for 1 hour?

Community Dynamics and My Background

So I just wanted to share that with y'all and let you know that my social media shortcuts private community is now open. And really, the way I look at it is part mastermind, where it's all of us together as a group, helping each other, but also with some online training. With me, that's very hands-on. So I'm able to mentor. But there's the magic of the group of having us all together. You know, if you don't know, with my background, I've been building online communities since the nineties. I've been doing it a really long time, and there's so much power in bringing people together online and being able to help each other. Just like what we've been doing here, reviving the old Twitter smarter to social media shortcuts here on Thursday afternoon, and always having interesting thoughts from others in our community when it comes to talking about all these different things that we're talking about.

Exploring Advanced Voice Mode in Chat GPT

The thing I want to talk about today is something really cool I've been playing with and chat GPT has this new thing called event advanced voice mode, and I don't know if everybody's heard it. If y'all, for those here live, if you've heard of it, give me like a thumbs up emoji. I'm curious, who all has been trying this out? It's fairly new, and at first, it was only available for those on the paid plan. The $20 a month paid plan pro plan, I think is what it's called. And I've been doing their free plan. I've been on their free plan since chat GPT first came out. I think it was the beginning of last year. It's been a while, but then when Magi came out, which a friend of mine, Dustin, put together, is a really great tool where it takes Chad GPT plus others, plus Claude and Gemini pro, and like all the different AI chat models, and it's all in one place.

Using Magi as an All-In-One AI Tool

So instead of, oh, let me go chat upt and go log in over there, oh, let me go and log into Claude. Oh, and let me go. You know, I can have one place. I love this so much. It is so cool. I use it all the time. Let me go grab the link. I'll put it in the nest. Here is one of my favorite tools. I literally use this tool every day. It helps me that much with brainstorming ideas, with coming up with new things for my programs, with ideas for what I want to be posting on social media. It's like having this. The way I look at it is, it's like having this private, this little invisible. That's the word I was looking for, little invisible assistant sitting next to me. You know, when you're a solopreneur, you all know how this is.

Feedback and Support from AI

It's like, I wish I could just call up somebody and get some feedback. But everybody's busy, right? They're working, they're doing their thing. So to me with AI, it's like, let me run this by you. Give me your thought on this, and I can just throw some questions out and give some really interesting feedback. And many times it gives me ideas of things I didn't think about before. And that's been helping me a lot with my social media. It's been helping me with my podcast, with this audio space. I find it so incredibly helpful. But when I heard about chat, GBT's new advanced voice mode, I know Magi does not have it yet. I did ask Dustin if he was going to be adding that to Magi, because here's what's cool about Magi.

ChatGPT's Paid Program and Features

Let me go back to that for a moment. So with Magi, it's an all in one. So for $20. So, you know when Chat, GPT started their paid program, $20 a month, right? That's what you're going to pay if you want to do their paid one. And I thought about doing it, but I really like Magi because again, it's all in one, right? But it's not just the text AI tools, it's also the image ones, if you like doing all the image stuff as well, everything rolled into one. I definitely encourage everybody, if you've not checked it out, to go check it out, because it's really that cool to be able to have one place you can log into.

The Importance of Organization in AI Tools

And it has everything. Not everything, but it has a lot of the popular AI tools. It's an all in one. I mostly just do the tech stuff. I'm not really into all those AI imagery stuff. But what I also love about Magi is that you can have these folders. That's what initial, let me tell you. This is what attracted me to it and why I'd rather pay dollar 20 for them than doing the dollar 20 at chat DPT. And this was last year we're talking about, because when Magi came out and Dustin was telling me, and I've used other tools, he's a great developer. He's created all kinds of, he had a really great WordPress tool I used for years on my blog.

Magi's Organizational Features and Benefits

And then when he launched Magi last year, what drew me to it and to immediately sign up and immediately pay to have this, is that on chat GPT, there was no real organization to it. And I don't know how many people here have really played around in there, but in chat GPT, what I kept finding over and over is that I had a hard time finding past conversations I had in there. Where are my previous chats? It was so hard to go back and find there was no organization to it. And with Magi, one of the first things he did was have it so you can have folders and so you can completely organize all of your chats in there. And it just, for me, it was a huge time saver.

