Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space How will Triathon and the TRIAS mainnet NetX evolve in the future? hosted by TriathonLab. In the Twitter space discussing the evolution of Triathon and the TRIAS mainnet NetX, the focus remains on advancing the AI+DeSci revolution within the Web3 marketplace. Emphasizing community collaboration, decentralized systems, and Web3 technologies, the conversation highlights the essential role of inclusive AI training for industry transformation. Through innovative solutions and increased collaboration, the AI landscape is set to undergo significant changes, with projects like TRIATHON leading the way towards a more efficient and transparent marketplace.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: What is the main focus of Triathon and TRIAS mainnet NetX?
A: The main focus is on advancing the AI+DeSci revolution in the Web3 marketplace.

Q: How does community collaboration benefit the projects?
A: Community collaboration fosters growth, innovation, and inclusivity in AI training and development.

Q: Why is decentralized AI training crucial in the marketplace?
A: Decentralized AI training ensures transparency, security, and accessibility in AI advancements.

Q: What role does Web3 technology play in AI evolution?
A: Web3 technology shapes the future of AI development by offering decentralized and innovative solutions.

Q: How does TRIATHON emphasize inclusivity in AI training?
A: TRIATHON promotes inclusive AI training by leveraging decentralized systems and community participation.

Q: What impact does the AI+DeSci revolution aim to have?
A: The revolution aims to transform industries by integrating AI and decentralized technologies for innovative solutions.

Q: In what way does TRIAS mainnet NetX leverage decentralized systems?
A: The project utilizes decentralized systems to advance AI technologies and foster community-driven growth.

Q: What are the key trends in the convergence of AI and Web3?
A: Increasing collaboration, innovation, and community involvement are crucial trends in the AI and Web3 convergence.

Q: Why is AI advancement important for the future?
A: AI advancement is essential for driving innovation, efficiency, and transformative solutions across various sectors.

Q: How does TRIATHON contribute to the AI development landscape?
A: TRIATHON contributes by offering inclusive AI training opportunities and supporting advancements in the marketplace.


Time: 00:15:42
Advancing the AI+DeSci Revolution Discussing the role of Triathon and TRIAS mainnet NetX in driving the AI+DeSci revolution in the Web3 marketplace.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Collaboration for Growth Exploring how community collaboration accelerates innovation and inclusivity in AI training and development projects.

Time: 00:35:56
Decentralized Systems for AI Advancements Highlighting the use of decentralized systems by TRIATHON and TRIAS mainnet NetX to advance AI technologies.

Time: 00:45:23
Inclusive AI Training with TRIATHON Examining how TRIATHON promotes inclusivity in AI training through decentralized platforms and community engagement.

Time: 00:55:11
Web3 Technology Impact on AI Evolution Underlining the influence of Web3 technology on shaping the future of AI development and deployment.

Time: 01:05:39
Transformative AI+DeSci Solutions Exploring the transformative solutions the AI+DeSci revolution aims to bring to industries through innovative technologies.

Time: 01:15:27
Future Trends in AI and Web3 Convergence Discussing the key trends like collaboration, innovation, and community involvement in the convergence of AI and Web3.

Time: 01:25:03
AI Advancement for Industry Transformation Analyzing the importance of AI advancement for driving industry transformation and efficiency.

Time: 01:35:50
TRIATHON's Contribution to AI Landscape Highlighting how TRIATHON contributes to the AI development landscape through inclusive training and marketplace support.

Time: 01:45:17
Decentralized AI Training Importance Emphasizing the significance of decentralized AI training for transparency, security, and accessibility in the marketplace.

Key Takeaways

  • Triathon and TRIAS mainnet NetX aim to drive the AI+DeSci revolution in Web3.
  • The decentralized AI training platform emphasizes community collaboration for growth.
  • The advancement of AI technology in the Web3 space is crucial for innovation.
  • TRIATHON highlights the importance of decentralized AI training in the marketplace.
  • Community involvement is key for the success and evolution of the TRIAS mainnet NetX project.
  • Web3 technologies play a vital role in shaping the future of AI development and deployment.
  • Increasing collaboration and innovation are key trends in the AI and Web3 convergence.
  • The TRIAS mainnet NetX project leverages decentralized systems for AI advancements.
  • AI+DeSci revolution aims to transform industries through AI and decentralized technologies.
  • Decentralized platforms like TRIATHON pave the way for inclusive AI training and development.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Conference

Hello? Hi everyone, I'm Doris. I'm excited to be here with Sebastian today to discuss the emerging capabilities of trisom AI within the transmitter. The net X AI is definitely the trend in contemporary technology and its applications are being more widespread. So let's dive into how AI is making waves and see what kinds of sparks we are generating. We are also looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Audience Engagement

Hello. I think we. I think we should wait for another three minutes for like audience to come in. It's only a few people just joined, so I think we should wait for one, two or three more minutes to start the space. Okay, let's start the space like two minutes later, okay? Yeah, sure. Okay.

