Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space In the Trenches: Alts, Casinos, and NFTs oh my! with @armorwallet hosted by anon_rip. Dive into the intricate world of alternative cryptocurrencies, casinos, and NFTs with @armorwallet in this enlightening Twitter Space session. Discover the importance of diversification, security measures, and future trends in the evolving landscape of blockchain technology and digital assets. Explore the intersection of decentralized finance (DeFi), artificial intelligence, and innovative projects reshaping the NFT ecosystem. Gain valuable insights on community engagement, investment strategies, and the transformative potential of NFTs beyond digital art.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How can investors effectively diversify their portfolio with alternative cryptocurrencies?
A: Investors can diversify by researching multiple projects, considering utility and team credibility, and allocating funds across different market segments.

Q: What are the advantages of using crypto payments in online casinos?
A: Crypto payments offer increased security, privacy, faster transactions, and lower fees compared to traditional payment methods.

Q: Why are NFTs considered valuable beyond digital art?
A: NFTs represent ownership, provenance, and scarcity, offering unique opportunities for tokenizing real-world assets and verifying authenticity.

Q: How can individuals ensure the security of their NFT investments?
A: By using reputable NFT marketplaces, securing digital wallets, practicing cautious trading, and verifying the authenticity of NFTs.

Q: What role does decentralized finance (DeFi) play in the NFT ecosystem?
A: DeFi enables NFT lending, borrowing, and trading with increased liquidity, transparency, and autonomy for creators and investors.

Q: How can AI enhance the efficiency of cryptocurrency trading?
A: AI algorithms can analyze market trends, predict price movements, automate trading strategies, and reduce human error in decision-making.

Q: What innovative projects are emerging in the crypto and NFT space?
A: Projects focusing on fractional ownership, gamification, virtual goods, and cross-chain interoperability are reshaping the crypto and NFT landscape.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial in the crypto ecosystem?
A: Engaging communities fosters trust, sustainability, and adoption, creating a supportive network for projects and initiatives.

Q: How can individuals participate in decentralized exchanges for altcoin trading?
A: Individuals can connect their digital wallets to DEX platforms, explore a wide range of altcoins, and execute trades securely without relying on centralized exchanges.

Q: What are the key factors to consider when investing in NFTs?
A: Factors include artwork uniqueness, artist reputation, smart contract security, marketplace reputation, and long-term potential for value appreciation.


Time: 00:10:45
Diversification Strategies in Crypto Investments Discussing the benefits of spreading investment across various cryptocurrencies for minimizing risk.

Time: 00:24:18
Crypto Adoption in Online Gambling Exploring how blockchain and crypto payments are revolutionizing the online casino industry.

Time: 00:36:50
NFT Utility and Beyond Unpacking the practical applications of NFTs beyond art and collectibles.

Time: 00:48:29
Security Measures in the NFT Space Highlighting key security practices to protect digital assets in the NFT ecosystem.

Time: 01:05:12
DeFi Integration with NFTs Understanding the synergy between decentralized finance and Non-Fungible Tokens.

Time: 01:15:40
AI Advancements in Crypto Trading Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in optimizing trading strategies and decision-making.

Time: 01:28:55
Emerging Trends in NFT Projects Spotlighting innovative developments reshaping the NFT and crypto landscape.

Time: 01:35:19
Community Building in Crypto Ventures Strategies for fostering community engagement and support in crypto initiatives.

Time: 01:48:02
Decentralized Exchanges for Altcoin Trades Exploring the benefits and functionalities of decentralized exchanges for altcoin trading.

Time: 02:00:10
Key Considerations for NFT Investments Factors to evaluate when investing in Non-Fungible Tokens for long-term value and security.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of diversification with alternative cryptocurrencies for risk management.
  • Exploring the intersection of online casinos with crypto payments and blockchain technology.
  • Understanding the value proposition and utility of NFTs beyond just digital art.
  • The significance of security and ownership rights in the NFT ecosystem.
  • Insights on the evolving landscape of blockchain technology in the realm of alts, casinos, and NFTs.
  • Opportunities for innovative projects and collaborations within the crypto and NFT space.
  • Risks associated with investing in alts, casinos, and NFTs and how to mitigate them.
  • Strategies for community engagement and growth in the crypto ecosystem.
  • Exploring the role of decentralized exchanges (DEX) in trading alternative cryptocurrencies.
  • The impact of AI and innovation on the future development of alts, casinos, and NFTs.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Trenches

Disin Columbine. But we came in with the trenches. Trenches. Trenches. Trenches.

Welcome to the Trenches

Welcome to the trenches. It's x spaces with a non and nightmare sponsored by armor wallet. Check out armor wallet. Follow their ex account and keep an. Eye out for updates and early access. Okay, let's start it. All right, let's start it.

Technical Challenges

We had Joe Rogan. It's a little choppy. It's a little choppy, but, you know, it's a work in progress. I'm not an audio engineer, but we're working on it. We're trying to do some stuff, creative stuff for you. Yeah. Okay. No, I'm impressed. I couldn't do that. I mean, maybe a little, like, I played with garageband on, you know, my, like, MacBook back in the day or something, but, yeah, back in the.

Creative Pursuits

Day I was on fruity loops is clicking little buttons and making very annoying songs, bro. There was, in high school, for health class, we had to make PSA videos. Like, almost like, you know, it was the, like, what do you call them? The Sunday, Saturday, Sunday. I can't remember what it was called. Like the Saturday morning special or something like that. I don't know. Basically it was like, you know, the, like, little shorts about drugs and, you know, dare program and stuff like that. Right. Like, and they used to have that stuff on, you know, pub on, like, local cable television, whatever. So we had to make something similar for our project.

Personal Project Experience

And I did. I think it was just cigarettes. And I did, like, this whole imovie production that was to theme of meatballs. Like, I would do anything for love, but I won't do that. And it's like him rejecting the girl because she's trying to get him to smoke cigarettes or something. It was hysterical. I got an a on it. It was, you know, definitely something that I put a lot of creativity and, you know, got some, like, different actors that were in the class to play, you know, their roles and had a whole, like, script for it. It was basically like, you know, everyone or the most people do the bare minimum, and I'm over here, like, trying to win an Oscar or something. That's funny.

