Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Have pumpfun livestreams gone too far? hosted by tari. The discussion around pumpfun livestreams and Tari's L1 protocol dives deep into the evolving dynamics of user-powered content creation. Evaluating the impact of user-driven innovation on digital content, the debate navigates the fine line between entertainment and ethical responsibility. Tari's platform offers accessible app development, empowering users to shape the boundaries of online content consumption. This exploration highlights the democratization of power in content creation and the potential risks and benefits of interactive media experiences.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: What is the core concept behind Tari's L1 protocol?
A: Tari's L1 protocol revolves around user-powered proof of work and accessible app platforms.

Q: How does the app platform empower users within the Tari ecosystem?
A: Users are provided with user-friendly applications to fully utilize the capabilities of the protocol.

Q: What considerations are crucial when evaluating pumpfun livestreams?
A: Ethical boundaries and responsible content creation play a significant role in assessing pumpfun livestreams.

Q: How does user-driven innovation impact the digital content landscape?
A: User-driven innovation is reshaping content creation towards decentralized app development and user-centered protocols.

Q: What risks and benefits come with interactive media experiences?
A: Interactive media experiences offer engagement but also pose potential risks that need careful evaluation.

Q: How are users influencing the boundaries of online content consumption?
A: Users are increasingly shaping the boundaries of online content consumption through interactive and participatory experiences.

Q: Why is the democratization of power significant in application platforms?
A: The democratization of power empowers users and fosters innovation in application platforms.

Q: In what ways can the balance between entertainment and responsibility be achieved in online content?
A: Finding a balance between entertainment value and ethical responsibility is crucial for sustainable online content creation.

Q: What role does the L1 protocol play in the democratization of content creation?
A: Tari's L1 protocol contributes to the democratization of content creation by putting power in the hands of users.

Q: How does Tari's approach differ from traditional content platforms?
A: Tari distinguishes itself by prioritizing user empowerment, decentralization, and accessible app development.


Time: 00:15:42
User Empowerment in Tari's L1 Protocol Unpacking how users drive the proof of work concept in Tari's L1 protocol.

Time: 00:25:18
Evaluating Pumpfun Livestream Ethical Boundaries Diving into the ethical considerations surrounding pumpfun livestreams.

Time: 00:35:50
The Impact of User-Centered Protocols Discussing the influence of user-driven protocols on application development.

Time: 00:45:29
Balancing Entertainment and Responsibility in Content Creation Exploring how creators can navigate the fine line between entertainment and ethical responsibility.

Time: 00:55:17
Democratization of Power in Online Content Consumption Analyzing how users are reshaping the power dynamics in digital content consumption.

Time: 01:05:42
Innovations in Decentralized App Development Highlighting the evolving trends towards decentralized and user-centric app development.

Time: 01:15:30
Interactive Media Risks and Benefits Examining the advantages and potential risks associated with interactive media experiences.

Time: 01:25:19
Shifting Boundaries of Online Content Consumption Exploring how user interactions are redrawing the boundaries of online content consumption.

Time: 01:35:50
Ethical Responsibility in Online Engagement Delving into the ethical considerations of user engagement and content creation online.

Time: 01:45:29
User-Centric Innovation in Content Creation Looking at how user-centric innovations are transforming the landscape of content creation.

Key Takeaways

  • Tari's L1 protocol is user-powered and emphasizes proof of work.
  • The platform boasts beautiful and user-friendly applications for broader accessibility.
  • Users are empowered with a sophisticated app platform to leverage the protocol's capabilities.
  • There is a need to assess the ethical boundaries and implications of pumpfun livestreams.
  • Understanding the balance between entertainment and responsibility in online content creation is essential.
  • Exploring the impact of user-driven innovation on the digital content landscape.
  • The discussion delves into the shift towards user-centered protocols and decentralized app development.
  • Analyzing the democratization of power through user-centric application platforms.
  • Evaluating the potential risks and benefits associated with increasingly interactive media experiences.
  • Considering the evolving role of users in shaping the boundaries of online content consumption.

Behind the Mic

Musical Expressions and Reflections

I am. Yos. That's the way you do it. You play the guitar on MTV, that ain't working. That's the way you do it money for nothing and it just freeze now that ain't working. That's the way you do it, let me tell you damn guys ain't dumb maybe get a piston on your little finger maybe get a pistol on your thumb we got to install microwave on the custom kitchen delivery we got some movies, refrigerator we got some movies, color tv got some movies, refrigerator got some movies, color tv I should have learned to play the guitar I should have learned to play what's that hawaiian noises? He's banging on her bungles like a children oh, that ain't working. That's the way you do it get your money for nothing get your chicks for free we got something custom kitchen deliver we got some movies, refrigerators we got some movies, color tv listen here that ain't working that's the way you do it. You play the guitar on the MTV that ain't working, that's the way you do it. Money for nothing and your chicks for free money for nothing.

The Start of an Exciting Discussion

Look at that. Look at that. Yes. What an exciting time. Naveen, if you are. If you're trying to speak, you're muted. I'm here. I'm here. I'm present. I'm present. I was really worried that I would have to solo this entire Twitter space. You can just say for a moment, I had a panic, a little bannek attack. Yeah, no, sorry, I was changing the Twitter space title and I lost track of time. Okay. All right. Welcome, everyone, to our weekly Twitter space. If you love Tari, if you love turtles, if you are excited to mine, and you are tired of airdrop farming and you are calm and collected like a cucumber, please hit the button at the lower right hand corner and drop us a like and love and whatever the hell Elon calls it now. And. Yeah. So today we're going to start with experiences running tar universe. Our goal is to make you all jealous. To make you all. Just before we.

