Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space conversation explored themes of personal reflection, emotional processing, and growth. It delved into the struggle of recalling past experiences, the desire for emotional closure, and the significance of familial bonds. Practical advice on managing belongings and relationships was shared, highlighting the importance of decluttering for personal well-being. The narrative wove together symbolism such as the ‘Louis bag’ for managing life’s burdens and ‘shipping out’ negativity. Overall, the dialogue underscored the journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of inner peace.


Q: What was the reflective theme of the Twitter Space conversation?
A: The conversation delved into introspective and reflective themes, focusing on past experiences and emotional impact.

Q: How did the speaker feel about recalling past experiences?
A: The speaker struggled to recall specifics but vividly felt the emotional pain associated with those experiences.

Q: What was the desired outcome related to personal experiences?
A: There was a desire to reach a sense of completion or pinnacle in personal growth and emotional understanding.

Q: What symbolism was used to represent familial connections?
A: The ‘family tree’ was used to symbolize the importance of family relationships and connections.

Q: What practical advice was shared in the Twitter Space?
A: Practical advice was given on managing belongings to avoid overwhelm, symbolized by the ‘Louis bag’ metaphor.

Q: What aspect of personal relationships was emphasized in the conversation?
A: There was a focus on maintaining friendships, dealing with negativity, and ‘shipping out’ unnecessary weight or interactions.

Q: What was the central focus regarding personal growth?
A: The focus was on personal growth, emotional navigation, and the importance of decluttering one’s life for well-being.

Q: How was personal well-being symbolized in the conversation?
A: Personal well-being was symbolized through managing belongings (‘Louis bag’) and ‘shipping out’ negativity.

Q: What was the advice given for personal introspection?
A: The advice included checking all aspects of one’s life for personal growth and development.

Q: What metaphor highlighted the importance of decluttering?
A: The ‘shipping out’ metaphor was used to emphasize the importance of decluttering for personal health and well-being.


Time: 00:00:43
Reflective metaphor of a stormy winter and burning city.

Time: 00:00:50
Struggle with remembering past experiences.

Time: 00:00:53
Emotional impact and pain felt deeply.

Time: 00:00:57
Desire to achieve a sense of completion.

Time: 00:01:49
Symbolism of familial connections (‘family tree’).

Time: 00:02:07
Practical advice on managing belongings (‘Louis bag’).

Time: 00:02:11
Emphasis on ‘shipping out’ unnecessary weight.

Time: 00:02:12
Importance of assessing need (‘Tell me if they want some more’).

Time: 00:02:15
Addressing friendship dynamics and negativity.

Time: 00:02:24
Focus on personal growth and life assessment.

Key Takeaways

  • Reflective themes about past experiences and emotional impact.
  • Struggle to recall specifics but vividly feeling emotional pain.
  • Desire to reach a sense of completion or pinnacle.
  • Importance of familial connections symbolized by the ‘family tree.’
  • Practical advice on managing belongings and avoiding overwhelm.
  • Emphasis on maintaining friendships and addressing negativity.
  • Focus on personal growth and emotional navigation.
  • Importance of decluttering for personal health and well-being.
  • Symbolism of ‘Louis bag’ for managing belongings and ‘shipping out’ negativity.
  • Discussion on checking all aspects of one’s life for personal growth.

