Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Grow with Grease. $POX . Engagement hosted by greasemeta. Join the conversation on how to 'Grow with Grease' in the $POX ? space to fuel engagement strategies for @barkmediax. Learn about enhancing community support, leveraging $POX ? techniques for growth, and innovative engagement tactics for increased visibility. Collaboration with partners like @barkmediax and understanding the significance of user interaction are core themes discussed. Dive into the world of 'Grease' for impactful engagements and discover the importance of smooth interactions in boosting space visibility.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How can community support benefit @barkmediax engagement?
A: Community backing can amplify engagement metrics and content reach, enhancing brand presence.

Q: What are effective $POX ? strategies for sustainable growth?
A: Implementing consistent $POX ? methods can drive steady growth and retain audience interest.

Q: Why is innovative engagement crucial for space visibility?
A: Novel engagement approaches can captivate users, leading to increased space recognition and participation.

Q: How important is collaboration with partners like @barkmediax?
A: Partnerships with entities like @barkmediax can create synergistic relationships and expand outreach.

Q: What role does 'Grease' play in impactful engagements?
A: 'Grease' acts as a catalyst for smooth and efficient interactions, fostering meaningful engagements.

Q: Why is user interaction a key factor for space visibility?
A: User engagement is pivotal for attracting attention to the space, driving activity and interest.


Time: 10:15:42
Community Support Strategies Exploring tactics to bolster community support for @barkmediax engagement.

Time: 12:30:19
$POX ? Growth Techniques Discussions on effective $POX ? strategies for sustained growth and development.

Time: 14:45:55
Innovative Engagement Approaches Insights into groundbreaking engagement methods to elevate space visibility and activity.

Time: 16:20:10
Collaboration with @barkmediax Benefits and strategies of partnering with @barkmediax for mutual growth and success.

Time: 18:05:30
Harnessing 'Grease' for Engagements Understanding the role of 'Grease' in facilitating impactful and smooth interactions within the space.

Time: 20:40:15
User Interaction Importance Exploring how user interaction drives visibility and activity in the space environment.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasize community support for @barkmediax to enhance engagement.
  • Integrate $POX 🦠 strategies for effective growth and sustainability.
  • Explore innovative engagement tactics to boost presence in the space.
  • Collaborate with partners like @barkmediax for mutually beneficial relationships.
  • Leverage the power of 'Grease' for impactful engagements.
  • Understand the significance of user interaction for space visibility.

Behind the Mic

Discussion on Survival

Don't, don't, don't, don't. By. The breath of life I'm gonna stick my claim I fight to survive. Fight. To survive don't, don't, don't I. Need. It coming in the air the last time we ever but I know the. Reason why. Believe. Know. I. Walk around the razor don't look down just keep your head open up a limit that's the point of no reason reach the top, but still you gotta learn how to keep it.

Welcome to the Limit

Again. Going on back of the old nothing gonna stop you there's nothing that stone so close now nearly at the brick welcome to the limit taking baby one step more games still playing so we better win. Welcome to gourable grease. Thank you for coming. I appreciate you all. Mad love. I just wanted to throw some old school jams, some motivation, some just some jams that I love. This space is for engagement and also because there's something really cool going on called pox the Monkeypox token.

Engagement and Sports

We'll talk more about it later, but right now, engagement is going crazy with the NFL. You just post something and before you know it, you have 510, 20,000 impressions. All you got to do is be quick, find the account with a lot of followers. It's crazy. I don't know if y'all like sports, but if you do, even if it's just, if you don't have a lot of time, just NFL or your favorite team. Like my team is dolphins, and they had a complete meltdown yesterday.

Injuries and Team Experience

At least four players got injured. Quarterback got injured to a nasty head injury. I think it was really bad. It was sad, really. Just try to be one of the first or second. Probably gonna be second because I'm usually first. Just kidding. Another thing, support your. If you see that somebody made it there before you and you're really cool with them, support them. Because next time, if you're there first, maybe they'll support you.

European Soccer and Engagement

Another thing, soccer, especially the European people, they, these European soccer players, they got a lot of follows. It's like they have at least a million followers each. Some have 2030, 40, 50, 50 million followers. I mean, it's crazy. Even if you don't MLS, also me, MLS, even the smaller soccer leagues just say, whoa, baseball. Oh, wow, what a home.

Social Media Impressions

Run or going, gone. Those posts get like 1020 thousand impressions like in the first two or 3 hours. It's crazy. All you got to do is say going, gone or great play in 2nd, 3rd base. It's crazy. It's crazy. I'm motivated right now. Especially I got to go extra hard right now because I changed my PFP to a baboon and soon you'll know a little bit more why I did it.

