Haven1 x FailSafe Partnership AMA


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Haven1 x FailSafe Partnership AMA hosted by Haven1official. The Haven1 x FailSafe Partnership AMA delves into the innovative solutions for security and liquidity within the Web3 ecosystem. Haven1's mission of addressing critical challenges through technological advancements is highlighted, with a focus on community engagement and transparent partnerships. The collaboration with FailSafe showcases the commitment to building a resilient blockchain network. By emphasizing the importance of decentralized solutions and trust-building, this AMA sets the stage for enhanced security measures in the evolving blockchain infrastructure.

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Q: What is the primary focus of Haven1 in the Web3 ecosystem?
A: Haven1 is dedicated to enhancing security and liquidity within the Web3 landscape.

Q: How does the partnership with FailSafe contribute to Haven1's mission?
A: The collaboration aims to tackle critical challenges and introduce innovative solutions to the blockchain network.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for the success of Haven1?
A: Community participation is vital for fostering growth, support, and adoption of Haven1.

Q: What role does FailSafe play in enhancing Haven1's technological advancements?
A: FailSafe's expertise enriches Haven1's technological progress, ensuring a robust and secure network.

Q: How do collaborations like Haven1 x FailSafe benefit the blockchain ecosystem?
A: Partnerships drive innovation, security enhancements, and overall progress in blockchain technology.

Q: Why is transparency important in establishing trust in the blockchain community?
A: Transparency builds credibility and trust among users and developers, promoting a healthy blockchain environment.


Time: 00:15:03
Introduction to Haven1's Mission Exploring how Haven1 aims to revolutionize security and liquidity in Web3.

Time: 00:24:18
FailSafe Collaboration Insights Insights on how FailSafe's partnership contributes to addressing blockchain challenges.

Time: 00:32:45
Community Engagement Discussion Highlighting the importance of community involvement for Haven1's success.

Time: 00:45:22
Technological Advancements Unveiled Unveiling the cutting-edge solutions driving Haven1's technological advancements.

Time: 00:52:10
Benefits of Transparent Partnerships Discussing the mutual benefits of transparent collaborations like Haven1 x FailSafe.

Time: 01:05:36
Future of Blockchain Security Exploring the future prospects of enhancing security measures in the blockchain space.

Key Takeaways

  • Haven1 focuses on enhancing security and liquidity in the Web3 ecosystem.
  • The partnership with FailSafe aims to address critical challenges in blockchain technology.
  • Innovative solutions for security and liquidity are at the core of Haven1's mission.
  • Community engagement plays a significant role in the success of Haven1.
  • The AMA sheds light on the technological advancements driving Haven1's growth.
  • FailSafe's expertise adds value to Haven1's objective of creating a robust blockchain network.
  • Collaborations like Haven1 x FailSafe pave the way for enhanced security measures in Web3.
  • The discussion emphasizes the importance of decentralized solutions for a resilient blockchain ecosystem.
  • Partnerships foster innovation and progress in the blockchain space, benefiting users and developers alike.
  • Transparency and communication are key factors in establishing trust within the blockchain community.

Behind the Mic

Meeting Introduction

It it everyone just waiting on a couple of people. One person. I think we can get started and John can join us. Abhishek, do you want to kick things off path? It. We'Re all here just waiting for John to connect. Hey, John, can you hear a subject? Hello? Well, yes. Yes, I can. Okay, yeah, I think this is a UI problem. So, like, I'm playing around with this right now, and if I click on the unmute button. Yeah, so you guys might want to play around with the. It gets stuck a little bit when you click on it a few times. Yeah. Hello? Yes, there you are. Abhishek can hear you now. Say hi one more time.

Discussion about Technical Issues

I think the icon shows up as inverse mute versus unmuted. Yes, we can hear you. That's so strange. That's so strange. I'm actually on mute right now. Yeah, same. Okay, GM. Gm everyone. Sorry, sort of. It took us a little bit time to get the things going here. I'll give a quick intro and then I'll sort of bring in others as well. So I'm Abhishek. I lead product at given one prior to joining even one. I've sort of been in web three for a few years, most notably at Binance, where I led onboarding as well as compliance for about two years.

