Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space | HogeDAO | HogeAI | Memes and Dreams | Community | BonusSwap | hosted by HogeFinance. Delve into the world of meme-inspired DeFi with HogeDAO, HogeAI, Memes, Dreams, Community, and BonusSwap, where innovative technologies like artificial intelligence meet community-driven engagement. Explore unique tokenomics, security through smart contracts, and the fusion of meme culture within decentralized finance. Discover how projects like HogeAI push the boundaries of innovation in DeFi while BonusSwap focuses on rewarding community participation. Embrace the creativity, engagement, and sustainability that meme-driven initiatives bring to the DeFi landscape.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: What sets HogeDAO apart from other DeFi projects?
A: HogeDAO distinguishes itself by offering a deflationary and auto-rewarding smart contract model, ensuring sustainable tokenomics.

Q: How does HogeAI enhance the DeFi experience?
A: HogeAI leverages artificial intelligence to introduce cutting-edge solutions, enhancing efficiency and security within decentralized finance.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for projects like BonusSwap?
A: Community involvement is vital to foster a supportive environment, drive adoption, and ensure project sustainability.

Q: What role do memes play in projects like Memes and Dreams?
A: Memes contribute to the cultural aspect of DeFi, fostering creativity, engagement, and a sense of community.

Q: How do smart contracts ensure security in DeFi activities?
A: Smart contracts provide a transparent and tamper-proof framework for executing transactions and agreements, enhancing trust among participants.

Q: What makes BonusSwap stand out in the DeFi landscape?
A: BonusSwap introduces unique features like incentivized participation mechanisms, creating a dynamic ecosystem for users.

Q: How can meme culture be integrated into DeFi projects effectively?
A: Embracing memes in DeFi projects can drive engagement, create a distinct identity, and attract a broader community of users.

Q: Why is innovation essential in DeFi projects like HogeAI?
A: Innovation, as seen in HogeAI, enables the adaptation of cutting-edge technologies, improving user experiences and expanding the DeFi landscape.

Q: What benefits do deflationary models bring to projects like HogeDAO?
A: Deflationary models like HogeDAO's provide mechanisms for token burn, scarcity, and value appreciation, aligning incentives for long-term growth.

Q: How does BonusSwap incentivize community participation?
A: BonusSwap rewards active community members through unique mechanisms like staking, farming, and governance, encouraging sustained engagement.

Q: What potential do projects like Memes and Dreams hold for the DeFi industry?
A: Projects like Memes and Dreams bring a creative and playful element to DeFi, attracting a diverse audience and driving innovation within the ecosystem.


Time: 00:12:45
HogeDAO Tokenomics Explained Unpacking the deflationary and reward mechanism of HogeDAO's tokenomics.

Time: 00:25:18
Introduction to HogeAI Integration Discovering the innovative applications of artificial intelligence within DeFi through HogeAI.

Time: 00:35:02
Meme Culture in DeFi Exploring how meme culture influences creative expressions and community engagement in DeFi projects.

Time: 00:45:55
Community Building with BonusSwap Understanding the importance of community involvement and engagement for the sustainability of projects like BonusSwap.

Time: 01:05:30
Smart Contract Security in DeFi Discussing the role of smart contracts in ensuring secure and transparent transactions within decentralized finance.

Time: 01:15:22
Innovation in DeFi: HogeAI Case Study Examining how HogeAI pioneers the integration of artificial intelligence to drive innovation and efficiency in DeFi.

Time: 01:25:10
Meme Fusion with DeFi Projects Analyzing the impact of meme fusion on community engagement and project creativity in the DeFi space.

Time: 01:35:44
Unique Features of BonusSwap Exploring the distinctive elements of BonusSwap that set it apart in the DeFi landscape.

Time: 01:45:55
Value Proposition of Deflationary Models Highlighting the benefits of deflationary token models for sustainable growth and value appreciation.

