Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Gospel + Deeper Dive: Colossians 2 (Cont) hosted by ChristIsComing5. Delve into the profound teachings of Colossians 2 with a focus on victory, gratitude, and spiritual growth. The discussion emphasizes the transformative power of faith, the significance of traditions, and the concept of abiding in Christ for security and peace. Exploring the supremacy of Christ and the liberating freedom found in the Gospel message, the space offers insights into deepening one's relationship with God and experiencing spiritual fullness. Through a comprehensive study of Colossians 2, participants reflect on hope, wisdom, and personal edification, enriching their spiritual journey.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: How does victory in Christ impact believers in their daily lives?
A: Believers find strength, courage, and resilience knowing they have triumph in Christ.

Q: Why is gratitude essential in deepening one's faith?
A: Gratitude shifts perspectives, fosters contentment, and strengthens the bond with God.

Q: What does it mean to abide in Christ, and how does it relate to security?
A: Abiding in Christ implies a close, intimate relationship that offers security and peace.

Q: How can Colossians 2 guide individuals in spiritual maturity?
A: The scripture provides insights and principles for growth, maturity, and discernment.

Q: Why is the supremacy of Christ crucial in the believer's walk?
A: Recognizing Christ's preeminence safeguards against deceptive philosophies and ideologies.

Q: How does the Gospel message offer hope and transformation?
A: The Gospel brings salvation, renewal, and eternal hope to all who believe.

Q: What role do traditions play in shaping one's spiritual understanding?
A: Traditions can influence beliefs, practices, and interpretations of faith.

Q: In what ways does spiritual freedom manifest in a believer's life?
A: Spiritual freedom brings liberation from fear, guilt, and bondage to worldly constraints.

Q: Why is the concept of fullness in Christ significant in Colossians 2?
A: Fullness in Christ indicates completeness, satisfaction, and fulfillment in Him.

Q: How does a deep dive into Colossians 2 enhance personal edification?
A: Studying Colossians 2 deepens understanding, wisdom, and application of biblical truths.


Time: 00:15:47
Victory in Christ The profound impact of victory in Christ on believers' lives and faith journey.

Time: 00:25:19
Gratitude and Faith Exploring the transformative power of gratitude in strengthening faith.

Time: 00:35:55
Abiding in Christ for Security Understanding the concept of abiding in Christ for inner security and peace.

Time: 00:45:30
Supremacy of Christ Reflecting on the supremacy of Christ and its significance in spiritual growth.

Time: 00:55:14
Gospel Transformation The life-changing impact of the Gospel message on individuals.

Time: 01:05:42
Spiritual Freedom Discussing the liberating freedom found in a relationship with Christ.

Time: 01:15:28
Traditions and Faith Examining how traditions shape spiritual beliefs and practices.

Time: 01:25:10
Fullness in Christ Exploring the concept of fullness in Christ and its implications.

Time: 01:35:49
Personal Edification The importance of personal growth through deeper understanding of Scriptures.

Time: 01:45:17
Hope in Christ Embracing the message of hope and redemption through Christ.

Time: 01:55:03
Wisdom in Colossians 2 Unpacking the layers of wisdom and knowledge found in the scripture.

Key Takeaways

  • Victory in Christ is a central theme in Colossians 2, emphasizing the believer's triumph through faith.
  • Understanding the importance of spiritual growth and maturity through a deeper exploration of the scripture.
  • Gratitude as a catalyst for strengthening faith and trust in God's providence.
  • The significance of abiding in Christ to experience fullness and security.
  • Unpacking the layers of wisdom and knowledge found in Colossians 2 for personal edification.
  • Exploring the role of traditions and perspectives in shaping spiritual beliefs.
  • Embracing the freedom and liberation that comes through a relationship with Christ.
  • Renewed focus on the supremacy of Christ and the defeat of worldly philosophies.
  • Appreciating the richness of the Gospel message and its transformative power.
  • Reflecting on the enduring message of hope and redemption through Christ.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Crypto Breakfast Club

Yo, what's going on, everybody? Welcome to another episode of the Crypto Breakfast Club, meme coin Crypto wealth. I figured, you know what? Let's. Let's have some fun with today's space. Yesterday was a little serious. We talked about the election, talked about politics, so we got to follow it up with some meme coin millionaire talk. We got to talk about generating crypto wealth through meme coins being a full degenerate. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm talking about? So fire up the chat, guys. Let's get this thing rocking and rolling. We know how many people love, love meme coins spam this everywhere in your telegram groups. Let them know they got to get in here, let every community know we're here. It is Wednesday. Getting over the hump. We've got a lot of things pumping, too. We've got, well, a lot happening within the Tron ecosystem. If you guys have been watching that. Pretty interesting stuff there going on there. Tronshorn actually moving up thanks to a little defi boom over there.

