Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Hindenberg or Hidden Bug? Let’s find out! hosted by AI_Feb21. Delve into a captivating Twitter space 'Hindenberg or Hidden Bug? Let's find out!' encapsulating insightful discussions on AI's impact on modern marketing strategies. From market complexities to podcasting as a medium for sharing industry insights, this space navigates the dynamic landscape of market insights and AI integration. Join the conversation to explore the intersection of AI, marketing, and critical thinking in deciphering market trends. Embrace diverse perspectives and podcasts to enhance your market understanding and chart your path to wisdom in the dynamic market space.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How does AI impact modern marketing strategies?
A: AI revolutionizes marketing through personalized targeting, data analysis, and automation, optimizing campaign performance.

Q: What role does critical thinking play in understanding market complexities?
A: Critical thinking aids in deciphering market trends, evaluating risks, and making informed decisions.

Q: Why is podcasting a valuable medium for sharing market insights?
A: Podcasts offer a convenient way to consume industry knowledge, featuring expert opinions and discussions on market dynamics.

Q: What benefits are there in engaging with diverse content creators in market discussions?
A: Interacting with diverse creators offers varied perspectives, enriching market insights and fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Q: How can students of the market actively participate in gaining wisdom?
A: Active involvement in discussions, continuous learning, and critical analysis contribute to a student's market wisdom and growth.


Time: 00:15:45
AI's Evolution in Marketing Delving into how AI transforms marketing strategies and consumer engagement.

Time: 00:30:20
Navigating Market Trends Exploring the intricacies of market trends and the importance of strategic analysis.

Time: 00:45:10
Podcasting for Market Insights Highlighting the benefits of podcasts as a platform for sharing industry knowledge and expertise.

Time: 01:00:05
Embracing Diverse Perspectives Encouraging listeners to engage with diverse viewpoints to broaden market understanding.

Time: 01:15:30
The Student's Journey in Market Wisdom Discussing the path to gaining market wisdom through active participation and learning.

Key Takeaways

  • AI's transformative influence on marketing strategies is a key focus in the space.
  • The complexities of the market are discussed in-depth, offering valuable insights for listeners.
  • The importance of critical thinking and discernment in navigating market trends is emphasized.
  • Proud representation of Indian voices and perspectives in market discussions.
  • Engaging with diverse content creators and students of the market fosters knowledge sharing.
  • Podcasting as a medium for sharing market insights and industry expertise is highlighted.
  • Seeking wisdom as a student of the market involves active participation in discussions and learning.
  • The intersection of AI, marketing, and market insights provides a holistic view of industry trends.
  • Encouragement for listeners to question and analyze various market narratives presented.
  • Embracing diverse perspectives and opinions in market dialogues enhances the learning experience.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Topic

Our channel. Hi, everyone. Good afternoon. I hope everybody is doing fine on Sunday or Saturday afternoon, and we have a very good topic at hand and we will try our best to do justice to this topic because whenever something associated with Hindenburg comes, it brings a lot of curiosity, anxiety. Right? And normally we all connect this name with only one particular group, but let's see what's behind this. But prior to that, there are many questions which needs to be answered. So hopefully we'll drive the session in that direction. So initially I'll be asking these set of questions, and after that, if time will allow and if there would be any relevant questions on your part, we'll be happy to address. And meanwhile, comments are always open. So definitely you can type in your questions so that I can read that out. On the top of that, I would request. Meanwhile, you guys can share the link to the spaces. And also I have windward session, which I did on transmission sector, so those who are keen can surely listen to that and also retweet if they find it useful because the good content should reach more people. So we'll wait for one or two more minutes and then we start with the session.

Audience Engagement and Session Format

Meanwhile, please don't hesitate if you are liking my work and definitely you can share it with more people. Meanwhile, let me see, you want this guys, this session in Hindi or English, you can simply type that in the comments. And I know there would be few of you who are comfortable both ways, but you can definitely write in the comments so that we know broadly wherever we should be focusing more. Or shall we keep it bilingual or the focus is on Hindi. So yeah. Our channel. Hi, Sandeep. Am I audible? Sandeep? Hey, prince, good morning. Yes, you are on. Well, great. Good morning, welcome again. So I was telling the audience about the broad structure, Sandeep. So guys will be making it very simplified for you, right? All about Hindenburg and what it does and how it can impact and what we need to see, or is it any noteworthy to care about it?

