Happy Customer Service Week! #Further Together


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Happy Customer Service Week! #Further Together hosted by MTN180. MTN Nigeria's Customer Service Week Twitter space was a celebration of the vital role of customer support in fostering brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. The theme of #FurtherTogether symbolized unity, progress, and collaboration with customers. The event highlighted the significance of platforms like WhatsApp for customer interactions and emphasized the value of recognizing and appreciating customer service teams to boost morale. Overall, the discussion promoted a culture of teamwork, excellence, and customer-centric values at MTN Nigeria.

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Q: Why is Customer Service Week significant for businesses like MTN Nigeria?
A: Customer Service Week is crucial as it highlights the importance of customer support in fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

Q: How does MTN Nigeria promote unity with the theme #FurtherTogether?
A: MTN Nigeria uses the theme #FurtherTogether to emphasize collaboration, progress, and unity with its customers.

Q: What role does the WhatsApp channel play in MTN Nigeria's customer interactions?
A: The WhatsApp channel serves as a vital tool for communication and engagement between MTN Nigeria and its customers.

Q: Why is celebrating customer service essential for boosting morale at MTN Nigeria?
A: Recognizing customer service teams and celebrating their efforts uplifts morale and creates a positive work atmosphere at MTN Nigeria.

Q: How does MTN Nigeria's Customer Service Week event contribute to fostering teamwork and excellence?
A: The Customer Service Week event at MTN Nigeria promotes teamwork, unity, and a culture of excellence among employees.

Q: What core values does MTN Nigeria's #FurtherTogether theme highlight during Customer Service Week?
A: The #FurtherTogether theme underscores unity, progress, collaboration, and customer-centric values at MTN Nigeria.

Q: In what way does celebrating Customer Service Week impact brand loyalty?
A: Celebrating Customer Service Week helps reinforce brand loyalty through enhanced customer experiences and appreciation for support teams.


Time: 00:12:45
Importance of Customer Support Emphasizing the crucial role of providing exceptional customer support at MTN Nigeria.

Time: 00:25:16
Unity and Progress at MTN Nigeria Discussing the theme of unity and progress encapsulated in the #FurtherTogether campaign.

Time: 00:35:40
WhatsApp Channel Communication Exploring the significance of using the WhatsApp channel as a communication tool for customers.

Time: 00:45:21
Boosting Morale Through Appreciation Highlighting the positive impact of recognizing and appreciating customer service teams on morale.

Time: 00:55:10
Teamwork and Excellence Culture Promoting a culture of teamwork, unity, and excellence through the Customer Service Week celebration.

Time: 01:05:30
Customer-Centric Values Illustrating how the #FurtherTogether theme embodies customer-centric values and collaboration at MTN Nigeria.

Key Takeaways

  • Customer Service Week is an essential time to appreciate and recognize the role of customer support.
  • MTN Nigeria emphasizes unity with the theme #FurtherTogether.
  • The WhatsApp channel provided by MTN Nigeria is a crucial communication tool for customer interaction.
  • Effective customer support contributes significantly to brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.
  • Celebrating customer service boosts morale among employees and creates a positive work environment at MTN Nigeria.
  • The concept of unity and progress was central to the Customer Service Week celebration at MTN.
  • Customer engagement through platforms like WhatsApp is essential for modern businesses like MTN Nigeria.
  • Recognizing and valuing customer service teams is vital for overall business success.
  • The theme of #FurtherTogether reflects MTN Nigeria's commitment to unity and collaboration with its customers.
  • MTN Nigeria's Customer Service Week event promotes a culture of teamwork and excellence.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

It. Hello. Hello. Good afternoon. Amazing day, it is. Oh, wow. Good afternoon, everyone. Amazing customers out there. Thank you so much for joining. Okay, so we're so excited about this. But then we want to round up an amazing session with all of you today. And that is why we get started to do this, volume two. Or you can call it the part two of this exciting home we have yesterday. And you know who I have with you. And I thank you guys to put your hands together for me, wherever you are.

Customer Engagement and Technical Check

That is what we offer you here at NP's. Okay? So I just want to be sure that our customers. Very well, like, our audio is off and fine. Just give me some reactions. You can use the red one button or the lock sign or do the chat or something. Just say, you can share. I'm going to be asking some of the questions that were not able to get along. For. Sure you will get all of them. All right, so we have November and we hope to go home. We hope, we hope to have 26 airtime. Yes, air time for you to call and call all your loved ones. All right. All around the world. Thank you for all you.

