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Helios Horizons Ep.13 w/ Tomos Rees of Philanthrify and xAlliance


This space is hosted by HeliosStaking

Space Summary

The space explored a variety of topics including free speech, censorship, AI algorithms, personal anecdotes, historical conflicts, and more within the AI niche. It provided insights on the challenges of expressing opinions online and navigating the dynamics of social media interactions. The discussions emphasized the importance of context, the limitations of AI algorithms, and the nuances of engaging in controversial topics online.


Q: What were some of the main topics discussed in the Twitter space?
A: The space covered discussions on free speech, censorship, AI algorithms, personal experiences on social media, historical conflicts, and more.

Q: What insights were shared regarding expressing opinions online?
A: Participants shared experiences related to expressing opinions online, including the challenges, consequences, and the tone of online interactions.

Q: What was explored regarding AI algorithms in the context of content moderation?
A: The discussions delved into the challenges and limitations of AI algorithms in moderating content online.

Q: Were personal anecdotes shared during the space?
A: Yes, participants shared personal anecdotes about their experiences on social media platforms.

Q: Did the space engage in debates on historical conflicts?
A: Yes, debates on historical conflicts and world wars were part of the discussions in the Twitter space.

Q: What were some conversations about notable individuals and legal issues?
A: The space included discussions on notable individuals, legal issues, and their implications in various contexts.

Q: What experiences were shared regarding warnings and consequences online?
A: Participants shared their experiences dealing with warnings and consequences of their online activities.

Q: Why was the importance of context highlighted in online content?
A: The importance of context was emphasized to understand the nuances of online content and its interpretation.

Q: Was there an exploration of controversial topics in the discussions?
A: Yes, controversial topics and the potential consequences of discussing them online were explored.

Q: What insights were provided on the dynamics in online communities?
A: The space offered insights into the dynamics of online communities, including challenges and interactions within these spaces.


Key Takeaways

  • Discussions on free speech and censorship.
  • Insights into expressing opinions online.
  • Exploration of AI algorithms on content moderation.
  • Anecdotes on personal experiences on social media.
  • Debates on historical conflicts and world wars.
  • Conversations on notable individuals and legal issues.
  • Experiences with warnings and consequences online.
  • Importance of context in online content.
  • Exploration of controversial topics and consequences.
  • Insights on dynamics in online communities.

