Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Industries on the Brink: Sectors Poised for Major Gains hosted by TelgatherGames. Telgather's innovative approach to gaming and rewards within the mini-game platform opens up new possibilities for users and investors alike. By combining entertainment with financial incentives, Telgather stands at the forefront of reshaping the gaming industry. With sectors experiencing rapid growth, Telgather provides a unique avenue for individuals to not only have fun but also earn rewards in the form of $POG and USDT. This convergence of fun and earnings signifies a significant shift in how gamified platforms are influencing both players and investors, pointing towards a future where gaming and finance intertwine seamlessly.

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Total Listeners: 97


Q: What are the earning opportunities within Telgather's mini-games?
A: Telgather offers users the chance to earn $POG and USDT through engaging mini-games.

Q: How is Telgather reshaping the gaming industry?
A: Telgather introduces a rewarding system that merges fun gameplay with financial rewards for players.

Q: Why is Telgather's platform enticing for both players and investors?
A: Telgather provides a lucrative environment where players can earn rewards while investors see potential growth in various industry sectors.

Q: What sets Telgather apart from traditional gaming platforms?
A: Telgather differentiates itself by offering a gamified experience that allows users to earn cryptocurrency rewards.

Q: How does Telgather contribute to the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies?
A: By combining gaming with financial incentives, Telgather attracts a wider audience to the world of cryptocurrencies.

Q: What advantages do Telgather's mini-games bring to users?
A: Telgather's mini-games offer a unique blend of entertainment and monetary benefits, creating a rewarding experience for players.


Time: 00:12:45
Telgather's Rewarding Gameplay Exploring the exciting world of mini-games that offer $POG and USDT rewards.

Time: 00:25:18
Industry Transformations with Telgather Discovering the sectors poised for growth and advancements through Telgather's platform.

Time: 00:33:55
The Future of Reward-Based Gaming Insights into the potential evolution of gaming and finance in Telgather's ecosystem.

Time: 00:45:29
Economic Opportunities in Fun Unlocking the earning potential and enjoyment in Telgather's engaging mini-games.

Time: 00:55:12
Mainstream Adoption through Entertainment Discussing how Telgather bridges the gap between traditional gamers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

Key Takeaways

  • Investment opportunities in booming sectors present lucrative possibilities.
  • Telgather's mini-games offer a fun way to earn $POG and USDT.
  • The gaming industry is evolving rapidly with reward-based platforms like Telgather.
  • Understanding the intersection of entertainment and financial rewards in mini-games.
  • Exploring the future of gaming as a profitable venture with Telgather's innovative approach.
  • Insights into potential gains for players and investors in Telgather's rewarding ecosystem.
  • Telgather represents a shift towards gamified ways of earning and engaging with cryptocurrencies.
  • The convergence of fun and financial incentives in Telgather's platform enhances user participation.
  • Opportunities for both entertainment and financial growth within Telgather's mini-game environment.
  • Potential for mainstream adoption of reward-based gaming platforms like Telgather.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Overview

Hello everybody. Welcome to another tailgatherer, Ama. Today we have an exciting lineup of guests ready to discuss the industries on the brink. Sectors poised for major gains through blockchain adoption. Let me introduce our guests. We have guests from now chain, NWFiT and Arc X. So I think we could get straight into the business of the day. Please introduce yourself and give a brief overview of your projects. Let's start with the speaker from now. Chang. Please introduce yourself and give us a brief overview of your project.

Billy's Introduction from Now Chain

Okay. Hey everyone, it's Billy and arms, business development manager of now chains and now change belong to company. We call it now calls which based at San Diego, USA. So I'm really excited to, you know, to be here and talk about our project and this topic also. So basically Nigerian is blockchain. And we are about to make, you know, different decentralized technology accessible, scalable and more secure. So we have created some, you know, unique features like we have double validations, consensus mechanisms which provide, you know, an extra layer of security for every transaction by requiring two validators to sign off. And this also reduces the risk of fraud and is faster, more reliable transactions. And we have the proof of mobility instead. You know, using the proof stack proof of work, it might cost a lot of resources. So we're making a new mechanism by using these transactions between GBRs and GSM to validate transactions and yeah, that is all about us at the moment. We're running testnet. So we do have a system that rewards users based on their contributions, promoting fairness and encouraging participation in the network. We're working on bringing blockchain solutions to real world industries like finance, supply chains and real estate with a strong focus on mobile accessibility. Thank you.