The Exciting Landscape of Meme Coins

And it's just amazing to me how big of a story meme coins have actually been when we really talk about it, I mean, really think about it, we're waiting for all coins to run where we're still waiting, and we're waiting, and we're waiting. And meme coins have been running hot now for well over a year. I mean, when was Pepe, what was that, like, April of last year? 2023? Ever since the pepe run, I mean, we have literally been in a meme coin bull run for well over a year now. I mean, it's kind of crazy. So we can't ignore where the money's flowing right now, and that's in meme coins. Gotta pay attention if you're. If. If you're still sitting there thinking, you know, I'm too good for meme coins. Well, it's. It's time to put that luggage down, because there's a lot of opportunities here, and I want to talk about them today.

Current Market Dynamics and Reactions

Want to get into it, want to see what people are looking at, see what people are buying, what trades we're making. You know, there's a lot of great entry points, I think, right now, too. So looking forward to the space, guys. We'll be here 2 hours. Usually we're live streaming this, too, but I don't know. I wanted to be on the go a little bit today, and I got too much energy to sit still, and so I'm gonna be walking around and stuff like that. But I was live this morning. I pitched it over there on YouTube and x. I was live for about an hour this morning already, so if people are coming over from that, appreciate you guys for rocking with us, but, yeah, let's fire it up. Crypto breakfast club. At it again.

In-Depth Discussion of the Meme Coin Market

Meme coin, crypto. Well, zach, what's going on, man? How's it going? Yeah, I took yesterday off a little bit, but I still kept my eyes to the charts. Yeah, watching tron, I've been really deep diving into the ecosystem and the tokens and stuff. I haven't really executed on a play, but I'll probably do that next day or so. I'm watching that, man. It's about to flip, doge. It's crazy. But, yeah, meme coins are underrated completely. And some people, I think, just want to have fun, make some money. There's no stress in meme coins, really. There's no utilities, just meme coin. So I think it's fun. You can definitely make a lot of money if you know what you're doing, but definitely research before you drop money into the stuff, see if you can find the players behind some of these tokens.

Market Sentiment and Economic Factors

But tron, I've been watching Tron like crazy, like a hawk, but still trading nero, you know, the big money stuff. That's really what I got on meme coins at the moment, just watching them, watching the money shift from Solana to Tron a little bit. So, yeah, good stuff. Crazy all around, but, yeah, I took yesterday off and just hung out with the family, so I missed his space yesterday, but I saw it was political stuff, but I'm kind of glad I missed it because political stuff could get a little crazy. Hopefully, everyone was mellow in there, but I'll have to relisten to that when I get a chance. It was, but, yeah, everything's good. It was actually really civil. It was great conversation, great feedback. I thought it was a really good space.

Community and Feedback in Meme Coins

And, I mean, you can have a lot of. Personally, I've had a lot of emotional backup from meme coin communities and directional guidance in some sort of way. So to say in what I'm doing, and I'm sure you can relate as a content creator yourself. I mean, it is, you know, getting the feedback is just so important, and that's what meme coins can do. Yeah, I mean, one of the. One of the. I mean, currently, I guess, the way we. The way we look at what's a security and what's not right is, like, the Howie test or whatever, like, should that be what we use? And probably not. I mean, I think they need to do something different for, like, the digital age, but that's. That's what they're using now. And, like, one of the criteria there. There's four criteria. One of the criteria for the Howie test, an expectation of profits.

Expectation of Profits and Meme Coins

And with meme coins, like, again, there's no ICO. Like, when you invest privately in a company or, like, even, like, a VC thing, like, tech. Like, I invest in a lot of private vc crypto companies. Like, technically, based on the Howie test, there's an expectation of profit there because I'm investing before the launch. Like, you know what? You know what I'm saying? So, like, if you go through the Howie test criteria, like, meme coins actually check out. Like, it's. It's kind of, you know, it's kind of interesting. Let's go around here. Cats of. What is a cats of crypto token cats? A kid? Yeah. What's going on, man? Finally. Nice to talk to you. Actually, it's. It's been. I'm short on time.

The Changing Landscape of Meme Coins

Where you guys run out of time. It's, you know, things happen. Right. And that how we test, as far as that's concerned, that is completely. It is outdated. It does, it doesn't. It just doesn't do any justice for anything in crypto, for that matter. That's. That's kind of obvious, and I'm sure you guys have plugged that away in the past, without a doubt. I mean, for us, it's not even just a meme token. And I'll say this like I told you in my message, we. Our utility is we donate to organizations for veterans and St. Jude's from cancer. So it's. It's not. How does that apply to somebody like us? Right? Yeah, we're new, but, you know, that's besides the point.

Challenges Faced by New Meme Coin Projects

None of that holly stuff is going to apply at all to something like that. How are they going to twist that in there? I mean, do you expect us to go out, you know, register as a nonprofit? You know, we don't make any money. We just don't. You know, in the last few weeks, we've given more away than we could possibly ever make. And the highest we've ever been in a market cap was a quarter of a million dollars. So how can they justify any of that? I mean, how. I just don't understand where they're coming from whatsoever. I mean, but, yeah, I'll let you guys have it because this is always a great, interesting conversation, to be honest with you.

