Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Gn Gn Market Talk | by @Tensor_HQ hosted by EasyEatsBodega. Delve into the world of NFT market discussions and strategies in the Gn Gn Market Talk space led by @Tensor_HQ. From market trends analysis to networking opportunities, this space offers valuable insights for navigating the dynamic NFT market successfully. Gain expert tips, learn about growth opportunities, and understand the impact of current events on market fluctuations. Stay informed, connect with industry professionals, and enhance your market knowledge in this engaging space.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: What key insights were shared regarding market trends?
A: Experts provided detailed analysis and insights into current market trends and predictions.

Q: How can individuals navigate the NFT market successfully?
A: Insiders shared valuable tips and strategies for successful navigation and investment in the market.

Q: What opportunities were highlighted for growing NFT businesses?
A: The discussions shed light on growth opportunities, strategies, and investments for NFT businesses and portfolios.

Q: How important is networking in the market space?
A: Networking plays a crucial role in connecting with industry professionals and like-minded individuals for collaboration and learning.

Q: What impacts do current events have on market fluctuations?
A: Understanding the influence of various events is essential for predicting and adapting to market fluctuations.

Q: How can one maximize profits while minimizing risks in the market?
A: Experts shared strategies and practices to optimize profits and manage risks effectively in market investments.


Time: 00:15:45
Market Trends Analysis Insights into current market trends and their implications for investors.

Time: 00:30:20
NFT Strategies and Investments Valuable tips and strategies for successful NFT investments and portfolio growth.

Time: 00:45:10
Networking Opportunities Connect with industry professionals and peers for collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Time: 01:00:05
Market Shifts Dynamics Understanding the dynamics of market shifts and volatility for informed decision-making.

Time: 01:15:30
Risk Management Strategies Best practices for managing risks while maximizing profits in market investments.

Key Takeaways

  • Detailed insights into market trends and analysis.
  • In-depth discussions on NFT market strategies and investments.
  • Opportunities to learn from industry experts and insiders.
  • Insider tips for navigating the NFT market successfully.
  • Updates on current market scenarios and emerging trends.
  • Valuable information on growing NFT businesses and portfolios.
  • Strategies for maximizing profits and minimizing risks.
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded individuals in the market space.
  • Insights into the dynamics of market shifts and volatility.
  • Understanding the impact of current events on market fluctuations.

Behind the Mic

Initial Discussions on Music

We doing music or. No? Okay. All right. I got it.

Reflections on Relationships

By the fountain? I waited a long month? She finally set him free? I told him I couldn't lie? He was the only one for me? Two weeks, we caught on fire? Cause God just feels so good? It just feels so good? Second chances, they don't never matter. People never change. And about forgiveness? We're both supposed to have a shame? Sorry, honey, but I passed it up. Now look this way. It's easy if you're doing right. Well, I refuse. I refuse. I refuse.

Discussion on Personal Experiences

Okay, which bear is woo wai wu you discussed? It just feels so good, cuz, I cannot confirm. Deny that it's me, but I I'm gonna deny that it's me. So y'all can have the lord of somebody else, you know, not me. Like, I huddle. I love you guys. I'm doing my space easy on your show right now. Can you let Paramore finish? I've never been so bullish. Got, like, 30 fucking seconds left. Just let Paramore fucking finish. Whoa. I never meant to break? But I got him where I want him now? Whatever makes it break? When I got him where I want him now.

Casual Banter and Checking In

All right. Hi, everyone. Easy. Are you alive? Oh, God, he's not alive, is he? Yeah, I'm in North Korea. Yeah, that doesn't. That does not help your case. That really doesn't help your case right now, brother. Tell the Lazarus group I say hi. And first, we're getting you a hot topic gift card for Christmas. Yeah, that's that. I will probably make very good use of that. I'm not gonna lie. I have. I have a soft spot for hot topic. Holy crap. Anyways, hi, guys. Welcome to the show. Easy is currently fighting his way through North Korea right now. So you guys are stuck with me and the rest of peak panel for a bit and huddle because apparently we stepped in on huddle show.

