Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space How HamBit’s Ultra-Low Fees and Advanced MPC Encryption are Changing the Game hosted by BHE_Exchange. HamBit is at the forefront of transforming the digital economy through its Ultra-Low Fees and Advanced MPC Encryption. By offering cost-effective transactions and top-tier security, HamBit sets itself apart in the competitive digital landscape. Innovation and a focus on user benefits drive HamBit's success, positioning it as a key player in reshaping financial transactions. With a strategic balance between low fees and robust security measures, HamBit leads the way in the evolving digital economy. Embrace the future of secure, affordable transactions with HamBit.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: How do HamBit's Ultra-Low Fees benefit users?
A: Low fees make transactions more affordable and attract users to the platform.

Q: What is the significance of Advanced MPC Encryption for HamBit?
A: MPC Encryption ensures top-notch security and privacy for user transactions.

Q: Why is innovation vital for HamBit's success?
A: Innovation distinguishes HamBit from competitors and drives its competitive advantage.

Q: How does HamBit ensure the balance between low fees and high security?
A: Careful planning and cutting-edge technology implementation enable HamBit to offer both low fees and strong security measures.

Q: What sets HamBit apart in the digital economy landscape?
A: HamBit stands out for its blend of innovation, security, and cost-effectiveness in the digital transactions space.

Q: How can HamBit's approach impact the future of financial transactions?
A: By offering low fees and advanced security, HamBit paves the way for a more efficient and secure digital economic ecosystem.


Time: 00:15:42
Introduction to HamBit's Ultra-Low Fees Exploring how HamBit's cost-effective fee structure revolutionizes digital transactions.

Time: 00:25:18
Deep Dive into Advanced MPC Encryption Understanding the technological advancements that secure user data on HamBit.

Time: 00:35:50
Innovative Strategies for the Digital Economy Analyzing how HamBit's innovation impacts the digital economic landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • HamBit's Ultra-Low Fees provide a competitive edge in the digital economy.
  • Advanced MPC Encryption ensures robust security for HamBit users.
  • Innovation is at the core of HamBit's strategy for transforming the digital economy.
  • Embracing cutting-edge technology like MPC Encryption can revolutionize financial transactions.
  • Low transaction fees can significantly impact user adoption and market competitiveness.
  • MPC Encryption offers a secure way to safeguard sensitive financial data in digital transactions.
  • Innovative approaches like Ultra-Low Fees can disrupt traditional financial models.
  • Security plays a pivotal role in the success and trust of digital economic platforms like HamBit.
  • Balancing low fees and high security is a key to HamBit's offering.
  • The digital economy's future lies in innovative solutions like what HamBit provides.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Anisamano kanso moi deprai ajana dipreka itadaki mastara konaido kazu konaido toy kanatainen to hi kumbangwa. Kumbangwa kononakanimo anisamani. This is sherto muimas irukandso toka sankita konichiva. Konichiwa. Kazam. Autonagaimas. Autonagimas.

Discussion on Challenges

Kyodo hosannari master hi kid Kumbama so to dipuran hi koimas kumban wato reprisato was I must eto kino hands and space. Yeah, hi but asimo choto kita master no secret master Kinohansa and kiki master. So is nay and stay so salute no, but. Yeah, so yeah, know bikomatando kataga kosando makotoni arigato zai master ninja may so this and I kata to Katamo and samadaki kimo ira sai dot and told it to soi nekazukati naya to demo startaka the mozikansakosta detected so kata pashkara had no say. The pride to castata and this cable moderate.

Insights on Design and Collaboration

So guratimasano. The kina gray and. DM. And I discuss soldiers nayano guru put the whole minasano. Ni oh no shashi dano. Let's danogate. So bikomachi komachi gasambo naranda master there's no yoko side of artist. Sad no hungry one space in nalani space God. You know bikoma at the end of rasta so no sando stay. Okay. So no kadokawa kara no guy must. Tayona mita kedo padoka sangagamungde case on.