Continuous Improvement and Features of Magi

It made things so much easier. And then over time, they keep adding more to it. So now they've got all the first it was chat GPT, then chat GPT and Claude. Now they have Gemini, which is the Google one. They've got meta, they've got so much rolled into one. So I've been doing the $20 a month plan since last year. I love it, love it. So now I keep hearing about this new thing with chat GPT, this advanced voice mode. I've seen some demonstrations online where basically on the mobile app, you talk to it and it's like you feel like you're talking to a person. I'm gonna, I'm gonna demo this for y'all in a minute.

Excitement About Advanced Voice Mode

This is wild. So I've seen some demonstrations online.

Initial Impressions of Chat GPT and Upgrades

Looks really cool. It was several months ago, but the only people that have access are those doing the chat cheap et plan. That's dollar 20 a month. And I'm like, I don't know, you know, I'm really happy with Magi. I get everything I need there. I'm already paying, you know, do I really want to also pay? You know, because actually, to be honest, I don't even really use chat GPT anymore. I am in love with Gemini Pro. Oh, my gosh. Gemini Pro to me personally has been so just these, all these tools are all different. It's going to, you know, depending on what kind of content you're trying to get out of it's going to be different. For everyone, but with me experimenting with all the different ones, you know, at first when Claude came out, I was like, okay, Claude is a little better than chat GBT. I kind of like. I kind of do back and forth. It was good for some things and good for others. It was kind of like that. So then I come across the Gemini Pro, I want to say maybe three or four months ago, and I'm like, whoa, where has this been?

Experience with Gemini Pro and Other Tools

I love the output I get when I'm typing things into the prompts and, like, talking to it. Like, the stuff I get from Gemini Pro, just for me personally is better, and I like it more. So for me, it's just been such a game changer, and I wasn't even paying attention to these individually. Of course, I've been on chat GPT. I do have a free account with them, but I didn't know anything about Claude until it was added to Magi. I know a lot of people talk about Claude. It's really popular. I didn't know anything about it. Then all of a sudden it was in Magi last year. I'm like, okay, this is interesting. And now they have Gemini Pro in there, and I'm like, oh, whoa, I'd heard of it, but I just wouldn't have gone on my own to go like, oh, where do I go online if I just want to log into that? So being that I've been a customer of Magi has really opened me up to all these different tools for our AI needs.

Thoughts on Advanced Mode Features

So going back to this advanced mode, in all the information I was hearing about it, I knew, like, okay, you have to have the paid account. I'm thinking, well, it's brand new, it looks cool, but I don't know if I, you know, is it really worth for me to go pay $20 a month in addition to the 20 I'm paying at Magi just to do the audio thing. So I didn't do it. Then I find out, let me go put this post in this tweet in the nest as well, because there's been some interesting developments that have happened this week, and that's what I want to share with y'all today. And I'm gonna even play a snippet so you can hear because it is so freaking cool. I just need to find the post. Okay. All right, so I'm going to put this in the nest up top here.

Exciting Developments with the Mobile App

So what I just found out the other day is that this advanced mode, if you are on the free account like I am, and I know a lot of people are. And you can sign up. Chat DBT is free. It's what OpenAI. Actually, they finally have dot. You know, for the longest time, you couldn't get to it from that. I think you had to go to the Anyway, so they just announced that if you have the free app, the free version on the mobile app, you can use this advanced voice mode. You get ten minutes of talk time per month. It's not a lot. I think I've already used mine up, but I had so much fun playing with it, so I did one yesterday and I recorded it and I'm going to play. I did a test. I'm able, you'll be able to hear it through the phone here. So I'm going to play it in a minute. But this is so incredibly cool. You feel like you're talking to a friend.

