
Space Summary

The Twitter Space HTX x LogX AMA! hosted by HTX_Global. The HTX x LogX AMA! delved into unique aspects of crypto trading on HTX and highlighted LogX's user-centric features. The session emphasized community engagement through the official Telegram for active participation and networking.

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Total Listeners: 156


Q: What is the main focus of HTX?
A: HTX highlights exclusive crypto trading opportunities.

Q: What distinguishes LogX in the crypto space?
A: LogX is known for its distinct features catering to users.

Q: How can users engage with the community?
A: Participating in the official Telegram is recommended for community interaction.


Time: 00:15:40
HTX's Exclusive Crypto Trading Exploring the unique offerings of HTX in the crypto trading sphere.

Time: 00:25:17
LogX's User-Friendly Features Understanding the user-centric approach of LogX and its feature set.

Time: 00:35:59
Community Engagement via Telegram Importance of being part of the official Telegram group for active community participation.

Key Takeaways

  • HTX focuses on crypto trading exclusivity.
  • LogX offers unique features for users.
  • Engagement on official Telegram is encouraged for community interaction.

Behind the Mic

Initial Statements on Bitcoin

Don't let go. Tomorrow bitcoin, please go to moon. If I say we going down to one gave with Mr. Noble that say we have don't make no.

Introducing the AMA Session

Hello everyone, this is John with HTX. Thanks for coming to another AMA session with Logx. Go ahead and comment where in the world you're from and we'll go some shout outs here in a couple of minutes when we get everyone in again. Go ahead and comment where you're from and also check out the pin post to the space. We got a giveaway that we're going to be go ahead and tell you a little bit about, but just want to get as many people in. So tell us where in the world you're from. So if you're from Canada or I like Vietnam, just comment Vietnam. Or you can ask a question on the space tweet or post and we'll get started here in about five minutes. So thanks for joining. I'm going to play some lovely music of bitcoin. Please go to the moon. Yes, let's go to the moon. One day. But Mr. No can say we have. Dominic. No, that's called bitcoin. Please go to moon. Stop going sideways. Only if I say we going down to one cave.

Shout Outs from Different Locations

All right, we got some shout outs to give. Thanks for commenting on the space. We got people from Vietnam in the house, so thanks for joining. From Vietnam, we have the Michi community in the house. Thanks for joining. We have Dragon from Australia. Thanks for joining. You look seem very excited, Dragon, thanks for joining. We have Jay Martin from USA, crypto Hunter, thanks for joining. Lima from Bagladesh or Bangladesh. We have some people from Canada too. Too many people from Canada and three people from Indonesia. So the Indonesia squad is live and in action again. We're going to get this party started here in about three minutes. We do have a campaign, so I'll go ahead and talk about that for right now.

Details on the Giveaway and the Campaign

So all you have to do is check out the pinned post, follow HTX global log x trade retweet, tag friends in the post, and then at the end of the AMA, we're going to give you a secret password. All you have to do is input it into the Google form and we'll draw the winners within 21 business days after the event so you can enter to win your share of $2,000. So yeah, also I'm going to go ahead and pin the log x earn space so we can earn actually yield just for staking your earn or your log x token in HTx it's pretty simple and easy. We'll get to that in a couple minutes. Again, keep on commenting. Let's pound that algorithm to the moon and we'll get this party started in about three minutes. Thanks. Bitcoin. Please go to stop going sideways only if I say we going down one day.

Continued Shout Outs

But Mr. No, that say we have. All right, we got a couple more shouts to give before we get this party started in about one or two more minutes. Again, thanks for people from Canada. You guys got some good squads in here, and Pakistan is in the house, so thanks for joining. Also, two people from Russia, they keep on giving the flag, so thanks for that. You know, the comments and everything. We love them, so just keep them coming. Let's see here. We have people from Indonesia and Czechoslovakia. I've never had anyone from Czech Republic area. We also have people from Nigeria. So shots of people from Nigeria. I think it's your independence day, so thanks for joining on your holiday today.

The Logx Earn Program

And I also have pinned the post to the log x earn, where you can earn up to 100% APY just by putting your log x tokens in HTX earn. And it's a great way to earn some yield. And it's completely free, just so you just have to deposit it and then go to earn and then stake them in there for a period of time. And it's completely free. You get your yield. It's very simple and easy. I do it myself all the time. All right, so we're going to go ahead and get started. As always, thank you guys for pounding the algorithm and giving me the likes and retweets and all. That's jazz in the bottom. Just keep on doing that again.

