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Good News Show Tech + Market + Art News Guest: Violetta Zironi


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Good News Show Tech + Market + Art News Guest: Violetta Zironi hosted by TIMEPieces. The Good News Show featuring diverse insights on the intersection of technology, market trends, and artistic expressions within the thriving web3 Community Initiative. With a large membership base and active community councils, the space fosters innovation, inclusivity, and collaboration. Guests like Violetta Zironi bring unique perspectives on music and artistry, showcasing the evolution of creative industries in the digital era. Through platforms like Discord, participants engage in networking, discussions, and art showcases, enhancing community interactions. Stay informed on market dynamics, tech advancements, and creative trends for holistic understanding and growth in the vibrant artistic space.

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Q: How does the web3 Community Initiative benefit from a large membership base?
A: The extensive member base of 60K fosters a vibrant ecosystem of collaboration and innovation.

Q: What role do community councils play within the web3 Initiative?
A: The 30 council members drive collective decision-making, ensuring active engagement and representation.

Q: Why is diversity essential within the 158 artists’ network?
A: Diversity promotes creativity, provides varied perspectives, and enhances inclusivity within the artistic community.

Q: How does Discord contribute to the networking aspect of the community?
A: Discord serves as a central hub for discussions, networking, and showcasing art collections, fostering community interactions.

Q: What are the key market insights shared on the show?
A: The show covers trends impacting technology, market dynamics, and the artistic landscape, offering valuable insights for participants.

Q: How does the show address the intersection of technology, market trends, and artistry?
A: The discussions on the show explore the connections between tech advancements, market shifts, and creative expressions, providing a holistic view of key trends.

Q: What topics did guest Violetta Zironi bring to the discussion?
A: Violetta Zironi shared insights on music, artistry, and adapting to the digital transformations reshaping creative industries.

Q: Why are networking opportunities and community engagement crucial for the space?
A: Active networking and community engagement initiatives drive growth, collaboration, and sustainability within the ecosystem.

Q: In what ways does the space emphasize inclusivity and representation?
A: The space highlights the importance of inclusivity, diversity, and representation within the artistic and tech communities, fostering a welcoming environment for all participants.

Q: How can participants benefit from staying updated on tech, market, and art news?
A: Staying informed on the latest trends provides valuable insights for decision-making, collaboration, and creative endeavors within the evolving digital landscape.


Time: 00:15:42
Vibrant Web3 Community with 60K Members Exploring the thriving ecosystem supported by a large and active community base.

Time: 00:25:17
Community Councils Driving Engagement Insights on the role of council members in decision-making and collaborative efforts within the community.

Time: 00:35:50
Diversity in the Artists’ Network Discussion on the importance of diverse perspectives and inclusivity in the creative community.

Time: 00:45:21
Discord: Hub for Networking and Art Showcase Exploring the functionalities of Discord in promoting discussions and networking among participants.

Time: 00:55:10
Market Insights and Trend Analysis Insights shared on market trends impacting the tech, investment, and art sectors.

Time: 01:05:37
Intersecting Tech, Market, and Art In-depth discussions on the connections between technological advancements, market forces, and creative expressions.

Time: 01:15:48
Guest Speaker – Violetta Zironi Perspectives shared by Violetta Zironi on music, artistry, and navigating the digital landscape.

Time: 01:25:19
Networking and Community Engagement Emphasis on the importance of community interactions and networking activities for growth.

Time: 01:35:27
Inclusivity and Representation Highlighting the significance of inclusivity and diversity in fostering a welcoming environment for all participants.

Time: 01:45:55
Staying Informed in a Dynamic Landscape Benefits of staying updated on tech, market, and art news for informed decision-making and collaboration.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 Community Initiative thrives with 60K members, fostering collaboration and innovation.
  • Value of community councils with 30 members to drive collective decision-making and engagement.
  • Emphasis on inclusivity and diversity within the 158 artists’ network for creativity and representation.
  • Discord platform as a hub for engaging discussions, networking, and showcasing art collections.
  • Market insights shared on the show highlight trends impacting technology, investment, and art sectors.
  • Importance of staying updated with the latest news in the fast-evolving tech, market, and art landscapes.
  • Impacts of tech advancements on market dynamics and creative expressions discussed in-depth.
  • Collaborative approach towards integrating technology, market trends, and artistic vision for holistic insights.
  • Guest speaker, Violetta Zironi, shared perspectives on music, artistry, and the evolving digital landscape.
  • Networking opportunities and community engagement initiatives crucial for growth and sustainability.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

GM. GM. Good morning. Welcome, welcome. This is the good news show live here on the timepieces account. Good morning. Happy Monday to you. Wallblog. Good morning, good morning. Good morning to you as well.

Excitement for the Show

I am excited for today’s show. Welcome, missy. Oh, I’m getting a little feedback here. Hold on. We’re having some technical difficulties, folks. It’s Monday. Sounds about right. How was your weekend, Woolpluck? It was awesome. It was awesome. Let me see. I ran into some old friends who were in town who came up from Mexico, went to this underground club in Brooklyn, which was massive. Amazing. So very good. And very good tie into today’s musical guest as well. So we’re good. Yeah.

Upcoming Guests and Events

We have a really cool show coming up for you, folks. We have Violetta Zarone joining us, and we have a few other musicians I see in the crowd as well, gathering. Because I’m not going to give you the full story yet, but there was a pretty significant event that happened last week that I think is a big signal for where on chain music is heading. And we have the woman of the moment joining us. So we’re very excited about that. But we have about 20 minutes or so where we’re going to just do a quick summary of the headlines, and then, Violetta, we will invite you up to sit in the hot seat, and we’ll get the tea on what happened last week.

Community Engagement

But let’s say Gm to our usual Gm crew. Chas, good morning. Good morning. I actually can’t stay for long because I have a appointment with my doctor. In like, 45 minutes at the leave. Relaxation. Well, we hope everyone’s okay. What’s that? I said, well, we hope everything’s okay. My pre op surgery appointment for next. Month for getting my surgery done. Okay, well, we’re sending you good vibes. Thank you. It’s gonna be awesome. I’m actually excited about the surgery, so. Yeah, said nobody ever. I know, right? No, it’s the way. It’s the. It’s the bariatric surgery. So, like, next time you guys see. Me in person, I’ll be like a skinny little tiger. Nice. Yeah.

Good Mornings and Settling In

All right, well, GM. GM. Mister Rhett, good morning. Good morning. How are you today? I am pretty good. How about you, Mister Rhett? What’s going on? I’m doing great. I’m really enjoying your updates on your adventure that you’re on with Jen and Frankie. That’s so cool. It’s pretty awesome. And I’m trying to just be very present. I was hoping that when I drove across country I would vlog and kind of do little updates, but I was so unbelievably present in the moment that I didn’t do any of that. And I’m really happy about that. But I figured that it would be.

A Remote Experience

This is such an enriching experience. For those who don’t know, I’m living on a pretty remote island for a month off the Pacific Northwest, and it’s a total shift from my, like, life in New York City. So I’m trying to keep a little video journal along the way. So. Yes. Thank you, Rhett. I appreciate that. So, I’m curious, did you have trouble sleeping with the absence of noise? Absolutely not. Oh, good for you. No, the only thing that was kind of gave me pause was the roosters at 06:00 a.m. because we’re living on a farm.

Daily Life and Sounds

They will do that. Yes, the roosters, followed by Frank barking at the roosters. So. Yes. Oh, right. Yeah. Unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to stay for a long time either. I, I have. I have to travel today, and I’ve got to get myself together. Well, that’s exciting that you have some travel going. So maybe we don’t have a super long show today. Yeah. But I wanted to come in and say hello. I’m working on a television show right now, so I’ve got to go and go to another town to go do my stuff.

New Projects and Excitement

Anything you can share with us, Rhett? I wish I could. It’s the coolest project. I just dying to tell somebody, but I had to sign an NDA, and so I can’t. I. All I can say is that I’m working on a television show, and. But it’s a really cool project, and they’ve already. They haven’t even shown one episode. They’ve already picked up a second season. So it’s pretty fun. Very exciting. Well, we will wait for the alpha when those pesky lawyers say it’s okay.

A Fud Free Zone

Yeah, there you go. They’re very. They’re very secretive about this one. And so wonderful. Yeah. So. But I wanted to come by and say hello and just say hi to everyone, see everyone. And I’m just excited about always being here. Unfortunately, I can’t stay for the whole show. Well, folks, if this is your first time here, a big, warm welcome. This is the good news show. We are your destination for the latest news. Latest news on chain in digital assets.

Positive Transformations

Blockchain, crypto, and Aihdenhe essentially showcasing the positive transformations that are happening in the tech world. This is a fud free zone, so keep your fud outside. Folks, we are not here to diss or fud on anything that’s happening in the industry. You can go do that in many places as we know, which is why this space started. We want to be a beacon of optimism for all the awesome things that are happening. Do follow the timepieces account.