Understanding Hindenburg

So there will be plenty of aspects which we would be covering. After that, we'll take your questions and speaker requests. So a very basic question, Sandeep, what all we should know about Hindenburg at first place. So first of all, I think the name is more popular in India than it is in the USA in many ways, purely because anybody who should know kind of knows Hindenburg now after what happened two years back. In fact, maybe with the whole Adani saga. But still, just to answer your question, it is naturally a US-based short selling firm. The guy name is Nathan Anderson. And interestingly, they named this company based on a not so famous disaster which happened in 1937 in New Jersey. So they claim that this could have been avoided very easily. So it was basically a German commercial passenger carrying airship, which had a crash for some other day. So they are doing quite a bit of things for many years now, and probably not many people in India appreciate it that it is not like they are focusing on India or emerging markets.

Hindenburg's Track Record

They have done some amazing works in other companies. Also, one of the most famous one, the most successful one was also a company called Nikola. So that was essentially a firm which was becoming very popular in 2021. That was the peak of COVID era. Everyone was talking about EV stocks, tech stocks. So Nikola Corporation, they basically claimed that company is making a lot of frauds, including fraudulent claims about its product, etcetera. So when the report came out, a stock dropped 40%, but more than a stock price, I mean, they can always drop and go up. That's less of a bother in any such case. What happened is obviously ACC did the inquiry and then a lot of those allegations were found to be true. So it was a very good, successful outcome, even though that's not the main intent of this company. Right. Then they also exposed another company called Medicare Advantageous.

Continuing to Expose Fraud

But that company was not big. But what was big that he they took on Chamath. I mean, some of you might know the famous Chamath, Sri Lankan guy. Many people think he's an Indian. He isn't an early Facebook guy, very popular, obviously a billionaire, but he did a lot of fishy things, especially during the entire SPAC saga. And he's obviously trolled majorly for that, even in financial, especially on Twitter, etcetera. But Medicare advantages attack. Yeah. Then obviously Adani we all know. But importantly, Adani say, I mean, Adani is rich, is powerful, but Carl Icahn is no small chap either. So after, I mean, Adani was what, Jan 23, after three, four months, they went behind Carl Icahn Enterprises also where they very interesting episode, actually prices literally 50% collapse. So they have taken biggies.

Market Analysis and Predictions

They are not like trying to pick small faces. What they will do this time is anybody's guess is block Pekiyata coffee, famous company Draftkings Pe Kiyata India focused. There are other similar firms which historically focused on Chinese companies because Netflix famous documentary peak of bull market Chinese fake company Joki Dubba Company. Obviously financial incentives, don't know sidekick China rules or regulations key code disclosures or international listing. Nashtac may even NYSE USA Koibanda Jakarta, China may ground research Kandowski Kafita China se Kobe information easily. So obviously these are fertile grounds for any kind of securities fraud. So a lot of other companies actually focused on solid selling. Some of these Chinese stocks, I mean, have been a very famous theme for almost a decade now.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Most of those Chinese stocks are anyway trading at crazy low multiple. So there is not much of a scope. So this is in nutshell what it is. Fantastic guy, Nathan Anderson. People should certainly follow him on Twitter. I know a lot of us in India, we try to see it from a nationalist forward. I mean, that's a very wrong way. That should be, you know, hallmark of any progressive nation or progressive society or a progressive mind is that you're open to listening critique, right? You can just call it fraud, you can do whatever, you can just discredit it. That's fair enough. But always be open to hear the negative things. We'll talk about the pervert financial incentives, right?

Legal Aspects and Considerations

So naturally they are not doing charity. Naturally they are not doing all this bona fide. They are doing all this to benefit from it. There are some legal aspects of what can be done, what cannot be done. Indian securities laws are not as nuanced as American. So India set up. But in short, prince, that is what it does. Sandeep, you spoke about short selling to school, busy language, what it is all about or talking about. Hindenburg, are they allowed under Indian jurisdiction. Expertise, but both sides obviously political social pressure and without getting into politics of it, I mean, we all understand. So we will not elaborate there. Those Supreme Court do some good job, show that what you did, etc.

Understanding Hindenburg's Techniques

But interestingly, Hindenburg questioning who are the beneficiaries. But I come from investment banking background. I can probably guess what structure they would have done. So something like TRS total return swaps us basically Kyota hedge funds or 3 billion other enterprise risk Nilega, let's say Goldman Sachs, but it's Bhatki Levo funding charge 2%, 3% or Ismay Kukiyaki financial derivative cash securities kijotni Yahaparvo yato like to like Karega or Jabenden bank will be ideal complex position. You cannot have delta unhedged. So they will do something to cover for that, either features or some delivery, et cetera, or so usually it will take 1520 days to build those kind of positions. But quick instrument, kisi kapasni, but the Indian features of shortcut sector, that's it will be agar most likely maximum stocks.