Behind the Mic

I answered it much better this time.", "startTime": "55:47", "endTime": "55:49" }, { "sentence": "And actually, one of the comments from assessor free, funny enough, assessor free on the first time was the one that ruined the application.", "startTime": "55:49", "endTime": "55:56" }, { "sentence": "Assessor free this time was the one that loved the product the most.", "startTime": "55:57", "endTime": "56:00" }, { "sentence": "I think the idea, he said, and I quote, a potentially groundbreaking idea which could have a global impact.", "startTime": "56:00", "endTime": "56:08" }, { "sentence": "And that's a pretty cool thing to hear from your assessor.", "startTime": "56:09", "endTime": "56:13" }, { "sentence": "I think I saw that somewhere in one of the descriptions of the product.", "startTime": "56:14", "endTime": "56:18" }, { "sentence": "I want to say we have about five minutes left.", "startTime": "56:19", "endTime": "56:21" }, { "sentence": "If somebody has a question on entrepreneurship trust transparency charities, please feel free to request the mic or write your question in the comments.", "startTime": "56:21", "endTime": "56:33" }, { "sentence": "I'll bring us back.", "startTime": "56:34", "endTime": "56:34" }, { "sentence": "In the meantime, Tom, to this idea of, ok, we have a technology that is actually working and it fits with the product you're trying to build, is there something, how do you want to really start this company?", "startTime": "56:34", "endTime": "56:52" }, { "sentence": "You have the grant, you're rolling things out.", "startTime": "56:52", "endTime": "56:54" }, { "sentence": "What are the first things you're addressing and how do you also see this technology being not just something you're using, but something you're really using to its fullest potential in this way that you're pushing the space forward on both ends, on the blockchain side and the charity transparency side?", "startTime": "56:54", "endTime": "57:13" }, { "sentence": "I see it helping.", "startTime": "57:14", "endTime": "57:15" }, { "sentence": "I see everything starting from a place of working with charities, understanding how we can help them and bringing the technology because, and using it because it's useful to them.", "startTime": "57:16", "endTime": "57:23" }, { "sentence": "So, all the charities that signed the letter of support, we're currently working with as friends to try and figure out what their initial use cases can be.", "startTime": "57:23", "endTime": "57:31" }, { "sentence": "So, Step One Charity is one of the biggest homelessness charities in the UK.", "startTime": "57:31", "endTime": "57:36" }, { "sentence": "They're one of our earliest supporters.", "startTime": "57:36", "endTime": "57:38" }, { "sentence": "We're already looking at applications for them.", "startTime": "57:38", "endTime": "57:40" }, { "sentence": "And then we're speaking to bigger organizations like Comic Relief.", "startTime": "57:41", "endTime": "57:44" }, { "sentence": "So, my kind of earlier career was in consultancy with the absolute biggest charities.", "startTime": "57:45", "endTime": "57:51" }, { "sentence": "So, I have that kind of route into speaking to all the people who head the big organizations.", "startTime": "57:51", "endTime": "57:55" }, { "sentence": "So, it initially starts with the people who have their signatures on our grant application, and it kind of grows from that.", "startTime": "57:55", "endTime": "58:01" }, { "sentence": "The truth machine is much needed.", "startTime": "58:02", "endTime": "58:03" }, { "sentence": "Absolutely.", "startTime": "58:03", "endTime": "58:04" }, { "sentence": "And it's great to hear this sort of trajectory of starting to build that and literally starting at square one, right?", "startTime": "58:05", "endTime": "58:11" }, { "sentence": "Very cool and we look forward to hearing updates on how that's going.", "startTime": "58:11", "endTime": "58:14" }, { "sentence": "One quick thing I want to ask and then we'll start trying to close things out, unless Costa, you have things you'd like to add after this.", "startTime": "58:14", "endTime": "58:21" }, { "sentence": "You talked about the product market fit a few times.", "startTime": "58:21", "endTime": "58:23" }, { "sentence": "I'm curious how you see the current market of charity products.", "startTime": "58:23", "endTime": "58:28" }, { "sentence": "Where does this fit in within the wide range of charitable giving spaces?", "startTime": "58:28", "endTime": "58:35" }, { "sentence": "Yeah, so the existing ones right now, I'd say they're often trying to talk about some kind of transparency auditing.", "startTime": "58:36", "endTime": "58:45" }, { "sentence": "They look backwards at what's happened, so they, for example, will examine the year-end records of a nonprofit and try to say, this is classified in a certain way, therefore we trust them more or less.", "startTime": "58:45", "endTime": "58:57" }, { "sentence": "Whereas, where we're starting is much more suited to the technology.", "startTime": "58:57", "endTime": "59:00" }, { "sentence": "So we start from a place of saying, companion described the kind of transparency, the kind of verification that is being asked by a charity.", "startTime": "59:01", "endTime": "59:08" }, { "sentence": "And they decide into each step throughout the entire process, connect all the dots.", "startTime": "59:08", "endTime": "59:12" }, { "sentence": "If I'm one of your trustees, I'm one of your senior managers, I can always see that at any time of day that I want.", "startTime": "59:12", "endTime": "59:18" }, { "sentence": "And there's that advantage of instantly being able to have transparency databasing and knowing what happened.", "startTime": "59:18", "endTime": "59:25" }, { "sentence": "And I think that's a big difference compared to the previous models or the current models out there that we have right now.", "startTime": "59:25", "endTime": "59:31" }, { "sentence": "The other ones, they rely on audits of the results.", "startTime": "59:32", "endTime": "59:35" }, { "sentence": "And if particular results data gets hidden or obfuscated, they don't