Time: 02:00:12
Reward Mechanisms of BonusSwap Uncovering how BonusSwap incentivizes user participation through innovative reward structures.

Key Takeaways

  • HogeDAO offers a deflationary and auto-rewarding smart contract system.
  • HogeAI integrates artificial intelligence within the DeFi space for innovative solutions.
  • Engage in meme culture within the DeFi landscape through Memes and Dreams.
  • Community involvement is key for the success of projects like BonusSwap.
  • Smart contracts provide a secure and immutable foundation for DeFi activities.
  • Innovative approaches like HogeAI bring advanced technologies to the DeFi sector.
  • Memetic elements can drive engagement and creativity in blockchain projects.
  • The intersection of memes and DeFi opens up new possibilities for community-driven initiatives.
  • The importance of creating a vibrant and active community within DeFi ecosystems.
  • BonusSwap introduces unique features that incentivize active participation.

Behind the Mic

Celebrating a Birthday

What up, brother? What? It is, what it is not. It's my fucking birthday, bro. Oh, my God. Let's go. What are we doing? What are we doing today? 09:00. And I'm not gonna be sober for the rest of the day. Well done. What, are you turning 21 today? Yep. Fucking 33. 33.

Exciting News About a Grand Final

I got the. My son won the grand finals last week. No way. Yeah. He won the grand final. Dude, they. That was not supposed to happen. No, no. And it was. It was against the team that freaking. That, like, the nemesis. Like, they have the hardest team to beat. And I was there. That's my son's name. Elizabeth. He got man of the match. Oh, my. How cool. Yeah, he got man of the match. He got two tries. Like, it was an amazing send off for the season. Dude, that's amazing. Kid started this year and ended up getting man of the match in the finals. Winning the finals.

Pride and Celebration

Yeah. So, today, how proud are you, dude? Oh, bro, I've. I'm so proud. Like, freaking. It's been just, like, the whole week. I've been saying. I've just been saying, like, I've been calling him champ. I've been. Good morning, champion. Hi. Champion. Yeah. Right? And then, because we had to do afterwards, because originally there were three teams in the finals and then the other two teams, they lost. And my son's. What? My son's team was the last team of the day to play. And then they were like. Like, it all comes down to you, bro.

The Pressure of the Final Match

The pride of the club. The club's resting on your shoulders and you should have seen it. Like, when we got. When games over, they won throughout. we got to the. Like, a local pub. And then he walked in and he became good. I'm standing, awakening and shit like that into the speech. Everything. Everyone, like, you, like, throughout the videos and everything, all you can hear is that's. Anytime he touched the ball, go, lsi, go out. And that was. That wasn't just, like, me or my family. That was freaking the whole club. How cool.

Achievements and Future Challenges

That's awesome. Yeah, he got a trophy. He got his freaking name and, like, newspapers and shit and. Yeah, a whole bunch of stuff, dude. But today they focus. We have different regions and our region. Sorry, there's a region and we're the Parramatta region. We're versing the grand, like. So, the grand final winner from a different region in a tournament called Battle best in the west. Nice. Yeah. So it's the two grand finals from grand finalists from the other regions. They battled it out today for a trophy award.

The Competitive Spirit

And the title of best in western Sydney. Oh, my God. Who do you think. What regions of the batter region? Honestly, the region we're playing, they got some big boys because they're more out towards, like, the countryside of where we are. Okay, so they're the big farmer boys. You know what I mean? Yeah. That country. I grew up on a farm. The country. That country. Muscles real. Yeah, it's something different. So, I mean, because this team that they played, they demolished a lot of their competition.

Facing Strong Competitors

Like 40. Like 40 to nil, 40 to 656 new. Like, they had big numbers. So not going to be easy, but he's going. He's gonna give it his all. Hey. Yeah. We're all rooting for him. We're all rooting for him. Thank you. Yeah, man. Congrats. So cool. Way to go. Way to go. Make us all proud. I hopefully will. So you the maintain. How's your week been, bro? Good. Good. Busy. Crazy. A lot of working hours.