Market Impact and Financial Insights

How would you even short. In fact India coffees are a popular names joki backed by biggies. I mean some of those you guys can guess which stock I'm talking about. They don't come in f and o because of those reasons. Because then short seller can attack. From investor point of view. Maybe like one is trader segment and the other is investor. So how you see key impact placement or it's not something to worry. So I think first time was more of a shock value and they obviously picked Adani Group and it was such a big scathing report. Figure out volatility and this naturally they had lot of fault lines also right? I think any sane mind will appreciate that after that attack Adani Group became much stronger, right?

Closing Remarks and Encouragement

So Jitney lose ends legally legal up Jose nuances most of those cover ki including stress balance sheet, including some of these dubious shareholders, etcetera. So all these negative views are always welcome. I mean as long as it doesn't kill you, right? Fraud.

The Focus on Larger Companies

But if it is about a company which has certain angles and Hindenburg track record, unlikely they will pick a very small company. It should be idly a big company or a big segment. And someone was writing in WhatsApp case dont think of so granddaddy. I mean that will be shock of my life. And not to say it is not plausible or not to say SME problem, but I am saying ticket size who cares kind of a thing us short sell investor SME k baremikubat kara indian SME k but it has to be something big. And I mean don't get surprised if they come up with a follow up of on the dani group itself.

Vulnerabilities and Market Manipulation

So whoever is vulnerable trader Kakar sakta mother literally Kisikoni hindsight Mayakar Kelop cancel Huatani group involved who are hindsight or harbarasaniyota for example Mesco in fact princess though Naveen Jindal Group India bulls housing finance pay canadian Veritas Kirk company Theosna beach may 2010 say 2015 reports Nikalithi Kafi India may cases be with the vaniki, but abjaki Google maybe there can't be a smoke without fire. They can't just come up do such kind of exposure on infosys. But itni nih exposure. I mean jingoism national flower topic. But logically now the question is whether you can prove it legally, whether you can do something about it or different outright false claims to niyosakte.

Investor Perspective

So as an investor Agarwu mere portfolio company it is always good financial world may incentives, human biases, legal, illegal pumping, non pumping human nature whatever I have naturally I'm always moaning about it unless someone comes and tells faith Sandeep you are misreading it right? So as an investor we should always welcome why not at least cleaning ojai medical parlance every fewer is good for body because then it just cleans up things. Right?

Shareholder Activism and Short Selling

Sandeep Smith though aspect differentiation Jana Chowmath basically shareholder activism or short sellers how they are different or secondly Matlab I mean there is a fair chance that intention galatosaki it could be like they are doing it for right reasons and possibly a group could target it could be both ways, right? In fact a lot of it might be left wing funded in fact last time we bought right wing channels, foundation, left liberal caucus information to the reports, etcetera all those are possible and bilkul possible right ham intent pay or incentives information in fact, I personally feel very much possible that it is part of a wider social economic attack on indian political class.

Current Political Vulnerability

Last time it was surely time to perfection. This time also it might be something right now indian ruling class is little vulnerable Bangladesh and all that. So problems I have lot of points where I just don't want to talk on twitter. People just get riled up so I'm not afraid but I just don't want to spend my Saturday morning on a public forum to do those discussions. So incentives for sure there can be so many but let's assume just for now that they have financial incentives and Jaruli Niyaki India or sip Manita Lagay agar public Nihora Garri lo let's do kola short bowl longer right?

Market Perceptions and Activism

You can always do a game stop on any stock right? Enough logon decide girl that's the beauty of a stock market, it doesn't matter, value is just perception right? So Prince Kafi good how are they different from activist shareholder? Good word you highlighted so activist shareholders but mostly activist shareholders India make Bhat Balak class or Mary as a very small shareholder, a retail investor Mary desire which mark you investor investing this may equal badly run companies may positions 2%, 5%, 10% then they start writing open letters to board demanding certain restructuring, certain improvements in corporate governance, certain changes in business strategy and then they create a value out of it.

The Role of Activist Shareholders

So it's a very good activist shareholding in fact micro cap investing may most of the so called big investors do that part. Us macro cap investor in Ka Sai he also talks about that but India metro caps literally in percent and they are very actively guiding to the growth capital just go. Listed companies may obviously structure has to be little different non public information how much you can get involved those things apart. But activist shareholder holding in US is not even micro capitals all big companies for example that is purely from shareholder returns perspective.

Counterarguments to Activist Shareholders

So shareholder maximizes value maximization maximum times obviously other stakeholders gets rough cuts so there are counter arguments under pressure of such activist shareholders companies do massive cost cutting which often means, you know job cards and those sort of things. So us software aspects purely focusing on the investment perspective. Activist shareholders holders are very good. For example ITC may Jonady merger Nikia Top Management Hotel Management ITC Ghana companies may Bossara governance standard improve care lake in Nahi kisi Buddhi investors ki himate or financial media to kaibulega but never say never 15 years, 20 years maybe we'll become as good as american systems but they are different from short seller, cable pointed positions.

