Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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The Twitter Space Hotcoin Voices Live: Hack-Proof Crypto hosted by HotcoinGlobal. Delve into the world of hack-proof crypto trading with Hot Coins on this insightful Twitter space. Explore strategies, security measures, and privacy protections to enhance your trading experience. Learn the importance of staying informed and implementing best practices to safeguard your digital assets. Discover the key features that make Hotcoin a secure platform for traders and how to mitigate risks effectively. Empower yourself with knowledge on secure storage solutions, two-factor authentication, and real-time security updates to trade confidently on Hotcoin.

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Total Listeners: 23


Q: How can traders enhance security while dealing with Hot Coins?
A: Implementing two-factor authentication, staying informed on security updates, and using secure storage solutions.

Q: What are some common risks associated with crypto trading on Hotcoin?
A: Potential hacking incidents, privacy breaches, and unauthorized access to assets.

Q: Why is it essential to prioritize security measures when trading Hot Coins?
A: To safeguard assets, maintain anonymity, and protect privacy from cyber threats.

Q: How can traders ensure anonymity while using Hot Coins for trading?
A: By following best practices like using VPNs, secure communication channels, and pseudonymous accounts.

Q: What are the key features that make Hotcoin a secure option for crypto trading?
A: Advanced security protocols, encryption mechanisms, and secure wallet integration.

Q: How does Hotcoin address security concerns in the volatile crypto market?
A: By offering secure trading environments, real-time security updates, and educational resources for traders.

Q: What role does education play in maintaining security while trading Hot Coins?
A: Education helps traders understand threats, implement security best practices, and protect their assets.

Q: What steps can traders take to prevent unauthorized access to their Hot Coins?
A: Using strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and secure wallet storage solutions.

Q: How does Hotcoin facilitate secure trading experiences for its users?
A: Through robust security features, continuous monitoring for threats, and proactive measures to enhance user protection.

Q: Why is it crucial for traders to keep up with the latest security updates in the crypto space?
A: To adapt to evolving threats, mitigate risks, and ensure the integrity of their trading activities.


Time: 01:10:15
Importance of Two-Factor Authentication Enhancing security measures for Hotcoin traders through multi-factor authentication.

Time: 01:25:40
Secure Storage Solutions for Hot Coins Exploring secure wallet options and storage strategies to protect Hotcoin assets.

Time: 01:40:55
Educational Resources on Hotcoin Security Accessing guides and tools to stay informed and secure while trading Hot Coins.

Time: 01:55:20
Anonymity and Privacy on Hotcoin Strategies to maintain anonymity and safeguard privacy when trading Hot Coins.

Time: 02:10:30
Real-Time Security Updates on Hot Coins Staying updated on the latest security alerts and measures to protect Hotcoin investments.

Time: 02:25:45
Risk Mitigation Strategies for Hotcoin Traders Guidance on identifying risks and implementing measures to reduce vulnerabilities while trading Hot Coins.

Time: 02:40:50
Security Features of Hotcoin Platform Exploring the built-in security functionalities that make Hotcoin a safe trading environment.

Time: 02:55:15
Privacy Best Practices for Hotcoin Users Tips on maintaining privacy, securing communications, and safeguarding transactions on Hotcoin.

Time: 03:05:30
Cyber Threat Awareness in Crypto Trading Understanding common threats and risks in the crypto market to enhance security on Hotcoin.

Time: 03:20:40
Continuous Security Monitoring on Hotcoin How Hotcoin ensures user protection through ongoing security monitoring and threat detection.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the importance of security in crypto trading with Hot Coins.
  • Exploring strategies for hack-proof trading and safeguarding assets.
  • Insights on the features that make Hotcoin a secure trading option.
  • Tips on how to maintain anonymity and protect privacy while trading Hot Coins.
  • The significance of staying informed about security measures and updates in the crypto space.
  • Exploring the benefits and risks of trading Hot Coins.
  • Empowering traders with knowledge on securing their crypto assets.
  • Strategies for secure and efficient trading on the Hotcoin platform.
  • Importance of two-factor authentication and other security protocols.
  • Guidance on secure storage solutions for Hot Coins.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Monthly Community Call

Everybody to another lovely artsy Friday. This is our monthly community call and looking really forward to hearing what everybody's got going in the community, what kind of art you're working on. And we are going to get fired up here in just a minute. Just letting get everybody get situated. And then we will open up with a amazing song I found from, like, the earlier side of hicket nuke art. This is a really cool track. Just called test press number one, mad brazilian beats by bfabface. And we'll put that in the top and get that going here in just a second as soon as we're all set up. But thank you, everybody, for joining us today. Stroke driven in the room, William Terra, bitcoins, Iris Blangs, Fendal. Thank you all so much for hopping up right away. And as soon as we're done with the opening song, we'll open up the floor for guests to come tell us what they've been working on. Really, really appreciate you guys, and I'm looking forward to this.

Songs and Participation

You about ready there, Kryptonio, my friend? Yes, sir. Let's go, Rocket. All right. What a groovy vibe. I love that. Again, we just posted that to the top if you want to find it for yourself. And thank you guys so much for joining us for another artsy Friday community call. And now is your time to come up and tell us about what you got going on in the space. Anybody that wants to come up, you are more than welcome to come tell us about your art, about your journey with Tezos, what you've been doing. We really love to hear from you. Yeah, yeah. And I don't know about human. I've been lost this last two days in all the governance stuff that's going on, that I would love, you know, to kind of catch up on the art side of things. Much more relaxed. Right? I don't know. Yeah, it's time to get artsy after a week of a lot of development and technical stuff. Absolutely, absolutely.

Community Engagement and Art Sharing

And I see Fendel. I see test on retro money. Oh, my God. What a nice room we got. We got William. Yeah. Yes, definitely. Request come up. We're just gonna chat, you know, about anything, even if it is not about your art. Anything you like to talk about around Tezos, art or not. There we go. We just got our first one from Test stones. Test tones in the building. Absolutely. All right. As they're getting up here, I will go ahead and say that if you guys go check the pinned post for test tones right now, we have a live vote going for, I believe, match three. Is that right, mister commissioner? I think it's match four because match three, we didn't have another team, there. Would have been no vote. Yeah. Yes. So technically it's match four, but the third vote. Gotcha. And what's up? How are you doing today, sir?

Host Experiences and Community Dynamics

Man, trying to catch back up these matches and hosting and organizing takes a bit out of me. So I was pretty pooped yesterday after having a match on Wednesday and trying to just get back in the swing of things. How are you guys doing? Yeah, with me and Kryptonia, we're just saying the same thing. It's like my weekend is like, starts Friday is my, like, heavy art brain gets put on. And I'm looking forward to catching up to a lot of the ideas I've had over the week. Just dropped something on YouTube. Really fun, like exploration of everything. AI kind of trying to hone in those skills for the villains. Yeah. Yep. The villains, yes. And really cool to see you guys. That's when you doesn't use, I mean, I use like, you know, genitive stuff for visual stuff, but to see you guys working on audio stuff as a engineer slash musician, artist, whatever, it's really cool to watch that process unfurl.

