Huma x Scroll: Stablecoins, Liquidity, & Emerging Markets


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Huma x Scroll: Stablecoins, Liquidity, & Emerging Markets hosted by humafinance. Huma x Scroll Twitter space brings a transformative discussion on stablecoins, liquidity, and emerging markets, emphasizing the PayFi Network's role in revolutionizing global payments. Through instant liquidity access, stablecoins, and a focus on emerging markets, Huma and Scroll are reshaping the infrastructure of financial transactions, fostering efficiency and accessibility worldwide. Join the conversation to delve into the future of financing and economic empowerment encompassing the global payments landscape.

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Total Listeners: 110


Q: How do Huma and Scroll contribute to global payments?
A: They offer instant liquidity access, improving efficiency and accessibility.

Q: Why are stablecoins important for cross-border transactions?
A: Stablecoins ensure stability, speed, and cost-effectiveness in global payments.

Q: What advantages do emerging markets gain from Huma and Scroll?
A: They receive enhanced liquidity access, facilitating economic growth and financial inclusion.

Q: What makes the PayFi Network by Huma unique?
A: It transforms the way global payments are financed, providing unprecedented accessibility and efficiency.


Time: 00:15:45
Instant Liquidity Access with Huma & Scroll Discover how Huma and Scroll offer real-time liquidity for seamless global payments.

Time: 00:25:20
Stablecoins: Facilitating Cross-Border Transactions Learn how stablecoins streamline cross-border payments, ensuring stability and efficiency.

Time: 00:35:10
Empowering Emerging Markets through Huma & Scroll Explore how Huma and Scroll empower emerging markets with liquidity access for growth.

Time: 00:45:55
Revolutionizing Global Payments with PayFi Network Understand the innovative approach of the PayFi Network by Huma in financing global payments.

Key Takeaways

  • Huma and Scroll provide instant liquidity access for global payments.
  • Stablecoins play a crucial role in enabling efficient cross-border transactions.
  • Emerging markets benefit significantly from the accessibility to liquidity offered by Huma and Scroll.
  • The PayFi Network by Huma revolutionizes the financing of global payments.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Technical Issues

Quick mic check. Welcome, everybody. I'm not able to hear anybody else. Interesting. Okay. It looks like truly is able to hear me, but I'm not able to hear anybody else. Let me try to restart maybe my app and then I'll be back immediately.

Initial Greetings

And are you able to hear me right now? I'm not able to hear anybody else. And as you are. Hello. Testing, testing. Hi, Sandy. Hi. How's everyone doing this morning? Doing good. How are you? Good. Very well, thank you. Nice. Looks like we have the audience coming in. I still see some people sliding in, but maybe we can get started lightly. Thank you so much, everyone, for being here.


And thank you so much, Sandy, for joining our third PFX. Great to be here. Thanks for hosting me. And very excited to be chatting with our old friend Simde Servo again, Erbil, that's awesome. And just a public service announcement. Richard, our Payfi king, is not able to make it today due to catching a virus on his travels. We wish him to get well very soon.

Introduction of Sandy

And I'm here today with Sandy, who needs more introduction. But maybe let me try the famous co founder of scroll, the Zke VM everybody's talking about right now. Do you mind maybe introducing yourself to the audience shortly? You're muted right now, Sandy. Oh, sorry about that. Yeah, it's great to be here. I think we started kind of working with the Huma team.

Sandy's Insights on Zke VM and Trust

We win them a few months ago, and we're super impressed with how novel the product is. I think partially part of the Zkevm product, there's a lot of interesting technical innovation, but on the social layer, what we're essentially building is programmable trust. The idea that we want to create a business opportunity where trust that humans have with trusted institutions can be more evenly spread in a more egalitarian way to more places around the world through mathematics and cryptographic proofs.

Universal Trust Through Mathematics

So everyone in every single culture, everyone has studied math to some degree or extent. Doesn't matter what language they are, what beliefs they have, or what kind of political alliances they have. Math is something that everyone can get around. And part of Skrull's mission is using something that's so universal to build trust between people so we can transact and interact on chain and thus making the world a more egalitarian and open space with that mission in mind.

Connecting On-chain and Real World

That's why we immediately clicked with the human team, because, you know, it's a very novel product. It's taking something that is very. It's taking an opportunity that is very special and very unique to certain regions of the world and bringing it to a global on chain audience. The global on chain audience for the last few years have been pretty static.