Time Change and Market Discussion

So for those of you guys who are. Who are new here, we used to do this at 08:00 a.m. but we're on Asia time partially right now. So it's at 08:00 p.m. let's talk about what's going on the market. Let's talk about what's popped off. Let's talk about what's new. Probably the funniest thing that happened today is near got hacked. And this guy didn't post a LinkedIn post, nothing. He just added to fucking shitpost. There was a message that just came out about an hour ago saying, hey, we had our x profile hacked. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up that everything is fine. Here's a response. But they didn't take down any of the tweets, which I thought was really funny. All the tweets are still up for some fucking reason. So, yeah, I guess they kind of stand by it. I guess the hacker was funny enough. They're just using it as free press. Nonetheless, that happened today.

Decods Map Launch and User Interaction

Decods launched a map. I would. I was offline nearly all day today, so I don't actually know what it is, but apparently you can see, like, you can register where you're from. I don't know if that's. If that's the case or not. Like, where, like, as a user. So I guess you can locate other users around the world and stuff. I would love if someone else has more insight into this because I don't know actually, what happened. Like, yeah, please. Yeah, dude, you put your. You drop your pin on the map, and then people dm you and say. Hey, I'm in the same city. Let's fucking hang out and playing frisbee golf. Never played before, but with somebody who's a d God. So I don't know. It's either a serial killer. I'm gonna have a good time, bro.

Connecting in Real Life

It's just bros being bros. I mean, there's no better way for a bro to be a bro than by just straight up saying, hey, let's. Let's kick it in real life. Frank, I feel like you came up at the perfect time. Why don't you? Why don't you correct me on what it is the d got map is? Yeah. One minor correction. Yeah. Everything. Right. We do ask for credit card number and socials, as well. It's, It's for me, I guess, or it's just a very. I mean, no, it's to verify if the location is, like, accurate. You know, you don't want anybody faking it. But, yeah, I'm also, for people in the chat saying this. I'm not a fed. That's crazy.

Accusations and Data Privacy

We have no confirmation of that, by the way. That is a speculative statement. I just want to stay say that. I don't know. You trying to get everybody's location on a map. Frankenous next. Dude, poker is not going to fund itself, dude. No. The accusations that I'm selling this data are fucking nice. I mean, like, how much do you guys think it would even, like, go for, you know? So it's a. I mean, listen. Yeah. What do you think? Like, ballpark? The number would be. Why? Information. Frank, are you. No, no, bro. No, these accusations are. Are, like, 95% false.

Community Reactions

I'm just wondering, what's the five? What's the five? That's a one in 20. Man. The Internet these days. You guys are just trying to cancel me. It's just ridiculous. Like, this. This. This is what? I didn't know you guys were into that kind of thing, but, yeah, this. Is what America's turning to. Hey, shrimp, I'm selling on my bubble boy right now. Anymore there's bearish unlocks bubble buddy. Hotel buyer, bubble buddy. I'll buy your bde. I'll buy all your. Let's go.

Bubble Buddy Conversations

Hey, gone, bro. It's gone. Buy it up, bro. Frank, it's all you. Ten k clip for you right there, bro. Let's go, Frank. Yeah, you got to sit there and join the bubble, buddy. Go ahead, Frank. I'm waiting to see a ten k clip from my cell, bro. It's all you. Well, a bunch of people tagged me saying that bubble buddy is, like, started the x community meta, and I just. Bro, you have to buy some. No, no, I was going to say. I just want to confirm that is true. Oh, thank God. I love you. Hi.

Encouragement and Buying More

Now you gotta go buy some ten soul clip or your bitch on, God. We just bullying franken to buying our bags? Is that. Is that what I mean? If he's got that big dick energy, he's gonna sit there, and I do. Have some of that. I do have some of that, but I have. Okay, I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you that I have bow buddies, but I guess this is a good forcing function for me to just go buy some because I do see you guys on my timeline all the fucking time.

Reflection on the Community

It's, like, kind of retarded, dude. The meta that it did, I think was beneficial for all fucking meme coins, dude. Because literally, dude, when you're in a fucking telegram, you're showing your bags to everyone that fucking holds it. You're sitting there posting on the timeline, mutual followers. Everyone's gonna fucking see it. Like, how are you gonna sit there and get in other people's faces if you're fucking spamming in the telegram the whole fucking time? Yeah. So you don't have a bunch of whiny bitches? Do you have any, like, pro tips? You guys have been running it the best.

Tips for Community Engagement

We just started ours. Like, what do you. Like? What's the kind of literally, like, the. Main literally, if you're gonna sit there and post something, like, for your case, if someone's gonna post a picture of their fucking d God, you do it in the d got community. But you also make sure you post it to your following because that's what a lot of people kind of forget. Like you gotta press the little checkbox to post your following too. But then also for the algo as well. Sometimes it's better to also just post without the community, but then post it into the community for the Community to see it too.