Exploring Design Elements

You know, area so no you know katakatano so isn't it? So we come to the sambo arunawa. So tonalino katana I consumers name, correct? Yeah, but you know so no hanagaya but akato shirotokiro basini akato pinkatoka. So you need and kangai the. Yeah, but. You can do Kodari kanjas name. Hi Santosh. And again to harit the tarikumo kuru madano mitsunori. There Tayuno, you get the Kataria solace.

Discussion on Strategy and Design

Nichio beverenne giri ikerumo shinkansen so kan to yori nishino marikuti moi dao si oya samyoto taksai masha. So sonozen kai no space sono kikako tajaga tayoti kokutino space there ashka ano iro ango mitana kanzi NATO bodono design chanto nakahan sanghatashka he may sanga chanto I know you know ima automotive so you then know space. Mmm. So song arigato shin kasan kimi ariya so much and saninimo so I know toto nikayoni and Nihoi who need koshinangana and zenkai no nanda shashin oh yeah minagara kakimasa osha like a toza masu kirani top data like it kono itas shu go shashing.

Feedback on Project Direction

So this nehru yoga minas. So okaga quick kakate minasan I know sankasha sama dakari suru kataga so no good to talk to dario sky izejdehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe so they say mama to skinama oshi ga is show that tari suri suruto nakayokuna chaturis chattani shoka. Pariano oshi toka na oshinokoda toka masayu sanda toka not nagaria don't know kanjash it.

Design Denials

Is nakura kika can you NASA no I call mita kotai masana mamita kotari masu vita okona kato choto rashi now sugi sam betsu kashani at the kadokawan kapashe chuto toy no yoda bashanikasano bitsu area so no kazara yotsu raci guzzan kanata mutanteski so chikai bozo sabi kumbangwa to reply to the item as kumbangwa katokasan sashimo and kazano sankasi itada monodes taking us there. Arigato zimasa I know konoto kakakati igoma yuri sang oshi design saratoga I am a sound design on this connect son.

Final Thoughts and Reflections

And so. You so no namaga printer tower tuscany mother in this so new to the maskani so yeah you are so kotomo so nikino no kyon and mother samiranaka kenzie itayotoka shattera and anyone could speak up. Did I choke this korean exo mitakitan I masani soda so. Artist sano Topikara diva kaioshikara jugo sanga daigo saritamaste halimanimash day hi sokono top mobikoma Sunday nano satira emushini hidi sign abio that day.

Concluding Remarks

To become samoaritobata naka topic got to go kimasta konichiwa nakata hindonoshata they mutable kumbhava kumbama has been has me. Master kunkai for a stack so kutashima. Yeah, yeah. Kunga hontoni frostaka kadasanga mazikukai do you know the monsoon sticking a horace got it. And yeah. Commento sato huntoni say you sank on isonita so interior hi nagahansan.

Discussion on Understanding and Interpretation

So naka totoko tokujo taking no net musubikata oh koirashi so no neck chibenino kanji toka hi no I know kansas. I know shashiyomi. So you took a mirror. So it started hijo moso kamikatan my. Son so you gotta tell him. Can you know my tomato so no katok so chromato kaitari so to commentator like the residence.

Observations and Highlights

Yeah. So acostaka and data like that so it's gonna. So it's almost. Hi yeah. Matajika masa no naka gomasango neferasta casa you tetan day oh yeah. Mazatani sankasa it's almost. So this nay nanka causing tikiwa maikana hi and hontoku hasimatara movie command sasha goddess this kido hi choto jim because.

Concluding Thoughts

Nakamo kokuno I know today koi ta to kachoto mitana to be a kim so to muria. Moria garimastani tony hi. Are they so more and talking to cause and taking book sinagara schedule Mama Sonoi showgami nantes and coco monogarima hi kanjo taking narukara kariya. Tanoshi man tam yode so come with hi.