Talha's Introduction from NWFiT

Thanks a lot, Billy. Let's have the speaker from Nwfits. Please introduce yourself and give us a brief overview of your project. Hey, thanks for the opportunity. My name is Sakha. I am investment protection manager at NWFIT. NWFIT is a fitness app which is a blockchain based fitness ad that integrates getting a technology with health and wellness. It operates in an exercise to earn model, allowing users to earn rewards by participating in various fitness activities. It also has add on features such as AI powered fitness coach, competitive fitness events where different users can compete with each other in different fitness related activities and earn big rewards. Plus that AI fitness coach is not just to transform you like help you achieve your goals, achieve your fitness goal, but also provide personalized guidelines. And yeah, pretty much is that NWFIT is basically that is trying to engage the experience of users looking for improved fitness levels. And then it's unique tokenized system makes user able to earn different rewards, whether it can be by winning competitions or just doing simple tasks. It allows you to earn up to 100 or maybe $150 per month just by doing simple exercises like walking, running, jogging, exercising. So basically, we aim to revolutionize the fitness industry by combining the health goals with financial incentives. Thank you.

Lucia's Introduction from Arc X

Okay. Hello guys, I'm Lucia from Arx company. At Arx, actually we're making mixing five NFTs and real world arcade markets. I think we are the first of this kind of game combined physical arcade with the latest in blockchain technology. Let me introduce our dpay. Our dpay gameplay is that anyone can buy one of our physical machines. Once you get it, just connect it to our concentralized application. The machine will start recording its activity and usage. By our proof of work system, you can invite friends to play your machine by social media or other ways boosting its activity. The more people play it, the more token rewards you will get. Even if not many people play it, we will still get some tokens because we have that minimal reward system in place. So you will always get some tokens even though with low activity it actually is a play to a model. And we have also participated in hex competitions and luckily we got some investments.

Arc X Beta Testing Announcement

Yeah. Recently, the most important event of this month is that we are having our beta testing year now is live. So we started from late August and we are finished about late October. So don't miss it. And if you are interested in our project and interested in our game, our invitation code is six six. It means six numbers for three times. Yeah. During the testing, every player will automatically receive generous rewards from 2 million in game coins just for joining. And plus you have the chance to win additional 3 million in game coins, 300 arcs, tokens and ten super packs worth $50 each through our locking drawer. So we have amazing rewards. We are waiting for you. Yeah. Thank you.

Introduction to Tailgather

Thanks a lot, Lucia, for that great introduction. Let me tell you guys about tailgather games. Tailgather is your gateway to a world of captivating mini games crafted by developers and creators from all over the globe. Imagine a platform where you can experience endless entertainment, connect with fellow gamers and even earn while you play. Tell Gather is that platform a unique space where gaming meets opportunity? First, let's talk about the play to earn feature of Tailgather. You'll be able to play mini games, enjoy every moment and rack up rewards along the way. It's simple, it's satisfying, and it makes your gaming experience even more rewarded than ever before. But that's not all about Tailgather. We also have the social to earn element which takes things to a whole other level. As you engage with others, whether through competition, collaboration or just having fun, you'll be earning while you connect. This feature turns your social interactions to opportunities to grow and earn rewards.

Tailgather's Unique Features

And if you live and breathe gaming tailgather is made for you. We have an endless array of mini games where you can level up your fun experience and explore a growing universal possibilities that keeps you entertained and engaged. Lastly, let's really not forget about the ads earning intel gather. We allow you to turn in game ads into real earnings. It's effortless and it turns those moments between games into valuable opportunities to make extra income. So whether you're a gamer, you're looking to explore, connect, earn or create your eager to share your games with the world. Tailgather is here for you. Thank you for your time. Thank you for joining us. We look forward to a very insightful ama. So let's get into the first question of the day.

Industry Disruption Potential

Which industries do you believe are most ready for blockchain disruption and why can we have Billy from now chain? Okay, so to answer these questions please shall answer our site as blockchain. So blockchain has a potential to disrupt numerous industry but I would say some sample like finance, supply chain and healthcare are small most ready for it. So you know, finance ready is seen as rights of decentralized finance and reducers and assess banking service by lending borrowings, trading without, you know, intermediaries and lowering costs and increasing accessibility. Supply chains management is just like notice area surprise for blockchains go is no, it requires a high level of transparency and traceability. Web blockchains every step of a product journey can be recorded on immutable lectures providing verifiable proof of origins the po reducing fraud and it's also ensuring qualities of the cargo. So with health care. Yeah, it's also read for disruptions with blockchains can improve the patient's data management and ensuring the data is secure. Of course accurate and easily accessible only for authorized parties and it will have reducing errors and improving patient care. These three industries are ready for change.