Understanding Community Strategies

Because the only downside for your case is that yours is exclusive to the d gods and you guys are making sure it's the pfps so nobody can comment on the Community aspect of it. So that was actually like my, so far has been my favorite part. Cause sometimes I feel like I want different avenues to just talk to, like our own Community. And, I've actually just been using it the slightly the opposite way for me.

Discussion on Social Media Experience

Cause I get spammed whenever I post anything, like to the General Public. So it's been nice to just like, you know, right now. 100%. Yeah, literally, that's part of so far for me. But everyone can still see it because you could post it on your timeline at the same time. So it's literally the best fucking concept.

Suggestions for Improvement

I do wish they made it more like Reddit. Like, I think that should be the end goal for X because like, it reminds me a lot of my favorite subreddit is like growing up, like this kind of Structure where you form a Community and people are kind of making posts, the most popular ones get the trending. But I feel, yeah, I feel like upvotes, downvotes, better comment threading, that kind of thing would make this like a fucking smash hit. I wouldn't be surprised.

Increasing Usage and Features

Because the thing is, like, I mean, obviously in CT right now, it's being used more and more with, especially with the meme coins. But like, the thing is, if the more that it gets used, the use of it, I think that would probably, that's probably going to end up happening. There's going to be more features in the X communities because someone's going to sit, someone knows somebody at Twitter to start throwing these fucking ideas in their head.

Feature Requests and Improvements

Yeah, they have a group I joined, I'm just a nerd about, like, because when we try to use a new platform, trying to like, learn everything about it, so they have like a group for feature requests. So it looks like the next three feature requests that they're going to hit are community only spaces. It's like a better search functionality. And I think just more bug fixes across the board. My thing I keep coming back to. I wish it was just better likes.

Concerns Regarding Social Media Platforms

I mean, upvote, downvote. Only in communities could be really sick, but we'll see. So all I'm hearing is that every other social media is going to be useless real soon. It's just Twitter. Absolutely everything app, baby. Absolutely everything up. Dude, I just. The last. My dream request for Elon, because I know he's listening right now. Yes.

Experiences with Direct Messages

I just wish Twitter DM's were just better, man. I don't know. I. My shit is so glitchy. It's just a problem. Like, I can't use this. And the groups thing is also really annoying because I can't archive. But, like, I'm in so many fucking groups and they always end up at the top of my. My DM's. But I don't want to be, like, a dick and, like, leave the groups.

Suggestions for Better Group Management

At least with telegram, you can, like, archive it or hide it or do folders. That's my only, like, dude, if they did that, we solve world peace, I swear. Do you guys remember pal? Do you guys remember pal from telegram? I wish they would integrate that into group chats to see, like, hey, what happened here? And also, dude, this database of all the people that are across the world is just a database of people who drink out of shoes, dude.

Implications of Data Sharing

So I don't know what kind of feds are going to be knocking to try and get those probably. Probably world war three draft people that they're trying to pick up. They're like, yo, we need some grunts, bro. What do you mean, bro? D guys are high value targets for the federal government. They've been trying to track them down for so long, and I guess now it's going to be a little bit easier, but, yeah.

Lighthearted Interactions and Humor

Fed confirmed. Fed confirmed in that. No, I'm not a fed, guys, that's. Ladies and gentlemen, we got him. Yeah, it's over here. Frank. I'm sorry. which. Clementi was still here. Had a question for him. I was gonna ask him some shit about that. Things that happened. Anyways.

Interest in Market Trends

Yeah. Where the Clemente go, bro? Dude, I know. I need him. I need him back. Dude, Clemente is on top of the market more than anyone else I know right now. This guy is like, it. Like, he's. He's fucking killing it with shit. I need this guy. I needed to get all my fucking news from him. I'm being so unironic right now.

Clemente's Expertise

Like, you. Like, I know you guys, see Clemente tweeting. No one is that deep in the trenches, so no one tweets that much information without being that deep in the trenches like Clemente is. Tap the fuck in whether you guys like it or not. Like, forget the training side of it. Clemente is tapped in, all right? Period. It's not.

Confidence in Market Knowledge

It's not debatable. He is. This guy understands exactly what's going on in the fucking market. He understands what makes things move. I would. I would. I would. Honestly, I would give Clemente money to trade free for me. That's my hot take. I would love to see how that performs.