Open for Questions

If you do have questions, we'll be open to questions later. So there's two ways to ask. You can either comment your question in the post that I just put out, or you can send us your question or potentially raise your hand at the end. So three ways, you can pick whichever way you want. All right, so let's go ahead and get this party started. We have a great core contributor at Logx. Hello. How are you? I. Hi, everyone. Hi. Hi, HTX team. Thank you so much for having me, myself, akshot Bordia, this side. Core contributor at Logx. Awesome.

Discussion on Decentralization and Logx

Yeah, that's really great to hear. So I'm a big fan of the super app aspect, so I'm really excited to dive into the application and everything, but let's start out really simple. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself what you do at Logx and what's your position as far as like, quote, contributor? What does that exactly mean? I'm not sure people will know what that means. So anything you can share on that. Got it. No, no, absolutely. Absolutely right. So just to give you some background, I've been in web three. Back then, it was not called web three, it was called crypto, to be very honest. Maximum people just knew bitcoin or whatever, right? So I started exploring web three or crypto back in 2016.

Experience in Crypto and Founding Logx

That's where I used to run a bunch of bitcoin mining regs based out of empty hardware that was left out in the university. After that, started trading the markets full time in 2017, and since then have been playing around multiple things, like, you know, have been playing around with multiple things like NFTs, Defi and whatnot. So always was a spectator or consumer on the outside. Right. And fast forward to 2021 with my co founder Anshu. We decided to sort of, what we felt was that there is a dire need of building a very high quality product in Defi, which works and feels like, let's say, some of the amazing products like HTX and a bunch of other products in c five. That was what our goal was and that's where we started Logx.

Core Contributors and Decentralization

So both me and Anshu, both of us are technically, from a web two sense, founders of a project, founders of Logx. But the reason we use the word core contributor is purely because we believe that as we move along in this decentralization journey, it is important for us to be seen as a core contributor where more core contributors can join us in this journey and make the project go together. Go forward together. So, yeah, that's the pre context of my role at Logx and what we have, how the journey started. Well, thanks for sharing that. And I agree, that's really great to have, like, that aspect of decentralization, actually.

Overview of Logx

I think centralized exchanges and defi exchanges, super apps, have a place in the crypto because we need both to, like, push forward to, you know, all the users in the potential future. So great to hear that. I'm going to go ahead and dive into the project. So if you guys don't know the project, definitely take a look at their Twitter or X. You can go to Logx trade, you can go to their profile while we're listening, and you can go to work and check out their website while we're talking. This is a great visual perspective. So that way you're not just listening, you're also looking at the website and understanding everything they're going through.

Diving into the DeFi Super App

But yeah, let's go ahead and dive in. So the first question I have is, can you give us an overview of what Logx is? And there's so many Defi applications, what makes it stand out as the so called defi super app? Got it. So just for everybody's reference, Logx is a Defi super app where you can trade exotic perpetuals. You can use our latest offering, which is leveraged prediction markets or prediction markets with 20 x leverage, kind of like polymarket with 20 x leverage and a bunch of other very interesting things. So that's what Logx is.

Logx Features and Innovations

And essentially think of Logx as jupyter but cross chain. So imagine like one of the problem statements and like going back to the core of our journey itself, right? One of the problem statements we saw when were building the V one of Logx. And so we built the V one of Logx last year around August, shipped it one chain, arbitrum, then expanded it to like 17 different EVM ecosystems and got to a number of $20 billion in trading volume and more than 160k users on board. And what we realized in that journey was, nobody is building an experience on chain which is equivalent or as high quality as centralized exchanges.

Connecting Multiple Chains

Right? And that's where we said, let's build this defi super app which connects not across just EVM ecosystems, but across, let's say, torn ecosystem, vera chain ecosystem, monad ecosystem, Solana ecosystem, anything and every chain that is out there, let's build an infra which will connect to all of these chains. And that's where we said, let's take the help of arbitrum hyperlink of these amazing folks. More on this later. But the idea was, what is it that we can build where there can be a single source of liquidity shared across every chain possible? And that's what logix is.