Personal Motivations

It looks just like my doggie because it's got the little patterns and the eyeglasses. But it's a cool little piece that I love. It's passionate. It means a lot to me. A couple friends have it too. It's not on the blockchain or anything. It's just for fun. Most important thing is account health. Account health.

Maintaining Account Health

You don't want to, you don't want to overdo. You don't want to overdo what you do. Just like GM's.

Managing Impressions and Expectations

If you gm gm gm. Your account could, your health of your account is going to get out of whack and those 10, 20, 30,000 impressions will turn into two, four, 6810 impressions. I've seen it and it hurts. It sucks because you bust your butt and then you're trying to get paid by x and it just doesn't happen because you went crazy or you try to support everybody. Remember, at the end of the day, no one's ever gonna, no one's ever satisfied. Well, the people you help out, yeah, put, you're not going to be able to help everybody. So someone's always going to be, can't make everybody happy. You do your best, maybe go hard for some people one week. Go a little harder for others another week.

Building Relationships in the Journey

The more people you get to know during your ex journey, you could learn to work with each other and really, I don't want to sound robotic. I, I don't have like a script or anything. It's just what I've learned. Even though sometimes I overdo it. And that's why it's harder for me to get, my impressions and stuff like that because I constantly just trying to support everybody and, but it's awesome because I see them supporting me back and that support is amazing. I mean, like when I met, when I haven't met him, but once I got to know the running back boys book, spark and cheap, I mean, those are my favorite follows.

Prioritizing Goals and Time Management

I mean, they're, they changed my. My ex outlook and my business outlook and also my overall outlook in business and in the way it priorities. Obviously, family and faith and stuff like that comes first. But ways on not to waste time. If you have goals, if you have any type of goals on how not to waste time, you know what I mean? If you have a five year plan, you don't want to procrastinate. And to do that, you have to continue and focus and do it every day. If you work 8 hours a day, that's something. But if you would have worked 16 hours that day, it would have been different.

Pursuing Your Passion for Productivity

You know, you could have gotten a lot more done. And if you do something you love, it would have been way, much easier. These spaces that I do are short, but I try to put in as much as I can in a little. I was gonna say analog. I don't know. I completely forgot what it is, but I forgot what I. What is what it is. It is. But I usually just talk a little bit and share my experiences, and I'm not like the king of the crop. I rise to the top. None of that. I'm very humble, and I just share experiences that have worked.

Market Insights and Realizations

Like, right now, Solana is working for me. So, actually, I also wanted to talk about the markets. We, we can't get too comfortable with these low prices on crypto, because prices in crypto could change overnight. Instead of these 100 and 2130 prices on Solana, it could go to 100, 8220 over the weekend. It's crazy, especially once we're getting really close to that. To that. To that time where we're getting close to 2025. And that's. That's just the truth. So getting. Getting comfortable with these 100 and 2130 prices on Solana is on Solana or these under three k prices on eth.

The Unpredictability of Crypto Values

It's not going to be for a long time. Not financial advice, but, I mean, these prices could change at any moment. I mean, if you're. If you're very committed and you're very invested, I mean, it's really good, because these prices, I really doubt. I really doubt that they're going to last long. I really see something happening. And let's. Let me go over real quick. Just the top five. I mean. Well, I know the top on ten, Ada just took over 10th place, over Tron, which is very. I didn't expect that to happen, but it did. Obviously, BTC is first.

Current Market Dynamics

They went up there, up 420 at the moment, at 66, 3592. And as we know, not that long ago it was at 55.

Market Performance Observations

Under 55, e is at 24, 43. So they're really, really close to 25. And once you get to, like that 25 number, they're up 3.41%. It's Friday night, you know, it's b. And b is at 557.22, up 2.3%. So right now it's at 139. The other day was at 127 just a couple days ago. You know what I mean? That's up 2%. And that's just 2%. You know what I mean? It's crazy. It's crazy numbers. Doge is up 3.78%. Just the other day, it was barely getting to nine ton is up 3.88%. It was just up 3.51% like a few minutes ago. These numbers are just there right now. There's definitely an uptrend. And I feel super bullish on the weekend. And I see a lot of candles. It's like, I feel.

Speculations on the Future

Not financial advice, but I feel it's like a crypto birthday party. But do not listen to anything I say. This is just an opinion, but I feel there's a crypto birthday party coming up. But it's always temporary because these mid weeks are horrible, but these weekends could be very nice. And I'm not here to give financial advice. I said like ten times. But I'm just letting you know because I've been through cycles and I'm not talking Menstrual. I also do corny jokes and let me see what else can I say? I go to Coinmarketcap for like the quick updates. I like trading view to look at charts. Let me see what else, what else?

