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Gospel + Teaching: The 10 Gates of Jerusalem – Nehemiah 3 (w BD Brown)


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The Twitter Space Gospel + Teaching: The 10 Gates of Jerusalem – Nehemiah 3 (w BD Brown) hosted by ChristIsComing5. Delve into the spiritual teachings and allegorical significance of the 10 Gates of Jerusalem as discussed in Nehemiah 3 with BD Brown. The space offers profound insights into teamwork, biblical symbolism, and personal reflections inspired by the gates' reconstruction. Through in-depth discussions, listeners gain wisdom on spiritual growth, historical context, and faith application in modern life. Discover the relevance of the gates to believers today and the transformative power of embracing the lessons from Nehemiah's narrative.

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Q: What do the 10 Gates of Jerusalem symbolize in the biblical context?
A: The gates represent various aspects of spiritual growth, protection, and authority.

Q: How does teamwork play a crucial role in the rebuilding of the gates in Nehemiah's narrative?
A: Collaboration among different groups showcases the power of unity and shared vision towards a common goal.

Q: What lessons can individuals apply from Nehemiah 3 in their personal lives?
A: The story highlights the importance of resilience, faith, and community support in overcoming challenges.

Q: How can the historical reconstruction of the gates in Nehemiah's time inspire contemporary believers?
A: The narrative emphasizes the significance of restoration, purposeful work, and spiritual fortification.

Q: What spiritual significance do the gates hold for believers today?
A: The gates symbolize boundaries, protection, access to God’s presence, and stages of spiritual growth.

Q: How can understanding the architectural details of the gates deepen one's understanding of the biblical narrative?
A: Detailed insights into the gates provide a richer understanding of the historical and spiritual context of the Scriptures.


Time: 00:10:45
Exploring the Symbolism of the Gates Delving into the spiritual meanings and significance behind each gate in the biblical account.

Time: 00:25:18
Teamwork in Rebuilding Efforts Highlighting the unity and cooperation required to achieve monumental tasks.

Time: 00:35:59
Personal Reflections on the Gates Encouraging introspection and application of the gates' teachings in personal faith journeys.

Time: 00:45:32
Lessons for Contemporary Believers Drawing parallels between Nehemiah's story and modern-day challenges faced by believers.

Time: 01:00:12
Spiritual Applications of the Gates Discussing how the gates serve as spiritual metaphors for growth, protection, and faith.

Time: 01:15:24
Architectural Symbolism in Nehemiah 3 Interpreting the architectural details of the gates for deeper spiritual insights.

Time: 01:30:09
Community Building Through the Gates Emphasizing the role of community support and faith in achieving spiritual goals.

Time: 01:45:51
Divine Order and Purpose in the Gates Reflecting on the divine guidance and order represented by the gates of Jerusalem.

Time: 02:00:03
Inspiration from Nehemiah's Leadership Drawing inspiration from Nehemiah's leadership qualities and faith in challenging times.

Time: 02:15:36
Transformation Through the Gates' Lessons Exploring how embracing the gates' teachings can lead to personal and spiritual transformation.

Key Takeaways

  • Exploration of the significance and symbolism behind the 10 Gates of Jerusalem.
  • Insight into the detailed account of the rebuilding of the gates as described in Nehemiah 3.
  • Emphasis on teamwork and collaboration in achieving monumental tasks like rebuilding the city gates.
  • Learning about the spiritual and practical implications of the gates' restoration in Nehemiah's narrative.
  • Discussion on the spiritual applications and personal reflections inspired by the gates of Jerusalem.
  • The importance of understanding historical context and biblical references for deeper spiritual growth.
  • An in-depth look at the biblical principles and lessons embedded in the reconstruction of the gates.
  • Reflection on the architectural and metaphorical representations of the gates in the biblical text.
  • Encouragement to embrace the lessons from Nehemiah 3 in personal faith journeys and community building.
  • The Gates of Jerusalem serving as a metaphor for spiritual protection, guidance, and divine order.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Acknowledgments

Okay. Good morning. Can you guys hear me? Okay? Can you guys hear me? Okay? Okay. Good morning. Good morning. Just give me a thumbs up if you can. Thumbs up. Thumbs up. Thumbs down. Thumbs up. Heart. Thank you. This is like a 15 2nd delay. It's gotta be. Well, we got a special treat today, brother. Brett Brown, BD Brown, is gonna be teaching on a very interesting subject. I don't know, you know, I never heard of this, the Nehemiah ten gates type of thing. So this is new for me, so I'm looking forward to it.

Introduction of the Topic

Well, I'm going to introduce a topic today. I'm going to give it to you. Very organized. So if you have a pen and paper, you might want to write this down. God is a God of order. He's orderly, not a God of chaos and confusion. He's not looking to confuse us. And. There'S a topic that's under always much debate. It's the existence of what's known as the rapture and then the timing of the rapture. So I'm going to use the time before Brett Brown teaches today on just a simple instruction. Now there's a mystery of the rapture that is unveiled in Paul the apostles teachings. And I use a King James Bible. And I suggest you use the King James Bible when it comes to study for your spiritual application for your, you know, you want to read other versions, that's great. But I believe the King James Bible is the word of God.

Details on the Rapture

Now in the New Testament, the apostle Paul was entrusted with the revelation of many mysteries, one of which is what is known as the rapture of the church. Now among Paul's writings, he explicitly refers to the event in one corinthians chapter 15, verses 51 and 52. He explicitly calls this a mystery. Now come with me in your bibles and open up to first corinthians 15, 51, 52. Okay, let's just go there. And you see it quite clearly in verse 51. Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. For the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised and corrupted, or we shall be changed. In this passage that I just read, Paul's unveiling a profound truth that has been hidden from previous generations. And it's more than just the resurrection.

Understanding the Mystery

The rapture is this future event in which believers, both dead and alive, will be transformed and caught up to meet the Lord in the air, bypassing death for those who are alive. At the time of this supernatural event. Understanding the term mystery, quote unquote, this is what makes it important, as Paul used it in the King James Bible context, gives a deeper insight into the significance of this revelation. Now I'm going to talk about the rapture as a mystery. In the biblical sense, a mystery is not something entirely unknowable, but rather it's a divine truth that was previously hidden and now revealed by God. I'll give you an example. Christ is a mystery, is he not? That is a something entirely. Not unknowable. But he was. What? Something that was previously hidden until revealed by God.

The Role of Paul and Distinctions

That is incontrovertible fact. The same is with this event. Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles, was given special revelation concerning the body of Christ, the church which had not been disclosed in earlier scriptures. That's what makes it a mystery. The Old Testament prophets did not foresee the whole church age that we have right now, the body of believers made up of both Jews and gentiles. Nor did they speak of the rapture, a doctrine that Paul introduces in his writings. The rapture is distinct from the second coming of Christ. While Jesus will return to the earth to establish his millennial reign, this event, the rapture, in contrast, concerns the sudden catching away of believers, an event that will occur in. Now, look at the language here.

The Nature of the Rapture

The word of God says it happens in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. It's an instantaneous and unanticipated event by the world, that is. Paul uses the term sleep in this context, referring to the physical death of believers. But he assures us that those who are asleep or dead in Christ will not remain in the grave. This is a wonderful truth. That's resurrection, that's always been, that's not a mystery now, but will be raised incorruptible at the sound of the last trumpet. This moment will mark the culmination of God's redemptive plan for his church as it is gathered together with Christ. What makes this mystery so significant, brothers and sisters, is the promise of transformation. Paul writes, quote unquote, we shall all be changed. This transformation involves the believers receiving glorified and corruptible bodies, free from the curse of sin and death.

The Significance of Transformation and Victory

This change is necessary because first corinthians 1550 says, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. This statement reveals the eternal purpose of the rapture. The church must be transformed to enter the eternal state and inherit the promises of God. The rapture signifies the ultimate victory over death. For in the scripture, in the context of one corinthians 15, verses 54 to 55 says this so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? This victory is the completion.

The Completion of Redemption

I want you to see this now, because this is what the apostle is revealing. This victory is the completion of Christ's redemptive work for his church, the point at which death no longer has power over believers. The sting of death is removed because through the rapture and resurrection, even those who die will not be subject to death's finality. This is the hope Paul communicated, a hope deeply rooted in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Now let's talk about the timing of the rapture. Another critical aspect of this mystery is the timing. Paul emphasizes the suddenness of the event, and the language is in a moment and the twinkling of an eye at the last trump. In a moment, the rapture will happen without warning, and the sound of the last trumpet will signal the gathering of believers.

Living in Anticipation

Though Paul does not give a specific timeline for when this will occur, he stresses that believers should live in anticipation of the Lord's return. In this sense, Paul's mystery of the rapture is intertwined with the doctrine of imminency, the belief that Christ could return for his church at a moment, any moment. Unlike the second coming, which follows a series of prophesied events, the rapture is an event without a precursor, meant to be an encouragement to believers to remain steadfast and fit. Paul's unveiling of the rapture is a mystery, reveals a unique and profound aspect. Brothers and sisters of God's plan. In one corinthians 15, he introduces the concept of the rapture as a moment of supernatural transformation and ultimate victory over death, promising believers glorified bodies and eternal life in the presence of Jesus Christ.