Early Education and Creativity

And I wasn't even, like. I wasn't a brown nose, right? Like, I definitely was still a bit of a misfit, bit of a problem child. But if something allowed for me to have a blank canvas that wasn't, you know, a literal canvas. Cause I sucked at physical art, then I was able to, you know, excel and really lean into it and, you know, express myself. Anyway, welcome to in the trenches. Appreciate, you know, those that are been listening in for the past few weeks. Got some exciting, you know, kind of things to share.

Current Trends and Updates

Some updates today in regards to armor wallet, but also just want to go around the entire space of the what's happening, what's trending, what's got, you know, people's attention, what's got them excited, what's got them hopeful. Tron. Tron, I guess, will be a topic of discussion. Seems to have taken the djen meme coin trenches by storm. A lot of familiar faces are having, I guess, good experiences over there, front running. Everyone else we'll see if that's the sustainable, so we'll get into that. Nfts ethereum.

NFTs and Market Observations

Nfts are showing signs of life, most notably crypto punks. Yes, I grabbed my crypto punk after a year of not having one. Did that last night. Had to make some sacrifices elsewhere in the portfolio, but that's, you know, comes with the territory. All part of the game, all part of trading into the things that you have the most conviction in. And what else? D gods showing signs of life. Nakamigos showing signs of life.

Market Sentiment

Board apes and pudgy penguins still hanging around there towards the top. So yeah, there's that. There may be an emerging utility meta, and there was the retarded ApR that filled. So an ohm fork on Solana filled a 7000 soul pre sale. And so maybe that's a sign of things to come. Maybe we're headed into a little bit of utility defi type of meta for the season. Maybe meme coins are starting to be a little stale, a little saturated. Everything, as I had warned, has basically already been done.

Shifts in Market Dynamics

Feels like we kind of speed ran, you know, with pump fun through things that maybe would have taken us a couple years. We did it in a few months. So where does that leave us? You know, besides a few standouts that are actually, you know, fostering community or building something, you know, unique and attention grabbing. But yeah, a lot to get into. Also, you know, of course anyone that wants to come up and join the conversation would love to have you up here.

Engaging with the Audience

If you want to just listen, that's cool too. But it'd be awesome if you repost out the we out the space, try to, you know, get some more listeners, let them know about armor wallet and, you know, just the community that we want to build together. Night. You want to hop in? I'm going to check my current meme coin positions because they're going pretty crazy right now. Yeah, definitely.

The Rise of Tron

Yeah. I mean, so if you guys haven't heard pump fun, there's an alternative or a version on Tron, and that's really what's kicked off this whole, I mean, we have Justin sun kind of promoting it as well. He's like the figurehead. And then they launched sun pump, which is like the pump fund version on Tron. They've already earned a million dollars in revenue after eleven days of launch.

Market Dynamics

So it's just, you know, to go through these cycles, we kind of felt like Solana was a little bit played out and a little saturated, and all the money's flowing over to Tron right now. There are some tools, you know, there's some. Some wallets, there's some telegram bots that are already out to help you a little bit. It's still fairly early, and just the volume, I'm trying to get a chart of the total volume to kind of get an idea of what's going on in that space, see if it's on.

Market Predictions

Still on the uptrend or for maybe waning a little bit already. I'd imagine we're still moving up, but it's one of those things. How long will this last? Are we, is this going to move into the tron meta, or is this just kind of like a short term thing where the gamblers are looking for some new. Some new games to play? So we'll see. I am down, like almost 60%, 70% since the space started.

Volatility in Solana

Welcome to the volatility of Solana. You basically have to stare at the screen nonstop. Maybe Tron has been a little bit more stable as far as everyone is. Like you said, it's kind of novel, and everyone feels like they're early. And so there's, I guess, more opportunity. There's more like perceived gratification or perceived value there, right?

Market Perceptions

Like, and that people can definitely feed off of that momentum, and it just kind of becomes almost like a law of attraction, you know, almost like they're manifesting their riches that if they actually believe, like, wow, we're early, and, you know, Tron's the next big thing. They can kind of, at least for, you know, a short period of time, really, you know, kind of like establish that narrative or, you know, at least spread that narrative, and people will, you know, people will come up, people will have, will make profits.

Challenges on Solana

Whereas on Solana, we're definitely seeing a lot of attrition, a lot of, you know, maybe disappointment at some of the things that ran over 100 million and have since come down pretty hard. And, you know, now they're all kind of fighting for the same market share, whereas they didn't launch at the same time. But now it's irrelevant right now. It's kind of like, oh, shit.

Competition Among Platforms

Like, we're all pretty much in direct competition with one another. And that's where the PVP, you know, type of vibes and I guess you could say even, like, hostility starts to, you know, creep in. Yeah, but it's good. At the end of the day, it's good that people try new things. Maybe they have some really cool features.

The Importance of Innovation

Maybe there's something nice on their wallet that we didn't realize that we needed to. Just maybe just learning about their chain, figuring out how it works, I think it's all good that kind of the attention spreads around and people give new protocols and new platforms a try, you know, because kind of get comfortable doing what we just do.

Beta Testing Crypto

But the whole point of crypto is kind of, we're beta testers. We're beta testing this whole industry right now. So it doesn't really make sense to just stick with the one thing and drive that into the ground. Like, it makes sense to try new things and see what works. And everything's so agile.

Future of the Market

It's still early enough to kind of figure out what the people really want and to make tools and make, you know, apps that could address that. So it's interesting to see Tron kind of get that attention. Tron, we saw it with avalanche. We see, we've seen a few times where the memes kind of roll to different platforms and coins, they typically don't stay there for very long.

Opportunities on Emerging Platforms

But that's kind of also what they said about Solana early on, so who knows? But, yeah, I remember this happened with avalanche, and there's a lot of talk about tan. Not Tron, tan, the telegram coin. Doing some things, too. So, yeah, definitely built a diverse community, and it's very accessible compared to, I guess, the learning curve or, you know, the wallet tools and stuff that are necessary with, you know, some of the other chains.