Technical Difficulties and Engagement

Just before we do that, I believe some people are having technical difficulties. Can we get heart reactions if you can hear us? Are you having technical difficulties? I mean, you're the one who's in South Africa with, like, the Internet. That doesn't work. I mean, I'm not experiencing technical difficulties. We've had a few people report, but it looks like we're getting hot, so. Looks all good, then. Okay. All right, all right. So now, to make you all jealous, so this morning I woke up and I walked over to my Mac, my trusty Mac, and it was mining. It was mining on tar universe. I was mining Tesn ataride. And as I was sitting there eating a waffle dripping with delicious canadian maple syrup, I won a block. I want a fucking block. It was amazing. It was this beautiful animation. I want to give a huge shout out to all the contributors that are busting their tails to make this so beautiful.

Aesthetic Mining Experience

Simon, who's with us, and Kareem and Trevin and Wes and Effie and all these amazing people who are making it just like, beautiful. And the animation was soothing. It was almost like a meditative experience. I felt like I was listening to gregorian chants as I'm sitting here mining with Tari universe, with the beautiful floors being built before my very eyes, the tari tower being built into space. It was remarkable. It was really a remarkable experience. Rick, what's been your vibe with the latest build? Yeah, I mean, I have used a plethora of mining software over the years and frankly, most of them have been like, command line based. They've not been very exciting. You know, they're, I mean, you don't really put a lot of effort into designing a command line thing. It's just this, like endless scrolling, like, you know, trying to find a block, no block found sort of vibe.

User Experience Reflections

It's not exciting. It's not interesting to look at. And I've frankly just not seen great interfaces for this at all. So my experience with the latest build is just like the sheer beauty of it, you know, something that visually appear appealing. Something that I actually want to look at. Something that doesn't make me like, throw up in my mouth a bit when I'm mining. And I think that's huge. I mean, that's a pretty fucking low bar, Rick. The bar. The bar is so low that like, I, you know, as you know, I'm a world class limbo champion and the bar is so low I can't get under it. So, you know, like, it's. That's how low the bar is. Yeah. So, so next week we're doing this thing and board, who's here with us today, thank you so much for joining us. Board is going to be participating.

Upcoming Event Preparations

So what we're going to do, this is like pretty crazy where. It's pretty fucking crazy. What we're going to do is we're going to give a build of tar universe to board and some other very special guests that are going to be coming next week. I think we might have Justin. Justin Blau might join us next week, and leap might join us. G money. Yeah. So we'll have some friends. We'll have friends, Tari friends, who many of you know and many of you love. We'll all receive a build of Tar universe on Tuesday. On Tuesday. Board. It's happening. You're gonna receive a build on Tuesday for your Mac or PC or BlackBerry. I'm kidding. And. And then what we're gonna do is we're gonna, like, do a live demo.

Live Demo What to Expect

But it's not gonna just be us. It's not gonna just be, like, Rick and myself giving you a live demo of Tara universe. It's gonna be, like, board and all of our other friends who are going to be giving their first impressions. So we're going to ask them to hold their first impressions for all of you. So if they hate it, they're just going to tell you directly. There's going to be like, guys, this thing sucks. These guys are like, it's all vaporware. It doesn't really work. They'll be able to tell you all that on stream. Hopefully, that's not the case. And then we're going to do a live stream together, and it's going to be really fun. So I hope all of you will join us next week. It's going to be at 09:30 a.m. central time. 10:30 a.m. eastern time. 07:30 a.m. pacific time.

Exciting Prizes and Participation

I only know american time zones. Sorry. To everyone who's elsewhere in the world. So it's going to be really fun. And we have some prizes. So if you have joined the waitlist for Atari universe, then you're. And you've referred people, then you are automatically entered. Let's see, the prizes are for next week. There's going to be some prizes for people who are actually tuning into the stream. So you actually have to be watching the stream for some of these prizes. But one of the prizes is something that Ricardo hand crocheted. It's like he hand crocheted it. It came all the way from South Africa. He, you know, he spent, like, a month crocheting this thing. I promise it wasn't made in China.

Craftsmanship and Creativity

Rick, do you want to talk about that? Yeah, I mean, it's just taking a lot of effort. I found that I crochet better when I'm like, three whiskeys in. You know, it's just something about the crochet needle that moves really smoothly. But, you know, it's a. It's remarkable, and it's beautiful. And every time I think about it brings me to tears. So. So he. He's being really modest right now. You know, he's, like, modesty is definitely, like, his, like, number one virtue. But he, you know, he has made a turtle, okay? It's a turtle. It's. It's a plush turtle. It is the largest plush turtle that we could fucking find, okay? Like, we scoured the Internet.

Searching for Unique Treasures

We scoured the Internet. We wanted to find the biggest one, the absolute biggest one that you could possibly find and shout out to Cole and others on the team who, like, went on this, like, mission, to find the biggest plush turtle that exists on planet Earth. and that is one of the prizes. That is one of the prizes. The other prize is $1,000 of a mystery crypto. Now, this could be, like, some terrible low luck, low lick, shit coin where, you know, $1,000 is really $10 because, you know, by the time you sell it, like, you know, you're not going to actually get $1,000. I'm kidding. We wouldn't do that. It's a legitimate, supposedly cryptocurrency.

Anticipation and Excitement

Which one? You'll have to. You have to tune in to find out. I know everyone is on the edge of their seats. Everyone can't wait to find out what the mystery crypto is going to be. But that's what's going to happen next week. So we hope you'll tune in and have some fun with us and see Tara universe and board. Are you excited to be one of our guinea pigs? I mean, friends? I mean, guinea pigs. I mean, beta testers. I was going to say, this has been all just an elaborate plot to dox me. You're going to get me to install spyware on my computer, which you call, oh, Atari. It's this new blockchain, this new universe app.

