Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Hedera Twitter space delved into discussions on decentralized governance, shedding light on staking and governance misconceptions. Topics included community involvement, the presence of 32 governing members, and an open-source approach. Emphasizing transparency, feedback, and collaboration in shaping a decentralized future, the conversation underscored the importance of these key elements. The announcement of the upcoming Hedera space meeting further highlighted the commitment to a decentralized ecosystem. With ABFT, Gossip Protocol, staking, interoperability, tokenization, and smart contracts in focus, Hedera showcases its dedication to innovation and inclusivity within the infrastructure niche.


Q: What was the primary focus of the discussion in the Hedera Twitter space?
A: The focus was on decentralized governance, staking misconceptions, and community involvement.

Q: How does Hedera ensure decentralized governance with 32 governing members?
A: Hedera achieves decentralized governance by having 32 separate governing members involved in the platform.

Q: What was highlighted about the consensus algorithm and the gossip protocol?
A: The simplicity of the consensus algorithm and gossip protocol was discussed during the space.

Q: How does Hedera address misconceptions about staking and governance?
A: Hedera provided clarification and addressed misconceptions surrounding staking and governance issues.

Q: What approach does Hedera take towards community involvement and feedback?
A: Hedera actively seeks community feedback and contributions, showcasing a community-driven approach.

Q: What was the significance of emphasizing community-driven efforts and open-source development?
A: It underscored the collaborative and transparent nature of Hedera's development process.

Q: What key event was announced during the Twitter space discussion?
A: The announcement of the next Hedera space meeting was made during the conversation.

Q: How many governing members does Hedera have?
A: Hedera boasts 32 different governing members in its decentralized governance structure.

Q: What was the overarching theme regarding future development in the space?
A: The space highlighted community-driven efforts and the importance of building the future together.

Q: What values were emphasized in the Hedera Twitter space regarding platform development?
A: Transparency, feedback, and collaboration were highlighted as key values for building a decentralized future.


Time: 00:03:31
Recap of Previous Space, Reviewing the crypto trilemma: scalability, security, decentralization.

Time: 00:11:26
Explanation of Hashgraph Consensus, Detailing the concept of 'gossip about gossip' with virtual voting.

Time: 00:16:28
Finality in Hashgraph, Achieving consensus and finality through Hashgraph technology.

Time: 00:32:52
Consensus 2023 Highlight, Discussing Hedera's goal of becoming the premier enterprise-level architecture for distributed ledger.

Time: 00:34:30
Tokenization Marketplaces, Enabling the creation of liquid markets through tokenization.

Time: 00:38:13
Diverse Use Cases, Exploring real-world asset tokenization and its combinations with HCS and HTS.

Time: 00:42:29
Developer Focus, Facilitating developers to leverage their skills and emphasizing business use cases.

Time: 00:51:31
Importance of Finality, Highlighting the significance of finality in legal contracts and financial settlements.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on the decentralized governance model.
  • Hedera boasts 32 different governing members.
  • Discussion on consensus algorithm and gossip protocol simplicity.
  • Clarification of misconceptions about staking and governance.
  • Active community feedback and contributions sought by Hedera.
  • Open-source development approach showcased.
  • Community-driven efforts for future development.
  • Announcement of the next Hedera space meeting.