Upcoming Matches and Community Interaction

Yeah, I think y'all go ahead. Sorry, I was gonna ask, like, how many matches did you have already? I think I tuned into two or three by now. We've had four regular season matches at this point that were all live streamed. All right. Yeah, they are way too long, man. You know, I was able to jump in and out throughout the meetings, but it was really cool watching people, you know, so locked in and trying to come up with stuff and adjusting every little detail and everything. So cool. And I love, and I love your background when you're presenting. Yeah, I was going to ask you to tell us a little bit about that. As an artist yourself, you've recently added a really impressive touch to the live streams with I believe you're using blender, of all things. Tell us about your new league commissioner announcement booth.

Innovations in Streaming and Engagement

Yeah, yeah, I've made a little backdrop thing in blender. Well, a foreground and a background so I can sandwich a little green screen camera between there. I put on my suit jacket and a button up shirt and to try to look as official because honestly, it's one of those things where I've already gotten feedback from INSA where she said someone tuned in and was like, oh, wow, he's in a suit. Like, oh, that looks really official. And I think just one of those things where, like, if I take it seriously and dress up like announcer, it just instantly translates it a little more to people viewing. So likewise, I built a backdrop that was like a studio. It's got a picture of San Francisco skyline in the background, but also a Tez tones logo. It's got Ryan G. Tanaka's crypto punk there in the studio. We got the statue from season one champions. So, yeah, it's just, you know, a little context. So when you see it kind of looks like an announced sort of studio and not like a dude in a tiny home on a mountain.

Encouraging Community Participation

Yeah, it's been really cool to watch, and if you haven't seen it yet, you can go to test tone's account here or on YouTube to see a lot of examples. And we definitely encourage everyone to support Testone's quote unquote web two endeavors as we try to kind of break out of the mold and bring some new people in with the. All the interesting things going on. So with that being said, I know that you've recently dove deeply into understanding some of those aspects, and I'm wondering if you want to update us on the plans for sharing all these videos that are being live streamed. Yeah, yeah, main goal, and, yeah, that would be, I guess, a request I should do a little more often. People, if you can go to our profile, and then there's a link in our link tree to our YouTube, one of the huge ways.

Understanding the Community Needs

And that's why we're like. You robbed us. What happened? What? You broke up there for a second. We missed a sentence or so. What did you miss? Right after mentioning, you said, go to our YouTube? Yeah. Yes, go to our YouTube if you can. It's, the link is in our profile, in our link tree. And that's something that, you know, with. With the lack of. It's just something we're looking at. You know, we knew not everyone could collect our pieces last season because they were, like, 25 Tezos, and it. Not everyone can support in that way, and we totally understand that. But something that's cool about web two is anyone can go, and it's free to subscribe to our YouTube channel, you know, if you want to watch some videos.

Call to Action for Community Support

Cool. We'd appreciate it. If you want to tune in live, that'd be great. Watch time hours gets us close to monetization and getting our artists paid and all that stuff going. But, yeah, that's really been the realization is that even when we had a match last season in spatial with our final, we had a ton of people there. We had, like, you know, 2030 people there most of the time for, you know, 4 hours. That doesn't really get us anything as far as watch time or anything close to monetization. And if we had those same 20 people in, you know, in a YouTube video, watching and being able to chat with each other, it's just like realizing that these metrics are something that's probably going to help us as a league and as getting more sponsors, getting more funding in general moving forward is like, you know, I found a tool called Metricool, metricol.com, that you can post short videos to, like, right now I'm posting them to YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

The Need for Visibility and Engagement

And it's been, like, super useful to try to just get the footprint out. So that's something we're doing right now, is just trying to kind of establish more of a footprint so people can look and see all the stuff we're doing. Because one of the things about last season is we put in a ton of work, but not everyone knew what were doing, you know? So I just want to shine a light on all the amazing artists in our live matches. I've been making little shorts from that, and then one of the new goals would be to edit, as you said, Kryptonio, the live matches are pretty long. They're kind of more like a sports match. So trying to edit those into, like, little 30 minutes episodes and hopefully find someone to help with that.

Technical Exploration and Innovations

I was literally just working with. I just recently got Capcut Pro and I was working with it this morning and noticed a little button that said, turn your long videos into multiple short worthy clips. So apparently that's also on Capcut. And I'm, like, super stoked later on tonight to go explore that. Wait, is that. Is that on the. On the pro or on the usual? It's on, at least on the desktop version. No, no, I mean, like, is it at the premium? Do you have to, for the pro version to pay, or is it. I think so. Like I said, I just saw the button for the first time and didn't click it because I needed to start the show. But I'm super excited to go play with that some more because, you know, for test tones, for my own side quests on TikTok, and for even for what I'm doing here as far as chopping up some of my bigger videos into tweets.

Integrating Artist Contributions

So, yeah, very cool and looking forward to exploring that also for test tones for our matches and helping out. And that's another thing I want to mention. Artists, all these artists in the room, let's not leave it all on lead commissioner and utilize our own YouTube channels and stuff and share these posts there and make our own little clips and whatever it takes, really. And something more and more I'm learning from the artists as I listen to their stories is the ones that are really thriving, are living both worlds. Web three maximalism. I think we're, we might be a little too early for, you know, as far as, like, what we believe in long term. Heck yeah. I'm a total maxi, especially Tezos, but, like, there's time to bridge that gap still.

Building a Unified Community Vision

And I feel like the more of us that can be living those both, in both of those worlds and bringing that exposure, the better. So I personally, I think Tez tones is a leading example of that right now within the ecosystem. Go ahead. Yeah. One last update that I realize I should definitely mention right now is that we have currently opened sign ups last night to new people who want to join the season. So if anyone is interested, and just a really quick rundown. Test tones is like a sports league for artists, where we assign artists, audio and visual artists onto teams. And then this season we have live matches where there's a three hour creative window.

Encouraging Newcomers and Sharing Opportunities

We jump into a live stream, people screen share their audio and their visual processes, and the teams collaborate live. It's, it's honestly a little bit stressful, but it's very exciting. It's very fun. If anyone's interested, please reach out. But yeah, that's enough of me doing test tones announcements. There's so much to talk about, though, and it's definitely appreciated. And you're welcome to stay up here and be part of the conversation as we move forward into the space. And that being said, just a reminder, everybody, this is our monthly community call. You are more than welcome to request and come up and talk about your experience.

Welcoming New Members to the Community

I know there's a lot of Tezz tones artists in the room if you want to talk about what you've been going into, and a lot of new faces I don't recognize even. And thank you all for being here. Really appreciate you being here for another community call with Tezos Commons. So if you feel confident, you're more than welcome to come up here. And if you don't feel confident, please come up here and let us help you feel that confidence because we'd love to hear from you. All right, we got Terra bitcoins coming up probably transitioning at the moment. Hello. Hello. How are you today? Terra bitcoins.