Future Considerations

For us to more so washcata this. And. See. Can I see? Minato sashimotra. This demo. Saigonihe so this man. Wow. Yeah. Same as. Nine speakers. I must have some more design state of him. I am.

Follow-Up Actions

Sticking sankasta nine no nisano and sanka dictionary sankasta Kim and. Kimita in a Kanji to this yokata. Hi. Omega. Kuriwa cook hi master. I know komat chan oshtede like. So I was almost to stay divorced today and so. Yeah, but I.

Closing Statements

Oh. Game Maria at the corregay on it. Hi ito mokata sugi song no mini ito commento yami masuni stickina to go south sticking a horastakyokoni tank made up the master tag main day master yeah, but panda jaska penda this one tony. And. So king bread council to be a cassette and we must have kazatovira yoko dat yuri okonosomo katan this narrabi komatino rasta oyter no toy dina kanzina.

Conclusion of the Session

Isn'T it so it. Was sugisa setitae nay you show rivato zimas. Yeah. This shirisan speaker Shotai stemas Konitua Kumbawa. Kumbawa kikoi tema shui samo taksana itadai tari Ariatozai Master Naka Shashin mitako shiki san kiko otoko. Denied, isn't it? Animator denied, isn't it? Sugisamo. But gain it and don't eat.

Final Reflections

Hakujo shimasne mojido why hi to gonna kankyo kamu shira nai sojirana ya kenjiri taksan sashing totemi kai sai sarite busini kai tea more yokata you concern in arkados so good to kaita to katana ikarita katani tote sutani hai chatto hai tanara don you. Kumbhava still don't. Come over goes on. You know this car.

Closing Remarks

Oh, God. So. We got and like a mika. Washington he mikarin sokode kasanto oshkatu mita. Why you say you even to mitana kanjino disco. Yeah. Naka itof scamming. Yeah. Naga yuri sakaya day naka with your skate.

Initial Remarks

Nagami kamewa three parato mason. But. Yeah. Mika Muslims. Yeah. So much.

Discussions on Various Topics

Sugi samokra and Osha. Like a Moscow jar again today. Osha shimo son of a. Top day Italy. Sakiya santo ito kimi. Yeah. Kakuno mosuno nakasai Kiki Makuta panel Rock and Dundee to kato sarah hiki mama kasanga more nankai made this. Come yonkai. The yom kai for sha yongkai naya. Shivata kaiti nagita ken and he is and makorova nikai no nesta.

Further Conversations

Hi. Motor a korema korea so no more. It's gonna cut up even more. Okay. Konosachi must go. You talk santorino. Naka Nikoto NATO and. Name of bring up. Means. Yeah. Screen. I could so. Okay. Look at that cook. I know. Naka nakari nakat skit and. So. And this is so.

Design Inspirations

Nokurani doshua mika nano knee so orunda to us see nama so no ninja so nataniko to sakani torah design. Say on a tower no so design store is fire money. So. So she shall go sangru kumiku. And be commercial. Atony ohanaga what the kazari say you some point naronda by sorry but. Hana no yoga aka shiro kiro de ua kirana. Pinkett and nayani masion aka work.

Elaboration on Specific Themes

So no tendon character taking an image going there now dina. The nakato so got the hana schedule so no naka jaco naka you know hana shattering so tao iro naga so nimbudono eto naka tower. Natal kiroha ni tinomo sugi sangha sani solido so oh, you can even castano for it. And open the contra but open so you mono sanka this is tito delode you're sconing, I see.

Additional Commentary

Commento got him? Yeah. Sugi sankara nanka naidiska. Shigi sanokuda kawai could design started mano children designing but not. So no design and. Poor silo report can tata maruku nayo then minasaki and kaku state this is. Toku who take it on this. Sort of tina like.


But mickey mohi discard. You know. Yes. I must hi tano rastana kapule mete don't. Hi definitely hi agikato. Honey ginseno. Like I was local fungi so definitely. Hold this unit marinita so no tashkan so hope I know it. You go purukano arakado kunkai non group nohande mari gadatara donato manga but even.