Perspectives on Meme Coin Regulation

No, 100%, it's. It's definitely going to be fascinating. Go ahead, Zach. Yeah, no, I was going to say, literally, to me, everything is a meme coin from now on until you have an ETF attached to it. That is that stamp right now. And unfortunately, yeah, there's utility projects and all that stuff, but no one really gives a shit, honestly, unless you have an ETF now, like, going towards more the political and, you know, the SEc side of things, they want to capitalize on that stuff. That's where they make money. But, you know, there's an ask for every. See, meme coins are fun. They're a great place to make money, but you can get wrecked.

Investing Strategies and Market Trends

It's literally a gamble. And if you move it to something more stable, you'll do very well in the long run. You know, if you want longevity in crypto, if you're in here for a thousand x and then leave, yeah, that's different. But every token, every sector of this industry has a place in it. And unfortunately, it's going to be hard for them to regulate things. But meme coins are. They're just fun. They're fun. Really? I mean, you don't really have to think too much into it. That's it. You're shitcoin. So what? Who cares? You make money, you move on to something more stable. You know what I mean? So that's my whole take on it in a nutshell, really.

ETFs and the Future of Meme Coins

Like, and now that the ETF's, you know, are pretty much in place, I'm funneling my money towards those two projects at the moment. And until there's like, if they give up a meme coin ETF, then, yeah, they'll be, you know, that would be more stable. I think it would do very well. I think they should pull a couple of the top memes together and do like a less risky ETF, but there'll be a place for it. You can't deny the money that's coming into meme coins and the newbies coming into it. You know, they're going right to these exchanges where they see shib doge, stuff like that. They don't know any different.

Long-Term Viability of Meme Coins

So they're always going to be the top ones. It's going to be hard to compete with them. There'll be occasionally ones that come up, you know, and compete with them, but nothing will really beat them there. They were the first, and they will be the top. And it's going to be hard for all of us to compete with them. But meme coins is a place for everything. That's my whole point. That's a good point. I mean, you know, outside of bitcoin Ethereum, which have full clarity here in the US, the only other thing you can really argue is XRP. I mean, simply because they've been in a lawsuit for four years, and they've notched like, two, three, four wins here, you know, dating back to July of last year, and it's still not completely out of the woods.

Legal Precedents and Future of Cryptocurrency

But my big question is, what are you going to do with everything else? Like, okay, you've set a precedent for bitcoin, Ethereum. What are you gonna. You're gonna, you're gonna take Solana, Cardano, avalanche, you're gonna take them all through four year lawsuits, and we won't have clarity until, like, you know, year 3000. Like, what are we gonna do here? You know what I mean? What the fuck are we doing? Yeah, Zach, whenever you make a joke, that shit's bad funny to me. For some reason, other people joke. I'm just like, okay, but when you say something funny, I'm dying.

Navigating the Landscape of Cryptocurrency Regulation

I just need a precedent. You know what I mean? Like, what are we gonna do? About that. Like, okay, so aetherium is fine, but everything else that runs on top of Ethereum isn't double standard. Yes, double standard for sure. Yeah, I mean, go ahead. Let's see here. Can do. Pre rich, dad. Go ahead. That's funny. Pre rich. We're all pre rich. What? Pretty rich. That's what we are. Yo, bro, change your name. The pre rich. Fucking. Let's go, let's go. Well, to be honest, I think we are at the point we have two different things going on.

The Dual Nature of Meme Coins

On one side we have meme coins that are getting bigger and might at some point get institutionalized. On the other hand, there is a large portion of meme coins created every day that's basically just shit and is only there to rug people paying influencers to get it up and then pull it out. And I was in a space a few days ago, I can't remember which one it was, but it was a developer there talking about his 6th or 7th meme coin he launched and I was thinking, why would you even want to launch six or seven? Just launch one and stay with it and make sure that happens and works.

The Importance of Commitment in Crypto Projects

And he was talking about volume bots. He was talking about all kinds of bots to make it look better than it actually was. And I think if you build a good community, if you have a product you believe in, if you can add some utility to it, perhaps you don't have to launch six or seven or eight, you could just launch one. And it will work. And it will also make it a lot better for people coming into meme market because they know that there is some things you can just trust in. And I think with can do. We have a large community. I'm not here to shell our coin, but we have a large community.

Doxxing and Transparency in Crypto

We work for our bags and we have a developer who is about to dox himself, which I think is very good because it shows that he has nothing to hideous. And I think many of the developers who are afraid to dox have a lot to hide because they just don't want to be well known for what they did. I agree. I think everyone should. KYC. That's my personal opinion. I'm Kyc. I think, you know, doxxing is okay, but it's just so what, you show your face, there's no information behind that.

The Dual Standards in the Crypto Industry

But it's weird because, right, like nobody knows who created bitcoin, nobody knows who created dogecoin, nobody knows who's behind Shib or Pepe. And like these are the biggest market caps in the world. It's so weird, right? So, I mean, like, one hand, I agree with you, but on the other hand, it's like, the data shows me that actually being anonymous works better. Yeah, yeah, but it's a different time, right? I don't know. I mean, like, it's kind of weird. It's a different time.