Family Highlights

It was nuts. My son won his first soccer game. He did not score. It was chaos. I had to hold him half the game, but awesome. At least he won. He couldn't handle people not giving him the ball right away. So I was like, dude, that's soccer. You gotta go get it. You gotta go get that. But pretend it's your sister. But what you saw on X Goonies two is coming in 2026. No way. Yeah.

Anticipation for Future Films

Steven Spielberg for real? Yeah, but, I mean, I don't know if it's fake, but it said, what's it say here? It says goonies are good enough. Coming 2026. Steven Spielberg Berg. A new adventure is calling. Oh, well. So nice little blast from the past. That's pretty cool.

Relaxing Weekend

I was about to say, yeah, nice. Little blast, but yeah, got a nice, relaxing weekend. Nothing too crazy. Gonna get some, gonna make some cool. Some cool rugs, I think. Gonna try and get creative and unique with it. Oh, yeah. You think this is a good idea? Like, we launch ho drugs and it's just all different tokens. Like people's favorite tokens that rugged on them that they thought they were going to be rich and, you know, like. Like. For real. That. That sounds like a cool idea, right? Like, I would get cat dog for myself because I thought that was going to be.

Crypto Culture

Bro, that sounds. That sounds pretty cool because that would be dead to crypto people. And people, like all the crypto bros, you just show that off in your little man cave. Like, yeah, I got rugged by that. Now I got the rug. I hate it, but I love it. Right. but so I didn't get to really write at the. Write this out too much. So we're going to have a lot of back and forth because I'm going to kind of read, like, topics and then we'll kind of talk about it, if that's cool with you. Yeah, bro. Easy, easy. All right, sounds good.

Foggy Morning Drive

What's going on, everyone? This morning I was driving through some pretty intense fog. I'm sure you get it over there in Australia, right, where you just can't see anything in front of you. Oh, yeah. And I'm like, this is awesome. This looks so cool. But if I didn't know where I was going, this shit would suck. And so many people in the world, they don't know what they're. Where they're going. And that fog gets in the way and it's distractions. Where you have millions of distractions every day, everything going on. And as you know, my mind only thinks about one thing and I'm like, I can see right through this damn fog because I hold bitcoin. It gives you a clear path on your future, on your time, on your property. And I just wanted to bring that up because it was a foggy morning.

Presidential Debate Discussion

But, did you watch or did you watch any of the clips of the presidential debate circus that we had? Oh, bro, I watched some of them. Like, I watched some of them. Some. Some people at work, they were, they asked them debate, and I'm like, holy shit. Yeah, I watched some of it. Yeah. Like, every country was watching it. Yeah, she whooped his ass, man. Trump was not. He had a prime opportunity to lock it up and he just became Trump again. I was disappointed. And she's just a lot. Like, if you're paying attention, you know that what she said wasn't accurate, and most of it was like, bullshit. But if you're not paying attention and that's the only thing you watch, is the debate, you're like, damn, she's good.

Tax Changes Announcement

She knows what she's talking about. But this week, after that debate debacle, Trump announced a monumental new plan to eliminate all taxes on overtime payrol. He said, the people who work overtime are among the hardest working citizens in our country. And when you pass 40 hours a week, your overtime hours will be tax free. How cool is that? Oh, I'm moving to America. That, you know how many people that helps? Like, I might go back to the warehouse job. I might go back. That's like double time. Now, if you take out the 30% tax you pay. Oh. It'S crazy. You get more on overtime, so it's like you're not even. It's retarded. It's all. Yeah, but like, him saying that, like, you know how many people work overtime because.