Expressions of Gratitude and Acknowledgment

Hello GM. Cheers from sunny Portugal. Hello, Yoshi Kryptonio, everyone. Test on comments thanks. Thanks for having me. First of all, I decided to come up just to thank you, Yoshi, for the great article about Brazilian artists that you publish on Tess Commons account, and thank you for the mentioning on the directory that I'm working on. Of course. And actually, that's a great opportunity for me to mention that I went ahead and wrote up this next article of the month and we'll see when it gets published. But as I like, the day after I submitted it, I realized I said in the first one that I would feature more of the Brazilian artist on that list and then totally went off of sifts nominations just out of impulse.

Future Articles and Acknowledgments

So I do want to say that when that comes out, I'm not forgetting, and I do want to cover more of the artists from your list in the future as well. Really appreciate that list. It was an extremely helpful resource, actually, I. Should also ping that article, pin that article up here because that's also another thing that people can nominate. People, you know, like you are obviously digging a lot in the arts in of Tezos, but there are so many artists, so it would be great if we got people to nominate other artists to be featured in those articles. Yeah, so if you check out the first one that's published the first article of the month, you'll see a little bit of a breakdown of how we would like people to contribute and help us kind of build an extensive list over time of the artists contributing to the space so that I, over time, can do my very best to highlight all of them to the best of my ability.

Continuous Community Engagement

So definitely appreciate it if you'll check that article out and use the hashtag Tezarticle with art capitalized so that we can find it when I go to cover the future monthly articles. So what else you got going on, Terra bitcoins? Tell us a little bit about what's been going on with you. Yeah, thank you for asking. But let me just add something to the directory that you mentioned. This article was specifically for Brazilian artists, but that directory that I'm building on Tezos PT is for all Portuguese speaking communities and countries. And I'm still struggling to find the artists from other Portuguese speaking countries, only Portugal and Brazil.

Expanding Community Outreach and Artist Recognition

We have Angola, Mozambique, Cupword, East Timorous, a lot of countries that I cannot find artists, at least on Tezos from there. So I'm taking this chance to be in Tezos government space. If anyone knows artists that are on Tezos from any of Portuguese speaking countries, I would be very glad and would appreciate if you can mention them so I can add them on the directory or they can go there and submit themselves the entry. It's open directory community direct made by the community for the community is free so everyone is welcome there. That's awesome. Tera, do you have a tweet that we can maybe pin up here in the space about that?

Collaborations and Development Projects

Mostly on comments when they talk something related, but I will search for it and I will put it on the comments. Awesome. Awesome. The other thing that I've been working on with two French developers, it's Tezos no code. We're trying to build a platform to create smart contracts without need to code and also to create random mints on those collections. That's the projects that I've been working on. Very cool. Well, you're welcome to share any of that within the comments and definitely appreciate you coming up here. And thank you.

New Faces and Collaborations

We just noted we got you up here. PX alien co op, I believe. Yeah. Coder. PX alien coder. How are you today? Hey, how are you doing? Pretty good, thank you. Well, you're welcome. I see that you have a live mint on Tezos. Yeah, I just started on Tezos on the 3 September, so I'm really the newbie. I mean, you guys are obviously a lot more experienced than I am, but I found the Tezos community on X in particular to be so friendly that I decided to.

Welcoming Newcomers to the Tezos Community

We lost you after decided to. So if you come back, we still don't hear you at the moment. But if you can hear me, it's very exciting to have you on Tezos and welcome, and we'll make sure that people follow you. I think that you might have gotten rugged. I'm still not hearing him at the moment. Yeah, I'm not hearing him either. So most probably has connection issues. If there was a connection issue and you need to reconnect, we will be happy to bring you back up and we'll see what we can do. Yep. In the meantime, we got retro coming up as well. Keep trying alien. Just chime in. Really is really sorry for the technical difficulty that we're not hearing you right now, but I gave you a follow and everybody make sure to check out alien coders.

Engaging with New Community Members

Drop retro. How are you today, sir? Hey, what's up, Yoshi Kryptonio, Terra and Hash as well is up here. And welcome to PX as well. And Jeff Retro, can you verify. Just so that PX, as a newbie doesn't feel like we're rugging him. You couldn't hear him either, right? No, he cut off, but yeah, I did give him a follow as well, so. Okay, well, thank you for it and welcome up to the room. What's been going on with you, my friend? Well, it was good to hear about Tez Tones first and foremost.

Excitement for Future Collaborations and Events

I'm always excited to hear what's going on with Tez Tones. It's just crazy how you guys are having these live matches now. So, yeah, super excited to see that progress and kind of discussing. I'm not going to say too much in case hash doesn't want me to, but we're kind of discussing a few little treats along the way that might be part of the wider circle of Tez Tones again somehow. But, yeah, I'm kind of excited about that. What's that yelling? Say it. Yeah, no, I just wasn't sure what the schedule was and I didn't want to, like, give too much Tez Tones news, but if you want to give Tez Tones news, I would love it.

Engagement and Hype for the Community

Oh, yeah, I don't mind saying it at all. So I'm. I actually approached hash and said, you know what, we used to do this once a week show, which I'm sure Yoshi, you remember on a Wednesday, I think it was where we used to. I used to host and I used to try and highlight the events of the week in terms of what the artists have been doing and interview them and all that kind of stuff just to really cool hype chilled out, but hype session and I reached out to hash with the exciting things that have been going on. You know, I got. I actually got really excited to see nifty and stroke join, who are two ogs in the space who very much welcomed me when I first came into Tezos.

Bridging Connection in the Tezos Community

So that just made me want to just jump back into Teslas and just be a part of it, even in a small way. So, yeah, me and Hash were discussing last. This week, last week about potentially doing some more spaces just to have a nice little hype. Hype chat about what's Tez tones about, what the artist been up to and. Yeah, so that's something. Heck yeah. Well, I look forward to seeing that unfold because I definitely have big nostalgia over those times and those past spaces that we had. Real quick, just to reset the room, everybody, welcome to another artsy Friday with Tesla's commons.

Minting on Ghost Net

Yes. Well, firstly, it is definitely more expensive. And that's why in the tutorial I've shown people how to test mint on Ghost Net first, both on getting the faucet to get some free tezos to test and to use ghost net on object. So just to give a guide of pricing the maximum you can mint using this technique, it's going to hurt a little bit for some artists, but it's 16 kb because that's at the size of a block. Although I think when, even if your file is a little bit bigger, when you convert it to data Uri, I think it does shrink the size a little bit. So just firstly, bear that in mind, and you're looking at around about four to five tez for that mint. But what this whole thing brought up was object themselves. An NFT protector actually started looking into it and said, oh, by the way, we've been testing this out using the ONC FHF method.

Different Minting Methods

I'm not sure on chiefs, that's what I call it, which is a slightly different method for minting larger pieces, but it doesn't use the same method as data URI. It uses a slightly different method. And you can mint larger pieces, but it's not very good. According to NFT protector, it's not very good for minting smaller pieces, but you can mint using object's own UI now. So they created a special little site, just a test site, where you can mint using on chiefs. And this is. There's no limit to the size, but the price obviously goes up. But it is using a different technique. I personally still looking at the way it does it, I personally prefer the data URi method because what Jestm is doing now is taking those codes that I've minted on the blockchain.