Talha's Insights on Blockchain Industries

And I think that, you know, they really rely heavily on trust, security and efficiencies. Areas, you know, where the blockchain size. Thanks a lot, Billy. What about you, Taoha? What do you think? Yeah, I definitely agree with Billy. He pointed out the right thing, that financial services, supply chain management and healthcare, these are the one of the most you can say that you can use this blockchain technology and get most of the benefit out of them. Also, we have seen a recent trend of TPM, the real estate assets that have been connected to the blockchain. Then, you know, voting and governance. We have seen this voting and governance on different blockchain platforms, but that can be brought to the web. Two platforms as well, integrated on the backend, integrated with the blockchain technology.

Blockchain Use Cases

May use this blockchain for different public record, text collection and things like that. And also, for. In case of our project Ninja fed, we are emphasizing heavy on artificial intelligence, which is another very good use case of block chain. Artificial intelligence is there before the blockchain. But after the introduction of blockchain, it has become a lot more reliable and a lot more easy to maneuver or to integrate into a particular system. So as Ninja fit is basically the whole fitness goals poach model is based on this blockchain and artificial intelligent technology, which is basically creating an customized workout plan or customized diet plan for every individual. So I believe this in layman's terms, we will call it that. This data processing or data keeping data in any sort of like, either it's government, either it's logistics, either it's gaming. Blockchain can help you. In fact, not just help you, but drastically increase your efficiency effectiveness.

Cross-Border Payments

Totally agree, man. What about you, Lucia? What do you think? Yeah, take fantasy, for example. Blockchain can transform how cross product payments work. So sending money into nationality can be very slow and costly during, due to all the intermediaries involved, for example, banks, clery houses and other things. With blockchain, you could send money directly to someone in other countries in minutes, very quickly. So cut down the fees and wait less time. Subway chains are another ripe for the drop shine things. Also, because these systems are very complex, often involving different parties across different locations, blockchain can provide real time tracking for tracking of the goods. So you know exactly where something is that all the time. So this means less weeks of the fraud and fewer lost shipments and better efficiency and other industry, I think instead, also the other area, blockchain can simplify property transactions and also it could make it easier to transfer ownership or that people can invest it enough.

Supply Chain Management and Logistics Efficiency

Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, I definitely think blockchain could improve efficiency and especially look at what they do. Walmart, just to track the production process of certain products. I think blockchain could improve efficiency. And also you should also mention cross border payments. Blockchain is a lot faster than a lot of cross border payment options. It also has lower transaction fees. Well, no l or networks. We do know about ethereum, high gas fees, but you have options like solana and aboriginal. So those are two potential industries that could really benefit from the disruption of blockchain technology. So let's go to the next question. How can blockchain adoption really improve transparency and efficiency in sectors like supply chain management and logistics? Can we have billy from now chain?

Transparency and Tracking in Blockchain

Yeah, definitely, man. You know, blockchain sub options can make huge Fitzhen different in sectors like supply chains, management and logistics. But, you know, it's also providing a single source of truth for all transactions and product movement. You know, like every time a product change hand screen hand to hand, whether it's through manufacturing, shipping or retail, that transactions can be recorded on the blockchain. And this creates immutable ledger that anyone on the right permissions can assess to verify where a product has been and how it was handled and if it meets specific standards. For example, like in food supply chains. Blockchain can track a product from farm to table, which means ensuring, it means safety standards while reducing fraud or calculating in terms of efficiencies. The smart contract can, you know, automate any processes like pavement and shipping updates. The contract can, you know, execute automatically once redefined conditions met and speeding up operations and reducing the human error.

Benefits of Blockchain Technology

Yeah, I can say that overall, blockchain reduce the need of intermediaries, minimize the kind of paperwork that we all hate, and make it easier to track products in real time and significantly boost both transparency and efficiencies in logistics. Thanks a lot, Billy. How about you, taha, what do you think? Yeah, definitely. Blockchain can enhance your effectiveness and your productivity in many ways. Like as Billy just discussed, that tracking and traceability becomes very easy for you, for manufacturers, for raw material providers, to the end users, you can track the product, you can trace the product, which. And obviously that always reduces the chances of fraud because as you know that people pay sometime duplicate your account, your website and to, I mean, I'm not sure, but there are very different ways to scam and fraud, especially in e commerce.

Integrating Blockchain into Traditional Systems

But if you have a blockchain technology integrated in your website or your supply chain system, that would be a lot difficult to temper. And obviously it will enhance the transparency because it is visible to like end to end. You can just go to the app like any transaction, any blockchain transaction you can, it is open for public, anyone can into the transaction hash and see the details. Similarly, customers, like customers, transparent customer can always access to the entire history of the project, from its origin to how it was transported, increasing the customer's trust and auditability. Obviously, again, once again, it is a tamper proof audit trail. So it is very easy to audit other things they can say efficiency through smart contracts. That includes automated payments, contract executions, reduced disputes, obviously without any paperwork or minimizing the paperwork and eliminating the middle parties that can.

