Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space HBO’s Industry Season 3 hosted by kingbealestreet. Delve into the captivating world of HBO's Industry Season 3 through the lens of a cinephile and animation lover. Unpack the nuances of heist films, explore redhead representation in media, and gain insights from a she/her individual's unique perspective. With engaging discussions and insightful analyses, this space offers an intriguing look at the intersection of TV, cinema, and personal experiences.

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Q: What makes HBO's Industry Season 3 stand out to a cinephile?
A: The season offers a blend of intricate storytelling and character development appealing to cinephiles.

Q: How do heist films influence the TV and cinema landscape?
A: Heist films often introduce innovative storytelling techniques and keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

Q: Why is representation, like that of redheads, important in media?
A: Representation fosters diversity, inclusivity, and relatability for audiences.

Q: How does being she/her impact one's perspective on TV and cinema?
A: Individual experiences and viewpoints contribute to diverse and enriched discussions about media content.


Time: 00:15:42
The Impact of Storytelling in HBO's Industry Season 3 Analyzing how storytelling techniques captivate viewers and elicit emotions.

Time: 00:25:18
Redhead Representation in TV and Film Exploring the portrayal of redheads and its significance in media narratives.

Time: 00:35:05
Heist Films: Thrills and Suspense Delving into the allure of heist films and their enduring popularity.

Key Takeaways

  • Insightful analysis of HBO's Industry Season 3 from a cinephile and animation lover.
  • Engaging discussions on heist films and their impact on the industry.
  • Exploration of redhead representation in TV and cinema.
  • Insights into the unique perspective of a she/her individual in the media and entertainment space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Technical Issues

Hello? Hi. Is my mic. I hear you. Wait, wait. Hello? I heard you for a second, Paul. I'm gonna just have to talk it. To my phone like a. I hear you fine. Okay, well, now you. Okay? Yeah. I'm inviting Maya to co host. If you can get on here. She's right there. Yeah, I know. I'm trying to get her to. I'll try to get her to co host, but it's not letting me twitter. Hey, it's so funny. I was waiting for you to let me in, and Paul will get this. I was singing Limby, and now. Anyway, I'm in the car, but I'm. In my car too. That's funny. Love that. Paul, where are you? I'm in my house. I figured in my room. You know. I didn't know if we wanted to start or. I want to wait maybe like another minute, see who else wants to come in before we talk about industry.

Trying to Manage Technical Difficulties

I don't know. Should I? I would try to. I'm trying to put you on as a co host, Maya, but it's not working. I think I added you. Like you. I think you have to accept it now. Did you see the invitation? Oh, she's in her car. Wait. Yeah, let me. I'm about to be home in like. 2 seconds, so I will check that in 2 seconds or at the event that a car is going slow. I'm kidding, guys, don't do that. We're gonna do that. Are you driving right now? Yes. Yeah. Oh, God. Oh, God. I thought you were just like in your car. I'm in my car. I'm not driving. Okay, where is. Yes, I'm pretty sure it's like, it's late in like, London, so I don't know if she's gonna be awake. Yeah, I don't. I wouldn't count on her. She's probably sleeping. I know Kayla because I literally was just. It was a whole thing. That's one of the reasons why I was late. But Kayla is not. Won't be here because she hasn't watched the episode yet because she just got back from Paris and is having travel issues.

Discussion About Kayla and Industry Timing Issues

So Kayla got back from Paris again? Yes. Yes, she was in Paris again. And it's a whole thing. Yeah, but she wonder. She disappeared, girl. Okay. Must be nice. Okay, so should we start? Should I put more people on to speak? I'm always. Let me get home and we can. Make what I said. I'm gonna be home in like 2 seconds. Okay, I'll wait for you. Yeah, I just want to. Yeah, just when you get there, then we can start. And I can start adding people on the speakers. I'm always a little nervous, though. No offense to anybody listening, because sometimes, you know, you put someone on the speaker and then they start going crazy. No offense to anybody who requested to speak. I'll put people on. I'm just saying. Yeah, we'll put someone on. And then they would be like, what the fuck are you talking about? Oh, did we write down our.

Preparing for the Discussion

No, I didn't. So I was about to, like, pray to God that, like, the industry, Wikipedia, has, like, a summary of each episode because they. I don't think they do unless someone wrote them. Oh, my God. Industry one. It's only four episodes we're doing. So I think we can remember, right? No, episode one. No, it's. No, it's easy. Like, I remember. I remember. I will try to keep us, like, slightly in order because episode one. Episode one was. What is it? Like, Harper was barely in it and like. Yes, it was. Yeah, they were like, with Loomie trying to figure out the IPO situation. Lights went down in the end. Episode two. Like, that was an episode. Yeah. And then. Yeah, episode two, it felt like an extension.

Reflecting on Show Developments

Nicole died. Yeah, Nicole died. What else happened? Harper started colluding with Petra. What else happened? What is it? Rob fought with muck. And. And then. And then episode three was the fun one. Cause it was in, like, Germany or Switzerland or whatever the fuck. And Harper was crazy. And then. So Ford was Rishi's. We got this. Like, now I feel like you cut a lot of that out. Okay. Yeah, but I'm just saying, generally, like, I remember what each episode happened, so we can, like, stay in order when we discuss. Oh, definitely. Wikipedia does have episode one. Someone logged on for that and then they stopped. But, you know, they have episode one. That's what.

Memories of the Show Recap

See, that's the thing, guys, like, more people need to be. What is it? Watching so that people will, like, update the Wikipedia and shit and, like. Yeah, Maya, you almost don't. Wait, she's not connecting now. Oh, she requesting. Is Shedden. No, she's still in here, technically. It seems like she has a connection issue. Maya, you here? This is awkward. She was texting me. She was like, are we starting the space soon? She, like, text me, like, at 07:02 and now she's not even home. We should have waited if she wasn't gonna be able to be here. Yeah, we could have made it 730. I mean, I don't know, Paul. We could start a little bit.

Conversations About Starting Discussions

Like, what are. Let's say. How do we say, like, overall thoughts about the season, even though I know we all love it, so, like. But just say what you feel overall thoughts about. I mean, I. Cause I was reading the film updates review. They were like, we wanted to, like, combine some of, like, our uniqueness from season one with, like, how we know how to, like. Cause they were trying to prove that they could write in season two. And it's interesting of how, like, I connected to the Wi fi before I got in the house. Okay. It was tripping. He's messed with me because my. I heard everything y'all were saying, but y'all couldn't hear me.

Reflections on Season Two

Yeah, we couldn't, but. Okay, I guess everybody just. Paul, keep on going with your original thoughts. Okay. What was the question? Just how you feel about the season so far. Oh, okay. You said something about you're reading an interview. Yeah. With film update. And they were talking about how they were trying to, like, bring in something, like. I don't know, like, the weirdness of season one, which makes those crazy moments, which is why people watching season one now, are like, what the fuck? How did I miss this? Because there's always something happening. And, like, they kind of done that now.

Discussions on Character Development

Like, there's always, like, a moment in every episode where you're like, oh, Jesus. Like, there's, like, a. What the fuck? Yeah. Yeah. And that didn't. And they. They kind of. It's. That was still there in season two, but it was there, like, less. Not necessarily every episode, it would build up to it, but this, like. Like, Nicole dying. Nicole's fucking daughter. Yeah, that was crazy. Sauna scene. Like, there's always something. The thing with her daughter was fucking crazy, bro. I was like, yeah, I can't catch a break.