The Unique Selling Points of Logx

What makes logics unique is of course like our latest offering of leverage prediction markets. But over and above that, a crazy liquid market which is spanning across chains and is not isolated one chain. In my view, that is the most powerful thing that we are offering to our consumers in a space or in a product offering which is gasless, has no wallet pop ups, and works as good as a centralized exchange. Yeah, that's great to hear that you have the cross chain aspects.

Supported Chains

What? I mean, I just wanted to follow up with a question like, what change do you currently support?

Overview of Ethereum Changes and Integrations

I know you said ethereum, can you give us an overview of the change you're currently supporting. That'd be great. Sure, sure. Absolutely. So I believe our home was always arbitram. So that's where we started. So arbitrum was the first chain. Second. What we did was we added mantle last week. So we do. By the way, Logix V two just launched two days before the TGE. Right. And we supported arbitrum on day one, then Mantel, then mode, then yesterday we added base as well. The announcement went out yesterday night. Then today we are adding Bob as well. So Bob should also be live in a couple of hours. We're going to make the announcement tomorrow. So some alpha for some of the users here. Bob is essentially a bitcoin layer, too. So we're expanding in that horizon as well. So long story short, right now we have five integrations, but we have 33 more integrations lined up. Technically, we should reach to around like 50 odd chains, like move sui movement labs, like what they're building with Moviemouse.

Future Integration and Plans

So 50 more chains are lined up to be integrated on Logx in the next two to three months. So, yeah, that's what we have integrated and that's what is there in the roadmap. Well, great. So you guys are building so much. So, I mean, congratulations on everything you guys have achieved so far in the launch and also getting listed on HTX. You know, this isn't something that we list every token because there's so many. So you guys are doing good already just by launching and then having all these ecosystems around and integrated infrastructure. So, like, congratulations on that. Yeah, so I think we know a little bit about the app and yourself in the background and why it inspired you. Let's move on to, like you talked about infra and, like, you know, what makes logx infrastructure distinctive. Like, I know you gave a couple of ideas, but can you dive into, like, the key features or technologies that sets it apart from other blockchain apps? That'd be really great to know.

Tech Stack and Arbitrum Integration

Absolutely. Absolutely. So I think, like, as I mentioned, we started the logics journey by building on Arbitrum. And one of the biggest learnings I've had is a tech stack which has been iterated over and over a period of months and years is the tech stack, which is of very high quality. And that's where we said if we have to build the best network or the best settlement place for traders, then we need the chain which has, like, been used by most amount of traders on chain and of course, after that, the answer was so obvious, it was arbitrum. So went ahead and we spoke to the Arbitrum team. Again, like, Arbitrum team has been like a very strong supporter of Logx since day one. So went ahead and we spoke to the arbitrum team, and what we told them was a very simple thing. Can we borrow your stack, make certain optimizations to make it like, you know, hyper customized for the logx use case, and then move forward from there. So that was the core idea. That was the core sort of thought, right, that what do we do?

Utilization of Optimal Technology

Or what should we base the entire settlement engine on? So, standing today, of course, that's where we said, let's use the arbitrum stack, let's tweak it to have 100 millisecond latency, which is like, as good as in terms of experience as a centralized exchange. And then over and above that, let's make the native gas fee token as dollar log x, which is our like, which is our governance token. Because what that will ensure is that the chain is so tightly coupled with the token itself and the entire economics itself, that the entire, both the product as well as the token are super integrated, right? So that is what we did on the arbitram side of things, on essentially other side of things, right, which is hyper lane. So what we did was now we needed something for crosse communication. So went ahead and we partnered up with this amazing team called as Hyperlane, based out of New York. And we said, like, can we use your stack to allow these cross chain communications to happen?

Developing Efficient Cross-Chain Communication and Functions

And they were more than generous to help us out on that front. And then we used hyperlink as the second element. The third element was choosing a Da layer, which we are, like, still in discussions with. A big launch for them happened today. So I won't say much. I'll leave it for announcement later next week. And then the fifth step was, a fourth step was using the right sort of, you know, Ras partners and whatnot, where we picked alt layer. Those guys have been like our friends since a long time. So, long story short, what I'm trying to put up here, what I'm trying to say here is we've picked the best possible tech out there in the market. On top of it, we have put account abstraction.

