Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by EqlipseNFT

Space Summary

Block Focus episode 81, hosted by Gambler, features the Cana Sapiens NFT team discussing their recent milestones and future plans. With the acquisition of a cannabis store in Prague and an upcoming NFT mint in July, the episode offers valuable insights and encourages community engagement. Emphasizing the delivery of value by bringing in industry experts, artists, and developers, the hosts maintain an enthusiastic and informative atmosphere filled with exclusive information and vibrant discussions about the NFT space.


Q: Who is the host of Block Focus?
A: Gambler is the host of Block Focus episode 81.

Q: Which NFT project is featured in this episode?
A: The Cana Sapiens NFT project is featured.

Q: What recent achievement has the Cana Sapiens team announced?
A: They announced the purchase of a cannabis store in Prague.

Q: When is their upcoming NFT mint scheduled?
A: The mint is scheduled for the end of July.

Q: Who are the typical guests on Block Focus?
A: The guests include builders, artists, developers, and notable figures from the space.

Q: What is the goal of Block Focus?
A: The goal is to bring as much value as possible to the audience through engaging discussions.

Q: What community engagement do the hosts encourage?
A: They encourage likes, retweets, and comments from the audience.

Q: What kind of content can listeners expect from the episode?
A: Listeners can expect discussions on achievements, plans, and insights into the NFT space.

Q: What kind of atmosphere do the hosts create?
A: The atmosphere is enthusiastic and informative, aiming to keep the audience engaged.

Q: How do the hosts share exclusive information?
A: They strategically layer and disclose information throughout the discussion.


Time: 00:00:45
Introduction by Gambler

Time: 00:04:00
Episode Kick-off with Gambler

Time: 00:04:10
Guest Announcement: Cana Sapiens NFT team

Time: 00:04:20
Regular Timings Highlighted

Time: 00:04:46
Encouragement for Audience Engagement

Time: 00:08:41
Co-Host Introduction: Paul Bogle joins

Time: 00:08:54
Guest Interaction with Philip from Cana Sapiens

Time: 00:09:04
Personal Update by Philip

Time: 00:09:17
Big Announcement: Prague store purchase

Time: 00:09:35
Confirmation of End of July NFT Mint

Time: 00:09:46
Exclusive Information Discussion

Key Takeaways

  • Block Focus episode 81 features Cana Sapiens NFT.
  • The Cana Sapiens team recently purchased a cannabis store in Prague.
  • Plans for an upcoming NFT mint are announced
  • set for the end of July.
  • The show aims to bring the best builders
  • artists
  • and developers to the audience.
  • Community engagement through likes
  • retweets
  • and comments is encouraged.
  • Excitement and enthusiasm about the NFT space are evident throughout the episode.
  • Exclusive information layering and disclosure strategies are employed.
  • The hosts highlight the importance of filling the space with value.
  • Diverse insights are shared by various hosts and guests.
  • Keeping the audience updated with exclusive information is a priority.

Behind the Mic

This guy."}, {"sentence": "Gambler sa."}, {"sentence": "GMG a g e."}, {"sentence": "What is going on, everybody?"}, {"sentence": "This is Block Focus episode 81."}, {"sentence": "I am gambler, your host."}, {"sentence": "We are very happy to be here with the legends over at Cana Sapiens NFT today."}, {"sentence": "Y'all know the drill."}, {"sentence": "We're here every Monday at 12:00 p.m."}, {"sentence": "pacific."}, {"sentence": "03:00 p.m."}, {"sentence": "eastern."}, {"sentence": "Doing our best to bringing you the dopest builders, artists, devs, folks from the space to fill this next hour with as much value as possible."}, {"sentence": "Very excited to get into our chat with can of sapiens today."}, {"sentence": "Love to see the room filling up."}, {"sentence": "Shout out t shout out."}, {"sentence": "Riles Tom of Bluffest Berlin would love to see some likes, some retweets, some comments."}, {"sentence": "Let us know what you had, how you had your coffee this morning."}, {"sentence": "And we'll be getting started in just a bit."}, {"sentence": "I want to throw it over to my lovely co host, Mister Paul Bogle, founder of Eclipse, while we're getting ready to go."}, {"sentence": "Paul, what's going on?"}, {"sentence": "What have you been working on?"}, {"sentence": "Good morning, gambler."}, {"sentence": "Good morning, everybody."}, {"sentence": "It's always a pleasure to speak on these shows and shine a light on the good work that so many other people are doing in the space."}, {"sentence": "Since we last spoke, we've been working more and more on product side, so getting Eclipse encrypted end to end messenger to market."}, {"sentence": "Someone less senior doing quite a bit of work also within Universities and with some of the larger charities around."}, {"sentence": "Education content, adoption with some of the kids."}, {"sentence": "Children fell trees."}, {"sentence": "Which is pretty cool."}, {"sentence": "So I'm very, very pumped."}, {"sentence": "Not so much the all singing and dancing side crypto solutions, more core fundamentals like building out the technology and get stuff that we can all use safely within hostile regimes."}, {"sentence": "Beautiful."}, {"sentence": "Okay."}, {"sentence": "Well, perfect opportunity to throw it over to Mister Philip behind the canisapiens NFT PFP today."}, {"sentence": "Philip, how are you doing?"}, {"sentence": "Happy Monday."}, {"sentence": "Doing good, doing good."}, {"sentence": "We had some beautiful weather here today as well, but I spent the whole day in a studio recording voiceovers for pet food commercials."}, {"sentence": "So not the best way to make use of the weather, but doing good."}, {"sentence": "Doing good."}, {"sentence": "We put out a big announcement today, which really excited about."}, {"sentence": "We finally managed to purchase a majority stake in our first cannabis store in Prague."}, {"sentence": "So that is big news for us and something that we've been working away for the last two weeks."}, {"sentence": "So just feeling really pumped about that and lost was not incorrect in saying that yes, mint will be happening near the end of July."}, {"sentence": "So, yeah, I really pumped for that."}, {"sentence": "Is that alpha?"}, {"sentence": "Is that like unreleased information?"}, {"sentence": "We've been layering it know we didn't want to disclose."} ]

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