Exploring Themes of Youth and Responsibility

For real. He was that girl. She was tripping down. Yeah, that what she said. Because obviously, we're american, so we probably. It'd be probably nice to actually. We should have, like, a british person on here just to get their opinion. But they're probably all sleeping. But when she said, like, gsdev? Was it GSCE? And I was like, isn't that high school? Right? I wasn't sure. Like. Cause, you know, I'm glad that they clear. I was like, wait, that's young, right? And then when she was like, I'm 15. I was like, what? No.

Reactions to Character Relationships

Let's go. Oh, yeah. I was so scared. Yeah, I was very. I'm so glad Rob was smart and shut that shit down. Cause that was very scary. Cause the unfortunate thing about Rob is. He'S an idiot, but he's not that stupid, you know? Yeah, he's not Rishi, but, see, okay. Like, yeah, like, Rob's stupid, but he's not, like. Like, he's not mean. He's nice. Like, he's not, like. He's, like, a good guy. You know, he's just kind of stupid. But, like, other than maybe cheating on Venetia, that's probably the worst thing he's done.

Character Analysis and Narrative Arcs

I'm sure dating. What? What did you say, Paul? No, I haven't really processed the fact that they're technically supposed to be dating. Well, they barely, like, they've barely, like, went in on it yet. Like, I'm curious to see, like, what it. Cause they never do anything without intention on this show. So, like, that's why I'm wondering where, like, what does venetian Rob dating mean? Like, where do we go with in the end, you know? Right. I hope she's going to Harper.

Character Changes in the Show

It was 99%. I think it's interesting that they changed the actress and they kind of changed. They kind of changed her character because I remember from season, like, she only had like one scene in season two, but I remember her because I was watching this, like, episode and I was like. I was like, I feel like this is not the same girl. I was like, they changed her. They changed. They changed her personality because she was more bubbly and nice in season two and more of like a yemenite. That made her more of like a ditzy, like, posh girl from her one scene. And that's how they described her in season two. And then they kind of changed it in this season, which is fine, you know, I think they didn't. I don't think they planned on. I'm sure when they wrote season two, they didn't know that they wanted to maybe expand on Rishi more. And so I'm glad they did, though. Because I'm glad I said so much about Rishi as a person.

Concerns About Financial Decisions

And then the fact that she was even willing to. Now, why she giving that money? I don't know. But why are you letting him handle your finances, girl? But she has to open. I don't care who I marry. If I ever marry. Joint bank accounts. What the fuck? No, what do I like? That's why she had that money in a separate account. She knew her man the way he was. They were not doing well financially. She just sensed it. And Rishi's, yeah, babe, I'm good. I'm good. I'm like, no, you're not, homie. You're fucking not good. You're insane. And you're beat up and you're showing up to work and they're like, what happened to you? The stuff he'd be saying at that job. Yeah, what? HR pulled him in. I was like, how's this? The first time HR has called you? And the way he was like, yeah, I'm gonna fucking go right?

Discussion of an Actor's View on Work

And I'm like, Rishi, you just. Just. It's almost like, he just thinks he's invincible. Like, he can't get fired because the way he left that meeting, I was like. And she was like a piece of paper. She was like, oh, I'm taking notes. And then nothing happened also. Yeah. The way you can tell, the actors were generally having fun at that meeting because they're not ever all in one place where they can all get little line. I'm not so true. No, that was amazing. They're all going in our reaching, like, something, and he's like, I'm not that bad. I'm making my case. Like, Robert, get your two shits in. Okay. I don't. Why are we in here? I don't want to be. Oh, my gosh. See? Okay. I tweeted about it. Yasmin and Robert just smile in the background.

More on the Show's Character Dynamics

No, literally, they were like, finally, his day has come. Like, we get to enjoy ourselves. We're just. I mean, Harper get to call in from her slave a little office. Like, hey, yeah. But y'all notice how. We call her age? She's something I love. Yeah. Rishi called her age. I was like, what a fucked. So clearly something. I know, but have y'all talked since then? Why he call you age? I mean, I remember he cursed her. Out on the phone. She was like, good morning. Do you want me to help you or not? I like, how? What is it? Rob was very, like, he had such a cheerful day this week episode. Like, he was making, like, little quips to Rishi and, like, just having fun. I was like, rob, you get to finally smile today. Yay. I wonder how the actor felt when he got that script. Like, maybe he smiled a little bit.

Anticipation for New Seasons

I know he danced. I know he was like, wow. No trauma, boys. I know he be texting them, like, really? This what y'all put me through, really? Like, even though I'm, like, frame wise, they put them in the corner. He's like, they don't never get that. Like, Maurice is in the background of a scene, just, like, smiling, just hanging out. Like, I know she not used to that. I also feel bad for my boy onraj. Like, he just tried to do. Bullying him. Like, he upset me in that scene. Like, it was so sad. And he was like, sometimes like, well, he's like, I'm scared of you. I never know what you're gonna say or do when you come into work. Like, that was. I felt that, too, when he was like, I'm gonna lose my license. Like, and Rhys and give not one fuck. Oh, my God.

Exploring Relationships in the Series

Did not care oh, that's a horrible person to have in your life. Yeah. He's lasted as long as he has, though, because he seems too, like, nice. He's settled in, like, his career and is a. I mean, he seems like a really nice person. And then why did Rishi call him? He said something mad offensive. He compared him to somebody. And I was like, why would he say that? Oh, to the. Are you talking about the hot guy? No, no. But after seeing what he had said to him, though, I was like, well. Jesus, if somebody's mustache. He said, I'm trying new look. Oh, yeah, yeah. And he said he looked like who? Some creep person. I don't remember. I don't remember. Did he say, like a pedophile, Thomas Edison type thing?

Production Insights and Writer Dynamics

I believe that what Venetia wrote was true. A writer. Okay, exactly. Because that is something. No, say he was laughing. He knows his insults because he knew he didn't write that. He didn't say that. I didn't say that. Yeah, like, he said, I'm sorry, but that's not. That's not me, guys. Like, I would cry, like, better. Now I'm more creative. And he's talking about. It makes no sense. I'm like, do your regular insults ever make sense? I don't think so, my brother. But saying stuff, gotta be in it at all times. Like, what did he say at the end? He's also been crazy. He said, fate is shaving her cunt face for me. Oh, yeah.

Reflections on Diverse Theatrical Expressions

How do you come up with what? Like, what is your going on? Rishi beat up, got his dog back, just smiling. And then they did a Wu Tang needle drop. And I said, this is one of the. Oh, that was good. I jumped, though. What was the name of that Wu Tang song? I saw it. Kidding me. Like, that show is so brilliant. Oh. You gobble the music supervisor. Yeah. The thing I like about the music supervision as well, I feel like it just feels so seamless, like, to the show. Like. Like, you know what I mean? Like, warms you so much about the character that I love the most. Like, certain songs they play in certain scenes when it's just like one particular actor.

Movie Writing Concerns

That's like, even though she put herself first. So now here's the thing. You know what scares me about those movies? You know who's writing that movie? I don't know what's up. I don't know what they. Lord have mercy. Wait, who? Alex Garland. Oh, God, he wrote one of them already. He did. You put me through that, girl. Oh, that was a horrible time in the movie theater, I'll tell you. Me and my avoid Imax now for us. Oh, my God. Well, never, let's never do that again. That was crazy. I was like, iMax, we get it. Dolby. We're staying, cuz. No, because in Dolby, those explosions, like, you like. Okay, yeah, I literally can't hear. They are like trying to make you deaf. Like I literally had to cover my ears at that point because that gunfire was just on a loop and I was like, we get it. Okay, we get it.