Rethinking Regulations in the Crypto Space

We are. When those coins were launched, we. We didn't have a thousand coins a day launching and now 100. That's true. That's a good point. I agree. Let's get to Andrew. Go ahead, man. There's so many hands up right now. Jesus Christ, guys. Oh, man, I love the combo. You know, I've said for probably about six months now, I feel more comfortable with my money and memes than my checking account, man.

The Stability of Meme Coins

I feel like that it's going to go up and, you know, in my opinion, Doge is like the bitcoin of memes. And it sounds kind of dumb, but, like, I really don't think those going anywhere and, you know, bitcoin bounces back. I always think Doge is going to bounce back. So, like, I. I'm with it being the bitcoin amems. Quick fact check those act. We do know the founder of Doge. You know, he's been out for a while.

The Role of Founders in Meme Coin Success

But, you know, I do think we are in a different time now, though, where people do want to know who the founder is, especially at this MFR is holding so much supply, right. And for a meme coin to be successful, I think the founders do, or the team does have to hold a nice chunk of supply to do things. And that kind of goes back to the Howie test, man. You know, kind of what they're signaling is like, yeah, right now, all the meme coins are good. You know, there's no expectation of profit.

Community over Profit in Meme Coins

It's generally about community. We're just here to have a good time and vibe. And I, you know, if there happens to be a value attached to this community via the xy curve of liquidity, cool. You know, that's what we're all hoping for, but there's never any promises. But where I think we're going to see them go is like, it's not a date. Like someone was saying, so, like, they're going to redefine this. So, like, I think they're truly going to crack down and be like, yeah, you guys can have your meme coins, but they got to be decentralized.

Ensuring Transparency in Meme Coins

So the founder can only hold x amount percent, you know, if anybody holds, you know, more than I amount percent. They have to be docs because we have to make sure they can't tank it and kill everybody's money. But we're in a great time to position ourselves in some of these plays that aren't going anywhere. And like, I think you're right, man. I think we are going to see a meme ETF at some point in time. Maybe not even this cycle, maybe not even next cycle, but, like, doge is going to be in it.

Future Perspectives on Meme Coins

And like, I didn't even plan over here talking about Doge like that, but it's just hitting my mind and I'm talking. So I think you're on to something good, man. I love the combo. I appreciate you. Let me join. Hundred percent, bro. Thanks for popping in. Let's get up to mag. Actually, let's get up to bar Koshi real quick. Barkoshi, go ahead. Yeah, I wanted to take it back to some. Either you or the other.

Understanding Market Manipulation

Zach said, I don't remember which. Can you guys heard? Yeah, I can. Loud and clear. I can't hear. I'll take a lap. Step down. Come back up. He's gonna take a lap. Cool. Corrupt. Fun. You got something? I was gonna go back to kind of what, you know, cat, or I believe it was cat. I was saying, you know, that someone launched multiple projects and not sticking to one. And, you know, talking about bots, I think what a lot of people need to understand in this island is that a lot of these projects that you see go over that 200 5500k market cap have a volume bot.

The Reality of Market Volatility

They have backends pushing them. They have so many things working on that chart to make sure that it looks appealing, that makes sure that coin sends organically. You're very, very lucky if you get past 150k market cap, if that. And even then, it's just the odds are so small. I mean, there's a reason that only so many people have made so much money off of pump funds. Like, I think it's like 3% of people that have used it made like a $1,000 if that. It's like you really have to know what you're doing.

Understanding the Landscape of Trading

You really have to have a team that has supply control, that has the ability to pump the chart and play and paint it in a way that needs to be done, and give that ability of appeal that, isn't really there. It's like, I know Zach said it earlier, you know, there's a. Where the market hasn't really moved since ETF's the market's been kind of chilling, yet meme coins are going, and I don't. Why do you think that is? It's because a lot of fake volume and liquidity is being put there.

The Reality Behind Market Success

Until you can get a team in place that is a strong community that has enough volume on its own to trade it and maintain it. Until then, you're all running volume bots. And even after that, majority of them are bought it out. And anybody who wants to say that they're not paying or not getting these services and sending their coins way past millions, they're kind of full of shit. So just be careful and watch out for that. I second that big time. And that's why they need influencers and stuff.

Observing Trends in Cryptocurrency

You can watch, you can kind of see who's behind some of these big projects. There's a whole team. There's a bunch of teams. They link up, they send this shit, they make money, move on. It is, you know, unfortunately for the small guy, it's gonna be very hard to hit those market caps without that. You know, here's another one. Look at, like, Niro or something. You know, you see all these big influencers promoting it and, you know, you need money to do that.

Challenges for New Projects in the Meme Coin Space

You need money to hit those levels. Like, unfortunately, hitting those doge and shib levels are kind of long gone unless you have huge community. All you need is community and money liquidity. That's it. You know what I mean? But unfortunately, you can't hit those levels without those big influencers attached to it. Now, it's just the market is so saturated. So if you can find that and get in early, you can make money.