In Good Humor

This is all fake. This is all just Naveen putting spyware on my computer so he can get my real details. And I commend you for it. Honestly, it is the longest running con I have ever seen, and I'm just impressed. But, yes, in all seriousness, let me tell you why I'm excited to do this. So I grew up playing japanese rpg's, which is a lot of grinding. You're walking through fields and forests and dungeons, and nothing's happening. Nothing's happening. And then you run into a monster. It disappears. And then you've got this big sound and alert, and it's exciting, and you're in a battle.

Gamifying the Experience

So I'm kind of using that analogy to describe what I want to feel with Tari and mining, I think it's going to be a little bit more passive than that, but a lot more interesting than what most mining has looked like, which is. Which is boring. It doesn't feel gamified. So I'm feeling the japanese RPG vibes with what you guys are building. And I hope that the sound effects are exciting. The visuals look great already, but, yes, let's. Let's get some good sound effects. I'm excited to test it out on Tuesday, and I will be using a Mac for my test. I don't know if you've heard, but Naveen personally has done all the sound effects himself, so, yeah, they're gonna be amazing.

Naveen's Unique Talents

Oh, wow. Yeah. I'm a secret beatboxer, so I have this, like, very unique talent. But, you know, whenever I beatbox, it specifically sounds like a lawnmower. And so, you know, our team really wasn't very happy and had to spend a lot of time and effort, you know, trying to, like, adjust the sound that I provided. But it was very important to me as Atari contributor because, you know, like, I don't program anymore. And, you know, I just needed to have, like, I need to have my fingerprints somehow on this product board. Like, I needed. I needed some part of my soul to become, like, this product.

The Modified Sounds

And so, you know, I hope you enjoy the modified lawnmower sounds. Can I. Could I request. That's why. That's why they call him. That's why they call him Mc John Deere. Can I. Can I make a request for one quick sound effect from you, Naveen? No, no. You know, so here's what happened. I was doing it so much yesterday that I lost my voice. And, you know, I don't know if you can tell, but I sound a little scratchy right now. You know, like, I'm just. My instrument is broken. Bored. My instrument. It's my poor vocal cords, they're.

Closing Moments

They're not functioning. I'm sorry. My instrument is broken. That's all I needed to hear on this recorded space. Thank you very much. That was actually what he was going to request, was for you to say, my instrument is broken. Rick, you owe me $100. We got him to say it. Oh, mandy. Okay. All right, all right. So who has been watching porn on pump fun? Has anyone here been watching the porn on pump fun? I've heard. I've heard. That's the thing now. I heard that, like, you know, everyone has stopped subscribing to, like, onlyfans and. And goes on pump fun and watches porn and trades coins.

Experiences with Pump Fun

I heard about it. I used pump fun for an hour. I put in $100. I was like, what the hell is this thing? Why is everyone talking about it? Lost it in, like, five minutes, and then I was not entertained anymore and I left. So I heard a story that somebody was live streaming something that was both sad and entertaining at the same time and paying a really expensive premium, I would say, to do it right. Like, I'm told by other people that there are many services you can pay for that give you, like, really premium quality content, and it's only, like, ten or $20 a month. But apparently people have used pump fun and paid a lot of money to stream things that are probably illegal. So, yeah, I don't think it's a good use of time, I guess is my. Is my final statement. So.

Discussion on Time Management

So to be clear, what is not a good use of time? Watching porn or trading coins? I think it is not a good use of time to spend a lot more money if you're going to do the first thing. And trading coins is generally not a good use of time for 99% of people because it goes to zero. But board. Hold on. You know, that's a really hot take. Okay. I mean, that's like. That's like saying to the person who's about to enter the casino, like, look, dude, don't enter the casino because you're probably going to lose all your money. And, like, isn't that, like, what the sky casino is for? I'm just a little confused. You know, I thought, like, were all here to become, like, chart maxis, chart gurus, like, looking at the solar patterns, the lunar whatever it's called, phases to determine if it's an upside down pineapple pattern on the charts and we're all going to get rich. I'm just a little perplexed why you would say that, especially given the expert trader that you are so expert.

Investment Perspectives

And over my time, I've learned a few things, and generally speaking, when I have held things for more than a year, that is when I have made the most money. And, you know, it turns out that casinos are not a solid place to make a lot of money. And, in fact, there's this little town called Las Vegas, which some people might have heard of, and even they are switching a lot of their businesses to not focus on gambling. They're, like, doing shows and sports and food and entertainment because it seems like, you know, people are less interested in gambling, which is crazy. But I don't know. Have you seen that as well? Yeah, you know, it's funny. You go to Las Vegas and, you know, they definitely have shows. They definitely have, like, lots of restaurants and other kinds of things that are, like, very expensive. I mean, that's very true. But, like, look, dude, you know, you've got, like, miles. You know, I bet you if you, like, put all the slot machines from Las Vegas, like, back to back, you'd probably circle the whole earth or some, you know, that's probably extreme, but, you know, it's like.

Current Trends in Gambling and Meme Culture

It's crazy. It's crazy. It's something fucking crazy. Like, you'd at least get to. At least get to LA. All right? You at least get from Las Vegas to LA through the desert. If you put all the slot machines back to back, I mean, it's just, like, pumped out fun and putting all the coins back to back, you know, even though they're like nothing. So I don't know. You know, I just feel Yden like it's derogatory to the industry to say that, you know, we're not all here to gamble and lose our life savings. You know, I mean, it's just. It just. I don't know, man. I'll give you the counterpoint. So the counterpoint and why I'm wrong is, look at sports. You know, people have, like, put a lot of money and interest into fantasy sports and betting on sports. And so that, to some degree, has actually brought a lot more people into those communities.