discover that until months or years after the fact.", "startTime": "59:35", "endTime": "59:43" }, { "sentence": "I think a lot of people might do a little inspecting…", "startTime": "59:44", "endTime": "59:45" }, { "sentence": "Oh, yeah, without question.", "startTime": "59:45", "endTime": "59:47" }, { "sentence": "Right, when we add the optimism, right now our auditing, rather than just chase things down, right, when they're already done.", "startTime": "59:48", "endTime": "59:56" }, { "sentence": "Well, you have to make sure the prejudices factor into the vote and the compassion.", "startTime": "59:56", "endTime": "59:59" }, { "sentence": "Sure.", "startTime": "60:00", "endTime": "60:01" }, { "sentence": "Absolutely.", "startTime": "60:01", "endTime": "60:02" }, { "sentence": "And Costa, did you want to jump in before we finish up?", "startTime": "60:03", "endTime": "60:06" }, { "sentence": "I think it's a fascinating topic our eyes should be on and use cases of this could go so far beyond where we're right now.", "startTime": "60:06", "endTime": "60:13" }, { "sentence": "For example, hearing just recently the causes of the problems of quality and accountability in developing countries, for example.", "startTime": "60:13", "endTime": "60:20" }, { "sentence": "This is multidimensional, totally different from what we're talking about today.", "startTime": "60:21", "endTime": "60:25" }, { "sentence": "Some of these things are directly proportional to the things you are looking at.", "startTime": "60:25", "endTime": "60:28" }, { "sentence": "And I know if there's a lot of potential, for example, in crowd sourcing or in organizing around different projects using token economics, a lot of projects we look at that come in Ethiopia where you have tens of millions of people who are consensus driven and the project's going to prove it.", "startTime": "60:28", "endTime": "60:44" }, { "sentence": "That's going forward, I think.", "startTime": "60:45", "endTime": "60:47" }, { "sentence": "So I think we're just scratching the surface here, but we're seeing what's happening so far and we're enthusiastic.", "startTime": "60:48", "endTime": "60:54" }, { "sentence": "Thank you everybody for sharing and for your thoughts today, everybody.", "startTime": "60:55", "endTime": "60:59" }, { "sentence": "Hope that you've enjoyed it, I'm certainly excited to keep watching this conversation evolve.", "startTime": "60:59", "endTime": "61:05" }, { "sentence": "Tom, thank you for being with us.", "startTime": "61:06", "endTime": "61:07" }, { "sentence": "Costa, thank you for having us.", "startTime": "61:07", "endTime": "61:08" }, { "sentence": "Stay tuned for more exciting conversations around technology and social impact.", "startTime": "61:08", "endTime": "61:14" }, { "sentence": "Tom, any final words?", "startTime": "61:14", "endTime": "61:17" }, { "sentence": "It's brilliant to be here.", "startTime": "61:18", "endTime": "61:20" }, { "sentence": "I appreciate all the questions and the interesting things that people have said here today.", "startTime": "61:21", "endTime": "61:27" }, { "sentence": "And I think you're absolutely right, the fact that we are looking at a wider context on these things.", "startTime": "61:28", "endTime": "61:34" }, { "sentence": "We're no longer hyper focused on specific small areas, but we're looking at how this applies as technology to impact the world and impact people's lives.", "startTime": "61:34", "endTime": "61:49" }, { "sentence": "And we're very excited to be part of a community that's watching me on this project to push things forward.", "startTime": "61:50", "endTime": "61:55" }, { "sentence": "And I think we're all going to learn a lot as we go through this process.", "startTime": "61:56", "endTime": "61:58" }, { "sentence": "Thank you so much.", "startTime": "61:58", "endTime": "62:00" }, { "sentence": "Thank you so much, Tom.", "startTime": "62:01", "endTime": "62:03" }, { "sentence": "Cheers.", "startTime": "62:04", "endTime": "62:05" }, { "sentence": "Thanks for having me.", "startTime": "62:05", "endTime": "62:06" }, { "sentence": "It was a pleasure.", "startTime": "62:06", "endTime": "62:07" }, { "sentence": "Thanks everyone.", "startTime": "62:08", "endTime": "62:09" }, { "sentence": "Cheers.", "startTime": "62:09", "endTime": "62:10" }, { "sentence": "Tom, that was fun.", "startTime": "01:01:36", "endTime": "01:01:37" }, { "sentence": "Is there any particular question that you were going to also bring up, because you read the article, was there something there that you feel like we didn't cover?", "startTime": "01:01:38", "endTime": "01:01:42" }, { "sentence": "Yeah, I think there's an area which is around impact, which I think Martino also started to discuss as well.", "startTime": "01:01:43", "endTime": "01:01:48" }, { "sentence": "I'm happy to kind of really expand on that.", "startTime": "01:01:49", "endTime": "01:01:51" }, { "sentence": "This is one of the benefits of being on a blockchain recording machine.", "startTime": "01:01:51", "endTime": "01:01:56" }, { "sentence": "It's a very rarely seen thing, and one of the things that seems that happens when you look away is this idea of impact.", "startTime": "01:01:56", "endTime": "01:02:02" }, { "sentence": "What we are shown for impact, any kind of metrics, you want to see it coming out of the hardware and not just out of the software.", "startTime": "01:02:02", "endTime": "01:02:09" }, { "sentence": "Traditional contracts teams, in many ways, want you to have a model, but a little bit more superficial.", "startTime": "01:02:09", "endTime": "01:02:18" }, { "sentence": "So I think you should have as much impact as you can and try and bring something beginning from the hardware itself.", "startTime": "01:02:18", "endTime": "01:02:24" }, { "sentence": "That's an area where I think we're trying to stand out.", "startTime": "01:02:25", "endTime": "01:02:27" }, { "sentence": "I think that's very cool, what you've described there.", "startTime": "01:02:28", "endTime": "01:02:30" }, { "sentence": "Fantastic.", "startTime": "01:02:30", "endTime": "01:02:31" } ]

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