Reflections on the On-chain Audience

The entire industry actually hasn't seen that many people coming in net new to the space. The Ethereum space in particular has been sort of confusing and not really growing holistically, but I think with. But I think there are reasons to believe this trend is about to end. But having said that, those who are remaining in the industry tend to be very resilient and very forward thinking.

Optimism and Financial Savvy

And also, despite all the stuff that we've been through in the last few years, are still very hopeful and optimistic about the future. And I think kind of connecting this core audience who are very financially savvy and who understands the nature of capital movement and yield. And also, like, where does yield come from and how is yield generated? Humans and opportunity to encourage our on chain community who've gotten so savvy about calculating on chain returns to think about the real world and also how yield can turn into opportunity.

Transition to Huma's Journey

So I'll hand it back to herbal to talk a little bit more about humor and what they've experienced so far. From bringing a. From discovering like a fantastic off chain yield source to productizing it, turning into a beautiful product and sorting out the compliance wrapper. Like all the layers and operational work that goes into making this available on chain and also from meeting a product really launches the day it hits its first set of audience.

The Growth of Huma

And now Huma has a large number and a fast growing number of audience on chain. So it would be great to hear from Erba what he's learned through this journey and any call outs to the audience here. That's awesome. And I love the way you described, by the way, programmable trust. This is a topic that was bothering me quite a bit early on in the blockchain because were only talking about trustless.

Discussion on Trust and Payfi

And that's okay for what it means and what it's trying to do. But when it comes to actually creating trust at scale, the program will trust. And what the CkevMs and especially what scroll is trying to do and what kind of ecosystem is trying to create is really fascinating because it creates this egalitarian environment. You know, you mentioned that's amazing.

Exploring Payfi's Concept

Going back to Huma and Huma's journey and more importantly, the journey of Payfi and how it came to be. We tend to talk about Payfi as, first of all, something that started as payment financing. If you think about a traditional version of payfire, it's payment financing. And what is payment financing? Payment financing is the trade of time value of money, right?

Understanding Payment Financing

So if you are able to trade the time component of money, that's payment financing. Why? Because money you can access today is more valuable than money you can access tomorrow. And this happens in the world today in many different forms that we're all too familiar with. The most probably common one is credit cards that we use, right.

Credit Card System

We don't necessarily pay for things out of pocket cash immediately. We payment finance our purchases using a credit card, and the merchants get paid immediately or overnight through this financing networks. We talk about them as Visa and Mastercard. And there are banks involved, issuing banks and acquiring banks involved in these networks.

Conclusion of Payment Financing

That helps us with the settlement, and we're able to get through that financing and purchase goods even though we don't necessarily have cash in our hands today, because a service or binary service today is so much more valuable to us.

The Concept of Trade Financing

And same thing happens between businesses themselves. We have this concept called trade financing, and there are about $10 trillion of trade finance that happens between the businesses because businesses, when they send an invoice, they might get paid in 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, 180 days. Right. Like there's a very long time for certain businesses, especially if they are dependent on, you know, buying more goods or buying more materials to provide those services. This happens in manufacturing, you know, way too often. And those businesses go to, you know, financiers to do invoice financing or to the trade financing, and, you know, finance those invoices. And there's a $10 trillion ecosystem built around it.

Challenges in Cross-Border Payments

And another example is when we need to send money home, we call it remittances or cross border payments. Unfortunately, sending money home requires a few different intermediaries. And let's say we go to western union, MoneyGram transfer wise, any of these services, agents, kiosks or applications, they have to pre fund accounts in other jurisdictions and countries to be able to settle this money and distribute this money to the receiver immediately. And that also requires about $4 trillion of financing. Today, all of these payment financing challenges in the world are actually not getting smaller. It's actually getting bigger because there's a widening liquidity gap that the banks and the financial institutions of today are not really willing to fulfill because they have easier business to do, and they have protected themselves very well against innovation.

The Growing Liquidity Gap

And that kind of triggered us that this payment financing is so important, so ingrained. And this liquidity gap that's growing, especially in emerging markets, is growing and it's not fulfilled. How do you tackle that? Basically utilizing something that's inherently so much more powerful than what the banks and other financial institutions are using today. And that's why obviously blockchains and stable coins come into save us all. Because stable coins are inherently so much more efficient than fiat. Because fiat, you usually cannot send from place a to place b that easily. Stable coins, you can do that from anywhere in the world. Anywhere in the world in just a matter of milliseconds or seconds. And you can do it at a cost that is a friction of what it costs in other mediums today.