Gasless Functionalities and User Experience

We've put in, like, gasless functionalities. In fact, like all trades right now, the gas fees for that is paid by Logix foundation, and that will be the case for the foreseeable future. So that's how we have built it out over a period of time. And then the idea always has been very simple. User does not need to come to us. We will go to each and every chain, as I mentioned, ton Solana, EVM, bitcoin, layer tools, move ecosystems. We will go to them. All they have to do is come and make a simple deposit on Logx. And after that, the experience is as good as I said, a centralized exchange experience with Logx based on all the tech that we have built out over the last few months.

Inclusivity and Ethos of Crypto

Yeah, that's awesome to hear. I mean, it sounds like you guys are building something amazing and continuing to build, and there's a lot of things that you're thinking of. As far as what I understand is it's all about the users making their experience the best and also being inclusive with all the change you're making. Anyone that wants to trade using whatever chain, it's open, you know, as opposed to like a closed network that's like just one chain. And you must use, you know, like, for example, Solana, you must use Solana or else you can't trade here. So I think that's kind of our, like, motto as well. Like, welcome everyone. Like, we don't have a particular subset of change we favor more than others.

Staking Benefits and Governance

We just try to support as many as we can. because we feel like that's the ethos of crypto, you know, like, being open and include everyone. So all for one and one for all. I think it's something that we can, the ethos of crypto is all about. So I'm glad you guys are like, you know, using the ethos kind of as your ecosystem built. That's really great. I wanted to get into something you talked about before. you said, like, the logic x token, you guys did the launch, and then, like you said, that the staking area behind Logx is like part of the integrated in the infrastructure. So I wanted to know, I know, I looked on the website, there's like, staking benefits. Can you share some of the staking benefits that are with Log X? Because at HTx we can stake the log X here, but also we want to know about what else is possible with the token.

Details on Staking Programs and Offers

Got it? Got it. Absolutely. So think of it this way. Of course, HTX has this amazing dollar log X staking program where you folks are offering 100% APY to stakers. Now coming back to our product itself on Logx, once you claim the token we said, what is the best experience we can give to a token staker? And what are the maximum amount of values we can give to a token staker? And that's where we came up with a set of six core values over and above two, three more additional values. And the first value that a staker gets is they get 100% value share on the ecosystem. Any value that is generated on the ecosystem, it is shared with stakers via the buyback and distribute program. And essentially it's a program inspired by our governance proposals. I think logix is the first one to implement that.

Incentives and Governance Rights

So that's 1 second. There is also boosted Apy right now on the website. I can see it's 71.41% right now. Over and above that, users will also get premium rewards in airdrop season two. And two more very interesting things. One, you get partner airdrops. So all the ecosystems we have worked with in the past, if you look at them, each and every of those ecosystems, whenever they gave us incentives, were related back to consumers. So now whenever we work with like these tons and tons of chains, tons and tons of ecosystems, and whenever there are any sort of strong incentives, our consumers would be the first ones to benefit from it. And over and above that, we know everybody likes meme coins. So at a later point in time in the future, we're also going to do a, you know, it's more for the culture.

Future Developments and Community Governance

So a culture led meme coin drop to some of the early stakers and that's how it's going to happen. So that's sort of like the idea or the core thought right now. And then of course you do get governance rights. So imagine like Logx as an ecosystem wants to be the iOS network for on chain, which means we don't want anybody and everybody to come and put an app experience on Logx. We're going to say that hey, the community, you have the power to select specific apps or specific Dapps to come and deploy on Logx network, and then that's going to be self selected by the community itself based upon the quality of the DAP. So I think like that's sort of the idea so far. That's sort of the way we are thinking about it. And it's still very early.

Potential and Current Features

So many, as I said, like 100% value share partner Airdrop, surprise, meme drop governance rights, premium rewards boosted, staking API and whatnot, all these things are live at app dot work slash airdrop. And then yeah, we're going to bring in like more and more fun and exciting stuff, along with, as I mentioned, dollar Logx is the native gas fee and the governance fee token on the chain itself. You have so much that's going on. It's really great to hear. I mean, with the token especially, I do have to say like, we had a question below and it was for me, so I just want to answer this to whale. His name is like whale something. I forgot, I just saw the comment, but I just want to address that.