Telluride Film Festival

But how is Telluride? Where's Telluride at Colorado Jolie go from? I'm like, girl, was you not just. In Italy, they have private jets. You know that. I know that. But like, I was like, how is this simultaneously, because I was getting confused on, like, weren't people clapping at Telluride? Even though that's not really a thing. A pretty major film festival. It's in Colorado. Yeah, I. Only thing I know about Telluride is that moonlight got birthed there, and I. Think also if Field street could talk was premiered there, too. I know Barry Jenkins likes Telluride. Yeah. He has a good relationship there with them. That's home for him. What's next? After what's coming? For what? For Barry, like, not what's coming this year, but, like, what's next? So I know he said. He said in, like, a random interview that he's doing another Colson Whitehead edition adaption for the intuitionist so that those.

Adapting Colson Whitehead's Works

Are eating every time. People need to keep adapting those books because I hear great. I read the book. So I read it over when I was on vacation this year. I read the intuition just a couple of weeks ago, actually. It's. It was a good book. It's just. It's kind of weird, and, like, I'm curious to see what he does with it. Cause I think it will be hard. Like, I don't know, but, like, I think, like. But I also trust Barry because, like, underground railroad was amazing. So I think. Yeah. When you say weird, though, like, what do you mean? Okay, so the book. Let me see. How do I describe it? It's about this girl who, like, lives in a city, and she's the first black woman to be an elevator inspector.

Understanding Unique Book Themes

And the book is about, like, elevators. That's, like. I'm not joking, guys. And it's, like, about the science of elevators and about, like, the psychology of elevators. And there is. She's an elevator inspector, and then an elevator crashes while it's on her job, and there's. It becomes a mystery into finding out who sabotaged the elevator on her watch. Did they tell you? Yeah. Oh, my God. Okay. I'm not. Ooh, that sounds so good, though. I love a mystery. Cool. It's weird. It's, like. That's what I'm saying. It's, like, kind of weird because it's, like, I've never heard someone talk so much about elevators and kind of create such a. Like, it's, like, world building about elevators, but it's also about, like, the system.

Systematic Issues Explored through Elevators

It's an allegory for, like, systematic racism and about, like, how, like. Like, being part of, like, an institution, like, being a black person in, like, a white institution, like. Like, the government or, like, if you were part of, like. Like, a cop or something like that. So kind of think of it that way, but, like, it's interesting. I have to. That was my first Colson Whitehead book I wrote. Read. So I haven't read the underground railroad, but, like, I think he, like, he seems to be, likes to do this kind of, like, alternative universe type thing. It seems to be, like, you know how underground railroad? That was, like, the alternative universe where, like, the underground railroad is, like, an actual train.

Imagining Casts for Unique Stories

Like, this one is, like, a weird. Like, it was its first book too. It's weird, but, like, I liked it, and I already fan cast it in my head. The main character should be but played by Danielle Deadweiler, so. Oh, yeah, everywhere. We have to sprinkle her. Everywhere. Like, yes. Yeah, so, yeah, someone tell Barry that. Why don't you guys do that? Danielle? Yeah, someone tell him. Danielle Deadweiler for the lead. And then my other choice for the male lead of that movie, I would say he should make it either Aaron Pierre or Kelvin Harrison Junior. Like, I know he's worked with them both before, so if he wants to work with them again, they would both be perfect for the male lead.

Discussing Careers and Future Projects

So he can definitely work with Kelvin again, because I think he works with people again, if it's not because. And I want to see him work with him in, like. I want to see his face. Yes. Like, oh, what choices did you. Well, because, listen, we're mad at Calvin because he turned down moonlight, so. Okay, wait, wait, wait. I think I'm a strong believer that, you know, the stars be aligning for the people they need to be aligned for. Oh, yeah. Who was he supposed to play? He was playing, young Kevin. Yeah. And, like, yes. That would have eight. Yeah. But I love Jerrel in that movie. And seeing in cinemas, I was like.

Talent Discussions and Possible Trends

Oh, my gosh, no, Jerrel definitely deserved an eight and needed that. And I. Because I think Kelvin was going to, like. And he did, but, like, Kevin was going to be fine no matter what if he was in moonlight or not. I feel like Jerrel might have needed it more than Kelvin. Just some. For some reason, in my head, I just feel like Jerrel needed the bigger break before Calvin needed the bigger break. If he hadn't gotten moonlight. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. He was so good in that. Yeah, he was amazing. He was so good in that. That was definitely his best performance so far. And I watched all his performances.

Anticipating Upcoming Projects

I've watched almost everything he's done. Boots Riley is gonna be somewhere in the city, and I just kept thinking, like, every time I know a director's gonna be somewhere, I just wanna be asking them about the project that just, like, what happened to certain things. Yes. I'd be wanting to be nosy and be like. But I always forget because I see people in person and then, like, I'm thinking about, like, a million things that they've done and I'm like, well, I want to ask them about that. I want to ask about that. And then I'm like, if I ever. See Barry Jenkins, though, I'm going to force him to update me on the Alvin Ailey movie that was supposed to be.

Update on Anticipated Projects

Wait a minute. Like, he. They announced that in 2019. And doesn't he have another movie that he wrote that's coming out? He wrote the one with Ryan Destiny, the boxer movie. Yeah, yeah, but I really want. Yeah, I really want that. Like, if I could choose, like, I would rather he beat. Make the Alvin Ailey movie next just because, like, I think it would be great. Like, I would love a dance movie made by Barry Jenkins. Hello.

Need for Diverse Stories

We need the dance movie. Oh, my God, that'd be so stunning. Yes. Like, if you guys have never seen, like, anybody listening, like, look up an Alvin Ailey, like, performance on YouTube. Like, we need Barry Jenkins making that because they're stunning. So I hope that project isn't dead. I really do. Like, that's like, the one that's like, my white whale. Was he supposed to be, like, writing and directing or. No, I remember I looked it up just a while ago, and he wasn't officially on the script, actually, it was a writer from what one of the writers, when they see us, was writing the script, actually. but he's probably, you know him.

Adapting Complex Stories

He's probably going to put hands on the script anyway, whether he. It's in a capacity or not. I mean, yeah, because, I mean, he. He likes to adopt things. Yeah. A lot of people be sending him scripts for others that, like, we don't even know. Yeah. I mean, one thing I do like about, like, I like that he's an adaption guy. Like, I think, I mean, I know I've seen some people, like, not, like, say, like, something slick about that, and I'm like, I don't. Why does he have to make original films? Like, if he wants to be, like, make adaptions of, like, black things, like, I am not going to complain.

The Future of Filmmaking

Like. And then he's so much, like, when you're doing adaptations, a lot of the times, whatever somebody wrote is probably something super creative and, like, why wouldn't you want to see someone good? Original stories are great. Yes. But he, in a way, he is technically adapting original stories. He just, he just not, you know, he not. His hand isn't really on it. But it is. No, I get what you mean, honestly. That'S where his strengths lie. And. Yeah. What'S wrong with that? Yeah, mutual. I think our mutual Brianna said when she. Which is she struggled with under our railroad because. Because it's not like the book.

Exploring New Adaptations

In some ways, he does do his own shit for some interesting. So, like, he can change stuff. Oh, but I'm speaking of Colson Whitehead. Have y'all heard about, like, the new adaption? Oh, the nickel boys. The nickel boys. Everyone says, oh, yeah, everybody's talking about that. There's this one choice that they make in it. I don't want to say if people don't want to know, but I was like, it's very interesting about how they said that they were doing that and I was worried about it. They're like, no, don't worry about it that way.