Interest in Current Projects

I think it'd be the funniest fucking thing ever is just like. It's like, just. I want to see what Clemente interested in buying. there is a free mint going on. On Seoul right now called blink boys. That's actually up. It's. I think it's a Freeman. That's actually up to, like .13 right now.

Challenges in Minting

So that's kind of interesting. I have been trying for, like, baby, I know. I'm pumping your guys'fucking bags this point. I cannot mint a single one. Sucks to suck. Skill issue. Frisk. You know, you had the link. Wow. Funny how easy that is.

Market Dynamics

Yeah, I cannot meant a single one right now. But it is worth mentioning that, you know, a free mint has run up to, like, you know, I would say, like, a free $20. And if you can mint multiple as well, too. Like, that's a cook, guys. That. That's.

Interest in NFT Trends

That's a cook. I mean, obviously there's transaction fees, min fees, stuff like that, whatever. But still, it's nice to see, like, people buying DJ NFts and, like, aping into that. Dude, I got the best. I got the best one, dude. It literally has a popcat on its head and flicking you off.

Sentiment on Minting

I don't give a fuck about anything else that I minted that, actually. It's not really cute. It's just more like, fuck you. Fair, fair. Nsts, that means. Yep, I've won it once. That's great. Yeah, I think they blacklisted your wallet so we can go higher.

Reflections on Trends

That's probably. Oh, yeah, it's because I totally. Yeah, it's exactly. Exactly what it is. You're welcome, guys. We are seeing a bit of. We are seeing a bit of life get breathed into, like, slaughter any of these as well, too.

Market Activity Observations

And I feel like I say that every week, which is a good thing. Like, I'm seeing Clinton source up 21% right now. I'm seeing what was the one that. That pumped yesterday unipuppets, I think. I think that touched, like, one soul.

Insights on Jpeg Interest

Was it not a Fremant? Like, that's. That's super interesting, seeing, like, these blinks. GG is up to 5.8 sol right now, guys. Like that thing that cooked way back when, I think it was also a free mint. Now sitting at, like, nearly once a seven, six, $700 floor.

Current Market Value Discussion

That's pretty good. Herman's up to two soul, I think there. I don't know what their mint price was, but I don't think it was too high either, to be honest. And even on ETH, we saw egg run from, like, below 0.01 up to 0.3 eth. Now sitting around 0.2.

Mixed Sentiments on Meme Coins

I feel like there's interest in the jpegs again. And I think it might be due to the fact that, like, there's a. Not a lot of people who are, like, super interested in the meme coin side of things right now. And that's pretty, like, it's a pretty assumptive thing to say.

Market Floats Conversations

But, I mean, anyone who's trading meme coins up here knows lately I haven't seen something break really high market cap in a while. Matter of fact, everything has been just kind of slow bleeding. Which also reminds me, bitcoin has been kind of in this, like, bouncing back range is currently below 60k right now.

Future Speculations

So I guess my. The point I make with all this is where are people degenering? Where are people looking to play? Everyone's still playing the fucking meme coins to casino, dude. It's plain and simple. That's literally what everyone's still fucking doing.

Expectations of Market Growth

I mean, the sad part is people like, oh, we just hit two hundred k. Oh, good call, man. Like, I'm like, this is where we're at. That's good. Fuck that, dude. Fucking higher. Set your expectations fucking higher, dude.

The Nature of Trading

So same energy, just people are much more. How much wasn't here much shorter time spans? Well, I mean, yeah, I guess so. I don't know, dude. I still have the same energy, dude. Send everything to fucking millie's, dude.

Ambitions in Trading

Like, I mean, literally, that's. That's the only time that I get my fucking dick hard is if shits fucking get sent to the millies. And then, honestly, I wanted to go fucking, like, 10 million, 20,000,030. I want to fucking see a billy coin fucking go, I want to see a billion.

Historical Market Patterns

Yeah. Like, I can't think of the last coin that's actually run to a billion since boom. Hit a building. Oh, no, it hit 500. Wait, did hit a bill. I think you hit a bill briefly, but. And, like, I guess we can count it.

Future Market Observations

But, like, I want to see, like, a clean break. Like. Like, it, like a. But I mean, that. Yeah, like, bunker whipping up. Yeah, but those two. Those took a little bit of time to get there, of course.