Utilizing Blockchain Technology

Blockchains, to your point, provides this programmable trust environment where you don't need this many intermediaries, you need actually all these trustful systems. You can actually achieve that in a much more efficient manner utilizing the smart contract. And you can codify it all. And on top of it, you can actually bring in compliance that the payment world requires on chain as well, which we will talk about pretty soon. And then we call this new form of payment financing that utilizes the magical power of blockchains and stablecoins. Pay fight. And that's what brings us here today. And we have done so far, almost $2 billion. I have to check the numbers, actually today we might have hit $2 billion. This week we had almost $2 billion of these pay Fi transactions on our platform. And that's still just a starting point.

The Scale of Current Financial Needs

If you think about the overall scale today in the world being more than $30 trillion and what we believe is on the chain, you have so many more new use cases that we might get a talk about in this talk. But maybe going back to the points of the liquidity gap in the world and the emerging markets and what scroll has done to bring some elements of this payment compliance. Because you guys also have a deep focus on stablecoins and you have built one of the most vibrant stablecoin ecosystems, which is insane because scroll is quite new compared to all the other ZKE evms. And you have also focused on attestation quite a bit. So maybe the audience might want to hear from you how scroll thinks about emerging markets, this liquidity gap we have and why is it that scratch invested so much into having a vibrant, stable coin ecosystem and bringing attestations over to your ecosystem?

Demand for Stablecoins in Emerging Markets

Yeah, thanks. I think there's a few interesting kind of snippets or learnings from our journey of trying to onboard more users and capital onto scroll. One thing is that we think there is an incredibly strong demand for. For stablecoin, particularly yield bearing stablecoin in the emerging markets. So when we started incentivizing USDC USDT on scroll very quickly, USDC was able to grow to like 100 mil plus with very little help or incentives. It was almost organic. Arguably, partially, this is riding on the brand power of an existing stablecoin. But how quickly and how like hands off and permission as this whole process was, speaks to the fact that there is real demand. And the second thing is, I think for something that is yield bearing and stablecoin, that is 100% a more attractive proposition.

Expanding Financial Access through Team Globalization

There is some kind of time and bd required to make sure all the integration and all the on off ramps are included. But those are just things that hard work can get through. So super bullish on the on pay five to huma to be able to do that. And then I think the other thing is that as we scroll, so we've built our team intentionally to be very global. And a lot of our team members are situated or living in the global south, so that we have someone local in every major country or jurisdiction. And the feedback overwhelmingly is that DeFi and all sorts of these services that improve financial access is in dire need. The requirement or the need for it is overwhelming. And also, people are super excited to try out new things.

Leapfrogging Financial Solutions

I think this could be due to two reasons. One is that financial infrastructure in places outside of the developed world are a little bit less developed naturally, and that usually sets the stage or is ripe for leapfrogging. Leapfrog essentially means people let go or they never learn about the existing financial rails and they immediately go to the next generation of technology, which is defi and blockchain for their financial services and payment oriented need. The need to manage your own capital and see it grow is a historic and innate to every human being. And particularly now in this age and era of instability, we're seeing more and more young people who are tech savvy, who usually wouldn't necessarily think about kind of capital formation, not necessarily think about kind of personal financing.

Collective Learning About Finances

We see them working really hard to acquire this new skill set. And these knowledge are shared and learned amongst friends, amongst communities, amongst the malady communities, amongst like, various kind of, you know, on chain communities. And we're seeing this trend of where, like, you know, people in China, in us, and, you know, Singapore are in group chats with lots of people from, like, you know, from Southeast Asia and Turkey and, you know, and Latin, who are from very different backgrounds and contexts and sharing their learning process together because there is a gap in all of us as kind of formal education process about how to think about money. And particularly the whole generation is learning collectively how to think about money on chain and also how to think about money in this brave new world of instability and also kind of declining trust in existing infrastructure.

Reflections on Financial Evolution

I love that. I love that. And actually there are two things you talked about. I like to unpack a bit more from the perspective of huma and her journey. One of them is the concept of leapfrogging, the concept of basically skipping completely the previous solution and going into what's new. This is actually too familiar in the sense that I've seen this happen many times. About ten years ago, I was working at Facebook and my role was basically bringing Facebook and Facebook's solutions, including WhatsApp and Instagram and all of that, to the distant corners of the world.