Anticipating New Projects

But don't want to fuck up her name. Angenieux Andrew Nell. She's always great. She's always me. Yeah, but, like, I'm excited to see her. She was great. Love, country, lord of Mercy. So I forgot she was in that. I just watched her in a movie yesterday. I watched her in that one that was on Hulu. Like the supremes eat at all. You can eat at Earl's or whatever. It's a long title. I know what you're talking about. Yeah, somebody was promoting that. Yeah, mutuals watch that.

Prominent Performances

It might have been me. Speaking of beautiful black woman in film, y'all better tune into the young wife. Let's go. Let's get to renting, boys. Get to rent. Yes. You have to rent it. You can. It's no on streaming. Already. What? Yeah, it's just on rent. You just. I saw it at south by Southwest like, two years ago. I'm so. I wish that could be years ago. Yeah, yeah. Yes, please. Why do I forget, okay? Every time I be, like, on my Instagram Stories and I swipe up, forget she follows me, because I remember her.

Reality of Current Cultural Conversations

I remember when she was talking about that movie, but, I mean, it was just her and, like, kiersey and whoever else was in it that they were promoting it. What's that? Singer. Singer, singer, singer. The girl from rap shit is in it. Oh, she's in it. And so is Judith Light. Yeah, Judith Light. Oh, she's amazing. Cheryl, the lady from Abbott in there. Yeah. Moses sumni. Is that. Who know? It's neon bridges.

Nostalgic Reflections

Oh, yeah. There you go. He plays fun as well. Yeah. I need. Oh, yeah. I never just need to watch it. I rewatched. Sell it in the spades a couple months ago, and I was like, guys, that movie. Guys, we don't talk about that movie. That movie is genius. Like, notes. Amazing. Perfect. Amazing. I'm sick thinking about that show. Yeah. Wow. Oh, my. I was really looking forward to the tv show.

TV Show Anticipations and Developments

Me too. Like, when you learn about, like, what's in development for certain people and then, like, yeah, I think you were talking about Janet mock the other day. Yeah. Like, damn, I forgot all about. It's hard to keep up with people in their, like, overall ink deals that they get with certain studios. And then it's like, when you don't hear anything else, like, what happens? Yeah, baby show. The what? There's supposed to be a show based on Shiva, baby.

Evolving Concepts in Storytelling

That I remember. That wasn't easel. Supposed to also. Oh, she made that into a reality show. Never mind. Oh, yeah. She wanted to make, like, a nine or two and oh type show. She said she was. She said she was still doing it. Yeah. I just. I guess I wonder, like, how all that. I would have to google it, how all that particularly works. Like, you sign something, but it's like a guarantee that you get to make. I don't think anything is guaranteed when you do the overall deal.

Discussion on the Chimpanzee Incident

Because he worked with one of the chimpanzees in a movie. That is. And then stuff happens with that one specific chimpanzee. Oh, my God. It's all crazy. The lore. The chimpanzee was his coworker, not this. He was working with him. And then what happened? Because some of these things are like, oh, my God. But, like, no, this lady is crazy. This lady is absolutely deranged. Not. I just open Google as the chin pinnae. Oh, no, I just saw that actually, when I opened Max, it looked like, yeah. Chimp crazy. It's absolutely deranged. Yeah.

Crazy Show Recommendations

I've been ignoring it, but maybe I'll look. If you want to watch something that literally, it's a. There's, like, some sad moments, but it's mostly, like, I literally can't believe, like, this is a thing. And people live like this, and there's a person that looks like this. Yeah. Okay, I'm gonna look here. I'm gonna watch it tonight, I think. But, like, ten times crazier. This is, like, a show that would be on there. Well, you know, they are. TLC is a part of the high production value. Yeah. But I don't acknowledge that merger, because I don't. I think that should have never happened.

Show Recommendations Continued

I'm sure they know that should have never happened. A lot of things shouldn't have. Oh, also, another show I recommend is called. It's on Netflix. It's called ready, set, love. It's a Thai show, and it's about this, like, dystopian, like, future in Thailand where 99.99% of the babies that are born are women. And so the government sets up a, like, a reality dating competition where the women have to compete to date with these guys. It's actually, like, so good. By the end of it, me and my mom were, like, crying. Oh, my God. It was so good. Oh, really? That's an interesting premise.

Production Value of Shows

That is. And honestly, the production value, like, they break the fourth wall. There are all these different, like, really interesting camera work. Like, I was like, yeah, there's nothing like this in America. There's so much just not here but speaking of that, I watch, like, a lot of other films, and I'm like, what happened? No, but genius.

Remakes Discussion

God. Did anybody? Oh, I haven't seen that. But I am aware that there is a remake that you all despise and eroding. Yes. I know you guys feel very strongly about that. I was so confused. I was like, oh, what's going on over here? What are we up in arms about? But I haven't seen that movie. But I. It's on a list of mine. They didn't change it up at all, but jabbar. Yeah, it looks exactly. It looks exactly the same as the copy paste change. Actors make it in English because people just can't do subtitles.

Subtitles in Movies

I one day pray for a world where it's just like, subtitles are just always gonna be at the cinema. Like, there's no choice. I'm praying for that day. I'd be so lost. If the movie is British. And I'd be like, you know, annoys me. Screeners don't come with captions, like, at all. And sometimes. And you. And you're getting an episode before it's, like, completely finished, like, editing. So it's like, sometimes I literally, I'm squinting to try to hear what people are saying because I'm like, I don't know what's being said because you turned the volume, like, all the way down on this person was whispering and there's no caption.

Screenings and Context

So you just have to, like, write it out and be like, that is. Kind of irritating about screenings, though, where they're like, yeah, this is like, none of the VFX work is here yet. Some of the sound is off, but we still want to know what you think. And I'm like, I don't know what just happened at 25 minutes and 30 seconds in this episode because the sound is not there. Like, can we get captions on something, please? That is so unfortunate. Just crazy to me. Like, there's so many people in this industry and you can't give subtitles.

AMC Screening Issues

Yeah, it's frustrating. Like, that's why I appreciate, I wish AMC would just do more than one screening. Like, they'll do a screening with subtitles, but there's only one, and it's only at one time. So it either be, like, at 1230 noon or it could be, like, at 08:00 at night and it's like, where's the variety of it? Because that's ridiculous. I will say I'm only going to see megalopolis again because I was shown, like, the director's cut without the VFX. And possibly, like, endings may have been changed in that, but it still sucks.

Directors and Emmys

And I don't think anything could possibly get better considering Shia LaBeouf is just so present in that movie. Didn't Coppola say he cast and canceled people on purpose? Yeah, that man, during that whole screening, and he. I got up in there and was talking about it and I was like, I'm here because this is free. And I had. We had no idea that's what he was gonna show us, though. He actually had planned to show us some. Something else, but he was like, show you what I have so far.

Conversations Around Film

No, no. I can see why no one wanted to bankroll this. But, and I will say the conversations around this film I'm looking forward to because I'm trying to figure out there's just a lot of things in that I was just like, okay. Like, alrighty, sir. Like, I guess, like, you know, you're weird, but, like, mmm. You're so weird. Like, I hate that. Yeah, I'm not gonna watch that. I was that against my will. Like. Like, when I was sitting in class one time and my professor said, your film reminds me of this Woody Allen movie.