The Role of Betting in Sports Engagement

Right? Like, I would say that the NFL, the NBA football, you know, I would say they would have fewer fans today if sports gambling wasn't a thing. So, you know, I'll argue myself on that point. And that's sort of a casino, too, but I think it's based more on the something that people feel like they have more control over. When you're making bets on things, you have a little bit more research. The house doesn't have full control. And I think with meme coins, I guess the house doesn't have full control either. You can do research, quote unquote. You can manipulate it to some degree. So maybe that's why people have really responded to that versus traditional gambling, where you just have to live by the rules set by the house. Yeah, I mean, I think that's kind of the whole thing, right? It's like, to give people the semblance of more control.

Shifts in NFT and Digital Art Trends

Like, oh, my God, I see the ticker on Twitter. Oh, dude, like, throw me the contract address. I'm gonna just put my fucking life savings into this, like, low liquidity coin called donkey slut, you know? Like, I think it's gonna go to the moon. I think it's gonna be huge. I think everyone should buy it. Please don't buy that coin. If that's real coin. Like, please don't actually buy that coin. And, you know, I just think, like, isn't that what Solana is for? Like, isn't like that the whole, like, purpose now of Solana is just to trade meme coins on pump talk, fun? I mean, is there anything else that you do there? I got an android phone that uses Solana that I don't use, so that's another use case, I guess. Okay, so that use case is very interesting because it is the world's most expensive paperweight, right? So.

Reflections on the Current Crypto Environment

So, so that, I mean, I have one of those too, right? I have a. What do they call it? The saga. Yeah, the saga. The soggy. The soggy. Okay, so I have a soggy too, and it's, you know, on my desk, and it's just a. This is a recorded space. I don't know what I'm saying right now. But anyway, I just think, yeah, it's bad. I don't know. I do think if Solana embraces mobile and really pushes harder into that space, what I am enthusiastic about is having more choices, because I don't think it's great that it's just like, you have an apple device or you have android, and that's your only option. The saga is kind of an android device too, but I do think more competition in that space is a good thing. So the first, you know, the first attempt wasn't great unless you need to hold down your paper from wind, but maybe the second one will be.

Daily Engagement with Crypto

Will better. So I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Okay. So if you're not hanging out on pomp fun, okay. And watching porn, which I totally understand, you know, just may not be your thing. Like, I think that's a choice. That's a choice that someone can make a, you know, to do that or to do other things. What else are you doing right now in crypto? Like, what is a daily thing that you do besides, like, check the price of bitcoin or something that you are doing right now? In crypto. Personally, I like digital art, so I'm very involved in that space that keeps me excited. And then also defi, in terms of, you know, making money from my money. Those are, like, the two things that I spend the most time doing that's not just trading.

The State of NFTs in the Market

Okay. And so on the digital art front, you know, the other thing that's supposedly been happening is like, oh, my God, the NFTs are back. Oh, my God, they're back, guys. Like, they're back from the dead. So do you feel that's actually true? Like, you know, I know the punk's floor went from, you know, like, you know, 21 eth to, like, 29 eth in, like, you know, 50 seconds or something. Like, do you feel like we're back into an NFT, like, mega cycle and we're all going to get rich on jpegs? Is that your point of view? Somewhere in between that, and it's not going to be 2021, where I don't think that'll ever happen again in history, but I think it's better. I would say it's like 15% to 20% better than it was six months ago.

Meme Coins and Visual Art

And I actually think it's connected directly to the meme coin thing, which is that people want meme coins with pictures now, right? They kind of miss the pictures. Like, they had meme coins with no pictures or someone smoking crack live on stream. But people like to have, you know, some kind of community ties and visual art and pictures can do that, you know? So that's my position. Yeah. I mean, look, I mean, if you look at this space right now, I mean, you know, many, many people who are here have some sort of a JPEG as their profile picture. And so, you know, I think there's definitely something to that, right? Like, there's something to the fact that, like, a lot of people in this industry choose to, you know, pick a picture as their, you know, visual identity.

Value of Visual Identity in the Crypto Space

And, you know, those visual identities do have value to people. Right? They have value for many reasons. Like, you know, I know how much you are into, like, Jack Butcher's work. You know, we talked about that before. And so it makes totally a lot of sense for you to be repping like, an opein, for example, as your. As your Ricardo clearly doesn't care about it because he's got, you know, straight founder, you know, vibes right there. That is, that's a good shot. It's just, it's just very demure and very mindful. So, you know, the thing about Ricardo is that, you know, when you first meet him, you know, he's probably wearing some, like, really cool street wear, some, like, underground brand, you know, someone that, like, you know, three people in, you know, downtown la have heard of, you know, kind of vibe.

Character Reflection and Humor

But, you know, really deep down, and I can say this, you know, as his, like, friend and, you know, fellow contributor to Tari, that, like, deep down inside, he's like a suit, you know? And so I think this, like, this pic of his is, like, very, like, representative of who he is. You, you take that back. You take that back. That's so not true. I'd get terrible. I know. I'm teasing. I'm teething. It's all in good fun. It's all in good fun. It's actually wasn't sure if the shot was meant to be, like, ironic, because, like, you're doing all the things that a photographer would tell a Fortune 500 CEO to do in a shot that. Goes on the website 100%. It is deeply ironic.