Strategies for Successful Investing

It's very risky, but just watch your feed, watch what people are talking about, and you could probably get it. You may not get it really early, but you'll get into, you can 510 extra money at least, easy. And even then, like, unless you're in a lot of them, like I said, good luck. Even influencers are having a hard time sending a coin past market cap anymore. I mean, you see them just pvping each other until it drops back down to four to seven k market cap.

Understanding the Dynamics of Meme Coin Investments

So honestly, unless you get in early on a lot of these plays, you're kind of just not. You're not gonna see the x's you want unless the community and the team is driven and you see a future there. Look at it as a business and not just a quick multiplier. Man, I love meme coins. This is great stuff. Great conversation so far. Let's go down to Barcosi again here. We got to back up. Just a little mic check.

Meme Coin Discussions and Community Engagement

Can everybody hear me? I still can't hear. Loud and clear. Loud and clear. Yeah, we got you. All right, just go ahead, Barkoshi. And then somebody else can fill me in. Oh, no. Okay, go ahead. And then we'll fill in Zach, because he can't hear you. Okay. Can. So I forget which Zach was talking about it, but I'm gonna go back to that, to the Howie test, if you guys think about it.

Challenges in Establishing Effective Regulations

In web two, when the Internet was first outd, we had the same problem. We had people in their sixties making laws and regulations about things they didn't understand. And it took time before, you know, Congress and everybody caught up with it. So, yes, this test is outdated. The SEC is far behind. They gotta catch up with the times, understand this new technology, because it's not just us out here putting money into meme coins and all that.

The Need for Understanding and Adaptation

There is serious technology here. Besides us being dgns and playing the meme coin roulette, a lot of companies are going to have private blockchains where their accountant transactions are going to be there. So they can no more be the accountant doing money laundering. Orlando, stealing from companies. You're going to have warehouses like Amazon have all their inventory on a private blockchain. So when you're scanning in the warehouse, picking to send it to a customer, it's just right there on the blockchain.

Advancements in Technology and the Future

So now you don't have to worry about employees stealing or anything like that. So there's so much more technology behind this. Let me look at the Shibarium l three. They're making an encryption l three, so your doctor can send you medical information about you through the blockchain. And it's going to guarantee no one else can get this information. So now we're moving the bar forward, even into, like, the healthcare systems on top of that, well, I lost my train of thought of what else I wanted to add, so I'll just stop it there.

The Evolution of Blockchain Technology

There's just so much new technology coming out that even us in the space that know crypto, that's been around so long, it changes so fast that even we have a hard time keeping up with it. And that's why there's so many spaces like the crypto breakfast club, where we're in here talking. So we're all sharing our knowledge and learning more. And if we're still not 100% on it, you can tell the people that are making the laws are really far behind.

The SEC and Its Future Role

So it will take some time, but they will catch up and change these tests. Yo, Zach, why did you just laugh? Well, no, I was laughing because, you know, hospitals been using blockchain technology for a long time. My aunt was a nurse for, like, 50 years. And, I mean, obviously that's how they, you know, communicate patient information and stuff. So it's been around. It's just now coming mainstream.

The Broad Application of Blockchain

But, you know, I was not laughing at Bartley Toshio is just. I don't know why I was laughing. I laugh at everything. That's what I do. So if you don't got a sense of humor, get away from me. I mean, in order for things to get really good, you have to go through bad times, too. You have to see there's gonna be shit with everything. No matter what it is in life. Bad shit comes, you know, out of things, and then really good stuff comes.

The Ups and Downs of the Crypto Market

And, you know, we're all early to this. There's going to be people that rug and do all kinds of crazy shit, and we'll just weed them out. You know, we're. We're in this. We can. We can find those people very easily. But, you know, meme coin, it's going to be hard to regulate that because it's not just United States based. This is worldwide. So, you know, they United States might shut down something, but then someone from the UK might.

The Global Nature of Cryptocurrency

Another Dex, you know, I mean, it's gonna be very hard to regulate it. My thought on this, and I've always thought about this, is, who gives a fuck what happens? Just tax them on the way out. Bam. That's it. Simple. You want. You want to put your money into a shit coin and 100 exit. Okay? Good luck, man. One person hit it. We're gonna hit them on the way out. Kind of like the lottery, do you mean? That's it.

Taxing the Gains in Cryptocurrency

That's the way I look at it. Just treat it like the lottery system. That one person hits that mega millions, boom. We're gonna get you on taxes, but the rest of the fucking people are gonna lose. And unfortunately, that's how this space is, too. Most of you guys will not win, unfortunately. It is what it is. But there'll be one person, and that's what they'll talk about on the news and make us all look bad. So it is, you know, that's meme coins for you right there in a nutshell.

Final Thoughts on Meme Coins

You're. But you're allowed to go put your money in a box with all these shiny lights and, you know, run your life down the drain or, you know, scratch until you can't scratch anymore on a scratch off. Zach, why do you sound so bitter right now? No, I mean, it's just, I mean, it is kind of crazy. Like the double standard. I don't know. It's just stupid. Until they got the ETF with meme coins. Then you'll see it pump once they get their hand in the cookie jarved.