OnlyFans Revenue Surge

Not because they want to, because they have to. Yeah, that's. That's an instant 30% raise without your company giving you a raise. That's the kind of tax rebates that make sense to me. Oh, definitely. Definitely. The one that people actually benefit from where it counts, normal people. It helps so much. And since we're on the topic of I don't know where I was gonna go there. I wanted a good connection here, but. OnlyFans revenue explodes to $7 billion. Its profits raised to $700 million this year. Only, OnlyFans has made more money than all the Silicon Valley AI startups combined. They're powered by ass, not AI. Have you ever gone down the only path avenue? So I've browsed the website, just like, you know, when you click the links?

Political Conversations

I've looked at that, but I've never paid for a subscription, actually. Yeah, same. Someone in our town we found out was doing it. We're like, well, then, you know, I gotta fucking watch it. I gotta know. But then I never ended up going through with it. All right, continuing with some more political stuff real quick. So the police, federal order of the police have 377,000 members. And after their vote, it's. They announced that they, the collective will of all members, are endorsing Donald Trump for president. So he got the backing of the federal fraternal Order of police this week as well. After that debate, real quick, some Tesla news. Tesla has built windows for cars. The stock market hasn't figured it out yet.

Self-Driving Car Technology

Consumers have no idea what this means. For decades, every car has needed a human operator to drive manually, wasting hours of time every day. In a few years, every single new car in the world will be sold with full self driving technology. Buying a car without FSD will be like buying a computer without windows and using the black command prompt screen to interact with it like Rory does. There is no credible competition. Building a generalized solution. The gap is probably over five years in growing. It has already changed. It has already happened once with charging. Every single manufacturer in North America has switched to Tesla's standard because it would be stupid not to because they already have the charging network set up.

Future Vision of Driving

Car software with full self driving is next. If you're wondering what being the default software on every car in the world might mean, check out how Microsoft has performed since Windows 3.11 was launched. The stock went crazy. When FSD reaches genuine autonomy, people will be buying apps, movies, music on their car, software via the app store. You want premium connectivity while you're driving, and more features. Subscribe to Tesla. Plus, most people are not seeing what's happening right in front of them. And this is going to revolutionize transport. So we're all looking for the date. 1010. October 10 is when Tesla is making their major announcement. Nobody knows what it is, but a lot of think it's called the cyber cab and no one has seen it.

Exploring Mars

All the rumors are there's no steering wheel and I don't know if it's going to look like a cybertruck, but it's called the cyber cab. So, on 1010, hopefully we get to see it. The first starships to Mars. Elon Musk also said this week the first starships to Mars will launch in two years. When the next Earth Mars transfer window opens, these will be uncrewed to test the reliability of landing intact on Mars. If those landings go well, then the first crewed flights to Mars will be in four years. What? We don't even go to the moon and we're about to go to Mars in four years. Crazy. Flight rate will grow exponentially from there, with the goal of building a self sustaining city in about 20 years.

Vision for Humanity

Being multi planetary will vastly increase the probability of lifespan of consciousness, as we will no longer have all our eggs, literally and metaphorically, one planet. It's pretty wild. Imagine having a city on Mars in 20 years. Now, with Elon Musk's timelines, we're probably more like 40 years, but I like his confidence. SpaceX created the first fully reusable rocket stage and much more importantly, made the reuse economically viable. Making life multi planetary is fundamentally a cost per ton to Mars problem. It currently costs about a billion dollars per ton, which is 2000 pounds of useful payload to the surface of Mars. That needs to be improved to $100,000 a ton instead of a billion to build a self sustaining city there.

Challenges Ahead

So the technology needs to be 10,000 times better, which is extremely difficult but not impossible. He's very confident that they can do that. As I reported last week, Falcon nine launched dragon to the elliptical orbit of 100. I don't know. I don't know the math there, so I'm not going to say it, but it's eight times hot or three times higher than the International Space Station.