Expectations Moving Forward

Of course, dude. But, yeah, no, I mean, I think we're due for. I mean, well, I say I think we're due, but honestly, there's gonna be. There's gonna be a meme coin at some point.

Meme Coins and Market Outlook

I don't know when. It's somehow or some way that's gonna fucking send, and it's gonna probably bring the life back into the meme coins, literally. It's like everybody's kind of just waiting for that one runner to reset, start the fucking meme coin cycle, I think, because it's not over. Yeah, we're in this little period, but the fucking markets are fucking absolute dog shit right now. So obviously, the meme coins are not really the most friendliest places right now. But, like, turn around, dude. We're fucking back into fucking, like, mint. I mean, well, not mint in print, but, buy in print, I guess, where dog shit memes will actually fucking just always run. Right now, I'm just happy because most dog shit memes are not running.

Investment Strategies and Community Insights

Okay, shrimp, I want to ask you this, then, before we hit Jared's hand, because I want to hear from Jared. It's been a minute. You have to buy a coin under 50 mil right now, like. Like a heavy clip. What are you buying into? My thing is. I mean, obviously, I could just sit there and say, bubble, buddy. But, I mean, that's. That. I feel like everybody. Besides. Besides all buddy. That's the obvious answer. Yes. Yeah. My thing is, dude, I would. I mean, I personally, like, though you go with the ones with the least amount of volume. I'd say geeko. Geeko is still one of my biggest convictions. I think Geeko probably will see well past all time highs in due time. I mean, it has good narrative and has good.

Market Trends and Future Expectations

I mean, it has a good narrative for pushing, and it's low volume, but, I mean, it's around three mil. Like, we see that all the time with coins like that. Just kind of stay there, but still have a community. Then one day, sometime at some future, then everybody's like, what the fuck is that? 20 mil? I thought three mil. Yeah, that was a month ago. We were the whole time while you guys were looking, that's why I don't hate that. I don't. I don't hate that take, to be honest. And like, it's. It's always the ones that you think are gone that end up coming back eventually and in a strong, oh, you. Know, come back, in my opinion, and be one of the most hated rallies ever. And everybody's like, fuck, shrimp, shut the fuck up about used car. But no, I still think that one's going to come back tenfold. I couldn't agree more.

Market Analysis and Historical Context

And before we hit, Jared. Sorry, man. I'm going to hit, actually, the beat breakdown before we get too far from things beat late on us. All right, we will get into it. I think brainlet is something that I'm watching at the moment. It looks like it's glad you said that. I'm glad you said that a lot, actually. Yeah. Yeah. So, brainlet, it's been on a decline, but it just looks like it did a turn on. All right. It is fucking. It is already Wednesday, September 4 crypto greed and fear index. It just got released. Can you believe it? We're up two degrees. We're coming in at 29. Yesterday was 27. Keep in mind, today it's a 27. Yesterday was a 26. Last week it was a 30. Last month it was a 26.

Historical Influences and Innovations

So we are in a range we are used to. Everyone stop fucking panicking. And I thought this was also interesting. On this day in history, circa 1995, Pierre Omidar, he launched something called Auction Web. And one of the first things he listed was a broken laser pointer. Somebody bought the laser pointer, at which point Pierre called him on the phone and said, do you know that the laser pointer that you purchased is broken? At which point the person on the other end of the phone said, yes, I collect broken laser pointers. And that was the start of eBay, which is now a huge fucking company. Sui Playo X one gaming device. They just announced their 2025 release date. It's coming out in Q one. It looks pretty interesting.

NFT Marketplace and Blockchain Innovations

Hyperspace NFT marketplace, which honored Solana and Sui NFTs, has decided to close up shop. This is fucking absolutely brilliant. When you think about the blockchain being a game changer for so many things. Sui blockchain, they are testing Internet less transactions and they are using FM and AM radio waves for Internet transactions in places where there's no Internet. I think that's brilliant. And if you have Amazon Alexa, she is going to be eventually upgraded with anthropics Claude AI. So that's super interesting. Nvidia got super crushed the SEC, excuse me, the SEC's rejection of the grayscale bitcoin ETF. There's some weird going on over there.

Banking Systems and the Future of Cryptocurrency

And this is also interesting. Cantor Fitzgerald predicts that us banks are eventually going to try and hold bitcoin on their ledgers, which is really interesting. Like, can't we go bankless with crypto? Banks are trying to figure out how to stay relevant in this marketplace and that's all I got. There's a bunch of other shit going on politically, but frisk, I will send it back to you. Much love beat. Another banger breakdown. Appreciate you showing up every day and talk, telling us what's popping off. Jared, how you doing, man? Frisky, what's happening, man? I excited that you're hosting an australian friendly space. I love it, man, I love it. I always thought the adm's were australian friendly, but I guess not.