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Doctrine

This mystery, once hidden, now shines as a what? As a beacon of hope, reminding believers that death is not the end, that we will all be changed in the twinkling of an eye at the sound of the trumpet. The rapture is a vital piece of God's prophetic timeline, a mystery revealed to Paul, passed down to the church, encouraging believers to live with the expectation of the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now the doctrine of the quote unquote pre tribulation rapture, and I'm going to just say why I believe. Paul believed that this would, that the church would escape wrath this doctrine that believers in Christ will be taken up from the earth before Washington, sparing them from the coming wrath that will be poured out on the world.

Supporting the Hope of Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Among those who articulated this hope most clearly was Paul, whose writings in the Bible provide strong support for what's known as the pre tribulation rapture. Not everybody's going to agree with this, and we have a lot of brothers and sisters that don't. But it's not a point of contention. But for those who can receive it, Paul's letters emphasize these clear distinction between the church and Israel, the nature of God's wrath, and the promise that believers are not appointed to endure it. So we're going to explore really quick. Paul's teachings, demonstrating why he believed the church would escape tribulation. So we're going to give just a few four solid points. Four solid points for actually five.

The Church's Exemption from Wrath

That's good. Let's get five points, and then we'll open up with Brett Brown. Okay. Number one, the church is not appointed to wrath. That's number one. One of the clearest indications that Paul taught a pre tribulation rapture comes from his first letter to thessalonians. First Thessalonians, chapter five, verse nine. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. Here, Paul distinguishes between believers and those who will experience God's wrath during the tribulation period. This statement is vital to understanding of the pre tribulation rapture because it assures believers that they are not destined to undergo the wrath of God.

The Comforting Doctrine

Throughout scripture, the wrath of God is associated with judgment upon the wicked, not as faithful people. Paul's assurance that believers are not appointed to wrath strongly supports the idea that the church will be removed before the tribulation begins. The second item. First was, the church is not appointed to wrath. The second is the church, or, I'm sorry, the rapture. This doctrine as a comforting doctrine. Comforting. Okay. This is another important thing. What makes it comforting. In addition to his teaching on the church's exemption from wrath, Paul consistently presents this event as a source of comfort and hope for believers.

Scriptural Assurance and Comfort

Look at first thessalonians, chapter four, verses 1618. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, with the trump of God. And the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. The emphasis on comfort is crucial. If the church was to endure the tribulation, a time of unprecedented suffering and judgment, Paul's message would hardly be comforting. The tribulation is described in passages such as the Book of Revelation, chapter six through 19, as a period of divine wrath, natural disasters, and persecution such as the world has never seen.

Protection from Judgment

However, Paul reassures believers that they will be taken up to be with the Lord, escaping the coming judgment. So the pre tribulation raptures the only eschatological view or end time view that aligns with Paul's message of comfort and hope. The third point is the church in Israel, two distinct programs. God can do two things in at one time, two administrations. This is evident in the Bible, and I show it to you in the scriptures. Paul's writings also reflect a clear distinction between the church and Israel, which is significant in supporting a pre tribulation rapture. The tribulation is primarily a time of judgment on the unbelieving world and a period of purification and restoration for Israel.

Paul's Distinction Between Church and Israel

Look at Romans chapter eleven, verses 25 to 26. Paul explains that God's dealings with Israel are separate from his plan for the church. The writing of Romans chapter eleven, verses 25 26 says this for I would not, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own conceits. That blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the nations or the gentiles become in and so all Israel shall be saved. The apostle reveals that Israel's spiritual blindness will be lifted after the quote unquote fullness of the Gentiles has come in referring to the completion of the church age, once the church is removed from the earth, God will once again focus on his covenant people, Israel, during the tribulation.

Jacob's Trouble

This period is often called the time of quote unquote Jacob's trouble. You can find that in Jeremiah 36, seven and eight. It indicates that it's a time period intended for Israel and their election, not the church. And by removing the church before the tribulations, God's distinct plans for both the church and Israel can both unfold the imminence. The fourth point I want to make is the imminence of Christ's return. A key element of the teaching supporting a pre tribulation rapture is the doctrine of imminence. It's a belief that Christ can return for his church, and that could happen at quote unquote, a moment in this one cling of an eye, at any moment, without any prophesied event needing to take place beforehand.

Imminency of the Rapture

Now I direct you again to first corinthians 1551 to 52, 1st Corinthians 1551. Through two and behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. For the trevor shall sound, and the dead shall be raised into incorruptible and shall be changed. This sudden, unexpected event is described as happening in a moment, in twinkling of an eye, reinforcing the idea that it could occur at any time. If the rapture were to occur after the tribulation, believers would be able to anticipate it based on the fulfillment of specific end time events, such as the rise of the Antichrist or the abomination of desolation. Paul teaches that. Or it was revealed to Paul that the Rapture is an imminent event.

Warning of Sudden Destruction

Further supporting pre tribulation review. The fifth and final point we want to make is that the apostle Paul, the Holy Spirit, instructed him to warn of sudden destruction. Sudden. I don't know if you noticed this. But God works in suddenly, doesn't he? Surprises and suddenly. Finally, Paul's warning of a sudden destruction coming from the unbelieving, coming upon the unbelieving world. Sudden destruction provides further evidence that the church will be removed before this tribulation period. First Thessalonians chapter five. First Thessalonians five, two, three, for yourselves, know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as if thief in the night, for when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.

Contrasting the Fate of Believers and Unbelievers

The quote unquote day of the Lord refers to the period of divine judgment that begins with the tribulation. Paul contrasts the fate of unbelievers with that of believers who are not in darkness and therefore will not be overtaken by this day. The implication is that the church, the believers, are removed before the onset of this sudden destruction, once again further supporting the pre tribulation rapture. So we're just giving you five great bullet points. We can go on and on, but for the sake of time, because today is the day that we're hearing the teaching from our brother Brett Brown, we're going to close. In conclusion, Paul's writings provide a clear support, I believe, for pre tribulation rapt review.

Concluding with Hope

I hope as you study the scriptures, you'll see that too, for fullness of hope. It teaches that believers are not appointed to wrath, but will be taken up before the tribulation begins. The promise of comfort, the distinction between the calling and election of the church in Israel, the doctrine of imminency, the warnings of sudden destruction, all point to a conclusion that the church escapes a coming judgment of God because it's not meant for it. For believers, this pre tribulation rapture offers hope, encouragement, the assurance that they will be with the Lord before the final outpouring of God's wrath on the earth. Amen.

Transition to Gospel Message

So we wanted to just make a. Clear, concise teaching on it for those who maybe have heard a lot and just not really sure. That being said, you know, we as believers undergo all sorts of trials and persecutions and you're living sub saharan Africa. You have nowhere to live. You have nowhere, you have no home, and you're in the middle of a desert somewhere because you've been displaced violently. So that could happen here, that could happen anywhere. That's not God. That's not a tribulation period. That's not the 42 months of Jacob's trouble. Okay, so let's hear the gospel and then we'll get, we'll open up the microphone phones, say hello to people.

Essence of the Gospel

Brett Brown. Good to see you, buddy. I'm going to give you a speaker so the gospel doesn't change. The Lord Jesus Christ paid the full price for the salvation of our souls, and he gave himself for our sins. Jesus, the Son of God, loved us, gave himself full us and by his own blood. By his own blood. Thank you. He entered at once into the holy place, obtaining eternal redemption for us. Hebrews, chapter nine, verse twelve. Romans, chapter three, verse 24, says, we are justified freely. Justified freely by his grace. Amen. This gospel is what we preach. Salvation of the soul is not of works any men should boast episodes to the Ephesians, chapter two, verse nine. And God has saved us now and called us with the holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before the world began.

Sin and Its Consequences

The Bible, God's word says, as it is written, there is none righteous, not one. And all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Sin is the problem, and even belonging to a church will not take it away. Jesus Christ himself said, verily, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. The Bible says, therefore we conclude that a man is not a man. I'm sorry, we. That a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Romans 328. So because it's by grace, you're saved through faith, not of yourselves. It is a gift of God. It is a gift. It's appointed unto every man and woman to die once. And after this, the judgment, you really don't know? We don't know how long we have, how much time is left in our lives.

The Urgency of Salvation

You know, what is our life, what's coming tomorrow, whereas you know not but what shall be on tomorrow. But what is your life really? It's even a vapor. It appears for a very little time and then vanishes away, says the apostle James. So the Bible says, knowing that a man is not justified, not justified by the works of the law. It says that we are all is an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses, the best of the best is as filthy rags. Salvation is free to all. Amen. Salvation is a free gift to all men. For the scripture is clear. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. We've seen it in these spaces. I've seen it in the streets. Christ Jesus came in the world to save sinners.

The Consequences of Sin

First Timothy 115. Christ Jesus came in the world to save sinners. He's. Christ once suffered for sins, the just, for the unjust, for sinners that he might bring us who were once sinners, to God in right standing. If you do not get saved. There'S a well. The wages of sin is death. This death is more than just physical death. It's an eternal burning. Revelation, chapter 21, verse eight. The fearful, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. There is no second chances.

Repentance and God’s Love

This. This life. The Bible calls for repentance towards God. Repentance is the change of the heart which causes you to turn towards God and away from your present way of life. Accept the Bible, accept the word of God, and receive God's great love, because he loves you so much. He loves men. He loves all that he's made. And even at this very moment, his grace and his mercy are on both the just and the unjust. I see that in my own life, not wishing that anyone should perish, but all should come to a knowledge of the truth and be saved. It's a wonderful truth that this gospel can go out to any breathing creature, and they could be saved.