Unique and Engaging Aspects of Chat GPT

It is so interesting. And again, I feel like I'm just having a brainstorming session with my little invisible assistant. It is so neat. So right now, if you have the chat GPT mobile app and you're on the free account, you can play around with this. You get ten minutes. I am thinking about paying the $10, 20 a month for chat GPT just so I can have more than the ten minutes a month. There is an faq page on Chap Gpt. I'm trying to find out. Okay, well, how many minutes is it unlimited? Like, what exactly do we get? Well, they don't exactly. They say, I mean, obviously, you get more than ten minutes a month. I mean, I imagine you get hours, but it doesn't specifically say like, oh, you get x amount or unlimited. I forgot what the wording was. It's basically like limited.

Exploring Voice Interaction and Features

They worded it. I should have saved that so I could read it to you. It was, I don't remember the exact wording, but I mean, it does say once your daily, they give you a daily limit. So it doesn't give you exact. It says once the advanced voice daily limit is reached, the conversation will immediately end and you'll be able to continue your conversation using standard voice. So I don't know what the difference is between advanced voice and standard. I think standard voice is just, you talk into it and then it just comes back with text. What I'm talking about is I'm talking to it and it's talking back and you can have it do different voices, different accents. It's wild. It's completely wild.

Excitement about Upcoming Features and Personal Experience

Let me see. There's messaging limits. See, it just doesn't really tell you how many minutes you get. But I'm thinking for $20, I think I should try it for a month because then I can report back to you all. And I'm just having so much fun with it, so I want to play it for you. So I made this video yesterday. Just, it's like a two and a half minute of me talking to it and it giving me some ideas and it was just so much fun. So let me play it and then y'all let me know what you think. Y'all use the chat, let me know your thoughts. So, yeah, let me play it for you. Here you go. This is going to be me with a conversation with chat GPT advanced voice.

Interactive Testing of Chat GPT Features

Mode all right, I'm doing a test of chat GPT with this new advanced audio feature. So let's ask it some questions. Hey chat, how are you today? Hey Madeline. I'm doing great, thanks for asking. How about you? How's everything going with your social media shortcuts project? It's going great. I'm so happy. Thank you for asking. That's what I wanted to talk about today. I need to do some brainstorming. Can you help me brainstorm some ideas? Of course. I'm all ears. What kind of ideas are you looking to brainstorm for social media shortcuts? Well, I have my ex spaces the audio chat tomorrow and I'm working up some ideas of what I should talk about and I would like some suggestions for you of ways we can help people use social media better and get some really good shortcuts.

Brainstorming for Social Media Shortcuts

What are your thoughts? Well, for tomorrow's chat, how about focusing on time-saving tips and tools? You could discuss content creation shortcuts, share tools, or techniques for creating engaging content quickly. Maybe a rundown on batch creating posts or using templates. Automation tips highlighting how to use schedulers or chatbots to handle routine tasks can be a game-changer. Engagement hacks offer strategies for efficiently managing interactions, like using saved replies or focusing on high impact times. For engagement, four analytics simplified show them how to quickly interpret social media metrics to tweak their strategies effectively without getting overwhelmed by data. Do any of these spark interest for your chat? Wow, they all sound great.

Reflections on Ideas and Gratitude

Chat, thank you for your help. This gives me a lot to think about.

Final Goodbyes

I'll connect with you later. Have a great rest of your day. You're welcome, Madeline. I loved our chat. Have a great rest of your day and I'll be here whenever you need more brainstorming talk to you soon. That's it.

Exploring New Features

And then look at this. It lets me know how long it lasted. I'm gonna do a thumbs up, and. It gives you a transcript of your entire conversation you just had. So this is available free right now on chat, GPT on the mobile app. If you're on the free plan, you get ten minutes a month of this feature with the audio. If you're on the advanced plan for dollar 20 a month, then you can have more access to doing this. But what do you think? Isn't this cool? Give me your thoughts. I want to hear about it.

Reactions and Impressions

All right, there you go. So that's the video I made yesterday of me talking to this new chat, GPT advanced audio. What do you. Isn't this pretty cool? After doing that, I'm like, I might have to do the $20 a month just so I can do that. I think that's, like, so unique. I know with some of these AI tools, you can hit the mic button and talk to it instead of typing. It's just the voice, the audio from text to talk. I've seen that, but you're just getting text back, whereas this is an active conversation. I'm just really blown away. I think now that I've actually played with it's just, you know, giving me ideas.