Staking Program FAQs

He had a question about the staking with HGX earn. You know this program isn't forever, right? It's a limited time program, so you need to take advantage of it as soon as possible. I think the number of cap tokens is like 4 million. So after that cap, it's done. So just wanted to let you know, this isn't like a, you know, ten years that you can stake your log X token. So it's a very first come, first serve program and we only allow 4 million or so log x, I think that is. Just check out the post that's pinned to the space. It'll give you all the details. All you do is go to HTX and then find the earn products at the front of the app and just click that and you can search for LogX. But he was just asking like, is this forever?

Concluding Remarks

And I was like, that's a really good question. So I think it's good to mention. and thanks for the question. whale. I was whale something, so I don't remember, but I just wanted to address that so that way people know.

AMA Rewards Information

All right. again, I just want to interrupt and tell one other thing that we do have that AMA rewards. So if you guys want to enter that, you just need to follow those simple instructions on the pinned post above. It's very simple. You just follow HTX logx, share it and then go. At the end there's a Google form and I'll give you guys the Ama password at the end. I know we're getting several DM's about how to get the password and that's at the very end to reward the people who stay throughout the Ama.

Prediction Markets and Leverage

So let's move on to my next to last question. So, you know, Logx offers 20 x leverage and prediction markets. Can you explain how that works and maybe share some examples like, you know, politics right now is very hot and so everyone's talking about like who you're going to vote for. And as always, we don't have a stance. You vote for whoever you want. But the prediction markets, it's got to be interesting, you know, like Trump versus Harris. Can you share, like, an example or how this would all work? That'd be great.

Understanding Prediction Markets

Yeah, absolutely. So think of it this way, right? Like, okay, let's pick the best product in the market, which is like poly market. Right? Now, if you go and say, right now, if I want to bet on Donald Trump, and again, like, none of this is financial as well as political advice, everybody should do what they think is best for themselves. But let's assume, like, let's take a sample case. I believe in Donald Trump, and then I want to vote on him, right? Right now, if I go and bet on polite, I will get, what, like 45. Like, the odds of Donald Trump would be around, like, what, 47% to 52%. And usually it varies around, like, 2% to 3% here and there, which means as a normal consumer, I do not have the opportunity. I do not have the right stance or right opportunity or right moment to sort of imagine, again, like, coming back as a normal consumer, right.

The Appeal of Leverage

I do not have that opportunity or the right moment to sort of play the odds there. Because even if I put in, like, I don't know, $100.02, three 5% movement is just going to make me whatever, right? At least in the short span. That's where we said, let's do this leverage prediction market offering. Because fundamentally, when you think about leverage prediction markets, fundamentally, when you build leverage prediction markets, what is the best thing that happens there? That happens is with those hundred dollars, now, your bet becomes $1,000 with a ten x leverage, with the 20 x leverage, it becomes $2,000. And then even if the movement is 510 percent, you enjoy the benefits of, like hundred dollars or whatever.

Higher Stakes in Prediction Markets

So the rush is more, the interest is more. And I fundamentally believe the search for truth is even more because now you're on leverage. So imagine, like, what are prediction markets? Prediction markets are like the search for what future outcome can happen. With leverage. The search becomes more aggressive, the search becomes, the stakes become much higher. So I think that's the way we think about it. That's the way the product also operates. And as I said, the product is already live. You can go check it out, give it a try, and give your feedback on it. On it.

Fair and Transparent Prediction Markets

That's really great. I mean, teach their own trade the way you want. It's up to you. And also, obviously, you can pick whoever you want. But I think that's really great to see that. This is a very hot topic. So we just wanted to cover that and we don't care who you vote for, it's up to you. So we don't have an opinion and we try to support everyone within our ecosystems to whoever you want to vote for. So. All right, I do have one last question that's given in the comments and I think this is a great follow up question. And Dragon, thank you guys so much for asking this great question.

Ensuring Market Integrity

He says he's from, I think he was from a different country than I can remember, so ill just skip it. But leverage prediction markets can be highly speculative. How do you ensure these markets remain fair, transparent and free from manipulation? This is a really good follow up question from Dragon Defi, is this something you can answer? If not, we can just move on to the next one. Yeah, actually its a very amazing question. I would like to take a moment to answer this. Fundamentally they can be okay, fundamentally they can be sort of manipulated. I would not say they cannot be manipulated. But what we have done is we have, you know, limited the exposure per user.