The Influence of Attire on Perception

And I've gotten the best reactions out of people who don't know me, especially when I butt into some conversation on Twitter. And then they're always like, oh, you wouldn't know anything about this. You're just a suit. And I'm like, okay, no problem. Okay. So, so, Rick, I mean, suit, I mean, Rick, what have you been doing on pump fun lately? You know? Pump fun? I have been avoiding it lately. Like, it was fun for five minutes and it has gotten so weird. but it's not unexpected, right? I mean, like, when the, the barrier to entry is so low that, like, anyone can launch a meme coin then. and we went through, like, you know, the Joe Bowden meme coin era.

Critique of the Meme Coin Landscape

We went through, like, every crypto Twitter influencer has a meme coin launched. like, Anzimad one launched without him being involved in it. You know? I mean, like, that stuff has happened already, so now it comes down to how outlandish can you be to draw attention to your meme coin in the sea of trash? And it's not a good type of outlandish. It's really just getting a bit much. Yeah, yeah, totally. For sure. It's like, it's like desperation. It's like desperation for attention. Like, I'm going to do whatever it takes to get attention because that's like, my whole, you know, that's my whole, like, situation out there.

The Sad Reality of Current Trends

So that's definitely, it feels very desperate and people kind of doing, like, whatever. Whatever they could possibly do to drive people to, like, buy the coin, like, you know, or trade it or whatever it is. And, yeah, it's sad. It's really sad, to be honest. Like, it's not. It's not actually, like, good for the industry. It's nothing, you know, like, it's not fun. Like, it's not. It's not fun at all. It's like. It's like watching a car crash, you know? Like, it's. There's nothing fun about that, so. Yeah, you know, but to your point, it's like, what do you expect when there's a platform like this out there?

Future of Crypto Engagement

So. Okay, support. A question for you. What has to happen to bring the vibes back? Right? Like, I feel like. I don't know how you feel about it, but, like, my personal feeling is, like, you know, I'm kind of bored. Doesn't really feel like there's, like, that much interesting really happening. You know, I got into a huge fight yesterday with, like, one of the Monad bros on a Twitter space. Like, it just feels like the same old stuff, you know, happening. Like, you know, yesterday there was that whole debate, you know, of, like, well, is it really an l two or is it a side chain, or are you just trying to vampire attack the l one and you're just going to become an l one? There was that whole debate between mega ETh and Monad yesterday, which I think was largely a waste of time conversation.

Need for Innovation in Crypto

So I feel like the immaculate vibes are not here, and we're like, whatever word choice you have for the opposite of immaculate is kind of where we're at. So in your opinion, what has to happen for us to get the immaculate vibes back that we all crave? I think people need to move away from incremental innovation to actually blowing things up and trying things that no one has seen before. And let me explain. So I kind of feel like a lot of crypto has become a place where everybody works for Microsoft. So anybody who's worked for a big company, Naveen, I know you've either worked for them or with them. If you think about Microsoft, they've got, like, hundreds of teams, and they're all focused on incremental innovation.

Industry Fragmentation and Innovation

And then the teams kind of fight amongst themselves, you know, like, they're all working on different stuff, and they're arguing about whose is more important. And that's kind of what, like, what the space feels like right now. People are squabbling over really basic things and what I want, what I think brings the vibes is you've got people in garages, startups, who are not just, you know, trying to slightly adjust what everyone has already seen, but coming up with brand new things that truly are innovative. And, you know, I think that the software developers amongst you are going to appreciate this. It's kind of like GitHub and forking people's work and doing crazy stuff with it. And I just feel like that's gone away.

Frustration with Corporate Structures

It's all like, here's the formula, follow the formula. This is how you launch a coin. These are the things that you should do. This is what makes it popular. And anybody who's run a project knows this. You hear this from the when people, they dictate to you how these things are supposed to go, instead of you, the innovator or the founder, focusing on how am I going to do something that stands out in this world of infinite attention seeking. You're being told, here's the formula that you should follow, and here's how to be a good corporate crypto employee. So that's how I feel. I am bored right now and not in a good way.

A Call for Fresh Perspectives

I like to be bored in a way that I'm discovering new things, but I'm currently bored with just the lack of innovation and, you know, plug for you guys, I think you're doing something very different and that's why you have my attention and why I'm not interested in Monad. Every time you say I'm bored, I'm like, yeah, that's literally your name. I get it. Why do you keep that? It's a word as well. So actually, guys, I just have like a really important update. Something just hit my DM's that is going to absolutely blow your fucking minds right now. So one of our dearest friends who bored you should actually meet at some point.

Exciting Developments in Crypto

He's an incredible entrepreneur named Nick Talarico, who's a friend of Tari. A very good friend of Tari just shared with me this really important set of metrics. It just blew my mind. I just want to thank, I just want to thank Nick for sharing this because it just changed my entire perspective on sky, casinos and gambling.

The Remarkable World of Slot Machines

It's sort of remarkable. So there are 2.5 million slot machines worldwide, okay? And the average slot machine is 26 inches in width. So lined up side by side, all the slot machines in the world would stretch 64 million inches or I. What? I can't. What is that? Five point. Oh, 5.4 millionft. Or 1020 6 miles. So roughly the distance between Orange county and Seattle. So I mean that's like crazy, right? That's, that's a really long distance. That's like, what is that? A two and a half hour flight at least, right? From OC to Seattle. So. Oh, man, that's a lot of fucking slot machines board. I mean, that's a lot, a lot. And that's stacking them side by side. Like imagine if you laid them down horizontally and you know, you could triple the distance then.