Understanding Short Selling

Let short selling cost what we call borrow cost. You have to borrow the sales and then sort it, right? Or dusra ka ota ki agarap cash securities k terms you cannot hold it forever, right? Illiquid stock sometimes 7% 8% Tesla at one point at 12% Alibaba Pandra at times sort selling unless you are richer make better price more than your cost of salt selling how will you make money? In fact Bill Gates carried a big salt on Tesla for very long period of time.

Short Selling Vs Activism

So multi year actually so naturally exposed or quickly pass that is very different from activist shareholders though quarter thin quarter many times many years is very common, very rare for those activist shareholders to take a position and then get out in 15 days or 30 days. And the example you gave of ITC similarly in ICCI security is also something is going on. So that is also like covered under the umbrella of stakeholder rectory, right?.

The Importance of Research

ICCI pay may Kushni Voltao may in fact WhatsApp groups may be involved. I mean this guy manu is doing amazing job. They literally deserve applause, standing ovation they deserve. Sad part is prince I have a feeling that I have a very sizable position by retail standards. My 7% of my portfolio is in ICCI securities and I'm also I'll not use word victim or suffer but basically at the salt end of the entire saga I didn't take a public stance or even a legal proceeding stance purely because I'm also ICCI securities for last 17 years and plus ICCI bank set up me wrong and there are some additional reasons, but jobi wa disappointing and IGB financial media.

Concerns About Securities

I'm nobody, but all I can say is extremely sad the way entire affairs are simple. Sibathai ki prince proxy ownership concepts who are mutual funds. It's just not one small aspect, right? Delisting obviously coffee archaic rules or coffees are misuse. Shareholders go literally like force. Kia pash guna dasguna price. That's one end of it. But the reality is ICCI securities was surely undervalued at least by 50% by any normal standards.

Valuation Perspectives

Current comparables, etcetera, 6% dividend till doing very well, etcetera. So corporate style investors and their feeling was that they were getting at least 40 50% lower than what they should have got, but more than money. Many of them got riled up with the way ICCI bank handled it and that David versus Goliath sense they're fighting. There are some hopes case sensiority, maybe development channel. Successful work, almost like a Netflix documentary in itself.

Research Reports and Bias

So all I can say, I mean, bravo. Bravo. So another important aspect, something which is like we all received different research reports. Some have subscribed or some get it otherwise also. So why most research analysts avoid cell rating. Is there any structural reason for such positive biases and how you see it? Good point, actually. Very good point. Industry may main board finance industry, but investors go equity research.

Structural Issues in Research

It's a cost center, it's not a revenue center. For example. I mean, for example, bad. A lot of good guys are on listener and speaker mode, but still for rest of the people, finance key industry co investment industry code buy side or sell side? Buy or sell. Buying and sell of securities buying and selling of services. Who are the buy side? Buy sides are AMC's asset management companies. Basically mutual funds, pension funds or any.

Defining Sell Side

But anybody who's managing money. And who are the sell sides? Sell sides are basically brokers and dealers. Dealers to India market, but equities brokers. So broker dealers. Johote was sell side. Kate services, sell curve services, sell current execution services or brokerage services. Right. But. And some in some cases dealing also market making.

Nuances in Dealer and Broker Work

Also just say upcoming bond series linear clients capacity. They will find it out for you. Just for nuances. Difference between dealer and a broker is broker. Neighbor takes inventory, dealer takes inventory risk. So he will buy it from x client, keep it for three days, four days, and then find out another buyer. Right. So that's dealer.

Research and Analysis

And that's why dealers are also sometimes known as market makers and sellers never takes inventory risk, he just provides a platform. He facilitates the interaction between two set of people. So in doing so, just to make themselves a better seller of these services, they also provide research, right? So it's research kabultem sell side research.

Understanding Research Reports

That is what we see many times in WhatsApp circle, telegram, Internet, you know, etc. Etc. But research kiskili meant hai wuhei by site clients Klein or by Sideki Khutki in house unitsight research so just a fidelity a Yakoibi mutual fund family offices don't get research analyst a Kyado Yatinya Pahacha Das right in house research company focus research aggregate Kirk Summary investment thesis of investment committee present Karnata research need not to be just publication, it can be any kind of research.