Limitations and Controls

So imagine as a consumer, you cannot come in and put like, I don't know, million dollars worth of trade right now. It will expand as the system scales. So we have limited the exposure per user so that exploits don't happen. That's 1. Second, we've gotten multiple solvers at the back end or market makers at the back end to ensure things are smooth and stable and sorted. And third, which is the most important thing over and above everything else, is that we have implemented multiple risk checks to ensure there aren't any random spikes or something like that. And fourth, which is in my view, more important than anything else, is the rules of the game need to be super clear because like, nobody can control whether Donald Trump is going to win or like Kamala Harris is going to win or whoever wins, right?

Fairness in Prediction Markets

Nobody can control that. But technically, when you are building prediction markets around constructs which are non controllable by a normal retail user or even like whale as well, then in that case, the markets can be fair. But again, the question is amazing. I would give you that credit. And to be honest, we still have to do much more experimentation. We still need to see much more runtime to learn more and get to this stage. Yeah, it seems like you're taking a lot of ways to protect the ideas and make sure the market's going to be very favorable to everyone.

Future Development Challenges

So that's great. And I mean, it's such a new, it's pretty new in crypto, the predictive market. So it's going to see how this all. I mean, goes forward in the future, how this all develops. But it's interesting to see it for sure. It's like the, it's something that's so innovative that no one really thinks about this until they actually put a bid in or a trade. So. Really great. Let me go ahead and take a couple more questions. 1 second.

Partnership with Taco

Okay. There's like, six. I'm trying to pick a good one, so. Okay, this is pretty good. This person wants to know, and this is from blueberry. Thanks for the question. He or she wants to know, can you elaborate on the specifics of the partnership with Taco or Taco announced for August 16? What are the benefits to expect from this if you can't share them? It's okay. I just asked the question. Do you want to answer this or you want to take a pass? I think we can skip this one because, like, we're coming up with something bigger with Taiko.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Okay. So we can, like, skip this one. Follow the announcement section. More will come up on that. Yeah. So stay tuned. Blueberry, good question. You're too ahead. You're, you're too ahead of the game, so just be patient. Okay. This is good. What challenges do you researchers face in developing log X trade? What do you foresee? The future is within the next six to twelve months, other than adding chains, he says, and this is from Carl. do you think? He says, he goes on to say, you know, researchers face a lot of challenges, but how are you going to develop this in the future? Anything you can share on that?

Introduction and Participation

And the next one, I think we'll try to take some hands for the last one. So that way it's just not us two talking. But I think these questions are really great. Lisa says, I go to your website and your Twitter handle, it says backed by Coinbase, hash dem and IOSV, iOS GV. Can you explain more about these people that have backed you? Did they just get tokens? What's the relationship? Anything you can share? Yeah, absolutely. So we've raised a total of $10.1 million from sequoia, Coinbase Ventures, hashed emergent iOS G Capital, DWF Labs and a bunch of other folks, Cumberland ventures and a bunch of other folks. So, in short, what we have done is we have sort of had more than we have sort of raised a, as I said, 10.1 million across 15 to 20 different institutions and roughly around 100 to 120 sort of industry experts. So that's what the journey has been.

Evidence of Support

And it's a testament of a lot of people sort of believing in our vision, believing in the product that we are building. And yeah, that's all I can share on this one. Awesome. Great to hear. And it's good to hear that you have so many backers really supporting you. It's great to see. Yeah, I'll go ahead and take one from the audience. I think we have a lot of people requesting, so I'll just pick one and I think, love you. Hopefully you have a lovely question. I'll pick you and see if you can answer it. I'm going to bring you up as a speaker all you have to do, love, is unmute yourself and ask your question. If we can't hear you, we'll tell you. So no need to ask if you can hear me, but go ahead and ask your question, love. All right, maybe love is busy buying log x token.

Audience Engagement

They may be there at HTX buying the token. I'm not sure. Are you there? I'm here. Oh, there you go. All right, go ahead. So my question is, are there any strategies that Logex has to implement to minimize impermanent loss? Because we understand that the market is really volatile and sometimes unpredictable. So is there any strategy that loggers has put in place to minimize loss? Please. Do you get that? Please. Got it. Got it. So to be honest with you, right, like, that's where our market makers come into play as a trader, right? You're just trading one side on the product itself, and there is no fundamental impermanent loss to you.