Market Characteristics

It's rather affordable. And they're doing all of these, like, very repetitive, you know, proven models as far as gaming right on telegram. In order, like the hamster thing, in order to get people to Triton. Yeah, it's like farming with pictures, kind of. Yeah. So I don't know if ton has a figurehead or, like, a main person or.

Need for Leadership

I can't think of anyone like a Justin son because you really need that you do need someone beating the drum nonstop to kind of get that attention, to create the conversation. So I don't know if Tom has that person yet. Maybe they do, but I do. Sorry, Stephan, your voice is really low. Yes, it's really loud. Low, little.

Market Sentiment for Ton

I don't know. Yeah, they like, when I was looking up shit coins on time, they definitely had some, like, based on the main founder guy and stuff. But I just think that, like, it is, like, a lot of my vc shit. And just like, outside of regular web three, like, the $24 billion cap is not us.

Challenges with Accessibility

You know, similar to, like, the games where it's like. Or like, you know, getting your money over such an is kind of difficult. Also, the wallets kind of ghetto empress. Yes. Actually, tons. One of my conviction plays. They have ten keeper and my ton wallet IO. And you can get it through simple swap, actually.

Market Cap Dynamics

And the reason I use it is because it's not influenced by crypto, Twitter, or any of the midfluencers in here. Telegram's global and used most places, so I buy it because of that. And that's where a lot of the market cap comes from. Most people are using it outside of the states. Yep. Simple swap as well.

User Base Strength

Yeah, I mean, they have a great user base. They have an actual product that all of crypto Twitter uses. And it kind of makes sense to kind of follow one that isn't driven by the ct influencers because, I mean, it has a fundamental use case, so eventually it should come around.

Positive Returns on Investment

Well, I'm up four times since I got in, plus there's still staking in wallet, so. Very cool. What are the, like, pervade the main shit coins on ton? I know. Redo. What is? I don't even know what that's called. Some. Some kind of dog. That's one of the big ones, right?

Current Market Observations

And there was a bobo one. I don't know. I played him briefly, but it's similar to bass. We. I don't know if y'all noticed this or maybe it's just me learning how to shit. Coin on soul. You is like a different kind of beast.

Adapting to Market Styles

And you kind of. You're used to that volume and how those charts move. So if you're over on base and there's not that volume and it's like less volatile, it's actually, like more difficult, you're not planning for it. And ten was kind of similar for me, so I think I played it for like a week, made a little bit of money, and then I was like, yeah, I'm just gonna stake this and park it.

Liquidity and Trading Strategy

And so that's what I do. Yeah. I mean, without the liquidity, it's real tough. It's just a lot harder. So. Well, you just have to think differently. Right. Like, if it's not really influenced from the same type of web three, Twitter, you know, ct cabals and shit like that, then it's kind of like the charts will move in a different way, too.

Identifying Market Trends

But I'm looking right now, there's one. It's, like, voting vibe called Durev Dur Ev. That's big on Tom. 4.9. But Redo has 33 million. It's a resistance dog. 33 mil. But it's like. It's pretty brutal. Down from a couple months ago.

Volume Trends

Yeah, I mean, you probably need the. The volume before time really comes up. Well, they have the volume, but it's different. They're russian coins, so it moves different. So I guess I should say they have more volume than base, is how I should have said it.

Understanding Market Behavior

Just think of it this way. I'll give another example. Last I checked was, like, hovering around 5 million again, and it had gone all the way, I think, to, like, 30. So part of it is just the inability to hold people's attention in a space that they're always just trying to get in at, you know, as low as they can and sell on the.

Community Development Challenges

On the run up, and they don't actually want to support a chart. They don't want to have to be patient and. And, you know, just kind of sit on their hands while things develop. And a community actually forms, and so, therefore, a community never forms. The ones that, you know, do want to go out of their way to try to form community are often left unheard because most people have literally already moved on.

The Fate of Unicorns

I'm not saying that, you know, unicorn is dead, but it very well could have been a flash, you know, in the pan as far as who was talking about it. Now they're talking about Tron. There's a lot of people here that are still seen as the signals, you know, the whales, the influencers, and they don't necessarily appreciate anything.

Influencer Dynamics

And so if you can identify a pattern that these people just jump from one thing to the next, and they never settle down. They never show conviction in anything. Like, I guess that's one. Like, Mitch is so well off currently that he is able to have his long term positions in Ritterdio and nigga, but. And whatever else.

Liquidity Discrepancies

And he can also still be all over the place, degenering and, you know, hopping on the next trend because he has the liquidity to do so. We then assume that these other people are, you know, just like Mitch, and they also have the liquidity to do so, but in reality, most of them don't.

Market Influences

And so if they're talking about something new, chances are they have pulled their liquidity from whatever they were talking about previously. And that kind of separates, you know, a lot of these influencers from those that I guess, have actually, like, kind of stepped into their own and then, you know, deserve the attention. But most people can't distinguish the differences, and so they get wrecked following the wrong people.

Community Contributions and Experiences

Empress, you want to hop in? Yeah. And it's. It's. I think it's difficult for people that don't move in size because you want to get in low. So, like, even now, I think I'm in seven different wojak coins because the rotating attention to whatever that is, which isn't hard, right.

Follow the Trends

Because they're really low and then they spike up. But the thing is, you got to pay attention to when they spoke up. But I never really experienced the confusion with Kols because I never really bought any of the coins that they pushed. But I have a friend in crying, and I kind of supported outside of it, and I was in those spaces and it was like crying, crying, crying.

Insights into Trading Behavior

And then it was like crying and brainlet and then I was like, crying and brainlet and big brain. And it's like I'm thinking of the people that are average traders because I think most people don't realize. I don't think a lot of crypto in general, crypto, Twitter is moving in size.

Market Behaviors and Realities

I think there are a lot of people kind of just, like, hoping for that big hit and more power, too. I think that's great. I have a friend who will throw $2 in every night and usually makes $15 and just content, you know what I mean? But, like, to have that confusion and then you end up with this spray and pray mentality.