NFT Launches and Trends

Oh, it's rough, man. It's a rough time, but glad to be back on the stage. I was just, you're mentioning where people like looking, dude, launch one. Ft is where like all these things are launching. I think like if you're a part of like some sort of like the retardio community or like you cube or like all these, like, I think Lorps another one, right? Like they've just all got whitelisted, these things. And like the one that ran yesterday, you're speaking about the uni puppets. Like they, that was drawn by the same guy who drew retardio cousins. So like that's why that ripped. I think it was like a .3 soul mint and it like sold out instantly.

Market Behavior and Investment Opportunities

Like it was like gone before you could even like touch it and then, yeah, instantly back to one soul, like as soon as it hits secondary. So yeah, pretty crazy. I think like if you're, you know, interested in like the NFT side of things and not meme coins, I think most things that are running are generally coming off launch my NFT and you just gotta keep an eye on like what's happening on that platform. So when you were saying to keep an eye on the platform, are you looking at like new releases or is there like what's looking for here? Yeah, you know, people do like, yeah, good. Yeah, like the new release is coming and like, I mean, they're usually up a day beforehand.

Pre-Sales and Changing Market Dynamics

Generally you can probably see them like a day before they actually launched. The best thing to do is probably just buy like, you know, maybe not a cousin. They're like a little bit expensive. Like they're still like 13 soul or something. But like, you coob or like, I think Unicornio is the other one. Like they're all very similar. And I think if you get into like one of those communities, you'll be able to see what's coming next because like they're all sort of like, they're not like insider, but like, they all know what's going on in that sort of space. Like they're tapped into that space all the time. And so, you know, like, if you just need to know like, what ones are going to be big, you can sort of just find out from their chats of like, what the next one's going to be.

Trends in Cheap Mints and Pre-Sales

and yeah, if you just sit on like launch my ft, check it once a day and see what the, like, the launches are for the day, you can sort of see what the good ones are. And you know, they, some of them pop, man. Like, I think unicorny, I went to like eight soul. so like, you know, there are like things that do rip from there. Oh, God, our alpha chests going back now but for launch by nfts. Like Alpha chest used to be such a big thing, man. That's, that's Mandev. Like, I remember people buying into groups and like, for what it's worth, alpha chat still exists, but like they looked so different back in the day where like Jared, are pre sales like hot right now or do people care about pre sales or.

Current Market Sentiment

Not really? No, not really. I think that the pre sales are like not real cool. I think the thing that's like really like taken over like really cheap mints, right? Like, you know, anywhere from like 0.1 to 0.3 small collection sizes up to like two to three k and then have got some sort of like derivative of like maladies. Like I think that's the formula. You just give whitelist to all their communities and then you like let them send it and yeah, I think that's like the formula at the moment. But obviously these things change and it moves, but yeah, that's currently what I'm saying.

Market Dynamics and Strategies

Sure. I mean, you know, it's a market that just continues like to like project up and down and whatever else. So metas are always going to change. That's the thing. And like, I can't, I've been seeing a ton of people buy like really cheap shit and seeing it pop. I mean, dude, look at these fucking blink boys. Like if I'm not mistake where did secondary. Whatever, I don't care anyways. People are buying dirt cheap mints. And it is, like, running up exponentially. Like, dude, I was. I actually minted retardio cousins back, like, a few weeks, way back when. And it was one of the simplest things that, like, the simplest ways to make an absolute win on it.

Collecting Rare NFTs

And Jackson. And we minted those together. I saw people that were minting, like, at least 2030 of those and they probably still have a few to this day. Like, talk about a fucking cook that you're just sitting on. Especially if you pull rares and stuff. Like, that's one of the coolest things to me about nfts. You can't pull a rare if you get an early contract address or you can't pull a rare, or you can't, like, sweep a rare if you're buying, like, what do you call it? Like. Like a meme coin. So you have that opportunity with the jpeGs.

Engagement with Emerging Trends

Is anyone up here trading ordinals? That's the thing that is interesting to me. Like, a serious question, right. For someone who's, like, not in ordinals at all, but, like, are they dead? Like. Like. And what's the other thing with their runes? Because I never got into, like, all this, but, like, are they, like, actually, like, dead at the moment? So I. It's funny, I'm glad we have easy and Clemente both up here too, because I want. I want their honest thoughts on it.