Question and Interaction

So are we ready? Hello to all our customers. Are you ready, Angela? The Santa is there. So you just go ahead and raise your hand up. So thank you so much once again for joining and thank you, my amazing colleague. Thank you. Okay, so my first question for today is what is the MTN social media tag messaging platform called? What is the MTN social media task messaging platform? 10,000 rare airtime available for grabs. We appreciate you. Thank you so much. So we hope somebody gets this. Your hand is raised and your microphone has been able go ahead with the answer. Unmute your microphone from your device and go ahead.

Session Management and Progress

Hello, church boys. We have just about an hour for this, for today's session. So by 01:00 p.m. yellow church boy. Or if there's any other person I see. David. David, your hand this way. You have the correct answer for that question. I can hear you. Yeah. Please, can you come again with a question? Yeah, I can't get that. I'm still speaking. David. Good morning. Hello. So I have. And chalkboard as well. The world. This.

Opportunity to Win Prizes

Okay. Yes. Opportunity awaits all of us on today's call. Opportunity to win, to get some token, an airtime token of 10,000 naira airtime to call your family and friends. I trust you can hear me now. If you can hear me, you could just raise your hand or do any use any of the reaction buttons to signify that you can hear us. Yellow, Mister David. Okay. Yes. So I can. I got that reaction from David. Thank you very much. So now I can confirm confidently that you can all hear me now. You can hear us now. So Angela is here.

Acknowledging Participants

I'm sorry if you couldn't hear anything we said earlier on. Angela is here. Our Santa for today. She's been our Santa since yesterday. And we are here again to delight you, simply to appreciate you all for your loyalty over these years. We can even repeat the questions of yesterday. So if you were here yesterday, it could just be bonus questions for you, simply to appreciate you. This is customer service week, like I keep repeating. Okay, so let's go again.

MTN Social Media Platform Question

The first question we asked was, what is the MTN social media chat messaging platform code? And I will just give the answer because nobody got it. Angela, what do you say? No, I think we should give them the opportunity. Okay, so respond to us. Okay, so does anybody have the correct answer? Do you know what the MTN social media chat messaging platform is called? We have a platform just like WhatsApp. So that's like a cue or a clue.

Hints and Clues for Participants

That's like a clue for all of you to be able to get the answer correctly. It's like WhatsApp. It's just a chat messaging platform for you to chat with your family and friends across and everywhere. And it starts with the letter a. Okay, so let's see whose hand is raised so that we can approve your microphone. So, church boy, do you know the answer? Or David, does anyone have the correct answer? So it starts with an a and ends with an a.

Encouraging Participation

It starts with an a and ends with an a. Angela, I think we can go ahead to give the answer. What do you think? Okay, let me give them one more clue. Okay. It could also, at the beginning, is someone's name. Oh, yes. That's a good clue to give. So at the beginning, the first three letters, actually is somebody's name. Can be somebody's name in the western area. Yes. Of Nigeria. So, church boy, or David, do you have the answer?

Incorrect Answers and Encouragement

Oh. That'S what I know. Oh. No. So, MTN Ziggy is for you to simply chat with Ziggy, if you have some queries for Ziggy to support you with. But this platform is like WhatsApp, where you can chat with family and friends. And the first three letters is somebody's name, or could be somebody's name in the western part of Nigeria. And then there is a b in it. And then it ends with an a. What's the answer?

Announcing Winners

So is that David or church boy? Elijah. Oh, Elijah. Elijah, you are first winner for today is simply to say thank you. It's cosmos to appreciate you with some airtime. So congratulations, Elijah. Well done. Thank you so much. Yes, you're very welcome. Thank you too. Okay, so, Angela. Okay, so thank you so much, Elijah, for being the first winner for today. So our next question is, I need someone to mention two MTM platforms, you can buy airtime and data.

Continuing the Trivia Challenge

It's that simple. Two MTM platforms, you can buy airtime and data. Another 10,000 error. Airtime. Opt for graps by Santa. That shows up in October. October. Santa is here for you. So do we have the correct answer? Does anybody have the correct answer? Ilia Shitu, are you ready to give answer? Yes. Okay, so go ahead. Oh, okay. One.

Building Excitement

That is one. Hello. Yes, go ahead, sir. MTN up. And what's the second one? We asked for two. Two platforms. MTN platforms. You can buy airtime and data. Also on the bank app. We can also buy the bank SSD. Okay, let's put our hands together for Sheetu. Congratulations, Elias. Yes, you are correct. My MTN ng app. And also you can use the USSD code. That is the code to activate data.

Appreciating the Participants

Thank you very much. So that's beautiful. So you just want for yourself 10,000 naira airtime? Absolutely, yes. So you can have a good time. Yes, you're very welcome. We appreciating you. We're here to appreciate you today. So thank you very much. I should dm you, right? I should DM, yes. Your MTN number. Yes, you should. All right, thank you very much.