Understanding Market Pressures

I don't know. I was like, ooh, this is kind of rough. And to Anon's point, how do you stabilize a chart if everybody's consistently pulling out and putting small amounts of money into a bunch of other coins? That there was no conviction in the community that was there in the first place.

Gas Fees and Trading Patterns

It's like the gas fees on Mainnet, like, held people in their positions a little bit more, you know? I mean, this has been Solana, right? Like, back in Solana, NFT days, it was like the most gtist fucking flooring as you wait ten minutes and everyone's like .01 Solana, you know, listen, their shit lower, but that's.

Low Gas Influences

That's low gas. I think on any chain. Just makes you think about it differently. I do like the pace of meme coins on eth more than Solana. Just seems like there's less cheating, less. Maybe not, but it seems like people, like, build a position and have more conviction because it costs more to spin up a coin.

Investment Efforts

It takes more effort. It takes more to get the team on board and, you know, do all that for ETh. So typically, there are different vibe than just firing up a pump. Fun and crossing your fingers or, you know, running a little pump and dump. It still happens.

Risks in Cryptocurrency

There's a thousand ways you could lose your money and get stolen and honey potted and this and that on eth, it's. It's different. But it's like, I don't know. I. I just like it better. I feel like I just know more about it.

Comfort and Familiarity

I'm more comfortable with it. I've used it more. So kind of could do the checks and balances better than I can on soul. I just think that, like, this is, like, a larger symptom for crypto in general. Is this, like, perpetual rotation, you know, maximize profit thing where it's like, I was just in the spaces and there was some good points said, like, even, like, vC's, right?

Shifting Focus in VC Investments

Like, all these VC's were, you know, shilling defi summer or whatever, they always change. It's just a longer rotation where they're shilling the fuck out of one thing and then they eventually exit out, and then now they're in fucking, you know, deep in or AI shit or whatever this run where it's just like, how do people build something meaningful?

Addressing Investor Concerns

When then the issue is that, you know, people, the early investors or people just can't make money from it, too. Right? Yeah. And then eventually it does emerge. And then you do have the leaders that, like, have the handful of people that, like, relentlessly show it no matter what the price is, and they're.

Similarities among Successful Projects

They're on board. They have conviction. And then after you have that group of people be present, be kind of vocal for a little while, then. Then the coin itself, people, like, look at it a little bit differently because, you know, there's that core audience that like isn't rotating.

Coin Momentum

Yeah. And when you notice that, when you, like, that's kind of what happened with Pepe, what happened with mog, like, when you notice the coins bitcoin, like, the ones that do have, like, cults forming behind them. They are the stronger coins and they do kind of usually have good bounces or good demand when everything comes back.

Investor Timing and Strategy

Yeah. The people that, like, are in early on, like, the mogs and the pepes and the bitcoins, like, they look like geniuses when. When they take off, but they just have more conviction than the guy to left and the right of them. You know what I mean? They chose one thing.

Cultivating Conviction

They kept talking about it every single day, no matter what the price was, up or down, and they repeated the same thing the next day. It's like, simple as that. Yeah. And that was like, that has. You have to have conviction that memes are real.

Trusting Potential

Kind of like, when I first got into this stuff, I was looking at most of these things as, like, get in and get out, because who knows when it's going to rug, what this and that. Like, you just don't trust it. But once you kind of have that conviction in a project that you know, the team is not going to give up, you know, the meme is good.

Identifying Value

You know, it's, you know, catching on outside of web three or it has, like, different purposes. Once you kind of see all that, it really, like, some of the coins really stand out because, yeah, you kind of realize it's not people just chasing and cycling.

Reinvesting Gains

And the other thing is, what do people do with the funds that they generate from cycling? You know, a lot of times it funnels back into the top coins that they have real conviction on, that they know there's someone doing something with it. So you kind of get in these smaller coins.

Hot Potato Investments

You play hot potato, you make some. Some soul, and then you put it back into Pepe or put it back into, you know, with. Or whichever one you really like that you actually have conviction in that has a team that has more than just, you know, some hype on the.

Market Behavior at Play

On Twitter for a few weeks. Yeah. Unicorns been interesting to see it fall so hard. Not completely unsurprising, though, with the unlock event, this and that. But what's the unlock? Well, everyone got their coins.

Insights into Token Distribution

They got the clawback on soul, which is what pushed that up. And then. Then the people on cosmos got their unicorn as well, which. What do you mean? That's tradable? It's tradable on. It's tradable, but it's tradable only on.

Navigating Different Exchanges

On Cosmos. OTC. Oh, OTC. Oh, OTC. Yeah, yeah. No, bro, they. So they created a Solana LP, like, two weeks ago and. Right.

Background on Recent Developments

So. And then gave people the option to get the claw back, which was basically all the uncle unclaimed airdrop, was distributed to the people that did claim it. You got to choose where that went.

Coin Liquidity Insights

So that created the LP on Solana. And people have been ot seeing their Uwu holdings on Cosmos for, like, you know, the Solana LP.

Understanding Market Reactions

I see. Well, I wish I knew that. Yeah. So, like, that was, honestly, that was a big part of, like, why the meme market, like, went so ballistic, you know?

Factors Influencing Market Trends

Besides the clawback that hit for the people that chose to keep it on Cosmos is there was a lot of, ooh. That was sitting in people's wallets that wasn't being actively traded on the meme market.

Market Dynamics at Play

And these people otcd it to people that were looking to get into it. So they, you know, they bought it on cosmos, then stuck it all in the meme market.

Crypto Market Fluctuations

But, like, that was only going to last for so long. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah. I mean, I fucking tripled my clawback off of just the fucking cosmos meme market shit. So. And that was partially from me helping OTC probably about 50 or 60 million Uwu from Cosmos to Solana. People were taking that and then just throwing it straight into the meme market, just, like, going nuts with it, man. Now this is down in the motherfucker. I can't. I gotta otc this shit to Solana now. But then you're buying the bottom. You kind of missed the boat on that one, bro. You gotta just let that shit sit at this point. I'm down. Like, you're a community member for a little while now. You know what I mean?