Reflections on Film Inspiration

I said, did you ever say that to me again? That would have hurt me. So that pissed me off. Why did he put the movie on? I said, you know what? I guess he wasn't wrong. Yeah. Yeah. I unfortunately imagine if somebody was like, oh, is this inspired by this? I'm like, no, it's not. It's inspired by every other movie a lot, but. But that now unfortunately, like, unfortunately what? Who said that? Oh, no, I was just gonna say I hate when I watch something.

Directors and Public Perception

And I can tell that the director is a fan of Woody Allen. Like, dear God, I don't know when. You watch Greta Gerwig or, like, Noah Baumbach. I know. No, I mean, it is your fault now if you are actively referencing that man. But I remember one time I was just, like, watching stuff on Netflix and I didn't know who Woody Allen was or, like, anything about him. It was the most I didn't know. It's like a two and a half hour movie about these, like, couples that were just in a house in the woods, like, fumbling through marriage.

Personal Film Encounters

And I was like, I don't know what I just watched and I don't think I enjoyed it. And I asked my mom, like, who Woody Allen is. She was like, yeah, you know what? Don't even worry about it lol me. When I learned who Bryan Singer was. Oh, yeah, I already bought a DVD, that of a movie, hero. And I said, well, we just gonna have to keep on going because that is one of my favorite. And it's like, growing up, I would just watch stuff. I would not actually, I was watching stuff for actors, not directors.

Actors and Their Influence

So, like, I wasn't. Nolan was like the only I gave a fuck about. So it was like Nolan and Fincher and then, like, I was heavily obsessed with Jake Gyllenhaal and then, like Mark Ruffalo. And I think at the time I started watching something. I ended up watching the usual suspects. I don't know how I got there, but I didn't know because, like, even now, I just kind of. I learned that's how Christopher McQuarrie has an Oscar. And I was like, oh, he has an Oscar.

Oscar Accomplishments

Some people have Oscars that I am. Like, oh, yeah, like Ben Affleck. What? Yeah. For writing an Academy award. No offense, but Ben Affleck. What about Matt Damon? He has it with Matt Damon. They want it together. They want it together for goodwill hunting. They're like the young. I mean, of course they would at. That time to have won it. The lore about these two is insane. Sorry. But they wanted to. Yeah, I did.

Good Will Hunting Discussion

I could and don't remember it. No, the movie. The movie is really good. Or maybe it's because I watched in high school. It was really good. There's one part where, like, this guy is, like, at, like, at a diner, and they were both interested in this girl, and Matt did. That's the girl, like Matt Damon ends up dating. He actually dated her in real life. and he was like, do you like what you're eating? And he was like, what? He's like, do you like your apples? And he was like, well, how do you like these apples?

Writing Quality in Movies

And then he shows, like, he got the girl's phone number and, like, the context of the movie. It was, like, really good writing. Like, it was really funny. It made. It made a lot of sense. But goodwill hunting is actually movie. It's funny because I haven't heard them writing. Like, they. They still write together sometimes. Like, written and produced and all that stuff and directed. But, like, I feel like that's the one movie. Like I said, I haven't watched goodwill hunting, but I feel like they haven't.

Reflections on Good Will Hunting

Popped that movie since I've watched it. But I have no memory of. No, I don't. I don't think they've ever topped goodwill hunting. I mean, how. Exploding and you becoming super famous and getting an Oscar and you're, like, the two youngest people to have ever gotten Oscar. An Oscar for screenwriting. Like. Like, maybe Ben, you do have to something going for you. Well, I thought Argo was pretty good. I think Ben's a better director, but, like, I need him to stop acting because, like, he cast himself in heir and he really should not.

Acting Presence and Critique

I did not like that. He should not have been in that. Yeah, yeah. I grew up and I didn't realize that Ridley Scott made the Martian. Yeah. I keep discovering these things about these directors at my big age. And I'm like, what do you mean they made this? Matt Damon's always been a better actor, though. Like, even though I don't. Matt Damon just shows up and stuff and I laugh. Yeah, that's how he is. But, like, I find that to be really funny, actually.

Matt Damon's Recent Roles

I haven't really liked that Damon in anything in a while. Like, I think, like, I really like, you know, Oppenheimer. He was fine. And I know he was fine. There are so many people better than him. Yeah. Josh Hartnett being one of them. He's taken off too. Yeah. I didn't recognize him when he was in the bear this season. I didn't even know he was okay. Yeah, he plays cool.

Character Analysis in Shows

He played Richie's ex-wife's new husband. Is he American or. No, I think he's American. I think so I was wondering if he was, like, American or British because you know how they be. They just pop out with an accent. You're like, what? Yeah, they're British. Like, Killian Murphy being Irish never registered to me. Really? I hear it. No, I was like, Irish. That face.

Surprise in Accents

I guess when I think Irish, I just being, boom. Paul mescal. And I'm just. That's an accident. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He started off in, like, an Irish show, though. So that's why, like, people know, like, his breakout role. He was Irish. I feel like he blinders. Sorry, that's Birmingham, England. I just. I just think about how people talk about the show and just makes me laugh.

Shows and Comedy Elements

In that video. He also has a gun to his head. Gun to your head in this? Gun to your head. Kill himself every season. Like, it's not even a joke. He tries to commit suicide every season. I have to watch this show because Rebecca first. Everybody was just trying to kill themselves. It's so sad that Shogun couldn't stay limited. But I'm wondering how creators feel when they set out to. To make limited shows.

Creator Intentions in Series

But then networks are like, you could keep it going. Yeah. I wonder what it's like to be in that type of position. Cause it's just like, that's not what you set out to do. Yeah, especially, like, I could. I wouldn't be surprised to, like, even if you say, oh, I don't want to do this anymore, they'll be like, that's okay.

Series Continuation Concerns

Well, I'll get someone else to do it and make season two. That's terrible. Yeah. I don't know. Like, I'd love to showgun, but, like, what was the last time we've seen a limited series come back and better? Like, wasn't supposed to be a limited series and it should stay that way. Beef, that should have stayed a limited series, probably.

Audience Reactions to Shows

Yeah, no, they were. Well, I don't know, actually. I think. Well, my theory wanted to do season two, but I think they wanted to do season two with like, the actors that we ended on a cliffhanger. Like, he got shot. Like, you know, beef, the main Stephen. Young, he was shot and like, didn't. They wake up in a hospital?

Viewer Engagement in Series

He did, but like, it sounded like they could have kept going, in my opinion. No, they ended with, like, the controversy happened. No, when I tell you, the way it. Twitter got so silent and you just did not hear about the show anymore. That was. I never, like in real time witnessing that. I was, oh, I finished it all in one night.

Experience of Watching Shows

I couldn't breathe. I was like, oh, my God. Like, there's no way this is a real show because it's like, how do you. It feels very, like, normal. And then it gets. It gets crazy real in a way. That you just can't even, like, explain to somebody because it's like this could happen in real life. Yes, but also. No.

Reactions to Realistic Themes

Yes. Like, road rage is real. Yes, but the extent of it, I don't think it was that far. Yeah, I mean, I really liked the show and I watched it and like. Before I knew anything about was too excellent. Yeah, it was good. And then we found, we know. Needle drop. I changed lives, my life.

Emotional Impact of Shows

Yeah, it was like everybody was gushing and then, like, we found out about. That guy and like, everybody was quiet. Cuz then the way they were acting online was so ridiculous. You should have stayed off the Internet. That's what you should have did. Because why? I hate when people. Something happens and it revolves around a show that's an ensemble.

Online Reactions to Shows

Although it has nothing to do with that person, how you respond to that. It'll say it'll make or break something. And well, online wise, nine Hollywood, obviously. They got the memmies. They got Emmysheen, who got an Emmy. Both of them did. In the show. She literally kissed Bill Hader before she went up on stage.