Community Building

If you have some folks next to you that you’ve not met yet, give them a follow too. Get to know each other. Slide into those DM’s and say hello. That’s how we make friends here. But also make sure if you feel inspired by anything that you hear here today, please do give the room a retweet, give a guest a quote, tweet and follow the speakers. Together we are creating a movement to uplift innovation and the remarkable humans that are behind that innovation.

Discussion of Recent Events

So big. Welcome to my co host, Mister Wall plug. Shall we get into, should we get into it? Sounds awesome. Look forward. Let’s do it. So we had some, a lot of things actually happening over the weekend. Notably, let’s talk about this crypto punk. You pinged me with this news this morning, or Friday, actually. I think it was 56.3 million cryptopunk sale. But nfts are dead, right? Right.

Crypto Punk Sale Details

The NFT market made headlines again as cryptopunk 1563 exchanged hands for a staggering 56.3 million. That was 24,000 ETH, setting a new record for the iconic pixelated NFT collection. Despite waning enthusiasm for nfts and the recent focus on meme coins, this massive transaction potentially signals that high value crypto art remains a niche interest. The previous all time high was 23.7 million in February of 2022. So over two and a half years ago, however, blockchain data reveals that the sale wasn’t a traditional out of pocket purchase, a flash loan facilitated transaction, with the buyer borrowing 24,000 ETH to buy the punk, only to return the amount immediately.

Discussion on Market Dynamics

While this maneuver does raise some questions about the motivations behind the trade, it does highlight the ongoing intrigue and financial creativity within the crypto arts space. Let’s talk about this. And also reminder folks, the stage is open. So if anybody wants to come up and weigh in on any of these topics, you are of course more than welcome to do so. Wall plug. 56 million. You buying a supermansion? Are you buying a crypto punk? So literally, as I read the story, that’s what went through my mind.

The Perspective of Value

So it’s interesting that you put it in that way, right? Because let’s say I have a friend, he’s got two mansions down in Gramercy, which he put together that was only 14 million. It’s literally like palace and office next door. So he doesn’t have a commute. Right. Then let’s say you’re getting like a falcon, you’re getting like a top tier jet that’s like 30. You still got leftover money. Like, it’s a massive amount of money to talk about 56 million, so to speak.

Outsider Art Perspective

And to have that kind of interest regardless of its flash loan quality. But really, to say it almost at some level, to me, felt like outsider art. Like, yes, it’s kind of weird for the industry. And yes, it would have been amazing if this were like Bezos got in here and he said, yes, why not? Or any of the other mega rich folks. But I think that it. What it really does say is potentially seen through that lens, is that this is a collection that is so seminal to crypto and NFT history that, yes, it would be a staggering amount and yes, it would be far and above what crypto punks have gone for, but it’s not.

Market Motivations

It’s just over, around double what the. What the highest one, if memory served, has gone for. So I think that it’s good to. Let’s say if data is the new oil, then attention is the new data, right? Like, anything that kind of gets people talking about it has some potential, if not a great upside. And, you know, we’re all here in this wonderful experiment getting attention every day.

Attention Economics

So I feel. Feel like it would have been amazing had it just been a straight sale that really anchored it and it would have moved, certainly markets. It would have been written about more than it even was already. But nonetheless, I think that it was within the realm of possibility. It was only the punk that it went for, which was also the amazing part. It’s a nice punk, but it wasn’t necessarily, you know, an alien or an ape or the very low numbers.

Market Trends

Like, I think there’s zero through six that probably would have that kind of cache. So, yeah, I think it’s a very. It’s good to mention. It’s good to mention that fructopones continue to have that kind of interest. But I think that there’s a tempered enthusiasm, shall we say, when people do it in this particular way. And who knows? Maybe he thought he could have pulled it off. I mean, I’ve certainly taken a loan or two in my life, but never for 56 million.

Discussion of Value Perspective

So I’ll toss it back to you or anybody else wants to come in? Yeah, I think, you know, just thinking back to the impact that these kind of colossal sales or big flashy news stories have on industries, it reminds me of what happened with the burnt banksy. Does everybody remember that? Give me an emoji if you remember the burnt Banksy story. If you’re an OG, you definitely remember.

Burnt Banksy Story

So for those who don’t know, back in 2022, somebody purchased a Banksy original work on paper from a gallery in Chelsea in New York City and then proceeded to take that piece to a Brooklyn park and take photographs of the piece before they did what they were going to do, which is in many minds a little sacrilegious, but they then set fire to that original Banksy and destroyed it. Now, I actually got to hang out with the guy who did that a little because he was doing a piece for not for time.

The Impact of Destruction

It was for. Who was it for? It was one, it was the New Yorker magazine. And he’d asked me to come along with him as kind of like in a PR capacity. And I spent the day with him and his team walking around New York City. We actually went to that gallery where he purchased the work from. And so I got to ask him a lot of questions. And it was really early in terms of where NFts were at. We hadn’t had that kind of huge boom yet.

Reflection on the Act

And I said, you know, why did you destroy it? And his answer was, I didn’t destroy it. I transferred it. Right. His whole belief was that he transferred that work and he extended the life of that work onto the blockchain. Now, when you dig a little deeper into that huge sale that ended up happening, because what ended up happening was the NFT sold for some astronomical amount. I think at the time it was several million dollars. I know that much.

Driving Interest in NFTs

But what it did was it drove interest, it drove attention. As Warplug was discussing, we live in this attention economy, and all of a sudden everybody was talking about NFTs. Now you dig a little deeper under the surface, and the person who bought that piece or the organization that bought that piece was, you know, some financial company that was looking for also that PR as well.

Coordinated Marketing Effort

So it was kind of a coordinated PR campaign for both the financial company and also this creator. So where is the line? Right. Do we accept that marketing effort from the team as an industry moment? Did it then potentially open up a huge world for creatives? I think it did. But does it then just become an inflated market that isn’t really based on anything other than the speculation of this company that wanted its moment in the sun?

Where We Stand

I don’t know. And I know that’s a very deep question at what is 815 in the morning for me, but let’s discuss. Anybody else have any thoughts? Did I just balance the rest? Well, this goes back to when art becomes currency. And, you know, that is a thing that happens at, when you get to a certain level. And, you know, and it’s very much like a lot of things when you’re talking about high value things, there is this element, whether it’s, you know, like when you get into ipos or all that kind of stuff, there is a little bit of smoke and mirror and, you know, there is, like, there is always, like, a hype, and there’s always, you know, the people that have that kind of money didn’t get that kind of money by not being savvy, you know?

Engagement in the Art Market

So, you know, there. There’s usually a lot of gears turning. It’s not just one individual doing their own little thing. You know, there’s, you know, there’s a lot of engagement in these kinds of things most often. And it is, you know, is. It’s kind of a. It’s a two edged sword. Like one. Yes, it brings a lot of excitement and drama to the art world, but is it holistically healthy? I have a problem with that answer, you know, and so I.

Health of the Art Market

But it is the way that we are. This is the. This is the world we live in. And there will always be these high value, you know, piece, these pieces that go up to really high value and they become, you know, part of the, you know, of the thing that happens with large finance. And so it’s great that, you know, art, things get into the news, you know, and we get, you know, we get a little bit of sunshine, but, you know, it’s like what we do, you know, in that sunshine, which really matters to us, you know, individually and as a whole, because that’s just a headline, you know, like, and it does give us a little bit of juice, but what we do with that juice is the most important thing for me.

Questions Around Ownership

And it also just kind of begs the question. I was just thinking as you. As you were talking there, like, does it matter who buys the piece? I know the blockchain brings this layer of transparency, and we can see not only who buys the piece, but the journey of the piece thereafter as well. Right? We can see when it exchanges hands, like, as a creator, and I ask this to everybody out there, does it matter who buys your work? Like, does it really matter?

Celebrity Influence

It matters in some levels. It’s like, I remember when Madonna bought a large Roth coat, it went straight into storage and, you know, that was like a very big, you know, a big topic for a little bit. You know, so she, you know, she bought this very expensive painting. It goes straight into professional storage and it was clearly an investment. And, you know, there’s nothing wrong with that. But what it does is, you know, we’re very celebrity driven in the western culture.

Social Influence on Art

So when a celebrity does something, it’s an endorsement and it makes other people go, oh, they did. It is probably a good idea. So they’re, you know, and, you know, when you have, when you’re an artist and you have a certain provenance that has recognizable names attached to it does invite other people to think, oh, I should probably get one of those, too. So there is that, you know, it is important to have, you know, collect, you know, collectors in that way.

Market Dynamics

And some art dealers build their entire industry on who they sell the artwork to. And so, you know, again, it’s a little bit of the, you know, the dressing of higher value pieces and also not just like what it is, but who’s collecting it. So that drives the price up and that kind of a thing. So, yeah, that’s kind of our world. Matt, did you have some thoughts on this?

Welcomes and Connections

And GM friend, good morning. First, I just want to recognize how now you see what it’s like whenever you’re, like, you’re not that chatty at 08:00 in the morning. Well, now that you’re on the west coast, you see what I’m talking about. I certainly do. And I send a hug. Well, welcome to the correct coast. Yes.

