Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Inflation and Its Rippling Effect on Business Operations.

This space is hosted by StanbicBankGH

Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into the Inflation Impact on business operations, particularly in relation to labor costs. Participants actively exchanged views on strategies to navigate rising expenses, such as adjusting wages, providing additional benefits, and openly evaluating labor expenditures. Noteworthy approaches like adapting wage rates in response to market fluctuations and offering meal perks to employees were spotlighted. The session underscored the importance of backing staff for improved business outcomes and enhanced staff loyalty. In essence, the space offered invaluable insights for business proprietors on effectively handling labor costs in the midst of economic shifts, while creating a supportive work environment.


Q: How can businesses manage labor costs effectively?
A: Businesses can monitor staffing levels, evaluate productivity, and optimize schedules to manage labor costs efficiently.

Q: What strategies can be used to adjust wages in response to inflation?
A: Businesses can consider tying wage adjustments to inflation rates, conducting regular salary reviews, and offering performance-based raises to adjust wages effectively.

Q: Why is it essential to openly discuss labor costs in businesses?
A: Open discussions about labor costs promote transparency, help employees understand the financial health of the business, and encourage collaborative problem-solving to improve cost management.

Key Takeaways

  • Labor costs are crucial for businesses’ financial health.
  • Additional benefits like meals can boost employee motivation.
  • Adjusting wages based on cost-of-living increases is important.
  • Supporting employees aids in staff retention and business growth.

Behind the Mic

Madam Equia? Yes, I’m here. Yes. Okay. How about your labor costs in terms of getting, you know, how capital intensive is it in terms of your labor? Getting the men and women to work for you to ensure your I vision is realized as a company? Labor cost is something I think businesses don’t talk much about. I think we usually talk about a price increment on the market or prices of service and goods on the market. But labor is very expensive, like I said earlier, because we know prices of things are expensive now. You can’t just say that if I’m giving you 2000 per month or 3000 per month or any amount you expect them to live on the same amount of money like they were doing so last month. So, for example, what I do is, with my side, I. I increase their money from time to time. When I. When I notice the prices of things are expensive, I add on something small. And as a business, I also provide breakfast, lunch and supper. So I’ve noticed that has really helped me as a business. Providing needs of my employee labor costs adjusting and flexibly. Because, one, they are able to go out with their salary and use that on important things, it becomes quite difficult if an employee is not able to feed himself, but that’s what I do. So to me, labor cost is sort of a challenge. But then in in our local setting and our time in our country, something that all entrepreneurs have to do is to ensure that you are providing something way out in terms of meal. Yeah. And aside from their salary. Yeah, it should be flexible. And when prices of things go up. Okay. That’s the only question we have. Dr. All right. Thank you very much for having me. Thank you for the opportunity. OK. Thank you very much, Madam Equia. OK, so I’m sure we have all learned a lot of interesting things tonight. We’ve learned first from Professor Kwachu, who took us through agribusiness at a glance, telling us the importance of agribusiness and the role that agribusiness plays in the economy. We also heard from Dr. Mr. Abouan, who is an executive vice president for agribusiness for Developed Market Limited. They took us through the ecosystem with Emphasis on Challenges in the Value Chain, reprimanding some of the loopholes in our current value chain system. Madam Equia has also taken us through innovating marketing strategies for SMEs and Agri businesses. So I think this session has been insightful and educative, and I believe you have all learned a lot of things tonight. OK. So this brings us to the end of tonight’s edition of the Stamig Incubator XP. We want to thank all our speakers for being a part of the session tonight. Special thanks to our guest speaker, Professor Kwachu. Thank you, Doctor. Thank you, Mr. Thank you, Madam Equia, for the informative conversation tonight. I believe that the things we’ve talked about tonight will go a long way in promoting, you know, the agribusiness field and all individuals who intend to set up their own businesses in this industry. So from the Stamig Incubator XP, on behalf of all, let’s join the edge startups to keep developing and to all other individuals who intend to set up their own businesses, this is definitely a place we want to be every month. This is the June edition of the Stanbeck Incubator. We want to acknowledge our sponsors. We thank you Stanbig Bank Ghana, your marketing and Public relations department, for this program. Thank you to our incubator manager, Hamza Muni. Thank you to our head of Enterprise banking and all other resource person who have made tonight’s program a successful one. I’d like to check if there are any questions or comments. If there are any questions or comments in the chat box in the coming months there will be other interesting topics that we’ll be discussing on this platform, the Steamik Incubator XP and we’ll like you to comment. You can actually propose interesting topics you’d want us to discuss and will definitely make time to engage with you. Thank you all once again for joining us tonight. My name is Cassandra Dapa, your host for the Stamig incubator event, the June edition. I wish you all the very best. Have a good evening and good night. Bye bye for now. It.

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