Awards and Reactions

Yeah. No, like, she got one. Stephen got one. The creator got one. You know, when I hear Emmys, I just thought about the bear cast, and that's all I cared about because I. When somebody said, the Emmys are in two weeks, I'm like, the water in two weeks. I feel like the Emmys are gonna be very predictable this year again.

Predictions about the Emmys

Like, so there's no point in watching or engaging in that. I will be watching from the to let me know who. Because what? Isn't the bear nominated again? Yeah. This year, though. Am I tripping or am I. They did okay because they moved it because the strikes and they should have pushed it back.

Award Seasons and Trends

Keeping it in September, though. I am. Whoa. I did that. No, keeping it in September is. I'm kind of surprised. I thought they would have, but I guess if there's no reason to push anything back, why do it? I guess. Yeah, it's an impossible. Why are we pushing that back?

Streaming Trends

Sorry. Right. But we gotta move on because I was having so much hope with that strike going on. It was so funny to me when severance was like, here's your trailer for something that doesn't air until six months later. Why the hell did you give it to us? They wanted people to stop. They wanted us to shut up.

Trailers and Anticipation

That's what I know. But, like, they could have just ignored us. I'm sorry. They just wanted to make sure, like, they want to remind people, like, they exist. You know? People still care. They was hoping that. Who tweeted that? Who tweeted them and was like, can you please come back?

Public Figures and Engagement

Celebrity or somebody was. It was Scissor. Oh, yes. They're gonna be like, we're back. We're on our way. The way. The way that somebody asked her about math homework, and she just responded. Why would you respond to that bitch? You just gonna have to fail.

Conversation on Celebrity Interactions

Like, why are you talking to people? Like, you know, theme? Why is she always in chapel runs? I'm like, she's just anywhere. She's probably trying to get. All. She was trying to hit with Amelia on. On chicken shop date, and Amelia was trying to act like, that's not what was going on with you. Be for real.

Social Media and Celebrity

It's not me, you know, want a real lesbian. What happens when a fake gay bitch meets the rookie? But. Speaking of a fake a bitch. Robert. Anyway. I think he hasn't had his moment. He hasn't had his gay awakening. It's gonna happen by, like, they've given. Him so many moments.

Character Development and Awakening

Like, and they are talking about Rob. Yes. He should have done the dirty. I don't care about joking. Booster doing frontal. Who fucking cares? I didn't need to see that. You know what I did? I didn't even notice that. I did notice that. And I texted Paul and I was. Like, you didn't notice the.

Personal Reactions to Scenes

Scene? I saw him be like, hi, Frank. And then after that, I don't really know. It just didn't register to me. Then I went back and watched it and I was like, okay. It was not so much that he was full frontal. I just did not expect him to be like, stroking. It.

Surprising Moments in Narratives

Reminds me that we have not talked about that happened in this crazy. I don't get why they're edging us with his bisexual way era. No, like, remember when he was chatting to that drag queen in season one? I said, what the fuck do you know about it? I'm like, why are you so sure? Like, he's a strong ally.

Character Strengths and Attributes

This reminds me of the time an actor said that they were just gonna go to work and play their characters by without telling the creators of the showrunner. And I said, and I said, do you have something in your real life you're trying to explore? Because that's you, Maya, for not saying.

Exploration of Identity

What show that is exactly moving on. And I just thought that's so fascinating that you just, maybe you wanted to figure something out for yourself. But. Robert, Robert, I do hope, like, let him kiss a man. Do something. Like, I don't know, like, what are we waiting for? And waiting on? Oh my gosh.

Anticipation in Series Storylines

We can all speak speculated about this because beyond has explored, oh, the. Last episode, I, well, hasn't Harry? I mean, hasn't he talked about that? Like, he says, so he did something and he was really anxious about it in that. What, exploring the bisexual era?

Character Plot Developments

No, I wanted to be bisexual Ernest. It was like, what if he kills himself? And I was like, no, that was himself. And I was like, shut anxious about it. Why would he be anxious about that? How he went about killing himself in the show? Like, but I feel like that, like, ruins a whole lot of dynamics.

Show Dynamics and Character Relationships

Like, I feel like if Harper, Rob or Yaz, either one of them is. Not in the show, they're too important. Yeah, it tilts one of the dynamics, like, too much in the other direction. Like, what? So half of what drives the competition between Harper and Yasmin is that dynamic Rob. Because Harper was so into Rob in season one.

Character Relationships and Conflicts

Like, she wanted him bad. Like, you're in a threesome with Yasmin just to get to rob. Like, and then she black backed out. You little. Cuz they was just getting together. But, like, girl, you need to assert your dominance, okay? That's your man. Go get him. Why is he over?

Thematic Elements in Competition

Like. Like, would it be on sensei if that's your man and why he over here? Get up. Get up. Harper. You should have been in that lap. But no, but, no, she just gave up. Like, you're. Like. That was disappointing to, like, during the coat. Like, they implied that they hooked up.

Expectations in Storytelling

During COVID I don't want. No, exactly. I don't want implied. Let me see. I mean. No, but Robin Harper did. Like, we saw them. We, like, making out and stuff. Yeah, like, they started it. Not again. Or something like that. Yeah, boring.

Character Dynamics

Like, if you're not gonna explore Rob's bisexuality, then he better be backing on Harper. I'm tired of Harper and her little token boyfriend and that man in the beginning who just came and went, like, thank you for the movie promo. No, literally, for his movie. Yeah, I know.

Movie Promotions in Shows

Movie was happy. Every line of his was like, I literally can't stand what you guys do as a job. I think this is so dumb. You guys have the worst job ever. Anyway, by Harper. What happened? Like, in the way she was like, yeah, I'm leaving him.

Character Departures

Like, that's the last I'll ever see him. No, that was her being like, this is the kill. Harper and DJ, like, what was going on? Yeah. They had such a weird dynamic because of who DJ is. Just like, as a person, it just didn't match.

Character Interactions and Relationships

Like, he. He was a little high key, naive when it came to Harper. Like, he just thought, like, she wouldn't do that. No, like. Like, yeah, DVD. Oh, whatever, Daniel. Yeah, DVD. Like, I'm. Why was DVD.

TV Show Dialogues

DVD? Why? Yeah. Yeah, that's what they call DVD. Yeah. Okay. I hated that DVD. Like, I'm supposed to take you seriously. No. Sounding a little too close to DDG. And y'all know how that. Y'all know that's like your name's DVD.

Viewer Reactions

You look like you take yourself a little too serious. Like. Like, also, I'm like. He was just so. I was like, you don't see how cutthroat Harper is? You think that she isn't in the bedroom? Like, you think that she isn't in, like, relationships? It just doesn't make sense.

Show Dynamics and Relationships

Yeah. The way it was interesting, cuz, like. Venetia doesn't fit in pure porn. Like. Like, finance bros on Reddit. Like, I was complaining about too many sex scenes, and, like, how do you not see, like, how you don't see how it all, like, parallels each other.

Themes of Sex in Stories

Like, how they know the sex scenes are so important. It really shows people don't understand the power dynamics. Like, they refuse to engage. That's Jasmine's whole, like, bargaining tool. Like, her whole, like, thing.

Dynamics of Power in Relationships

Like, she's. I don't know. She's like, I don't know what to do with myself or if I don't know how to use sex. Like, if that's not on the table, I really. And she knows that. Everyone else knows that. Mm.