Next Steps and Participation

Thank you too. Okay, so are we ready for the next one? Angela, please. So, are we ready? Are we ready? I think I can hear a yes. Yes, we are. So that's amazing. So the next question is also a very simple question. And it is, what is the full meaning of verse? V a S. V a S.

Engagement and Clarification

So. If you've been following our X spaces engagement, I'm sure somebody here would get the correct answer. What is the full meaning, as Angela has read out, what is the full meaning of Vas? V a S? Hi. Yellow. Yellow. Who's speaking? What's your name? Chris Kupola. Okay, yellow. Chris Coquala. Go ahead with the answer.

Correct Answer Announcement

The forming of Vas is value added services. So, Cocola, you just earned a 10,000 naira airtime. That's awesome. Well, thank you. Congratulations. Congratulations. Okay, that's all right. That's fine. Congratulations again. So let's go right into another question.

Code Management Question

Okay, so still on Vas, I want you to mention the code to manage Vas on your line. What is the code to manage vast on your line? That's a good one. I think it's easy. Very easy. Okay, so who knows the code? Who knows the code? Who knows the code to manage all your data services? The code to manage data services.

Clarifications and Revisits

Sorry, did I say data services? I am sorry. I mean, vast value added services. Who knows the code to manage your vast or your value added services on your line? Hello? Hello? Yeah, hello? Yellow. Who's speaking? Yeah, this is Eze Christie from yesterday.

Answer Submission and Feedback

Okay, congratulations. Go ahead with the answer. It's okay. It's customer service week, so congratulations to you. Go ahead with the answer. Yellow is a question. Congratulations on yesterday, but I hope you get today's answer correctly. Okay. Yellow is a question. Are you ready with the answer? Yeah.

Incorrect Answer Responding

No, the code is star, four seven. Hello? Oh, no. So that's not. You can give it another try. Hello? Okay. Okay. Yes, mister Adam. I think you're the one speaking now. Please go ahead.

Final Answers and Acknowledgments

So the question. 305. Ash. Wow. Congratulations. Yes. You just won a free 10,000 naira airtime voucher. Congratulations, Mister Adam. We should be telling you. Thank you as well. Thank you, too. Thank you very much. Thank you so much for being our amazing customer. Thank you.

Continuous Participation Encouragement

Okay, so there is yet more questions. Are we ready? Okay, so the next question is, what is the age bracket to be an M pause customer? I want to believe that all of us here are above that age range. So this is a clue. This is just a clue. It's a clue. We could have the age range right here on the call.

Concluding Remarks

It's fine. It's amazing. But then what is the age bracket to be an M pause customer? That is MTN. M pause. Not MTN pause. M pause customer. We talked about the spelling b yesterday. So this is the tariff plan for our spelling b customers. So what is that age bracket? There's. There's an age bracket to participate in spelling b, and they use this tariff plan called M pause.

Final Age Bracket Question

M pause, yes. Who's speaking? Who's speaking? Nine to 15. Nine to 15. Age nine to 15. Oh, congratulations, church boy. Yes, that is correct. Yes, that is the age bracket to be an m post customer.

Introduction to the Spelling Bee Competition

And they are the ones that can participate in our spelling bee competition. Okay, so that is awesome. Church Boyden. So you just want for yourself free 10,000 naira airtime voucher. Okay. So I trust the rest of us, we are getting warmed up and ready to answer the questions. But then if you have answered a question today correctly, and you have won a 10,000 airtime, you wouldn't need to answer again. Is that okay? Okay. Like I said, we can repeat our questions from yesterday. Okay? So, you know, I love to keep it simple. So my next question is extremely, very simple. And the question is, what code is the MTN call center?

Answering the MTN Call Center Code Question

Wow. What is the code used to assess the empty call center? Yellow. Who's speaking? This is Chibek's. The best. She best. The best. Go ahead with the answer. 180. Whoa. Try again. Hello? Yes. Who's speaking now? Hello? Go ahead. 300300. Congratulations. You just won. Thank you. 10,000 error. Airtime voucher. Wow. Wow, wow. That's a good one. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Thank you. God bless Mt. Yes, God bless you too. Thank you for being our customer as well.

Angela's Simple Customer Service Experience

Okay, so, Angela, wow. You just thought of that very simple, easy one. Yes. Your journey. But, you know, I keep it simple. I shouldn't be stressing my customers. And we keep it simple. Yeah. Just the way we ensure that our services, our support is simple. Simple, seamless. Amazing. Absolutely. Okay, so are we ready for the next question? Somebody who is ready should tell us the three functions of three functions that you can do on Ziggy or do with Ziggy. Just name three functions that Ziggy does or that you can do while you're chatting with Ziggy.