Technology Adoption Across Eras

And when we're looking at form factors and the technologies that people were utilizing, we saw that people kind of leapfrogged the computer era and went immediately into the smartphone era, or you can call it the personal computer era that is more mobile. And one of the reasons actually was not that necessarily people didn't like the old PCs and whatever. It didn't work in multiple different ways for them. One, it was too expensive to acquire them. There was no cheap form factor of the traditional computers and just didn't work. And two, people were actually a lot more mobile in their daily lives. Especially people who needed these kind of solutions were a lot more mobile in their lives.

Mobile Solutions for a Dynamic World

So they just putting a big screen somewhere and living there didn't necessarily work out. And people needed a more mobile solution because they're not as sedentary as we are. And because we are living a very sedentary life, were able to adapt to just like sitting in one desk and just like, you know, looking at the same screen. But the way that, you know, people worked and they went about their, you know, business was very different in other parts of the world. And that kind of created an environment where when the mobile phones, right when this new form factor came about, especially at a price point where, you know, low end androids were accessible, you know, anywhere from 60 to, you know, $150 apiece, it totally changed the game.

Changing the Financial Landscape

It totally changed the game. And even though there was no widely accessible 3g forged network, people formed mesh networks and started exchanging information and files. And this obviously includes media and music and videos as well through direct connections and mesh networks that they formed within and happened in the financial industry as well, because bank infrastructure was not built to serve the end user or wasn't built to serve the larger population. It was built to serve large corporations. And that meant that actually banks built fee structures in place to disincentivize the regular user from using the bank rails. And a lot of people might not necessarily know this, but even in the US, this happened. So you have these things called overdraft fees. You have this insane fees that people incurred, and they have less money in their account. If someone has a lot of money in their account, they actually don't pay any fees. This is how banks are. You know, banks are built, but if you don't have enough money in your account, you might actually pay hundreds of dollars a month in fees that you don't necessarily know how to get rid of.

The Issue of 'Unbanking'

And what do you do? You just get rid of your account. And that's kind of like the way that unbanking happens. Obviously, people realizing that they have access to financial services in different means, and it's actually as simple as having an application on your phone or on your computer, people start flooding in. And to your second point, you talk about the real yield, and stable coins are actually bearing yield as well. And we're seeing the same thing, which is, this is just so exciting, because just accessing a dollar is important on its own in most parts of the world due to the distrust in people's own fiat currency. And people have a lot more trust in dollar and stability. But a yield bearing dollar, a yield bearing stablecoin as an idea, is just so exciting to people because it makes a financial instrument that people just need on a regular basis just so accessible.

Understanding Yield Dynamics

The biggest problem so far that we have seen was understanding where this yield comes from. And today, a lot of the yield bearing stablecoins drive their yield from the treasury bills. So the Fed american central bank decides on a special interest rate that's politically and macroeconomically determined, and that interest rates, as we know, start going down rapidly. Fed, you know, in September announced that they're cutting it by 50 basis points, half a percent, and they will continue to cut that through. And the yield bearing stable coins are already starting to lose their yield. And this is where payfi yield comes into play, because pay fi yield is not determined by a central bank. Paypi yield comes from. Again, you know, the use cases we talked about stablecoin, like digital asset banks, credit cards, and the fees you collect when you actually make that purchase, right.

Generating New Yield Sources

The fees you collect when you do a trade financing deal, financing an invoice between two businesses. The money you make when a remittance actually travels from location a to b. If you're able to this in a virtual amount of time. Even if you charge these institutions who do remittances at 1015 basis points a day, it's up to a very large amount of yield that people actually can access on chain. And there are actually a lot of other new use cases that were not possible before. That all generates this type of real yield that the federal banks don't decide. But it's inherently built in to that transaction, that programmable trust transaction. And that creates a yield that's actually double digit. Which in contrast to something that's going down rapidly to 3% or maybe even less than 3% on today's yield bank stable coins. That's quite attractive.