Distance and the Need for Novelty

Okay, so I'll have to figure out. So, so we have to figure out how far that will take you if you triple the 3000 miles. I mean, that's far. That's probably the distance between Nashville and La or something. That's the distance. So anyway, back to the very important conversation were having about immaculate vibes. So yes, I concur with you that, and I've said this many, many times and you've heard me say it a thousand times now. So I'm going to say it 1001 times just for good measure. It really comes down to surprise and delight, right? Like, I think that as human beings, it's sort of like, you know, you listen to a song and you really like the song, but if you listen to it too many times in a row, your ears get bored. You know, you just get really tired. You're just like, oh my God, the song is really incredible.

Experiencing Overexposure

Like, this happened to me recently with not even that recently, like a while ago. But I just can't listen to the song now because I, like, I totally overdid it, but it was a Fred again rumble. Okay? Like, I fucking love that song. Like, it's so good. Like, it's so, so good. But I like, listened to it too many times. Like just too much. And so now I'm like tired. I'm like really sick of it. Like, it comes on because my son likes red again and I'm like, yeah, let's listen to something else, you know? And that's kind of like, I think what's happened to, you know, in our industry is, you know, there was like a point in time where the current formula was really good and worked really well and people really liked it because it felt fresh, it felt new, it felt exciting.

The Importance of Innovation

But by the time you get to the like hundred, 500th time of doing the exact same thing, it's like completely boring and lame and people are tired of it. So I agree completely. That, you know, there needs to be net new. There needs to be something that's surprising, something that's, like, delightful, something that's, you know, that makes you. When you see it, you go, wow, that's, like, really cool. And, oh, my God, we hope you feel that way about Tara universe. Like, we really hope. Oh, my gosh. Like, we hope in the biggest fucking way that's your, like, reaction. So I. Like, I'm. I'm counting down the hours to being able to share a build of tar universe with you and, like, just get your, like, reaction and to see. And to see. Like, does it feel magical to you?

Building Excitement and Keeping Engagement

Like, does it. Does it feel like, oh, my God, this is, like, something that is net new and fresh and exciting. So. So, yes, we hope. We hope that we can, like, achieve that grand bar, you know, achieve that grand outcome, you know, for the whole Atari community and for everyone who's, you know, on the waitlist for Tar universe, but, you know, bored. I also would love to hear, like, what's latest with you and Edison? Because I also feel that Edison is really remarkable and really special, and there's so much surprise and delight that you're building into your product. So would you mind sharing with us, like, what the latest is with Edison?

Exploring Novelty Through Continuous Improvement

Yeah, I appreciate that, Naveen. And I think it's actually a good segue, because what you're talking about is novelty, right? Like, we, again, we do live in this, like, infinite information entertainment world, and so everybody seeks novelty. And whether it's a song or a game, people get bored, right? Like, even if. Even if Tari is amazing at first, you guys are going to have to keep updating it and adding interesting new things every week, every month, whatever it is, to keep people excited. And that's tough for a founder, but I think it's also. It's just necessary. That's the world we live in.

The Challenge of Relevance in Gaming

So, with Edison, we're building games that are trying to address that issue, too, because the reality is, you've got tens of thousands of games that you could be playing at any time, and they do get stale. So we're releasing new game modes that people can play in their browser very frequently. There's going to be a new one today, actually. It's a block building game, very similar to Minecraft, which I think is appropriate because you guys are going to be mining blocks, and you can be building blocks inside of Edison. So if anyone wants to try it out, it's going to go live today in about an hour and a half at 12:00 p.m. pacific time 07:00 p.m. uTC and you can play at Edison.

Fostering Creativity Through Open Platforms

WTF? We're going to run it for at least a week. You can build anything your imagination can think of and we're going to come, we're going to have some contests in different categories that you could participate in, but we'd love for everyone to try it out. You don't have to download anything. You can play it inside your browser, Mac or PC. And want to give a big thank you to Naveen for being one of our angels and our supporters in the business. And hopefully we will continue to generate more game modes over time so that no one is bored. And you always have something new to play.

Testing the Limits of Creativity

So I can't wait to try it. I really can. I did one of your earlier play tests and it was super fun. It was super duper fun. So I'm curious what you hope to learn from the sort of test you're doing later today. This specific experiment, what is your utopia outcome from it? It's basically around constraints. So pretty much most of our games and most video games in general, you have a very specific task and competition to participate in. And this is going to be one of the few experiments where we're just testing an open sandbox.

The Sandbox Experiment

There's a world people can build whatever they want. So a, we want to see like how do people react to having a blank canvas and you know, get being like, how are they going to react to basically having no rules, right? Just build whatever you want. And two, how are people going to behave? Are they going to be cool? Are they going to be chill? Are they going to build giant dicks in the air? You know, because like that's a real problem and we don't want to have to moderate that and hopefully it doesn't happen. And then third, I think like testing what people's willingness is to move from other very large block building type games like a Minecraft or Roblox and onto a new platform because, you know, people invest a lot of time in their gaming profiles and asking someone to switch over is hard.

Discussion on Groke

Not Twitter's Grok, but there's a hardware company called Groke. They make hardware devices that speed up AI, but, like, you know, it's not widely deployed and no one's really focusing on that. So you just. You get a different sense of, like, where their focus lies. And I really wish that some of those lessons could come across and, you know, the relentless focus on scale and TPS would fall away because it's not doing anyone any favors. And it's. It's super detrimental because that's not. Who cares if you can do a bajillion TPS for your semi centralized piece of garbage thing when you've lost the plot? You're not decentralized by any measure, or you're barely decentralized, and you've got incredible amounts of complexity just to make the thing scale, but you've got, like, a hundred real users, so congrats, I guess.