The Future of Blockchain in Finance

Decentralization reduces the need, you know, for intermediaries, which lowers the transaction fees and operational costs. So there are many ways, like more than we can discuss here, in which blockchain can improve the transparency and efficiency, especially in sectors like financial sectors and supply chain management. Thanks a lot, taha. What about you, Lucia? Yeah, I totally agree. The other two speakers. Yeah. Blockchain can really transform supply chain and logistics by making everything more transparent and very efficient. Supply chains involved different players, for example, manufactories, suppliers, shippers, retailers and so on, each working in their own silo. This can lead delay and a lack of communication and even fraud. So a blockchain changed the game by offering shared decentralized ledger where every player in the supply chain has access to the some date, some data.

Real-time Tracking with Blockchain

For example, if you are checking a shipment, every moment movement, when it is packed, when it's shipped, when it's arrived at a checkpoint, gets locked on the blockchain, and it can be changed with. So that means you always have a clear, real time picture of where your goods are and what the condition they are. Yeah. So, and because everyone in the chain can see the same information and it animated a lot of disputes and paperwork. So you don't have to call up different department or change email to conform if something was shipped on time or if a product was damaged during the transit. So in logistic, smart contracts are a game changer. These are automatic contracts that execute themselves when certain conditions are met.

Speed and Reduction of Errors

Yeah. For example, when a shipment reaches its destination, the smart contract can automatically trigger payment without needing human to solve. This could reduce the mystics and it also could speed up the processes, ensure that payment or other things can totally correct. Yeah. So it makes the whole supply chain very faster and very cheaper and more reliable. Yeah. Thank you. Thanks a lot, Lucille. Let's stick with Lucia. What role can deFi solutions play in transforming traditional industries like banking and insurance? What do you think? Lucia? Oral can defy solutions play in these industries? Banking and insurance. Lucia.

Decentralized Finance's Impact

Okay, can we have Billy from now chain? I think we might have lost Lucia. Okay, so back to the fight. So, you know, device really is transforming traditional industry and by offering range of financial services without the need of intermediaries like banks or brokers, just like in banking, DeFi can offer, you know, user access to service like lending, borrowing and trading through decentralized platforms. And that often, you know, allow cost with faster interactions terms than traditional banks. And it's also remove geographic barriers, remove terms for ton of paperwork, and giving people worldwide access to any type of financial service, even in underbanked regions.

Insurance and Real Estate Transformations

Yeah. And insurance devices, you know, automate claims processing through smart contracts with executed payments automatically once certain conditions met. And, yeah, it's really helped to, you know, reducing the fraud and speeding up the process for settlements and with the real estate. Real estate is northern sector where device is making waves, speculate through tokenizations which allow risk to be divided into small tokens and trade on the blockchains. And this open up real estate investments into a wider audience. That's really help to increase the liquidity and making it more easier to buy and sell properties, all of that.

Democratizing Financial Services

We think that devices essentially democratizing access to financial services. It also helps to reduce cost and improving transparencies and efficiencies. Yeah, that, which is why traditional industry is, you know, starting to take notice. Thanks a lot, Billy. What do you think, Taha? Taoha? Do we have Taha, I think we're having some. Yes, yes, yep. For banking. Well, we have seen decentralized lending and borrowing on different exchanges. Exchanges. So like when we are trading on different exchanges like binance and other different exchanges.

Innovations in Traditional Banking

But that concept can also be introduced in traditional banking where users, DeFi platforms allow users to lend and borrow assets without intermediaries, making these services more accessible and cost effective. Also, as we have discussed before, cross border transactions, these DeFi decentralized finance can streamline cross border payments by eliminating again the intermediaries like swifts and other correspondent banks that charge a lot of conversion fee from one currency to another. Period Currency this significantly can reduce the fee. And also I know that when I was working as a freelancer using other traditional banking account I was receiving, I used to receive my payments after 24 hours or sometimes 48 hours.

Improved Transaction Times

But now after using blockchain for my payments, I am receiving these payments within a minute. So I can feel a big difference here. And obviously this is for a conventional user, for a retail user, what if there are big companies involved, transactions of millions involved. So I think blockchain can do wonders for in banking sector especially. And I personally believe that banking sector is the sector which has got most opportunities, most of the opportunities, or you can say the maximum room to improve their services using the blockchain technology. And that is why I believe in early days, banking sectors were also the biggest critique of blockchain and bitcoin because they were afraid of it.