The Power of the Gospel

Now you cannot. I cannot not. One man is powerful. You're unable. You're unable to stop yourself from dying, from perishing because of sin, you will die. One day your soul and spirit will separate from your body. And this body which was made in Adam will turn to dust and ashes from which it was made. And every soul belongs to the Lord. And you'll go back to God. You have to give an account now. You're unable to deliver yourself, my friend, from the punishment of hell which is due you because of your sin. The word of God also says in acts, chapter 20, verse 21, that faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

Faith and Trust in Jesus

Faith. Faith is putting complete. Trust in Jesus is your only means of clearing your guilt, delivering your soul from the punishment of hellfire. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. If you will receive Jesus into your heart that you trust him. Trust him to save your soul. Today you'll become a son of God and spend eternity in heaven. As many as received him through them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. Hallelujah. For those of us who have received Jesus Christ, it is a wonderful truth and causes all the rejoicing that we have day in, day out.

Invitation to Salvation

God promises he will save you. Friend, if you want to be saved. If you're in this world, you're attached to this world and you are deep in sin, you're a perfect candidate for salvation. God promises he will save you if you will trust Jesus as your savior. If thou shalt confess with your mouth right now, the Lord Jesus. Believe in your heart, God. Raise it from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans ten nine. God is not a man that he should lie, or a son of a. Man that he should change his mind. Please accept the free gift of eternal life that God is offering all without conditions.

The Gift of Salvation

There are no conditions to your salvation. It's a gift. There's commands once you're saved. You're a workmanship in Christ Jesus. There's a difference. If you will accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, please pray this with me or with all your heart or any words like us. God. Dear God, be merciful to me, a sinner. I am sorry for my sins, and I want to trust the Lord Jesus. I trust the Lord Jesus Christ to save me. I take him as my lord, my savior. I believe that you raised him from the dead. Lord, I want eternal life.

Confirming the Commitment

I believe that Jesus paid the price of my sins with his own blood. And I pray this to you, God, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Okay. Good morning, family. Brett Brown. Are you available? I'm going to send you a co host invite. Brett's got an interesting teaching today. I'm a little concerned he hasn't answered me. There he is. Okay. How are you? I get a little messed up on the. When I get invited and when I send it out. I'm sorry. Yes, sir, I am. Good to see you, brother. Good to see you.

Teaching Transition

And we're looking forward to, you know, every Friday, as the family knows, we usually have host a teacher, a preacher, or teaching or some kind of a bible lesson. We usually have brother Ty on for healing, and we're going to be doing that again very soon. And Brett is a teacher by trade, and also a lover of God and teacher of the word. Am I right, Brett? Amen, brother. That is spot on. Well, we're excited to have you here today. And if everybody would be kind enough to repost this space on your ex feed. You want to get people on here, guys. We want to get people to hear.

Importance of Sharing the Word

The word of God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. So this way everybody's active. You know, we're all sewing into something, and we're all gonna read as we sew together. So, Brett, I'm gonna give the floor to you. It's 1130, so the timing is perfect. I'm usually a stick to retire now. Isn't that funny? You know, my whole. As a lost man, my whole life, I was always late to work. I had a horrible work ethic because I just thought I was just. I just thought everything was coming to me, so.

Reflections on Time Management

But now it's like time is so very important. And I appreciate your time, brother. Thank you so much for being here and doing this. Thank you, brother Tom, for inviting me. And there is not a greater honor than to be able to teach the word of God. And I love it. It is a passion of mine. I am a teacher since about 1990. I got out a few years and did some other things, went into sales and. But back in and in the latter part of my teaching career, and I love it. I love being with the kids, doing things with them.

Teaching in a Public School

I'm in a public school, and they tried to kick God out. But I know every day that I enter that classroom, that I'm taking God back into that classroom. And even at the end of the day, my students that remained that they ask if we could start praying. We hold hands, we pray in the afternoon. It's just amazing that God, as long as I teach there, that I'm going to share the love of Jesus Christ with those students. So I just appreciate that I can do that in a public school, in a setting.

Introduction to the Teaching

Being from the Bible belt probably doesn't hurt doing that. We're going to teach on the ten gates. When I say we, when I teach in the classroom, you know, me standing up there talking is not teaching for me, even though I do that, a significant amount of time. And teaching to me is interacting with that student is provoking thought or leading them somewhere that they go, hey, you know, and they want to add something in. So I want to preface this by going, if. If y'all have anything to say, you know, raise your hand, let brother Sean bring you in, and, you know, we'll.

Overview of Nehemiah's Ten Gates

We'll discuss this a little bit. This ten gates of nehemiah in chapter three. I'm going to hit the first three gates pretty heavy, and then probably the last seven. But the first three deal with Jesus, the ministry, and him passing the ministry on to the church, and then ending the Old Testament and moving into the New Testament, into the church age. And then after that, the gates will be gates that deal with judgment, with healing. And the amazing thing is, as all things are in the scripture, it all leads back to Jesus Christ, and it all leads back to the first gate at the end there.

Personal Anecdote and Humor

So I don't know if you all remember seeing articles or stories of someone had a picture of a grilled cheese sandwich and it had Jesus. They saw Jesus in the grilled cheese sandwich. How many of you give me a heart, a hand or something? Well, I have yet to see Jesus in my grilled cheese sandwich now. I do thank him for a good grilled cheese sandwich. I love a good grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of tomato bisque soup now. And I've seen pictures that come up where they show pictures of Jesus in a cloud. I haven't seen him, but I do expect him to return in a cloud one day and take us away, just like Brother Sean said, going to rapture us out of here.

Understanding Jesus' Impact

Hallelujah. But one of the most amazing things that has happened in my christian walk is the ability to see Jesus Christ from Genesis to revelation, a God that exposed the essence of him, the God that was going to wrap himself in flesh. The fullness of the godhead dwells in Jesus Christ Bodily. And when he takes that throne, that's going to be God in the flesh taking that throne in revelation. And I can't wait for that event. I don't know. You know, it seems so surreal for me to even think about that event happening. But we are very close to that event. Hallelujah. So, with that being said, I believe, guys, I guess where I want to take y'all is to this place where you start looking for Jesus in everything you read in the Old Testament.

Conversation on Old Testament Readings

I've had conversations and have been to church services with denominations that they. It's not that they don't use the Old Testament. I just don't think that they give it the validity or the weight that it should be giving to a church for them to realize that Jesus was in everything that God created. Revelation says that Jesus was sacrificed, was crucified from the foundation of the world. That is the God we serve. So, with that being said, let's go to some things that I hope you get Jesus from Genesis to revelation.

Key Definitions and Understanding

I want you to remember that, and I want you to start looking in the english language. I'm going somewhere with this. We have a word for words. It's amazing. We have a word that helps define words, and it is the word homograph. Now, homograph is a word that has the same spelling but has two different meanings. So, like, the word pitcher. Pitcher. And that can mean a baseball player, or it can mean a container to hold liquid. Same spelling for the word. And it's no different in the Hebrew Language.

Studying Hebrew Definitions

And I'm prefacing this because when I started studying down and drilling down into some of the Definitions of these Names and Words, there, the Hebrews use a same word to mean things that either are closely related or maybe some things that are diversely related. And so if you start looking these words up, you go, well, he didn't give us this other definition. It's because I was using the definition that may have fit this particular situation here. So what we're getting ready to discuss today is to grow your faith. I believe what Paul said in Hebrews six about going beyond the elementary teachings of the word and that we drilled down in here because this is what builds our faith.

Teaching Environment and Reflection

And so that's where I want us to go Today is a little bit deeper in the word. I'm actually sitting on my front Porch and looking at my Pine Trees. I've watched a Few Squirrels run across the ground here, and I got a lot of acorns out here under this oak tree that's in front of me here. So they love to. They love to come in here and. And eat. It's just. It's wonderful. It's 55 degrees this morning. I started a fire on the back porch, and just. Just want you to know it's. It's a great day. It's. It's a day that the Lord has made.

Rejoicing in the Day

We're going to rejoice. We're going to be glad in it, and we're going to learn some things together here. So if you would, if you have your Bible, and I agree with Brother Sean, King James Version. I cut my teeth on that. I did order a Bible that is split. It has two columns. It has King James in one and I have the Niv in the other. It gives me a chance to not jump between two bibles. It's really kind of cool that I'm able to jump over and go, what is. Wonder what this word means, maybe in a more modern vernacular. So anyhow, so let's start Nehemiah and his name.

Nehemiah: Historical Context

Let's talk about Nehemiah. Just for, just for a quick moment here, Nehemiah. I want you to think of this. Nehemiah, Esther and Daniel, this babylonian takeover. This is really. They were kind of the three players, and their timeline missed each other between 25 and 50 years, their lives. This was the babylonian takeover here. Those three books, when you read that historically, either butt up to each other or there may be a little bit of overlap, but they kind of happened in the same time period. Now, Nehemiah was a cupbearer for the king.

Nehemiah's Heart for Jerusalem

And in the first chapter, it goes over. Nehemiah's name means Yahweh comforts. Yahweh comforts. And I thought that was interesting, because Nehemiah, when heard that the walls were torn down, it broke his heart. He was devastated because he had a love for Jerusalem. Jerusalem, city of peace. He had a love for this city, and he was devastated. And the king recognized that he was sad and asked him what was wrong. And he told the king what was going on. And he asked the king if he would allow him to go back and build the walls.