Human Space Travel Milestone

This will be the highest humans have traveled in Earth's orbit since the completion of the Apollo program over 50 years ago. And yesterday, we watched the first civilian spacewalk in history. Did you get to see any of that looney? Did you see any clips of the guy leaving the spaceship? Yeah, I did. I seen one where he was looking at Earth or something, I think. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Like, the first test, it looked like his suit was messing up, but it was really. They were testing the mobility of the suit, where they had to share, like, one hand, pretend he was using a tool, and only use the other hand. It was pretty cool, man. Like, it looked wild. It did. It did. Like, all the space shots look wild. Just like, what is out there? What is out there? It does send you on that rabbit hole. A just. What is, what is that? Think about it.

Future of Humanity in Space

One day, millions of humans will walk and live outside of Earth. It's like, incredible. Congratulations to the SpaceX team on that achievement. Pretty awesome. Starlink now constitutes roughly two thirds of all active Earth satellites. Just ten months after opening our factory in Texas, the Starlink team there has built 1 million Starlink standard kits. In ten months, the team is ramping up production to meet the surging demand for high speed Internet around the world. Oh, microstrategy news. We got the news were waiting on. Microstrategy announced today they acquired another 18,300 bitcoin and now hold 244,800 bitcoin. So after their earnings report last month, they said they were going to plan to buy $2 billion worth of bitcoin.

Bitcoin Acquisition Details

With the math on this one, they've spent around $1.1 billion. So they still have another $900 million, we believe to spend on bitcoin. But as of today, they bought another 18,300. Buying one share of microstrategy means you buy .00,125 of a bitcoin. So in order to be a full coiner by holding micro strategy, you have to hold 794 shares. So pretty cool, right? Yeah. And it's like a leverage bitcoin, because they can always keep buying more and more and more. The stock of stocks. Did you get it yet? Do you own it yet? No, I don't, unfortunately. Got it. Got to do it, brother. Got to do it.

Advice for Young Investors

This is the stock of our lifetime, this intestine. But as a quick reminder, I know we got some young kids following along on the report. Shout out to Looney's. Looney's champion, Michael sailors. Advanced advice for young people. Number one, focus your energy. Number two, guard your time. Number three, train your mind. Number four, train your body. You already doing this, man. Number five, think for yourself. Number six, curate your friends. Number seven, curate your environment, which is very important. Number eight, keep your promises. Number nine, stay cheerful and constructive. And number ten, upgrade the world.

Predictions about Bitcoin

Michael Seller said bitcoin will become seven, 7% of all the capital. Capital in the world and hit $13 million of token. It's only 60 grand today. Get your bitcoin. Cleanspark, our favorite bitcoin miner, added another five. Exahash Cleanspark announced it has entered into agreements to acquire seven bitcoin mining facilities and associated land in Knoxville, Tennessee for $27.5 million, or approximately $324,000 per megawatt. So that's a pretty big move for our favorite miner. They're the cleanest miner in the game. Not a huge fan of miners. I'd rather hold microstrategy because they don't have the risk of the mining, they. They just buy it, which is pretty cool.

Bitcoin Market Activity

But if you do hold any clean sparks, the one bitcoin is now older than the stock market in fiat age. So in 1971, when the us dollar was taken off the gold standard, it's when it turned into Fiat, the fiat error. And the stock market, as we know, is only active 22%, 22% of the hours of our week. So since 1971, it's been alive for 100,737 hours. Since bitcoin launched in 2009, it has 123,000 active hours, active trading hours. So it's actually been actively traded longer than the stock market. That's a pretty cool little fun fact.

Recent Developments in Cryptocurrency

I'm just going to bang out some quick stuff real quick. Swiss hockey team Ech BL is wearing the bitcoin logo on their, on the front of their jerseys this season. So that's pretty cool. Mastercard enables non custodial crypto spending in a new partnership. Mastercard partners with Mercurio to launch a euro dominant denominated crypto debit card, enabling users to spend crypto from self custodial wallets at over a hundred million merchants. That's a pretty cool upgrade for Mastercard. And now let me talk about ICP lunia. Have you heard anything about Bob?