Welcome to the Space

Our channel it. Hello guys. Hello. Welcome to our space today. This space is about the Trisun and Trismanate ntex evolve in the future and there are two sections in today's space. Firstly, there is no investment advice or financial suggestions today, so please do your own research. Okay, let's welcome the speaker today, Sebastian.

Introduction of Sebastian

Hi Doris. Hi everyone. I'm Sebastian, the AI operations manager at Charleston. I'm trail to share some of the latest developments with you today, especially how we are seamlessly integrating with the Trasmin net X and using Trialsen's AI models to drive innovation. With nets agent. We are working on some groundbreaking stuff. I will explain what we are doing and what exciting news features it will bring to the trasm community.

DAO and Token Insights

By the way, trust and Dao is live and grow. Token holders can participate in community governance and voting and staking. Enjoy 7% to 20% APR depends on your commitment durations. Okay, sure. Thank you so much. And in today's discussion, we will cover Tricycle's future plans, what the agent is, and address community questions about tricyn nfts and tokens.

Starting the Discussion

Sebestane and I will answer your questions through a Q and A. So let's get started. And the first section is about the discussion of Tricycle's future. Okay, my first question here comes. Recently I have seen that Trison has been aligned with the launch of AI content on the Trasmannet the net.

Integrating AI into Trustmentnet

Next work, what exactly have you been doing to integrate AI into the trustmentnet? The reason for NetX is to create a fully AI driven and trusted smart network where all operations and decisions are guided by AI to ensure system intelligence and efficiency. Traussons AI technology plays a central role in this, serving as the core driver of NaX growth and development. We provide all the AI content for the NX network infrastructure. Our AI model training capabilities have been perfectly applied on. Net X, including the AI autonomous learning models and AI security capabilities that agents rely on. Our technology not only supports the autonomous learning of agents, but also further drives the X region of human AI collaborative evolutions. That's my end.

The Importance of Agents and Trison's AI Capabilities

Okay, that's very impressive and the agent is very important to the Trasminet and all its capabilities are provided by Trison. That's very awesome and impressive to us. So can you go into more details about the agent and how powerful Trison's AI capabilities will be? Yeah, absolutely. You are right. The agents is a key decentralized AI product on the net xmen net and crucial for its ecosystem. Users can train their agents with data and then continuously enhancing their capabilities. Our advanced T agent models can already generate returns while we sleep operating around the clock and the users just need to pass skills through comments to their agents, which will then develop unique expertise and generate returns after its official launch. We will work with users to advance this AI technology and refine agents functionalities.

Features of AI Agents

Here are three main features of the AI agents 24/7 operations that agents run continuously intelligently, assisting users without manual intervention, and the second one is infinite growth. The AI training feature allows users to self improve continuously growing in capabilities as data and training deepen. The third point. The third feature is collaborative capabilities. Multiple agents can work together to compete specific tasks, enhancing adaptabilities and execution in complex, sorry environments. Okay, that's very impressive idea to know something about the T agent.

Understanding the T Agent

And my question is what does t agent stand for? Yes, triathlete can stand for triath agent or triathlon agent because trias manage inherited triassence AI capabilities, so it stands for trials or triathlon agent, so it's branding for the agents. Okay, very clear and let's talk about the future developments. What breakthroughs can we expect from trisance AI technology? Yeah, our AI technology has made significant strides in many areas, but this is just the beginning. With deep integration into the net X platform, our AI models well extend into more industries offering smarter support.

Future Developments in AI Technology

For example, our automated risk detection and the predictive analysis of technology and AI autonomous learning are progressively entering different application scenarios. In the future, Truston will continue to deepen its AI capabilities and work closely with the trust ecosystem. Our goal is to continually optimize and expand AI capabilities and collaborating with the net X network to bring more innovation and value. Okay, thank you. And the automated risk detection and predictive analysis technology are very important factors for tricycle as far as I have learned to and my next question is what cites tricycle AI technology apart from other platforms.

Trisance AI Technology vs Other Platforms

This is a very good question. So the main difference is that Trussense AI models have a high degree of self evolution capability. After experiencing Nanx agent, you will see that while current market AI technologies still rely on fixed algorithms and periodic manual updates, troisance AI models autonomously learning and optimize based on user data and environmental changes. This means our AI improves efficiency and accuracy based on various applicant scenarios.

AI Security and Its Advantages

Additionally, we have a strong advantage in AI security. We don't just empower smart contractor detection, we comprehensive risk assessment to ensure the safety of user participated projects. This multidimensional AI capability is key to our uniqueness in the market.

Importance of Security in Crypto

Yeah, I agree with you. The security is one of the most important factors in crypto industry. The AI security is the key point feature for tricycin and this is very useful and impressive for us. And my next question is how does tricycle plan to develop in the future and what new directions will your AI and security business take?

