Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary


Q: What role does AI play in the Metaverse?
A: AI enhances user experiences and powers recommendation engines.

Q: What are the key priorities in the Metaverse space?
A: Community building, adoption, and innovation are essential.

Q: What is the focus of Metaverse expansion?
A: Expanding beyond entertainment to social interactions and business applications.

Q: What can be expected in terms of advancements in 2024?
A: 2024 brings promising advancements and expansion plans in the Metaverse.

Q: Why are education and awareness important in the Metaverse?
A: Education and awareness attract users and investors to the Metaverse space.

Q: How are Metaverse projects aiming to impact industries?
A: Metaverse projects aim to revolutionize various industries through immersive experiences.

Q: What are some success factors in the Metaverse space?
A: Success factors include engagement, AI enhancements, adoption, and innovation.

Q: How can AI help with secure NFTs?
A: AI-powered engines can help discover secure NFTs in the Metaverse.

Q: Why is collaboration vital in the Metaverse?
A: Collaboration is vital for driving innovation and creating immersive experiences in the Metaverse.

Q: What are some key factors for success in the Metaverse industry?
A: Community, adoption, and cutting-edge technology are key factors for success in the Metaverse industry.


Key Takeaways

  • The Metaverse offers unique opportunities and immersive experiences.
  • AI enhances user experiences and powers recommendation engines.
  • Building a community and fostering adoption are essential priorities.
  • The vision encompasses social interactions and business applications.
  • Collaboration and innovation are driving Metaverse development.
  • 2024 brings promising advancements and expansion plans.
  • Engaging content creation is crucial for showcasing capabilities.
  • Education and awareness attract users and investors.
  • Metaverse projects aim to revolutionize various industries.