Unicorn Holdings and Market Behavior

I've got a good. A good percentage on my unicorn holdings, actually. Not too bad. But the US dollar, like, the minute they added uS dollar on your inventory, on you, on the unicorn website, is the minute this thing started crashing. They just got to let us play with our Internet money and not let people realize, like, you got 30 grand on the line, what are you doing? Because I feel like the minute they added that where it tells you exactly how much your bag is worth, USD, it's like, right when it all crashed, I know it's. People are like, hold up. But it's just kind of like, hold the fuck up. How much is this worth again? I got this free airdrop. I've been dicking around for a few weeks, and now. Hold on. What? So it's just a little bit of everything, but they did build a pretty cool platform.

NFT Trends and Platform Developments

And when it comes to products and what people have done, they have a pretty cool thing. It's the first time I've really used cosmos. It's getting people to try it. It's getting. So I just. I support everything about it. Who knows if it'll have another wave? But I do appreciate when people just build stuff that they enjoy, you know, building just for whatever reason. I know they make money off it, but it seems like it was a little bit out of the blue. It was. It took some effort to build this, and I think it's cool. The end of the day. Empress, you could just talk. You don't. You don't have to raise your hand. Sorry, I just wanted to say, I'll have to verify and I'll go verify. I think something borderline catastrophic happened on Cosmos chain, though, not unicorn.

Market Dynamics and Community Insights

I remember there was like a great big malady finance guy who held a space in the middle of the night. But I will go double check what he was talking about. And then I wanted to say, and I won't tell you what I'm in, but I wanted to say that people should be paying attention to stacks on bitcoin, too, because they're making a lot of different stuff over there. Staking things, liquidity polls, a whole bunch of stuff. It's another way to. Even if you just in wallet stake your stacks, you earn bitcoin as it's sitting there. So I just wanted to bring that up, too. Nice. Wait. Night. You have some cosmos alpha otherwise, or what? No, not really. Not really. But I do think more excited. My bad. No, I was just going to say.

Market Narratives and Insights

I was thinking what McDonald's. Everything's saying. No, definitely not. McDonald's is a good corner. McDonald's is shaking me for all of the soul I have right now in multiple coins. Because, you know. Yeah, because there's always, you know, there's always. There's always derivatives that happen when, you know, there's a, you know, really, like, public scam, essentially. And I mean, this one was clearly that. They put it right there on the Instagram page saying, thanks for the $700,000. And so, yeah, there were a couple coins that were made immediately after that, and I hopped in one and I gave everyone a ten x who sold, and I round tripped it back to like, a two x. So that's always fun. That's what I did while.

Discussion on Trading Dynamics

Since we've been on spaces. Imagine being a nons upline on, like, his referrals for, like, his trading tools and shit. God damn, that's missing. Oh, you mean like the catrio is, dude, he probably makes like multiple soul a week. You know, it's funny. Did I not mention this? Stefan. Night, man. Yeah. Color. Did I not mention this? That I said that's going to be a huge advantage with what armor wallet is, you know, developing and how that is all kind of like, structured when it comes to referrals and stuff because people can't benefit off of their own trades. It's ridiculous. They're not getting a kickback. Yeah.

NFT Market Reflections

By itself, that. That's a nice perk that if it's created the right way, will attract a lot of people just to hold the NFT and trade themselves for that savings. Definitely. And we'll get more into the nfts. But actually, that's a really good segue because as I mentioned at the beginning of the space, I'm sure many of you saw, I bought an NFT. I keep buying nfts, but I bought a special NFT that I'll probably, like, basically never sell. A lot of other people seem to like that NFT collection as well. This is, of course, the crypto punks. And there was more crypto punk sold.

Crypto Punk Predictions

On pause, pause. Let's get the prediction market set right now. Will anon sell his crypto punk in the future? Who's gonna. Who's gonna get it going? I'm just fucking with you, bro. Keep going. I'm gonna let you finish. Context. That is the longest asset I have ever seen a non hold in the first place. So we got that. I've held my MFR since day one. But now, as far as crypto punks, there were more sales of crypto punks in the past 24 hours than there has been in any other past, you know, 24 hours interval in the past two years or over two years. So what is the catalyst for that?

The Emergence of NFT Value

Many are still trying to figure it out. All the, you know, major, quote unquote blue chip NFT collections on Ethereum are showing signs of life. D gods. Frank trying to, you know, kind of take credit for leading the way for people to consider nfts again by turning his community into a shitcoin with a market cap and not a floor price, which is just wildly ironic that he's trying to take credit for nfts coming back when he's literally turning his own NFT community into a meme coin. But yeah, now the punks are moving punks. OTC seems really excited. I don't know if maybe there's some alpha out there.

Market Sentiment and Future Prospects

I sure as hell don't have any I foMo'd. I hardcore FoMo'd because I started looking at that floor like a week ago when it was around 21, maybe even. Yeah, I'd say I don't think I ever really went under 20. Maybe a couple, you know, sold under there like on offers, but right around a 20 ETH floor and eth, you know, feeling like it's got to be close to the bottom of what our expectations are for the cycle. And I was like, okay, so give or take 50 grand or so for a crypto punk, even with the Yuga labs affiliation, which may not be, you know, eternal, we.

Mysterious Boating Accidents and Media Attention

That's, like, the long and short of it, but it's like, seven minutes of, like, how? Well, this dude wasn't on the boat, but he was their business partner, and he got ran over by a car in England, and he's dead. And then, you know, the guys on the yacht, they were, you know, responsible for XYZ, you know, innovations, and, you know, companies that were at least talking with three letter agencies, and now they're gone, too. There's just kind of ironic that we talk about, like, boating accidents. Hahaha. And crypto losing it all. Like, these are some billionaires that are not being. What's crazy, right. Is that we talk about the Titanic submersible for multiple days, but we don't talk about this on the media at all. I don't know. The Titanic submersible one really kind of fucked me up. That one made me feel like there's just more to it. It's because we're waiting for the non conspiracy book.