Minimizing Impermanent Loss

And again, going back to a previous question that I was also talking about, our solution and our product has been built through multiple iterations that we have learned in the past. And what we have learned is users do not like impermanent loss. And that's where we said, like, let's build this offering out. Let's build this product out and, like, give it back to users so fundamentally, like, there is no impermanent loss on the current product that we have right now. Okay. Thank you very much. Thanks, Lis. Thanks, love, for your question. And I think, I mean, since that was really quick, I'll take one more. I think we have W. Ackermande, I'll go ahead and add you as a speaker. Please unmute yourself and ask the question.

Final Questions and Insights

This will be the last question for the space. Thanks. All right, Ackerman, you can unmute your mic and go ahead and speak. Thanks. Can you guys hear me? Yep. Go ahead. All right. All right, my question is. Yeah, my question is, what specific advantages does Logx offer over traditional CXS exchanges? Rieta, great. Thanks for your question. Ackerman, I'm going to put you on a mutant because I keep on hearing the background. So we'll get to the question, though. All right, go ahead. Is this something you want to answer? Would you want to move past this? Yeah. No, no. I'll give you a very quick answer on this. Right.

The Unique Edge of Logx

I think the biggest benefit we have is self custody. See, fundamentally, people don't understand this, but self custody is so much valuable. I have lost so much money on the FTX issue that happened and whatnot. So self custody is very valuable. Logx offers that. That's 1 second. The biggest benefit with Logx is the pricing. Oh, I didn't talk about it. We have the best pricing on chain for perps compared to any other product out there. So I think that's the second thing. And the third thing over and above everything else is, and third thing, like over and above the entire sort of equation is we have very strong, strong sort of sense of what consumers want.

Consumer-Focused Experience

So we have the most user friendly experience out there, easiest experience out there amongst any other perp or amongst any other product out there that you can see with like that you can see with Logx. So I think those are the two, three things which are like very special to us. Over and above that, we are the only one in the market who offer leverage prediction markets. So I think that's also something which is like very interesting and valuable for our consumers. Great. Thanks so much for your question. And we're going to go ahead and wrap up the space. We try to keep them to around 30 to 45 minutes. But yeah, that was really great question and everyone, thanks so much for joining the HTX space today.

Wrapping Up the Session

I'm going to go ahead and wrap it up. I have to thank our speaker from the core contributor at Logx. Thank you so much for joining us and sharing this information. I learned a lot and I'm excited to see how this develops in the future. As far as the password, guys, all you have to do, I just want to remind everyone who's here, all you have to do is go ahead, check out the pinned post to HTX account. All you have to do is follow HTX Logx trade, share it like it, and then on the Google form there's a secret password you must enter and the secret password for today's AMA is super app because they are building a super app.

Password and Airdrop Information

So it's a super and then app. So that's the password for today's space. Again, we will draw the winners at 21 business days and you will get automatically airdropped to your HTX account if you do win. Obviously we usually have around 2000 people who enter, so not everyone's going to win, obviously. So again, is there anything else we missed that you final wrap up? Anything you want to tell them before we head out before I play the music? Got it. No, no, absolutely. Thank you so much everyone for joining in and thank you so much for being an amazing host.

Closing Remarks

Yeah, thank you. Sure. No, thanks for being a guest as well. Look forward to having this again. And let's take to the moon and Q 4 October. Good luck, everyone. And I'm going to wind down this space with a little bit of let's do maroon five. Go ahead and wind down the space with some fun music. All right. Thanks, guys. We'll see you next time. Bye bye. You love on your feet. Like. I need. I feel badlandhouse to you. Spend day trying to be awesome.

AMA Follow-up and Shoutouts

Now it's all good. I got me so. All right, everyone, thanks for joining AMA. Again, the password today is AMa is super app. Make sure to fill out the form to enter to win. And again, here's some shout outs to people I didn't mention. We have Israel in the house. We have USA, Canada, Vietnam, Nigeria. Mu ding. Shout out to mu ding. Thank you guys for joining. We have the tool t bull community, Mars, the Grok community. Thanks for joining the space, everyone. We really appreciate you joining.

Upcoming Events and Conclusion

We're going to have more Ama's today coming up in the next 24 hours. We have Ama with Cardano. So if you are a fan of Cardano, definitely join the space. It's coming up tomorrow so definitely come and learn more about what Cardano is doing and the tickers.

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