Ordinals and Runes Market Status

But I'll be quick and I'll say I don't think ordinals are dead. I think runes are dead for the time being, especially with all the. The JPEG interest right now. I think ordinals are. It's a matter of time for them. Runes, on the other hand, there's no reason to be on runes right now, but if you're really trying to left curve it, you can. That's what. That's what I would say. Clemente, what do you think Leonidas, like, still doing space?

Ongoing Developments in the Market

It's just pumping the shit out of ruins is like, that still, the thing. I think he's doing right now, actually. Yeah. I mean, he still wants the biggest rune on all. Yeah, he's doing right now. Like, he still runs the biggest coin by, like, a pretty big margin on all of bitcoin. Like, I genuinely think doggo two moon goes up eventually. I can't say the same for the rest of runes, but I think doggo two moon, like, you know, it's. It's probably one of the decent plays you can make on runes.

Market Insights on Future Potential

I don't think it's crazy to say at what, 250 mil if not mistaken. I think it's 250 mil market cap. That's. That really could be worse. It's not bad. So, yeah, I think Leonidas can pump it. I think there's going to be other runes as well too, that like pop up eventually. Like, we haven't seen a rune come from like a successful ordinal project yet. Like, I haven't seen an OmB ruin.

The Potential of Runes

I haven't seen a pizza ninja rune that I think goes absolutely crazy. Even someone like Udi has commented a lot on rune saying he's not really on board with it yet, but I think it was mind changes. A quantum cat rune slash, like taproot wizard rune could be something that's really culturally moving. And I think that those associations go a long way. We've already seen it with like, you know, the current state of Solana NFTs where we have a JPeg with a meme coin attached to it. And the meme coin fucking runs. The JPEG follows as well too. That sort of thing. That's just my two cent. I don't know. Clemente, jump in here.

Rune Trading Dynamics

I think runes are interesting. They trade, not like a traditional meme coin. They basically trade like an NFT in which you have to list your. It's like a BR, it's a BRC 20, essentially, still. But you just list it and there's basically no volume, but it can create a lot of spikes when there is an inflow in volume. And some of these runes, you can see a. Dude, easy if you keep laughing. I'm gonna leave this bullshit. I hate him so much. Fucking North Korea, you commie. Get the fuck out of here. We're out here grinding, putting in work. Your ass is fucking muted. Twiddling your thumbs, doing nothing. We're out here in the fucking trenches, buddy.

Liquidity and Market Trends

Anyway, frisk what were talking about. We were talking about runes. Yeah, I mean, I did. I like billion dollar cat. I would. I would buy some here, but there's zero liquidity or volume on there. It's pretty gnarly. I looked at the numbers and I compared like, the top four runes and they had like, less than, like $500,000 worth of volume in a 24 hours period. It's. It's pretty absurd. So. But doesn't mean that price won't go up and. And you can make some money eventually. That's kind of my thought process with it, too, is like, you know, I think it's a matter of time before things like on runes happen. I don't think it's an if. I think it's a when.

The Future of Bitcoin Runes

And so a lot of that comes from, like, better dapps, better technology, that sort of thing, like, being developed for it. But you can't deny the liquidity that is on bitcoin. But the thing that, like, I come back to time and time again is are people going to spend their bitcoin? Are people going to bridge to bitcoin to buy these things? Like, what is the demand? What is the drive? And, like, we've already established that the tickers are ass. None of the memes on bitcoin are funny, but I still feel like there's. There's a. There's a possibility for things to turn around. It's not like. Like, I don't want. I'm trying to think of a good example here.

Skepticism towards Trends

Like something I would never touch in crypto. I don't. I can't think of something off the top of my head like what? What I would never, ever touch in crypto. Like, there's no fucking way you could. You could pay me enough to do that. Something like. Like tazos, like you told me. Oh, tastes. Nfts are the next fucking big thing. No fucking shot. I'm jumping over to tazos. I'm sorry. There's no, like, whoever makes money over there, good fucking luck. But runes, I think that, like, I think they have that potential and I think that the thing that's going to lead it is ordinals, like, pumping, but we don't get that until we see more interest there.