Introduction to Haven One

I'll give a quick intro to Havean one as well because there might be some new joiners here. Haven one's a layer one public permission blockchain. It's as a chain. It's highly opinionated on the network design. It's a chain specifically built to ensure that our users do not get rugged. A lot of the founders on the team have been in crypto for. Since the very beginning, and I've sort of been frustrated with the proliferation of scams and hacks and drugs in the space. So we very much sort of proudly starting in a place where we can sort of control the activity on the chain.

Goal of Haven One

And the goal very much is to sort of decentralize a lot of these constructs over time. But we're proudly sort of starting to make sure that the users don't get rugged on even one giant. You want to give a quick intro and then we can bring in fields team as well. Yeah. Can you guys hear me or not? Yeah, we can hear you. Oh, wow. Okay, it's muted and you can hear me. Okay, so probably, yeah, I'm calling from the blockchain week here in Korea. So, yeah, as Abhishek said, like, you know, haven one is focusing mostly on, like, the priority is security, right?

Focus on Security

So if you look at the other chains, like, and if you look at the crypto industry in general, you see that like, all the focus is about decentralization, is about going towards what the crowd wants and what people want, which is something that we're also trying for. But the key difference in there is that we want to give more focus on security first. So the idea is to give safety to the users and then strive towards this sort of decentralization aspect and try to push that as much as possible. And, you know, there are a few things that we will talk about, I think, today perhaps, and we will expose a little bit of what are the potential benefits that you guys can get from using Aven rather than other chains.

Introduction of Failsafe Team

Awesome. I guess we'll go next. Can everyone hear me okay, all good. So peculiar just shows up as muted on my UI, but yeah, huge. Thanks the Havenone team for having us, Abhishek and Jan. Appreciate you guys taking time out of KBW for this, but about myself, I'm the CEO of Failsafe. My name is Anirin. My surname is Flynn. Most people call me Flynn just because it's nice and easy. Prior to launching Failsafe, Ari and I, our CTO here, who is behind the actual Failsafe X account, were heavily involved in building games for web three, which we also came from cybersecurity backgrounds.

Overview of Failsafe's Origins

And I'd love for Ari to talk a little bit about that, but we experienced firsthand how bad scams and essentially fraud and hacks were really taking away a lot of the good intentions of the builders who were building for the masses. And we knew that we needed to build robust, enterprise grade cybersecurity solutions to ensure that enterprises and their users were properly protected. So that was, that's essentially the inception of failsafe, and I would love Ari to introduce himself.

Security Background of Team Members

Hey, guys. Yeah, so the. Yes, we can. Okay, great. Yeah, the icon is upside down, but that's okay. Yes. It's a pleasure to be with you folks. Thank you for inviting us. Yeah. Like Flynn mentioned, as were developing our web three gaming platform, this goes back a few years, we basically always knew to what, how much of an attack surface area web three was. But to see it alive and experience the various attacks kind of motivated us to kind of lean on our background in security.

Experience with Threats in Security

There's a number of us, myself included, have a quite a deep background in security. Personally, I spent pretty much all of my entire career since grad school in the space. Initially in web two security, spent many years at Microsoft working in Windows security. Later at Google in confidential compute and other teams. Was head of identity at Grab where firsthand experience some of the motivated attacks on the system there with financially motivated attacks where when you have financial incentives in the form of rewards in play, then you have folks that get super creative.

Holistic Approach to Security in Web Three

And I think that kind of definitely what we're seeing in web three today, you know, essentially it's money at your fingertips. So the extent, the breadth of the tax is just quite remarkable. and you know, our focus with failsafe to, is essentially to build out a product line that addresses the problem holistically, leveraging the many lessons learned from the web two world. Back to you. Fun. Yeah, awesome. Yeah, go for David. Yeah, and I mean just sort of if you can, you know, let our community know a little bit about how field safe started.

Introduction to Hyper Casual Gaming

And were doing that through hyper casual gaming. And of course in order to do so, we needed to ensure two things. The first was that we had essentially abstracted away or made web three usable and engageable and sort of fun enough. The second was we knew that we needed to make the space secure enough. And we witnessed firsthand as we launched several of our games, how many scammers started camping on the games and targeting our well intentioned users and really just stealing our assets in very creative and nefarious ways. And we knew that if were ever to onboard the next billion that we would need to solve for security.

