Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Infini gods and Neo Tokyo AMA held a deep dive into the current state and future plans of the project. Key topics included community growth, new development updates, and the exciting lineup of upcoming events. The conversation highlighted the importance of collaboration, with ongoing partnerships aimed at boosting the ecosystem's value. A balanced focus on immediate deliverables and long-term vision was a recurring theme. Innovation was emphasized as the backbone of their strategy, along with a steadfast commitment to engaging with the active community. Transparency was noted as a crucial aspect, ensuring ongoing trust. Technological advancements were discussed, indicating progress in alignment with the roadmap. Challenges faced by the project were acknowledged, with continuous efforts to address them. Future updates promise to offer even more clarity and improvements, keeping the community informed and involved.


Q: What is the primary focus right now?
A: Community growth and engagement.

Q: What updates were shared about development?
A: New features and improvements are on the way.

Q: What's planned for upcoming events?
A: Exciting events are lined up to engage the audience.

Q: Are there any collaborations happening?
A: Yes, partnerships with other projects are underway.

Q: What are the short-term goals?
A: Immediate deliverables to enhance user experience.

Q: How important is innovation?
A: It's a core part of the strategy.

Q: How do they engage with the community?
A: Through active interaction and feedback channels.

Q: Is transparency a priority?
A: Absolutely, maintaining transparency is crucial.

Q: What about technological advancements?
A: Progress is being made as planned.

Q: Are there any challenges?
A: Yes, but they are being effectively addressed.

Q: What can we expect in future updates?
A: More clarity and detailed information.


Time: 00:00:07

Time: 00:01:46
GMGM, everyone.

Time: 00:01:48
Welcome to Infini gods and Neo Tokyo AMA.

Time: 00:01:52
Legends joining the conversation.

Time: 00:01:58
Panther's introduction.

Time: 00:02:00
Community growth insights.

Time: 00:02:45
Development update highlights.

Time: 00:03:10
Upcoming events discussion.

Time: 00:03:50
Collaboration with other projects.

Time: 00:04:20
Long-term and short-term goals.

Time: 00:05:00
Innovation and strategy.

Key Takeaways

  • Community growth remains a priority.
  • New development updates were shared.
  • Upcoming events are highly anticipated.
  • Collaboration with other projects is ongoing.
  • Goals are set for long-term and short-term achievements.
  • Innovation is at the core of their strategy.
  • Engagement with active members is crucial.
  • Transparency continues to be a focus.
  • Technological advancements are on track.
  • Challenges are being addressed constantly.
  • Future updates will bring more clarity.