Exploring Character Dynamics

Well, like, I think it came very clear when they were on the plane. That was so funny. It's like every time it, like, it would cut to Henry's assistant's face. That white lady. Like, that white lady shout out. I think also you can see, like, Harper really doesn't get a rush from sex the way she gets a rush from, like, a good trade.

Character Traits and Behavior

Like, yeah, she'd be like, that was cool. Harper can check out a sex. I'm gonna go, like, oh, okay, wait. Okay. I'm gonna stop right there. I was ready. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna stop right there. I was ready.

Conversations on Sex Scenes

Sex scene haters that people just. I don't know. You know, I think people have. I honestly think it's talked up too many things. But when I saw challengers and, like, art and Patrick kiss and people were laughing, I was very confused, because I was like, what the fuck is funny?

Audience Reactions to Scenes

I think people are uncomfortable with a lot of things that they don't ever care to admit. But every time, like, Zendaya was, like, kissing art or one of them, people were just, like, giggling and doing all this stuff.

Reactions During Intimate Scenes

But I'm like, just be quiet. Like, you don't need to do all that. Like. But I've noticed that a lot, depending on, like, the films that I've seen. I'm like, why do we. Like, why do grown adults react that way? But who knows?

Perceptions on Film Screenings

Because I don't know. I just. I don't know. I don't even know where the discourse about sex scenes came from. I know, like, there was, like, 2020. I know there's a lack of things now because of COVID I know a lot of people don't ever want to talk about that.

Effects of COVID on Filmmaking

Covid changed a lot of what we see on tv and how things are gone about on tv, but they're really there. Like, even in network television, they're really not even doing sex. Like they used to. Like, yeah. Episode.

Network Television Trends

They going crazy. And then after Covid, I was like, she'd be kind of. It's not boring, but, like, I just wish people would understand, like, how these things are essential to story and not see it as, like. Like, we're just, like, watching porn.

Understanding the Purpose of Scenes

Like, that's just what we're doing. But it's like, no, yeah, but, I mean, the way we engage with media has a lot to do with all of our background. So I think for, like, a general audience member, they probably are like, why would we want to watch that?

Interpreting Audience Behavior

I think people are, what is it? People are, like, were, like, grew up being ashamed of, like, sex and, like, told. It's, like, not a thing to talk about. So they make someone comfortable when they see it. Like, just kind of, like, out in the open like that.

Cultural Perspectives on Sex

You know, they're like, whoa, there. Like, I don't know. I am. I just know when I. Sorry. I was going to tell a story, but I'm not gonna do that anymore because I already said it. I was gonna talk about passages, and I was gonna go over about how boring that was.

Personal Experiences with Films

Again. I want to know what Brianna knows so badly. No, it's not even a big thing. It's not even. I know, but just in general, you know, stuff, and I'm curious, like, I want to know. Like, it's always every no comment I'm storing in my head.

Upcoming Revelations

Like, okay. I mean, most of what I know gets revealed in the next two weeks, so. Period. Thank God. Okay. Okay, good. I can breathe. I'll say in the next four weeks, I'd be like, girl, tell me right now.

Spoilers and Viewer Reactions

Yeah. So I don't mind spoilers. It just depends on how I'm feeling about a show at the time that I'm watching it. When I get the spoiler, like, jump right back on it. Or, like, I feel like, for the. Most part, spoilers, like, won't necessarily affect how much you enjoy something, but I definitely think you can never get that, like, shock surprise feeling back once, you know.

Impact of Spoilers on Experience

Yeah. Happens. And part of what is so effective about this season is the way, like, because when I first started watching it, I'm not gonna lie to first two episodes, I was like, I don't know if I'm feeling this, and that makes me so sad, but it was really just because I love Harper so much and I wasn't seeing her, so I was like, oh, I guess because it's not.

Personal Response to Season Developments

This is so Yasmin coded this season. I was like, oh, it's like, whatever. But then I started to realize every episode I was watching, my heart was literally racing. Like, I would, like, pause and, like, get up and go do something and come back. And I was like.

High Stakes in Storylines

I literally. I realized, like, oh, it's affecting me in a really different way than it did last season. Like, every episode, the stakes I could actually feel were so high. So I was like, okay. Everything that I'm watching now, like, I'm understanding that actually this really is the best season that they've had because the writing really, like you were saying before, like, season two finale, like, someone getting fired from a job is, like, such a major plot point.

Writing Quality in Series

Like, so many things this season. I'm just like, oh, my God. Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. Like, I forgot where my original point was, but I just, like, every. Everything about the season was just so, like, high stakes, and they really, like, blew up the world of the show.

Show Expansion and Development

And I think your original point was, like, I think your original point was that you can see why spoilers like, you would. Yes. Thank you. Yeah. So I take away that element. It. Not that it will, like, ruin the show because the writing on this is really so tight.

Quality of Writing in Shows

Like, it just takes away a certain element of the viewer experience. Because this season is so emotional. Emotional. Yes. Because when I first, like, when I didn't watch the premiere, I don't think. I think I waited a day or two, and then I was like, I guess I'm depressed and ready.

Viewing Habits

And I was like, well, that didn't really help. That actually made it 20 times worse. And I was like, well, are we going to smile this season? And I know a lot of people were like, damn, where is Harper? But I will say every episode features more or less of multiple characters and not just hers.

Character Focus and Exploration

Also, I just have a feeling whatever's going on with her, we're gonna just see it on a bigger scale, like, later. Because right now, I think what Harper, her character, is doing is just, like, planting little seeds, like, she's fresh off of firing. And the fact that Eric called and said, don't hire.

Character Relationships and Challenges

Okay, that man is crazy. Why he was calling places, being like, don't hire her. Like, sir, you think she's that much of a fucking threat? She is, though, how many times? And that's why Petra was like, It's either because you're, like, the worst person ever or they're a threat to you.

Plot Dynamics and Character Depth

Oh, my God. That one scene where she told her, like, I think she possesses, like, I knew something, huh. Well, nobody told him to fire her, huh? For several reasons. Oh, you were really far away. Now. I don't think she's far away.

Character Analysis

I think she's more like, wait, say something. What? Okay, I can hear you. I think I covered my. Eric is possessive, but it just doesn't really make sense because it's like, you did this. You ruined this.

Character Actions and Consequences

Like, also, I couldn't tell what Harper sought out Jessie on her own, because she's just smart, and she's that girl. Not gonna lie, I thought Jessie was gay when he first got there. And then I was like, you're not gay, but he could be gay.

Exploring Character Dynamics

Now. We don't know. But he said he was an album. So I was like, never mind, boo. Whatever, because I was like, something about him. But Harper is always one step ahead. And it's just funny to me that Eric would fire her, knowing that she could easily land on her feet.

Character Competitiveness and Intelligence

She's just so smart. And it's not even just, like, about her being smart. First of all, still can't get over her not finishing college and then her just finding herself in that world. And like, all that, she has succeeded. Wow, that stresses me out.

Harper's Character Journey

Like, that episode that y'all were always talking about with her chewing that gum and looking at the. I said to myself, I've seen this clip, and. And yet I am still like, bitch, what the fuck are you doing? I said, girl, if you don't fucking close that. Whatever, whatever.

Viewer Engagement with Characters

I was like, stop. Why did it keep going up? And I was like, oh, God. I was like, the only person she has in her corner is Eric. And I was like, he's only person who's gonna be understanding. And then I get to. Industry is stressful. Oh, my goodness.

