Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space conversation explored the excitement around forthcoming developments like Slantonet and stressed the significance of community involvement in shaping the ecosystem. Amid discussions on decentralization challenges and leadership models, the emphasis on community-driven decision-making emerged as a key theme. The session advocated for distributed leadership, active community engagement, and the role of committees in fostering progress. Overall, the focus on innovation within a decentralized governance structure underscored the dynamic nature of the blockchain ecosystem.


Q: What is the focus of excitement in the ecosystem?
A: The conversation highlighted the launch of Slantonet as a major development.

Q: How can community members contribute?
A: Community members can participate through testing new developments and engaging actively.

Q: What are the challenges related to decentralization?
A: Balancing decentralization with organizational efficiency is a critical challenge.

Q: Why is avoiding centralized power important?
A: To prevent power centralization and ensure fairness in decision-making.

Q: How are decisions made without a single leader?
A: Decisions are made through committees, working groups, and consensus standards.

Q: What is the approach to leadership roles?
A: Leadership roles are decentralized and distributed among different groups for a fairer system.

Q: Can a decentralized system be efficient?
A: Yes, but it requires collective effort and commitment from the community.

Q: How is power managed in this decentralized setup?
A: Power is managed through distributed leadership and active community participation.

Q: What are the advantages of this system?
A: Enhanced participation and fair decision-making processes.

Q: How can the community contribute to progress?
A: By joining special interest groups and engaging in discussions actively.


Time: 00:00:11
Excitement in the ecosystem

Time: 00:00:18
Importance of community participation

Time: 00:00:24
Balancing decentralization and centralization challenges

Time: 00:00:35
Contrasting traditional and decentralized governance

Time: 00:00:42
Ensuring consensus and leadership standards

Time: 00:00:46
Avoiding centralization of power

Time: 00:00:51
Encouraging active community participation

Time: 00:00:56
Focus on decentralization and community roles

Key Takeaways

  • Exciting developments like Slantonet in the ecosystem.
  • Emphasis on community participation and its impact.
  • Challenges of ensuring decentralization and avoiding centralized power.
  • Role of committees and special interest groups in driving progress.
  • Contrasts between traditional centralized governance and decentralized systems.
  • Importance of community-driven decision-making.
  • Leadership standards and consensus mechanisms are crucial.
  • Reducing power centralization for fairness.
  • Promoting active community engagement.
  • Innovation within the ecosystem is key.