Adoption in Banking and Beyond

But now it seems like you know, JP Morgan J's bank have also adopted the blockchain and various payments. So maybe they are now realizing that how important blockchain is and they are realizing its effectiveness and implementing it into their system. Similarly, in the insurance, you can say that automatically smart contracts for can use automated smart contracts for claim processing, use them to settle claims. This can eliminate, again, the lead of need of manual intervention and a lot of time can be saved using these blockchain and smart contracts into the insurance thing. And again, it can give you a global coverage.

Global Reach of Insurance Solutions

Normally the traditional insurance companies are limited by geography and regulations, but DeFi based insurance solution can offer global and borderless insurance services addressing underserved markets as well. Great, thank you so much for that for your insight. How about you, Lucia? What do you think? War. Can defi solutions play interest forming industries like banking, insurance or real estate? Okay. In banking, Defi allow people to borrow land or trade access without needing a bank or any places to fascinate the process.

The Advantage of DeFi over Traditional Banking

But instead of having to go through a traditional bank. Yeah, because traditional bank need to maybe change very high change, very high fee, or require loan approval. Chance. But DeFi performance lets users connect directly with each other. And it's very useful in parts of the world where people have limited access to banking. And for insurance defined solutions, it can introduce parametric insurance where payouts are automatically checked when specific conditions are met. For example, if you have a travel insurance for flight cancellations, and the system can automatically pay out as soon as your flight is canceled, and you don't need to submit a chain or wait for a long time for the complex process and speed up the process. And it also can cut down the administrative courses for insurance companies in the station. I think DeFi also like extremely probably transactions by putting things like tariffs on blockchain. This also could reduce the need of intermediaries like layers and brokers beating up the process also. Yeah. And making more transparent.

DeFi's Impact on Real Estate and Investing

And DeFi also could make the tokenizations of the real estate so real people can be divided into smaller share that investors can buy and also could, it opens up the real estate investing to more people and they could buy into a property with a similar amount of the money. Thank you. Definitely. I think banking and real estate, two industries that I think DeFi is really changing, especially in terms of lending, borrowing protocols. But the thing about the lending protocols right now, we still really only have collateralized loans. I haven't been able to see any DeFi protocols really be able to integrate under collateralized loans, which is really important if we're gonna, if we're really going to have blockchain change the banking, the lending and borrowing industry, and of course, real estate with RWA, with representation of real assets as tokenized assets on the blockchain, making it easy, more making it easier for people to be able to invest in properties that naturally might be too expensive. But because it's broken down into smaller assets on a blockchain, it makes it easier to get people together and invest as a team rather than as an individual.

Industry Examples and Achievements with Blockchain

So I think those are two industries that can definitely be transformed by DeFi and blockchain. So let's move to the next question. I think I kind of answered this a bit already, but can you share some personal examples of situations or industries where you can already see significant gains through blockchain technology. Can we go with Billy from now chain? Yeah, absolutely. So the finance industry has been significant gains from the rise up to define platform like AV and compound. They allow users to lend and borrow accept in a decentralized way. And I, you know, these platforms have provided better returns than the traditional banks. And their success has shown that there is a real demand for decentralized financial services in the supply chains industry. We have some company like IBM and Walmart have, you know, implement blockchain to track product.

Blockchain's Role in Supply Chain and Food Safety

The IBM Food Trust blockchains for example, they have tracked the journey of food from farm to self and insurance. It meets safety standard and reducing the time it takes to trace contaminate products from week to second. Yes, just reduce a lot of time. And this use case demonstrates how blockchains can improve both transparencies and efficiencies. Other sector that we can learn from the success by recognizing the value of transparency and its efficiencies and securities that blockchain brings, whether it's reducing intermediaries, cutting costs and traceability, the blockchains can offer solutions that traditional systems just simply can't match. Thanks a lot billy. How about you tell her? What do you think? Yeah, definitely give a very good example of IBM food crust. They track the journey of the food from the form table to the end user to the Walmart track or you can say to the end user.

Major Innovations from Leading Companies

So that is a very good example of how supply chain and logistics related company are using blockchain. Furthermore, JP Morgan, everyone knows JPMorgan, a big organization. They have developed a blockchain based digital point JPM coin to facilitate the payments between institutional clients. Because obviously they say that this reduces the time and cost of cross border transactions and enables more efficient liquidity management. Similarly, ripple the all famous XRP has been used by centenders and American Express. These are big financial institutions and they have adopted people to streamline international payments. Again, their claim is that it significantly reduces the transaction time and costs. Similarly, if we talk about healthcare and fitness, I will give you my example, our company's examples and WFIT that has been using blockchain and artificial intelligence to enhance the user experience and keep a record of every individual and the need of their physique.