NFT and Traditional Market Insights

No, I mean, when you’re talking about that, what’s interesting is that in a traditional art market, which I didn’t know until NFTs really had never explored at all. But there is a value, right? There’s a value that increases in people like Madonna or whoever else. A lot of the world’s greatest art is sitting in storage. It’s not on someone’s wall.

Investment Art

It’s an investment piece. That’s what it is. But what’s interesting with the NFT market is that there became a lot of hype and speculation. And as much as we hated the flippers, that’s what also drove the price. Right. Hype and speculation of those things.

Market Saturation

And you’re asking, well, is it bad? Who buys those? Well, at the end of the day, what happened with all of that stuff on who buys those. When the money dried up, they all went away. So it’s not like there’s a collector base who’s looking for exclusive rare pieces. There was a massive saturation of supply and demand dried up. As simple as that.

Reflections on Market Value

We all probably bought things that are not priced at the point in which we bought them two years ago. Does it matter? Sure. As far as it matters for a sustainable long term market, I think the Banksy example, moving it to an NFT triggers an NFT market. But if you did that in the fine art world, or whatever it may be, you know, those.

Transition to NFT Market

That’s a. That’s an established market that people somewhat understand. The NFT market was a whole new thing. And does it matter at the end of the day?

Current Market Situation

Well, here we are, right? We’re at a place where there’s not much of a market right now. And it’s a tough spot. It doesn’t mean there’s not amazing art being created, but it’s definitely not the value in the transactions that we had before.

Wrap-up and Transition

Such valid points. Anybody else want to wrap this up before we move on? No. All right, let’s squeeze in one more story. Wall plug. I’ll leave it to you. Oh, okay. Yeah. If you could read the story, but I was wondering, I just noticed that Stephen was in the audience and whether he wanted to come up just to maybe add some more color to this story. If not, then we can move on. But invited them to speak.

Invitation for Stephen

Yeah. You’re more than welcome, Stephen. Come on up. Stage is open, folks. This is the good news show. Welcome. If you’re just joining us. So let’s talk about this Vitalik story. In fact, you know what? Let’s go to the HBO story really quick, actually. So in case you missed it, HBO documentary teases Satoshi Nakamoto reveal. Will it end the mystery? So, in an exciting twist for crypto enthusiasts, HBO is diving into the long-standing mystery of bitcoin’s creator with its new documentary, Money Electric.

HBO Documentary Insights

The bitcoin mystery. Directed by investigative filmmaker Colin Hoback, known for uncovering the identity of QAnon, the film promises to unveil Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous genius behind bitcoin. Despite previous failed attempts to reveal Satoshi’s identity, including misidentifications and fraudulent claims, the crypto community remains captivated. While the documentary teases new clues, true proof will come from a movement of Satoshi’s untouched bitcoin stash, something nobody has accomplished.

Discussion on Satoshi’s Identity

Regardless of the outcome, the renewed interest reminds us of the impact one individual can have on reshaping global finance, whether their identity remains hidden or finally comes to light. Let’s talk about this. How are we feeling? Do we want to know? Should we know? Does it add to the mystery of our experience here? Let’s hear your thoughts.

Insights on HBO’s Impact

So at the top, let me just name, you know, kind of just draw a parallel. This HBO show is coming up out of nowhere. Rhett’s like, yeah, I got to leave early. I’m working on. I love it. I can say I’m not in that show, but I am in another show that is kind of equally intriguing, however. Ooh, I’m excited. Congrats. But to speak to the story, I think that HBO does have some street credit in this regard. As you mentioned, they were able to do QAnon.

HBO’s Previous Successes

They were able to do also a wonderful series called the Jinx. And even though it wasn’t like a who is, well, I guess it was in some regards. There was a guy named Robert Dearth. He killed his wife, actually two wives. And then ultimately the director and producer Andrew Durecki, was able to get him on a hot mic, talking in the bathroom to himself. And that ultimately led to his conviction of the murder. So HBO has some real heat when it comes to we’ve got the goods.

Skepticism about Finding Satoshi

So I would be very surprised in this case. But I will say, in my mind, I was texting a friend to me, it’s at least 50, because they’ve definitely. Oh, and they definitely have some good credit to lean back upon. Go ahead. Go ahead, Matt. I was just gonna say, I don’t think they’ll find Satoshi. I don’t think. And if they do, I have a feeling it will be wildly disappointing.

Speculations on Satoshi’s Persona

It will either because there’s been such a myth created here that it will either be somebody that you’re like, well, that feels you lose trust in the system or be disappointed in the answer, one or the other, I think so. I hope they don’t find him. I’m sure I’ll watch it to find out what they say. And I’m sure there will be lots of intriguing possibilities, but I just can’t see them finding the right person.

Polymarket Speculations

What’s interesting to me is that this is now an active polymarket bet, and there is a front runner. It is not who kind of the original speculation was around, but what is. And we can kind of get into the polymarket story in a little while. But what’s interesting here is at what point do we accept this as a polymarket bet? If we know that there are people out there that worked on this documentary that already know who this person is or is not.

Implications of Polymarket in the Finding

So it’s going to be an interesting one to see how it plays out. But you can definitely do a quick Google search and find out who polymarket is hedging their bets on or who people are hedging their bets on. So, yeah. Anybody else have any thoughts on this? Rhett, are you in this movie? And what do you think about the story? I think it’s kind of fascinating.

Violetta’s Upcoming Participation

And I’m with Wallpug. HBO does do a really good job on their documentaries. And no, I’m not in that movie. That’s what I’m doing right now is a television show. So I. So, no, I’m not. I keep trying to say some kind of give a hint, but I can’t give any hints at all. But yeah, that’s, I think. I think that it’s going to be interesting and I’m definitely going to watch it. Amazing.

Introduction of Special Guest

All right, so we’re going to switch gears a little. We have our special guest joining us right now. In case you missed it, if you were asleep at the end of last week, there was a huge moment for music on chain. Violetta Zaroni, our special guest, she’s an Italian music artist on the blockchain and she made a monumental sale last week, on bitcoin, of one BTC, which as of right this moment is $60,000 by a letter.

Welcoming Violetta

We are so excited to have you here. A big warm welcome to the good news show. Thank you so much for the warm welcome and for having me here as a guest. I really appreciate you guys and it was great listening to the news and your thoughts on them.

Personal Reflection and Reach of Music

So before we get into it, I just want to just share a little personal moment. A couple of years ago, I think it was probably maybe early 2022 or 23, I was at NFT NYC and it was getting towards the end of the day and a friend kind of pulled me into the main room. They said, you know, just. Just check out this. There’s some musicians coming up. Just. Just hang out for a few more minutes.

Memorable Performance Encounter

And we sat on the front row and you and Emma and Raydhe and I cannot think of the other gentleman. There was a gentleman who joined. He’s a country singer. The four of you sat on that stage and had us with our jaws on the floor. You all performed just kind of acapella or I think maybe one or two of you had a guitar and the energy, the synergy, the love, and the quality of performance absolutely blew my mind.

Legacy of Community and Performance

And I have shared the video from that performance a few times. I’ve wrote about it. We’ve had Ray Eila on the show, but this is the first time that I’ve actually got to meet you, I’m saying in person in a Twitter space, and I just want to give you flowers. I know we have Emma here as well, so flowers to both of you for that moment, because it really struck me not only just the level of talent that the four of you had, but also this connection and community that seems to have been nurtured here on chain.

Special Community Connection

So, first of all, flowers. Second of all, what is it that makes this community, this web three, this on-chain kind of ecosystem that we’ve built so special for you as a musician? Yeah. Well, first of all, thank you so much for the flowers. That was a really amazing moment. I think it was 2023, and, yeah, were pretty tight back then.

Strength in Music Community

We had a. The music community was very kind of powerful in the trenches, you know what I mean? But then, of course, things, they don’t always go well. NFTs weren’t exactly the hot thing in the past year or so. So, all that said, I actually forgot your actual question. I’m sorry. I was just, like, reminiscent one. But no, I think essentially just like, what is it that.

Magic of Music and Community

What is that magic? Or what is it that you can perhaps identify that has made, or at the time made this community what it is and kind of connected you as musicians? Cause to see four solo artists perform like that was kind of unusual, right? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That’s a really good question. I mean, I think music is something that drives communities together anyway.

Music’s Unifying Force

You know, maybe more than any other form of art, honestly. Each form of art has its own superpower, but music is known to be one that brings people together a lot, right? Crowds, fan clubs, and artists collaborating on songs and making albums together and sharing the stage. So it’s a very natural behavior for us musicians to just kind of come together and perform together, you know, and.

Sharing Emotions through Music

And share, because we’re basically sharing our feelings, you know, very openly in front of an audience, and we just kind of support each other that way. I think the music community hasn’t had its glory yet, the same as, for example, the digital art in web three. And so we’re still. We know that we need to stick together if we want to get to that point where we also have a chance, because music is so, like, devalued, and it’s really in the hands of some supervillains out there, you know, in web two.

Community Resilience

So we need to stick together, you know? And I think the music, when the music community decides to raid, it raids. And I see a lot of, like, influencers trying to get engagement sometimes by just, like, posting music NFTs. Because they know that will cause the outrage of, like, a bunch of musicians coming out of the woodworks, literally, like, how dare you? Because we’re here, we’re quiet, but, like, you know, we’re very tight.