Future Developments

I did reach out to Dustin at Magi. I said, hey, are y'all gonna be adding this new advanced voice mode? And he says it's on their roadmap, meaning, like, it's something they plan to do at some point. But I mean, who knows? It could be next week, it could be next year. He didn't give me a timeframe. I'm sure people are asking for it. So I'm thinking, I think I'm going to at least try one month of it and just see, because I want to try to push it to see, like, how many minutes can I get per day since they don't really disclose it on the chat GPT FAQ page. I mean, I looked all over and it didn't specifically say, but I think.

Interaction Quality

I don't know. I just feel like I can get a lot out of just having what feels like. I mean, didn't that feel like a real conversation? I saw another demo with somebody using it the other day, and she was so funny. I'll have to find the link. If anybody, just, if anybody's interested, just dm me, I'll go find the link and send it to you if you want to hear it or watch it. She asked it to do the accent, to be more like her. She said, I wanted to be Puerto rican in Queens, New York. And it was so funny how all of a sudden when the chat GPT audio was talking to her that you felt like you were talking to somebody in Queens with a puerto rican accent.

Authenticity and Fun

It was amazing. And what was so funny, because this is still new. This is a new thing. She kept having this back and forth conversation, brainstorming stuff for her digital marketing and social media stuff, and it kept going back to a regular voice. And she kept saying, hold on, what happened to your voice? And it would immediately, oh, my bad. And it was so funny. Oh my gosh. So I find this intrigue. Maybe it's just me. I mean, I am a nerdy geek, so maybe it is just me. I don't know. I mean, does anybody find this fascinating or am I the only one?

Community Engagement

Do a thumbs up emoji if you're, if you are finding this interesting and or fascinating, it's possible I'm the only one. But I don't know, I think this is kind of cool. So I'm just curious, like, what do other people think, you know, it, I mean, to try it for free. I think everybody should give it a go and play around with it and try different voices and just ask it different things. But I don't know. I think I want to try the $20 a month just so I can see what all else I can do with it. I mean, ten minutes, you're pretty limited.

Curiosity from Others

Hey, Marcel, what do you think of this audio thing on chat GPT do you have any thoughts? Have you tried it? Well, hello, Madeline, everyone. Good to see you. I'm back. Once again, Madeline. I never used chat cheap pt before. Oh, can I get in? One simple answer to this is definitely no. I never use chat chi pt like the audio side of the artificial intelligence to see what's going on in my brain and everyone else does. But to be clear, chat cheap et is a friend of the social media landscape.

User Insights

But if I say what's going on in my brain, should my brain clean things out? With chat chip t, the answer is yes. And I could say this chat shepthe never saved my life. But if I download the chat cheap et on my tablet or phone, I had to say all these questions and I'm always good to go for it. But I will love chat chip t. That's gonna be good thing to know. Trust me, it's absolutely free, you know? Yeah, it's interesting stuff, you know, I mean, it's all about the thing I talk about here, like how can we work smarter, not harder?

Embracing New Tools

You know, there's so many tools that can really help and make it so much easier for us with all the things we're doing and trying to put out there. Absolutely. So I'm going to put in the thread here, the faq on chat GPT, the voice mode FAQ. So if anybody wants to read through it, I'm just going to. I'll put in the nest as well. But I don't know, I just, I feel like this is helpful to me when it comes to my digital marketing, my social media marketing, all the things that I do. I just get ideas and it gives me things I wasn't thinking about before.

Unique Benefits

This is, I mean, I know some people just copy and paste and use stuff off at chat GPT. I don't. What I do is I like to use it for brainstorming, but I feel like this is next level. I feel like I'm. Didn't it sound like I'm just talking to a, like a friend assistant or something? Like it's just, to me, it's mind blowing. You just have this friendly voice chatting with me. Yeah. And I saw the voice mode faqs on the open AI website and I really read it all.