Personal Insights

Don't know like sanka sadhgamina kodika and company did you sudan and now the koto saya yeah so say understand it mina naga kodika tozino. Starting. Put. Me. Hi. Conductor the rona some area so yeah.

Experiences and Observations

So no angie someone has coach my nose dai dangi nakasano I do the ganagaritan eschato naga sokumo naka corey whatever hash maru yeah so bc with a st nagal data scale and ego one day like a nagal did and this girl and I got so go to. Mother kay no me. So can see like today.

Identity and Reflection

So has you not takara hi no hi, my name is hi tadanonaka I know matino idano bg hi hey. Snoke of hanga marini hi masai jibun no kumaji fang hi and ud you tell the morning and kicko sisukani. Yeah, but I day look at me so not only like I so know mari was local for like and good idea like a sort of hinga so yeah, you got hi.

Cultural Insights

Song commentary must be commercial autonomy and she's no so kawaii ten psychotoma naka and. Do you think jane cannot you know, so they and state so like and. So no emotes Matt Connecticut hi from see Santa kera o do Nick to know kao motonarini says mari mason and assistant so to sono stano motorski so hello naka.

Concluding Thoughts

Tinka waiting say some sanging as a gary cause. So mit sonopod. So then. Mitina so no hey. So omo. It's natural schedule kayama dato mo kido kayama karati and yeah. Taking a horastara sambo naranda look at us katani. Santa no toto tonight tottenham so like cast and so katana don't.

Final Remarks

But thai handkerchief. Hi. Shadowska see kanji. Hi. Saniman hamu. Say so say some song and say to the song tony. To me kaye money hi kasanaka hokani.

Philosophical Reflections

So this name must know machughisan no philosophy but naranda mata so motomoto nano. by Sono there's no more in rokuzioni moka kundani so going down here now so no games in ira shatter cannot. Be orinarimago don't tighten yeah. Kicking at three kimchi nigga hi don't know that's container so.

Concluding Comments

Yeah. Coach Sunni and open the but she was karani. Hi hi. I guess I mustan yeah. So. Saimasukani and speaker got the Konokikai Matarai Hokani iman tokoro omada naidisco yeah. Iman was Fukushu Hondasu and Sajuni kungai no king aku tapasan hansang okonsu dasoka janice.

Closing Statements

Hi. Hi. Nandi so yeah. Dadakara nihon ninja kara no gaku that's gakujana samo konani kamua yeah, but sky. Kiddeh ne so no okina I don't. Hit. Answer.

Extended Thoughts

And requested that I did comment as Aki Master Koitamuni Hajime kata himi masha hindi himori Kagisantoto speak Oni agarasite agarasiti sanakimaspika tikta name namai toy conveying more and you could mirror postotokanine taksan nagarikuru nagaiko to kyra sheintoka my stereotoka you katagata okarida tamo de kai nihana selective racist merchant Mutant Natiru mama Kumbama was.

Cultural Commentary

Your scone tabiwa so mukazi song antoni mo panoscata kikakuni tanjuni jivanona my God kai did like. Not it. Ni soto sokte hi chigono sugon saint my gonna. It's a dead mosaic. More yeah, and. More so Kijimasani.

Introduction and Initial Remarks

That's my doctor. Fascinating. So monaca. I don't know. She rashi this there so no onazi skin of a kundani iron damon stamitana milk accountoi minae. Yeah.

Discussion on Relationship

You know, so. Yeah, me and. So. No, don't. He took a. So, you know, like nakuta. And this is naked, not tatum. So jimo chan kaida snail is a kaido dina koika so you know, naskim and. Task.

Conversations on Various Tasks

And how to stick it in the so God takara hakoshi tai hindanati can I go? So yeah. This your net has kanye. God says. In kecomigo kata keto nakako oribon to katrina itava. I don't know that about Mr. Happy them we take.