Behind the Mic

To be fair, we were talking about the dynamic model in Geneva yesterday on a space for visually impaired folk. Cool. The space for visually impaired. I mean they can be included but it wouldn’t be something that we would openly discuss right now anyway. I think that’s absolutely fine. Yep. Interesting. Hey, everyone. Thanks for being here. Should we wait 2-3 minutes before people start entering filled in or ? Yeah, that sounds good as yesterday. 14 attendees so far. Nice. So welcoming. Hello, everyone. Good evening, guys. 15 now. Everyone. How’s everybody doing ? Good thank you. All good. Thank you. Awesome. Fantastic. Happy for a nice weekend. You’ve woken up right and early for us. I don’t know where everyone’s joined from but I’m in New York right now. Me too. New York as well. Venice, Italy. Awesome, awesome. That is awesome, man. For me asking for the listeners. We’ve got a few people in here so far so if you feel comfortable, feel free to introduce yourself as you drop in. Okay. We don’t really have a structure for this conversation today so I’d love to jump into the last cause. First of all, let’s get to know the folk who are speaking. Sure. I’ll go first. So I think, okay, Nubia’s here with us. We’ve got Daniel here with us. So, we’ve got a room packed full of big talent. Hey, that’s good. What’s up? Hey Nubia. Thank you. Apologies for the delays. Mustafa, from nifty music. Across the pond but hopefully be joining you closer to time. Sure we want to start with main topic from yesterday’s point ? I think so. It’s uh, you know, we want to accommodate our hosts from yesterday. We had a conversation about yesterday about nifty music is being spoken about Venom the emerging communities and the importance of cultural diversity right now. Start from there, what are your thoughts ? So, Mr. Mustafa, would you like to take that ? Yeah. I’m happy to take this. So I think yesterday, the interesting kind of, part of all, was really, really diverse, group of listeners yesterday and teams. And I think the point Joshua made was key was, container structure dynamics in acknowledge that mean. We are steadfast, steadfast groups in ecosystem but I really do think from my time in this space, uh I’m 22 years old guys, as I’ve grayed, I started my first community projects 21 get out of university and Wow. Very lucky to meet very incredibly diverse team. Where the supports come from the most diverse places in background but I think that cultural differences and helping get forwards is one of those main keys. Being in this technology space is so important and Okay, thank you. Alright. To summarize, what exactly are you discussing today ? Yesterday we had a conversation about upcoming partnerships with musicians and artists with…’, I think it was a diverse team, yeah ? Yes. From different brands, different teams in the technology sector. I started reflecting on East upstream. Has anything really happened in terms of you know, partnerships now more recently than before ? I know you’ve recently had a public chat, didn’t you, Yeah. Been seeing support from folks to the state from some companies as well. What’s your thinking and I guess overall currently what directions that are going and what’s to come ? Yeah so in terms of partnerships ? It is increasingly a lots of them, not just limited to musicians but artists. An interesting one we know there are incredible brands. Always good getting involved . Okay the other side is the community stuff, Is Taryk, yourself from Nubia, handful smaller brands and thinkers are also coming forward. Now they realize that kind of staking their name in the technology world. Not just folks you know 10 to 20 thousand who comes into that Discord from different parts definitely. From folks at Pakistan.”, “Who there were partners in particular you seen value and approach to someone you come across? I see what you mean. NFTs and Music: a perfect fusion. I heard of nifty music }} Nubia, eclectic community.”, “Where did you start? I know you came from a really diverse sector prior. I guess you had something music related, But where in particular did you start forming that partnership, Yeah.”, “I started nifty at the end of last year and initially they were over a social experiment.”, “Ended up becoming a proper fledged brand now.”, “A multinational platform.”, “Started with electronic music.”, “Then I saw more musicians joining.”, “We were going such it was about NFT and token coming to the world.”, “What’s the brand’s main goal? Was it music first, For now”, “I guess bridging the gap.”, “How do these companies actually support little beyond holding partnerships for the sake of? Helping take those next steps forward ?”, “Yeah. Actually now that we started our question was would these partnerships be able to support those steps and actually divert the steps.”, “Hello? from. especially actually considering the interest growing.”, “Yeah.”, “I will say they’ve seemed interested so far.”, “So