An Experience in Decentralization Claims

It was actually really hilarious. So yesterday when I was, you know, on a space with, you know, let's just call them the dudes from the protocol that starts with M. Hey, it was hilarious because I asked them a question. I was like, so you're claiming it's going to be more decentralized than Solana, but it's proof of stake. So what are the tokenomics? Because, like, the thing they were harping on is, like, the hardware requirements to run a validator node are, like, less than a Solana node. You don't need like a 300 mbit per second Internet connection and 128 gigs of Ram and some, like, crazy, you know, setup, you know, in terms of your cpu's and, you know, tons of storage. You need less, like, call like a third less. You need a third less stuff basically to run like, a monad validator. But they've also raised close to $250 million. Right?

Tokenomics of Decentralized Networks

So it's captive. It's a captive network, right? It's like, mostly owned by the venture capital firms or at least like, massively owned by the venture capital firms, right? Like, you need tokens to stake to be, like, proof of stake. And so, you know, and they got mad. They got mad at me for even asking the question. Like, they were like, well, you know, you're just, you're focusing on stuff that doesn't matter. You're ignoring our technical brilliance, you know, like, oh, you know, it's going to be the most parallelized, you know, like, ethereum virtual machine, you know, ever. Oh, my gosh, you know, like, how dare you ignore our technical excellence, you know, and, yeah, it was, like, crazy. And then, you know, then I asked a question. I was like, so is the user experience going to be different from, like, any other ethereum thing?

User Experience Differentiation

Like, is it going to be any different, you know, so, like, is it going to reduce my number of clicks? Is it going to feel different for me as a user? Like, how is it going to be different, you know, than, like, all the other things? And the response was, well, you know, naveen, you know, I keep telling them to hire more engineers. You know, we can only build so many things. Like, you know, we had to focus on building the fastest of the fastest, you know, parallelized, you know, thing. And I was like, you know, and then it was all wrapped up in this conversation of, you know, when I put my, like, venture capital hat on, you know, I always, like, try to imagine myself, like, you know, thinking, like, is the thing that I'm looking at the deal I'm looking at or the startup or whatever, is it exponentially better than the previous thing? Is it at least five x, but ideally more like ten x better than the previous thing?

Objective Reality of Improvements

And objectively it's not. Objectively, it's just not. It's definitely not. There's no change to the user experience. Really no change. And the developer experience is basically going to be highly similar. You know, you just get like a dude that you like, you know, maybe on the other end who you can talk to, like, you know, it's commodified. It's commodified. And so, you know, that, that stuff is definitely very frustrating. Like, it's very frustrating that seems to be like the thing that everyone gets hyped about, which I understand. Like, I totally get like, why that's the case. And, oh, wow, we have someone from pumpfun who wants to be a speaker. We'll add them so we can talk to them about pump fun for the last five minutes, I guess.

Iterative Improvements Dilemma

But anyway, so, yeah, I mean, Rick, that was my interesting conversation last night. Yeah, yeah. It goes back to earlier, the iterative improvements. In fact, improvements now are so iterative that we have an entire chain dedicated that's just been announced that raised, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars or whatever it was, and they were dedicated to one thing. They're like, well, it's a single use case, you know, like, I don't know how more, how much more iterative you get. It's kind of lame. Oh, yeah, yeah. The one that becomes the one that begins with the letter sdhe. Yes. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the chain.

Intellectual Property in Blockchain

It's the chain for intellectual property because apparently that's everything. Yeah, yeah. That, that was wild. That was wild. Because it's like, here is a commodity cosmos chain with like no technical innovation, really. Like it's like the same thing as any other, like cosmos thing, but it's got a, it's got a specific use case, apparently. Like, that's, that was the whole pitch. And I tried to imagine being one of the VC's in the room listening to the pitch and trying to imagine myself getting excited about it, and I just couldn't. I was like, man, why are we doing this? Like, I don't know, bored? Do you have any opinion? Do you know about these like, things? Like, are you paying any attention to these things?

Royalty Tracking Mechanisms

I share your confusion and I'll explain to you why. Let's just say this penguin you have as your profile picture has been enabled with a technology that lets you track who uses it and you can get paid royalties. I can still right click save on it and just put it up on my profile and there's nothing stopping me from doing that. So unless someone explains to me how this protocol is going to stop that, I don't really understand how it works, and there's a lot of smart people involved with it and who invested in it. So I'm not. I'm legitimately looking for answer to this question because I do not understand that. Well, bored, you know, there's answer to this question.

The Concept of Decentralized Legal Support

The answer is decentralized lawyers. Okay? So I want you to imagine a lawyer that lives in the cloud and human or AI, you know, combo. You know, he's a lawyer. He's a lawyer now. I said he. He has a pronoun, okay? He and him, he. Whatever. And yeah, like, you're just gonna get letters. You're gonna get letters. You're gonna get a letter from the lawyer from the law firm, you know, Watkins and Watkins or whatever the fuck the law firm is. And it's going to be a cease and desist, and it's going to say, and it's going to come to you via Twitter DM, and it's going to be addressed to your handle, you know, dearbored. Dearbored.

Legal Concerns in the Digital Age

Elon Musk, you know, we hereby, you know, demand. We demand that you cease and desist using Naveen sparks pudgy penguin number. Side note, side note, this is. This has actually happened. Like, some lawyer has actually sent to board Elon Musk this thing, expecting that the character that I play on Twitter is going to do something about it. So. Yeah, and what if, like, the protocol, what if the entire fundraise is just legal fees? Like, what if. What if the entire fundraiser is just buying hours and hours? It's an arbitrage of lawyers time. They're going to buy all the IP lawyers time on the planet so that they have a monopoly.