Initial Frustrations

Yeah, this is. This is really fucking. So you can hear that? Are you actually. These are you. These spaces? Are you on? What? No, I'm off. No, I'm off. It's just. Are you on VPN? Zach? This is actually a pain in the ass, really. I mean, it's every fucking day. The winning lottery numbers for today. John. Sorry, man. Can you round trip come back up? Yep, I got you on. I was just about to say the winning lottery numbers, but hold on. It's such a cool tool, but, like, why is it so. The winning lottery numbers. Wait, don't let them leave now. My crystal ball. Who was that? Zach. Zach. Zack, we can hear you, bro. I know no one told you to speak.

Connection Issues

Oh, actually, you know what? Hold on, let me. All right, let's. I can hear him. Wait, Zach, can you hear John? Because. John, let me pop back. How about this? I'll round trip it. I'll be right back. Okay? He's going to round trip, Zach. Bullshit. Mandy, does this happen to all the other spaces? I mean, does this happen everywhere? It doesn't. There's. There's no wonder that people are out of breath with all this round tripping. It's crazy. All right, we're trying to bring John back up here. Let's see. All right, John, let's see. He's connecting here. Let's see if that works. John, go ahead, man. When you're ready.

Project Discussions

Gotcha. Yes. I'm in hell. Yeah. So. So. Yeah, Zach, it's been a couple weeks since. Since you may have heard from me, my PFP has changed. I'm back to my normal Casper mining self on x. So yeah, my flagship project was a highly memeable, highly sought after, extremely organized project by the name of landlord that you may have remembered me by, that we sent this flipping project from six hundred k to twenty million dollars in about three or four days just through trench work. Just networking, getting to know everybody in the group and just really feeding off of each other left and right, raiding like crazy. You know how it is in some of these spaces and telegram groups. You get all these different personalities clash and ideas mixing up and the best ideas float to the top.

Market Behavior

And typically those are when the successful projects will moon for a little while and then it's Jeet Central and you get everybody selling. And that's just how it is in the meme space. That's the name of the game. Short term plays typically, which you can't blame people and you can't blame people to behave in that fashion these days. I mean, everybody's. Everybody needs a quick buck, to be quite honest with you, with how the economy's going. And I'm one of the. I raise my hand guilty every time. When it comes to round tripping projects where I seriously need to seek counseling for not selling. I'm literally. I have a problem with being diamond hands. It's literally detrimental to my health.

Investment Challenges

I hold a project up to like thousand x sometimes and I don't sell a token because I think it's just always going to go higher. And I know that I need to come up with a game plan to just sell at certain points, something tangible, a tangible kind of milestone or a tangible pit stop, if you will. Because psychologically I just never think they're going to stop. And then they do. And the meme space is so damn volatile that it falls. And then I miss out on $30,000, $50,000. It's happened multiple times in the last month or so, two months. But I stumbled onto a project on pump fund the other day and I literally feel like I have a whole. I have a fire in my pocket just holding on to this because it's so.

Project Highlight

We're socially distancing right now. Our project is Poc ski CTO. It's a play on Ponky. So you know, the multi hundred million dollar play of ponky. This is the monkey poxed, diseased ridden ponky shark c o. Yep. You had it in here first half. I'm not gonna lie. We're fucking here, guys. I'm dead serious. Now, listen to me. You're gonna. You're gonna literally shit your pants when you hear this market, captain. This is the type of market cap that makes millionaires. We are literally. I know, I know. And it's every project. But this is another one. Yeah. I'm not gonna buy because you can't respect the room, man.

Project Promotion

If you can't respect the room, then I don't think you can respect project. What do you mean? You know that, right? There's a sign that says, you know, no shilling your shell in. And were cool with landlord is the other project. Yeah. Right, right. No. Oh, well, listen, I got my own reasons why I left landlord. I I didn't like some things that were going on as far as transactions and. And wallets, but that's neither here nor there. I respect that community. Is there a rule for no showing projects? Right now I'm confused. Yeah, we like to keep a more macro. I see, I see. Well, I get you. Unless you're. Unless you're uninvited.

Discussion of Rules

Unless you're an invited project. Right, right. Because I was part. All right, just hit us up in the DM's, bro. We'll point you. We'll steer you in the right direction then. Listen, so I was the second in command with the landlord camp, and I didn't. I wasn't aware of that arrangement. So. Cash. Cash handled all that. Right? Now I'm the community lead for this other project, so I can send you anything you want. I'll be as. I'll back up here. I'll backpedal. I didn't realize that was the process, but I'm telling you guys, this is like something I'm not. All right, I'll stop here.


I want to get up to Mutasco. He just joined us. Mutasco, good morning to you. What's happening? Give it a minute, folks. He's warming up while he's coming up. Zach Humphreys. I did respond to you and DM's. I got. Yes. I can't hear Mutasco. Is he speaking? Do I have to get down or. I got you. Okay. I can hear you. Yeah. I hope everybody's doing good. I'm going to left curb the conversation for a second. I don't know if you've had this, Zach, but yesterday, this is, it's very interesting, but I'll post some information in the comment section so anybody can go read about it. But the point I'm going to make is, you know, as we're all kind of excited about crypto and we're talking about it, there's also.