Practical Use Cases

But Madeline, I have to say, it really makes things perfect. For example, for everyone on spaces on x, what are voice chats, what are they? And how to get things the voice chats use. Yeah, this is something very powerful about audio. You know, audio is incredibly powerful. And while I like using these AI tools with brainstorming, I just feel like it's a lot of text, a lot of reading, a lot. I just feel like if I can just. Plus this would be great. Like if you're driving, you're out taking your dog for a walk, you're out somewhere where it's really not easy to be typing in, you know, a question to chat UBT and then reading a response.

Natural Interaction

This just feels more natural to just have this conversation. So I'm going to keep, basically, bottom line is I'm going to keep playing with it. I'll be reporting back to everybody I think is super cool, is different, is interesting. I wonder how many other of these AI tools are now going to start implementing some kind of voice into it as well. I think it'll be quite interesting to see how this plays out. But I'm super impressed with chat GPT.

Diverse Perspectives

I know some people are not into the whole AI thing. I get it. And I respect that.

The Importance of Tools in Scheduling Content

I just find it helpful for me. It's just I like tools. I like tools because, you know, and one of the ideas it was given me for today's chat about, you know, scheduling or batching content, it's not as big of a thing as it used to be with using scheduling tool. I mean, that was such a big thing. For years, I used to schedule so many. I would work on my tweets. And then because I had a lot of things I want to talk about in my feed, it was like, you don't want to post them all at once because then you're just exploding your feed with all this stuff. And people are like, whoa, why is she posting ten things all at once on here? So scheduling tools have been great for spreading things out, but I feel like we've kind of come full circle. I feel like we're kind of back to how social media originally was, where I don't see the scheduling on the same scale as it used to be. Seems to be more in the moment and stuff, but it's just interesting to use these AI tools to get ideas.

YouTube Shorts Update

Also, another piece of news I found out in the past, I guess this week or in the past week is for those that are utilizing YouTube and you do shorts, you know, shorts are 60 minutes or less, YouTube is going to expand it, and now your short form video can be up to three minutes long. So I'm finding that quite interesting because it seems like they're trying to rival TikTok and reels, Instagram reels, which, you know, all of these started off as super short form content and they, you know, with TikTok, it went from really short to now you can do like, up to ten minute videos. And I think they're even up in it more. I think I've heard that you can do within an hour. I don't know. I feel like it's a constant competition with all of these platforms. It seems like they're all trying to see who could one up each other. So I find it interesting that YouTube is like, okay, you can now do up to three minutes starting October 15. So that's going to be next week.

YouTube Shorts Rule Change

And this is what's interesting to know for those of you all that use YouTube. So starting October 15, if you upload a video, because right now, if you upload a video to YouTube and it's 60 seconds or less, it's automatically considered a short. And I don't like that. I sometimes have a video that is not quite a minute long and it immediately becomes a short. I don't want to be a short. I want to be with my regular videos on YouTube. So it's just how they do it. Well, so now if it's up to three minutes long, it will automatically be considered a short. So I don't know why they're doing that. But anyway, they made a huge announcement about it. I wanted to pass that along because I'm always finding out all these different things going on and that's why I wanted to get back into sharing stuff that I'm learning about.

News and Updates on Social Media Platforms

You know, before, it was always keeping everybody up to date on the latest with Twitter. That was always my thing was why it was Twitter smarter. And I don't know, I'm just trying to expand out to not be just talking about Twitter, although, or x. There is some x news that just came out recently, and I don't know if everybody's heard about this one either, but this one's interesting. So I don't know how many people, this is not super noticeable. So I don't know if everybody here even realize is this when you're on the X mobile app and this has been available for years and years. So let's say you are looking at my account, you're looking at my feed, and you want to go like, I wonder when Madeline, when is she? When is she. I want to search for something that's, that I can go find interfere.

Utilizing Search Features on Social Media

I want to go find an old post or old tweet or whatever. And on the mobile app at the very top, there's a little magnifying glass. So it's a search. So, like, I can go to Marcel's and I can tap on that magnifying glass. And it says at the top search, and it shows his Twitter handle, his ex handle posts. So I could type in, you know, whatever keyword. I'll type in YouTube. I know you make YouTube videos more. So I'm going to type in YouTube and it's going to pull up all your posts that have that keyword in it that have the word YouTube. And I can do top latest people videos, photos. So here's the new thing that they just added on desktop. So when you're on a computer, you're at they've now added that to the profiles as well.