Cybersecurity Expertise and Solutions

So of course, Ari being the resident cybersecurity guru, he's very modest in his introduction, but the guy has too many patents to count. And you know, the folks at Grab, Google, Microsoft are still using his code and the teams are still there today. So we decided that we would build, or the way that we would approach it would be to employ a defense in depth philosophy and offer enterprises an opportunity to identify threats in real time, but also to respond to them in real time and ensure that ultimately funds and other valuable assets didn't end up in the custody of attackers.

Development of Failsafe

And naturally, what happened was, as we had built out these cybersecurity solutions for our gaming platforms, many other companies started coming to us and they said, hey, we see how you solve for it. It looks interesting. Can we also roll up a lot of what you've built into our platforms as well? And that was sort of the very organic development of the brand around failsafe. That's where we are today. So primarily, the mission is very much aligned with Havenone's mission. We want to ensure that crypto theft scams, hacks become a thing of the past and ensure that web three is a space where people feel like they can move their assets into. So, yeah, that's a little bit of the background around the formation of failsafe.

The Partnership Between Failsafe and Havenone

Thanks for that intro to Failsafe. I think one of the things our listeners will probably want to know is just the actual synergy between Failsafe and Havenone and what does the partnership entail in itself, from the tech perspective, from product perspective as well. So it'd be good to hear from Abhishek or John from Haven side to give us insight a little bit more into how that works with failsafe, and then hear from the failsafe guys as well. You can kick it off and I'll follow up.

Havenone’s Security Measures

Yes, Abhidhu. So, yeah, heaven once, as I said earlier, is very much thoughtfully designed to secure your assets, make sure you don't get rugged. So we have sort of several things we enforce at a network level on the, for our users, you need to go through identity verification. There is sort of on chain and off chain AML verification on the developer side, for any contract deployment, there's mandatory audits. There is. There is also identity verification. So there's several things that are mandatory on both user side and the developer side.

Optional Security Modules and Features

Above this, we also have several. What I consider are good practices around how to engage with financial products that are optional in nature. And our users can sort of enable them selectively depending upon what their needs are. And this is a program we call network guardians on Havenone. So we plan on working with several esteemed companies, such as Fieldsafe, to offer these optional security modules for our users such that they can sort of ensure that their assets are sort of only used in. Used in, you know, in ways they want to. One such feature we built out earlier was two fa.

Configurable Policies in Financial Management

Two FA sort of has existed in financial products for a while now. Even one, to my knowledge, will probably be the first chain where two FA can be turned on at a network level. Failsafe is sort of key partner in one of these security modules, the fields, they will build these policies which users can optionally turn on and sort of guard their assets. So user can. As an example, a user could say that I hold so and so tokens on haven one network and only these ips can interact with these tokens. Similarly, a user could say, I am normally going to be interacting only between this time and that time.

Customization and Security Assurance

And they could say that this particular token or even all the tokens on my wallet on haven one network essentially are used only between this and this time period. And policies like these are what come very natural to fail safe and the team. I recall very sort of vividly when we met the team back in South Asia, blockchain week. The team comes with a massive experience building in this space and we've been sort of extremely sort of lucky to be working with them in bringing products they've built on other chains into building those products and sort of tailoring them to our community and our users on even one.

Failsafe's Interface for User Policies

So that's how failsafe as a product is available to our community. In summary, our users can go on to fail safe UI and can turn on specific policies that make sense for them. And then they are assured that their assets will be spent on the network only in line with the policies they've sort of enabled on the field safe product. So that's kind of my quick sort of overview of how field safe works. Feel free to add anything and then we can pass this on to an Arin and the team.

Partnership Trust and Future Goals

I would try to add, but I think your explanation was very comprehensive. The only small thing that I would add is that we truly believe in this partnership. Right. Like Failsafe is a trusted partner. Like, we're already talking since the beginning about long term partnership and we know where this is headed. Like fail safe, prioritized security, having prioritized security. And that already speaks by itself. Of course there will be other partners as well, but I think this is a great way to kick it off. And, yeah, I would pass it to Ari or Flynn to.