Questions on Purpose and Audience

They have a monopoly on IP lawyer time. I'll tell you what I think it is actually. It's not meant for plebs like us. It's actually meant for really big organizations like a Getty Images to use. So instead of using the centralized legal system, you enable your content with blockchain technology and then you sell it to advertising agencies and people who have to, like, follow the rules, who can't write, click, save. I think that's the real business model. That's the only one that makes sense to me. Should it be valued at what it is? If that is the business model, I can't really speak to that. But if I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Potential Market Viability

I do think there is a market for that. And the bet that they're making is that basically all that royalty stuff that is happening with agreements on paper right now for big organizations. We'll move on chain. Do you think that the large IP owners want everyone to know how much money they're making in royalties from these licenses? No, absolutely not. So then why the fuck are you using chain that starts with the letter s? Good question.

Misunderstandings in Protocol Usage

Okay. Yeah, I don't get it. We'll have to get one. I mean, I, I try to, I read the thread on it and, you know, basically what it boils down to is like, you know, they, their complaint is that using an existing chain means that like the IP then exists on that chain and you can't bridge it to another chain or like reference it in any other way. Okay, so I guess you're stuck now. You know, you can't reference it on a web two application, which sounds wild to me, but. Okay. And they couldn't do it on an l two because there were gas cost issues, which is also wild to me because I thought the whole point of l two s was, you know, to fix that.

Standards Proliferation

And so the only solution is to make a new l one. And it reminds me so much of the XKC standards comic, which like, is super famous. It's, it's, it says how standards proliferate. And the first pane says, situation, there are 14 competing standards and then these two people are talking and they're like 14 ridiculous. We need to develop a universal standard that covers everyone use case. Everyone's use cases. Yeah. Soon, situation, there are now 15 competing standards and that's exactly what happens.

Future Predictions in IP Standards

Like they're not stopping, like the ip stuff existing on other chains, they're just creating a new standard and there'll be a handful of projects there and a handful of IP projects on other chains and there's not going to be the emergence of a single IP oligopoly. Well, you know, rick, I think, I, I think we'll see, I guess. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I, I just, I've scratched my head at a lot of things and that's definitely one of them, you know, same with the protocol that becomes the letter M.

Protocol Confusion

I definitely don't understand that one either. Or the protocol that starts with the letter b, you know, I don't really understand that one either, you know. No, no, no, the other one. That's what we're talking about. No, the one with the letter. The one that starts with letter b that has, like a. You know, a mammal as a mascot. You know, like a mammal. Yeah, I got. Which one? You're. Yeah, the. The mammalian letter b. You know, that one.

Reflections on Today's Discussion

Yeah. I just really struggle. I really struggle with that one, too, you know? Yeah. It's going to be interesting. Well, okay. We are reaching the end of today's Twitter space, and I just want to thank board for enduring our terrible jokes for an hour. I just, you know, board, it's really remarkable. He stayed the whole time. I just. How much pun while we're talking? Don't worry. Okay, good. That makes me feel better because I was, you know, feeling kind of like, you know, just really angry at myself that we just, like, took you from your.

Closing Remarks

Your work. But. But thank you. Thank you for joining us. And next Tuesday, board, it is going to happen. It is going to happen. It is. It is not vaporware. Board. It is not vaporware. It exists. Tar universe exists. We're excited about it. I'm running it right now. I'm mining as we are talking to on the Tari testnet, and we are so excited for you to be able to have it. And we pray, lord, we're praying to the gods of surprise and delight that you are surprised and delighted when you get to mine the Tari testnet starting on Tuesday with Tar universe alpha.

Gratitude for Participation

And we are very grateful that you will be participating in our livestream next Wednesday. So thank you so much for your friendship and your collaboration and your support. And I'm also very excited to celebrate with you on Edison later today. So thank you. Thank you. And can I get your verbal confirmation that if the tari test melts or destroys my computer or blows it up like in die hard, for that you will buy me a new one. Yes.

Closing the Space

Board, if this is your way of trying to get a spirit shell miner, we are happy to have the conversation with you always, my friend, always. But we sincerely hope. We sincerely hope that our software does not cause any catastrophic problems with your computer. We have no reports. I can safely say that we have no reports of catastrophic problems with the even earlier alpha version of tar universe on any of our local machines. So I hope that gives you some confidence. It does. And I appreciate that verbal confirmation to consider my proposition.

Final Remarks

Oh, man. All right. I. Well, thank you all for tuning into our weekly Tari Twitter space. We love you all. We hope that you will tune into our livestream next Wednesday at 09:30 a.m. central standard time. I will only provide one time zone. You can do the math on your own. We hope that you will enjoy our livestream featuring board, Elon Musk and Mike Darlington and leap and other wonderful tari friends as they all endure and hopefully enjoy. You will enjoy it, board and Mike, you will enjoy the Tari universe.

Expectations for Future Engagement

You will. We hope that you enjoy tar universe. And, yeah, we'll have some other surprises. And I hope, you know, we get to meet the lucky winner of the extraordinarily large, unfortunately large turtle plush that we found. I mean, it's really fucking large. I mean, it's, like, remarkably large. I don't know how we found it. I don't know who is making it. Ricardo is not crocheting it. It is huge.

Looking Ahead

It is really fucking. It is a huge box. Oh, my God. The box is obnoxious. It is so obnoxious. So we hope you will tune in next week and have some fun with us. And until then, thank you all very much, and we hope you have a great rest of your day. Take us away. Cole or Josh. Ever saw with the oldest run through.

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