Ziggy's Functions – Customer Participation

Three functions that Ziggy can support you with. Who has the answer? Who's got the correct answer? Who knows what the functions are? Some of the functions, you can even name more than three. It's fine. So what are the three things? What are three things that you can do on Ziggy? Who is ready? Three functions. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead, please. Okay. The best you can. No, no. Sorry. You have. I did not get it. I did not get it. I feel it. I said 180 instead of 300. Yes. Oh, you can.

Functions and Features of Ziggy

Yes. You can check balance, you can buy airtime, and you can buy bundles too. Data. You can check balance, you can check. You can buy airtime, you can buy bundles. That's fine. Is that okay? Is there any other thing you can add to that? You can also buy social media, these social bundles, you know, and you can share data too. You can even borrow. You can borrow. I think you can borrow from it. I have the app. You can borrow and share.

Appreciation and Customer Recognition

Well, we will give you the. We will give it to you. Because you have mentioned, three things. We'll give it to you. Angela, you. Are you good with this answer? No, please. you can give it to him. But may I also just mention, Ziggy is actually not an app. Yeah. So it's a chat, but not an app. Yes, but you got it, right? So can we put our hands together for you? Just one for yourself? You just want for yourself. 10,000 error airtime voucher.

Customer Service Week Celebrations

Thank you, MTN. Thank you too. It's customer service week and we're here for you. Even after today, after this week, we're always here for you, Chibex, and all our amazing customers out there. So thank you and congratulations once again, Mister Chibeks. Okay, so like I said earlier on, if you have gotten answer correctly before, you might not need to bother yourself again with another answer. So let's just get into. Let's go into another little small break and we will be playing our beautiful song from MTN, I trust.

Returning from Break and Customer Engagement

We've been enjoying that song. We love it here in MTN. And I trust you. Do you? You do too. Face as the days about to start. And. You. Takes my breath away and. My life gets richer every day. My auntie and yellow and yellow. Once again. So we are back. We're back to continue with this rain of airtime to our amazing customers out there on today's session. Thank you once again. Thank you for being our amazing, beautiful, inestimable, invaluable, amazing customers.

Engaging with Customers During Service Week

Thank you so much for all these years you've been with us. This is customer service week and we're here to appreciate you. Appreciate you. With little token of 10,000 naira air time to call your family and friends to have a happy time speaking with them and enjoying customer service, because it is. So we're back again with the questions. And Angela, the Santa is still here with us. Angela, how are you? And how has customer service week been with you this week?

Angela's Positive Feedback on Customer Service

Amazing. I actually do not want it to end. So if I have my way, I would have extended customer service week till December 31. December 31. But however, I mean, the same that we've put in, I mean, in serving our customers, especially this week, I think that is what we are extending till the end of the year. I mean, till several years ahead. Yeah. Because it has become our way of life.

Reflections on Customer Service Culture

It is our culture. It is our culture. Our lifestyle. It is, yes. So it's really been an awesome time for me. And I specifically love the part that I'm right here. Dole nut gifts to our wonderful customers. Yeah. So, yeah, so that is how it has been for me. Oh, put your hands together for Angela. Angela has been having fun in this customer service week. Okay. So I trust that our customers also are there.

Offering More Rewards to Customers

You're all having fun customer service weekends today. And we want to give you 10,000 air time for some simple questions that you would give the correct answers to. Okay, so are we ready? We are back, Angela. Okay. You know, I love to keep it simple. Simple, yes. So I have a giveaway question. Yeah. And the question is, which MTN product do you love the most and why? And this is the easiest of them all.

Customer Testimonials and Engagement

Hello. Good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon. Happy customer service week to MTN. And every customer out there for the best MTN product I love the most is the digital bundle where I use. Where I use 2000 error to buy a 15 gig gabytes worth of data for seven days, which will last me for seven days. It has been helping me since it was introduced, I think February this year, and it's been helpful. So that's the best product for me from MTN.

Rewarding Customer Contributions

So for that, you just end 10,000 naira. Thank you very much. We thank you too. Is this ok? Me? Yes, that's ok. Congratulations once again. Okay, so let's go to you. Very welcome. So let's get right into another easy question because Santa is still here. Yes, very much here. The only Santa who makes herself available in the month of October. Reigning gifts. All right, another very simple question is.

Further Engagement Questions for Customers

I will need you to name. What is the name of the MTN CEO? What is the name of MtN Nigeria CEO? Now I'm wondering which is easier. Is it the one you just asked for? This very one. Now, this is easy. Okay. Good afternoon. Yeah. Happy customer service week. Same to you. Who speaks? My name is Kabir. Okay, go ahead.