Blockchain Integration

And I think using TzKT, you can actually pull those artworks into any website that you developed. So if I made a website, I can pull everything from the blockchain and make the sprite appear anywhere I want, which in my head has got a lot of potential. Whereas I think the other method, as far as I know, and don't quote me on this, at the moment it's only visible on object. You can only see on object if it's. If it's been minted on chain. Does that, does that make sense? And I'm not an expert, by the way, so I'll try and answer questions. If I can, but I believe it's a step in the right direction.

File Formats and Limitations

And I'm curious, tera bitcoins, who more on the technical understanding of things? Maybe you could chime in on that. Yeah, in a way. I liked very much this tutorial that reto shared in video. And my question was related to the file formats that we can update basically with that method. It's more suitable for small image files, pixel art and things like that. You cannot upload, for example, videos or audios or PDF's or any other types of formats yet. Right. Well, using. If you use that method that I use, you're right. In terms of the file size is very limiting. But if you use the website that you use to convert your digital art into the code, there's loads of different file types you can upload.

Animating and Using Different Formats

So I was the first one to do animated GiF and I didn't think that was possible. I thought at first it was just a still image. But you can do animated Gif. I did upload a video, I think. I'm pretty sure I remember uploading a video, but it was massive. But I bet you there's a way that someone will figure out to create a video that is like a few kilobytes maybe, but it does convert it. It converts quite a few file types. So have a. Have a go. But obviously I think music is. The sound is a problem. So it's not that at the moment yet, unfortunately.

Challenges with Audio on Blockchain

Yeah. I don't think that there's a quote unquote on chain way to play back music. And that's the same for, you know, the unchiefs method that object have done. I think that is just still images, I think. But you'll have to check out NFT protectors posts on that. At the moment. You're about to say something. Kryptonio. Now I was just gonna say that I think that the blockchain, as a blockchain, can only store data. How those data will be interpreted by other softwares, like how they will, you know, recognize the music or the image or whatever it is. It's up to those softwares, I think.

NFTs and Music

Right. That's why I actually thought that my first mint was on chain, because it was music and we couldn't listen to it until rarible activated. It was interesting. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, that sounds up. That's really interesting. I think that there's a lot to be said about things to look forward to in the future and things we could still build towards. Go ahead, hash. Yeah. On a similar note, actually had a really long nerdy conversation with someone. And I think it was like an ordinals space. They were talking about trying to get music on ordinals, which is a bitcoin Satoshi, essentially.

Innovations in Music Storage

I believe they inscribed them on which is a small amount of data. Something that's really cool is looking at going backwards in time at stuff like chiptune and stuff that can store crypto news to adjust the data so you can store just the midi data of your songs, which you can't necessarily store. Vocals would be harder to store in actual audio files, but there would be a really cool way, especially with something like Retro's doing, to store MiDI files and then have those play through an engine like a. Like a SNES engine or something like that. And then you could store the native audio as a midi.

Testing New Frontiers

Didn't Ryan Tanaka recently start innovating something where you can. That's mint midi? That's exactly what I had my hand up for. I think he's already testing it with Taya. And they started with. They've got the text one now that's unchained. But I think they've got the Midi one in the works. But it might be worth reaching out to Ryan about that, but that one looks really exciting. Yep. Just a reminder, everybody, we're up here just chatting about everything, tezos art and some of the things that we can and can't do. And it's a really interesting conversation, but just don't feel intimidated.

Engaging the Community

You're more than welcome to come up here and share what you got going on in the space. A little bit about you as an artist. We'd love to hear from you, but for right now, I'm super enjoying everybody in the room talking, and this has been a great conversation. Right now, at the moment, all three speakers have their hands up, and I'm imagining it's just Twitter being Twitter again. But you guys just talk when you want to talk. Yeah, see, no ads. I can't see any hands. I'm just going to step down for a bit. I might come back up a little bit later.

Reflecting on the Journey

And so I thought, okay, I'll investigate. And here I am, like a few years later. I can't take my eyes off it. It's just a wonderful experience bringing people together, which was not really visible in previously in what people call web two, which is the rest of the world, basically. I've traveled a lot in my lifetime. For about 40 years or so, I've traveled in different countries. One of the most important things when you're traveling is communication. I mean, you can just go around as a tourist and look at things and don't speak to anybody. But personally, communication was like the, you know, that was the real fun about the whole experience of meeting new people and learning things. So it's a real pleasure to come across this new possibility, new opportunity for everybody to be creative and do something that may last for thousands of years, perhaps, who knows? But that's not the really important thing.

The Value of Connection

I just thought that bringing people together was really so important in the world today. The way we live and the life that we have. I think it has, as I said, as a traveler then, I've been to many different countries, so it's such a. Such a great experience now. I see that as possible digitally, because personally, I feel when I have a conversation digitally or in a space like this, when I'm listening to other people, it feels exactly the same as I'm traveling across the world. I got a similar feeling that we're finally getting to a point where we. We can have real interactions without it having to be face to face and sometimes getting even more opportunity because it isn't, and especially in this space. I agree wholeheartedly that there seems to be a whole different love for the art of communication, especially in Tezos. So I'm really glad that you found it and that you feel that, and I hope you'll keep diving in because it only gets. It only gets to be a bigger and bigger feeling, in my experience. Yeah, absolutely.

Engaging with the Community

Yeah, yeah. I'll be sticking around for sure. I've got. My projects are complete, and so I'll be here every day and listening in. And whenever you're holding a space, I'll join in if I'm available. But, yeah, with great pleasure. It's lovely to continue the conversation. I won't explain about my project now, but I would just ask people to visit my profile and just have a look. That's all I'll ask. Well, tell us a few things about your project. I was actually just looking at your page with all the alien themed artworks you have minted. I would love to hear some more stuff about it. Okay. So, I mean, I'll try to keep it quite short and simple and put the details in that are relevant. So the project is about aliens, as obviously you can see. It's like SCi-Fi and I particularly like that as a genre.

Artistic Inspirations

And it's also about alienation, which I kind of use my travel experiences as a traveler. You arrive in a new country, and you don't know anybody. Perhaps India, for example. When I went to India, you don't know anybody, and you start from zero, and you're an alien. Basically. No one's seen you before. You've just appeared, and you're here for a certain amount of time. So it's a little bit about alienation, but in a very positive sense. There's also spirituality in the project because I spent 20 years living in an ashram in the. And so during that time, yoga and meditation was everyday life. Music, obviously, and many other arts as well, including painting it, etcetera. So my whole life is basically around art and around music and communication and travel and, you know, most enjoyable.

The NFT Project

So now in the NFT space, I'm able to create my ideas. And this project is multi-layered. So it's basically, I have an idea, a concept, and then I'll put the concept together. It takes usually a month or three months. This one has been going a lot longer, and it's just forming now on object, so people can basically watch it forming. In this very first phase, it's just started on the 3 September, the whole project. And in this very first phase, I decided to make a total of 333 NFTs. And the first 33, I want to be considered founder members of the project, where people can actually work together on the project and be involved with it and communicate about the project. So kind of real experience.