Biases in Ratings

So original question hair q sublog hamesa buy rating this may popular joke hai ki agar strong buy bola to buy karnakahe buy bola to hold karnakahe hold kia to sell bolnahe or sell karnaka bolnai it's already too late. So Agarap Kabib research report they king up simply Bloomberg stock 35 40 research report the kingi say 90% buy rating and that structurally is not possible even if you're talking one year out forward sense may markets are always fair valued so at least 60 40 to split, but incentives Kotak securities come a sell side institutional research analyst Automobile clients and genome for example Azure Motors may many research report published did you check with me?

The Role of Client Pressure

Even your clients will pressurize you for publishing a negative report, right? Reports PanThe Ismay Bina management access K Apko better view Milegani Dhanda Kelle Dober Selkia Uskyad management unless institutions good hand bad handbook strong coverage Satya art cell Biden soft sell loga but in general API Manke Chalie ki cell report bhat rear but to answer your question, yes huge bass huge, not even a small base and Ismay Prince issuer paid research or non issuer paid research to jitney be small cap sote mid cap sote tier three brokers say Prabhudas de Ladhar or Istrake Nam ni lithium voice of isur paid hortega footnotes may or will be logical tombarai Abu bully travel budget say visit Kirkland company for the fund Karthiya plant visits research report published career you start covering it and this I'm not even talking about pervert reports, just my outside outright fraud.

Investor Limitations

But even in normal course of action report Kilihouse limitations and system key just go as an investor Hame appreciate kana sin as a mature people we should understand that these are limitations, its limitations. Copnikogns may laker kept analysis Kania I mean we can't change word, we can just understand how the world is and then try to probably maneuver around it.

Conclusion on Research Findings

Back to you Prince. Conclusion useful or it's more or less a stale information. Also there are nuances report ReA or I. So first of all, if you are trying to trigger into a decision from a report, then obviously it is a bad hand. So Jobi seasoned investments Morgan Shelley HDFC may by 2200 right pelibato institutional clients Kojiki Yogi report right past Ogi Bhadni market may release OGi to pele as an intentional and intentional but lag Torahega Japik informal channels say leak reporter report apostle follow up actions go handle care quick trading action k a quick position content Sapun reports for para obviously both.

Challenging the Status Quo

Mostly you will lose money then make money by doing that, right? Without even realizing. But agar up let's say kotak Mahindra Bank Kosamaji Maximum report key but trendy line reports Telegram channels make friends with framework banks evaluate karte MC's why insurance are not evaluated on pedest right? Why banks? Why it kle p by BV is a nonsense factor.

Valuation Factors in Industry

Why Roc Roe foreign services company a satellite business is a nonsense factor, right? Industry ki feel peer comparisons or plus industry specific nuances unique valuation framework 99% so in reports data points interesting exercise.

Market Analysis Insights

When I was young, I had time see you want to analyze what did they say and what happened? Not to judge that research analyst per se, but just to learn more about how markets work. To me, Prince personal example might be very young. I thought I was smart. But surely I wasn't reporting 3600 2600 major cash wider also bank is specific also or we stock which baras og salary, exact date reports Nikali and new target 2000. Then you suddenly realize these targets are nothing but cmps plus another 30%. That's it. That's their way of saying buying. Very rarely you will CMP plus base percent pay. That's expected return of Nifty. That's expected return of any buy. To reverse kaibar calculate Hota obviously you are positive Gango about it. Very rarely you will see buy targets with hundred percent. I mean SME ki bhatni Garth I'm talking about the large caps and saner world, right? So wahape hundred rupees cash. The 120k target they 130 gading 115k so these are more like an intentional statement of intent rather than a mathematics about it arguments Klee structure kle both useful research report the research note liknaiki kosis kara modeling karnagi kosis karaengi but usko agarham quick bites goldman Nebula then obviously that's very detrimental for your financial decisions.

Retail Audience Insights

Sandeep Toda Topics normal retail maximum of the audience retail basically just a Koi Rik services public domain telegram broad view they specialized services kisiki pay kirk that is altogether a different thing. That is the best way to go about it. Or if yes those are best use case how one can potentially benefit from. Best formats see Agar race fund management many friendly prints but I have not seen enough to probably give a good answer. But I'm still giving my take on it, right? So Agarap fund management case small case or in submarine coffee better platform, much lesser fees but Arikaibar asa Garth especially learning mindset change direct equity benefit we will always make lot of mistakes and professional guys can always do better. Finance me hamisa percentage percent popular jokes more people believe that they can do better in finance than in any other profession. That's how people think about finance industry. But that's obviously not true. Professional management is always better. But professional management if purpose is to make money, then nothing like professional management. And life is more than money and life is more than financial industry. But for anybody who wants to evolve as an investor or who is seeing a career here, or who just love this as a matter of hobby, most people love it.