Recognition of Customer Contributions

Yeah. The answer to the question is Carl Turiola. Kabil. You just won 10,000 error voucher. Congratulations. Thanks so much. I'm very grateful. We thank you too. Welcome. Okay. All right, so we are heading right into the next question. Angela, to the honors. All right, so what is the full meaning of Momo PFB? What is the full meaning of momo PFB? Who's ready? Who's ready with the answer?

Understanding Momo PFB

The correct answer? Hello. Hello. Yeah. Happy customer service week. The mini is Momo payment service bank. Okay, that's fine. But there was the momo. What's the momo? What? Okay. Momo means mobile money payment service bank. Congratulations. So who was who? Thank you. Very much. That's Olayinka.

Final Recognition and Appreciation

Olayinka hyjinka is. You just earned 10,000 naira airtime. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Congratulations. Thank you so much. Thank you, too, mister Olayinka. Thank you. Okay, so let's get right into another question. We're trying to get the simple ones. Okay? Okay, that's spot on. So, now, who can answer this question?

Codes and Customer Opportunities

Is another easy one. By the way, what is the. The code to activate your momo PSB account? Oh, this. Is this. Is it beans or momoi? I don't know, but this is very easy. It is, actually, right? Hello? Okay, so what? Yes, go ahead. Who's speaking? Yeah, this is Ezequiseri.

Awareness and Customer Participation

Okay. Ezequisery was available yesterday. Yesterday. I'm sorry. Do you mind? We appreciate you being here, but because we are available yesterday, do we give others the opportunity? No. Do you want us to give others the opportunity, or you like. No, no. That's. That is very kind of you. That's very kind of you and I deeply appreciate that, but no worries.

Commitment to Fair Participation

You know what we're going to do? At the end of this program, I'm going to ask you a totally different question, and you have the opportunity to win. Yeah. Is that okay? Thank you. Very, very fair one. Okay, just stay online, please. Okay, so, wonder boy, are you ready with the answer? Are you ready to give the correct answer to that question? What is the code to activate your momo PSB account?

Calls for Participation and Quick Response

Very easy. Three letter, three digits. Number. Okay, let's look for someone else. Marking day. Marking day. Are you ready to give answer to that question? Or Benedict's opera? How do you activate momo? On your line is the code. What is the three digit code? Oops.

Ezekwesiri's Return

This question is easy. Okay, let's look for another listener that could have the correct answer. If we don't get a listener, we might invite Ezekwesiri back to respond. Ezekwesiri, where are you? So go ahead and give us the answer. You can use the raise hand button so that I can see you and approve your microphone. Okay. What's in your. Okay. So I've seen Ezekiel. So, Ezekiel, you have been so honorable. You wanted someone else to try and get the answer. No one has been able to respond. You can go ahead. Okay. The code for to activate the mobile account is 671. So you just want for yourself another. Another 10,000 naira this time. You know, yesterday was mobile Washington to his momo account. But this time around 10,000 naira airtime. Congratulations.

Congratulations and Interactions

Thank you so much. Congratulations. Thank you so much. Appreciate. Thank you. We appreciate you too. So how many more do we have to go? How many more questions do we have left for our listeners to win something airtime, to win airtime, or to be gifted airtime into their MTN lines? How many more? Nine. Nine. Okay, so are we ready for the next question? Yeah. Okay, somebody just answered, said yes. So this question, we did not ask this one yesterday. What do you think, Angela? Oh, we asked it, but nobody could get it yesterday. Maybe somebody else give it a try today. What is the customer support code to dial when you have issues with your router? So I gave the answer yesterday when nobody was able to give the correct answer. And I'm sure somebody from yesterday is still here, apart from Ezequassiri. So what is the customer support code to dial when you have issues with your router?

Searching for Answers

Your router, your broadband modem when you have issues? What. What is the support helpline number to dial? Let's look for someone else to answer. Hello? Hello? We can hear you. What's your name? Macinde. Okay, Mackinde. You've not answered today, right? No. Okay, go ahead with the answer if you know it. I think that's the one, Michael. No, you just called out Ziggy's number. 0903-3001 that is Ziggy's number. The chat bots. The MTN chat bots. That is Ziggy. Okay, so let's give a try to someone else. Thank you very much. Mark and Dave, stay on the call in case you have the correct answer to another question.

Next Listener and Questions

All right. Okay, so let's look for someone else. Ubong. Ubong. ETA. Are you ready with the answer or miracle? What about Olamide? Hello. Good day. Good day to the customer support code is 217. Amazing. Congratulations. You just won 10,000 naira airtime. Congratulations. Super. Okay, thank you. Do you need to get my phone number or my name or something? You can dm us your dm us. Your number, but we have your details here as well. Yeah, okay, that's fine. Thank you. Thank you too. Thank you very much, Mister Ubong. Okay, this is another time to keep it extremely symbol because I feel so generous today.