Innovative Uses of Blockchain in Wellness and Gaming

Because obviously every person has a different kind of physique and every person has a different kind of fitness target. Some people want to gain muscle, some people want to reduce their body fat. So and all NW fit is doing all that along with an exercise to our model where it is also paying out to its users. Another example can be gaming and digital assets. You have seen that there are a lot of games that have used nfts and different blockchain models and different models like play to earn models, just like our model of exercise to earn model. So they have been using big names like Exe, Infinity, Sandbox, decentralized. All of these projects have more than $1 billion market capitalization. So they are basically tate one gains and basically they are only using blockchain.

The Evolution of Blockchain in the Gaming Industry

And they are much better and bigger games coming back, coming up. But since these games were the leaders, these games was the initial, you can say, the first entrance in adopting blockchain technology. That's why we can see that a lot of following they have and big successful projects. All of them are. Another example is an insurance company called Lemonade. This insurance company leverages the blockchain and AI to speed up their claim and processing. And they also say that it helps them prevent fraud. That is an innovative approach by Lemonade which made it a leader in customer satisfaction. And obviously the first imprint insurance company that has adopted a blockchain, that has adopted blockchain technology for its operations.

Challenges Faced by Blockchain Industries

So like these can be few examples where we have seen the big companies, the big renowned companies adopting blockchain models or small companies became big after adopting a blockchain model. Thanks for that answer, man. I totally agree. Like it just goes back to your initial point about the banking industry fighting blockchain the most. But to see the 300 and 6180 that's been done by the banking industry just tells you the potential that blockchain actually has. How about you, Lucia? Would you think about the last question? Can you share some examples of industries that you that already sees the success of the integration or adoption of blockchain? Yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah. For example, in shaping company like Mars have been using blockchain to streamline their global supply chain operations by using a shared blockchain platform.

Blockchain in Supply Chain Operations

And Mars can track the movement of the goods across different countries, cutting down on delay caused by the paperwork and reducing the risk of default. And these systems can hex made the process much more efficient and allowing goods to move faster through customs and reducing the need of intermediaries. And the second in the food supply chain. Companies like Walmart have adopted blockchain to ensure food safety. With blockchain, Walmart can track the journey of its products produced from the farm to the store. And this means that in case of the containation or record, they can quickly identify which batch of the food is affected and where it comes from reducing the time. And, yeah, it's not just, it's not only protest consumers and also reduce the waste and causes other sections.

The Importance of Transparency in Blockchain

Sure. It can learn a lot from these two companies. These other companies use the blockchain technology because transparency very important. And the key benefits of the blockchain. Yeah. It could be applied to many industries. Yeah. Whether it's checking access and verify the data or reduce the fraud, blockchain can keep make processes more reliable and efficient. Yeah. So. That's right, yeah. Thank you. Thanks a lot, Lucia. Let's go to the final question of the day. What challenges do industries face when trying to integrate blockchain and how can they overcome these challenges to maximize their potential with blockchain technology?

Identifying Challenges in Blockchain Integration

Can we have Billy from now? Chang? Yeah. Thanks, man. With a blockchain for a platform like us. So we think that's one of the biggest challenges industry face when iterating blockchain is scalability and some users and transistors are added so blockchains, especially old ones, can struggle to handle the load leading to, you know, slower transaction speed and higher cost. So that's why we are here. So this is where solutions like layer two scaling or starting into play, having blockchains process more transaction without compromising security and speed. And as layer one, we are layer one also. But we bring solutions that brings low transition fees as faster as double security.

Regulatory Uncertainty and Adoption

And another challenge is, you know, regulatory uncertainty and clock change operates across border. We both know about that. But regulations vary greatly from one country to another. Industries need clear framework to follow, which is why many are engaging with regulators to establish guidelines that ensure both compliance and innovations. There are also issues with interoperability as many blockchains operate in isolations, making it difficult for different system to communicate with. Just like explained with themselves and to, you know, if you want to maximize the crowd, we need to more cross chain solutions that allow blockchain to interact with each other seamlessly.

Educational Initiatives for Promoting Blockchain Adoption

And finally there the challenge of adoption. You know, it's pretty hard to, you know, getting stakeholders comfortable with new technologies like educations and clear use cases maybe can help ease these training decisions and demonstrate the benefits of blockchains in a practical way. it's like nowadays we have seen that, the Wall street is going to accept the blockchain. It's a huge, of adoption there. And, we hope that, yeah, it's going to be a trend for anybody, any stakeholder and yeah. And it's going to be worldwide with bank members. Yeah, that's all.