Current Market Observations

And I mean, hey, right now, ordinals, when I look at some of, like, the prices on them, pizza ninjas are up a decent amount. They're at 0.14 bitcoin. Quantum cats still at like a quarter bitcoin. Ombs are at .15 bitcoin. No monkeys at 0.11. Like, those are still decent floors. Like, those are all, like six $7,000 floors. Quantum cats is almost like a ten, $20,000 floor. 15 maybe like that. That's a pretty high barrier to entry. It goes. Sure there's people that are, like, interested in buying at those prices, or at least there's no one willing to sell below those prices.

Long-term Viability of Runes

So. Yeah, I don't see runes just, like, fading away so easily. No trash feeding. Hold on, wait a minute. Who's this. Mister? Is that you that's gonna say he got a. Definitely got. I thought it was Mongo or Adam for sure. Is it Mungo? It didn't sound like Mongo. Anyway, yeah. Yeah. That's my thoughts on runes and. Come on, Tim, I'm glad you're back up here. I want to ask you a question. I briefly saw a video before we got into the space about you defending a coin that popped off recently, monkeypox. Why? We saw the run up today on it as well too, but I wanted to hear from your word specifically, I asked.

Market Reactions to Memecoins

I didn't know what it was, so I asked, like, hey, does anyone know what this is? Why is it up literally like 100 x in the last four or five days? And it was either half of the responses were like, dude, this is a complete scam. It's by books and bark and those fucking dudes, like, don't touch it. And the other half were the people that owned the asset. They were like, no, dude, it's pretty interesting. It's a 404. There's nfts attached to it. It's actually pretty interesting. It's kind of interesting. But people calling it a scam, it's all vaporware, basically was my take is like, it's all a scam.

Caution in Cryptocurrency Investments

Like, any of these meme coins I bought kabuti. I made more money buying kabuti than any other meme coin in the last four weeks. And that was because it was such blatantly a scam, such a left curve play that I'm like, yeah, dude, I'll make money on this. But like this. Like, I see people trying to get on this high horse saying like, oh, this is a scam, dude. Every 90% of things in crypto are a scam. Like. Like, you shitting. So anyways, that was basically what I was trying to say. I don't own the token. I'm not endorsing it. But, like, seeing people get on their high horse today prompted me to say.

Reflection on Crypto Culture

That I don't hate the take. Like, I'm not. I'm not interested in monkeypox. I will never be interested in monkeypox. Let me make that clear. But, like, I don't hate the take, to be honest. At the end of the day, like, we can all fucking point fingers at each other and say, oh, they're a grifter. They're a scammer. They have a bad history. There's probably some of your favorite influencers slash Kols forever listening are probably doing a lot of shitty shit behind the scenes. Like, more than likely doing a lot of shady shit. So there's really two kinds of people.

The Duality of Crypto Characters

In the city dumps on me every fucking day. That fucking asshole. That's a skill issue. There's really two kinds of people in the space. People who. People who are scammers, and people don't get caught. So I guess. Hot take, frisk. It's easier to trade the scams than it is to trade like a yemenite. The not scams, because you're so not emotionally attached to it. Way easier because, you know, it's eventually. Yeah, easy.

Conclusions on Market Perspectives

Gonna jump in. Clemente's video was accurate, everything about it. He's not wrong. No, I agree. Like, I don't. I don't think it should be. I have to be careful what I say. I'm in a. I'm in a dictatorship at the country. What are you doing there, by the way? What was your angle? Like, why did you go? You can pay for a tour and you can go. So there's a sign that says DMZ, and it's a little scary. No. You want to know what happened, frisk? Here's what happened.

Humorous Anecdotes

It was him and his boo thing. They were sitting down yesterday, and she was like, oh, hey, easy. You know? No, no. It's way worse than that. It's way worse than that. It's way worse than that. It's way worse than that. Why? We were also with Adam and Mungo. We were also with Adam and Mungo. They're a bad influence, all of us, bro. You went Korea? Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Plans for the Future

So we're gonna launch the first pump fun from North Korea. No, you're not. Very. No, you're not. No. Comment day. Comment day. This is not vaporware. It's North Korea meme coins popping up on pump one in, like, the next 45 seconds. Right? That's just how that works in my book. It's okay. Don't worry. I'm about to go into a tunnel. I gotta go. I know which one. We'll be back tomorrow. Love you guys.

Closing Remarks

Why is he whispering? Back tomorrow. Have a great day, because, dude, it's not safe. It's not safe. I love you guys. Have fun.

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