Customer Service Week

Now, what day of this week did we start? Customer service week. So did we start on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday or Monday? Or. Maybe we're even starting tomorrow. So this is a very easy answer, very easy question. Let me look for more people to give answer to. That very easy question. Stephen. Stephen, you've been enabled. What day? Like Angela has asked in her very Santa spirit in October, what day did we start or did we begin customer service week this year? What day was it last week? Monday. Hello, yellow. Is this okay? Yes. Okay. Have you gotten a question correctly today? Yes, I have. Oh, for you. Let's allow someone else. Hope you don't mind. Thank you. I don't mind. Thank you.

Random Conversations

Okay, thanks. Did you say it doesn't matter? Yes, he did. Well, that's amazing. Yes, thank you. You have very honorable. So who's ready? Olamide, have you answered any question for me today? No. Okay, so you heard Angela, right? Go ahead with the answer on the 7th. Wow. Congratulations. Congratulations. Thank you. Happy customers every week. Everything the best. Yeah, thank you too. Thank you very much, Olamide. Okay, so Angela is still in her very Santa, Santa spirit now. So she's in the Santa mood with easy questions. And we just have about seven more to go. Okay, seven more to go. I need someone to just explain to me what is an esim?

Esim Definition

Esim, you know, the normal sim card. Now this one is called e sim. Let's look for someone to answer. What is an esimitive? Maybe you already using one. You're using an e sim instead of the physical sim or you know about it? Hello, on my own. Yes, you are. What's your name, sir? My name is on a question. Maybe do, maybe. Please go ahead, sir. What is an e sim? Okay, so an esim is digital version of the traditional sim card that replaces. Wow. So amazing. That is awesome. I liked the way he called it, a digital version of a physical Sim card. And you know what? There's something unique in his response. Yeah, he kept it very simple.

Honoring Good Answers

Simple, no ambiguity. So for doing that, you just earned 10,000 naira airtime. Wow. Thank you very much. Congratulations. No, you're welcome. Thank you. Thank you too, Dumabi. Thank you very much. And well done. Okay, so we have six more to go. Six more people to get airtime credited to their MTN lines for being loyal customers to MTN and being with us on today's xpace session. So what's the next question? Okay, so the next question is also very simple. At least it's a process you are conversant with. So what is the code to link your MTN line to your name? That's another easy one. Who's got the correct answer?

Engagement with Listeners

Who's ready? Okay, let me get more people on board. Yellow. Moses, are you ready? I see a name here. Panko. Panku. Are you ready? I see John Coyote. So you got Angela's question. What is the code to link your MTN line to your name? Or to. Link your name to your MTN line? What is that code? Who's speaking? Yellow. John John. Yeah. Link. That is star 996. Complete it. Star 996. Start the eleven digits. Nin ash. Okay, that's still fine. That's the longer version, which is fine. But style nine and six hash about the one you called is the longer version. And it's correct. Congratulations.

Winning Airtime

You just won 10,000. Error. Airtime voucher. Congratulations. Thank you. Sorry, can I say something? Yes, please. Yeah. Thank you very much. I have been a very loyal member user of MTN for years now and has been my only sim. Yes, but for two days now, we've been dealing with network issues in Lokoja. And it's been a whole lot problem for every one of us. And for someone like me, who depends solely on your network, I've not been able to do anything. Right now I have to connect to a friends or spot who is using another network. And till now, I've not been able to resolve it.

Addressing Customer Issues

Okay, so we are sorry about all the inconveniences experienced by you and every of our customers at local jar. So I'm going to take we engage you offline so that at least we can deal with this issue. So kindly dm us. Kindly dm us your phone number so that we can reach out to you after this program. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks. Thank you so very much. Thank you for telling us that. Thank you for that feedback. Okay, so we are still on our Santa mode. Angela, there's this easy question here, I think because we've had a session explaining this very thing one of our ex spaces engagement.

General Engagement

And I'm sure somebody here would know what it is. Okay. Yeah. You know, blossom, I'm not as difficult as you are. I am Santa, but you are not. And I always try to keep things. So I like you all to know this question is not directly from me. Because Santa would always ask easy questions. But the question is from Lozon, in case you consider it difficult. Okay, so the question is this. I'd like someone to explain the term grace period. What does grace period mean? Grace period is easy. We've explained it before. Even without the expenses. Engagement. I'm sure you must have heard about grace period before.

Clarification on Grace Period

And you have an inclination what it is about. So, who's ready? Just like the name implies, grace then, period. So it's that simple. Is anyone ready? I see a Sofia. Ibrahim. Safiya. Ibrahim. Okay, Saffia, can you please give it. Can you please give it a try? I hope it's not that Safia, that I know, because if it is safier than we know, Santa is going to change her mind this afternoon. But let's see. Hello? Sophia or Moses? No, let's hear Safiya. Okay. Sophia. I can hear you. Yes, we can hear you.