Behind the Mic

[ { "sentence": "Good morning everyone, welcome to this month's town hall.", "startTime": "00:00:00", "endTime": "00:00:03" }, { "sentence": "I'm going to share my screen here to go through a few slides.", "startTime": "00:00:03", "endTime": "00:00:06" }, { "sentence": "We'll keep it quick and sweet as always.", "startTime": "00:00:06", "endTime": "00:00:08" }, { "sentence": "Okay, great.", "startTime": "00:00:08", "endTime": "00:00:09" }, { "sentence": "So the agenda for today is I'm going to give an introduction.", "startTime": "00:00:09", "endTime": "00:00:13" }, { "sentence": "We're going to go through the Q&A, which we've manually input a lot of questions that we got from the community.", "startTime": "00:00:13", "endTime": "00:00:18" }, { "sentence": "Then Mance is going to cover Hedera's why we're here the vision and objectives and Lehman is going to go through a deeper dive on the business model.", "startTime": "00:00:18", "endTime": "00:00:26" }, { "sentence": "And also we want to cover the council, so we're going to have presentations from two of our council members, Deutsche Telekom, which will be with us and Avery Dennison.", "startTime": "00:00:26", "endTime": "00:00:33" }, { "sentence": "They're going to share a few things as well as service now around HTS and what they're doing on the network.", "startTime": "00:00:33", "endTime": "00:00:37" }, { "sentence": "So let's jump into the Q&A.", "startTime": "00:00:37", "endTime": "00:00:39" }, { "sentence": "Again, thank you to everybody that submitted questions here.", "startTime": "00:00:40", "endTime": "00:00:42" }, { "sentence": "So these are some of the top of the list questions we have.", "startTime": "00:00:42", "endTime": "00:00:45" }, { "sentence": "And Mance and Lehman, feel free to hop in and take these questions one by one.", "startTime": "00:00:45", "endTime": "00:00:49" }, { "sentence": "Mance, do you want to take the first one?", "startTime": "00:00:49", "endTime": "00:00:51" }, { "sentence": "Sure, can we get an update on Hedera's development plans for the remainder of 2022?", "startTime": "00:00:51", "endTime": "00:00:56" }, { "sentence": "Yes, absolutely.", "startTime": "00:00:56", "endTime": "00:00:58" }, { "sentence": "So we continue to be on our mission to build the trust layer of the internet and we're continuing to execute on that at full steam in 2022.", "startTime": "00:00:58", "endTime": "00:01:06" }, { "sentence": "We're focused on delivering features that will enable us to deliver on the vision of becoming the de facto standard for tokenized assets.", "startTime": "00:01:06", "endTime": "00:01:13" }, { "sentence": "The focus areas for us continue to be on improving network services.", "startTime": "00:01:13", "endTime": "00:01:16" }, { "sentence": "So you can see here the things that we're focused on.", "startTime": "00:01:17", "endTime": "00:01:19" }, { "sentence": "We're focused on improving our consensus performance and throughput, security and reliability.", "startTime": "00:01:19", "endTime": "00:01:24" }, { "sentence": "We are committed to providing the best possible experience to our developers.", "startTime": "00:01:24", "endTime": "00:01:27" }, { "sentence": "So we're also focused on tools and libraries.", "startTime": "00:01:27", "endTime": "00:01:30" }, { "sentence": "So you're going to see a lot more of that coming from our roadmap here.", "startTime": "00:01:30", "endTime": "00:01:33" }, { "sentence": "But rest assured, this is our priority focus for.", "startTime": "00:01:33", "endTime": "00:01:36" }, { "sentence": "The remainder of this year and into next.", "startTime": "00:01:36", "endTime": "00:01:38" }, { "sentence": "Thank you.", "startTime": "00:01:38", "endTime": "00:01:39" }, { "sentence": "Great, thanks Mance.", "startTime": "00:01:39", "endTime": "00:01:41" }, { "sentence": "Lehman, would you like to add anything?", "startTime": "00:01:41", "endTime": "00:01:43" }, { "sentence": "Sure.", "startTime": "00:01:43", "endTime": "00:01:44" }, { "sentence": "As Mance was saying, we're focused on our long-term mission.", "startTime": "00:01:44", "endTime": "00:01:47" }, { "sentence": "Our ultimate vision is to become the world’s first mass-adopted public distributed ledger.", "startTime": "00:01:47", "endTime": "00:01:53" }, { "sentence": "To that end, we're committed to building features and tools that will drive adoption and growth in the community.", "startTime": "00:01:53", "endTime": "00:01:58" }, { "sentence": "So there's a lot of work going on behind the scenes to ensure that we're on track and we remain ahead of the curve.", "startTime": "00:01:58", "endTime": "00:02:03" }, { "sentence": "I’m very optimistic about what's been accomplished so far and what we have in store for the rest of the year.", "startTime": "00:02:03", "endTime": "00:02:08" }, { "sentence": "So stay tuned for more updates.", "startTime": "00:02:08", "endTime": "00:02:10" }, { "sentence": "Fantastic, thank you both.", "startTime": "00:02:10", "endTime": "00:02:12" }, { "sentence": "Let's move to the next question.", "startTime": "00:02:12", "endTime": "00:02:14" }, { "sentence": "So can we get an update on Hedera’s plan to achieve carbon-negative status?", "startTime": "00:02:14", "endTime": "00:02:19" }, { "sentence": "Absolutely.", "startTime": "00:02:19", "endTime": "00:02:20" }, { "sentence": "Good things happening there.", "startTime": "00:02:20", "endTime": "00:02:22" }, { "sentence": "As many people know, Hedera has been committed to sustainability from the start.", "startTime": "00:02:22", "endTime": "00:02:27" }, { "sentence": "We already have a very low energy footprint compared to other public networks.", "startTime": "00:02:27", "endTime": "00:02:30" }, { "sentence": "Earlier this year, we announced our partnership with Terrapass to purchase carbon offsets in order to achieve carbon-negative status in 2022.", "startTime": "00:02:30", "endTime": "00:02:37" }, { "sentence": "We've