Divine Intervention

God moved upon the king's heart and allowed Nehemiah to go back and start building the walls of Jerusalem. Now, let me tell you, when you go back and start to rebuild things in your life, it's, you're gonna have some. You're gonna meet with some difficulty. And this is what happened to them. They melt with some. They dealt with some difficulty. In fact, they had to have a sword in one hand and build the wall with the other. Now, that's multitasking, my friend, right there. So starting with the third chapter, let's go through this.

Challenges of Rebuilding

Hang on. One more thing that I found interesting. It says that Nehemiah was confessing their sins. He said, we have sinned. Daniel did the same thing. Daniel said, father, forgive me, my fathers, the people of Israel have sinned against you. Nehemiah included himself in this sinning. He said, me and my fathers, we have sinned. Nehemiah confessed those sins and God used him to rebuild this wall. This wall is an amazing story. That's really a story of Jesus Christ and the things that happened following that first three.

First Three Gates of Nehemiah

First three gates we're going to hit pretty hard here. So in Nehemiah three, it says, then Eli Hashem, the high priest, rose up with the breThren. The priest. And they builded the sheep gate. They sanctified it and set up the doors of it even unto the tower of Mia. Now, Mia means 100. They sanctified it unto the tower of Hanani. And Hanani means God's grace. So I'm going to drop some of that on you this morning. I'll reiterate those things. So this is interesting, that the high priest, his name EliaShe, means God restores the God of restoration.

Significance of Names in Nehemiah

Restored of God. The high priest himself, name meant restoration. You're going to see that these names are not accidental. And that God had placed these people specifically in here and hidden in their names is actually God working to expose. Now, the people of Israel realized this because their names are Hebrew. And so they understood that Eli Hashb meant God of restoration. Well, guess what? Was being restored. The wall was being restored. And God set this up when this high priest was high priest. And I don't believe any of this is accidental.

Living by God's Word

The word of God says this. It says, man shall not live by bread alone. But every word, and that is what I found is just amazing, that every word is placed and every person is placed by God in a specific time. You are placed by God in a time to be used by him where you are. And that is what God does. He places us. The high priest, Eliyah Sheb, the God of restoration, he was placed in here during this time. That is, I don't know. It just blows my mind. And so you'll see that a lot of this blows my mind.

Taking Action for Restoration

And you'll say, hear me. Use the word. This is significant several times. And so the high priest rose up. What does that mean? He rose up. He went to work. He got up and took action. And that means God rose up within him. This God of restoration rose up and went to work. And the high priest with him, and they went in to rebuild the gate. And it says, the priest, what did they do? It says, they rebuilt the sheep gate. Now this is the first gate to be rebuilt.

Consecration Before Action

Again, very significant in the fact that it was consecrated first. They didn't hang. They didn't hang it and then consecrate it. They consecrated it and then they hung it. It was the gate where the sheep. Now this gate, they built this first because this is where the sheep and the lambs for sacrifices were brought through. This is where the priests brought the sacrifices through. They were showing God that they had placed him first in doing this gate. Just as jesus should be first in our lives.

Jesus as the First Concern

The priests put this gate. Now, I want you to notice this. They consecrated it before they hung its doors. What is so powerful about that? Even these little things that we're going to go over, I believe, mean something scripturally for us as the church today. They consecrated the doors and before they hung them. I believe that this is Jesus being consecrated before he was hung on the cross. Like I said earlier in revelations 13, that it says that he was slain, the lamb was slain before the foundation of the world.

Jesus as the Lamb

And so I believe this was Jesus Christ being consecrated before being hung. So this sheep gate was the place that the sacrifices came through. Now I'm going to go in a cup, couple scripture and I. Some of this is a hypothesis on my part. I took scriptural when I studied the word, I tried to do it historically, scripturally, sometimes mathematically, and then sometimes the use of maps. I did use maps today to help develop some of these hypotheses that I have.

Linking Jesus to Sacrifice

Jesus did say this. Jesus said this in John ten, seven and nine. He says this. Therefore, jesus said again, verily, truly, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. This blew my mind. Jesus said he was basically the sheep gate. And I don't know if they were able to wrap their mind around this because he said so many things to them that they couldn't, you know, he said, are you so dull that you don't get what I'm saying to you? You're Hebrew. Now, us not being Hebrew, I think that it is possible that we may miss some of these.

Culmination of Jesus' Message

I know it is as a church. And as I started to drill down, I'm going, Lord is, I think this is you in the ten gates. And so. And he said, I am the sheep gate. Jesus reiterates it again in verse nine. He says, I am the gate. Whosoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out and find pastor. I think maybe some of them understood that Jesus was saying, I am the sheep gate. I am the sheep gate at the north end of Jerusalem.

Geographical Significance

I'm kind of looking at the map here since. Okay, so since Jesus says that he is the gate for the sheep, and I believe that makes him the sheep's gate, what I'm getting ready to say is found in historical data. And so I'm going to go over a couple things. And if anybody, I mean, I could maybe send Brother Sean. I'm not sure how to post some of these maps on here, but if y'all want to pull up like a map of. And just put the ten gates of Nehemiah.

Historical Observations

Great maps. There are tons of maps out. There was a. There's two. Let me say this. There's two locations of the possible crucifixion. And if you're looking at the map, they have one that is on the west side, and then they have one that is if you went through the sheeps gate. If you went through the sheeps gate, it's called Gordon's Calvary and Gordon's garden burial place is what it was. And I'm leaning towards this particular one, that the crucifixion was north or potentially out the sheeps gate and just north of the. Of the sheeps gate there a little bit.

Supporting Evidence from Scripture

And a couple levitical law things came to me that made me believe that this is the possible location. So. Leviticus 111. Speaking of the sacrifice, it says he is to slaughter it at the north side of the altar before the lord. If the crucifixion was out the north gate, it would be directly to the north of the sheep's gate. And so it would could align with the levitical requirement of that the slaughter was to take to the north side of the altar.

Jesus as the Good Shepherd

Jesus continues this theme of the gate by saying, the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Now, this isn't a continuation of the scripture I started earlier. It says this. He says, the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep as the sheep's gate. He is the protector of all that enter the sheep's gate, which is Jesus. He became the sheep's gate. He became the final sacrifice. No one should have. Thanks. This, he is the final sacrifice for those that enter into Jesus is not condemned, but protected.

Understanding Protection in Christ

So I know this. I know the sheep's gate is on the north end of Jerusalem. And outside the wall is, as I said, two possible locations for the crucifixion. And you can look up Gordon's Calvary garden tomb. His hypothesis was that it was potentially there. I tend to agree with that. I want you to, and I just stated this, but I want you to know that Jesus's sacrifice for us was the once and for all sacrifice. And apostle Paul teaches that, you know, there is no other sacrifice, there's no other place to go but through Jesus Christ.

Connecting the Sheep Gate to Christ’s Journey

Now, again, this is a hypothesis on my part, but if Gordon is right and the sacrifice was outside of the sheep gate, I believe that Jesus potentially didn't enter into the sheep gate, but that he walked out the sheep gate to Calvary, and that led him that it was significant. If he walked out the sheep gate, that was significant. There was not another sacrifice that could enter into the sheep gate that would take his place. He entered out the sacrifice as the final sacrifice for the church.

Levitical Laws and Fulfillment

Now, if the burial place was to the east of the location of Jesus crucifixion, then it would fall under the Levitical in Leviticus 116. And it says, he shall pluck away his crop with his feathers and cast it aside. The altar on the east part or the east side, by the place of the ashes. Now the ashes. And this was part of the sacrifice. It would be cast to the east. That means the garden where Jesus was buried was to the east of Mount Calvary, which would fall under what line with the levitical casting, the sacrifices, ashes to the east.

Jesus' Burial Location

After Jesus died, it would be basically taking him off the cross and moving him and burying him, and it would be to the east of the altar or of the cross there. So this was significant. One more piece of evidence that I want to point out is Jesus walked on the road to Emmaus in Luke 15. And Emmaus is north of Jerusalem. And it's easy, accessible from the tomb. Now. Not Jesus was able to travel through walls. He just appeared after his resurrection. But I did find it interesting that Emmaus is to the north of Jerusalem.

Journey of Jesus Post-Resurrection

And then from the tomb, he would erase from the tomb, and he could walk. He would hit the road if it was to the north and the east of Jerusalem or of the sheep gate. So, and then, so we're going to move from the sheet gate. We're going to move to the first tower. And it is the tower of Mia, meaning the word, hebrew word means 100. And they consecrated it. And they consecrated the tower and then as far as the tower of Hanel. So the priests worked the sheep gate, the tower of Mia, or the tower of 100, and then they went as far as the tower of Hananel, God's grace.

Connecting the Towers to God’s Grace

The sheep's gate butted up against the tower of 100 and then went to the tower of Hanel. And so there's. There's some debate over why the Tower of Mia is named the tower Mia. They don't know if it was 100 cubits tall. They don't know if it had 100 steps in it. So I'm going to stretch out here just a little bit, and I'm going to say, jesus talked about 100 sheep. In Matthew 18, Jesus talked about 100 sheep. And I just found this to be significant.

Divine Protection and Completion

His protection is on all 100 sheep. The tower of Mia. When you enter the sheep's gate, you now become protected by the power of Jesus Christ. Whether you live or die, you are protected. You are sealed. As brother Sean has brought up many times, you are sealed. Now you're protected. This tower of 100, this protection that Jesus talks about, the sheep, is he's protecting. All 101 goes astray. What happened when the one went astray? He left the 99, and he went to pick the one that was up and bring it back to make it complete.