Fraud and Investment Ethics

Matter of hobby. Part gambling, part research, part fund, part business. Interesting area initially. See fraud is when I say fraud, I do not mean by bad returns. In fact it's called unko me kuzne he was talking fraud means what? Fraud is not based on investment return. Fraud is in terms of hidden incentives. Fraud in fraud is in terms of miss selling of services. Fraud is in sense of front running the positions, right? Pali position, all those sort of things, right? So usre kafi bad characters, general advice, but professional is always better than I mean. And if you can get into a setup which is being run by, you know, better people, then that is always good. So sandeep to close basically a kiss page or topic around question as a concern. Lenegi Bajay relax Karnaka basis there one tweet one should not be selling. You're talking about Hindenburg. Just hope it will be entertaining. Nothing will happen. What will happen? India market last time there was an extended argument in section of market that it can weaken the political leadership and again right wrong and it was a big house.

Market Sentiment and Predictions

Unless ferose attack it is a non election season. Who cares? To agarma purely known unknowns or unknowns novelty factor katamoge in fact logosko forfeit kandagi koshiki bar kushnika right which is obviously a wrong argument right outcome which or bio sakta. But unless you directly portfolio stock then probably you need to take a decision. But otherwise just have fun. It's good actually more companies should do it. It's good for the system. Business communication and investor communication are markets. Communication make fundamental difference. We are duty bound to always talk positive about companies. In fact WhatsApp group literally he was literally pounding upon me. How can you talk negative about indian companies? Hold on. As a countryman we should always talk nicely about all our companies. You are supposed to talk critical things even for your kids. Forget about anyone else, right?

Encouraging Critical Perspectives

Who can be more important than your kids? So usreki basic hygiene arguments. I'm hoping that people are nuanced to realize that critical views negative information are always welcome. More so is dunya me just brokers incentives, Amcabi incentives. On relative terms it really means nothing but notional wealth, natural incentive inflationary whether it is normal inflation or asset inflation. So set up critical view with aria which can bring down which can bring some sanity. That should be welcome. So from that perspective, please, you are welcome. But my hunch is it's it will be non material event and probably nothing. But why even guess? Let's see what they say. Funny statement. They said something soon coming India which can be seen two ways. One, they are saying hello India. I'm telling you we are coming one section in Twitter probably seeing it as a threat to India or this thing depending upon sense.

Market Perspectives and Research

I mean let's not get into too much detailing but I personally saw it more like hello India, I'm coming again kind of a thing. I'm like. Right Sandeep, so quickly Kaushik, you have any question or short input? I'll be closing after that. And Sandeep, anything more to the topic? No, I'm good. I mean we can take few speakers, just more like their take on it. Maybe 1 minute questions. But Manish, others. Anyone else wants to come as a speaker? Sure. Thanks prince for the opportunity. I was going through your twitter last time when we spoke to on what is your kind of a filtration process? Madlab I am able to understand you look at numbers and the story and then connect it but if you can elaborate it will help me a lot yeah Kaushik muje Lagaki up season though you are full time into it so I would have thought me asking this question from you rather than other way around but I don't mind answering it but I just find it very superficial for me to answer it.

Investment Learning Resources

I'm no big investor that I should answer this. Sure sure next time I'll take it. That was one or two questions if possible. So one speaker Krishna yeah you can unmute and ask and then Kevin also I'm trying. Sir according to you what. Some of the websites or YouTube channel. We should follow to have a better. Understanding about markets I was really inspired by your depth of knowledge. So unlike most of you, I took literally two decades to get this. So this is not billions, this is just more amount of time. So naturally nothing can beat that which may look like knowledge or wisdom to others but short answer but bare minimum up large cap investing map jaro to trendy lines, research reports especially something like rhythm desai right? I wish I can use name of Shankar Sharma or Devina Mehra but I somehow no longer respect them sorry can't take their names but I always like their views because they bring the negative perspective they used to bring actually they were always critical about India's story most of the times the kind of takes which you want to understand, I mean you just don't want to listen to Rakesh Jinwalla and the money all the time, right?

Understanding Global Market Context

Indian context globally we bought documentaries world affairs but financial markets, debts, gold emerging markets specific information, research reports, CNBC Market articles in fact interviews fund managers so they keep on talking kisi stocks arguments depending on portfolio segment so you have to identify but egg simple, continuously positive listening to such people because long run may harm me try to find out people who can tell you what can go wrong that will help you more than people who can who are always telling you what will go right but our pointed questions content Puchro but research reports so Bilkul money control or jetna market investors interview personally Kafi macro view Rakte interviews last five years, ten years. Okay sir thanks a lot. And Sandeep even a forum that goes by the name of value Picker is good and there are few channels this. Is actually very good. Thanks thanks Prince so you say, I mean you probably know more than me prince so can you add answer to that question?