Responding to Changes

So, yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know if that answers the question. It absolutely does. And I, when I was doing my research this weekend, I watched your Instagram video and I noticed that, you know, you said kind of at the top of the video, I’m going to say this word, but I don’t want you. I want you to stick with me. It’s going to be okay. We’re going to say this dirty word out loud. NFTs.

Exploring NFT Perceptions

Why is that? What? Like, can you kind of speak a little more to that? Like, have you had, amongst your fellow musician community, have you seen a lot of, like, just pushback? Absolutely. I mean, it’s just like, in the other fields of web three musicians especially, they’re, I don’t know, we’re a special kind. We’re really no ordinary kind.

Musicians’ Dedication and Challenges

Like, kind of like I said with my song, because we love what we do so much. We don’t care what comes out of it until it literally breaks us and then we give up because we’re emotionally hurt kind of thing. So. And we really would do it at any cost, you know, like we would pay to make music most of the times. And we feel like it’s almost like an offense to us when we’re asked.

Technology Adoption Hesitancy

And I used to be that way, and that’s why I’m saying it, right, when they ask us, you have to look into new technology and things like that. We think we should only be making music most of the time. Right. Also because the music industry made us believe that very strongly. Why? Because they know how valuable music is. They want to explore it themselves.

Burden of Expectations

Anyway. So when I speak to other musicians, for example, I live in Nashville, so I’m surrounded by emerging musicians, successful musicians, independents, signed to major labels, like all kinds of musicians. And when you bring up the NFT word, it’s just kind of like they roll their eyes, you know, because, oh my God, yet another piece of the Internet that I need to learn, right? Because the industry has put this burden on us.

Challenges with Fans and Platforms

You need to make TikToks. You know, you need to do dances you need to like. And then when you say, NFT is, like yet another thing I need to learn when what I really want to do is, like, sit on my bed, under my blanket with my micro guitar and, like, sing a song. You know what I mean? So, yeah. And of course, fans as well, and regular people.

Skepticism from Audience

My following on Instagram is mostly web two. So, you know, I just wanted to, like, try and do my best to not make them scroll away when they heard NFT. Cause they would think it’s yet another scam or whatever. Sort of also due to the news, you know, news you talked about earlier, when people find out sometimes, like, you know, people are trying to push this very hard, it’s not necessarily something.

Organic Approach to Art

It’s not always organic. Right. So anyway, so let’s go back. You were signed to a major label at just 18 years old, which is a huge achievement at such a young age. But how did that experience shape you as an artist, and what really led you out of that path? Because I understand that it wasn’t the most joyful experience, shall we say?

Reflections on the Music Industry

Yeah, that’s putting it lightly. But, you know, at the end of the day, I’m grateful for it. So what happened was I did X Factor in Italy, and it went really well. I passed all the auditions, and I got all the way to the final of the show. And the label that had a partnership with the X Factor media offered me a deal separately from the show after the outcome of the show.

Cautionary Tales in the Industry

And it was borderline illegal, I think what they did, and I think that’s why I became so traumatized with the industry to the point that now, you know, I’m pushing all the way the other direction really hard the day after the X Factor final when, like, I was kind of out of it, you know, because at X Factor, you’re in this house for two months with no contact with the outside world.

Surprise Fame and Contracting

And so all of a sudden, I got out of the house after the final, and I was, like, famous, right, in Italy. And so imagine, you know, overnight kind of fame, national fame. It was very cool. And I thought, you know, oh, my God, like, now I can do this forever, etcetera.

Signing a Binding Contract

So the label took advantage of that moment, invited me to their office, you know, three men in their fifties, and me, 18 and a half years old, and I was legally, you know, an adult. So my parents didn’t need to be there. And they were like, hey, we want to offer you a record deal for, like, five albums, and I just signed it.

Uninformed Decisions

You know, I didn’t know I had to call a lawyer. I didn’t know. Like, I didn’t think I needed to call my parents or anything, so I just signed it to later find out that it was a 360 deal, meaning they’re entitled to take a percentage from everything you do, no matter what it is. Like, even if I go into a movie, they’re entitled to a cut.

Unfortunate Contract Terms

And left me with 5% ownership of my masters of my songs without any advance, which is, like the worst record deal ever, seriously. So, yeah, I learned that’s not what I wanted. You know, I learned that right away. And they kept on misbehaving on me, like, for a couple years until I just decided to walk into their office and say, you know what?

Breaking Free from Constraints

I’m out. I think we can agree that we don’t see things in the same way. Just let me go. And thankfully, they let me go. So, yeah, I was pretty lucky on that.

Introduction to Digital Assets

So I read that it was your mom who actually pointed you or alerted you to digital assets and NFTs. But what was the turning point that really made you seriously consider releasing your music as digital assets? And how has that kind of shift impacted your relationship with those that support you and your work, your friends?

The Origin of Inspiration

Yeah, it was actually, it was my mom who pointed me towards NFTs and the blockchain, because this was 2021. At the end of the year, in December, I’d come home for the holidays, and I was at a point where Covid was still happening. We were still in semi-lockdown in Europe, where I was still living, and I’d realized that I couldn’t go out and perform anymore.

Challenges During Covid

And so my main source of income, the small income I had, you know, it wasn’t there anymore because, like, a lot of us were affected. Right. In the entertainment industry as well. So, yeah, I was just kind of out of options because I didn’t want to do TikTok thing, you know, I didn’t crack the code of Spotify, and Spotify wasn’t rewarding me.

Frustrations with Streaming Services

I have, like, over 10 million streams on Spotify, and I, you know, I wasn’t making anything like it, not. Not even enough to, like, do groceries for one week, you know? So, yeah, I was just very jaded and out of options. And so I set myself a date, and I said, okay, in one year time, I will quit if I don’t find a drastic solution and I don’t see a drastic improvement in my career.

Moment of Discovery

And then halfway through that year, then it was Christmas, and my mom said, hey, like, before you quit, have you heard of NFTs? It was the bull run, right? The last bull run. Snoop Dogg is doing NFTs and, like, look into it.

Initial Reluctance

And I kind of brushed it off at the beginning because, again, I was one of those people, you know, that just wants to write songs. But then I decided to give it a chance, and I looked into it right away, and right away heard a podcast with Latasha and Domino and Nifty Sachs and Spotty Wifi and these people in web three music who were telling their success stories, and I really saw myself in them, and they inspired me so much.

Production of Moonshot Album

I. It’s like I was hearing myself talk in terms of, like, the past experiences that they had. So, yeah, I just recorded my album in Nashville, my moonshot albumen. That was, like, the album I needed to make, you know, to try and, like, push to the next level within that year.

Embracing the Blockchain

And so I decided to, you know, that was the time for that. For that album to come out. So. So it did as only NFTs, only on the blockchain.

Influence of Role Models

I love that you were inspired by Latasha and those folks that were kind of out there. And it just, you know, it drills down the importance of just having you on the show at this moment right now, because you could be inspiring the next layer of musicians to come through as well.

Impact of Violetta’s Achievements

Like, you’re showing them what is possible. So let’s talk about what happened last week. It was a huge sale. Your original song of one BTC. How does it feel, first of all, to know that your fans can own a certified, unique first copy of your music? Do you think this model could change the way artists and fans engage with each other?

Milestone Achievement

Well, I feel amazing. Like, obviously it’s a milestone that I’ve never gotten to anything like that, not even close before. Of course, I’m a. Violetta, we lost your audio there for a second, I think.

Audio Connection Issues

Did anybody else lose audio? Yeah, just a little bit. Yeah. You know, like, it was my goal. I tried to do an auction. Violetta, we for a second try and. Like, an example so that enable them to try and also do it right and to.

Efforts to Facilitate Conversations

Well, plug, are you able to hear. Which was that the question? Hold on 1 second. We lost audio. Wall. Plug, are you able. Yes. No, I can hear it’s coming in and out. Violetta, it may be like a walk and talk.

Audio Connectivity Challenges

I sometimes do it. If you stay in a spot specifically, it may help. But let’s see, let’s try again. Okay, she’s dropped down to listen to. Maybe if she comes back in while we have a quick pause. Emma, I would love for you to chime in on this conversation, if you’re willing.

Support for Violetta

For sure. There’s so many thoughts. Firstly, I’m so happy for v, like of the biggest smile on my face. I think it’s really reenergized our whole community, just kind of basking in that achievement.

Waves of Inspiration in the Community

And there’s so many layers to it, so many avenues. I do think it’s opened up so many things for other musicians. But I also want to not understate how specifically it was. Really only Violetta, I think, that could have taken it to this level.

Violetta’s Unique Contribution

And she may disagree with that. But I think that’s another conversation to have, is lots of the comments and messages I’ve been getting kind of talking about this have been from other musicians saying, how can I put my song on BTC? And that’s great, and people should come into the space and try and figure all of this out together.