Wholeness and Completeness in Christ

100 is a. Is a number of completion. And he brought that one back and completed the fold. He protected this. I believe this tower is that tower of protection. And so David said this in psalms 18. He said, the Lord, or the name of the Lord, I should say, is a strong and mighty tower, and the righteous run into it and are safe. I believe the scripture is a big puzzle, and I believe if you start seeking for it, you're going to find those puzzle pieces that fit in there. And King David was talking about the tower of the Lord.

The Tower of the Lord

And again, the people of the day and the Israel people was able to wrap their head around maybe a particular location or a tower that he was referencing. And, you know, we are so westernized, we miss so much of this. And I believe if we'll just drill down a little bit, I think things will open up to us. So the sheep gate, Jesus Christ, the sacrifice made. The first tower is the tower of 100. The number is a number of completion. There was 100 sheep Jesus spoke of.

Bringing the Lost Home

He left the 99 and went to pick the one up, back into the tower of protection, back into the fold there. I believe that's the Tower of Mia. And then comes the tower of Hanel. So in the tower of Hanel, which is the tower of God's grace, that's what Hananel translates to, is God's grace. So this is the tower of God's grace. This tower was built by the priests also. I think that's significant because it was the sheep's gate, the tower of Mia, the tower of Hananel that the priests built.

The Significance of God's Grace

So you have the sheepskate, you have the everlasting protection of God, which is the Tower of Mia. And now we have God's grace. So let's look at romans eleven, five and six. So, too, at the present time, there is a remnant chosen by what? By grace. There's a remnant that has been chosen by grace. But if it is by grace, it is no longer by works. Wow, the hair just stood up on my arm. I don't know if that's because the wind's cold or I realize the grace of God is what is keeping us.

Grace as Divine Protection

Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace. This tower of grace is something that we enter into when we enter into Jesus Christ. This gate and these two towers are a place that the church of Jesus Christ abide. We're in his grace and we're in his protection. I don't believe this tower was accidentally in the place. I believe it's the imperative that we go through this tower of grace. Second Timothy one, eight and ten says this. Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us unto his holy calling, not because of our works, but because of what?

Purpose and Grace of God

Because of his own purpose and grace. His purpose was the sheepskate. And now we can live in the tower of Enel, which is in his grace. Let's finish this verse here, which he gave us in Christ Jesus. When did he give it to us? When did Paul said he gave this to us? Before the ages began. That blew my mind. Again, referencing the sheeps gate, ordained before they hung it. Jesus was ordained before he was hung on the cross.

Manifestation of Christ’s Sacrifice

It was ordained the rest of this verse and which now has been manifest through the appearance of our savior Jesus Christ, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. I'm going to skip down through a lot of my notes here because I don't want to belabor the point here. Okay? So I've got a ton of notes and I'm skipping some of these here to go down to the second gate. We're not going to get to all ten gates. Or if we do, it's going to be a very abbreviated after the first three here.

Fish Gate and Jesus’ Ministry

So the second gate is, this is the fish gate. So we've had the sheep gate. Jesus Christ, we've had the tower of protection and the tower of God's grace. And now we come to the ministry of Jesus Christ. I think when I came to this, I was just, again, every word, the placement is ordained of goddesse. And when I read this in verse three, it says this, but the fish gate did the sons of Hassaniah build, who also laid the beams thereof, set the door of, and the locks thereof and the bars thereof.

The Establishment of Every Gate

Now, after every gate, you're going to see that statement that they set the doors, the locks and the bars. And what does that mean? That means it's established. Every gate was established. God has established everything for us as a church. It's established. And as God went through here, when they finished those locks, bars and doors, that means that it was done. It was completed there. But the fish gate did the sons of Hesseniah build Hasenaea.

Names Carrying Significance

So as I started looking this up, I was so blown away by this one thing, because what the name Hasenai means. Now, before I tell you what the name Hasenaea means, I want you to notice it says the sons of Hassanias. So it didn't name his sons, but it gave the father's name. Here I found that very powerful because I think that he is referencing the sons and daughters of the heavenly Father. So the name of Hassania is this. It means the hated one. The hated one.

The Hated One in Ministry Context

I don't think I would want to have that name, the hated one. So if I were to plug in the translation in that verse. But the face gate did the sons of the hated one build. I want you to know, and I love brother Sean sends all these, I guess, their memes. I'm not really good on naming everything but these things. He says you live in a world where the world hates Jesus Christ. Well, I want you to know that is so true. And if you are living for Jesus Christ, and if you haven't experienced it yet, you will, because you know, the Pharisees was okay with Jesus until he started his ministry.

The Impact of Evil on Jesus

When he entered the fish gate, which is the ministry of Jesus Christ, that's when they started hating him. And so the sons of the hated one built the fish gate. This is Jesus Christ, his ministry and his twelve disciples. And him handing this ministry off to us is the fish gate. Interesting thing about the fish gate, it is the gate where the gentiles and the Israelites could enter through. This is where they brought the fish through, literally brought the fish through that they caught into the market.

Embarking on the Evangelism Journey

This is, this is where the ministry of Jesus starts. On, on the wall. On the wall. And in the gates here. Jesus said this in John 1518. He said, if the world hates you, keep in mind it hated me first. So Hassania was the hated one first. And then came his sons. The fish gate is where we enter this ministry and this gospel of Jesus Christ. And as a church, this is what we do. We do. We have entered the fish gate.

The Great Commission

What did Jesus say? I'm going to make you fishers of men. And this fish gate represents evangelism. This is where we go out. We enter in.

Introduction and Context

And I just keep going back to some of this. Entered the sheep gate. We're in the protection, the tower of Mia. We've entered God's grace. And then we enter the fish gate of evangelism. And I think it was significant that the Gentiles and the Hebrews both entered that gate, signifying the coming together, the church coming together of the Gentiles and the Jews there. Verse four. And next to them repaired meriamoth, the son of Uriah, the son of Kaz. And next to them repaired Meshulam, the son of Bericach. Excuse my pronunciation of some of this. And the son of Meshezabel. And next unto them repaired Zadok and the son of Bana. Now, so from the fish gate, what happened is down the wall from the fish gate up to the old gate. This is the old gate. So first gate, sheep gate, second gate, fish gate. Third gate was the old gate.

Details on Gates and Their Symbolism

I think you can see where this is going. And so they went to the old gate. The above list of men repaired the wall. The fish gate was symbolic of Jesus ministry. And so the old gate is going to be representative. And you'll see this of the Old Testament coming to an end and the New Testament coming into existence. Now, I want to go over each of these men's names very quickly because it's so interesting. Remember, we're going from the fish gate to the old gate. There's a lot of things happening. And these men that are building this wall down here. So Merrimoth, his name means bitterness or myrrh of death. I'm going to give you scripture on each of these because I believe from the ministry, the fish gate of Jesus Christ, to the old gate.

Significance of Names in the Context

And these men's name is revealing some things. So Merrimoth, his name means bitterness, a myrrh of death. And John 1939 says this, a mixture of myrrh and owl. Brother Brett. Sorry. I'm sorry. I accidentally muted you. Please, my apologies. Go ahead. Oh, that's okay. Brother. What was it, what was the last thing I said that you heard? You were talking about Merrimath. Oh, yeah, Merrimoth. So his name. His name means bitterness and myrrh of death. And so just to make sure y'all heard from the fish gate to the old gate, this is Jesus's life. This is Jesus's life going down through here to this old gate where the Old Testament ends and the New Testament comes into being.

Further Analysis of Names and Their Meaning

So Merrimoth, his name means bitterness or myrrh of death. John 1939, a mixture of myrrh and aloe was made for Jesus burial. Uriah is my light is Yahweh. Uriah, his name means my light, is Yahweh. In John 812 it says again, Jesus spoke to them, saying this, I am the light of the world. Now Hakaz, or in king. In the king, James Vernon is Kaz. If you read another translation, you may see the name Hakaz there. It means a thorn. And his name has two meanings. It's a thorn and an end. A thorn and an end. Matthew 27 29 says, the soldiers of the governor put a crown of thorns on Jesus's head and a scarlet robe in his right hand.

Connecting the Names to Jesus' Life

And Jesus Matthew 27 50 says, Jesus cried out again in a loud voice and gave up his spirit. So there was the thorns and there was an end to Jesus life. Meshulam, his name, means maker of peace. Isaiah nine and six says, Jesus is the prince of peace. Berachia, I don't know if I'm saying that correctly, but it means to kneel. And in Matthew 27 29 says that the roman soldiers knelt before him. It also says that every knee shall bow before him. Meshezabel means delivered by goddess. Galatians one says, the father raised Jesus from the dead. So Doc means just or righteousness of God first. John two one says, but if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the father in our defense, Jesus Christ, the righteous one.

The Importance of the Old Gate

This one really. This one really got me. Bana b aan. A banah means son of affliction. Isaiah 53 and four says, surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of goddess, and afflicted this wall and these men's names I do not believe were accidental or and I know there had to be more than five men working on this wall, but these names were given down this wall from the fish gate to the old gate to reveal the ministry of Jesus Christ as it went there.