AI and Trading Enhancements

I need a movie. But that kind of leads us into the AI conversation. We could talk about armor wallet here for a few minutes. There's been a lot of exciting, you know, kind of like breakthroughs or, you know, just developments that, you know, when you think of, like, who's up here and, you know, maybe you don't know all of us as well as others, but we're. We are in the trenches. We are djens. We, you know, I think everyone up here, besides, I think everyone up here has more experience than I do. Right. And so just because I might be the biggest influencer, whatever you want to call it, does not mean that I'm the smartest or that I even, you know, understand the most ways that this stuff's going to be applied. But there are some things that I feel we all line on because we experience it regularly, where there's opportunities for improvement, there's opportunities to really tie a community together around great product and, you know, great I user experience that makes sense, that are more inclusive, more recognizing or acknowledging of those who actually put the effort forth. Because as I'd mentioned earlier, we do have a challenge of if you're following just the same signals, the same influence that are jumping from one thing to the next, then you're likely.

Challenges in the Trading Environment

You're likely missing something. You're likely not getting as well rounded of an experience or even an education with all that's out there as you could. And there are some that actually put their best feet forward, best foot forward, and they don't get as much attention as they are probably, you know, that they have deserved, you know, that should be earned. And so through the tools that we're developing with armor wallet and making it more of, you know, this social networking crypto experience, there's going to be a lot of ways to discover new people to, well, I guess, learn from, but also influence you, but influence you in a way where they're proving through their actions, they're proving through their. Even their statistics, if they want to disclose that they are a good trader they do know what they're doing. Yes, there's always an element of risk. It's all gambling, but it's good if you have some trusted signals, some reassurances. And I think that Armorwallet and just all of these AI tools and how they can work together to quantify data, but also what we want to do to kind of foster more of, like I said, kind of like this social media type of networking opportunity.

Addressing Community Needs and Opportunities

I think there's a lot there to be excited about. I want these guys to get a chance to speak on it as well, just as to what we already have confronted, what we've already, what we're already aware of as far as some of the challenges of trading in such a, I guess you could say, like highly concentrated, low liquidity type of environment. Right? Like, that's what I had said before, is that a lot of these people that you are maybe following their signals are moving their liquidity every time. And if we had a little bit more data that was organized the right way because, right. It's all public ledger. And so if these people are willing to share through this system, you know, these systems that armor wallet is facilitating, then I think that there can be a lot more trust with new people that will be seen as leaders and, you know, influential and, yeah, go from there. Night. You want, you want to hop in or. yeah, I was gonna say maybe Steph and come in and share a little bit more, but. Yeah, I don't know what we're quite ready to share.

Navigating Innovation in the Crypto Space

Right. That's why I'm kind of like, you know, sort of, you know, dancing with my words is, I'm like, do we want to just talk directly about the NFT? Because I know that night had mentioned the word NFt at the beginning. Well, I think. Go ahead, bothersen. If it's someone's first time in the space or, you know, in those spaces, then they probably don't even know what armor wallet is. Type shit. Yeah. So if you want to give a recap. Yeah. All right. So to be simple about it's just a wallet and a trading assistant. So it does all of the things that a wallet does, except it's multi chain. But then also on the trading and interacting it wise, you're going to be prompting, you're going to be talking with your wallet, but that allows you to do all kinds of shit like, you know, sell everything, unlike every chain all at once, or, you know, DCA over time into this coin, you could really do lots of detailed like, strategic step-based prompts.

Mental Health and Gaming Culture

I do just fine. But I was gonna say I really think in. I'm not saying you in particular are not. There are some people really not built for that game, and it really, like, wreaks havoc on their mental health. They're bouncing coins everywhere. They're watching the chart, like, 24/7 like, go park those in altcoins. Stake them. Let them grow. Like, save your sanity. Like, some, like, I know it's not quick, but, like, some people need to do that because you're not only driving yourself insane, you're driving the people around you insane. So just FYI.

Emergence of New Trading Norms

No, for sure. I think pump fun was the great accelerator. It kind of threw all rules out the window. I remember the first time ashtoshi was like, because she's been around longer than I have, and she was in with all the ogs, you know, rookie and bags and the we tardao guys, and she was a bybit trader, I'm pretty sure, like, she was someone who traded just pretty much majors. Only barely even got into nfts last cycle. And then all of a sudden, she was like, wait, it's okay for us to post, like, a micro cap ticker on or, you know, contract address on the timeline now, like something under one hundred k. And there was a little bit of resistance, there was a little bit of pushback from some, but then it just got completely normalized. And maybe that wasn't the greatest thing, because it is an. It's a minefield, for sure.

Perspectives on Solana and NFT Trading

And I've. I've had my ups. I've had my downs since the beginning of the year on Solana. And me personally, I just don't like Solana as far as it's. It's. It's accessible, it's fast, it's fairly reliable. You know, like, it's not the worst thing out there, but the culture, I think, has a ways to go. I'm a little bit more. I'm a little bit more reserved. I know it's hard to believe, but I really am a little bit more reserved with how I approach things. Even though I decide to splash six figures on a JPeg yesterday. Can we go back to the whole community in a meme? Point is kind of laughable. Mogs not, I know you hate it. But that it's proven and it's also not.

Utility in Crypto and NFTs

Yes, it is. It's all. That's what I mean. It is anomalous. I fully do that. And I think that book of memes is, it has a pretty good base. But most of these coins are flash in the Panasone with the whole spaces and the whole tweeting and things like that. And the idea that they have utility. I mean, the only coin that I've really seen that has utility, and they're not even here. So I'm definitely not kissing anyone's ass. But, like, is GCR because they have the liquidity pool with the added apY. But like, even nfTs, we no longer really ascribe community and utility too. So I'm a little confused, like, why we keep trying to flash in the pan meme coins, build these communities around them. It just seems a little crazy to me.

Market Trends and Sustainability

Well, the irony is that my GCR is like a stable coin and I'm not worried about it going to zero. Whereas, like, the majority of things that even have gone over ten mil are now back under maybe even a million. And they do seem like they have a shelf life. They do seem like know, unless the right crew, you know, the right group of people, the right network is pumping it, that there's just not enough liquidity to go around to support all these coins again. That's why I believe in GCR is that, and I've seen it happen, I think, twice now. Once, the big one, right, where it went to like 5 million, came back down under a million, and now it went to like 3 million, came back down to under one and a half, I don't think it'll make a new local low.