Identifying the Speaker

Who's speaking now? Yeah, this is Bankoli speaking. Moses. Moses. Okay. The name has Moses. Okay. Yeah. So what is period? Okay. Grace period. It's, after, like, you have a session with them. I mean, maybe doctor expires and you. Have a seven days period to renew. It after it has expired. Okay, well, you know, this is Santa, and when it comes to Santa, my customers are always correct, so. Ibrahim, you're absolutely correct. Because Santa.

Exclaiming Excitement

So you just end up. Forgive me. Right? I'm just so excited. That's why I'm mixing things up. You know, that happens to Santa sometimes. Okay, so I said, Santa. Sorry, can you say that again, please? Yeah. How did I get my contacts in? I said, don't worry. Don't be in a hurry. Just relax. Okay. I just want to congratulate you. So you just earned 10,000 error free airtime voucher. Then you can. To get your voucher, you can dm us well, although we've also captured your detail.

Communication Assurance

Yes. So be rest assured, you should hear from us. Yes. Within the next 24 hours latest. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Congratulations. Congratulations, Moses. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. To.

Discussion about Ziggy

I have another easy question, but like Angela said, the questions that blossom has are not so easy. I saw one about Ziggy. The platforms that Ziggy is on. The platforms where you can chat with Ziggy. Who knows? Three platforms that you can chat with Ziggy. So Ziggy is not only on WhatsApp, there are other platforms where you can chat with Ziggy. I hope this is easy. Well, it is easy.

Call for Audience Participation

So let's get some more people to be enabled to speak. Daniel, omo baba. Daniel, omo baba. I have Emmanuel Olani. Oh, I pardon. What is happening today? Really? Let's give the ladies the opportunity. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. Oh, Mike is. Hello? Hello. Hello. Let's hear from Safiya. Can we hear from Safiya, please?

Rewards and Engagement

Yes, you can chat with Gigi on telegram, Facebook, messenger, WhatsApp, and on the web. Three. And Sephirah gave me four. So blossom what do we do? That is awesome. That is just simply amazing. That is so impressive. Congratulations. You just won for yourself 10,000 error airtime. Thank you. Awesome. Congratulations. Thank you very much.

Continuing Engaging with the Audience

So we have three slots left. Congratulations once again, Safiya. We have three slots left with our answers and for three more people to go home with 10,000 naira airtime credited to your MTN line. So please, the ladies, the ladies, the ladies, ladies. You can use the raise hand button to signify that you want to answer any of the questions that we read out now. Okay, so, but I see lots of guys.

Final Question and Participation

Hands up, what is happening to my. So we need more ladies to raise their hands. And then we would enable your microphone. We have just three spots left. Three slots left. Oluwa. Pelomi, let me look for her. Unisex. Yeah. And I think I saw more than one. Okay, let's try and Bellumi. And let's try the lap one. So raise your hands.

Questions and Clarity

You saw. Hello. Kwelumi. Number twelve. All right. No, you see blossom. Hello. Hi, I'm a lady. Yeah. Who is this lady in the house? Is that kwelumi? Yes. Okay, thank you. Okay, let me read out my first question. Right. All right.

Feedback and Questions

And let me tell you, because this is Kedumi, I know this is Santa. So if you don't get this question right, I'll give you another question. Okay, so. So the question is this, on the MTN share and sell platform, what is the maximum amount you can transfer at a time? Is. No one that said it was easy, not me. 50,000 error or 5000?

Rewards and Recognition

Yes, 5000 error. That's the magic. That is brilliant. You just want for yourself. Bellomi. 10,000 error. Thank you. Airtime. Thank you. From MTN. Thank you, happy of our customer service week. Thank you too, Pelomi. Thank you very much.

Closing Statements

Yeah, congratulations. You too. Please, I need another lady in the house. Another lady in the house. Raining ladies now. I've been on you since. So I've been here since. Don't worry. Okay, sorry, who am I speaking with, please? This is Daniel. This is Daniel. I've been here since.

More Audience Participation

Yes, okay, Daniel. Okay, so no worries. No worries, Daniel. Okay, so this question is for you right now. And this question is also very simple. Okay, so the question is this. Mention the name of the weekly data offer on my Mtnng app. Very simple.

Responses and Participation

Angela, that's not Santa enough. No, it is. What do you mean, blossom? It's only Santa who determines how simple the questions and aside, I have very brilliant customers. We do. We don't. Don't, don't. Yeah. Okay.

