Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This DeFi-focused Twitter Space “Harvesting Growth: The Art of Staking & Restaking,” hosted by WEB3M, highlighted the significance of research, education, and trust in navigating the realm of decentralized finance. Participants shared valuable insights on staking, investments, and the evolving landscape of DeFi, offering a positive outlook on its future prospects. The conversation emphasized the need for beginners to leverage resources, conduct thorough research, and stay informed to make informed decisions in the rapidly growing DeFi space. Discussions also delved into topics such as staking liquidity, transparency, APR, security, and DeFi, highlighting the importance of these aspects in harvesting growth and maximizing opportunities within the DeFi ecosystem.

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Q: How can beginners start staking in the DeFi space?
A: Beginners can begin by visiting defi llama.com for liquid staking opportunities.

Q: What should users do to engage in restaking?
A: Users can research and analyze the top 50 liquid staking providers for secure investment options.

Q: Why is conducting thorough research crucial in DeFi?
A: Research helps users understand key statistics and choose the most viable staking protocols.

Q: What challenges do non-DeFi users face when entering the space?
A: Non-DeFi users need education on wallets and DeFi operations to navigate the space effectively.

Q: How does DeFi contribute to financial growth opportunities?
A: DeFi presents lucrative opportunities for users to grow their assets through staking and investments.

Q: What factors drive the adoption of DeFi in the financial sector?
A: Increased trust, security measures, and shifting financial trends contribute to the adoption of DeFi solutions.

Q: What role do companies play in facilitating DeFi adoption?
A: Companies play a crucial role in instilling trust and confidence in DeFi investments for widespread adoption.

Q: How optimistic are users about the future of DeFi narratives?
A: Participants express bullish sentiments and positive outlooks on the future narratives and growth of DeFi.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction to liquid staking through defi llama.com.
  • Exploring top 50 liquid staking providers for insights.
  • Importance of thorough research on staking protocols.
  • Recommendations for beginners entering the DeFi space.
  • Need for education on wallets and DeFi processes.
  • Opportunities for financial growth in the DeFi sector.
  • Emphasis on security and trust in DeFi investments.
  • Observing shifts in financial trends towards DeFi.
  • Significance of company trust in facilitating DeFi adoption.
  • Positive outlook on the future of DeFi and its narratives.

Behind the Mic

Growth of Various Ecosystems

And I kind of look at the chains and ecosystems that are out there, like Polkadot and Avalanche and those, I don’t believe are true defiance blockchains, but some others might. It could be argued that it took longer for dot and could argue it took longer for AVAX because they took different approaches to building their consensus algorithms. Though in the end, I just don’t think there’s a lot of comparison, because there’s a lot of chains out there that have totally focused on different use cases. I agree. There’s going to be different models, for sure.

Unique DeFi Chain Use Cases

You know, from my standpoint, it’s – like when you have Cosmos, like Osmo, a great example of a DeFi chain, you know, I think these stories are starting to come out. We’ve had some pushback with rollups, specifically for a layer 2. That’s something that will take time, but ultimately, I think the ones I mentioned earlier have the opportunity to take a large chunk of those respective markets. When you look at the long tail of layer 1s, you have some really interesting, very new technology projects coming out, at least from a layer 1 perspective for DeFi because they’re still doing novel things while looking at these use cases.

Beginner Advice in DeFi Space

If you were talking to a new DeFi user, and they were coming into this ecosystem like Eigenlayer and they’re trying to figure out how to access all these different projects, because there are a lot of unknowns for these people. One thing that I would suggest is go to defi llama.com and then from there it’s really easy to get a view of liquid staking and liquid restaking opportunities.

Accessing Staking Opportunities

So one thing that I would suggest is go to defi llama.com and then from there it’s really easy to get a view of liquid staking and liquid restaking opportunities. You can click on protocols and then you can effectively filter by the category of liquid staking. So really quickly, instead of just seeing the first liquid staking protocol that jumps up on your Twitter feed, you have a platform through which you can see the top 50 liquid staking providers on any given chain, see their TVL, see how long they’ve been in business, see important stats, those sorts of things. I think that’s probably the easiest starting point because from there you can pick three of those and go start doing deeper research. Then from those three that you’ve actually done deep research on, you can pick the winner.

Unlocking Staking Revenue Potential

Our goal is, we want to restake the entire restakeable asset base of $15 billion. And if we think about this hypothetically, if our restaken asset base in a very effective scenario, if they earn additional staking revenue from sovereign staking by doing sovereign staking, they could earn, say, about $500 million more. So hypothetically, there is an opportunity for us to unlock another $500 million in staking revenue.

Reflecting on DeFi Market Evolution

One thing that I’ve been more curious about is how the LSD market continues to evolve as staking becomes such a large concept, because you’re starting to see some of these newer projects grow at a very rapid rate. And you know, we wrote a piece on Eigenlayer on the website, and you know, you can go check that out.

Closing Remarks

Just wanted to thank you guys. It was a pleasure to be here, and, yeah, let’s see how this plays out. But I’m super bullish on the narrative. Me, too. Guys, thanks for joining, and thanks for the insights. And there’s definitely a few clips. I’m gonna I’m gonna try to put together a few clips and send them to you guys with a few of this few pieces of information, because there’s some info in here. That’s some awesome info. So thanks so much, everybody, for joining, and until next time, we’ll talk to you later. Thank you, guys. See you, guys. Bye. Thank you. See you, guys.

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