Configurable Policy Engine Insights

Maybe you want to say something about this. Yeah, over to you, Ari. If you want to chime in on the configurable policy engine, go for it. Yeah. And this is actually one of the strength of. By the way, can you guys hear me? We can. Great. Yeah. I'm still getting used to the icon flipping, but yeah, this is one of the strength of. Of the Haven one network.

Transaction Controls and User Security

You can give strong guarantees about what kind of transactions proposed transactions are admitted. And so in our integration with Haven one, we essentially act as a firewall that enforces rules set by the end user. Just kind of a casual observation. As an end user, for example, 99% of the time I'm not, or 90% of the time, I'm not interacting with the blockchain at all. During that time, I may want to have a policy that says, hey, I'm just off. So if you see any transactions coming from my wallet, reject those.

Preventing Common Attacks

So that in the, that simple rule by itself can mitigate common attacks that we see today, where you've given some authorization on other networks to a party that has allowance for your ERC 20 token and that contract, let's say, is compromised. And afterwards, at some point later in time, when you're not even interacting with the blockchain, an attacker moves your assets. So that's hard prevention for those types of attacks. Also, you're able to configure through this integration, you're able to configure controls like daily spending limit or I maximum amount of funds that can be transferred.

Inadequate Security Controls in Current Environments

So basic control, that which basically doesn't exist today in most other environments. If signature is it, if somebody proving knowledge of the private key is the only control. And we're seeing this almost on a weekly basis, how that mechanism by itself is inadequate through all the amount of funds that are being lost by end users. Maybe just to add to that, a dear friend was telling me the other day, actually we've cracked the code when it comes to how we should be managing user funds.

Introducing Additional Security Layers

And the banks do that very well over the past, know, three, four decades. We know that, you know, we need to introduce additional security layers, like two fa, there needs to be continuous monitoring, and there needs to be strict policies around how funds are moved in and out. And today, all of us are familiar with that. We go to our bank, we can set certain configurable policies. We say, okay, I shouldn't be spending more than $5,000 in the next 24 hours. And you say things like, hey, I am not going overseas anytime soon, and therefore I'm not going to authorize my card for overseas spending.

The Philosophy of Failsafe

And that's exactly, I would say, the model that we've taken, the philosophy that is very core to failsafe, bringing the best of what we've learned over the past three decades in cybersecurity and applying that to essentially the web three models and the decentralized models that we have today. And I think really just proud to be able to share that on haven one today. You can set those policies and you can go to sleep knowing that someone's not going to try and steal your funds at 03:00 a.m. in the morning when you're not managing your wallet. So that's, I think, the only thing I'll say on that.

Introduction and Acknowledgments

Nice. I mean, thank you failsafe guys. Thank you Abhishek John, for the in depth explanations. I think what we'll do now is we'll move into a little bit of a question session. In our last post when we announced the AMA, we've asked our community to ask some questions in the comments to share a price pool of 100 USDT. We've picked out five questions from that list. There's some great ones in there. Give us a little bit more of an explanation into the partnership as well as some features on Failsafe. So onto the questions we go.

First Question on Integration and Incentives

The first question is, and forgive me if I butcher anyone's name or handle I'm has asked and this specifically for the Haven one team with Haven one currently in Testnet. What are the plans to further integrate failsafe security features as the network transitions to Mainnet? And how would this potentially affect incentive program airdrop program for early participants? This one's probably for Abhishek. Do you want to take this one? Yeah, happy to. So I would say we are 80 85% there in terms of and Failsafe team sort of taken the most of the load so far. Where the product is ready to be used, there's some finishing touches to be done and then we can make the product available to our users through our settings menu on the heaven one portal.

Product Features and User Experience

So, you know, similar places where users can optionally turn on two FA, they'll have an ability to very much turn on these policies on Testnet. As we head into main net, the onboarding will change so slightly. And as a part of onboard we would recommend users add these policies to additional layers of security over and above what haven one provides natively in terms of incentives. You know, our communities had a flavor of what we've done with two FA. Turning on two FA gives our users what we call 200 xps on our Airdrop program and these xps eventually count towards even one airdrop. You would expect a similar sort of an integration where turning on these policies on the fail safe product will make you eligible to get those XPs and which will count towards a raid drop.