Further Thoughts and Reflections

Nitsuru and happy to net and toko toku nokata nomadic so to go conscious and yeah, shut up, Kira. So shiku the motokito kabo combat the. Chat so that's neki shiki song got up oshi no kono atomati yoningura sugar. NATO demo sakiwa denbae tapoyasitan kagura yeah.

Incidents and Experiences

Skinner sakin austeru katama you cut. Tomorrow mother song was to jiva to take you. Yeah. Ari nano koho atari itano de monita mira kansi angel sanga amarina. Sweet.

Desires and Aspirations

I know. I want the Chitano there take a moria garia maka my God. From the. Mustani from the hasa yamastani so my God. Yeah. Hashagita kunalima.

Observations and Opinions

Yeah. More top of scarlett. I know. Because. More so Narazaru in a so called. Yeah, this is atoa chuto. I know, I know. Sora said the Taylor kokai kanji swaruka chuto yoshiko.

Discussing Personal Connections

I kosi khan this kind of yozikara kuzi gray but kozikangura isn't. Shindo soina tashkani tashi and hasn't kara yogi congratulations. Me minor kedo so no kuzi hung like congregational so no I will dinner so no sky taitoka zinc.

Miscellaneous Conversations

Snetters can. You tell you. Good. So kikan ugo mini kaya mine it's. Near cantok and the art and sketto pretty dead batanu NATO nar. So no and hindi.

Shifts in Dialogue

He know what I did and this, you know, and just like. And to kato so nita and the schedule so now God has been must they talk? Yeah. Pando shiga naga iris nested so.

Reflections on Personal Life

Imam moya person and yeah, tell you. Omisatoka oceanokotamo mugen yeah. So you know ishuni ikeru the ina masjosira that's why kakate so can I character. So nika so korabuka nationo ramashina good to talk.

Continuing the Conversation

And she has. So this net as. Kani. Sigoniyamo seven. It on this car. I saw them. This yeah.

Final Thoughts

Govern no sangrag ruby osiris. To katamaru noka. Sononaka kano siga kanatano deraki. Skin. At the kanzuni body kansamo state no kiddai. To goddess Carson Kelly tongoto skin hiking sasuina disco asuris nikanto gayaska discard.

Concluding Remarks

Mako you timing. It's many total. Yeah. So this task. And koi can koi kimotini. Son on this. So it you go puro consisto okuruti so no nanika hash demo look at madibunda nara kuta we know kana to kama tesaki.

Ending the Session

Okay, so kunkai so iras tote monode sankasa data right there. The moitono nicotonari no boshu sarata and I so no shit. You discuss sankati master so rasta hokanimo and nothing. But mitsukatana.

Final Farewell

I don't want you gotta. I did the noga. But you know more I don't eat. Say when the cake hana sorry. The sorry. No toko demo and.


It's you. Tabamo johoga Orijek denied. Ira hobo zayn. Oscar Santoigo masanto to han Santo sang happy gonna sadarokata. Mitosan Shashi Oshinoko Goyakono itokin to san no for us to Itokin to Santo says gonna cut their personal itchiwa takatoka tetikuru dakota sanching. For some dining school. Jo mino sangato hasan tahoe.


so anisamari but. Yeah. Magic mother motto you nayani chigura motor Kongo motor standamini what? Arima Santoka kimaska kimasu ari nava. Doku kano tai mining. You don't know. So isn't it nano. Timing.

Details and Locations

Since you know Tomika keto so no nakato yeah. Koshi naka kokode nanigamura cocodes papa so shira kuruma kirita demio kanamo my ski my shunay koraboga happy kara. But yeah more so for aboikaki and you can and yeah. Sugi sani token to sandy master causing the still my like kodaki to go.