Involving the Community

If they wish to. If they wish to remain silent, that's fine. Also, they still hold one of those. Those NFTs, one of those 33 NFTs. So those 33 NFTs, there'll be 33 on the 30th of this month. So that's in three days. I think I've got another five to add. They're all one of ones. And they're basically the owner of those NFTs. Then they now found a member of the project on object on Tezos blockchain. And there'll be much more details to be added as what that actually means, how it's going to work. And also it'll be a discussion open of the people holding those NFTs to guide the project and assist with it in light ways, in kind of very simple ways. Does that make sense?

Exploring Collaboration

It does, yeah. It's an intriguing project. And I like when I hear artists exploring ways to. To kind of self innovate and create utility. And I like. I like the art, too. One of my questions would be, as a holder, would we be able to get like a variation of just the still artwork without it going between the logo and the artwork? Because I'd like to be able to just enjoy the aliens at a long. In a longer increment, I guess I. Could say, yeah, okay, that's a great question. And what I've tried to do is to try to somehow protect the images in a certain way by using GIF and also to add a bit of value to them in the GIF format that they stand out, that they're very.

Artistic Integrity

Because if they were part of a larger collection, then these will be the only movement animated NFTs in the collection. These 30, the rest will be static. Well if that intention, I would definitely would recommend checking out any sort of unlockable type of feature. Maybe even through like saints, you could do some sort of owners that, you know, I get what you're saying as far as protecting the art that could. Yeah, sorry to put in. What I meant by that was just while I'm actually forming the project. So are these like previews before mint kind of thing? No, not exactly. Yeah. I've tried to think about this project, how to launch it and how to present it to people as an idea, as a concept.

Art and Concept

And so right now I think the art is not important, it's more the idea. Obviously the art is important. People like to look at, you know, things that they're interacting with. But I'm very open, you know, I'm completely. So if somebody said to me, look, I want a five k image of that NFT I've just bought, I'd say, yeah, sure, no problem. I put that on my banner. It's on the banner. And this was. I've been soft marketing for about three months now and the very initial month was, if you collect an NFT, I'll give you a five K poster of the NFT. Well, it looks like.

Community and Future

Sorry to interrupt, but it looks like skulls army. Our friend actually just posted in the comments of a site that allows that feature so that you wouldn't have to do it manually. So just. Sorry for butted in again. No, no, that's great. I'm kind of getting ready to start cooking dinner, so. But yeah, basically, yeah, I'm very open to the conversation and that was the idea of the 33 founder NFTs. Hopefully I'll own one as well. That would be nice if I can be a member also. That's awesome. And basically, yeah, we can have a conversation and discuss everything. Well, we'd love to have you back up for another space sometime soon and, you know, look forward to having you in the community.

Introducing Kaden

We do have a couple of new speakers up I want to acknowledge and get to, but definitely I'll check out alien coders new project and stay informed, maybe set notifications as he further develops along. Thank you very much. I'll drop down now to listen and I'll go and cook the dinner for the evening. If you're hungry, let me know. I'll make sure there's a plate extra for you. All right, enjoy your dinner. Who? I think Kaden was up. Kaden was up next, I believe. Unless it was actually, I think Kryptonia was at Findl. Then HP, then Kaden. No, no, Kaden was first.

Kaden's Background

I also saw Teresa having his hand up. But I suppose he had a question for. For PX alien. But yeah. Yeah, Kaden was first. All right, Kaden, how are you today? Doing well. This is actually Kaden's dad. Oh, hi. Yeah, Karen is already in bed. It's way past his bedtime here in South Africa. I actually just came up to say hello. I've been listening on your spaces for. A while and I just wanted to jump up and say hello and introduce. Introduce everyone to my little man, Joanne's dad. I do not really believe that this basis place for my nine year old.

Nurturing Young Talent

To sit and hang out in, so I'm taking that on myself. But yeah, Kaden, he has been on Tezos now for, I think, almost two and a half years. Absolutely enjoy being on the blockchain. One of his most successful and viral collections actually started off on Tezos. It's his naughty robots. And yeah, they've called Tezos home for, I think, about a year and a half now. So my kiddos created over 7000 of these little robots, among many other things. And yeah, they've got a few of them that have been living on Tez. But I actually just jumped up to.

Sharing Kaden's Journey

Come and say hello and to introduce. Myself, my little one. If anyone wants to know a little bit more about us and why we are here and how we ended up in NFT Twitter land, just go check out our pintweet. I know it's quite an extensive read, but it's well worth it. But if reading is not your thing, go click on our link tree. Second link from the bottom. That will take you to a documentary all about my little one and what he does and why he does what he does. Yeah, just why he is such an amazing little artist.

Community Support

But yeah, guys, thank you for allowing me to come up. FYI, if anyone is interested, there is no naughty robots left on primary. They're all secondary. But there is an open edition which is currently minting. And I see crypto was kind enough to pin it to the top. So yeah, go check it out. Congratulations to Kaden on the sellout that's fantastic. I am curious if you have reached out to Juniper, Paisley and hello, Carmelo. To potentially collaborate because they're working towards a youth artist initiative on Tezos.

Exploring Collaboration Opportunities

No, actually, I haven't. I wasn't aware they were working on something like that. But yeah, I will definitely love to connect with them. I've actually tried to connect with as. Many youth-oriented projects as I possibly could over the last three years. Some of them are still here. Most of them have unfortunately, sadly, disappeared. But no, I will definitely love to connect. If you could maybe just dm me the details, then I will get connected. I'll make a note and dm you here later with some details on that because I'd love to see, like, a community forum around what they're doing.

Engaging the Community

And I am noticing more and more youth minting their art. So shout out to all the parents getting their kids involved. Looks like we have a room filling up with speakers. Oh, my goodness. Thank you so much for coming up, Kaden. I think we now have HP love box next. Is that right, Kryptonio? Yeah. Yeah. HP. How are you today? Or did he step down? I don't see actually him anymore. Yeah, I think he. Wait. Okay, he's requesting again.

Creating Connections

He went down and coming back up. Let's give him a moment to. To transition. And, guys, looking at the time and looking how many speakers we have, I think we should probably cut the requests pretty soon so that we can at least go over some of the exciting things that have happened before we close out. But we'll get to everybody that's come up so far. Of course. Okay. I think it's glitching. We could go to Fendal in the meantime. Fendal, how are you today? I am doing great. Thank you so much for hosting and holding the space, Yoshi.

Positive Vibes

Just want to wish everybody good vibes in the room. Much love. You already know. Yeah, I just wanted to, like, give a quick plug for the Tezos vending machine today. They just turned on the machine. As I know there's a drop with Lawrence Fuller and Tanya Revillus today. Very exciting drop called bliss. And if you plug the machine, you. Will, of course, hear my music. And, yeah, it's a really beautiful collection. Of course, if you're not familiar with Lawrence's work and Tanya's amazing painting together.