The Stressful Nature of Industry

I think yesterday I didn't pause at all. I was holding my breath, though, because I was like, industry keeps going and going. I actually never know where the show will end. Like, what will be the final scene that we see?

Unpredictable Show Endings

It could be anything. Like, that's how fantastic it is. Like, you just don't know who will be the final. Like, who's gonna be the final frame that you see. So I didn't know where they were gonna end that show in that episode last night.

Expectations for Future Episodes

I was like, because there's this thing I've noticed recently. That's why one thing I know, like, the show can keep on going, I think, for several seasons. Like, I know some people who have watched it and watched the finale, and they've told me that they think the show ends in a way where, like, it can go.

Thoughts on Season Continuation

It can stop or can keep going. And I'm like, honestly, like, in my opinion, I feel like it can keep going because it's like, there's no end game. Yeah. Like, it's not like, succession. Like, okay, you need to find the successor, but like, industry, map that out.

Potential for Further Seasons

Like, you know, I'm pretty sure he wanted it to be the x amount of seasons. And I don't know what the. I haven't really read anything about the creator, so I don't really know anything about them or, like, what their plans were or what their intentions are with the show going forward.

Speculating Future Developments

But it's like, there's so much room for more. A lot of shows can't really say. Sometimes it gets to a point where a show becomes insanely repetitive, and you're right now, like, we got to come up with something else.

Choosing Paths in Storytelling

But with industry, it's like, you find out something, and you're just so consumed with that shock of that one thing that it's like, what else can I find out? Cause it's like, what's next? Like, I didn't think they could kick Rob as down as they did even more, but they just keep finding ways.

Continuing Challenges in the Plot

And I'm like, wow. This man walked into work after that lady died and started crying, and everybody. Was like, yelled at. And then Eric was like, what's the matter? He goes, I lost the client. And he goes, is that all? You couldn't dig a little deeper?

Plot Developments and Reactions

Like, you really thought he was crying because he just lost the client? Do you know Eric was stressed at that time. Yasmine was about to fall out. It was just too much is going on. Oh, my God. Yasmine fell out that chair. Oh, my goodness.

Emotional Reactions in Storylines

No. The fall was crying. Eric is, like, trying to quickly give her some water. Like, girl, come on, get up. They were like, girl, can you not handle your drugs no more? Like, no. Like, for real.

Energy Recovery and Character Dynamics

Every time I see that clip, it just like, girl. No, but it's bad because she was. Like, I'm gonna faint, but I'm also not. So let me just fall to my knees and not fall out. No, but it's bad, though, because everybody keeps showing up to work a mess.

Crisis and Professionalism

Like, Eric came hungover. Yasmin's hungover. Rishi has blood on his shirt trying to work. And then Rob comes in crying. Like, they don't ever really question, like, what. What else could be potentially going on?

Surface Level Assessments

Like, they're so surface level when they're, like, on the floor, they're like, okay, you good? Because we don't have time for you not to be good. So that's why he told Rob, you know, you gotta say it. I'm a man, and I'm relentless.

Character Expressions

And I was like, right. Then they kept going with it, and I was like, okay, we get it. You're a man. You're relentless. But that was a good scene, though. That's a great scene.

Memorable Scenes in Industry

Oh, good. That should be. There's so many scenes in the show with Eric that I'm like, that's his Emmy scene. Yeah, there's just too many, like. But I hope that there's, like, something towards the end where I'm like, yep, that's the one.

Awards Potential

Wait, when they said at the press conference that Ken lung came up with the idea that Eric's name is actually America, I was like, that is so amazing. Oh, that's so. Oh, yeah, I remember seeing that. Wait, what is it? Eric's real name is America.

Character Name and Significance

His name is Alvin. America Tao. That's his real name. Oh, I love when actors, like, give their little two cent, their little input, and it actually eats, like, exactly. And he was like, yeah, I would assume that his parents.

Imaginary Origins

His parents are immigrants, and then they probably want to name him, like, America, but, like, his name is Alvin. And he would never go by Alvin because, like, who would take him seriously with the name Alvin? And then they were like, well, America is crazy.

Character Backgrounds

So, like, wouldn't they shorten, like, America to Eric? And I was like, that's insane how he thought of that. And the writers were like, yeah, that's really good. We're gonna use that. They're like, gobble. Let's.

Comic Input on Character Creation

Let's put it on the board. I think that there's so many things with Eric, but I think that episode he had when he, like, went away or whatever, to New York or something. Yeah, see, I keep forgetting the show is in the. I'm like, what do you mean he's going to New York?

Confusion About Settings

Is he not in New York? And then I remember they're in London. And I'm like, that show does not look like New York. It's actually filmed. But, like, there's another scene with him. That I really think that's the one that he should submit as his Emmy.

Recognition for Acting Skills

I'm excited. I love acting. I just love good performances that you just get to just dig into, because I feel like, I think every year the Emmys come, I'm like, who's, like, really in here? That's like, well, obviously, it's objective, but, you know, that's really deserving of, like, that's an award winning performance.

Performance Expectations

I feel like every year it goes down. Do you know what's crazy about the Emmys, though? It's like, if you submit the wrong clip, like, you probably could have won if you submitted a different clip. And I really don't. Like. That's crazy.

Submission Processes for Awards

I understand, because, like, you can't expect everyone to watch every single season of every single episode of television, like, all the time, but it's. You submit a clip, and that's what you get judged on.

Awards Judging Criteria

Damn. Not like this. Not the whole episode, just the clip. So for actors, you submit, like, a clip. Yeah. And then for, like, writing and stuff, I think you submit an episode.

Understanding the Nomination Process

So they choose episodes, or something that they choose to submit for certain categories, and then that's what the voters watch, and that's what they vote on. But a lot of the times, people are voting on names that they know, which is why, like, Julianne Margulies won, like, six years in a row or something like that.

Predictability in Award Shows

Yeah. She shouldn't have won one year, but go ahead. You know, I don't give a fuck about that lady. Don't worry. But she did deserve one of one Emmy or two for playing Olivia Pope. Just one. Oh.

Acting and Recognition

Kay Washington. Yeah. You're not surprised, but yeah. Oh, God. Surprising that Shonda Rhimes doesn't have an Emmy yet. That is a shocking thing, actually. But she's definitely not getting it now with Bridgerton.

Industry Trends and Recognition

This fucking stupid show. Oh, my gosh. Wait. Finding out that the lady was on Bridget. I think she does a little. I don't know. But, like. But then, at the same time, you wouldn't make the show she does if you wanted it.

Analyzing Creative Choices

Emmy. Yeah. I think. I think we have to also think about. Back then, network tv was nominated. Nowadays it's not because streaming is. Obviously streaming is, like.

Shifting Landscapes in Filmmaking

Has taken over, and then, like, we don't have pilot season like we used to on network shows. There's just a lot of things that are just not done anymore. There's never really room.

Changes in Industry Standards

But I think at one point, when 911 came out, it was nominated, or Angela was nominated. It's just interesting, like, what was then and then what is now on, like, what constitutes, like, good tv?

Expectations vs. Reality

But I am surprised she didn't win some Emmys and whatnot for Graysdez because those earlier seasons of Grey's were, like, phenomenal. And there's a reason, like, people always say, like, these first couple seasons are the best, but I'm still stuck on this thing with, like, the actor's clip and that one clip can make or break your fucking win or not like that.

Final Thoughts on Recognition

Yeah. I thought it was just an episode. Like, not just one clip. I thought they got the. And that makes sense now because remember when were learning about, like, people were submitting, now I got to go back and find that list because I'm gonna be like, maybe you shouldn't have done that.

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