Ending the Interaction

So. Yes, I can hear you. I just need you to mention the name of the weekly data of our m ten ngram. Yes, I can hear you. Yes, please. So I think we have a. We have the 3.5 gig. Okay, so what is the name called?

Clarification and Hints

Is like, they say something. They run bel air, something like that. And it's usually on Tuesdays. Daniel, I've given you. We've given you enough clue. Hi, Daniel. All right, so, Daniel, I'm being extremely, very magnanimous, okay? Okay.

Encouragement to Participants

So I'd like to give you another question, but let me give you the answer. The answer is Tuesday, and I think you should put your hands together. Yeah. All right. So let me show Angela. They said I woo the wrong belly, but mtns are woof.

Continuation of Questions

No, they know the wrong belly. Sorry, I have missed that. I don't know if I can still talk about that. No, I want to give you another question now. Don't worry. Okay, so I'm giving another question, and it's very simple.

Engagement with Data Rollover

What is data rule over. I like that one. There is. Yes, I. Data rollover. Yes. Data rollover is when. When you have your data and is about to expire, and you now do a kind of.

Completion of Questions

The same kind of a data subscription so that the one that is expiring can. Congratulations. You just end. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

Final Remarks

He was explaining it. Yes. Okay. This should be the last. Okay, so. Right, we have one golden slot. Just one more. All right. So Santa is feeling extremely, extremely generous.

Last Question for Participants

Okay, so right now, the question. The last question is this. What is the code to recharge and check a woo for you? Balance. What is the code to recharge and check a woof for you? Balance?

Engagement and Clarification

Very simple. Angela, are you sure you're sitting. Yeah, this is Santa. You're sure? Wrapping it up in a very sleek manner. So you know what? I want to tap that same Santa anointing and give one more slot.

Recap of the Interactions

Because you want to give one more. Yes. So now, are you now trying to. Play the good cup? You know, I'm the good cup. You are the bad cop. Okay, so do I have someone to answer that question?

Finding Participants for Last Slot

Someone willing to answer that question? Let's look for somebody Ashana bode. Okay, there is this. Daniel. Crypto is not the same. Daniel. Okay. We can approve this one.

Identifying Participants to Answer

And then there is Mister Arsenal. Oh, I'm sure you're an arsenal fan. Okay. Hello? Who's got the correct answer? I have iliac and I think Arsenal as well. Who's speaking?

Final Congratulations

It's Eliji. Hello, Elias. Okay, go ahead. To check our balance, I think. Udelsta. Eight. How many? 8Th. Hello? Okay, Mister Arsenal, you can go ahead.

Clarifying the Answers

Yes, I can. Mister Asna, please. Just a second. Let Iliachi try again. Hello, Eliachi. Mister Asna, just give us a second, please. Okay.

Final Thoughts

Should I just go on with it? Please, go ahead. Okay, go ahead. The code is star 310. Wow. All right, so that is to check the balance. So whatever. The one for the recharge.

Clarifying Recharge Codes

Our woof for you. How do they recharge it? What's the code to recharge our woof for you? I thought I said it already. No, you gave the one to check.

Wrapping Up the Session

The balance, whereby the one for the recharge. The one for the recharge is. Okay. Don'T worry. I think. Okay, now what? No worries.

Next Steps

Please. Can I speak, Santa? Okay, you can go ahead. Okay. The code to check our woof is star 300 1014 hash. Why? The code to load a woof is 888 hash.

Identifying the Speaker

Who is speaking to? Osawe. Speaking. Osawe? That's someone else. Okay. Oshona. Oshinabode. Yes, please.

Conclusion of the Interaction

Okay, so we can still have them. Let's just wrap it up now with the tension. Okay, so, at this point. And that's amazing. Yeah. Just. You both just end.

Closing Remarks

Because, I mean, I'm using my. My authority under my language to give both of you 1010 thousand error. Thank you. Thank you. Congratulations.

Final Goodbye

Thank you, too. Yes. So we have come to the end of our customer services appreciation giftings. Thank you so much to all our customers who joined today's call and those who will also listen.

Appreciation and Goodbye

You tune in to listen. Thank you very much. Help us to spread the good news to all your family and friends that MTN is here to make you smile. Okay, thank you very much once again, and happy customer service week.

Wrapping Up the Session

So, Santa, just give them happy customer service week. Happy customer service week from Santa on behalf of MTN to you all. And Santa deeply loves and appreciates you. And once again, this is the Santa that shows up in October.

Final Closing

And I think you should all put your hands together for me. Thank you. Bye for now, and see you all again next week. Yes, thank you. Okay, so please listen to our beautiful song from MTN.

Acknowledgment and Farewell

Thank you. And have a beautiful day ahead. Yellow day. Face as the days about.

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