Details about ICP and Bob

No. Have you heard. You haven't heard Bob for IP? No. So it's Bob. The. The logo is the bitcoin logo, but it's in black and it's called blockchain on blockchain. So what they set up bitcoin on ICP. So the way Bob works, it's 21 million tokens. They come out every. I think it's every seven minutes and 7 seconds. It depends on, you know how many miners are on the network. The having is about an 88 days and it's going to. It's the same thing. So it's tagline, it's. It's bitcoin. It's bitcoin security with doges utility.

Mining and ICP Mechanics

So the way it works, I have like eight miners up. I have not hit a block. Sadly there's about like 17,000 miners up now. But basically you burn one ICP which is around $8 and that allows your miner to mine for about a week. So the way it works, in order for you to create a canister on ICP, you have to burn ICP. That's how a canister is created, right? Yep. So with this Bob thing when it launched so many people were doing it that it was burning 9600 ICP a day.

Deflationary Trend of ICP

And it got all the way up to the point where it became deflationary. So ICP token is now slightly deflationary with cycle burning because of Bob fun. And that's the website Bob fun. And another one is called burn Msg Tech. Those two both launched and they both basically are a meme token that you can earn it by mining it but you got to, you know, create a miner by burning ICP. Yeah. Pretty cool man. It is.

Checking Mining Progress

I'm on that Bob dot fund now. It's so slick and easy. You know what, give me a second. Let me see if I hit a block today. Since I haven't checked. You gotta identity. So if you don't have an Internet identity on ICP yet, everybody should go make one like ICP with what they're building and this huge announcement that's coming any day now. This kind of stuff just shows you like what they're gonna do with AI. I got like a sneak peek on like one thing. Supposedly you're gonna be able to text on ICP, write to the out the AI exactly what you want.

AI Integration with ICP

And it's going to make you a functional website instantly. You don't have to do any work. Really. How crazy right? That would be crazy. Oh no blocks. I didn't any blocks today. Motherfuckers. That would be so cool man. If I just hit a block I'd be like. So right now one bob, let me just go to the homepage is $0.78. So if you get each right now each mining block is 600 bob coming out. So it's about $500 a block. Fuck. That's yeah.

Potential Profit from Mining

And I only spent what, eight times, 664 books. But I mean, I gotta hit a block in that week for it to make sense. But current block active mine is 1897.

Discussion on Probability

Yeah. So that keeps changing. That goes up and down, which is pretty cool. But, you know, but I got to get myself up to 18 and I got a one in 100 chance. No one in a 180 chance.

Mining Strategy

You'll get it. Oh, yeah. Just change. It just changed now. 2284. Yeah. So some people actively like sit there and wait for the block to about to get expired and then they turn on their miners. Okay. Yeah. Find, save and optimize there. Use that tactical. I mean, like you still have the same exact chance, but you're just not burning your ICP the whole time, I guess. Yeah, but it says you can pick at what minus through the speed.

Changes in the System

Yeah. Yeah. So they actually lowered that now. Yeah, it was getting a little crazy because some people would just pump up theirs like crazy. Yeah. And they were like saying it's super unfair, blah, blah. And then they end up changing it. They listen to everybody and they brought it down. But yeah, it's a cool idea about blockchain on blockchain, bitcoins, consensus with dogs, DOJ's utility. Yeah, that's interesting. I'm gonna look into it. Yeah.

Anticipation for News

But yes, we're all, we're still waiting on Dominic Williams to announce the big news for ICP. It should be any day now. There's, there's been like leaks of their PowerPoint of what they're presenting on. That's where I got that AI thing from. But you know, could be a, could be a pretty nice pump for ICP coming up here. But, you know, that's all I got for news. Now we can talk about some Hoj info.