New Features for Profile Searches

So if you go to my account on desktop, you will be able to search through. You had to use advanced search before. It was very frustrating how this all used to work. I used to always talk about and teach people how to use Twitter's advanced search. And if I wanted to go back and find, let's say you and I had a tweet exchange six months ago, and I'm like, gosh, I wish I could go find those tweets. I didn't bookmark them, I didn't save them. And were talking about be random. We were talking about pizza. I want to go find that tweet. You would use Twitter's advanced search. That was the way you did it.

Spotify's Advanced Search Feature

And it's different than just the regular search. You know, the regular search, you type in whatever, but then they also have this advanced search where you, where it can do a lot more, but you couldn't easily get, what was frustrating is you couldn't easily get to it. So I would just always tell people, bookmark this. The way you get to it on x is you have to go ahead and initiate a search. So if I go and I search and I just type in pizza, and here comes all the stuff with pizza, then I'm looking on desktop, on the right sidebar on desktop, below some stuff here, search filters. It'll say advanced search. You had to take all these steps just to get to it.

Benefit of Improved Search Function

I tell people, just go to search and then dash, you know, little dash, little hyphen. Advanced now is search. Dash advanced. So one of the best uses of the advanced search for a long time was that, hey, if you were trying to find some old conversations you had with somebody, just as one example, this was the place to do it because I could put the keywords I can put in pizza and then let's say I want to do so for, there's from account into account. So I can put from, I can say Athenae, Madeline, scler, and two, and I can just put in, you know, whoever, and now it's going to go and search whatever parameters I put in.

Advanced Search Accessibility Improvement

And it's not just for that. It's for a variety of things. But bottom line, you had to utilize the advanced search to do stuff like more than just the generic search at the top, right? So now what we've always had on mobile, they've added a desktop, finally. I don't know why it took them so long. So when you're on somebody's profile other than yourself, you will now see to the right of their profile picture and under their big header, you know, the big header picture at the top, under that, they've got some different icons. You'll now see the magnifying glass there.

Conclusion and Future Plans

So when you click on that, it'll say it's already putting in the prompt from and then that username. So now you can just type in, you know, whatever keywords. So I don't know how many people utilize search all that much over here on x, but for somebody nerdy like me, I'm glad they finally added that because I wish they had done that a long time ago. It would have been a lot easier. So those are like the latest things going on social media that I've been coming across more recently that I wanted to share with everybody. But I'm definitely gonna be playing with that chat GPT voice. I just want to push it to the limits and see how much I can do with it, and then I'll definitely report back.

Excitement for Future Interactions

So that's my plan. That's. That's really all I had for today. Sometimes these will be a little bit shorter. I just, I wanted to play that video one, y'all, to hear my interaction with this chat chipt voice to see, you know, if anybody finds it interesting. I think it's probably just me, but I'm gonna keep playing with it. I'll let y'all know how it goes. I'm also gonna try to get some special guests to come join us from time to time on the chat here. I have lots. If y'all have any ideas too, feel free to dm me or just, you know, reply to the post here or whatever and just let me know if you have any thoughts, other things that you want to learn about other social media platforms you want to stay more on top of.

Closing Remarks

There's always just so much happening, and I'm trying to just always keep a watchful eye so I can report back and let y'all know. But that's pretty much what I wanted to share with y'all today. That's. That's pretty much all I got. I'm really excited to be launching my new social media shortcuts private community. So if that sounds interesting to you, check it out. If you have questions, feel free to send me a message. Let me know. Marcel, thanks for popping in for a few minutes. I'll be back next Thursday. We will keep on talking, and I'm sure by then I'll have more to say about this chat chapter voice to see what else can be done with it. And yeah, so y'all have a great rest of your day, or we sign off.

Final Goodbyes

Madeline, my birthday is definitely next Friday, so take this time to send me a shout, if you will, please. All right, thanks for letting us know. Appreciate that. Of course. All right, y'all have a great rest of your day, and I will chat with you soon. See y'all. Bye.

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