Collaboration with Lawrence Fuller

They are just an incredible team. And I'm really excited to share my music along with that drop. And in other Lawrence Fuller news, I'm going to be interviewing him on the WXABK program this Tuesday night at 06:00 p.m. eastern or, sorry, 09:00 p.m. eastern. 06:00 p.m. pacific Standard this Tuesday. Wxipk. That's what I got. I kick it back to you. Cheers. Thank you for the reminder. I saw your post and meant to mention it, and I just went and pulled and got a little preview of the music.

Appreciation for Collaboration

You did a great job. Oh, thank you so much. Yeah, it was really exciting to work on this project. Of course. Love working with Flexorus Rex, and it's always an honor. It was so great finally getting to meet flex at Tezconde. Hope I get to see him again sometime. Yeah, boy, me too. It's what a great guy and just what a great force in Tezos. You know, super cool. Absolutely. Anything that you want to share about your current art endeavors?

Artistic Pursuits

Sure. Yeah. Like, just briefly, I have a new drop of an ostrich egg that I collaged and painted and then took 287 stills. And then. And then I took those and made a stop motion video and then overlaid it with photo mosh over the original and with my own music. So that's my latest drop. It's ten editions. Ten tezen. I just love the way it turned out. I don't know, like, it's just a fun project. I've got three of them.

Upcoming Drops

Three ostrich eggs. And then if people buy all three, they will get the fourth golden egg dropped in their wallet. That's what I got going on so far. Plus, of course, my AI villains, Yoshi and stroke driven. We got a match coming up, too. So very much enjoying working with you guys. October 5, right? That's our next match. Exactly right. I think that's a week from tomorrow. Exactly. And yeah, we've been diving deep, exploring AI training models, villain opponents.

Engaging with the Audience

Beware. Anyway, let's. Let's go ahead and get HP love bucks up here. I hope we didn't lose him again. Actually, I don't see him. I think he fell down again playing. Cheers, paying, playing spaces tag with HP love bucks today. If you hadn't tuned into the recording, we had an amazing space with HP Love bucks just recently. If you would like to get the best history lesson you've ever didn't know you needed on post Americana art.

Historical Perspectives

And some of them just straight up American history told from the artsiest perspective I've ever heard. It was a wonderful space. Definitely go listen to the recording we do, actually. I'll put it down in the comments because as you said, it was a great space and really worth a to listen to the recording. Absolutely. And sorry for the spaces tag that we've had going on throughout today. We do have let's see Panta and then we will get to Marzia.

Final Thoughts

I hope I said that right. And then last up we'll have Matthew before we kind of close out into a little bit of news and an outro song. How are you today, Pantaya? Hi dear Yoshi. Hi dear Kryptoni. Thank you very much. Fine. Hi to all of my friends in this space. I hope you had a great Friday till now. Thank you very much for having me. Thank you. And how are you? Everything is fine.

Appreciating Community

It's been great. Just been enjoying catching up with everybody in the community that's willing to come up here and even the people just tuning in. It's nice to see your faces and thank you for being a part of our artsy Friday. Oh, it's so great. Yes. Why not? Every Friday? Great space for me always. Thank you very much, dear Yoshi. And can I say something about one artwork?

Celebrating Women's Art

Of course, go for it. Thank you very much. I pin at first and then I speak about it. You know, today is the anniversary of women wears and for this anniversary we will donate one artwork, one of one. And then the auction will start. The entire course is to help the women's community and 25% of the sale will go to the artist. And this is my artwork and I made the music myself with AI, but before I wrote the lyrics of this myself.

Community Support

And your retweet can help to see better this artwork. And thank you very much. It's for women wears and all of you know about this community and you can help the women's community. Thank you very much for having me and listen to me. Thank you. Have a great Friday and love you so much, all of you. Thank you. Always a pleasure to have you at Pantaya.

Community Appreciation

And first, thank you for being a consistent, contributing member of this community. You always show up and always add positive vibes and always have amazing art to enjoy. We really appreciate you.

Speaker Introduction

All right, before we lose you again, HP love bucks. We see you as a speaker. How are you today? I'm doing really good. Yeah, sorry about that. My phone was like in rug mode. I don't know what was going on, but yeah, again, there's a lot of speakers so I'll try to keep my time short.

Saints App Announcement

You talked about saints and so it's like coming up on a month for the Saints app and I just want to pin a little something that I have for tier two. I'm giving away, not giving away. The subscribers paid for it, but tier two subscribers are getting a one of one pencil sketch. And originally it was going to be a raffle, but at this point, I'm just letting them choose what they want. So I'm just putting up a little menu of two years of pencil sketches. And they just pick the one they want. So it kind of works out, too. And the tweet is right up there now.

Art Choices Explained

Kind of works out to 15 tests for a one of one, and you get to pick the image that you want. So anybody else who wants that deal can just hit me up and get that same deal. And so, yeah, it's just, I think it's a pretty cool thing, you know. As we go into the second month of saints, there's probably going to be big drop off. And everybody thought, this is the hot new thing. I'll get rich. And then when it just turns out to be all us artists hanging out. Chilling, maybe somebody will. Some. There'll be some fall off, but that's normal.

Community Resilience Observed

I think what's going to be cool is to see what people do in the second month, to see who hangs out and how people enrich it and. Make it hip or whatever. So this is. That's all everybody in the room. If you want to just peek at that, give it a retweet, give it. A like or whatever. And or if you want one of those drawings, just hit me up and we'll make it happen. 15 tests for a one one, and we'll see what happens in month.

Artist Insights

Two of the saints, I was Doug, mister Andre Fuchs. You know, I thought he was a really straight shooter. So when he said he was going to do the saints thing and then he went dark for a while and then all of a sudden it happened. It's one of those times when somebody says they're going to do something and then they do it. And also, I think the saints thing has not over promised. A lot of things over promise and under deliver, but he didn't over promise.

Realistic Expectations

He said it is this, and so far, it is exactly what he. It is. So it's what the users make it. And so I'm continuing my support because. It just seems like it's been a very forthright and honest presentation of what. It is and what it can do, and it's up to the artists to populate it and make it. Make it fun.

Artist Support Encouraged

So very well said. I would agree with that. I do think if more artists can support saints, as it grows, it will grow faster into more and more of what web three needs as its own version of Patreon, essentially. Again, this is essentially a beta. He said he was going to do it and did it, and it's exactly what it was supposed to be. And now it's time for us to rally around it so it can become more just a reminder.

Collective Efforts Recognition

That's how HCNC started. If it wasn't for the community, we wouldn't have the TIA probably in the object that we see today. So just a reminder, guys and. Similar things on other chains would be like, you do this, but we take this percentage and. But we pay you back in our house token, and then our. And it just gets into some rigmarole and you realize they're just farming artists.

Transparency in Artist Dealings

So here the deal is very straightforward. The artists set their own terms. So, yeah, it's just cool. It's got that tezos like authenticity and lack of bullshit around it, which we appreciate. Amen. Appreciate you chime in on that, HP. All right, I'm gonna step down. Thanks for the space.

Introducing New Speaker

Of course. Looks like next up we have Marzi. How are you today? Hi. Hi there. Uc. All of my friends here. Happy to be with you guys. I'm good. I'm pretty good. How are you doing? Great. Am I saying it right? Is it Marzi or Marzia?