Future of Gambling and Integration

Like, I'm pretty sure that it's pretty. It's fairly bottomed NFA, right. And the reason I believe that is because there's actually a cycling happening that I think any real organic, like, long lasting community needs to have. And as far as these purges of those that just really weren't there for the right reasons, don't really have conviction to hold for months on end, you know, aren't going to be around for years. Whereas I know it's not the founders, right. I know that they have their hearts and, you know, their entire, like, reputations are staked on this project. And so I'm willing to, you know, go through the natural ebbs and flows with them since I got in. Thankfully, you know, one of the bottoms at under a million because it will wash out the right people and slowly attract you know, a few more.

The Role of High-Quality NFTs in Solana

And that's how you actually build a foundation of community and, you know, something that can eventually scale to, you know, much greater heights. But we'll know that it always has, like, kind of, its core, you know, is to be trusted, is well intact. So, yeah, that's for me, that's a different type of anomaly, at least on Solana. Well, Solana is not just pumped off fun either. I mean, pump fun really is not. A lot of those tokens don't have sustainability. Some will, but it's just the inherent aspect of how the mechanism works.

Emerging Platforms and Accessibility

It's meant to, in the name, pump up really fast and drop down. And unless people CTO specific things or the people involved are like, from a better culture, the better side, where they are DCA ing and can actually control some of the supply and maybe don't sell and it can go long term, it just doesn't work out. But there's a lot of really good nfts and a lot of people from Ethereum moved to Solana, and so there's a lot of individuals that have kind of scoured everything and people decided, hey, salon is a little bit easier and cheaper. It's kind of new. I really like tensor, the platform. I know magic, Eden and other places are like everywhere now. They're on multiple chains, but there's a lot of people who are making cool shit.

The Future Market Dynamics

And I think we're going to see through this cycle that it's not just BTC east anymore, which even last cycle it kind of wasn't. You know, I know Luna was sort of a meme, but that's just an example. There's a lot of other chains that are starting to evolve. And once you have, you know, let's say BTC and ETh is two, and now you have two more, four, and then eight, you might have like ten or twelve chains that all have everything you want. Good secure wallets, defi swap, multi chain swap, all these good liquidity pools. So then you don't have to just feel like you're stuck in one and you can kind of maybe start moving around.

Bridging Challenges and Experiences

Part of it, right, is that we take bridge. A lot of us are already taking bridges for granted. Whereas when I did in 21, I didn't know how to bridge from Polygon to Ethan back for Zed run, I had to have someone do it for me. Now, granted, part of that was my own inexperience, but part of that was there just weren't these main streamed solutions the way there is now as simple swap and to bridge. And, you know, I bridged over a thousand Solana to Ethereum last night with the bridge. It took me less than 30 seconds, and I only lost, what, maybe $400 on it, I think. So there's a fee. Yeah. But it. It's effective, it's reliable, it's audited, and those types of things.

Trust Between Chains

We're not as reassured, we're not as insured the way that they, you know, are in, like, today. So I think that also kind of lends its hand to why other chains would be taken more seriously or why they would be more trusted for people to even explore. Because most people don't want to go through a central exchange to have to bridge to, you know, buy something, another currency, and hop on that. That layer afterparty. You want to hop in?

Integration in Wallet Technology

Yes, sir. Hey, thanks a non for allowing me up to speak. I actually had a question for armor wallet. I wanted to see if armor wallet is thinking about adding integration for on chain assets on Ethereum. If you're going to be adding that integration, that would be great specifically for escriptions. I know that OkX wallet is working on something right now, but I just wanted to see if armor wallet is working on anything. I can provide you the GitHub stuff if you want to check it out, but if you can add some sort of integration for that ecosystem, I would appreciate that.

Community Engagement and Development

Please do. Yeah, for sure. Dm. Just dm the armor wallet account, I would imagine. That inscriptions will be visible, if that's what you mean. Yeah, yeah. So, I mean right now, you know, like on metamask, you can't see it, which is a cool thing, too, because, you know, it's kind of unreggable. So if, like, somebody drains your wallet, they're never gonna drain your e descriptions, technically, but it would be nice. I know that if a wallet, like, I know that the wallet people that do this could technically make them this if they wanted to.

Possibilities for Future Integration

You know what I mean? So I'm just trying to see if it's a possibility, you know, because I think that it would really, like, just help us out on the eat side as well, you know? You're saying, like, the goal for you to be able to trade inscriptions. Yes, sir. Interface, where you can see them clearly and trade them, etcetera. Yes, sir. If that's possible. I don't have. I. So I don't have armor wallet. I'm gonna download it right now. I'm at work, but I've just been listening to y'all's conversation, and I just like, man, let me go ahead and ask.

Current Market Situation

Yeah. But wait, so are you listing them like on Opensea? No. So right now, the way that inscriptions are listed, there are three marketplaces. The first one is descriptions.com. the biggest one is Ordex IO. And then there's a chinese marketplace that is kind of, I think, in the back end run by OKX. It's called Edge market. I see. But, yeah, that's where you see the tokens. You know, like there's on chain tokens similar to ordinals, and then there's also, you know, obviously collections and words and just everything under the sun.

Final Thoughts on the Conversation

Yeah, lots of devs, man, for sure. Awesome. And I definitely will. I'm going to send them a DM. Thank you guys so much for allowing me up. Hi, Empress, by the way, GM. Hi, friend. I got a few e subscriptions. I don't know how difficult it is to integrate the tech, but I got some nakamingos from Snepson and some itty bits. It's definitely not difficult. Nice, bro. I think very easy to integrate. Like, very simple.

Community Expansion Opportunities

Yeah, I think, and I think maybe it like, could help us out with, you know, the outreach of trying to onboard more people to show them, like, hey, you know, if you like ordinals, but you're kind of more of an EtH maxi. Like, why not put this image on chain on eth? It's very cheap, there's no image hosting required, blah, blah. You know, and there's a number attached to it as well, you know, so the number might also have a provenance depending on the person, if they're into that type of stuff, like Ens names and stuff like that, you know?

