Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space in the gaming niche delved into innovative game development, emphasized user experience excellence, and hinted at exciting future plans to offer enhanced value for users. The spotlight was on creating PvP games with unique features, setting the project apart in the gaming sector. Feedback and interactions with current users played a vital role in shaping the project’s direction and vision for growth.


Q: What was the main inspiration for the games discussed in this session?
A: The main inspiration was drawn from existing games, focusing on innovation and a different approach compared to traditional games.

Q: How does the project differentiate itself from other gaming projects?
A: The project differentiates itself through its unique direction, user experience focus, and introduction of new elements in PvP games.

Q: Why is UX considered a step ahead in the discussed PvP games?
A: UX is deemed advanced in the discussed PvP games due to the emphasis on superior user experience and innovative design choices.

Q: What was mentioned about signing messages in connection with games?
A: Signing messages for every game was mentioned as an essential aspect, possibly related to authentication or communication within the games.

Q: How are the new PvP games compared to Yolo games?
A: The new PvP games were compared to Yolo games with similarities highlighted but also mentioning unique elements introduced in the discussed games.

Q: What features were highlighted in the liquidity pools of the discussed project?
A: Features related to liquidity pools were discussed in comparison to other projects, showcasing differences and possibly innovations in this aspect.

Q: What significance was attributed to the user experience during gameplay?
A: User experience during gameplay was considered of utmost importance, with an aim to provide a superior and engaging experience for players.

Q: How did the speakers view the potential showcased by Yolo games?
A: The speakers recognized the potential demonstrated by Yolo games in opening up new opportunities in the gaming sector, possibly inspiring their approach.

Q: What approach was taken i…
A: A ground-up approach to game development was highlighted, indicating a comprehensive and meticulous process in creating the discussed games.

Q: What was the main inspiration for the games discussed in this session?
A: The main inspiration was drawn from existing games, focusing on innovation and a different approach compared to traditional games.

Q: How does the project differentiate itself from other gaming projects?
A: The project differentiates itself through its unique direction, user experience focus, and introduction of new elements in PvP games.

Q: Why is UX considered a step ahead in the discussed PvP games?
A: UX is deemed advanced in the discussed PvP games due to the emphasis on superior user experience and innovative design choices.

Q: What was mentioned about signing messages in connection with games?
A: Signing messages for every game was mentioned as an essential aspect, possibly related to authentication or communication within the games.

Q: How are the new PvP games compared to Yolo games?
A: The new PvP games were compared to Yolo games with similarities highlighted but also mentioning unique elements introduced in the discussed games.

Q: What features were highlighted in the liquidity pools of the discussed project?
A: Features related to liquidity pools were discussed in comparison to other projects, showcasing differences and possibly innovations in this aspect.

Q: What significance was attributed to the user experience during gameplay?
A: User experience during gameplay was considered of utmost importance, with an aim to provide a superior and engaging experience for players.

Q: How did the speakers view the potential showcased by Yolo games?
A: The speakers recognized the potential demonstrated by Yolo games in opening up new opportunities in the gaming sector, possibly inspiring their approach.

Q: What approach was taken i…
A: A ground-up approach to game development was highlighted, indicating a comprehensive and meticulous process in creating the discussed games.


Time: 00:03:59
BEt Mode’s On-chain Gaming App Launch, Introduction to BEt Mode’s recently launched on-chain gaming app.

Time: 00:07:18
Accelerator Program Support, Discussion on the crucial support provided by BEt Mode’s accelerator program for projects.

Time: 00:08:26
Super Day Event for Project Showcases, Explanation of the purpose of the ‘Super Day’ event for projects to present ideas to investors and the public.

Time: 00:16:38
Importance of Liquidity Pools, In-depth look at liquidity pools and their fundamental role in BEt Mode’s gaming ecosystem.

Time: 00:19:18
Focus on UX in Web3 Gaming, Highlighting the strong focus on improving user experience (UX) in Web3 gaming.

Time: 00:26:44
Token Launch Timeline and Tokenomics Development, Discussion on the timeline for BEt Mode’s token launch and the development of robust tokenomics.

Time: 00:39:38
Emphasis on Security, Emphasizing security as a top priority for BEt Mode in the fast-paced Web3 environment.

Time: 00:40:22
User Base Expansion and Token Integration, Future plans for expanding the user base and integrating various tokens into BEt Mode’s gaming platform.

Time: 00:41:12
Transparency and Community Engagement, Closing remarks on the importance of maintaining transparency and engaging the community in BEt Mode’s development process.

Key Takeaways

  • The session emphasized innovation and a different approach compared to traditional games.
  • Creating a superior user experience with advanced UX was a key focus.
  • Signing messages for every game was highlighted as important.
  • The focus was on PvP games similar to Yolo games but with unique elements.
  • Comparisons were made with other projects regarding liquidity pools and classic game approaches.
  • Excitement around introducing new ideas and possibilities to the gaming space.
  • Recognition for the potential showcased by Yolo games in opening new opportunities.
  • Ground-up approach to game development with strong user interaction focus.
  • Enthusiasm and optimism for future project developments were expressed.
  • Importance of feedback and value provision for current users was underscored.