Name Meaning and Origin

Marzia. Very cool. I love that name. Really? Yeah, it's very nice. It's elegant. Thank you. It means that the one who is so satisfied. Yeah. Oh, nice. In the time that my grandma whispered the meaning and when I was child, I said, start nagging mercy. And your name means so satisfied. So after that, I tried to be so satisfied.

Artistic Development

That's a beautiful, deep meaning to it as well. I see that you do abstract, physical paintings, which is kind of one of my personal favorite things. Will you tell us more about that? Yeah, I just do painting from my childhood, but professionally for more than 25 years. Oh, I just do painting and just try to understand and learning all the styles.

Unique Artistic Style

And after that I just choose abstract painting for my unique, you know, styles of art. And, yeah, I just. I'm just here for, I think, nine months and happy to be a part of this community and introducing myself to the artist, speaking with the artists and learning a lot from them. There's so much to learn from the community here.

Continuous Learning in the Community

It really is. And I can tell you, five ish years in, I still feel that way every day. Welcome. I'm glad that you stuck around for a fairly long time already within this space. Look forward to seeing more of your art. Do you have anything up on object or tia as of right now?

Artwork Display

Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for asking. Yeah, I have. I just wanted to show my. And the last drop an object that the name is the silent scream. It's abstract, expressive, and it's about the iranian revolution that two years ago in that time happened.

Art with a Message

And the women just try to defend their freedom and have something in the world and just have their ordinary rules. And as you see in that art, I just cut the ear of the woman with the knives. And there's something as a, you know, blood on the faces and all the body and for showing that no one hear our scream.

Symbolism in Art

And it's just silent screams that no one have the ear to hear us. And there is usually, as you see, all my art and object tree on my painting. That is the clue of wisdom for me because I learn a lot from the nature and the trees. And there's a more description in the alt, if you wanted to know more about that woman.

Art and Personal Reflections

Thank you. Absolutely beautiful, deep story. Very meaningful. It's good to see artists utilize their craft to, you know, share messages that the world needs to hear like that. It's definitely appreciated and I hope everybody will go enjoy that and follow Marzia.

Closing Announcements

Just a reminder, y'all, we have stopped requests for today. We gotta have at least somewhat of a time constraint, just so you know. We will get up to you just in a second. Matthew. Again, this has been an artsy Friday community call, which we do at the last Friday of every month. So be sure to set those notifications.

Upcoming Events Reminder

Follow Tezo's comments. The other, the other spaces we have, specific artists come up and tell as much of their story as they want to. Definitely tune into those as well. And how are you today, Matthew? Sorry to have you waiting for so long.

Community Contribution Highlight

Oh, no worries. No worries. No, I'm very tezos dominant, probably for last year. Marzia, I love her art. She's amazing. Tier of bitcoins. Nico with Kaden and Anthia. And my favorite alien artist down below there, ex Aliena.

NFT Collection Overview

I have currently over 2500 nfts on object and I do giveaways of other objects and I'm actually doing one ones. If you buy somebody's art on my space for 50 tez, you can go to my art collection and get another 50 tez. So I'm here.

Professional Background Sharing

I've been around professional art for 53 years. I'm a professional photographer, videographer. I've done some oil paintings and I'll do some poems and some other music things in the future. But right now I just love learning from artists and space hosts and sharing wisdom and teaching wallet safety and stuff like that.

Community Engagement

I rescue puppies here in Serbia. Been doing it for five years. I've got some art, I got some auctions going right now, so I'll pin one up. Special piece I just minted today. Let me see if I can find that quickly. Where is it at?

Social Media Engagement

Yeah, yeah. I am a retweeter and I'm a follower and I like to comment. And it's so crazy how the algorithm works. I've been, you know, on Twitter every day, Twitter tezos, Twitter specifically for four years, and I think this is my first time really chiming in.

Community Support Acknowledgement

I appreciate you coming up to share how active you are and will do a better job following you. Appreciate all that you're doing for the space. Yeah. Well, thanks. Yes. I just pinned up the latest piece that I did.

Art Access and Collecting

It's an open edition, so I don't need you to collect it if you don't have money. I know a lot of my artist friends don't have a lot of money. If you can retweet it, like it, if you like it, because I really believe the more you're open, you're honest and transparent.

Community Growth and Support

All the people that you like retweet and people that you like leave comments because it doesn't take much. And if you join a space, you know, I think it's only fair that you follow the host if you want to speak on their platform and, you know, retweet the space.

Building a Strong Community

And then the artists that you like, retweet them, follow them, collect if you can. And the more that we support one another, the faster we're going to grow as an art community and we are going to onboard a lot of people over the next one to three years, I believe.

Evolving Art Marketplace Insights

And people can buy them with an email now and have a custodial wallet where they don't even have the NFT, and if they want the NFT, they can get it. There's so many new marketplaces and so many changes and 404 contracts and all this different stuff, new chains coming out, you know, so you got to stay up to date and, you know, but I do really preach wallet security, wallet.

Prioritizing Security

Safety because too many of my friends. Have been hacked and get drained. So be careful in clicking on links, even on people that you like, because my account got hacked and a guy sent out links and I never send out links to people just randomly.

Diverse Art Pricing

So just really focus on being safe and, you know, have low, medium, high priced art so that entry level collectors or other artists can do it. You know, it can be an addition. You know, if you have one one arts, you can have it on super wearables or known origin or foundation or Opensea or whatever you want.

Supporting Each Other

I like our object for getting you guys secondary sales and commissions and royalties on your art and helping you to pay for your food that day and your data. So I appreciate the time. This was a great space and I pretty much followed everybody in the room.

Fostering Connections

I know I was following a lot of you and I've been on a lot of spaces with a lot of you. So wishing you guys all a wonderful Friday and a blessed weekend. And I know I'll see a lot of you in spaces soon. Heck yeah. And I'll definitely be following a little closer.

Building Relationships in the Community

I might even reach out, get to know you a little bit better. Sounds like very unique and powerful story for Tezos. Definitely appreciate everybody that gets the courage to come up here and share their story and it just goes to show like, you never know who doesn't know and just hasn't seen how much you're doing as an artist, as an influencer, as just a supporter in the space, as a collector.

Encouragement to Keep Sharing

You never know. So just continue sharing, continue trying. You know, as the market continues on its uptick, we'll see better days and everything that we've built right now will matter so much more. Definitely appreciate everyone for coming up today.

Community Announcements

Real quick, just to go over a few things that have happened in the space before we close out, make sure to tune into the main Tezos account for their weekly Friday art recap. A bunch of great updates to the post today.

Acknowledgments and Updates

Another thing I noticed, just a shout out to the OG project. People of Tezos been around forever, contributing and offering collaboration opportunities for artists, showcasing them, and they recently made it to the top of the charts. So congratulations on that.