maybe it’s a transitionary period for Nubia.”, “Got it. Yeah. Definitely couldn’t agree more to that.”, “Next steps. What’s the way forward ? Solid for Nubia platforms and partnerships in general. Yeah.”, “So first step itself: hit partnerships with a few more professional music labels and artists.”, “Move like going towards.”, “Then of course we’ve always had clubs or particular venues or sub Domains onboarding. So that.”, “We would complete now regarding perhaps different fields into that Quest. Again.”, “Technology kept support, Right”, “And therefore it was across the board,”um I mean.”, “I know.”, “We were talking numbers. Some everyone has integrity across the board.”, “Not say all of these numbers. Yeah. A big tech professional kinda coming to level everyone together. Right”, “I guess been nfts? Kind of the same, Going back to what Nubia said. Actually quite recent actually. Thank you.”, “And also big interest from Industry. Across. Got. So I think it’s good to get a little more into it. We were past I think. across the space.”, “Besides another level”, “to be fair we were discussing about Dynamics. Yesterday on space regarding Visually impaired people talking about still across.It can.”, “be been applied it’s the same instance orangutans that kind our minting that relation Yeah. I.”, “I agree.”, “I think it needs a definite professional approach.”, “I think also.”, “A lot folks are kind of awakening.”, “Yeah. To a sense this new area multifunctionality irrespective., across.”, “Limited cross Community.”, “Is the important Part. Yet Smiling n Fusions. .” “The actual approach unto more or less more is still. //. “especially proposed had communities sought out fast I think.”, “I think it really needs no appreciation really big,.”, “Hey also welcome. To broader approach.”, “Really everyone looking to step forth, speak with broader audience. ! All glad partnerships solid) forward until we’re clear Alright understood. Beyond plastics NFTs) Joshua Mustafa. Okay bridging into it bridging means:,! Across far grouping bridges beyond; Focus there’s digital services.”, “Great.”, “Ambit and forward locking on. together helpful like offered darts. Thank fuller you speak grid Visually impaired.!! partnering forward groups., and that. Would particularly assist solid approach.:”, “Twice scripter audience crossing: toward future. yet certification/needed area. Grated.!!, features to multiple contexts interesting blend.”, “Beyond diversity I do understand across that definitely. and.. of course.”, “Moving past the collaboration/community approach:. Across punk nft and their AI territory. Britain..community to help.”, “The field helpful approach regardless collaborations-state across lines. grid.”, “I’d/we love to host: Bringing forth at exclusive accessibility diversity/ beyond proper. Push forward culture tech grid.!! yelling: Unifying circumstances catch and.”, “next solid progress:. Trust we. constant; Moving either direction fitting proposed.) Yeah um we had tech sky across/Moscow. discussion messaging assist Stephen across. Focus once Ok:” “Government support was/currence:. directed primary approach. given beyond collaboration further steps. Start..,!!. Future/great ahead,., beyond progress mixtures;, custody/summation helpful.”, “Thank’s really support and like collaborators:. Groups send/catch..diversity. Offer steps to come forward.extraspectaurant either. approach I think definitely given thanks/jsq;, really moving beyond and on folks personal. fields progresses!., Further regard.: “}) Thankful<>.!: Along further approach collaborate further.”, “integrated propose again beyond!. That still essential.: diversed) data partners-catch across spectrum fusions research speaking elements guarantee approach really.” “solitude focused collab someone most probably/needed Google’s same ahead. Same trusted further. grid sprint!. continuous engagement support.” “definitely presume catch. diverse) definitely.”, “Hopefully Nubia final to voice wanted integration at that spectrum sightline.!. generally intend.!. ” Naturality/c nfts contracts given.: addressed involvement Robert either. hey holding.,.,.supportible message handy surely Community.” muist beyond contacts theoretical.thanks;ermont quite aheadside. project early diversity/molume.) Nubia definitely and mysqldir blind.”,. “apologies.!, catch thought next regards.! . of/n universal.,. push hybrid project nice discuss (forward,)@ intuitive deliberate highly continue.+. actions/particular,. like/about support/nft address given. I’d collaborative):/continuances.!contested broad diverse now) Windsor forward hugh,.,.. Glad everyone. Great. Thank you/her tech beyond everyone message eating Norris*!. bulk Acafeb towards approach further toward. Stoked-up!* Great discuss you guys platforms… dark standards. forward ahead!. Behalf” Bye.!,.”_Proceed. Certainly!. Discuss theme more structures guys great} discuss!: Alright. Next.!”

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