Behind the Mic

You know, to me, I think it's always been experience driven. You know, I think our background in gaming, that's what it's all about, is creating memorable, great, fun experiences. We've done that since day one. Whether it was in the discord, doing the community events, or whether it was through tournaments or special activations, IRL events. You know, I think that's always been and always will be just at the core of who we are and what we want for our audience. And I would say, just to underscore one of the points you brought up, Brian, with community and building with them. And I know it's cliche in a lot of, at least when I hear it, and the people don't even have a product, it's like, well, what are you building with them? But anyway, I'll put that aside. You know, it's true. We would be, you know, whatever, we'd have merge out or we'd have mortal siege out or even king of destiny. And we get real time feedback from people as soon as a new release goes out. And honestly, and I challenge any of the people in our discord or in the community to say that this wasn't the case, but we receive feedback and we implement and execute on that feedback. It's in the game, whether it's a bug or something like this, where that change has already been made within a day, it's hot fixed. You know, whatever changes get hot fixed the next day at the latest. And I think that's so valuable and it does build community because people feel like they're heard, they're listened and they're actually contributing to what we're developing. Yeah, absolutely. Agreed. Agreed. I, I would say Ditto again, you know, that we, it's not about because here's, here's what kind of happens, right? But it happens unconsciously and we're gonna come to the end of this session, but we unintentionally become higher. And what I mean by that is we don't listen to the community. It's very easy to get into the habit of building, you know what you know, that's great because you know it like the back of your hand, just like any, anything that you've been doing consistently, but you'll do much greater. If you actually listen to feedback on just listening and being able to hear the voice and taking it into consideration doesn't necessarily mean you have to implement every single suggestion, but taking it into consideration means that you are absolutely hearing what's being said. And that's super invaluable in 2023 and beyond just by having them feel empowered. You know, I say that most importantly, um, we used to call it in my day se defense where you get these thumbs on a typewriter. And believe me, I'm not old, old. Okay. But I am a little bit above where people are using typewriters in my day where we used to be able to type out letters in newspapers and you know, for certain events to get things to change on an automated type. Now, those same things are there. But when it goes viral, their voice, who's actually heard almost instantaneously or looked at and observed. That is the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life, man. Um, but again, I digress so awesome and it's, it's a great conversation that we have and we like to make it fun, but there's another thing too, right? So for everybody who's tuning in, one of the main questions that come up over time is utility. Utility of the n F T. Do you have utility for your NFT? Does it have utility? And to be very honest with you, it may have been that that just got glossed over or may have not been as on this highlighted point because everybody talks about it. But we have something that's really awesome that gives that kind of larger level of utility as Tuval said before. That's very experience driven, but taking something and giving value to the same members. And that's something that I find so, so encouraging about what we do with the key to the city. And I know we have something amazing with the relic. We also have something amazing with portals. Can you talk a little bit about that? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, it's, it's, it's just continues to build, right? Psalm with everyone we partner with, with what we do. I feel like a lot of things forget what it's all about and it's just even amazing to get reminders like this important calls and this almost therapeutic for me to get as passionate as I am. But yeah, just with, with utility, you know, it's in, you know, when we set out initially the, the, the plan, their key is to be fair and it's a simple, it's a metaphor for life, but start as small as possible. You start with the experiences, you start with the basics and just continue to build. And as you build, you listen and whilst you listen, you execute. And as long as you put yourselves through that kind of honest, continuous loop, there's something that can't go wrong. And I feel like I'm privileged enough to help wherever I can with that. Yeah. Tuval Hey, Tommy. Oh, sorry, go ahead. I was gonna say, I'm excited about honestly experiencing, I think there's gonna be some people here that aren't as aware of the portal system and it actually brings in a whole new crowd of people with more individuals that experience driven, I would say engagement than just individual focus. Right. You know, Brian, for you how this all started, you know, we just were start up out of our college dorm rooms. I think we are all, you know, now much older, but it was those grassroots honest experiences and finding fun and interesting ways to get out there and connect with the people who are interested in these experiences and building out better and better experiences that made the magic work. And I would say just to what you just 100%, you know, Tuval hit on, you know, it was always from day one wanting to create fun, interesting and unique pieces that people would resonate with, with their experiences. And I think that everyone in the audience that is, has been a part of this understands that and that is where we're focused now. Even more so going forward, finding ways to continue to build and iterate. We've got and great driven experiences. It's more to come more fun. Yeah. Just thanks everybody for coming on and thank you to all for all your great responses and candor and conversation today. I think we're gonna go ahead and wrap up any last things anybody wanna say Yes. My only thing I guess I would say is, you know, this is definitely available. Um There's a lot of information that's out there but join the discord, ask us questions directly. Um and what we do already spoke about with integration transformation to utility just, you know, wanting to hear, don't feel shy and you know, like it's a barrier of entry. Now we want everybody to experience bring your whole ideas to to the scene. They're welcome. Because I'm telling you the way that we do things very differently is that we, we actually listen and we hear and we speak back to make sure that we're very clear into the actual directive. So thank your time for being a part of this bigger family with us to appreciate it. Yeah, thank you. And, and just on, on that note is, I, I think discord is probably one of our strongest levers, our community engagement, they lean in, they ask for things, we execute them, they see them, you know, sometimes they might get a note here and there, but um there's a lot, there's a lot of good stuff happening in there. So I appreciate everybody who's on that. And if you haven't yet check it out for some of the other amas that are coming up soon. So I know somebody chimed in and said something as well. Yeah, I, uh so I would, I would also just to emphasize that, you know, we have a pretty transparent uh roadmap so you can follow us and you know, claim today we have, we have weekly developer conversations, always update status quo uh to go a very specific building strategy very soon. So if you're in discord, I would just dig in, understand exactly what we're building, uh exactly where we're at with the engineering side, exactly how we're thinking about partnerships and future roadmap. So I just think the transparency is key like seen in the community. So thank you as well for that. Yeah. And if I could just say before, before we wrap up, please, thank you. Uh You know, I just, I wanna say it's been great hearing from you guys and getting your insights and I appreciate you all taking the time to come on. I think also just as a final point, you know, the combination of listening to the community and then continue to innovate and provide utility has really been what has set things apart and you continue to see that. So with that, I wanna thank everybody for their time today, Anthony and Tommy to Val, Brian and Tuvalu as well. Thanks so much. And I echo everything you said today. So with that, thanks so much. And I really appreciate your time. Thanks everyone. Appreciate having us on. Look forward to the next time. Yeah, awesome. Thank you everyone. All right everyone. Thank you so much. Have a great day. We appreciate it. Bye guys. Enjoy. Appreciate you, Tommy. Appreciate it. Tommy. Excellent. Beautifully done, man. Thanks everybody. Thank you all. Bye. Thank you. All right guys. That wraps up our A M A session. I really do appreciate it and thank you for building in this space. Just kind of want to give you guys one last chance to say any last parting words of wisdom or any call to actions or anything. Then we'll go ahead and wrap it up. Thanks again. Tuval Hallababy, grand rising Ben, Neotokio. Thank you guys so much for having us. This has been a blast. Let's do it again soon. Have an awesome week. Thank you guys. Tuvalu. Thank you guys. Thank you guys. Download destiny. Give it a try. Thanks so much, guys. Ggs, we'll see you guys in the next one. Thank you everybody for tuning in. This has been the infinite cos and neo Tokyo Ama. We will see you on the next one. Take care.

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