Discussion of the Nobles and Their Actions

Now, let me look here. Cause unto them, Shulam. Okay, so verse five says, next to them, the Tekoites repaired. The Tekoites repaired, but their nobles. Now, this is. Again, you may think I'm stretching out there a little bit, but I want you to listen to this. The Tekoites repaired, but their nobles put not their necks to the work of their lord. Now, I believe these nobles were representative of the. Of the Pharisees, the sadducees. This was. This was. If you were going to attribute the title nobility to something during Jesus days, because what did Jesus say about these Pharisees? They stood down on the corner.

Symbolism Behind the Valley Gate

They had flowing robes. They wanted to be noticed. But when Jesus said this about the Pharisees, he said, they will not lift a finger to lift one of these weights. They. They gave a lot of rules, but they didn't do anything to lift the weight off of these people. I believe this is representative of the Pharisees and the New Testaments. Now, Tekois, the name Tekoa means this sudden thrust or trumpet. Sudden thrust or trumpet. And it was the final thing that was taking place on the old wall. As they came up to the old gate, there was a sudden thrust.

Rebirth into a New Era

Again, I don't believe this is. I don't believe this is accidental. I believe this. This sudden thrust was where Jesus died. And were thrust into this new age, this new place of grace of God, the final sacrifice. They didn't have to go back and do anything to take another sheep to sacrifice. This was thrusting us, the church, into the church age here. And then it's, moreover, is the old gate. So we're in the third gate right now. And this is the gate that really sums up the three steps, or Jesus Christ and the ministry and the church here.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

So verse six says, moreover, J. Odi, the son of Pasha and Meshulam, the son of Besodii, repaired the old gate. If you're reading maybe another translation, I have the name Jeshana in there, and it says that they laid the beams and hung its doors with its bolts and bars. All right, so what is. What happened at this old gate? Let's look. Maybe historically, just for a moment, they think this may be the location where the elders would gather and discuss the issues and make judgmental judgments on disputes. It's important because that has a spiritual application.

Worship of the Dragon and the Beast

And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast. And they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast and is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies. And power was given unto him to continue 42 months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven. Amen.

Discussion of the Temple and the Man of Sin

I think that answers the question, brother Daniel. Yeah. So remember. Remember that temple was destroyed, was done away with, and that the nation was scattered in 70 AD. There's never been a temple since then. Right. So I think we're talking about an actual man who's going to be called the man of sin, the wicked, who's going to be in the. The holy city at some point, sitting in a temple, blaspheming God, and for a period of 42 months, just like the scripture says. Amen.

The Third Temple and the Situation in Israel

That's what I. Thank you very much. You know, I mean, so obviously the third temple will arise, and it says it will arise during very difficult times and which Israel actually is in. We must pray for Israel. I don't know what's going to happen with the Iran war. I have a very bad feeling about it. For the Israelites, you know, we got to pray. Thank you. Amen. And God bless you, brother Daniel. It's a good question you bring up. It's a good question Daniel brings up, because I know that there's a lot of we, you know, God wants us not to be in the dark on these things and. Robin, would you read Romans eleven real quick?

Reading from Romans Eleven

Can you. We go to Romans eleven together, guys. And Romans eleven, if you. If you will, sister, please. Thank you very much. If you could just read verses 25 to 29, that'll be excellent. Romans 1125 to 29. Praise the Lord, the almighty God. Romans, chapter eleven, verse 25. For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise to your own conceits. That blindness is part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved. And it is written that shall come out of sion the deliverer. And shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. For this is my covenant unto them. When I shall take away their sins.

Continued Reading and Reflection

Continue. Yep. To verse 29, please. Thank you. Okay. For this is my. Okay. As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes. But as touching the election, they are beloved for the father's sakes. For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Amen. Amen. God bless everybody in the room. We're going to be having fellowship today and praying for one another. This prayer request is praise reports. God's doing a lot of things. I'm going to play a song, if that's okay. And just want to welcome everybody again to the space brother Brett brought.

Acknowledging Talented Teachers

Brother Brett Brown is a very talented teacher. He's very granular in detail, if you've noticed. So it's very different. You know, some of us, we all have different gifts and talents and abilities. And what I. This is what I love about the bodies. When we come together, we all discover that. And we need. We need brothers like that. I'll be quite honest. A weakness of mine is getting very granular in detail. I think I have some kind of add or something with that. But I could hear when I hear with the ear. It inspires me and motivates me. And I learned something today. That cheap gate is going to stick with me.

Personal Reflections and Song Introduction

I could have read Nehemiah a thousand times and probably never stopped at that until somebody taught that to me. This next song is going to be trust in Jesus by third day. I hope you guys enjoy it. And come on up, say hello. Right, Robin? And let's enjoy today. Today's the day the Lord has made. Daniel, we'll get to you 1 second, my brother and I hope you guys could hear this. Okay? Let me know if it's all right. Trust in Jesus, everybody.

Reflection on the Journey of Faith

One of these days we all stand in judgment for every single word that we have spoken. Stand before the Lord, my great deliverer. My strong defender. The son of goddess. Trust him, Jesus. Bless every beaver, my lord, forever the holy one. The holy one. What are you gonna do? When your time has come and your life is done and there's nothing you can stand on? What will you have to say? My great deliverer, my strong defender, the father. I trust him, Jesus. Bless every demonization. How great you are, Lord.

Thankfulness and Celebration

Thank you, God. Thank you, Lord. Amen. That was third day, by the way. Third day. Trust in Jesus. Wow. The next song I queued up. I'm not going to play it now. Is amazing. We'll play that in a second. We got to keep our brothers and sisters in prayer. Sister Wendy, I don't know if she's in the house right now, but she's going through a lot. Guys, let's pray for Wendy. Flash, just let me know that she's in a lot of pain. Father, she just broke her foot. She's not able to walk, even with the crutches they gave her.

Prayer Requests and Community Support

It's been a week now. So, Lord, we just come together, and we just pray that you would quicken the healing process for Wendy and mend the bones that need mending. O Lord, bring those broken bones into place piece by piece. Oh, Lord. God, we thank you, Lord. We thank you for Jesus. We thank you for the blood by which we are healed. We thank you, Lord. And let Wendy know, Lord, by your spirit, that we are praying for her and giving her the encouragement that she needs here today. And let her come in if she can.

Continuing the Cycle of Prayer and Faith

Lord, just. We also pray that she would overcome or persevere through this pain, that you would send a comforter there for her at the very moment now that we pray. Amen. Thank you, father. Amen. Daniel. Brother Sean, thank you very much. I just don't want to take too much of your precious time as well. And the others on the space. The one thing I just wanted to share with you was something very, extremely significant.

The Struggles and Challenges of Israel

As Israel goes through its troubles, I do know that they will stand alone in the days to come. I do not know, really where America and what the status of America is going to be. And I hear voices which tell me, which I seriously trust, because these people are extremely close to the Lord, and they tell me that Russia would be in all that kind of stuff, you know? I mean, so we need to really pray for America. We must stand in the gap for this nation, because the Lord is a relenting God, and he can save America.

Prayer Requests

Can I just do a couple more prayers? That's okay, guys. I just want to do some prayers because I want to get these out because they're really important. Just a few. Lord, we ask for prayers for Sister Ann Barbara. Lord, we ask for prayers that you. That her brother Tim, who is in the hospital, Lord, that you extend your healing right hand to him. He recently had another heart attack, Lord, and we just ask that you relieve him, lord, of any chest pains and back pains and clear all his air passages, Lord, we ask you to restore him back to health. And also, Lord, that his results from his recent lung cancer testing, that they come out negative. Lord, we pray this. Lord, we pray for JJ, Rev. And his new relationship, Lord, and we ask you just to guide him in this new relationship that he had found and you had found him a godly partner, Lord, and we just ask that you flourish this new relationship as it grows stronger and into possible marriage. Lord, we pray this.

Prayers for Sister Angie and Friends

Lord, we ask for prayers for our sister Angie against all spiritual warfare that's come upon her recently, Lord. And we ask that you just restore her faith and hope right now. And as well as her friend Cathy, who's suffering from rectal cancer that's spreading throughout her body, Lord, we just ask you to take that cancer away, Lord, we also ask that you bring them together so that they could fellowship between each other and build each other up and share the word of God every day, if they can, in their devotionals and sing worship songs together. We thank you, Lord. Lord, we ask for prayers for Jenny in Christ. We ask that you get rid of all of her cancer in her body, Lord, as well as her family members and any friends, and remove all ailments, lord, cancers, infectious diseases or anything that are in the brother and sisters bodies.

Healing and Support for Various Individuals

And we also. This is very important. This is important. We have to clear any possible obstruction in Sister Jenny's airways, Lord, and ward off any bronchitis or pneumonia sickness. We thank you. Lord, we pray for Brother Herschel. Lord, we pray. We're praying that you go to this brother right now, Lord. He is taking care of his stage four cancer father, his elderly mother, his two adult sons, as well as his wife. At home, Lord. And we pray that you give him just patience, Lord. He needs patience and understanding. He also needs strength, Lord. Cause he also does other things to support that household, Lord. And we also pray that you give him patience between him and his wife during this strained moment in time.

Strength and Healing for Brother Hal and His Family

Lord, we thank you. Lord. We pray for our brother Hal. Brother Hal is our dear brother. We just pray for. We're asking for prayers that you come to this brother's side every day and you give him. You fill his heart with hope and just the love as he goes forward with whatever he's embarking on. Lord, we pray that you keep his family and Syria in prayers as well. And we ask that you can use brother Hal, as you know, let them look upon their brother and their son Hal as a source of getting them to become believers, Lord, in Jesus Christ. And we pray this. We thank you, Lord, also for the word of baptism that you got for him.