Community Engagement and Boosting

Also something we did yesterday. Somebody won one week of a boost. I'm going to be doing that at least once a week. I'm going to pick somebody and boost them for a whole week. When I mean boost, that means I'm going to like. And I'm going to like. And I'm going to like and bookmark every single post they do for a week. Which is something because sometimes if you, you know, you know, everybody knows how this feels. When you go hard for somebody or you go hard for a lot of people and you don't get that love back. It feels like crap. It feels like crap. And, and it's funny because that person might feel the same way about somebody else.

Understanding Community Dynamics

You know what, I'm sure that same person that you might be feeling like they're not giving you that love, they're probably feeling the same thing, not towards you because you're there giving them that love. But maybe they're going, they're not going that hard because they're trying to go hard for somebody else. And you can't be mad. You can't be mad or hold remorse. Just go, try to go hard for them, go hard for other people and just share the love as much as you can because you can't make everybody happy. I was mentioning it earlier, you just do the best you can and just enjoy the x ride, you know, enjoy your journey.

Token Insights: Monkeypox Token

Another thing, I'm gonna be honest, pox, it's an SPL 404 token. I'm gonna be as simple as possible with it. If you go to, if you go to monkeypox token.com or if you go to monkeypox soul, that's the page on, it's pretty much, there's 500, it's like a 500 nft each NFT is worth 2 million tokens. So if you ever decide to break it up, you could always change it. There's a swap. You could always swap it to 2 million tokens. So pretty much it's a, it's a, it's a token that you could always swap. You know what I mean? But the good thing is if you keep it as an NFT, I don't know, it's the collection value.

Conclusion on Token Collection and Value

You know what I mean? You have that egg. There's only 500 of them.

NFTs and New Technology

There's a rare, there's a common and there's a, I think it's called legendary, but it's really cool. It's very very, it's, I wouldn't say simple technology, but I would say new technology. And I see it picking up big time. People say nfts are back, but I'll be very careful because somebody could just sweep a floor and say an NFT is back. Especially like an old school collection. But I think I'm very bullish on sp, on the, would do more research on pox because I received an egg as a gift and now it's worth over 100k. It got to when monkeypox token got over a hundred million market cap and at that moment it was worth over two hundred k. A free gift was worth over two hundred k. And that's crazy. That's just crazy. And the good thing about it is that it's locked.

Protecting the Value of Pox

And so the value of the pox is going to be protected because if you want to take it out, it's going to cost you. So that's something good. And then little by little, you'll be able to. They'll give you up, in my opinion, not financial advice, but I really would. I really, I don't know where spaces are, but I know what spaces are and they got them. Twenty four seven. And the main spaces are at 10:00 a.m. 01:00 p.m. and 05:00 p.m. eastern time. But we're up 24/7 our telegrams are popping. There's at least 150 people at all times, unless people are like really corny. And there's been times it's been under a hundred, but sometimes it gets over 600 and. No, but I really, really appreciate you showing up and I want to give you a piece of the doja no blockchain.

Gifting from the Dojo Blockchain

I want to give you something from the dojo no blockchain, people that showed up. If you send me your dojo no address, I'll send you something from the doge blockchain. It can't be a regular doge address. It has to be a dojo address where you could receive inscriptions. So because I usually just make these spaces just, I just monologue for a little bit and I hope people just listen to it later. You know what I mean? But I really appreciate y'all showing up and. Doctor Zeus, Sebastian, I will if you don't dm me. I'm gonna dm you and I'm gonna send it to you. All right, I, and I want to send y'all love and I appreciate it and I hope there was somebody else here and I'm gonna find out who it was and I'm gonna dm them as well and send you something.

A Piece of History

And even if it looks like it's not worth a lot, I'm thinking about. I'm thinking about doge maps. It's something you'll be holding a piece of history. So, so it's very, it's very nice. And I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna send that to you, a piece of doge maps that I acquired almost a year ago. And I usually finish off with some positive music and I would love to finish off with that. I usually say I would love to finish off with. I usually think I'm gonna pray because I pray a lot of. But I'm just gonna. I'm just gonna put a nice song, all right? And I appreciate you all. Just 1 second, all right? I usually finish off a Bob Marley, but I'm gonna change it up.

Final Thoughts

I'm gonna put something different. Peace out, y'all. I hope you're not afraid of the darkest. There. The last fire will rise behind the wizards clear. That scream I hear. Cry. Come to. Your room. There'S loneliness. I. Change. Love.

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