The Importance of Security and Awareness

People are just making money off other people's ignorance and. And not knowing what they're doing. And sometimes it's not even what. What, you know, you can literally be the most sophisticated person and still lose money. And this is why security is very important in this space. You cannot lose God on that. It's very critical. Again, you have to remind yourself, with all that we have going on, what do you need to check on? Right. And that's very important. Again, it's 55 million. But, you know, there are people literally losing money left and right. Okay, so that is that. I'll post the story here. Anybody can go read it, get more detailed, learn, but don't ignore it. These are all things that will help us be more aware of what's going on. The last thing I'll say, and I should, people have their hands on, is that somebody was talking about meme coins.

Analyzing Meme Coins

And I think, Zach, you were talking about it. I've always said this. I literally have a dashboard, and I look at each. So I have my ratios. Liquidity to what? A market cap ratio. I have my float ratio. I have all kinds of ratios. Right. I just look at them, and that is what defines my former. Okay. And the reason why I'm saying this is when you look at a float for a vc back token versus a meme coin, that just run the meme coin, the float, on average. And we don't have a benchmark, industry benchmark, for what. What a reasonable float is for a token before you buy it. And the float is literally like, you know, market cap versus, you know, the diluted, the fully diluted market cap. If you divide those numbers, you get the ratio. If it's about.

Understanding Market Ratios and Their Implications

Some people have said if it's above 60%, it's. It's. It's reasonable. That means, you know, you don't have some cartel holding a chunk of the tokens, and you're hoping they don't dump on you. And so I use the float because it helps me. This is why I love the memes that. The organic memes and things that, you know, like Zaki was saying about Sheba, people are literally looking at this and they don't even understand, like, okay, what. What would make this work, right? And it's literally looking at you in the face. But people would not buy. They, like, they're not buy it. They'd rather go through the money somewhere else. Right. And the reason why I'm saying this is. And I'll post another screenshot and a resource so people can go look up, because this was done.

The Importance of Community in Meme Coins

And in, like, I think, 2018, I believe I remember the name, but I'll put it in here so everybody can go look it up. But the ratio that is critical for people to look at. I think somebody was talking about. It was the. If you. If you master the market value to realize value. This is a ratio too. Right. Market value to realize value. So that means if you're looking at doge or bitcoin or any token, you're trying to understand what that ratio is. The MV RV ratio. It is very like, it's not like a bulletproof, but it gives you a clear idea of who is in profit, what amount of holders within the token that you're buying. I am profit. And profit by how much. And that can tell you, when there's an uptrend, what portion of that hold account will sell.

Profit Taking and Investment Strategies

Okay. And this is good for, if you understand it very well. I think coin. I think it's coin glass node. They have an extensive report on this. You just look it up, understand it. It applies to every asset. I don't care if it's like bitcoin or whatever. It gives you an idea, and some people use it to guide their move into the market. I'm going to shut up. I see Andrew has his hand up. But again, this literally, like, we talk about security every day, but this is very important. Just take a note, take a break and understand. I don't want to go into details on what happened there, but if you read the story, you're interested in understanding why it actually even happened, you can maybe avoid getting, you know, fished by somebody.

The Future of Lending and Borrowing in Meme Coins

Let's go to. Let's go to Andrew first, and then we'll go to the bitcoin ape. Andrew's got his hand up. Let's go to Andrew first. Please mute your mic. We'll get to you next after that. Mustaka, this man, you had me thinking about so much stuff. I can't hear Andrew. I'll take a lap real quick. Can you guys? Yeah, we heard it's just you today. I can't hear Barkoshi if he just spoke. Barkoshi did just speak. Zach, you know, this is fun. Rest of the show and just listen. Or not even listen. Just be. All right.

Meme Coin Strategies and Market Dynamics

We'll try to go to the bitcoin ape. I think I heard him unmute. I couldn't hear you. Are you talking? Dude, this is crazy. Yeah, Jim, everyone. You're really muffled, dude. I think you're covering your mic off. Your mic. I can hear you better now. Yeah, don't cover your mic. Yeah, great. So, yes, you know, the meme coin, you know, for the meme coin, you're really, are you really low? Yeah. Do you hear me? You guys barely hear them. Oh, yeah. I was waiting for the shell to come out, but yeah, I'm going out to make the headphones. Do we better, by the way.

The Significance of Holding in Meme Investment

Yeah, we can hear you. Just stop moving. Don't move. Just hold the phone. Stop it moving. Yes, bro. You know, regarding the meme coin, frankly speaking, you know, there is only, there is a great strategy with working since while holding and have conviction about the mem coin. You know, there is very great what I'm doing. Me, I'm checking the top ten memcoin, paypay, dogecoin, boo. And you know the top meme on Congeko. And then I'm holding. I'm waiting the bull run. You know, the last time it was in 2020, 2019. You know, when nobody was thinking that dogecoin going to the moon and all the things.