Prayer for Ex-Muslim Family and Support for Sister Mitch

Lord, we pray for ex Muslim and his family, Lord. Who is hiding out in Pakistan, Lord, please. We pray that you. You protect this family from any spiritual or just spiritual attacks that they're having from other Muslims, Lord. And we ask that you give them some. Some means of funding so that they could take their family, Lord. Safely over the borders into Europe so they can escape any of this violence and oppression that they face. Lord. And we thank you for hearing this prayer. Lord, we love you. We pray for Brother Derek, our brother Derek, who is on his last stages of his last few facial and nasal procedures. Lord, just go to this brother's side and just keep him strong, Lord.

Support for Sister Mitch and Others

Okay. This brother strong, that he does not fall into any depression or anxiety. It could be hard, Lord. And we know this, but we pray that you give him strength and we ask for a full recovery, Lord. He is a faithful man and we just ask that after these procedures, that you heal him and bring him to full restoration and healing. We thank you, Lord. We pray for Sister Mitch in Mexico, Lord. We're asking for prayers for her to find a christian fellowship church or any kind of church or even a group that she can join in Mexico, Lord. We also ask for you to give her patience with her mother at this time, Lord. Because of her belief and because she's a believer now, Lord, she is just facing some misunderstandings with her mother.

Prayers for Sister Susie, Sister Burnett, and Sister Kenny

So we just ask you to please remove any judgment between the two of them and we pray this. Lord. We pray for our sister Susie, our dear sister Susie. We have not seen her recently, but we pray. We continue to pray for Sister Susie. Lord, we are praying that you give this sister. Just take away any regrets or sorrow that she has from her past experiences of losing her parents, both of her parents. Lord, this is not easy. And we pray that you relieve any loneliness and any regrets or, you know, unforgiveness that she may have. And please remove any strife or conflict that she may have between brothers and sisters, any contentions, Lord. And we pray that you just fill her heart and soften that heart, Lord.

Support for Sister Burnett and Sister Fatula

Whether it be true or untrue, Lord, we just pray that you restore her to peace and happiness. Thank you, Lord. We pray for Sister Burnett. We pray that you relieve her of any feelings of despair, depression, crisis that she thinks she's having right now, Lord, because she doesn't need to feel this way, Lord. And if she would come to fellowship with us, hopefully she's here. I'm not sure, but, Lord, we ask that, we pray that she comes to receive the word of God every day and that she fellowships with her brothers and sisters so that she knows that she has support, Lord. And we pray this. Thank you, Lord. We pray for Sister Fatula.

Prayers for Brother Tommy and Other Needs

Lord. Please give her the sense to go to bed. She's suffering from insomnia, Lord, and she needs rest and restoration. She needs to be able to wake up to a new day with the zest that she has, but she cannot stay up all night, Lord. And we pray that you restore her patience with her mother. Thank you, Lord. Lord, we pray for our brother Tommy, Lord. Lord, we pray that you go to our brother's side now and you give him the courage to find where he's going to go, Lord, in his next walks and what he needs to do, Lord. He's asking for prayers, Lord, to be the vessel as he wants to serve you, Lord, full time.

Christian Unity and Prayer for Courage

He wants to spread the word of Jesus Christ and that he has a calling, Lord. And we ask for your guidance to give him guidance so that he can speak to other missionaries and Baptist churches that are close to his heart. And we ask you to please let this come to fruition. We thank you, Lord. We pray for my sister Nikki, Lord. I, I am praying, Lord, that you use me, Lord, as a vessel as well to get my sister to become a believer. I'm going to work on this one family member at a time, Lord. But I ask for right now, since you gave me that miracle of our reconciliation, that she is open to hearing what I have to say. And I think she is, Lord.

Prayers and Reflections

And I thank you for allowing her to be patient without judgment. Thank you, Lord. And we pray for sister well, we pray for Miss Kathy Cameron's Aba therapist, Lord. And I pray, I ask for prayers, Lord, that you pray over her father as he is bedridden right now with paralysis in his legs and still bedridden, Lord. And we wait upon these prayers because he needs to stand up and use those legs, Lord, or the walker. And please remove any stubbornness that he may have from people trying to help him, Lord. And we pray for our therapist, Miss Kathy. Lord, just give her some strength, Lord, because we love her. She's part of our family now, Lord.

Support and Guidance for All

She helps Cameron in every way. She's amazing. So please give her strength. She's tired every day, Lord. She has two jobs. It supports her family and how, and she takes care of her father, Lord. So I'm just asking that you give her strength. Thank you, Lord, for hearing those prayers and thank you for the great work you do through her to help my son. Thank you. I'm sorry, you guys. Okay. Lord, we pray for, okay. Lord we pray for Brother Sean's two beautiful daughters, Sophia and Isabel. Lord, may you give them courage and confidence as these are young girls, Lord.

Encouragement and Prayer for Young Girls

And please get rid of any insecurities that they may face of any challenges that they have as young students and children, Lord. We pray that you fill them with confidence and to speaking with their father, Lord. And we pray that you connect the two and draw them closer and understand the word of God and draw them closer to Jesus Christ. And we thank you, Lord. For hearing these prayers. Brother Sean, that's it for my prayers. So we ask you. Thank you, Father. We ask, we thank you, Lord, for hearing these prayers. In agreement. In Jesus name we pray this. Amen.

A Shared Spiritual Experience

Amen. Thank you for that and sorry for the length. Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry. Ever, ever be sorry for praying for. Praying for other people. There's nowhere in the word. We're supposed to pray for each other. So don't worry about it. Amen. For the sake of the space, though, I'm going to break up mine and we're going to go to Christopher and everybody else that would like to come up. Let's praise the Lord. Christopher, how are you today? Yeah, I'm all good. Praise Lord Jesus Christ.

Reflections on Community and Current Events

Amen. How are you, brother? You okay? Amen. Yeah, just like listening to Robin's speech, then listen to you guys, like, for a lot of the night. And, and I will just say this prayers, please. Lord Jesus Christ, bless brother Anthony because he sent me so many positive things through that I'm going to go through this weekend. But what I was going to suggest is I live in the UK, obviously, and the Muslim community is sort of taking over my town at the minute.

Description of a Challenging Environment

And what I was going to show you guys is I know how, you know, you've got your own problems and with all this stuff that's going on in America, but I'm actually going to go on a walkabout tomorrow, daytime, I think, and just show you how bad the UK has become, especially with the Islamic community. And I need to, I need you to see and I will take photos and videos to show you how bad the situation has become in the UK. I'm sure you guys have heard of it, but you will not understand until I literally take a video and photos of this in the daytime.

A Call to Awareness

Like, that's, that's a given. Like, for me, Sean, Anthony, Robin, please trust me on this. You guys are going through your own stuff, but you do not understand what we are going through in the UK right now. It's terrible. Absolutely terrible. And I am going to go through the day tomorrow and I will send these things to Sean and Anthony so you can see, you guys can share between yourselves just so you can see and believe. You will not believe how ridiculous this country has become.

Reflections on Discomfort and Action

It's so disgusting. He saw, I can't leave my house. I just can't leave my house in the daytime with walking through the streets and walk through the town center, it's just completely. Whatever. But you will understand tomorrow. I promise you, Sean. I promise, Anthony, when I see these pictures and these fours and you can trade between you amongst yourselves, but like, I promise you now, like, how bad things have become in the UK, it's so bad. And the only sort of solace I get is listening to you guys, listening to Sean, listen to Robin, listen to Anthony.

Gratitude and Reflection

God bless you, Anthony, for sending me things. But I. You need to understand it. Is that. Is that bad in Europe? Is that bad in Europe? And now I'm going to show you guys tomorrow as my friends, because you preach the gospel. I listen to you every day. But America's got different problems. But, and you're saying that you got the same problems, but you need to understand, this country has sunk so bad. So bad. It's. I will, it will shock you.

Concerns and the Need for Action

It will shock you. The videos and the pictures I will send to you tomorrow, Sean. Honestly, Brother Sean, it will shock you. And please share it. It needs to be shared. But I am going to go and do that tomorrow, which I will do every weekend. But it's so bad. It's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. I don't doubt it, Christopher. And may the Lord be with you. And thank you for coming in today.

Courage and Prayer for Difficult Times

Yeah. Brother Chris, you know, by you just speaking now, you know, the Lord is weighing on your heart now to do something. And this is very good because now you're going to be shining a light on things that we need to pray for you and your country. And by, you know, letting us know what's happening there is very good because we'll add that to our prayers and we'll put you all in prayer. You know, we sometimes get a glimpse of what's happening in Ireland, but we don't know fully the story.

Supportive Community

So we thank you. We thank God. Well, I'm half Irish, actually, so. Yeah, I'm half Irish, but I'm half English also, so. But I live in England, so. Yeah, we're gonna pray for you, for everyone there. Yeah. But, yeah, it is really bad. It's not, it's not great. And I mean, I live 20ft from a mosque, a super mosque, as you say. And, and it's just.

Reflections on the Struggles Faced

It's ridiculous. It's, it's churches, they're taking over churches that they're storming churches, they're playing. Praying for Islam in churches and there's nothing we can do about it. It's that bad, you know? Yeah, you can also do a daily prayer as well and give it to the Lord and ask for prayers in your silence in your home or just get out. And we'll do it as well in our platform as well, brother.