Behind the Mic

 “Games was definitely a big inspiration.”, “And shout out to them, we are taking quite a different kind of direction from them, especially with operating web, two games and bridging them on chain.”, “We are coming out with PvP games akin to Yolo games, but I think we’re going to do things quite differently.”, “They just introduced their liquidity pools and their classical take on games and no shame.”, “But I do think our ux there is a step ahead.”, “You have to sign the messages with them.”, “Everything for every game.”, “So I’m really excited about that.”, “We managed to do them, do that before them, but you know, Yola games have provided and really opened up the eyes for a lot of what’s possible.”, “So really cool to have them there.”, “They’re on blast, we’re on mode, so.”, “Yeah, but built from the ground up.”, “Sorry about the tangent there.”, “No, no, we love tangents here.”, “We love tangents.”, “So yeah, no, that’s actually awesome because if you had to, if I had to connect every single time and sign a transaction, that’d be super annoying.”, “How have you seen the activity since your announcement and what kind of traction have you gotten?”, “Yeah, so this has actually been really cool.”, “We know there’s some skepticism about being on layer two network.”, “Rocket monsters already caught up and is most definitely an interesting one.”, “It’s really, really encouraging because not only are we working entirely within the ecosystem, we’ve kind of built a layer of trust with our community members.”, “So that means every time we announce something, we have a larger amount of engagement.”, “That’s a result of relationship building.”, “That’s very exciting.”, “Yeah, I guess it’s no secret the jewel of book, just roll them all up.”, “Yeah, the layer two solution here is, but honestly being able to engage with people migrating over to Harmony blockchain and now we see them bleed over to Arbitrum, it’s a great sign of a healthy community.”, “We’ve garnered a lot of interest and excitement and it’s been just organically growing and with every step forward, we take a step deeper into relationships.”, “So me and you have been talking about that for a while now.”, “Yes.”, “Like every layer, right?”, “It’s a bigger circle.”, “Yeah, thanks.”, “It sounds like something really important.”, “Building a relationship.”, “I mean, like if you build it, they will come right.”, “Absolutely.”, “Not do like Teletubbies.”, “We expect everybody to show up out of nowhere.”, “Absolutely.”, “So outside of general excitement, has there been any specific feedback that players have given you that have been surprising in any way?”, “Players have most definitely given us a lot of feedback.”, “They’ve been helping us iterate and build that user experience.”, “So that’s been really, really important being able to improve this incrementally, which is very normal in software development.”, “What I find most encouraging is that even though we’re just in the very initiation phase, we’re not at all where we want to be, but there have been massive overhauls we’ve been able to make thanks to player feedback.”, “A lot of the feedback is technical in nature.”, “Like for example, this process needs to be simplified.”, “We’re still just initiating this journey.”, “After about a month and a half, we already managed to essentially this alpha phase helped us identify huge areas of improvement and capitalize on them quickly.”, “So shout out to all those pirate bugs out there.”, “They’re actually really helpful.”, “And this is really interesting.”, “I would expect people to be hostile, but it sounds like they’re being supportive overall.”, “There’s a lot of skepticism and that’s natural.”, “However, just seeing how we treat our founders, I think they kind of, they trust us.”, “They see that we really do care.”, “And they believe that ultimately we’re going to kind of take this and run with it.”, “Yeah, I think that’s true.”, “I can see that kind of in the feedback you got.”, “So like just super intensive upfront engagement, you know?”, “Yeah.”, “And I guess we’ve always been quite personal with players.”, “We always tend to treat our community members as actual family members and that’s something that I think really shines through that we genuinely care.”, “Most definitely.”, “That’s honestly super heartening to hear.”, “That’s super heartening to hear about players being supportive throughout the first stages of development.”, “It means a lot to hear the positive feedback.”, “All right, we’re going to be closing and opening questions soon.”, “So grab tickets, grab prizes, grab your popcorn, sit down.”, “All right, so one more question and we’ll open to the floor.”, “To Batman, anything that we forgot to mention, anything that you want to reveal now or anything that is sort of high level roadmap?”, “Always, they’re always ready for more.”, “They have their tickets stamped.”, “Yeah, so we focus on two directions.”, “Number one is user experience and obviously bring tremendous value for users and making them feel it’s a unique and special place.”, “We also want to focus on partnerships.”, “I’m sure you’ve noticed that OPLA just announced our collaboration.”, “We can’t say too much, but it’s a promising direction.”, “Honestly, something that we’ve not shared openly yet is a new game mode that’s coming soon.”, “It will offer players a new way to earn rewards by helping us in our universe.”, “We’re working on partnerships and collaborations with major dogs in the industry.”, “We aim to build something quite unique.”, “Very, very cool.”, “Thanks for revealing that.”, “Batman, can you share some alpha on what to expect?”, “Yeah, we’re planning to launch very soon.”, “I know things have taken time, but we’re on the final lap and I’m super excited.”, “Can’t wait to see what the future holds.”, “Wow, thanks for the insight.”, “So some upcoming features and modes that should be released soon, but with that let’s move to the closing part and the Q&A session.”, “And thanks to everyone for your patience and excitement.”, “There you go.”, “Perfect, alright.”, “Nicely put, absolutely.”, “So let’s take five to 10 questions from the audience.”, “What do we have here?”, “Alright, first question?”, “Can I ask you about the staking mechanism and what the thought process is behind it?”, “Sure, we early on identified the need for zero trust in interaction between player assets.”, “That’s fundamental.”, “That means players manage their assets, no one else.”, “And if they want to stake assets or tokens, they do so in their own terms within our ecosystem.”, “We integrate seamlessly with smart contracts.”, “No middleman involved.”, “So staking means you trust yourself and the code, not a third party.”, “Love it.”, “Next question?”, “So based on what you’ve shared, it sounds super interesting.”, “What kind of alpha can you give us about expansion packs or additional content?”, “Planning on doing tests early next year.”, “There’s exciting new areas and worlds we’re currently mapping out.”, “We have our designers working around the clock to bring the vision alive.”, “Great stuff ahead.”, “Stay tuned.”, “Great, next?”, “Can I ask?” 

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