Navigating Market Trends and Bull Runs

So the great strategy would be to hold folks. A lot of, you know, mem coiners are going to meme coin to Mem coin. But it's not working like that, bro. You know, they are going to Solana now. They are going to Tron. You're going to be wrecked, bros. Frankly speaking, old have conviction to your mem coin and wait the fomo. The fomo is coming during the bull run. And the fomo, you know, it's a period where it's gonna be crazy and we don't know how long it will take the. How long it will take the fomo. Maybe one month, two weeks, three months period of this fomo. But during this period, this is where the money is making.

Future Prospects for Meme Investments

This is where the generation wealth are making. You gonna be crazy. For if you hold and waiting this period of the fomo, I promise you that you can make maybe hundred to 1000 x on your portfolio. So bros have conviction and hold and of course no financial world. I gotta counter that. I don't agree with you. I like selling because not all meme coins are gonna do. Zack will fucking dump on your head. Guys. Bro, there is too much dump in this business, bro. They know how to process to get your money. That's how you make money.

Critical Analysis of Investment Strategies

You don't make money unless you sell it. Plain and simple. Now, yeah, maybe. Yeah, maybe you can trade. You know, I'm not against that. You know, you can make some trades making some money, of course. But the best, you know, I wet. When you make the best investment is when you hold have conviction of your mem coin. Only take the top ten pp Dodge Coin. Bobo, no financial advice. I thought you were just like small market cap check coins. Yes, indeed. And look, bro, and check where the mem coin are listed and if they are listed on the top, you know, top exchange, like Binance, coinbase, Kraken, etcetera, you know, mate.

Investment Opportunities and Risks

You know, bro, they're gonna make crazy money. You know why? Because it's so easy to get access to this exchange and then to buy. So no financial advisable. But it's gonna be crazy. So I hope December, January will be great, bro. I don't think you're gonna do crazy x's though. On those top ones, you're gonna do a 510 x. Good money. But to say that the top meme coins are gonna give you 100 x's, that's false reality. So I gotta counter that a little bit. Look, bro, look at. Don't just shit on this man's hopes and dreams all day.

Encouragement and Realism in Meme Investing

You know, I'm not. I'm just being realistic. I come here for the real truth, facts, and you can hate me for, but I don't care. Did you look at dutch coin, bro? Dutch coins, yes. Less than Dogecoin was less than a cents in 2019. And it was already, you know, on all the exchange. And you know how much he went? He went to $1. And I'm sure not all the memcor no meme coin. It's gonna be crazy, bro. Gonna be crazy. So now it's my strategy.

Volatility and Market Trends in Meme Coins

Of course, it all the strategy, and I respect that. But it's where how the money to do what goes up must come down. I've never been more bullish since were trading against. Hello. Raise your hand if you're gonna speak. I'm like, everyone just needs to shut up for 5 seconds because you guys are off the rails right now. Whoa. Reset in the room, guys. Crypto breakfast club. We have, like 26 minutes left, and I feel like it's about to be the longest 26 minutes of our lives.

Taking Control of Ideas and Learning

And. But just had to reset the room a little bit because I. We're going off the rails a little bit. Talking about meme coins. You know, we're talking about what's going on in the markets. We're keeping it mackerel. We're not going into specific coins right now. And we're just having a little fun today. We're having a little fun, guys. We're having a little fun. I have a hangover. We're having fun, but let's have fun. But only we got 25 minutes left. Can try and take up one more minute of just speaking. But on top of that, paid.

Final Thoughts and Learning Resources

There are probably new people in this, and I. We do want to give them real facts. Do you know what I mean? That's where I'm coming, of course. And we see Mutasco has his hand back up. Mutasco andrew. So let's go to Andrew. Go back to Mutasco. Mar, I'm surprised Mar's not on stage right now. I see him, but he's not up here. So I'm kind of disappointed. There's no planes today. The airport shut down. What happened, Andrew?

And Exploring Future Trends

What's up, dude? What's good? Yeah, Mutaska was talking earlier, man, and got me thinking, bro, when you were talking about Defi and lending and borrowing and all that good stuff, and if we're talking like macro, we got to talk about top signals. And one thing I don't think we've seen in meme coins yet that I think we're going to see eventually is where you'll be able to borrow against your meme coins. And that's bullish and bearish in my opinion, because like me and my homie clutch, I think were the dynamic duo of wreck and NFT projects when it came to lending because we borrow against don't run it up and leave somebody with the bag.

Conclusion and Investment Approaches

But it, you know, there were NFT projects where it created these inorganic run ups because everybody was just over leveraged on them. But then there's no more money left and it falls out. And that's really what killed the NFT market, I think, you know, and I'm curious what you guys think about this, but I think we're going to see that actually eventually in memes to where you'll be able to borrow against it. You lock it up in a smart contract and you know, the lender will be able to give you x amount per dollar and you can go use it. But I think that's going to cause some insane runs to where.

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