Inflation and Financial Access

And it actually gives people instrument that they can use to defend themselves against inflation. Because the reality is, inflation is here to stay. And the impact of it we're feeling maybe sitting here in the US is not as big at two 3%, but it's just way too real in other parts of the world. So I'm quite excited about what kind of access the defi stable coins, yield based stablecoin, and especially the sources of those yields. And the ecosystems that are built around the use cases we are just utilizing every single day. Like payments is so exciting to us. And maybe we can move on to a closing topic. And I know, Sandy, you also have a course throw. And thank you so much today for being with us and with our audience. Is maybe giving people a sense of where these are going, right?

Macro Trends Impacting Future Developments

Like if you think about scrolls investments, especially in the world of emerging markets, liquidity, stable coins, access to financial instruments, and especially payment, financing use cases. Where do you see things in three to five years from now? So I think three to five years is a very long time. And there are a few macro trends that will have a huge impact on where we're currently sitting, that are variable. So one major macro trend is that within three to five years, we will inevitably have like AGI already. And that means huge amounts of displacement of current kind of menial and repetitive work, and work that is kind of intelligence related, as opposed to kind of energy related. And that obviously changes the energy landscape quite significantly. And that will have a huge impact on where Defi and blockchain sits in three to five years.

Climate Change and Financial Systems

The other major change is people don't like to talk about change in five to ten year horizons. But it's also fast upon us, which is just kind of climate change in general. And that's going to start displacing a huge number, like hundreds of millions of population within the global south. And these trends are all like one directional and also irreversible, and also almost like inevitable. And there are other trends that also means that are more regional and more human oriented, and that means possibly the end of the us dollar hegemony and a more disruptive or less connected international financial system as a result of that. And I mean that in the tradvi sense. And that carves out room very clearly for something to exist within the collective blockchain mind share to somewhat fill the gap, because the gap that is left by this retreat of power is not necessarily ready to be captured by euro or any other kind of large collective currency alone.

Opportunities for Decentralization

And so this is kind of a place where the decentralized crypto community can kind of, in theory, get itself together and build a very robust ecosystem that can start onboarding and grabbing more and more mainstream mind share internally within the industry. What are the things that needs to happen for crypto to expand hugely. So the first two trends brings forth a need for programmable trust. Like I said, right now are the only kind of type of organization organisms that are in charge of resources and capital and blockchain, like today. And is there a path where the collective humanity can leverage this technology as a means of attesting to historical behavior, attesting to our relationship with each other as a means to defend against a future of work, or intelligence, or mind share displacement.

Attesting to Human Behavior

That's an experiment that we're trying. I think some of you guys might have played around with canvas. We're the largest EAS attestation on chain by far. So Ethereum attestation services, it's a public good tool that is designed to make sure that humans can attest to certain behaviors, so that ten years later, you can look back to this point in history where AGI is still not like rampant, and we can still to some degree, believe that everyone, at least on this Twitter space, is a real human being. We may not be able to confidently say that in three to five years time. So being able to attest that, oh, I was here at the first humor and scroll, stablecoin liquidity and emerging market chat is a very solid proof of humanness and human behavior.

The Future Amid Displacement

And would that change your transaction behavior or course of future financial history? We certainly hope so. We're here to share whatever we know or our guesses about the future in order to kind of collectively move everyone forward towards a more positive and more action oriented future. And then the last thing is obviously, displacement of large bodies of humans. And I think when you think about permissionless on chain access, this is the only way where some of them can maintain value or maintain a place of work, as long as there's Internet and really let kind of work or skill sets become something that people can carry. Because climate change is a circumstance that traps the best and the smartest and the most hardworking individuals in their current environment in a way that is hard to offset.

Excitement for the Future

And so insofar as we're building the infrastructure to support and potentially mitigate that, I think that is like a very meaningful cause and one that our team is very excited to get behind and work tirelessly towards, I think to end on a more uplifting and happy note, hopefully. I think it's great to see humor picking up so much success. I think one thing herbal kind of alluded to as well is that entrepreneurs and opportunities in the developing world typically doesn't really get as much mind share on crypto. Twitter doesn't get as mind share on mainstream media. And I think humour is doing something not just cool on a product sense, but also cool on a marketing and branding sense, in the sense that they are tying themselves to the narrative of pay fi.

Discussion on Payment Terminology

This is a word I believe the team Richard and Herbal have invented. It's very short, it's very accessible, and it speaks to what the product does for the user, which is that you can pay with it. And there's also some kind of like a financial upside that ties towards using this particular payment product as opposed to others. So I think, all in all, this is great. I'm seeing pay fi everywhere right now. And when you can kind of, you know, if we learn anything about kind of how to market and how to own mind share in the crypto space, particular, and we are in a very peculiar and unique space, is that.