Challenges for Emerging Artists

But that is like plucking an artist from obscurity and shoving them on the Sotheby’s auction house and thinking that there’s going to be a community out there who feel their work is worth that. Violetta has spent two to three years building up to this moment and kind of like that fine art world.

Creating a Buzz and Legacy

There’s got to be the buzz around you, there’s got to be the legacy of your catalog. And I think that’s what music is bringing to the space as well. NFTs have such a trashy reputation in the web to traditional mainstream space. There’s no getting away from it.

Reflected Perceptions of NFTs

And as artists, we have got this enormous job to flip that narrative and for it not to be about hype and get rich quick, it is finally about being able to pave the way for art and music having value again in the world and giving opportunities to independent artists, giving opportunities to maybe people that have been overlooked with other systems that don’t work in our favourite.

Violetta as a Trailblazer

And Violetta is like leader of the pack doing all of that. So those are some thoughts that have got lots of thoughts on it. Emma, such salient points, my goodness. Thank you so much for sharing that. And Violetta, welcome back.

Introduction and Apologies for Missing Information

We did miss your entire answer to the question, so I’m sorry. I’m sure it was very thoughtful. But I’m just going to ask you to just go back a little bit. For those who are just joining, this is the good news show. And we are live with Violetta Zaroni, who just made a one BTC sale for an original song just last week. So, first of all, the question was, how are you feeling? Oh, you missed all my questions. My answer. We missed the whole thing, girl. Oh, no. Okay, it’s fine. No, sorry. I don’t know why my wifi seems to be bugging a little bit, but, yeah, I mean, I’m feeling. Feeling great. You know, I’m so grateful for what happened, grateful to the collector. And it’s been something that, you know, I really wanted to achieve. Like, my dream would be to. Would have been to sell, like, a one of one and a one of one song. Cause I’ve been advocating for revaluing music for so long, and so, yeah, I’m just so grateful.

Reflections on the Community and Journey

I’m a little tired because I’ve been traveling also for a month on tour, like, many countries. So, yeah, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind. I’m not gonna lie. A lot going on at the same time. But I’m so, so happy and grateful. You know, Emma mentioned this effort, this, like, colossal groundswell of getting you to this moment. It is not just, you know, you were just kind of plucked out of nowhere and made this one BTC sale. Like, this is, you know, a life’s work, but also a lot of effort in cultivating community, in building trust, in developing relationships with your friends. Like, talk to us a little bit about that journey, especially in the web three space. Yeah, definitely. So think web three is the perfect place to build community. And if you add music to it, and it will become even more perfect, in my opinion. So when I first began in web three, I decided that I was gonna dedicate my life, all of it, like, my entire life, to building a community.

Building Relationships and Community in Music

No, we can hear you. Oh, okay. Yeah. So I just want to, you know, dedicate all of me, basically, to building a community. And so I started making myself really available for people to get to know me, because I analyzed what’s wrong with music in the web two industry, which is in passive listening, is king. Right. People don’t have relationships with artists. And by relationships, I don’t mean they have to be their best friends and go out for coffee together. Just like growing an attachment to someone who has a message and who brings people together. Now it’s all about the one song, and if you don’t get that one right, if the algorithm doesn’t pick it up, then you don’t exist. And it’s all about numbers, and it’s about charts and whatever, you know, it’s all a big psyop. And I wanted to contrast that as much as possible and. And see if I could build a community around me and my message and. And what I love, you know, my passion.

The Personal Journey of Violetta Zaroni

So, yeah, I started spending 18 hours a day on Twitter spaces. I’m not gonna lie to you. Like, just performing for a year pretty much, and showing people that I really wanted it and allow them to get to know me personally and why I was doing it, getting to know them as well, which I think is a really big part of it, because right now, like, that, time and spaces is paying off, not only for the sale, for example, but I’m getting tour the world. The other day, I played a show in Romania at an alumni gala for the University of the city, the second city in Romania. And that was a show booked for me by three community members who really wanted to get me to their country. And, like, you know, they found someone to book me for a show, a really big event, and they flew me out from Singapore, and, like, you know, and so I’m getting tour the world, and there’s this value exchange between me and the community, and I’d rather, you know, a million times have a smaller but tighter community that doesn’t just act as fans.

The Importance of Community in Music

They support me in my journey every day, and, you know, I want to be there for them the same way, so they need something. So we did lose you at the end there, but just. Beautiful point. And what a gift to have a community that really not just supports you, but is identifying opportunity and just bringing other people around to support you as well. That’s wonderful. So you have been here for a couple of years. The big question is, why BTC? And let’s get into the mechanics a little bit. How was this done? How did this opportunity come up? Talk to us a little bit about the tech. Yeah, it’s an interesting side of it, for sure. When I first learned about the ordinals protocol, pretty shortly after it came out, I must have been April 2023. I was intrigued immediately because, obviously, it’s bitcoin. If it wasn’t for bitcoin, we wouldn’t necessarily be here doing eth or doing all the other chains, which all have amazing utility.

Exploring the Ordinals Protocol

And I’m not a maxi by any means. But, you know, the idea of potentially having nfts truly inscribed permanently to bitcoin intrigued me a lot. And learning about the protocol and understanding how it worked, meaning I can take a sat, like a literal piece of bitcoin and link any media or any data to it forever. So in a way, you have bitcoin adding value to your art, and you have your art adding value to that piece of bitcoin. Right. It’s a very peer to peer value transaction exchange between art and. And the canvas. Right. So, yeah, I just got. I decided, you know, I made up my mind. I said, I’m gonna do it. It’s difficult to do it because file size restrictions are pretty significant when you want to load things to.

Technical Challenges and the Community’s Role

Violetta, we are losing your audio again. Yeah, we lost you for a few seconds there. Can you hear us? I can hear you. I’m trying to. No. Well, very briefly. Let’s try again. Test, test. Yep, we’re good. So we lost you that you have bitcoin adding value to the odd, and odd adding value to BTC. So if you want to pick up there, that’d be great. You’re muted. I don’t think she can hear us anymore. I think she left and is maybe coming back in. Just bear with us, folks. We’re having some tech difficulties this morning, but let’s take a quick second to retweet the spot. If you are enjoying this conversation, please do take a second to give it a retweet. We are working on filling the timeline with some optimism. This is a fud free zone, so we appreciate your retweets and shares.

Releasing Music in a New Paradigm

And if this is your first time here, a big welcome. Make sure you are following the timepieces account to keep up with the latest from our community. So, yeah. Emma, I’m curious to know, since we have you here, does this change your personal strategy in terms of how you think about releasing your music? I think I was muted by the host. My personal strategy. I’m kind of just drinking all of this in. I think it’s so fundamentally different to how we’re used to releasing music and to kind of reference violettas one BTC sale, that is not the average person’s budget. Let’s face it, we’re not going to suddenly convert music listeners to only being able to own music through. Through sales like that. And I’m someone that really does want my music to be heard and to reach people.

Navigating Copyright and Ownership

So I think it’s this exciting avenue that you can take your music down into that fine art space. And I did pick up on Alex left a comment saying, we’d like to discuss the reason music still hasn’t taken off in the blockchain mainstream. And what it needs, and something that comes to mind for me is there’s such confusion with music copyright, and especially for a sale like this. What is blowing people’s minds is that V has not sold the copyright to her song. She has sold the digital asset, the ordinal itself, but not commercial copyright to the song. And that is a concept that has never come in, really, to the music space before. When you talk about music and ownership, people start thinking of royalties, they start thinking of all that.

The Potential of Blockchain for Music

I mean, there’s no royalties in music at the moment for independent artists, unless you’re getting, like, big sink deals. But with this. This concept, we are really trying to push our way into the art space. And if you’re an owner of a painting and you buy your first painting, you do not own the ip to that painting. You don’t get to go and make tea towels and prints. The artist can continue making prints of that original. They can put it on mugs, they can put it all over the world. And somehow it doesn’t devalue the painting. In many cases, it increases the value of the original painting, because suddenly it’s a worldwide known painting, and people want to know who has the original and who the owner is.

Bringing Art and Music Together

And you’ve got that kind of kudos and bragging rights and all of those things, and there’s no reason why that can’t come over to the music space. But this is the first time we’ve been able to do that through blockchain tech, of giving us that immutability and the provenance. So I think that was just touch on what Alix was saying of there’s such a re education that needs to take place for this kind of to elevate. And that’s what we’ve all been trying to do in the space. So I wonder if it’s a long game that we’re all in it for. But I kind of like that we’re, like, putting in deep roots, which hopefully will last. Absolutely. And once we open it up for questions, we will bring you up. Alex. So, Violetta, do we have you back? Can you hear us?

Exploring Privacy in Sales

I’m sorry. There was some. I have two routers, and I changed to the other one, and this seems to be much better, so I apologize for that. No worries at all. So, yeah, just, we would. Just finishing up your thought about why BTC. I loved this comment that you made about you have bitcoin adding value to the art and the art adding value to BTC. So does this big monumental moment just dictate or predict what you do next? Does this make you a chain, Maxi? Where do you go from here? No, it makes me definitely, I stay a decentralization, Maxi, rather.