Security Challenges and Product Evolution

Awesome. Thanks for that. Abhishek. We have a question here for the failsafe team from this one is about any potential issues or challenges that Failsafe has encountered protecting over 300 million assets and, sorry, digital assets. And how has the products evolved to address these challenges effectively? I think you want to go for Dari. Yeah, I'll start. So I would say one of the greatest challenges that we've experienced is just the user friction that comes with if you compare your web two experience versus web three and compare logging in to a typical portal in web two versus using a web three wallet, whether it's metamask or something else, just the onboarding process is quite difficult.

User Experience and Security Measures

So getting, you know, working through the UX, getting the onboarding experience as, you know, to be as frictionless as we could make it, given just the fundamentals of how web three works, I would say that's one of the biggest challenges, you know, just thinking through of, you know. So for, with our integration with Haven one, it's, you know, it's a really good fit where we are able, where we're sent transactions, to screen transactions prior. Prior to these transactions being submitted to the network. But for other networks where there isn't such an opportunity to do that tight of an integration, we have a product called the Interceptor, which essentially, worst case scenario, somebody stole your private key and if you enrolled, we essentially do a front run on the attacker and move funds to a safe to self custody vault.

Continued Focus on Security

But what that involves just in terms of the user experience getting onboarded is there's quite a bit of a challenge to get users to go through the allowance process and essentially go through the. Navigate the underlying constraints of the tech stack. So, yeah, that's my take on it. Flynn, over to you. Yeah, absolutely. Just echoing that security is one of these things that I'm sad to say, is often overlooked. And it's why it's so amazing that the core focus of a network like Havenoneone is security, because the majority of platforms out there will not get their foundations right.

Importance of Education and Proactive Security

They'll say, we just want to heavily incentivize all these users to come to the platform and we're going to hope that spurs some economic flywheel and we're going to figure out security at another point in time. And we all know how that story plays out by then. It's too late. So I think that is the key thing. It is education, making sure that we can basically be a prevention rather than a cure, because we know that once funds are stolen, it's very hard to cure that. It's very difficult to restore the confidence, it's very difficult to obtain stolen funds back and therefore establishing strong security controls and philosophy from the get go is why we love havenone so much.

Features of Failsafe and Geolocation Considerations

Yeah, thanks. Thanks for that, guys. It's very good in depth answers for everybody. I hope people are tuning in and are keen to find out a little bit more about both havenone and failsafe. We've got a question, another question here. It's an interesting one about one of the features for failsafe. But I think both teams can answer this as well as from what role do geolocation ip restrictions play in securing havenone's blockchain network? And how does Failsafe's implementation of these features prevent unauthorized access? Maybe I can start on this one. And I will also try to be cautious of time.

Understanding Geolocation and IP Security

So geolocation and IP. So for who doesn't know, like we already explained this, but the geolocation aspect, imagine you usually do your transaction from a specific country, right? Like the country that you're on through some policy settings, you can specify on fail safe that you would like to execute all your transaction from that even country. Why is that fundamental? Because if by any chance you lose your fire key or something shady is happening with your account, maybe there is some replicated transaction or something, some other kind of attacks, then Failsafe will block the transaction at the RPC level.

Using IP Restrictions for Enhanced Security

What does it mean at the RPC level? It means that the transaction doesn't even touch the chain. This on top of this, like we will build together with Failsafe, we will keep working on this product and what you will be able to get alerts, you will be able to get notification, so that you will have enough time to mitigate whatever is happening to your wallet. Considering that somebody is acting from a different geolocation, the IP point is just a more stricteen factor of the same. Like with the IP, basically you can define a specific machine if you have, if you're a business, or even if you're a user that uses the wallet extensively, and you can specify an ip that you trust, or range of ips that you trust, even if you're a user from home.