Promising Resources for Investors

Value Picker is amazing forum, thanks for highlighting. So there is one channel soic that also does good business evaluation and pointers can see SOIC is one channel and these kind of sessions are always available on my YouTube also. So that is also one source potentially uske lava screener baby. I mean for going through the financials or if you want to study annual reports and etc gradually Shirukara but value Picker is one forum wherein you'll find all kind of views on single toastmap positive bolray or rusme batara negatives. So that would be a great learning point. I guess the value picker is one good forum to start with. Actually Prince useful new age platforms but I always hear good things about them. But con calls up Sun Satyo subsebaria joby company quarterly results and let's talk about main board companies for now to Wahapagarap Charbar Pologena questions pooch when once things which matters obviously questions companies more than investor, PPT or annual reports.

Importance of Corporate Communication

Con calls is more like a. You know, what do you say press conference right? Helpful.

Introduction to Questions and Context

So Kevin you can unmute and ask your question. Before that I would request. Thank you sir. My question is for new people like me sir. J Seki Purana Valajo Hidden Burka report ayaza marriage as investor market Methebi name unkelly situation may kia effect market Kupata Mutual fund Vagaraka or Dusri Jomni invest Karakah Dusre salesman.

Responses to Investment Questions

So prince is a quick answer. Interesting statement, short answer high chance. It is very risky in finance and markets to try to guess what will happen without even knowing the information. But if you still want a gunpoint kind of answer das din kebad no one will be even talking about it. So jobi yoga indian ka hoga but better wait for what they have to say and then guess what will happen. But these are non events in wider scheme of things that's all I can say given.

Discussion about Availability of Participants

Right. Sorry. I also see jtain sir not sure is free or not. So sir, in case if you're free I would love to hear your views also on the topic or maybe in general. So sandeep, I think I have to scan the comments once, otherwise I have taken the questions. Hello. I can't hear anything. I don't know. Yeah. Hi sir, how are you? Long time. Good, good. Yeah tell me.

Focused Discussion on Financial Topics

I just joined so I don't know what is. Yeah, we had a focused discussion on Hindenburg. We discussed key Kakarta basically last time kawatar potentially Kyo Sakto in such cases placement, although we all know key short lived event rata. But. To be honest, I don't focus on it at all because see, I, I know that across WhatsApp group there is speculation. It doesn't matter in long term investing is what I think. I said that completely.

Investors Perspective on Market Changes

Also that we are not invested in any of the stocks of those groups which are like very highly if there is any semblance of corporate governance issue. So generally, though not affected by these things because of the style of investing we do so and any which way. I mean, I don't worry if, you know, if at all because of this, you know, some solves which are, you know, good fundamentally and where we don't see a corporate governance issue. And if they fall because of this, I think it's always opportunity.

Investment Strategies and Governance Issues

But I mean, frankly, we just don't. Focus on any of this. So just for disclaimer, I never bought or sold a single Adani shares in last seven, eight years because that's my outside of my investible universe, right? Wrong. Doesn't matter. But I appreciate the valuation, especially now in many of those companies, including Adanipur. So as Jeetin sir is saying, especially Agarapki. And the only thing is you as a market participants, you just want to read through and just understand what is happening.

Financial Expectations and Taxation Discussions

But Agarapke direct portfolio stocks, how does it even matter through that? So, so Jiten sir, lately we had some taxation, obviously Torah topics because topic to bajada or discuss karnagani to taxation lines pay market may volatility. But broadly, do you see anything changes on a bigger scale with that? OrLaNdo AbI we are poised or buy end market chalta rayga kase ka kutchmatlavi. Which stance may apka Johamne last part.

Future Expectations on Taxation

Kiriku similarly, why bottoms up approach? Yeah, I mean, nothing changes. So one thing is certain, you know, that is going up and we going up. That is certain. I think, you know, I mean, I kind of expected that taxes will rise and I think it will, they will rise further in the future. I don't know when. We have to be prepared for that. And that's a certainty. I mean, it's not that india it's happening.

Global Comparison and Tax Expectations

It's happening across the world. So you have to, I mean, yes, there are a lot of arguments and they get a lot of facilities and we don't get anything and all that, but that's a never ending debate. But if you look at it, you know, I think, you know, it's that we are not taxed that higher compared to the other. Of course they have a lot of facilities, but. But it is a fact.

Upcoming Changes in Tax Law

And, you know, the think tank and we'll always look at, you know, compare that, you know, artaxies are lower and all that. But yes, I think taxes will still go further up regardless of which government comes in the future also, or something like that. But. So I expect two changes which will happen tomorrow, later. One is, I think long term investing will, long term gains will go to two years, as is happened with all other investments.