made significant strides in that direction and are well on our way to achieving this goal.", "startTime": "00:02:37", "endTime": "00:02:42" }, { "sentence": "We also plan to continue our push in sustainability with new initiatives and partnerships to further mitigate our impact on the environment.", "startTime": "00:02:42", "endTime": "00:02:49" }, { "sentence": "So we're definitely on track and it's a priority for us.", "startTime": "00:02:49", "endTime": "00:02:52" }, { "sentence": "Great, that's very encouraging to hear.", "startTime": "00:02:52", "endTime": "00:02:54" }, { "sentence": "I'm looking forward to seeing more updates on that front.", "startTime": "00:02:54", "endTime": "00:02:57" }, { "sentence": "Next up, this is a big one.", "startTime": "00:02:57", "endTime": "00:02:59" }, { "sentence": "Can we get an update on the Hedera improvement proposal process?", "startTime": "00:02:59", "endTime": "00:03:03" }, { "sentence": "Sure.", "startTime": "00:03:03", "endTime": "00:03:04" }, { "sentence": "Happy to provide one.", "startTime": "00:03:04", "endTime": "00:03:06" }, { "sentence": "So the Hedera improvement proposal process is something that we are very excited about.", "startTime": "00:03:06", "endTime": "00:03:11" }, { "sentence": "It was designed to be open and transparent and to engage the community in the evolution of the Hedera network.", "startTime": "00:03:11", "endTime": "00:03:17" }, { "sentence": "We’re working on finalizing the details of the process and we plan to officially launch it very soon.", "startTime": "00:03:17", "endTime": "00:03:21" }, { "sentence": "The goal here is to give the community a more direct role in shaping the future of Hedera.", "startTime": "00:03:21", "endTime": "00:03:25" }, { "sentence": "We’ve already received some great input from the community and we’re looking forward to more feedback and participation once it's live.", "startTime": "00:03:25", "endTime": "00:03:31" }, { "sentence": "That sounds fantastic.", "startTime": "00:03:31", "endTime": "00:03:33" }, { "sentence": "We're all looking forward to engaging more in that process.", "startTime": "00:03:33", "endTime": "00:03:36" }, { "sentence": "From a developer's perspective, what advancements can we anticipate for Hedera in the near future?", "startTime": "00:03:36", "endTime": "00:03:41" }, { "sentence": "Well, we're really focusing on increasing our network capabilities.", "startTime": "00:03:41", "endTime": "00:03:44" }, { "sentence": "As Mance mentioned earlier, we're looking at improvements in the consensus layer to support higher throughputs and more transactions per second.", "startTime": "00:03:44", "endTime": "00:03:51" }, { "sentence": "Additionally, we’re also working on enhancing the robustness and functionality of our services like HTS, HCS, and tokenization features.", "startTime": "00:03:51", "endTime": "00:03:57" }, { "sentence": "We’re investing heavily in developer tools and resources, making it easier for developers to build on Hedera.", "startTime": "00:03:57", "endTime": "00:04:01" }, { "sentence": "Lots of exciting things in the pipeline and we'll keep you updated as they come to fruition.", "startTime": "00:04:01", "endTime": "00:04:05" }, { "sentence": "Thank you, Lehman.", "startTime": "00:04:05", "endTime": "00:04:06" }, { "sentence": "Next, let’s shift gears a bit.", "startTime": "00:04:06", "endTime": "00:04:08" }, { "sentence": "We have a lot of community questions around the upcoming HIPs.", "startTime": "00:04:08", "endTime": "00:04:11" }, { "sentence": "Can you explain a bit about what's in store?", "startTime": "00:04:11", "endTime": "00:04:14" }, { "sentence": "Sure thing.", "startTime": "00:04:14", "endTime": "00:04:15" }, { "sentence": "So the Hedera Improvement Proposals (HIPs) are a crucial part of our governance process.", "startTime": "00:04:15", "endTime": "00:04:19" }, { "sentence": "They allow us to gather input from the community and ensure that everyone has a voice in the network's evolution.", "startTime": "00:04:19", "endTime": "00:04:25" }, { "sentence": "We have several HIPs in the pipeline that focus on expanding functionality.", "startTime": "00:04:25", "endTime": "00:04:28" }, { "sentence": "For example, we’re looking at HIPs that will introduce new features to the Hedera Token Service, enhancements to the consensus service, and improvements to smart contract capabilities.", "startTime": "00:04:28", "endTime": "00:04:36" }, { "sentence": "The goal is to continuously improve and adapt to meet the needs of our growing ecosystem.", "startTime": "00:04:36", "endTime": "00:04:40" }, { "sentence": "Sounds like a lot of exciting developments on the horizon.", "startTime": "00:04:40", "endTime": "00:04:43" }, { "sentence": "I’m sure the community is looking forward to seeing those HIPs come to life.", "startTime": "00:04:43", "endTime": "00:04:46" }, { "sentence": "Definitely.", "startTime": "00:04:46", "endTime": "00:04:47" }, { "sentence": "We're excited too.", "startTime": "00:04:47", "endTime": "00:04:48" }, { "sentence": "So thank you to everyone for your questions.", "startTime": "00:04:48", "endTime": "00:04:51" }, { "sentence": "Thank you, Mance and Lehman for your detailed answers.", "startTime": "00:04:51", "endTime": "00:04:53" }, { "sentence": "So let's move on to the next part of our agenda.", "startTime": "00:04:53", "endTime": "00:04:56" }, { "sentence": "I'd like to hand it over to Mance to talk about Hedera’s vision and objectives.", "startTime": "00:04:56", "endTime": "00:05:00" }, { "sentence": "Thank you.", "startTime": "00:05:00", "endTime": "00:05:01" }, { "sentence": "As we’ve mentioned before, Hedera’s mission is to build the trust layer of the internet.", "startTime": "00:05:01", "endTime": "00:05:05" }, { "sentence": "We envision a world where individuals and businesses can transact

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