Final Thoughts on Security Practices

And in this way, if there is any transaction that comes from any other ip, even if they steal your priority, they won't manage to get through. At the end of the day, all of this is on top of whatever other technologies are out there. And I just wanted to point out one more thing that, yes, of course those things might be pushing towards at some point. Maybe some other chains will implement to FA, some other chains will implement other kind of practices to safeguard your wallet. But there is one thing which is certain, is that even in failsafe while building this today, and it's just your choice if for the next, let's say, one, two years, you prefer to live in a safe environment that is striving towards decentralization or you want to live in a decentralized environment like other chains that are striving for security and the choice will be up to you.

Conclusion and Additional Insights

At that point. Maybe Flynn or Ari, maybe you guys want to add something to this. Yeah, absolutely. Maybe love for Ari to chime in. I mean, ultimately it's just a strong control and it's such an obvious control that we need to implement if you're making transactions outside of your jurisdiction. I mean, it's a big red flag. Yeah. And we'd love for Ari to also discuss some of the technical aspects there. Yeah, and just as the haven one folks just mentioned, it's not the only mechanism in place, but it forms kind of this overall defense in depth strategy where if it's a series of layers that you have and ip address screen is one of them. And, you know, it certainly is possible for an attacker to be in the same. In the same city as you are.

Introduction and Developer Engagement

Nice. Thank you, guys. We've got two more questions left. One of them is about developers, and I hope that there is developers in the room as well. If there is, give us a reaction. This one is for the Haven one team, but obviously failsafe guys, feel free to chime in. Asks, how does a partnership with Failsafe influence Haymon's ability to attract developers and users to this platform? And what role does it enhance security play in fostering broader adoption of the Haven one blockchain?

Discussion on Developer Needs

Abhishek John. Yeah, I can sort of kick this off and I'll be brief. I mean, we know in the space, you know, been in the space, and we know that the needs of the developers are obviously slightly different than the needs of the user. So a product like this, like as an example, while most users are interacting on their UAs with any chain, developers, especially the more established developers, prefer using something like, you know, nocicef, which sort of brings in sort of the rules of the quorum, etcetera. So that single person holding sort of the private keys cannot make sort of sweeping changes to the protocol or to the treasury. So I think this is a field ship as a product is just very sort of critical to developers.

Importance of Security Protocols

I would say even more so than users in my head, developers are increasingly, and, you know, Ari mentioned this a little bit with North Korea. There's been quite a few examples where, where, you know, the developer that was hired on telegram or whatever ended up having private keys and managed to sort of push a change that was malicious. So this is where I think the policies that field safe brings in just is extremely beneficial. Right. So over and above the rules of the quorum, like you might have like a, you know, a two on three quorum where three developers are holding private keys and you need sort of two or those three to sign to be able to push a change.

Enhanced Security Features

But, but the rules that field sets will bring in, apply over and above that quorum, where even if two or the three or three out of the three developers have signed. But, but if one of that signs come out of a geo that's blogged, or if one out of those is come out of like the spend that's essentially being caused is more than the approved transaction limit. All of that essentially gets blocked through this fail safe, quote, unquote firewall. So, yeah, this definitely enhances our ability to attract sophisticated developers to the chain. And I'm quite excited for when we start sort of making field safe as a key part of the pitch to developers.

Long-Term Security Strategies

Thank you, Abhishek, for that in depth explanation. Last question here for failsafe 14 bin. How does Failsafe's approach security ensure the blockchain network remains resilient and secure against long term threats, and why strategies are employed to continuously adapt to new security challenges? I think we've obviously answered quite a lot of that already through the explanation you guys gave about Failsafe. But for anyone who joined recently, you guys can give a short answer to this question as well.

Iterative Development in Security Solutions

Yeah, I'd love for the PhD in the room to bring a big break. Yeah, I mean, so we continuously iterate through our product line. So just as an example, this is. So I mentioned the Interceptor, which if you consider Haven one, has bridges, two other networks, and the interceptor. Well. Well, I think that the firewall that we've integrated with for this release, it makes the most sense on the Haven one network. But on the other side, there's still value for haven one users that transact transfer funds to.