Behind the Mic

invitation only. Now, at the same time, the data NFTs for brands will provide the wealth of data, offering insights to the preferences and behaviors of the clients through the inspired data NFTs. Okay, so I think this should answer the question, why data NFT, please? Yeah, no, I think that helps and that does explain and help Clarify and I wasn't aware of your min structure, so good to hear about that. I know we have a lot of questions about that. And you said it's coming in June, most likely the first 10,000. And can you talk a little bit more about the brand side structure? And I don't know if it was you or Damian or who said it earlier, talking about how you did your homework with talking to the company who did the Starbucks launch. I think that's great and to really dig into what went wrong and how to fix that. And it's awesome that ithim seems to be the missing link here, the data entities. So can you talk a little bit about the brand side of it? Yeah. This is multi brand. So Inspire is a multi brand loyalty program. Starbucks was single brand. And I don't want to spend time. We can have another ama on Starbucks. I'm very passionate about the topic, but we learn from their failure and we do our own thing. So the OG NFTs, the founders collection NFD will have immediate cashback benefits at the moment at 16 major romanian physical retailers and over 50 or so international online retailers. So because it's a data NFT, every inspire NFT will already contain the sub sfts and more sub sfts will be added over time. So your inspire NFT will include the retailers sfts. So they will offer instant cashback against top up. So Starbucks will offer 10% cashback. I give you just some examples, but they are roughly between four and 10% significantly more than what would you get from a credit card, for instance. Right. And then the online cashback, it's up to 15%. So if you're located in France or in Germany or what have you, and you order on booking.com or Loxitan or MotoGP or, I don't know, Stradivarius, what have you, you will have instant cashback included. And this is really immediate benefit from the inspire. While we're while we're waiting for the OG NFTs of another NFTs, but we the NFT valuations. So the cashback resale value. And this is extremely important. We are positive. Let some people scout them and sell them on open sea or for X. However, the same Inspire NFTs will come with the loyalty arbitrage feature. Your cashback will increase forever. These loyalty returns are available. Of course, certain NFTs will offer higher multi brand arbitrage. Let's face it. And if you were a diamond, for instance, OG NFT will be supernalty markets. That means I see people some longer jerseys. So they're waiting on top up card. I was wondering if I can use this as a brand club. Brands NFTs holders will have a highly defined client profile structure. But even better, data entities will allow superior level of marketing. You mentioned trading from your collection. Once you activatethe NFTs in your wallet, they become active and instantly start providing cashback. Now, you can use the inspire NFTs and apply for this through the watchholders. So there will be a limited time period for these major retailers. 10,000 NFTs per NFT. You'll receive cashback for instance value point. Without subscribe grocery store contents. However, there are available mechanisms for the diamond structure. So they will always have preferential multi brand NFTs, the NFTs arbitrage, and retail arbitrage. There will be only 100 platinum club members. That will allow certain monthly topping caps. There will be huge monthly topping caps for 250 diamond holders, and significant topping caps for 5,000 gold and so on. So in terms of the minclub onboarding process, so now we will launch first Inspire NFTs club with 10,000 of the inspire members. They will allow direct native billing topping, that sort of product for multi brand clients. So inspire will help onboard other brands as we go along. We already have signed new old company Starbucks, while about multi brand cashback. We've just completed an advanced meeting with them. But we're also doing our own homework. So we had an initial discussion with a company who helped the main giftcards, how we learn and how we add features and improve our systems. Now we have 500 brands, including those I mentioned before, like in sneakers, grocery shopping. It could be a water brand. It could be a luxury company. It could be a pizzeria. Yes, we do restaurant delivery cashback as well. Each brand has its own perspective. Certain brands will have a super profile through data NFTs. Hope this helps you understand. I would like to Add a low offer price and the high value. The thing that makes it different is your cashback profile. As I mentioned to you earlier, we have major agreements with 500 stores already. And I will offer a significant grand arbitrage benefit from engage retailers. I complete the various cashback process with instant feedback, Walmart minutes, future supermarkets partnership and more. Along with Inspire Club, there will be up to 15% cashback. Premium profile contains an inspire an inspired enhance their limit through our entities capable to achieve multi brand penetration and preference client loyalty schemes. I hope this answers up brand profile questions. Just another example, we set up a major agreement with Walmart Europe covering 4% cashback. So you will be able to deposit the Inspire cashback. The corporate partnership and arrangement will cover 15% cashback. Special clients and gold cap has a limit cashback reaching higher figures. Multi brand clients will always benefit from additional mechanisms and profit from NFTs arbitrage. I think, and if I'm sure this will address most client needs in terms of cashback. That's super useful. And I mean, it is a question that I had, and it's helped clarify what you guys are planning for inspire. Now another point, are are you looking for the this first season only with multi brand coverage coming from June? And then I know people are obsessed with NFTs. Please clarify the data NFT mechanisms quality. We will have exceptional feedback experience updates keep next on there. With the brand side described, we can take your physical market questions. Hey guys, take a look up on security token structures. The NFT program will complete our loyalty mechanics for inspire. Well, I think I covered most of your points, and now you will have to wait June for first 10,000 alpha. Awesome, yeah, I love it. Anyone else have any questions? This is extremely insightful. Damien, I think we got a lot of good information in this call right now. It's my job. Ian – Hey, Damian as Ian. Fantastic update. Congrats on the day. Great presentations. Okay. Thank you. Thank you very much for jumping in the questions, and everybody else was killing Have a good night, because for you in the Eastern Europe side or in New York is already late night. Go crush some stuffing take rest. Okay, cheers. international Thank you for having me here. Feel free to follow me on I will be happy to answer publicly or DM me privately. Thank you for the first one. Definitely AIAH point already on the way to solve that gap and solve this luxury problem, I love to solve efficiency. Same goes for my partners. Thank you every much everyone Be safe until next time. Thanks, Ian. Thanks. Thanks be safe. Thanks guys don't forget to crush them Good Night. Thanks god stores Well done everyone take care. Great panel, thanks everybody. Okay. I will have a good snooze. Also one more time thanks, everybody internation Congratulations! Ah, great night guys. ENJOY I am off Some questions were fireable. Parking is full. Thomas, you I literally helped you live. Any further comments? Thanks for having me to coding, delight my co suppose. He's loving. Thank you we'll do similar crushing, thanks everyone A+vin. Yea, Thanks, everyone. Good blessings! Enjoyed. Okay, every piece thank you all. awesome evening guys. Thanks for the support system. Tell these others about the setup. Please get the lowest cashback info it's available across radiators, so reach there their data. Pros for now, quota right. Wonderful session signing off. Ian: Have a nice day coding me feeling. Bye!

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