Reflections on Regulatory Challenges

Thanks a lot, Billy. How about you, Tahar? Yeah, I agree. Regulatory uncertainty is one of the major challenge that blockchain faces. Especially every country have different regulatory environment. Every country have different set of rules. It is can be possible that some kind of transaction is legal in this part of the world and just across the border it is illegal. But that can be like you can collaborate with regulators and that thing can be sorted out. But since this is a new technology and emerging technologies, there are a lot of talks that needs to be happened before proper, coming up with a proper regulatory framework and obviously blockchain technology that at all that sometimes are used in grade because like there are some issues regarding money laundering that has been happening using these cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies.

The Path Towards a Cohesive Regulatory Framework

But to address that issue, there is something like, you know, company has introduced things like KYC know your customers thing and anti money laundering. So I believe these solutions can be made, but obviously not before a lot of working required and a lot of collaborations required for different regulators to sit together and talk about that. Regulations from financial side regulators, from customs sides and you know, different SCcp security, exchange commissions and other these kind of institutions, they have to work hard. And I believe in USA they have been working for last two years to come up with strong regulatory things.

Scaling Challenges for Blockchain Institutions

Other than that, scalability is one of the challenge for retail persons. We can use different chains, we can use different layers to perform our transactions. But for the institutions, they rely upon well renowned chains like they use ethereums. Most of the big institutions are focusing on Ethereum making it so making. Sometimes the transactions grows and network becomes congested leading to a slower transaction time or higher fees. But again, these solution, the solution is to create layer two.

Layer One and Layer Two Blockchain Solutions

As we have seen, there are a lot of layer two and layer one here on like they have already released coins are here. We can talk about avalanche, we can talk about polygon. So there are many other chains, lignin chains. But obviously they need to establish themselves into the market. And so the big clients, the big institution should also start relying upon them. Again, blockchain interoperability is one of the major issues. In the past we have seen, we are watching that today. There are many projects like economy, moonbeam, and there are other projects that are working on interchange, interoperability. So you can use it, you can like. Either you can. It doesn't matter. Either you are using ethereum chain or polygon chain, it will make sure that your transactions becomes complete by charging a little bit of fees. So solutions are there. There are different companies that are working on the solution. There are different restrictions.

Challenges in Blockchain Transactions

One, obviously lack of expertise is one thing. There are very few people, I would say only five people, maybe at maximum 10% people who know how to do a transaction on blockchain. So for wider public, this is still a new thing. I remember earlier when I used to send payments using different exchanges. If, for example, I choose a wrong chain, my payment, my transaction will process, but it. But I will lose my funds. But now I have seen that there are many platforms where if you put a wrong chain, they upfront give you a notification that this is a wrong chain. We don't believe that you are trying to send it on. And if you still choose in finance, you cannot even, you cannot choose the wrong chain. Like they have a very strong. If they are a good system for that. I don't know how it is that applicable for all the cryptocurrencies or not, but for some major cryptocurrencies, they tell you that this is not the right chain for it and you can lose your funds if you continue on that.

Ensuring Effective Transactions

So like it is kind of a ensure. You can say that when I say that message, they give a proper notification that this is wrong chain. Are you sure that you are, you have to send funds on using that particular chain. So, yeah, some adoption, some education can solve these problems, but I don't think that these challenges are much bigger as compared to the challenges they are solving. So obviously we need to invest some cost in order to get some big benefit. The last statement, the challenges are nothing compared to the problems that blockchain can solve. What about you, Lucia? What do you think about this question? Yeah, actually the other two speakers talked about my idea and I'm totally agree to them. Like, just challenges like scalability, regulatory, certainly, and causes and so on. Yeah. And regulations. Yeah. Because governments now, governments around the world are still figuring out how to regulate blockchain and cryptocurrencies and the causes.

Overcoming Regulatory Challenges

The setting of the blockchain system. Yeah. Can require a significant abroad investment, both in terms of the technology itself and the training need to get employees up to speed, however, and where international costs may be high and the long term savings and efficiency game can often outgrow them, we could see it from long term. To overcome these challenges. Industry can start by running project to test blockchain on a smaller scale before you want to put it more widely. And they should also work closely with regulators to ensure compelling and still ahead with two other changes. And when it comes to scalability layer two solutions. It also can handle more transactions without slow sloping down become too expensive. So by came up with the latest blockchain advancement, industry can position themselves to make for advantage of the technology when minimum risk.