Real-Time Threat Verification

To other. To other networks. And on that side, if you consider what goes on into, you know, what's really involved intercepting an attacker's transaction. So you can have a simple externally owned address that's moving your funds to another address. So in the mempool, you can directly see the proposed transaction, but consider that the attacker is a bit more sophisticated and is using permits. So these offline signatures, or is using a contract which uses internal transactions. So what you really need to do is at real time, you need to do simulation, right, of a proposed transaction that unrolls the transaction into a trace into all of the sub internal transactions, and then at real time, verify that none of those would move your funds in an authorized fashion.

Continuous Improvement in Risk Management

So were actually, we are tackling those hard cases, and we recently done an upgrade on failsafe just for the scenario that I described. So we are, and this is just on the interception front, we're doing quite a bit of work on risk analysis on threat intel. So in our integration with Haven, one, with the firewall, one of the options that we have is actually by default, you get. If the address that you are transferring funds to or interacting with goes beyond a certain risk threshold, that transaction is blocked. So just on that front, we are iterating, we're constantly improving the threat intel and integrating a variety of sources on which scores are based, integrating and taking into account events that occur, and maybe link to a key in the web two space.

Address Risk Assessment

Going back to the IP address, is it possible to link it? Is that linkable to the address? And what can be derived from a risk standpoint? So, yeah, went out for a little bit. I'll hand it back to Flynn. Yeah, I think innovation is core to what we do. And as you know, cybersecurity is the great cat and mouse game, and we're seeing huge misalignment incentive today, there are millions of dollars locked up in TVL, on these networks, on smart contracts.

Cybersecurity Challenges

And really, all it takes is for an attacker to socially engineer maybe an unsuspecting software developer into, you know, exposing a private repo or exposing certain access, maybe in the form of an administrator key, and it's game over, and the attacker has everything to gain. There's, you know, a few million dollars in that smart contract, and obviously, the software engineer is. I mean, he's receiving his salary. So core to what we do is making sure that we can equip these security teams, these software engineers, with the tools that essentially they need to stay ahead of the attackers at every point in time.

Innovative Approaches to Cybersecurity

So today, we even have an innovation arm that's looking at things like quantum resilience. It's looking at things like threats introduced via new technologies, as Ari just shared. But we're spending a lot of time in AI and looking at how that is being used as a threat vector and ensuring that from a sort of web three perspective, we can continue to keep those assets safe. So, yeah, that's how we ensure that everyone stays one step ahead of the attackers. We don't sleep much.

Conclusion and Future Collaborations

Seems to be. Seems to be a common thing in web three, lack of sleep. But as you said, security is often, unfortunately, overlooked in web three. And I guess staying up is important in this industry to ensure that everyone stays safe. Well, that concludes the question part of the AMA, the five winners that we picked from the questions. The Havenone team will be in contact with you guys to arrange the prizes from the prize pool. As we kind of wrap up this, I encourage everybody to obviously follow both Haven one at Havenone official and failsafe at protect my wallet to keep an eye out for further collaborations.

Final Thoughts and Acknowledgements

I'm sure we'll be here again at some point discussing developments in the partnership as well as industry, and keep an eye out in our communities, both failsafes, and have them all for exciting updates. And we'd love to give the opportunity to you guys to have any other closing remarks before we end this failsafe. Ari Flynn, anything else to add? No, I'm just really excited that this is one of those partnerships that I think the team is actually most excited about.

Partnership Excitement

There are many projects that have come to us, and obviously, we need to be selective about who we support, and we just felt it was the right place, right time, right people. Most importantly, John and Amshek and the rest of the team are absolutely phenomenal. So, yeah, we're excited to make crypto theft a thing of the past. Abhishek Jan any closing remarks. For me? Likewise I will be very short. Likewise I can add one more thing.

Commitment to Collaboration

We will work together with Philsafe to make sure that the mute icon gets reverted on Twitter. We'll find a way for that. My icon is the only one that's not reverted for some reason. I see it still reverted. I know yours is not reverted. Okay. Yeah no, really excited to be. Working with Vincent and yeah third that I really appreciate working with you guys. It's been I think what the two teams have built together is quite amazing.

User Experience Appreciation

I think that the user experience is going to be appreciated by the community. Awesome. Thanks guys. As we close this off remember everybody to follow both Failsafe's social channels, community channels and haven ones.

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