Events and Occasions

Nayan yuri to go yes. Banga samita and such. Suimo rasta Kikakushima show Tanos Shira Snap rasta. No dash tai nati kimchi masna. Keiko matanins atomata kondo yes. Dokumar suka mag at matakini the hong suya dono jittend at mel no hayaminish minasanyoku so you know kibi.

Thoughts on Events

Ona event pro conscious igai nikango or you must also know. Oceanoko ducko karamena keiki nai evento hannah day so don't nakano even thought dakademo. Desire nakano. Santa hankin so kadamo sinoko. Kanki tostara mo so nalto mo tabuichi.

Gradual Reflection

Go brohan sai marina is even tabunko tabun moshka tampas so you kaiju mono there kaiju. Sankozino God there are event to the Tara Kanimo Agimasuna rasta and Kazango graduate Ruby chang Kara Igomasani sono and shifto stated him koku shokanam dana no hariba hokani anus speaker the Toto hana Stemitina Vitina Koreokini Nasim dina Tikata Ira Saranaka Ira Shima Sukha Satura agate mother ni Sanjay Tokakita none anisama itanai kata sanka SATA katakamo sister katatoka kotoka arukata yes you Hana.

Perceptions and Beliefs

K David Anisamani jibune kurto motivasa kasama shiraev samba mayo ma meto so no kohanyata but sonal dokai teru sankuni kuruna masaka top so they still sokoni. Ke kobi kurisara terukataga posto de oka Masakano Bikomasi mega tetano there sonovo sono so it yeah.

Discussions and Opinions

So kono naka deva chiba do master shiny kara. Kara madokanto hadani muria kanzino this bikomachi. Not sugiga I don't master Shanikala shani master Shani Masuda saki so not to be Komachanam hi hi to. Santo but.

Rambling Thoughts

I know sonas I know anisamanoto but nano secret to a good so you know they and surprise bag dot sugini button to me and. Shit. So nakade told you guru gotta say know divorce. And yeah, so guest and secret to guestana so conjugate.

Confusion and Clarity

And so. No guest. So yeah, so oh yeah. So shit. Pakistan. To but Kakashua nakatakido conscious and uche motor soka that omote motto nikita karabikuris. Marisa Yosodi Kuraba Shizura Uni Masuko shui sani Masva choking the Oshinokokura soka jiban Bandato Shanima Oshinokoga suzuki de kuru Kanji Kamuska Korabo Katana Nikara Shatter Kumamisan Kana Namaga Bokomo Chukan Kurani Master Kang Seto Disto and Devanga Chukangra Kato M Tansan Oshinoko Ota Shiny Masupi Shiny Masuda Shani Masuga Nikurun Janitaina Okata Tonokoto de Kuriri Sankuna Sakuna Oish Sangha Tori Moka the touch o is no sign of Sarah the hasimaru nakiro.

Social Dynamics

Snapu the guru nanimo and Jim you said the knee and all. So can ego erosa go chosen study penny. So this nesamate and sculpture. Kotari Nayakaya surgeon birke mama.

Understanding and Development

Daita you so stay nam bonka no dasaki novanio film just like you know be comma dedicated more. To be commatio mirror more oshika you know moikara chopto who you see this daneza son and mh naka requesto nakatara request arimaskari arimasanka konokikai style not there.

Awareness and Reality

No kaku say you sang idiot. Niwakari none of the divu dokoni wakar nakay. Kazataru so kino and kanaka so can I cut? No this and taboo arina kalai chiban toy itching yatanikas and because of that nano the ari nanitash doga so no big.

In-depth Discussion

Son kaijo go. Ari nano buraka a b sheet Michael a b sheet tabuichiban to you know tab n so much the gagarino so no big guys to manto ari nano a brokerage so a broke kara. Kaijuna ukri nay ketanakotokano and mother miruka k to atoyanikodarosi sona kadena single consciousness hi nanjikala kusikara touch mastana force yeah.

The Future Considerations

So start taking master hi mata naka nikki kaku sara tashimo yonde nanika is an active wing nitana ketara can I see kyoko? And. It'S given up. Hobo matrix. Design.