Continued Discussion and Support

Okay. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yes. We love you, brother. Keep safe. Yeah, I love you all too. Thank you. God bless you. God bless. All right, so let's hear the good news, guys, because, you know, if you keep looking at the world, you're gonna just get depressed and we can't beat focus on that stuff. So what shall a prophet profit a man? We get, we obviously can't be ignorant of what's going on, but we got, we have to go in faith.

Faith in Adversity

We have to go in faith, Christopher. Let us know about that. And we have to come together in the gospel. What shall it profit a man if you gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Not much. Don't profit them much. You might be debt free, financially successful. The Bible says that you're in debt to God and is written, there is none righteous. No, not one. All of sin that come short of the glory of God.

Understanding the Message of Redemption

Even those Muslims that have no idea, they got that fake God Allah and a false prophet, Muhammad, they don't know what they're doing. They just were indoctrinated that all have sinned, that come short of the glory of God. And your debt to God must be paid as by one man. Sin entered into the world and death by sin. And so death passed upon all men. For that all have sinned. The wages of sin is death.

The Gift of Salvation

So the payment that you owe, that I owe for our sin is death. And death is much more than just physical. Right? Psalm 917 says, the wicked shall be turned into hell. But we don't have to thank God because Jesus, we don't have to worry about death. We won't be participating in the second death, but we got the first resurrection. Hallelujah. But after you die, if you're not in Christ, the payment for your sin has only just begun.

Consequences Without Christ

It only just begun. You know, that's something, man. There is no rest in peace. Without Christ, you don't have any rest in life. This life without Christ, there's no peace, saith the Lord, to the wicked. So now the good thing about the gospel is that it converts the wicked and the unrighteous man into a righteous man with the righteousness of God, that is. And once you die, once you separate in God's great love.

God's Gift of Love

Thank you. That he loved us so much that he sent his son because once you die, the payment for sin has only just begun. You owe a debt now. You've offended a holy God, a thrice holy God who's sovereign and eternal and he's from everlasting to everlasting. He never dies. He never dies. The offense is something that never goes out, right? So if you offend him and you don't have any recourse to him, there's no rec.

Understanding Sin and Redemption

The recompense is eternal. You have eternal life or you're gonna be in a second death in the lake of fire. Now, friend, because God greatly loves you, he's paid your debt. Your debt is paid. Have you ever been in debt? It's not fun, is it? Have creditors calling. You can't get a loan for anything. Can't get it, can't get it. Well, you're in debt to God. You can't pay that off.

The Impossibility of Self-Redemption

You can't pay that off. If you get a thousand lifetimes, you'll never be able to pay that debt off. Your blood has got corruption in it. See, sin. Okay? So to sin nature, your blood is corruptible. Read Ezekiel. You got corruption in the blood. You need a perfect, spotless, blameless blood atonement. And you got that in Jesus. So when you're dealing with a Muslim.

The Power of Conviction

And I'm sorry, I'm really sorry to interrupt you there, but I live in like a muslim dominated town and they always say to me like, they bully me and I feel like I'm bullied in my own town. So how do I respond to a Muslim that says, I don't know. Okay, you're gonna need. All right, brother. So brother, listen, I'm gonna put you on mute because I can't speak over your open mic.

Seeking Wisdom from God

But what you're gonna need is wisdom that comes from God. So you. Okay, now we gotta be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. I would not deal with the Muslims and groups unless God makes a way forward that. So you're going to need that wisdom and we'll be praying for you. At least we know how to pray for you.

Divine Appointments

Pray for divine appointments for the individual. Start slow. You can't, you know, they need to know they don't have a sacrifice for their sins. They can't. And they try to pray it away, fast it away. Bow down to Mecca three times a day. They can't, they can't get it. So Jesus Christ paid all, paid it all its mercy and pure love for them, for us.

Understanding the Power of Christ's Blood

And God commendeth his love towards us and that while were yet sinners, Christ died for us. The fact is the Muslim doesn't believe that Jesus Christ's blood is perfect because he doesn't believe the deity of Christ. Only the Holy Spirit can convince somebody of that. But they do know. Every man knows that they are sinners deep down.

The Nature of Sin

They suppress the truth and unrighteousness. They know. They know they violated God's commandments. They know there's something not right. Everybody does. That's why they don't have any peace with one another nor with God. So we're justified by his blood. Saved from wrath through him, safe from wrath. So Jesus died on the cross, shed his blood to pay the debt of sin, right? In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.

Claiming Redemption

They got to claim the payment. We got to claim the payment. Jesus paid the debt of sin for everybody. Everybody. All right. And also, Christopher, I wouldn't say go in one on. I wouldn't go just yourself into a whole group of people. You know, you want to go two by two. You know, the Lord set them out two by two and you can.

The Importance of Shared Endeavors

I evangelize on my own because I don't really have anybody else. But I also don't live in the midst of Islam and islamic craze like you got in the UK, I'm sure. So I'm praying for God. You know, God says that he'll give wisdom to everybody that asks. If you're asking not to spend it on your lusts, if you ask rightly, he'll give it to you.

Encouragement Within the Community

We got the other Christ. What do you guys like double? You guys come in the room at the same time? All the time. The other Christopher's here. Hey, Christopher. Hey, how you doing? Like I said, I apologize for taking a minute to click in on this. Still trying to get it all figured out. But, you know, I just wanted to kind of jump in and say something real quick about, you know, when dealing with Islam is.

Importance of Understanding the Doctrine

You touched on it, brother Sean, about, you know, being as wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove or innocent as a dove. And really that means, you know, you really got to understand, you know, the doctrine that's coming at you, that false doctrine, you know, that false Christ. You know, the false Christ because the Quran is filled with, you know, references of Jesus, but they also, if you can just ask questions right back to him if you're familiar with the Quran, I own a copy.

Using the Quran to Spark Discussion

I read from it all the time so that I know exactly who it is I'm dealing with and I just start asking questions. Okay, well, you know, here's a good question for them. Does the Quran say that Jesus was the bearer of the gospel? They say yes. Say, okay, so Jesus is also a prophet. He's not a false prophet, is he? Well, of course he's not. You know, they're going to say, yeah, he's a prophet that lines up with the word.

Questioning Beliefs for Understanding

Okay, well, he's not a false prophet and he has the gospel which the Quran says is the word. Right? Okay, so in the gospel, Jesus Christ says he will be crucified, died, that he will rise again. Okay? And that right there contradicts everything else in the Quran. I mean, the Quran says that he just, it was made to look as if he was crucial crucified, but he didn't.

Contradictions within Texts

Okay? So that right there would be testifying in the Quran itself, its own hypocrisy, okay, because it's saying the gospels are true. Saying that Jesus is true, that he's not a false prophet, he is a prophet. But when Jesus prophecies, when you put the gospel, you couple it in there. This is the, this is the gospel. This is what Jesus said. So you're either saying that he is falsely prophesying right now or that he is telling the truth.

The Heart of the Gospel

Okay? So that's the question that they don't really know where to go. And then also the argument about, you know, Jesus Christ saying, well, he never said he's the son of God or whatever, this and that. Okay, well, the son of God in the Bible is the son of man. That is a biblical principle truth. Okay? So when he refers to himself as the son of man, as in Daniel the son of man, he is confirming time and time again that he is son of God.

Understanding the Biblical Context

Because the Bible itself refers to son of God as far as Adam and all of us, you know, all of us who were born not of the will of flesh nor the will of the man, but of God, being sons of God, daughters of God, we are the children of God. Okay? So the title son of man is specific throughout the Bible to being a reference to the son of God in the flesh. So that's what I felt like the Lord really stirred my heart to pipe into because it is something that I've dealt with quite a bit.

Prison Experience and Transformation

You know, there's a lot of Islamic, you know, doctrine and whatnot in prison. And I have got quite a few years under my belt there. So, you know, I really felt like, you know, I saw some tears come out, whatever about prison, be honest with you, the last eight year sentences that I had is the one that I put myself in there for. And the miracle of Christ, I mean, I'm really the walking right there.

Personal Journey of Faith

Chris, Chris, what made you change your life range when you went through prison? Like, what made you have that, like, you know, that moment where you just change your life brain? Like, that's it. If I could really get into it, you know what I'm trying to do as well as this isn't my ministry, where I'm here to preach and get out, I like to get in and jump in and out, whatever.

Sharing Experiences and Building Community

And I don't want to step on anybody's toes in here because that would be really contrary to what biblical truth is. So I'm just here to participate, listen and learn, throwing some encouragement around. But I am trying to get it set up. I've got my nonprofit organization started. I'm getting off the ground. I'm just kind of running it myself. I'm not out soliciting for funds right now or anything. I'm looking for trustworthy people I can put on my board of directors and things.

Seeking Fellowship and Support

Yeah, definitely. Just inbox me, honestly, I love you, speak really well and I appreciate you. And I've got some sort of, yeah. You'Re a good guy. You're a good guy. No worries, man. No worries. As far as been in my life, the moment that you looked in the mirror, how the f, did I become regenerate? That.

Continued Dialogue and Growth

So I'm going to click off real quick. No worries, man. I appreciate it. I love it. God bless. God bless. Sorry, gentlemen. That was, it was difficult to hear both of you at the same time, but I did get a little bit out of it. Good to see both Christopher's today and, were, you. It's interesting you both come in the room at the same time.

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