Fantasy Sports Update

I am two and oh, in fantasy, I whooped up my fantasy opponent last week. Collab club loss. Oh, did he slagger? But, but you know, I have faith. I faith in him. He's going to come back and win this weekend. But yeah, the Hoage fantasy buy went through last week. We got it at around, I want to say it was like 1240 is one two. So we're up on that buy, which is pretty nice.

Future Hoj Market Goals

We got till December. So let's get it at, let's get back to like a $50 million market cap. How nice would that be? Hoji has moved to a separate chat from the main telegram. You can still use it in the main telegram, I believe. But for anyone that wants to like, you know, make ten different images. And keep trying. There's now a separate room to not flood main telegram.

Personal Challenges

correct. Right. Looney. Yeah. Well, I'll be honest with you, I haven't been on for a little bit because. Freaking bad to deal with hospital and, like, other, like, other personal. But, like, I'll jump on and check it out. Yeah, I think so. I think. I think you can still use it in Maine, but the separate room is where a lot of people are using it now.

Content Creation Plans

Okay. But as far as content goes, I'm gonna start making. I'm gonna try and make two videos a week. They're going to be pretty. Pretty standard videos. I want to kind of bring these wrap up reports, you know, a lot of times go. Goes into these rapid reports. I know this week it might not seem like it. Like I didn't get to write it out the way I like to. but I'm glad we're able to do the back and forth again, you know? That's so nice.

Returning to Normalcy

Yeah, no, sorry. Like I said, sorry. Everything's getting back to normal. I'm just sorting out my time and everything like that, so it will be even on my side. Like, I. That. That was a lot down to me because of my time constraints and everything. And I'm like, oh, fuck. But even just the random times with everything made it so difficult. But now I've changed.

Organized and Active

Like, the season's over, changed my time for my job and everything. So I'll be able to get more active and more everything and pretty much kind of like, back to normal. Like, back to how we. How we had it before, where it was flowing and more organized. And then it leaves me open to be able to contribute, just like you said, by making videos and all that type of stuff again.

Viral Success on TikTok

Like, turning these into little digestible videos, even if, you know, just. Just to make content, just to kind of get stuff out there. Get. Get. Oh, man. I had a video on TikTok go viral this week. Did I tell you that? Last week? No. yeah. I forget when it happened, but. so do you remember that video of my son smacking my wife's boobies?

Memorable Experiences

What you said? Yeah, the purge guys that put, like, faces on it and fucked with it a lot. I don't know if you remember that video. Yeah, no. So I think vaguely I remember the video, but I don't remember the purge video. So my buddy, my kids, like, my son, Luca, he was, like one and a half still breastfeeding, and he's sitting on my wife, and he's just smacking the boob.

Unexpected Viral Content

And he keeps saying booby. And she's like, mommy. And he's like, booby, mommy, booby, mommy, booby. And he just smacks it with his face. Well, I don't know what happened, but. And that was from, like, years ago, I guess if got found or someone found it and they got like a 6000 reshares, like 10,000 favorites reach. I'm like, I don't know if this is good bad.

Community Reactions

Feeling about this one. Indian writing, like, you know, like that script that you can't read. You don't know what they're saying. Yeah, you know, oh, God. I got comments on there, like, why would you post this? This is, like, dangerous. The kid. I'm like, oh, God. Now you got me thinking, like someone's gonna come get him. But it was so cute.

Weekly Wrap-up

Oh, man. But, I mean, that's all I got, really, this week I don't have much to cover. How about you? No, I don't have anything to cover. All righty. Well, have a good birthday hanging. Just chilling. going out to. So after this, there's a little function for the team. And then I'm going out to dinner with family and then going out afterwards.

Plans for Celebration

So I got a pretty long day packed. I've got a cooler full of bourbons. I've got a bottle of vodka there. And I've got my doobies all lined up, so. Oh, what a day. What a day. I'm set. I'm right there next to you, brother. You got it. Oh, thank you, bro. I'll be thinking of your tears. I'll have one for you. All right, sounds good.

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