Behind the Mic

Yeah, I mean, like I said, I'm a big fan of charles. He's one of those guys that you either love or hate. Nothing in between. Definitely a visionary. Definitely a guy that gets shit done. Rough around the edges but always brings great value. Can't beat the guy. To know him is to love him. What about you, Nick? What made you start listening years ago? Right. Don't hold any punches. No smiling this one. No punches, man. Don't get me in front of Charles. I think your story is also an important one because you did use that that P word, you know, passion. And we all know Charles has a lot of passion for this project. He was like, just god, you know, like, He just had that, that kind of like rockstar quality about him. But I looked at his career before and, you know, I could see that he was a bit of a You Know, opposition to the, the big players and obviously watching what he'd done with bitcoin, it was really exciting. And obviously ethereum and IOHK. It was, it was a dream come true for me to get into the space and just to have the opportunity to be in a conversation like this. This is, this is great. You know, I just, I couldn't get enough of it. And I realized it's like, this space does a lot of things, but it won't move without participation. And I think that's why I love charles so much because he demands participation. Yeah, So, you know, I think that's definitely one of the main things. And you know, we can participate more. And immediately we'll see, you know, participation in implications of what participant like, participating in this ecosystem is going to do. And again, quick shill for Slantonet if you want to go test it out. It's coming live to this ecosystem this year. So really exciting times. We do have a limited time, but we do have some. I do want to let her. Laura. Yes, Laura. Respond to that because I know she wants to respond to that, and then we'll move to the other hand. Thanks. Just want to make sure we gave Lara an opportunity to respond. What's up? Yeah, I just want to clarify a few things. I understand that people in the crypto world and the blockchain world are used to a very fast paced environment that is very comprehensible. However, there are a few things that I want to make a consideration for, which are having someone pointing the needle as avatar Nick mentioned. And that is unfortunately not possible for a few reasons, because, one, we need to ensure decentralization. Two, we need to ensure that power is not centralized in a single entity. And this is why you're leveraging the committee's working groups and special interest groups at intersex. More specifically, they all have standards for consensus. They all have standards for organization and leadership, and they are all coming together to try and push this pace forward, because we cannot have a central entity that is just pointing fingers at people and saying, hey, we need to do this and we need to do that. We are leveraging the community. But that's true. But I just want to. I just want to point out. Can you let her finish? Oh, sorry, Nick. Thanks. No, Dory, let him speak and I'll. And I'll see. Okay. It's just that he missed the beginning where we just try to let people speak. But my argument is not for the centralization power of power. My argument is similar to a us model where you have a president that has the checks and balances, and they could decide kind of the direction, and then you vote for that person. I think that's still in a decentralized world. So that's more my argument is, is to have not control, but at least a little bit more consensus, and instead of taking four years for things to get implemented, that we could have at least a couple of things get implemented annually or something. I don't know why you're getting so upset with my argument, but I'll let you go ahead. I think it's a really great conversation, and I just want to like, reiterate again, It's so important that makers and stuff that participate in these workshops and these contributions, make sure that they're also members. These contributing in significant ways, you know, this is this is what I see and this is what I hear. So it's important for me to communicate that. And so, you know, I just want to say that I think we're doing a great job and we'll continue to do that and hopefully all people will see some results. Just quickly something to that, like Uh, uh, there are some points of agreement here, and I think I'm actually looking for it actively. But listen, I know like one of the things we do agree on, process is great, but we can all agree that trying to keep value or or just respect or try to keep aspects of the culture of where the value is we're creating. And sometimes it does feel like it's going at a grinding pace. I mean, I've seen it. I've been through mark here and do a lot of deal making, and I know you know that the mark's greatness from everything from from bankers to to people like to hate crypto, because it is, because it does take a bit more time. But, you know, we all have our own POTS to PO, and what I would just argue is maybe this space will always live at one forty P because we just can't fix that cable. So I think maybe, MAYBE Laura, you might meet in the middle lien in Santiago, Chile at some point and get this done. I mean, the other thing is, we always want to encourage people, regardless of where you're joining from, take this back to the communities that you're in, because I see a lot of valuable contributions coming out of people from Africa, from women, from other communities that are not typically represented. And we need to remember that we do want those perspectives. So at the end of the day, those are the things. But hold on, hold on. No. I, I don't think anyone is disagreeing that participation is lightly important. I just think I just think Yes, throughout the process. Yes. Yes, Thanks again. I just want to make a point here that analyzing each country and analyzing different return networks and seeing what we need in each, each area is very important as well. And that's happening right now. And I think we come up with a framework that suits everyone. That will interesting take. Thank you so much. I appreciate what we do, have other questions. I wanted to answer the questions to the hands is one, but I think it is Don't anything else there what else to do, and I need ready. Hold on, hold on. No, I think what else? For me, is that we have to remember that there's a lot to be gained from discussing entree aspects that we have here today and that job will not be Do you know like done overnight? We need more time. That's why I appreciate this types of sessions. Hi, Thank you for my speech now. Thank you. So, hi, Thank you, Laura. So, Currently it's about this process and improving it. Where all there? WES How can I said easier? Do it just how we styling? That's i'll that piece. Thank you. We've accumulated a lot of history and a lot of knowledge and we'll continue doing this. Nothing else can be standardized until we've actually identified the key elements and how we can standardize them. That's, that's kind of the way I see it. Yeah, Hi. This is Dom revisers. Lala. How you doing? I'd like to answer some of those There. Appreciate it. Thank you, Jack the records. So, we are going to go to the first question in the queue. I have Jason and we'll get there. The way I approached Cardano and blockchain Tech is it's all about representation. I represent organizations that are all over the world, and I try and tell their stories that are local. And I think that builds more enthusiasm when you can see the little bits of change that are happening globally. So I. I'm just really drained, to be honest. But yes, Laura and my pastor are doing an amazing kind of work, and I just hope the participation will. But Seriously, the participation is anyone get wrong? This would make anyone wrong in any sort of way. Anyone that didn't raise their hand? Actually, I just want to say this was a great example of participation. Yeah, Yea. Yes, exactly. This is a conversation and we can move forward. We all can. Absolutely. Always, and everybody feels supported, which is the whole point of the point of this. Absolutely Yeah. Thanks. Yeah. , we'll move on. We're also very inclusive, thank you, man. That is awesome. I want to bring up, because what you just said struck a note about the different aspects that are being agreed upon. What I would like to see going forward and what I think, I think both sides will appreciate. More of this, because the more diversity we can create, the better. Yeah, this is great. We don't want anyone to feel isolated. Yes. Thank you everyone else. And this was kind of point. Can I just say one thing? I definitely will agree with you there. And here I again, I'm know, again, I like what you're saying, and I think there's a few few small things that you think about more though. Maybe what would be helpful is you could participate and we can continue to support you and see how we can guide you forward. Hi, that's it. Lo, you know. Build on the momentum and keep it moving. Exactly. I think we'll go back to the next questions. I'm Here. Pierce, would you like to go? Sure. Thanks, buddy. And then thanks, Lara. Yeah, thank you. And I will respect different aspects of the way forward and the diversity of thoughts that it generates. I mean, you're welcome to Alright, appreciate it. This is again great call Thank you. Newts love you, Lara loves you very much. And others who are always putting the names forward. Well appreciate it. Next. , good. Let's go. Okay, we got next. Next, Josh. Thank you. I'm Jay. Jason, I was just curious to hear like your thoughts around the value I mean, I feel like we are reaching out to where we are. and we've got I think maturely the community is getting there and we're going make actionable steps for participation throughout. We're just not there yet at to the highest level. And again Thank all the great comments. Appreciate it. It was a great, round table. Absolutely. Thank you. I love the fact that it's labs. And if you're looking for another cycle or another time slot, please come back. Maybe even just stay tuned. I don't I don't can we could definitely bring it up next time we meet again. That could be. But don't be, sorry, if we don't have opportunity to fill your time always. Okay, Just let us know and we'll, you know. Sorry. That's it Check REGURES probably is kind of going forward. Let's let's see if we can find a way for Community. So thanks, everyone. Think they shouldn't, You know, Stop this progress because this We can all agree that we need to and that's not where you force slowly kind of innertramce and probably progress as well. Bye Thank you, Bye. Thank you. Bye.

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