Changes to Capital Gains Tax

So I think for equity also, I think it will go for two years. That could be one thing which will happen, or maybe the first thing which will happen, and then again there will be maybe down the line again, there will be a hike in the long term capital gains, let's say 15% or something. I don't know, I mean, how much time it will happen. But these are the two things which I see happening.

Investment Mindset amidst Changing Taxation

And as far as investing goes, nothing changes. You know, it says that obviously we have to pay higher taxes, so just focus on, you know, earning more or spending less. Right, sir. So we got one speaker, a few has any question. And I also see Deepak sir. So just in case he's free and want to chip in around the topic, I would.

SME Investment Challenges

I just. Hi everyone. You know, I see, I was refrained from actually investing in SME, IPos and all, primarily because it was very difficult to find out the history of the promoters and any cases against these promoters. And also I just wanted to know from everyone that is, any tool that you use to see, for example, save risk, prop 42 kind of tools are available for corporates but not available for retail.

Search Tools for Retail Investors

So where you can actually search whether those promoters or directors have any history, cases against and things like that, whether you have any tools, such tools to help retail investors to find out these kind of issues. So, Jiten sir. Sandeep sir, any answer to this. Question for some other day? Chordijay, both nuances and bracket peni dal sakta or both passionate views, different section of markets depending upon their experiences.

Investment Opportunities Amid Cynicism

There is a segment, especially institutional investors, who obviously don't have monetary incentive because lack of size plus also because of the kind of people were involved and still involved in SME, bad branding, which basically is giving one in lifetime opportunity for relatively cleaner companies and cleaner investors to make some super normal returns, which in a normal world would have been not possible. So there is, because of that cynicism, there is an opportunity also, obviously it is not easy to in cash or catch on that opportunity.

Essential Strategies for Microcap Investing

So risk reward adjusted returns are much smaller than what it but still absolute terms, early stage investing, advanced stage investing. So they are missing the power of new fund, the power of one time switch from unlisted to listed, the kind of tailwinds it brings, kind of changes it brings to the mindset of the promoters, to the company, their branding. So there are many positives, negative, low stocks, dabba companies we list promoter kan nam ni kisiko patah interview.

Tools and Resources for Finding Company Information

Sandeep Sorry, I don't know whether my question was fully heard. My query was that tool that you use, for example probe 42 save risk. You have to do very hardcore micro cap investing and that is how it happens. Also so friendly cheese app which is basically you drop mails to company, you ask questions, you create a fellow minded group, hardcore ground level scouting, sports scouting, Voltai.

Finding Data Points for Investing

You won't get those data points on Google. Naturally yesari SME companies pay bhat pressure dalna investors so you will see more and more company coming up with research investor ppts doing con calls sorry. Sandeep I think my specific question was that key for organizations there are tools like probe 42 and saveris kind of tools which search the history of the directors against cases.

Legal and Compliance Information for Investors

Thank you. Enough information miljagi but USA ugly level k of course secondary research Kanye Millegi if you're talking about KYC of the promoter, yeah. So in my organization I have, because I can't use that organization's name but that organization provides a tool which I don't know how they collide but they collide all the legal cases against the promoters and things but I cannot use. That for client downboarding teams.

External Resources for Legal Screening

You would have seen. So maybe investment banks may come external paid clients India may be databases in fact legal screening ota right? Not only for SME even obviously for main board. Naturally you have disclosed oga Jon K direct Nampy oga already list ojaga but unkescharapurani company updated nayoga so India may surely legal databases Osmo but India bases strongly western world unless people pay, how would you expect, you know those databases to be good.

Need for Good Regulatory Framework

And there are, I think government websites also from where you can get some of these information. Let me think about it and I'll surely check with some of the LMS. They will know it and I'll dm you. Thank you jitim sir anything, any input from you or usk lavas are a quick question.

Earnings Discussions and Market Insights

My earnings pay up say pushna chamo if you are okay. So basically Abitak Joe earnings quarterly earnings to Abitak release ochuki solar companies give me broadly apuka lagra kasi earnings in Sparta did answer some issue. Let me check with him offline so otherwise sandeep more or less we have covered and jet ends are also added to upon wrap up.

Conclusion of Discussions

Karthiya yeah good to close. Thank you. Thanks everyone. Thank you everyone for joining and those who join late can certainly listen to the recording wherein we discussed at length before I close one last check which it answer. Jittans are you there? I think some he must be busy or not prodigal. Anyways thank you so much guys and we discussed around the topic at length and I think there should not be anything which should make you anxious and until the unless the information comes to everybody we should not be making any decisions in hest.

Final Thoughts for Investors

So certainly you should focus on your companies.

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