Technical Difficulties in the Session

I just lost you, Sandy. Is everybody else able to hear Sandy right now? Give me a thumbs up. Thumbs down. Give me a thumbs up if you're able to hear me. Thumbs down. Okay, so you're not able to hear Sandy. Give me a thumbs up if you're able to hear me. Right, we're still getting thumbs downs. Thumbs up if you're able to hear me. Thumbs up. All right. Okay, so let me maybe just wrap it up. And it's amazing. Sandy was talking about the transition, right, from the world today to the world tomorrow.

Energy and Economic Connection

And I think one part of it that I love is this concept of the, you know, things turning into energy companies and energy, you know, dependent solutions. And this is just so real, because so far, the way that we have understood the world is that energy is one of the inputs, right? You need energy to start producing something. And that production is, you know, coming with a joint combination of the human energy, right? We need people involved in something or producing something. And it requires energy. Food requires energy to feed people. But also the machines require energy to produce something. And that turns into supply. The more energy we have, the more supply we have. The more supply we have, the cheaper everything gets.

Supply and Demand Dynamics

The cheaper everything gets, the more demand we have. The more demand we have, the more we have the need to actually ship things to different partners of the world. And that requires also more energy. And this is like whole chain of things that are highly dependent on energy. That creates the world economy and grows the world economy. And we're going into a future where this connection is so more direct, right? We go from energy directly to financial outcomes. We go from energy directly to intellectual outcomes. AGI just talk about it. AI highly dependent on energy and compute. And as we know, bitcoin is nothing but energy turned into money.

Vision for Future Solutions

And that kind of brings us to a very different type of world. And I love what scroll is doing in terms of maybe thinking way ahead. And then saying that we can attest. To being a human being and being. Able to do XYZ today. And that has a meaning tomorrow. When we get to that future. And that future seems already too close to where we are today. But it also brings a lot of opportunities. Because in a world that's shifting constantly. Where a lot of people are displaced due to regional conflicts, due to our fight with the environment we're in. Due to our cruelty, maybe to the environment that we're in. And to some of the inevitable cycles of life, all that displacement is causing more challenges in trust, right?

Trust in Displaced Communities

When you look at the communities where migration is forced towards, you're seeing especially a lot more right wing moments rising up. And that's all coming from a very human reaction. And it's creating this small friction. That looks like maybe a small underneath. But it is all coming from this. Lack of trust, right? You're suddenly seeing that you have to now deal with and live it and transact with and trade with and interact with the people that you don't necessarily know. And you don't necessarily have a way to identify or have a way to filter out. Based on your very primitive evolutionary instincts. And you need different forms of ways of building trust with them.

The Role of Programmable Trust

And that kind of brings us to the inevitable world of programmable trust. That brings us to new financial instruments that we can all access to and be happy, because we all have access to the same things and much more egalitarian and much more democratized access. And it brings us to solutions that we can access, regardless of who we are, regardless of our relationship with a bank or a financial institution, just because we have proven that we are able to actually have this transaction and we have the means to pay for this. And maybe one example I love the most is if you think about being able to spend from the account where your capital is growing, where your money is growing at 10%, 15%, maybe even 20% annualized, you're able to actually buy things and wait for your payments, or maybe installment type of payments, or buy now, pay later type of payments, where the yield actually you're getting on chain is able to pay for some of those goods and services without necessarily causing you to lose your principal, which changes basically the dynamic of how valt is created, because that kind of transactions were only accessible to the wealthiest in the world, right?

Wealth and Accessibility of Solutions

The people who are the most wealthy don't spend their own money. They never spend their own money. They always spend somebody else's money. They don't touch their principle, and they just keep growing their wealth. And now those kinds of solutions are available to people. And this is basically where we are focusing to make sure all these solutions are accessible by the use cases that actually are most needed in the emerging markets, where the liquidity gaps are the biggest. It's been pleasure talking to you, Sandy. It's been eye opening, you know, all the insights that you have shared. We're so excited about having our first ZKVM platform that we launched on being scroll.

Partnership Highlights

We love this partnership. We love how scroll has grown so much in the past two, three months. And the campaign is still on, right? The campaigns at Human Finance, you can still find the. The scroll campaign, where we have very exciting opportunities on chain that has both human points involved and scroll marks involved.

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