#IBCNews Weekly Update


This space is hosted by KleomedesDAO

Space Summary

The Twitter space provided comprehensive updates on the Terra and Osmosis ecosystems, covering governance proposals, strategic discussions with Mars Protocol, and the integration of Levana Dragons into the DeFi space. Highlights included community event announcements with TerraSpaces, important discussions on locust vault integration within Osmosis, and significant policy drafting by the Juno council. The session emphasized the importance of ongoing community engagement and the role of decentralized policies in shaping the future of blockchain technology. Regular updates and community forums are crucial for keeping pace with the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape.


Q: What is the focus of the sessions?
A: Updates in the Terra and Osmosis ecosystems.

Q: What are the proposals on Terra Station?
A: Various governance proposals up for community voting.

Q: What’s new with Mars Protocol?
A: Discussions on strategic movements within the Mars team.

Q: How is Levana Dragons being integrated?
A: They’re becoming part of the broader DeFi ecosystem.

Q: What community events are upcoming?
A: Announcements include TerraSpaces and related events.

Q: What are locust vaults in Osmosis?
A: A new product proposed to be integrated into the Osmosis ecosystem.

Q: What’s new with the Juno council?
A: The council is ratifying conflict of interest policies on-chain.

Q: Why is the conflict of interest policy significant?
A: It’s vital for decentralized operations across blockchain ecosystems.

Q: What’s the importance of community engagement?
A: Essential for keeping up-to-date and relevant within the DeFi sphere.

Q: How often will these updates be provided?
A: Regular community forums and news updates.


Time: 00:00:10
Terra updates: Key events in the Terra ecosystem.

Time: 00:01:10
Governance Proposals on Terra Station: Active propositions for voting.

Time: 00:02:00
Mars Protocol Discussions: Strategic updates from the Mars team.

Time: 00:03:10
Levana Dragons Integration: Progress on integrating Levana Dragons in DeFi.

Time: 00:05:00
Community Events: TerraSpaces and engagement events announced.

Time: 00:09:24
Osmosis Community Discussion: Talks on locust vaults integration.

Time: 00:10:01
Juno Council Policy: Ratification of conflict of interest policy.

Time: 00:10:30
Importance of Community Engagement: Emphasizing active involvement.

Time: 00:10:37
Decentralized Operations Significance: Policies for blockchain governance.

Time: 00:12:20
Ecosystem Project Updates: Relevance of ongoing projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Updates on Terra ecosystem events and announcements.
  • Governance proposal updates for voting in Terra Station.
  • Discussions with Mars Protocol regarding strategic plans.
  • Integration of Levana Dragons into the DeFi ecosystem.
  • Announcement of TerraSpaces and other community events.
  • Discussions about locust vaults integration in Osmosis.
  • Drafting of conflict of interest policy by Juno council.
  • Focus on decentralized operations and the importance of conflict of interest policies.
  • Relevance and updates on various ecosystem projects.
  • Emphasis on continuous community engagement and sourcing news.

Behind the Mic

Welcome everybody to another episode of IBC News. As always, we will get started at five minutes past the hour. Give people time to start rolling in while you guys are waiting for the show to get started. I appreciate it if you can get down there and hit a like and. A retweet to get some extra. Stake in the algorithm. Help x get the news out there for everybody looking for IBC updates. This. Weekly space is brought to you by Cleomedis, your local Dao operated validator. Just a reminder for people, every week we go through Twitter and we hunt. Out all of the best news, looking for community members to hit hash IBCNews on stuff they find important. So if you’re out there in the. X space throughout the week and you. See something that you think deserves to. Be recognized, make sure you hit hashtag IBCNews and we will find it and report it. As always, we send out a tweet storm of links on the Cleomedies account right after the show. So if you hear something that you want to read more about, make sure you follow Cleomedes and check the links to read up on more information on any news item we report. We also have a handy Dandy paragraph newsletter that we send out every week that summarizes all the news items into. One convenient location in the single newsletter. So if you prefer that format, make sure you subscribe to the paragraph newsletter after the show. We’ll give it just a couple more. Minutes as people keep rolling in, make sure you get down there and hit the like and retweet. Get the algorithm working in our favorite. We’ll get started in just a minute. All right everybody, it is that time. Let’s jump into the news and see what is going on out there in the IBC land. All right, we’ve got protocol developers from. IBC working on a new update to ICS 20. So this is enabling multi token transfers as well as multi hop forwarding. So these are two really pretty important features that are going to be essential for IBC moving into the next phase. Of adoption across the inner chain. The ability to transfer multiple tokens means you’re not locked to one token per market quote in ICS 20. You can transfer a whole batch of tokens. And with multi hop forwarding, you don’t need to go directly to every connection of connections automatically. So this should be a very big. Step for people working through multi send applications. This week in cosmos sdk updates we have a proposal up on cosmos to extend the pool creation fee cycle. So we don’t have time to cover all of the details of this proposal during the show, but it is up on chain. If you are involved in cosmos, I would definitely give it a look. This is something that is getting prepared for a strapped. Test package their limits repo, and they just want to make sure that the pool creation fee definition is contiguous with their new design patterns. And if you’re using cosmos sdk to develop your chain, this likely affects you. All right, let’s talk about osmosis. We got big feature news coming out of the osmosis team. They have made a $60,000 activation proposal up on chain for integrating git deployer. So this is a rather interesting integration. Git deployer brings the ability to deploy contracts to Akash rather quickly and effectively. So if you are a Dao organization and you are working through infrastructure deployment projects, this is actually something that seems to be right up your alley. Going through the forums, people have already started talking about deploying the scheduling solution within daos and people are really excited about the ability to use git deployer inside of their Dao infrastructure because it x allows bridged network deployment right to the akash clusters in a very seamless way point. So if that all sounds interesting to you, I would definitely check out the osmosis forum or the prop is up on chain. So definitely give it a read and if it makes sense to you, make sure you get your. Votes in, while prop ID 560 looks like it could definitely be some good use case for the Akash network. Good exposure. So $60,000 to develop integrated git deployer? Yeah, definitely. Jump in there and read up on the details of that integration, make sure it makes sense to you and get. Your votes on chain. We got news from the checked ecosystem. They have joined the second cohort in the european sandbox. So this is a blockchain initiative to. Bring full legislative compliance to the digital frontier. If you’re curious what the european sandbox has been working on, I would definitely. Give them a look and see what. Is going on and give Kuda or give checked a little pat on the. Back for pushing the envelope with regulatory compliance. They are practically defining regulatory compliance around digital identifiers. All right, let’s get some final exciting news from some defi we’ve got. We’re just going to round things out today with a little DyDx note. So they are adding a perp market for mother. So if you have been tracking the excitement of the mother token celebrity meme. Coins, Dy DX has got a perp. Market coming live for it. The prop is up on Dow, right, or on, I guess you can view it on Dadao, but it’s up on chain right now for approving the. Mother USD perp market. So Dy DX staying relevant with everything. The kids are into these days. All right, guys, that’s the news. It was a quick one today. I even tried to slow down, talk slower this time. Appreciate you guys all hanging in there. And help me out next week. Let’s round out the news with some more details. I rely on you guys to get. Me the news, so I want to see some hashtag IBC this week. Let’s get it hopping. Appreciate you guys sticking around. As always. On your way out, make sure you. Hit a like and retweet so that. The recording gets some promo. And don’t forget, we’ve got links coming in hot. So if you’ve got further questions about anything that I reported, I will get the info out to you in just a few you. All right, guys, that’s this week. Catch you next week for more IBC News.

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