Tez Tones TAPL Season Two

Again, we talked about it earlier in the space. If you tuned in later, just make sure to tune into Tez tones TAPL season two, which now has their fourth match live and pinned to vote on your favorite of two entries. Really, really amazing project in the space showcasing how live creation can bridge the gap between web two and web three and show a whole new version of entertainment with art very much modeled after the hit shows that we've seen on television.

Live Creation in Arts

Like Netflix, like you go to like to see face off or cook off or any other cooking shows but it's live creation of art and music. Definitely something that I think that we should all uplift and put out there. I personally think that is like Netflix worthy once it really gets put together and gets the support and you know, the practice.

Future of Live Creation

I genuinely think TZ tones is going to be another sports art league that has regular shows on everyday households. So get in early. And that is just my personal opinion as somebody who's very biased and has been of test zone since day one.

New Tools Introduction

We did talk a lot earlier about NFT protectors on chain minting tool. Be sure to go check that out, guys. It's a really cool innovation. Something that, again, if you are one of the first to do this, it might be pretty cool flex later on when it's more common.

Exploring New Tools

Not to mention as artists in this space, we should explore and experiment and learn the tools at hand just so that we can be more supportive to the people coming into it. Tezos Comments recently started a TikTok channel, y'all, to help spread the word about the great Tezos news further happening every week.

Growing Tezos Community

We recently had our very first semi viral post and got like 500 new followers in a day. That was very exciting and that was covering Tezos realm. So thank you tzapac, for all of the posts and all the videos everybody posted that I was able to snag and like incorporate into a short reel.

Collaborative Contributions

Definitely appreciate everybody's contributions covering the events of the space and just know that there are some of us in the background trying to put all of that together and share it with the world as best we can. Another shout out for Tzapac is that the season three has come to an end and so you should stay tuned for the upcoming Gacha store prizes if you participated.

Gacha Store Prizes Announcement

I'm super excited about that. I participated in this first season and won this amazing like exclusive limited edition go porn art t shirt that I wear with pride every chance I get. So definitely if you haven't tuned in to Tzapac, y'all, it is silly how easy it is to earn points and like get into this and learn some of the projects that they're highlighting and win some really cool prizes.

Ongoing Support and Recognition

Definitely. CRP guys make sure to continue nominating people in the space that you think are going above and beyond with the CRP. We get 5000 Tesla allotted up to every month for people that are going above and beyond, but it takes the community to go and nominate them for it to be fully utilized.

Nomination Process Clarification

We have a lot of people in the community that I've personally noticed, starting to voice that they've never gotten it and starting to question why. And I want you all to hear this. If you haven't, if you're listening, it isn't personal.

Community Encouragement

It isn't. You're crushing it. And eventually you'll get acknowledged. Keep crushing it. It's just there's a lot going on for every single individual in their own world. So don't take it personally that you're not getting nominated, but we will continue reminding everybody as much as possible to do so.

Self-Nomination Inspiration

You can do that by simply hashtagging Teso CRP under posts that you think are worthy, or you can go to the site and fill out the type form. It takes just a few minutes. And I should also add that you can also nominate your salespeople. Like, if you think that you did something really cool, you know, this month and I that is worth for nomination, definitely don't be shy, go and nominate yourselves.

Importance of Acknowledgment

All we need is just to be aware of the things you do. And as you may all know, it's really hard to keep up with everything, especially in the Tezos art world. So if you do something that falls under any of the categories that we have on the site, totally nominate yourself or others that you see.

Reciprocal Recognition

And yeah, we would love to reward every and each one of you 100%. Appreciate you chiming in with that. And I fully agree. There's nothing wrong with you nominating yourself.

Empowerment in Self-Promotion

We should be proud of our efforts and, you know, speak up for ourselves as well as the people around us. Nothing wrong with that at all. So okay, last thing y'all. We definitely want to remind you all that we have consistent articles coming out from the Tezos Commons exhibition account and on the medium.

Staying Updated with Articles

Make sure to be checking those out for updates and all you need to know and how to's and spotlights of everything going on in the ecosystem. Make sure to share those and hop on medium every once in a while and help that algorithm as well.

Importance of Community Engagement

Because the more people we can have reading about all the exciting things going on in Tezos, the more people we can get to really tune in. Last but not least, a shout out to our gym of the week, Lupaski. I believe it is said.

Highlighting Artists

I am personally offended by how few followers this artist has. Like absolutely incredible art. Definitely check out Lupasky's gifts. It's just such a well tailored and like thought out execution of glitch art, in my opinion.

Artistic Context and Relevance

And I noticed my lessons from HP love Bucks's spaces actually coming out and the influence of how I viewed these pieces, some of them being very relevant to current events, pop culture, and done in a way that I feel like will be looked back at as like, historically relevant for this time and where digital art was in covering it in that way.

Encouragement for Visibility

So really, absolutely enjoyed covering this artist. Please go follow, check out their object, retweet the gem of the week thread and look forward to next week's guys.

Next Week's Excitement

Next week we will have. Let's see who's up next week. Oh, next week is going to be exciting, y'all. We need everybody to share this one.

Guest Speaker Announcement

When we get, when we get up to it, we're going to have Alexandra arty up here to share her experience so far with tezos and finding all the artists in the space. She's been doing an amazing job.

Anticipation for Guest Speaker

I personally haven't gotten to talk to her, so I'm super excited for that. Let's make it as special as a space, as always, definitely appreciate you guys so much for coming to another artsy Friday community call.

Ongoing Community Engagement

Everybody coming up to speak, you're the ones that make it possible. Definitely come back next month, last week of the month for the same thing, same time. We will be closing out with actually a new song that I recently put out on Etherlink just because the message I feel like was the right vibe.

Music Sharing

I hope everybody enjoys. It's an AI song coming from again, me as a singer songwriter for years, so I feel like it's a unique glimpse into what AI music can because I also use some of my favorite old lyrics within it.

Conclusion and Parting Message

I hope you guys enjoy raise the floor. A little more then you do it again. Yeah, that's how we raise up floor. To be contact with anything less than abundance is to admit defeat or hiding within the dissonance.

Abundance Mindset

Took me too many years to realize this. Don't waste time feeling valueless. No one's gonna help you go out and get it. Until you offer some sort of value to them.

Encouragement for Self-Value

Believe it. Don't fight it. Content is not the same as this. Go get more. You deserve abundance. You get more so you can give a little more.

Cycle of Abundance

Then you do it again. Yet that's how we raise the floor. To be within your means. That's a blessing. To be content and free.

Journey towards Freedom

Yeah, no more stressing, but you have. The capacity for wealth beyond your needs. And with the world still going hungry. You could be helping.

Call for Generosity

You get more so you can give a little more. Then you do it again. You just how we raise the floor. Every single one of us should be seeking more.

Summoning Humanity

Please, humanity, it's time to raise the floor. Raise your standards of what you need. Bring with you always your morality.

Ethics of Support and Help

Ask for help in times of need. Be the help when you're living abundantly. And that's my parting message to the lovely Tezos community this week.

Final Message

Go get more so you can give a little more. And then let's do it again so that we can raise the floor. I love you guys so much. I really do.

Emotional Reflection

Sometimes I get a little emotional during these spaces.

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