Future Prospects

You. Yeah, yeah. Tony to zama staminas are niche hokano eventokamo but haskan means jimo irasto kaitlis kiddo. Yeah. Tony. Yeah no pino castano and sorry Tashimo Sonoma sayo stakhanji.

Experiences and Locations

Saraniko nani mononi steak toyuka nam toyuka jivuni mother the gina. Koskino iras to sangaras no kara there mamari kaburana koskiras no postama recover and IO nah demo so no karana she posed taki okay.

Reflections and Moves

So no they follow me to you God. So it's coming up there. Oh. Nishi sugihe chotoko hanara chaturi surukara yuri no mariya stony miru kanjino wado kana sanin oshashi narava sono chiraika kono katachua san nin to kuraba sanin de kravita in this katagatuto and dying yuri kono kataga say nuri dina so no shashi how Mr.

Exploration of Ideas

Tenikoto say somewhere to cardinal ano shintai tiki toku to yurika say you so notoku to stay co ira tosh kondara totoniruka namita yeah. So in. Account on media and to come to call you cowen dana tokyo so there you go.

Conclusions and Discussions

Nitronia persono dose and kara miriba yokami so mariba yeah so. More so ye tarish demo so you been to niece hunka know shashinda mojo mirrors cannot. Either. Consist of go shashimi just don't go.

The Human Condition

Some it's a more him I miss a new guy started on this. So this all human oshiru kataka isha nagariga both of you got the only. Guys ashama doesn't reality stand this little church? You know kanji.

Cultural Reflections

You are. Ano. Yeah, but I hand saga choto toriko sinako nakam nakanto chanto yeah, you know but. Hi. Oh, hi yo there sarita kara so.

Further Considerations

And patsuni go down serious kara to conquer so you know they know Mr. Sil no asaria sense my sindhi masajo king took a fun to nina. Song so no gain you know pashasi rasta to casanomari no position no moteote noga huntoni nambai munamo miru.

Reflections on Society

Naga minangara because super and is about injita yeah, they monk me as a postal meter kansi. Moon so to kariukata sashin to take the net tell you what does no so kari posto ni minus and yeah so as you know yeah antoni for.

Understanding Human Dynamics

So secrete. Mateo machiharastas on desta so cry master yeah son hero in this. Neto stage so no stage so mao si and you know. So NASA kyoto you can he may I mean this tag and singing some of the u.

Identity and Experience

It's not Penda hero. They cannot be Komatika natanoto basho taking zaseki kapa kibo ga marinimo sonari masion nakaikai karate makaria Singh connectomo near the Kirishokido ya speakamuzai master hokani donotaka master data. So they or okahoga panoshimi merusi korina story so.

Cultural Connections

Yeah, so you know pro concept hana to kariban to kahato tokani naraki taban so no me tango garami naru janae niki tango kedatara so no nakano nayton yeah kusha sam no yeah akuato Oscar Santotoki don't know who need kuranoka toto tasimo noka jivun jibundiponai dexter hi namundes kane nakakani animas anisamano kanso mo katashi oremo Nathan Dajo so the.

Final Thoughts

Minasan ki tadaid katada tomo no the Makonova karit mahontani ariato style. Namayo state kulmera so Mr. K Sakushi. So this net and nakamino nano arioto onaji tokoroka korea nakami. Oh kuriwa so no the time it's kettera fans there so no tatoba imamisan gasay himinoka so kanji kano ariba tashkani tanoshimi.

End of Discussion

So naruto you go masano. Santai komati no stage pinkenhouse it hasn't? And koi so no imano to mata chica so pink net chakawai so isn't it yeah. Taksa right Kita Arigato was I musta arata mete Kosanka Kadasuni Arigato Ashimoto data like Kikaku stara kouna space more sneaky.

Conclusion of Dialogues

By the nigga and Mata Junior.

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