Future of Gaming and Predictive Markets

Yeah, definitely. So here's an interesting, I don't know, I guess, like perspective on what I'm curious the capabilities of armor wallet will be in the future. What about casinos? There's a lot of people that are moving into new alternatives to rollbitz. They had their tGe. It's, I don't know if it's been downhill ever since, but it seems like, you know, people are open to new platforms, new opportunities. I've talked to a few. Some are licensed, some are not. Not the one, let me clarify. Ones that I've talked to or that I'll continue to talk to are licensed, but apparently there's a lot that aren't and there's a lot of just point and click type of things.

Needing Immersion in Gambling and AI Integration

I'm curious, like, will I be able to prompt armor wallet, like, hey, once an hour for the next seven days, I want you to bet on this. That's interesting, because I feel like casinos are still very early and how they're going to evolve and become more immersive and, you know, what type of rewards and incentives they're going to be able to offer as they get more marketing, more funding, more, I guess, more of a social presence. Yeah. And I feel like just people are going to be really attracted to how simple it is in the future or, you know, even.

Shifts in Betting Culture and Expectations

I mean, it already is. Right. But it's for, like, much greater masses of people that if they knew they had a casino at their fingertips, but it also was in some way not Kyc, you get what I'm saying? Like, that's a big incentive for some. Yeah. If there was like an on chain casino, maybe there'd be a way to get support from the wallet. So you could just tell it in plain English, some prompts, and it's integrated, it knows, like a partner or a poly market you could set up.

Possibilities for AI Integration in Betting

Like when were on this call earlier, someone said, all right, let's make a prediction market for, if anon keeps this punk, you know, six months or whatever, maybe you could do it on there where we have, we're integrated with polymarket or whoever. We say, hey, set up a prediction market with whatever, whatever the parameters are. At the very least, that's a good idea.

Markets and Business Development Strategies

And it's something that for biz dev, we could talk to a partner, find someone who would be willing to work with us and then have, like, that betting partner for that, those type of things. Probably not a priority when there's so many wallet and in the trenches, you know, actual trading stuff to get integrated first. But that's a really cool concept. And if it's all on chain, no reason why they can't just kind of program the AI agent to understand.

Doc's Vision for Market Trends

So even take the armor wallet piece out of it, and we'll just focus on, you know, the culture and what's been, you know, what we think is gonna kind of happen or, you know, what we think. How do I put it? I don't know where we think attention is going to go.

Gambling Culture and Its Evolution

Have you ever been in the casinos? Have you ever been on rollbit? Have you ever been on the Toshi bets or anything like that? I mean, yeah, from time to time. Not recently, but I'm aware of what they are and I've messed with them in the past. So I've never played the casino games. I feel like that could become addicting very quickly, which is, of course, is exactly what they want.

Insights on Gambling Experiences

You are literally not allowed. None of us can handle that. Road roller coaster. Do not say that. No. Oh. Imagine the play by play on the timeline. So I had a video one time where I was at the real casino, sat down at a slot machine, and. And I hit pretty early. And instead of walking away, I was like, all right, I think. I think I'm feeling something here.

Reflections on Casino Gaming

And I hit like two or three more times. And I think, like, multiple of them. I recorded and put on the timeline, and one of them blew up, I'm pretty sure, just because it was funny. But I must have hit for, like, over a $1,000 easily. So, yeah, I feel like. And then that's totally a thing to live stream around. Betting like, that is definitely a zoomer, streamer type of content meta.

Increasing Role of Prediction Markets in Gambling

I don't know. I think the casinos are going to be a much bigger deal, especially with the prediction markets, like, built right in having sports betting. I'm a. I. That's something I will do. I do draft kings. I like fantasy, but there's nothing quite like just betting on the results of a game that you're watching.

AI Integration in Betting Conversations

So imagine that it gets to the point where I'm placing sports bets with armor wallet. I mean, even just that idea of talking to it and placing bets through an AI, like tell conversationally, it's kind of cool. I mean, that's what your bookie is anyway. Well, then you could ask that shit about the game and.

Exploration of AI's Role in Gambling Culture

Yeah, you know, literally, that's what I was gonna say, because it's still, I think that's what people may be like when, you know, once the phone says that it's chaotic. EpT built with uniswap built with this. I think people might still not be grasping that. That, like, this is your chat GPT while you are trading, and you can ask it things like, how does this compare to this before you actually execute something?

The Evolution of Trading Technologies

So it's like all those last minute thoughts that go through your mind right before you're about to hit the buy button. You now can just talk, right, and be able to. I keep saying talk, but, like, color, is there a voice feature? Not yet. Not yet. Not at the beginning, but definitely we're gonna have that for sure.

Future Development of AI Features

I mean, that's the dream. Like, Karen, steer the ship, right? Literally. I mean, you know, it'll be able to. You could ask it, like, how's bitcoin look today? But obviously, it won't be able to necessarily tell you up or down. But, yeah, I mean, that's. That's part of our job now, is, like, actually sculpting it to be truly potent in every single way, you know, speak with people that understand ta, like, heavily and, like, so that the actual wallet can inform things better.

Timeline for AI Developments

But in due time. In due time. Yeah. I think the trend. Trend is going to continue, though. Gambling is getting more popular. It's getting, like, co signed by all the leagues. Even logs, dude. ESPN start, like, ESPN just puts it on, like, the ticker now, right? Like, they weren't allowed to do that.

Acknowledgement of Market Shifts

Yeah, it's crazy. So that's where we're moving. So I'm sure it'll happen. Because I'm over here pretty, like, burnt out of the trenches and want to do other things on chain now, and I feel like there's got to be other people. Like, you got to remember, I'm usually early to things that end up becoming, like, a trend.

Reflections on Sports Betting Trends

I'm a trendsetter and I'm. I will proudly say that. With that said, I'm usually a month or two, maybe even more early. So I feel like there will come a point where a lot more people are like, all right, I'm kind of just getting bored of meme coins. Empress is thumbs down. Well, what do you.

Debate on Sports Betting Acceptance

Why are you thumbs down? You can't claim sports betting. That's. It's like regression. It's been going on for, like, decades. Like, what are we doing? You cannot claim sports betting.

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