Staying Decentralized

I’m a big fan of using the blockchain that best serves your purpose just the same as you’ll pick the right recording studio, or you’ll pick the right color for your vinyl, or you’ll pick the right type of paint, you know, for your painting. So, yeah, I’m. I loved what Emma was touching on, you know, the fact that perhaps this, you know, will be just another avenue. Right. And creating that difference between consuming art and collecting art. You know, that difference is very clear when it comes to physical art or even digital visual art. With music, it’s unfathomable for some reason, and yet it is fathomable because it happened.

Understanding the Value of Art

You know, I retained my commercial rights and my ip and all of it, you know, so, yeah, people out in web two, on Instagram and TikTok, they’re like, no, this is impossible. You know, there’s just, like, so much judgment towards music as well. You know, a lot of people are like, oh, but how’s that song worth that much? I mean, the moment you find someone who thinks it is, right, so and so. Yeah, we’ll see. And my question, of course, given that what we were discussing at the beginning of the show and given the transparency of the blockchain, is, do you know who purchased it?

Respecting Privacy in the Community

I do, but they’d rather stay private for the time being. So I want to respect that, obviously. But I think, you know, I think the person really understands this concept, and they are embracing it, and they, you know, they decided to participate pretty heavily. And I think one day it will be, you know, people will find out. So I love the mystique. Very cool. We’ve seen, like, certainly with a lot of the communities dependent upon different chains, they’ve been quite siloed. Like, we’ve seen folks that just kind of rally in the Solana community, folks in tezos, same with eth and layer two, and then also the bitcoin community.

Advice for New Musicians

Like, what would be your advice to perhaps a musician who’s just starting out here feeling like there’s so much to do and that’s not even talking about what you mentioned about being active on web two social as well. Like, would you be of the mindset of, like, pick a lane and just excel at that, or would you suggest that everybody kind of stay open and fluid to possibility here? I would say both, but in different ways. You know, pick a lane and focus, you know, like, go all in on something I would say is normally more effective than swinging between, you know, a lot of different approaches, I would say.

Finding Your Path in Music

And by approach, you know, I don’t necessarily mean, like, you choose to do one of ones, stick to one of ones, or you choose to do collection, stick to that. No, like, you know, your general plan. Like, your long term plan. Right? What do you want to achieve out of this? You know, who are you? Like, stay true to who you are and go all in on yourself, basically, is if something doesn’t feel like it fits for you, just, you know, really deep down in your core, you know, be like the blockchain. Don’t lie.

Authenticity in Artistic Expression

You know what I mean? Don’t lie to yourself, because it will. It will be show. It will show, you know, ultimately, and you may not succeed as much as you would if you stayed true to who you really are. And for, you know, any newcomer, like, really, I think just pick whatever feels. Feels right to you. I wouldn’t, you know, necessarily, you know, completely honestly recommend, like, okay, now you’re gonna try and do, like, a one BTC thing on bitcoin. Because it took me, like Emma was saying, like, close to three years to even understand why I was. I was trying to do this that well, so that people would also believe in it.

Exploring Realistic Goals

So, you know, but there’s plenty of ways to start easy, you know, and never aim to. You’re never aiming too high is what I would say. Like, anything is possible in web three. We’ve seen it. The tech is magic. Literally. It’s like magical tools we have so not to limit ourselves. Right. I love that. And Violetta, I don’t want to keep you too much longer, but I do want to just kind of take a second when you. Just before we open it up for questions and comments.

Personal Reflections on a Significant Accomplishment

But when you had that realization that the auction was closing at such a big, kind of significant, historic, really price point, and you were in that moment by yourself, like, what did that. What was that experience like? I did see that you shared a video where you got quite emotional about that. But just talk to us about what that means to you on a personal level. Oh, my God. I mean, initially, when the auction closed at one BTC or rather 0.99. Sorry. Not so good for OCD people. It was, like, for a moment, I almost didn’t realize what happened.

Emotions Captured in a Historic Moment

So I was like, oh, wow. Like, I didn’t. You know, I didn’t quite realize that it was happening. And maybe it’s also because I. You know, like I said, I was never someone who got, like, handouts or anything like that, right? So, like, I really grinded a lot in the past three years. So, you know, it’s almost like when you train for the marathon and you’ve run, like, a marathon every day for ten years, and then. And then, like, you end up winning the marathon, you almost, like, you almost start crying, you know what I mean?

A Moment of Reflection

Like, oh, my God. Like, so, yeah, at first I didn’t quite grasp it, and then I was like, you know what? Like, chill for a moment. And I went to my piano, and I’m staying at my family’s home in Italy right now. So I went to my childhood piano and decided to play the song just to relax, right? That’s what we do, play the song. And for the first time, it felt like that wasn’t my song. And I said it on wall plug space the other day as well.

Transformation Through Creation

Like, it didn’t feel like it was my song, my lyrics, and my melody anymore. It felt like someone was singing those words to me. Like, you’re not crazy. You know you did it. You know, they told you’d be lonely forever, and you may as well give up already, you know? Nobody will remember, but, you know, you’re just a stranger like everybody else. And you’re not crazy. You’re. You’re an ordinary kind. You know? It’s almost like the song was singing to me, and that’s when I got, like, emotional, because it pretty catalysts that.

A Profound Connection

It’s that song that’s kind of proving a point that I’ve been wanting to make for a long time. Like, music is art, and it should be treated like that. And I was just so grateful that someone. I’d found someone that agreed with me, and it was that specific song. So, yeah, thank you for sharing that beautiful moment with us. And I would love it if at some point, you could maybe pin that video up to the top so folks can actually go and experience that with you, because that is quite profound.

Final Thoughts and Community Reflection

Okay, Violetta, thank you so much for taking time and sharing your story with us. We so appreciate it. If you wouldn’t mind sticking around for a few extra minutes. We are going to open up the stage for questions and comments, but I would love to give your friend Emma, first of all, the first opportunity to chime in here. Emma, clearly the two of you have. A beautiful, biggest smile on my face right now. It’s so important that we keep talking about this because it’s so historic, it means so many different things on so many levels.

Celebrating Violetta’s Success

Firstly, for Violetta, because she has been, like, working her arse off for non stop, and everyone that knows her knows that so many of the comments that she gets from community members or it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. And it is showing that music and musicians can be perceived in this light, and we can kind of be pushing ourselves and pushing our work into these upper echelons of the kind of art culture. So, yeah, I’m very proud of where V has taken it, and she’s kind of had her eye on the prize the whole time and hopefully is able to drink this in before I know she’s got lots of evil plans for taking over the world, for lots of new, exciting things down the pipeline as well.

Reflections on the Interview

Incredible. We’ll plug. I’ll hand it over to you. So, first of all, incredible interview. So good to have you with us, Violetta. And, you know, I know Violetta from way back, if you remember the variant show. So I’ve seen the evolution, I’ve seen so many collections, and so very rarely do you see somebody with both the talent and the grit to really get to this point. As you mentioned at the top, you know, her mother suggested that she come into nfts, but she was also considering leaving the space entirely.

The Impact of Violetta’s Journey

So this is like such a feel good story. Like, this is the good news show, but this is like the good news of the good news. Like seeing somebody that you know and really appreciate, see them succeed, to see them break barriers, both financially as well as, you know, we’re all here for varying reasons, but if you asked anyone past the first five minutes and you went into their heart, one of the things I think they would mention is, like, I would like to be remembered, and I’d like to have my art be important in some fashion, and to be the person to have the breakout sale and to have that be somebody that I just truly love as a person be a letta, is just incredible.

Closing Remarks and Questions

Incredible. So I couldn’t be more happy to have you as a guest, but also to know you and to see you grow and to see just your talent come through. And I really somewhat hope that the executives from that terrible 360 deal understand what they could have had they had the kindness and just the openness of heart. But anyway, it is good news. I won’t go further there. But, yes, I wanted to ask two questions. I guess the first would be, what would you suggest for other artists who are considering BTC and particularly musicians? That’s question one.

Final Thoughts on Strategy

And the second, your hair is incredible. What do you use? How do you do that? Because I know that’s also a burning question. All right, thanks. Oh, wow. So to answer your first question, I would say really, like, look into ordinals. Like, read about them. Go to ordinals.com. it’s got its own website by the team that created ordinals and read their docs. You know, they’re very easy to read. They have a lore. So it’s also pretty fun, almost like a fantasy book type lore.

Introduction and Engagement

Folks, please do hit that request button if you have a question for v. We’re not going to keep her too much longer, but I just opening it up. I see we have a new guest on the stage. Did you have a question for Violetta?

Chadwick’s Introduction

Yeah. Hello, everyone. My name is Chadwick. I go by ckh ma. Thanks for having me up. Cheers, Walpole and timepieces. Love the host, love space. I recently was able to speak with Violetta, and, yeah, it’s a pleasure to hear you talk up on stage and congratulations and sending mad flowers to you.

Chadwick’s Insights on Violetta’s Music

And I think something that’s really important for people to learn about, you know, when it comes to your music and your innate nature and how you produce your track and where your thought process goes in your mythologies about what you do. And I first heard your piece, I was driving down through Mojave Valley, and onto the left me is like, practically like Mordor, and on the right is like these salt flats with turquoise water, and in the distance there’s, like, lava fields.