Updates and Achievements in Blockchain Projects

Yeah, thank you. Thanks a lot, Lucia. I think that brings us to the final part of the AMA. We're going to give all the projects an opportunity to share some exciting events or updates about their projects for a little shorter time. So we'll just try and keep it under a minute for each projects. Let's go with Billy from nowchain, can you share some updates about your project? So thank you for inviting me to this ma. So we are proud to announce that we have been approved by SEC, the Securities and Exchange commissions of us government for any fundraising, approval for any fundraising, any kind of market in us. And we are running testnet with which have, you know, like more than 21 million of complete tsns and more than 2 million of addresses with total like more than five hundred k of accounts.

Statistics and Achievements of Nowchain

And our statistics is very, you know, outstanding. We have more like daily activity accounts like more than four hundred k and that's for the testnet we have run for like two months and that is a huge numbers and we are approaching for the minutes after, you know, let all the user to gather all the information and their experience on our platform. So we are also open trans programs for any builders or developers who want to join our ecosystem. And yeah, we are welcome you all to join snowchains. And this is blockchain. This is a, you know, a new era of mobility. Thank you. Thank you. Billy, what about you? Tell her. Yeah, right now we have only offered an exercise to our model so where users can just come on, do different exercises and different rewards.

Fitness-Based Model Introduced

For now, we have got like more than 545 million steps has been taken on our platform 100. And like we are, we have used this from 120 countries. We are tapping into the user fitness based user industry of more than 3350 million people. So we started with that. We started with our exercise to our model and there are 15, I think more than sixteen k. Sixteen K missions has been completed on our platform. So the next step we are going to take is we are basically, we are working, developing our AI fitness coach which is just around the corner. Our dev team is working day and night on that. And as I mentioned before, the plan is to create, come up with a fitness coach that can give personalized diet plans, exercise plan workout plans for now, we have more than 3000 x different exercises embedded in that AI based fitness coach.

Personalized Fitness Experience

And most of these exercises are body weight exercises to do. You don't have to go to a gym, use different equipment. Like you only have to use your body weight. So you don't need any equipment and you don't need to go to Jim, you can do it on your home. The other upcoming feature that we are offering is tournament and online challenges. Basically theme is that all the participants will put in some amount in a pool and the winner will get a greater chunk of a pool. So let's say for five guys or let's say ten guys entering with five tokens each. So it would be a pool of 50 tokens and the winner will get that price of 40 tokens and the runner up, maybe he will get the price of ten tokens. So this, like this one, this is the model of our tournament and upcoming challenges.

Earning Potential and Future Features

For now, exercise to earn model is live. We are giving away tokens. We are giving 100 NWD tokens for every guy who is signing up to the app. And you can earn up to 100 $150 per month if you do all the exercises and all the related tasks that are given in the app. Every person can obviously create an account and app will tell him what to do and what were the next steps. Upcoming features of the AI fitness coach and ability to get yourself into tournaments and challenge other users one one. Thanks a lot. How about you Lucia? Yeah. Firstly, thanks very much for this event and thanks to the host. The most important activity of our project is what I mentioned at the beginning this month.

Testing and Rewards in Game Development

Our bidding testing is now going. So we started from the 8 August and we finished about late October. So don't miss it. And our invitation code is six six. So that's six numbers for six times. Yeah. So during the test I saw every players will automatically receive a generous rewards of 2 million in game coins just for join and plus you have the chance to win addition three mini in games coins, 300 args tokens and ten super packs with $50 with no our lovely drawers. So we have amazing rewards waiting for you. So follow the game on Twitter and join our discord. Yeah. To gather more information of our project. So finally, if you are interested in our project, please follow us and I'm looking forward to communicate and cooperate with you.

Closing Remarks of the Event

Thank you. Thank you. Tonight. Thank you, Lucia. Let me share some updates from Tailgather Games. Our star Game fantastic, recently sold past a million users which was an incredible achievement in such a short space of time. We also have the telegram, the TG RTG minibul going live soon where you can experience all our amazing games all from one place. And this allows you to mine our pog all in one place. So thank you to all the guests, thank you to the audience members for joining this AMA. We look forward to having you here next time. If you have any last words you can unmute your mic and say something. If you don't, then we can close this ama right here.

Final Comments and Appreciation

Yeah. Thanks for inviting me to. Okay, thank you. Have a nice day. Thanks, guys. Follow our text. Thank you, man. All right. Sorry about that. Follow our text. Follow now chain and follow our friends at NWFiT as well. Thank you to all the amazing audience. Thank you to the speakers. Have an amazing day. Bye. Thank you.

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