Future Focus and AI Development

Yep, we will continue to focus on strengths, the self evolution capability of our AI models and improving training efficiency. We are also pushing our broader applications of AI into different of fails. Our vision is to build an AI ecosystem with high self regulation capabilities to adapt to changing environments and needs in AI security.

Expanding AI Technology Applications

As web three and decentralized application rise, smart contractor security becomes a crucial our AI technology will delve further into auditing and risk detection, offering comprehensive security guarantees. We are also exploring the integration of AI with cutting edge technologies like IoT to provide users with new smart livings and working experience.

Community Engagement and NFT Futures

Okay, got your point. Thank you so much. And here we go to the second section of our space. Today we will pick some community questions about Tricon nfts and tokens. Here is the first question from the community like they given the importance of tricycling AI models to the natics, what's the future of tricyc nfts like shapes and ape? Will they relate to natax agent?

The Role of NFTs in AI

Yeah, this is a great question and I think this is the most wanted answers from us. From the start, trust development has been closely tied to AI capabilities. Nfts, like ships initially involved in early trasne development through test mining, have become core to Trazan's security capabilities and the debt will remain unchanged.

Enhancing NFTs and Their Functionality

We will be adding more functionalities to trasance NFT. For instance, users holding these nfts will be able to participate in AI agent mining and other tasks on NX. We are working on specific plans with the trust magnets project leaders.

Integration of AI with Security Measures

For example once agents are equipped with specific AI models, they will take part in particular tasks or activities. For instance, agents with trussense security detection AI model, which is ships could perform security checks and earn rewards from there. We are actively discussing exciting new ways for APM nfts and we will keep the community updated, so please stay tuned.

Community Involvement and Future Outlook

Meanwhile, the community can vote on the best proposals using your staked growth, which is we e grow in trust and Dao and join the discussion for the transient future. Okay, that's very awesome. And it sounds like there will be many new and exciting features for nfts and ape in tricycle, especially in relation to the ntEx, and the community will surely look forward to these new functionalities.

Practical Use Cases for NFTs

Yeah, definitely. Nfts will have more and more practical use case and become a crucial part of the trust ecosystem. Okay, that's very fantastic. And my next question is, what's the future of tricycle token economy grow and gene will emerge?

Community Voting and Token Integration

Yeah, this is another very hot topic in the community and they want answers very urgently. And we have discussed the possibilities of merging and grow and gene in the past, but the final decision will be made through community voting charts and Dao's voting governance and token staking feature because trust and Dao's voting governance and token staking features are live today, so you can participate in the voting process.

Future Prospects for Tokens

We are also working with the NX team on how best to integrate grow and gene into the net X ecosystem. Ensure that regardless of whether they are merged or not, their functionality and the value will be greatly increased.

The Value of Tokens

Okay, the point is, whether they merge or not, users will use and see more improvement from the tokens. Yes, that's right. Yeah, let me speak, let me explain more about your question. Okay, sure. My answer is yes. And the value of the tokens will grow with the expansion of our ecosystem, especially with the applications on the trustmednet and trascene AI security sectors. Hope that answers your question. Okay, yeah, it's kind of clear and. I can't hear you. Hello? I can't hear you. Hello? Yeah, okay.

AI Business Expansion Potential

And it's clear that the potential for AI business expansion is huge, no matter in Tricon project or in some other web three projects. And I think the combination of Natax and Trisib will bring new vitality to the entire ecosystem. And lastly, what practical benefits will tricen holders say in the future? Can you give us a brief overview? Yeah, certainly. Parts and holders will enjoy several practical benefits, especially with our deep cooperation with NetX.

Benefits for Token Holders

Firstly, users will have priority access to interact with Nat X AI and security technologies such as participating in AI model training and mining through nfts or tokens, which can bring returns and influence the future of AI and the second AI agent technology will become a core driver on the trust Mainnet and the trust and holders will have priority access to these technologies, automating complete tasks and participating in governance and decision making, project decision making. And the third and lastly, trust tokens and nfts will play increasingly important roles in the entire net X ecosystem. Users will not only participate in governance and earn starting rewards, but also access unique resources and support from the NT platform.

Long Term Transformation

And it's a long term and rewarding ecosystem, so trust and holders will be able to forefront of these transformations. Okay, thank you for your explanation and here is the end of today's discussion about Trisom future plans and some use cases for the tokens grow and change. And last but not the least, please be attention. There is no financial suggestions or advices for you to decide. And please follow us on the social media to get more updates and news about Trisom project development.

Looking Ahead

Let's look forward to the bright future together. Thank you again. Sebastian. Thank you. Thank you for hosting today's space. I think we answered the most wanted questions from the community these days. Please let us know that you have any more questions regarding the ships and the tokens so we can prepare the answers for you in the next space. Thank you. Okay, thank you guys.

Closing Remarks

Thank you. Bye.

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