Recalling the Experience with ‘Burnout’

And I heard about the song burnout the first time, and just, like, it just resonated with me and, you know, and we had to try and talk about, like, going into, like, your thought process and how you make these tracks. And what I learned about you is you mentioned, like, there’s this intuition that comes in almost like, this envisioning of your future self that you’re writing about, too, in connection with your music.

Seeking Explanation on Creative Process

I just think it’s something important to you when you share that. And, like, is that something that, like, if you can explain to people how that process works and is that something that came through naturally or is that something through progression of time that happened with your music and writing? Because it’s all connected. It’s very cohesive and beautiful.

Violetta’s Response on Songwriting

Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Thank you so much again for a beautiful question. Yeah, it kind of happened again with the song, right, that the one bitcoin song, nor kind, like, when I played it, then I understood, you know, oh, wow. Like, I’m going through this and there’s someone telling me, you’re not crazy. But when I wrote it, you know, this hadn’t happened yet, and I was sort of, like, telling my future self, but it came from, like, deep within.

Exploring Lyrics as Self Prophecy

So I think what he’s referring to for everybody else, because we talked about this the other day, like, the lyrics to my songs, I often find they are like self prophecies. And at the time of me writing them, I’m not necessarily very in touch with what I’m writing. Like, personally. You know, I’m not like, oh, my God, this is it.

Realization of Predicting the Future

Like, I can’t pinpoint when I’m feeling that feeling or what is it related to. But then some time will pass, and sometimes a year, two years, even three, and I’m still playing the song, and then I finally understand, like, oh, I see what’s happening. Like, I see. I was predicting my own future two years ago, but I don’t think it’s anything magical predicting my own future.

Art and Expression

It’s more like when you make art, you’re not talking, you know, you’re not writing, like, you know, a text or an article. You are picking something out of your soul that you cannot yet put into words or really reasonable, rational thoughts. It just comes out as art. Right? And that’s what art is.

The Journey of Understanding Art

It’s the things you can’t say, but everyone else feels, and everyone feels connected to it. And then only in some time, perhaps you then, like, mature enough and those inner feelings mature enough so that the mere simple human brain can, you know, formulate them in spoken word. But art comes before that. So, yeah, it’s pretty interesting.

Reflection over a Decade of Songwriting

And this, I don’t know, like, I noticed it after ten years of being a songwriter. You know, at first I didn’t notice it, and then it became more and more clear to me. That’s incredible. Thank you for sharing that. And that’s exactly where you are right now.

Importance of New Music and Support

All that connection coming in through that, and that innate nature of you finally speaking through your passion. Thank you so much. What a great question and a beautiful answer. Let’s throw it to snoop. You have a question for Violetta?

Snoop’s Experience at the Concert

Yeah, thank you very much. I appreciate you having v on here, and I am certainly gonna follow the host and co host here. It’s more of a comment than a question. I saw v perform in Vegas, and I knew I was seeing a star, so I had to record, take a picture, and I just knew there was magic there.

Recognizing New Paths in the Music Industry

And what she is doing right now is she’s leading the way, you know, going against legacy media, the legacy artists or everything, legacy anti things that are. She’s just create a new path. And that’s something that we just need to all support NFT artists is music entity, musicians, this.

The Shift in Music Consumption

We are on the brink of something where that with these legacy entertainment media industries, there’s something that’s changing and we all know it. And the best way we can support V and the NFT musical artists is just by purchasing their, their music. That’s the way how we’re just going to bring change.

Consumer Behavior in the Music Industry

If we want to see change, we need to speak with their pocketbooks. I just want to thank you again for this time and let me say some few comments. I’m gonna step down. Thank you, Jodie.

Acknowledging Community Support

Thank you so much. Thank you. Snoop is a collector of mine and community member, big holder of my collections as well. And he was also one of the bidders on the ordinal too. Incredible. Thank you for coming up, Snoop.

Insights on the Current State of the Industry

Alex, I know you had some thoughts here and you’re definitely positioned to have some thoughts on this, so we would love to hear your perspective. Oh, thank you. I appreciate it. I’m just short on time right now, so I appreciate it.

Importance of Addressing Tech Issues

Violetta, I love seeing you as always. You know, I’ve been a fan for quite a while and we’ve followed each other for a while. I almost saw you at the last NFT NYC. I didn’t get a chance to, I think were on at the same time, so, but was so close.

The Need for Industry Addressing Issues

So one of the things that I think is really important right now is to talk about why this hasn’t actually taken hold yet, because this is actually holding up this industry and unfortunately hasn’t really been addressed. And I’ve been talking about this for a little over, I don’t know, 18 months now, I think over a year.

Tech Challenges Facing Music Distribution

And it’s a big problem and still needs to be addressed. We’ve actually got a tech issue that is the biggest thing. There’s a couple of tech holdups that are stopping widespread adoption, and a lot of people are looking at this actually in the wrong way, because really what needs to be addressed is the consumer end of this.

Consumer Perspective on Music Consumption

You have to look at it as how do consumers consume music? Because for the most part, people are looking at this from the seller end. Right. I have music. I can make it. You can access it in these ways, you know, here.

Reevaluating Music Experience for Users

Access it in the way that I want to give it to you. But unfortunately, that is never really the way that anyone selling anything will be able to win any marketplace. In order to win a marketplace, really what you have to do is take it from the consumers perspective.

Challenges in Traditional Music Market

And we have to look at this from the viewpoint of how do users using music. Right? How do buyers of music. How do. And they’re not really buyers anymore, are they? Right. They’re, they’re more just consumers of music.

Transforming Market Paradigms

Right. We don’t really buy music much anymore. We, we almost rent it, right? So we have to think about what really is the last foothold that marketplace that, like the big labels have. What are they really winning at right now?

Marketing and Distribution Challenges

And part of it is marketing. But the real foothold they have is distribution. And that’s really the big issue that so many musicians are getting stuck in right now, that the distribution of music is not being conquered yet in nfTs, right?

Consumer Expectations with Accessibility

Getting access and playing these things is not actually meeting the way consumers consume music. So the big issue that we have right now, and that’s something that we can actually look at in a bunch of different ways.

Investigating NFT Technology Adoption

We can see in use cases, we can see across consumer studies and things like that, is that the NFT, it’s not about that technology. The technology does a lot. And on the back end of the technology, which is talking about the ownership and the allocation of rights, there’s still work that needs to be done in terms of how allocation can be dispersed easier and payment can be dispersed and redisbursed.

Barriers to Widespread Adoption

That’s a separate issue from here. What I’m saying is widespread adoption. The biggest issue that we have right now is that widespread adoption can’t happen because we’re not matching the type of distribution that consumers want.

Addressing Consumer Listening Preferences

We’re not getting, we’re not meeting consumers with the ease and type of listening that they want. Right. They don’t want a wallet of. They don’t want. They don’t. They’re not listening in these ways.

Changing Listening Behavior

They don’t necessarily even want ownership. So what really has to happen is some type of easy access listening. It’s almost like radio stations, more like that. We need apps. I’m just going to cut in for 1 second.

Update on Violetta’s Departure

Oh, she did. Unfortunately, Violetta had to leave for another interview, so we just wanted to give her a chance to say goodbye, but she has left. But please continue.

Acknowledgment of Violetta’s Contribution

Big thanks to Violetta. Violet, of course, I’m sorry. So it’s just, these are just issues that we have that people are not looking at this as an industry wide thing.

Challenge in Industry Perception

People are looking at this primarily as a musician focused thing and getting musicians music to consumers. But that’s not really the way to look at it. Right. The way to look at it is as an industry wide thing.

Building Consumer-Centric Experiences

How do consumers consume music? What do we need to build to recreate the experience that consumers want in terms of accessing the music that they need? Do they have all the parts in place in order to access music as though it were traditional music, right?

The Value of Traditional Distribution

From the, from a major label. Like, it shouldn’t matter if it’s issued from a major label or from an NFT, the source should be irrelevant. Once the source is irrelevant, then major labels basically shrink down to a marketing source.

Marketing Roles in Music Distribution

That’s really what they are, right. Essentially their major advance, like the one thing that they have is marketing, and they should be able to contract as a marketing team. That’s fine. But the foothold that they have right now, like the bottleneck that they hold, is really in building out these distribution channels.

Identifying Access Obstacles

They’ve got a ton of pay to play. And you can actually see that right now in a lot of the distribution channels on radio stations, on Spotify and things like that, and how people access music. And there are venues right now where NFTs would have a better access than on, than traditional music would be able to have.

Consumer Access to Music Gathering Insights

And nobody is actually accessing those things, right? So it’s really not, nobody’s really, as far as I can tell, people aren’t really accessing or looking at the industry from the consumer vantage point. And that’s really fundamentally the problem.

Thanking Alex for Insights

Thank you so much, Alex. We really appreciate your insights and perspective. Thank you so much. I’m going to throw it to Emma and then we’re going to go.

Emma’s Take on the Streaming Experience

PJ Douglas. I just wanted to chime in on a few good points Alex was making, but the streaming experience is absolutely unbeatable. It’s the best experience you’re going to get as a consumer.

Perspective on Building Platforms

And replicating that for me in the web three space is not what brings me here. I’ve don’t have an interest in trying to figure out how to make a platform that’s going to bring. It almost feels impossible.

The Challenge of Competing with Established Services

There’s over 100 million songs on Spotify, on Tidal, on pick a streaming service, and I don’t know if I want to try and replicate that experience. I see what I’m building and even the likes of Violetta, not to speak for her, is much more of the leaning into a collector experience, leaning into what else can I bring to this collection?

Engaging Fans as Collectors

What else can I do to become closer to my fans through nftifying this song? I have songs that are on streaming that are also nfts, and that was a conversation I had with my community because they wanted to be able to listen more easily to the songs.

Consumer Listening Preferences

And where do they listen to songs? On Spotify or on streaming? So having those kind of conversations as well and getting the message out that collecting and owning is different from listening just like going to see art in a gallery or buying the postcard is not the same as owning a limited edition print or the likes of that.

Different Experiences in Music Consumption

So I really don’t see challenging streaming as the kind of basis for what musicians need to be concentrating on here. But I hear what you’re saying. I completely understand these are completely different experiences and I understand the people who are like, I’m going hardcore, I’m going back to vinyl kind of thing.

Differentiating Between Niche and Mainstream Audiences

There is a difference between people who are true audiophiles and the vast mainstream. But there are many people who want to make a living making music. And, and many, many people cannot make a living hunting for collectors.

Finding Balance in Musical Creation

I don’t think that these two ideas are fundamentally opposed. I think you can make music for the masses and have a portion of your life reserved for the people that are collectors of you.

Creating Exclusive Art Based on Collectible Models

Right. Like there can be your exclusive line, just like every. Absolutely. That’s my model. I mean, every jeweler does that. Right? They’ve got their mainstream that keeps them in business, and then they’ve got this exclusive elite line which everybody thinks is like, that’s what the exclusive elite stuff is.

Artistic Freedom Beyond Commercial Viability

What is, you know, is what keeps them in business. No, that’s like the thank you for the people that appreciate them, that let them stretch their wings and do all the beautiful, incredible artistic stuff that actually barely pays the bills.

The Heart of Artistic Creation

Right? That’s the truly expensive stuff to make, but it’s the stuff that they love. It’s the stuff that they got into business for, and that is the stuff that they do only for the people that pay the price, that barely pays the bills, but is the stuff that makes them want to get up in the morning.

Importance of Both Approaches in the Industry

And that’s amazing. Right? I don’t think there’s anything that’s contradictory in these two things, but for the second one to exist, the first one must also exist.

Final Thoughts on the Role of Musicians

And the only reason I’m cutting in, and I don’t mean to, is just because I actually have to leave, but I do think that it is important for musicians to exist. I think it’s important for musicians to protect their rights. I think NFts are vital because what are NFts?

Utilizing NFTs in the Music Industry

They are baskets of rights. You can peel off rights, you can put them on limited time stamps, you can pull them back. You can, you can give some people commercial rights, you can give some nfts, you can make some nfts more valuable, less valuable.

Value of Rights Management through NFTs

You can have some, you know, you can have some of your rights. You know, you can give people part rights. And. And then they can sever their rights. Right. They can separate out their rights.

Addressing the Needs of the Music Community

So the. The value of NFTs is. Is really powerful, especially when you consider in the music industry, 200, $250 million every year not paid out in royalties.

Identifying Unpaid Royalties in the Industry

And it’s because somebody forgets something or they’re holding something over someone’s head. Right. Like, which is illegal, but it happens all the time. So I’m just saying that there’s a very powerful reason for it.

Emphasizing Consumer Role in Music Industry

But we have to remember that the person paying the bills is the consumer, is the listener. And if their. If their experience wants them to.

Potential for Enhanced Consumer Experience

You like, if streaming. If a streaming service, a Spotify, a better Spotify that doesn’t only pay the people who get 50 billion streams. Right. A better Spotify is out there that.

Series of Industry Changes Ahead

We create to cut you off. But we’re already two minutes over our showtime. I gotta go. I know, and I’m over, too. So, yeah, we just want to make sure Emma gets a chance to continue her thought and also make way for PJW.

Discussions on Future Prospects

But Emma, and take care. And thank you. We thank you so much for your insights. Emma, please.

Encouragement to Move Forward

I’m good. You can pass it forward. Okay, wonderful. Alex, thank you so much. Amazing insights. Appreciate you.

Support for Violetta

Emma, thank you for coming through and supporting via letter this morning. We so appreciate you. PJW, you’ve got the last question.

Final Thoughts on the Discussion

If you can keep it brief, that will be amazing. Yeah, no worries. No worries. I appreciate it. Great conversation today.

Reflections on Development in Web3

And, yeah, Violetta, I’m sorry she’s gone already, but, yeah, as far as questions, I didn’t really don’t know that I had one. I think now that she’s gone and some of the conversation that’s happened, any question I really had was something that has been discussed.

Concern for Consumer Engagement Challenge

So I appreciate it. I just. I guess, if nothing else, I’d like to just share a thought about the conversation, which is meeting people where they are is one thing.

Exploring New Paths in Web3

Helping guide them to a new path of discovery is different. And in order for a web three space to grow, we cannot continue, in my personal opinion, to do what we’ve traditionally done and expect a different result that’s going to develop better web three engagement.

Inviting Others to the New Distribution Channels

So if we can change our conversation, to invite people to come to where we are and see these new paths exist, these new distribution channels that are decentralized, and they’re decentralized for a purpose, and there’s value in that, you know, I would be.

Discovering New Artists beyond Mainstream Platforms

I discovered probably more artists and creatives and musicians through the network of people that are involved here than I ever have through Spotify, random searching.

Engagement and Connection with Artists

Than I have through any other toolset, random searching. I’m looking for new content. I want to be engaged. I want to be entertained.

Cultivating Artist-Audience Relationships

I want to have connections with the artists, with the creatives as a person. So, you know, I love the conversation. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share a couple thoughts, and I appreciate you.

Woolplug’s Insight on Violetta’s NFT Experience

Thank you. Woolplug, go ahead. Just to build on that point, and one thing that maybe we didn’t get to is that Violetta has a top tier where if you hold this particular NFT, you get one free concert per year.

Appreciation for Connection in the Web3 Space

And so that kind of thing is really both a testament to the blockchain, who she is as a person, who she is as an artist, to that earlier point about levels and I experiences.

Further Reflections on Discovering Artists

I agree with PJW. I’ve discovered so many artists here, musicians and otherwise, who I never potentially might have in the IRL real world.

Engagement through Equal Access

And the ability to connect, to speak with them, to kind of hear their daily is, I think, the added value that would bring mass here. Right? Because every concert is somebody trying to get to the front row and trying to get away from the artist versus here we have a very flat, kind of egalitarian access to each other.

Closing the Conversation

So once again, just my huge, just love for the web three space and this wonderful experiment. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Folks.

Conclusion and Future Events

We are six minutes over our time, so we’re going to wrap it up. Unfortunately, we don’t have Mister Rhett for the close of the show today, so we do not have a mindful minute today.

Celebrating Violetta’s Achievements

But I just want to give flowers to Violetta, congratulate her once again on that one BTC sale. Huge moment for the space. And just if you’re a creative, if you’re an artist, a musician, and you’re out there listening, we hope that you will come back and spend some time with us.

Open Invitation to Creatives

The stage is always open. If there’s somebody you’d like to hear us interview, drop me a DM. This is Rachel Wilkins behind the mic, my profile.

Encouragement for Audience Engagement

I am here on the stage. Definitely drop me a DM or the timepieces account. A DM. And let me know who you want to hear from.

Previous Conversations and Future Engagement

If you missed last week’s show, we had Rafiq Anadal. It was an incredible conversation, so definitely go back and check out that recording. And today’s show is also recorded as well.

Sharing the Conversation

So please do share this with somebody who might be inspired by the conversation. Final thoughts, markets update.

Market Update

we have, BTC at 64,000 up 2.51% from last week. Ethereum at 2500 up 2.58%. And let’s throw what else should we throw in there?

Adding Solana to the Update

She threw Solana in there as well. Solana at 151.01 up 3.93%. Not financial advice, folks, but just keeping you in the loop with what’s happening in the market.

Curating Weekly Stories

Also, if you want a roundup of everything that we covered today, all of the breaking news stories, we do curate that weekly for you.

Accessing Weekly Updates

So take a look in the nest up top and you can find this week’s on chain news roundup. If you mint that it is a free mint. You will also be on our mailing list.

Weekly Updates and Engagement

So you’ll get that every week in your inbox. Just an update of the latest stories and happenings. So folks, sending you into your weekend with some optimism.

Wishing Peace and Encouragement

Hope you have a peaceful and easy week. Do join us back here on the timepieces account on Friday for time hall. And thank you everybody for listening.

Closing Expression of Gratitude

We appreciate.

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