Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Glacier Chat – AI and Data hosted by Glacier_Labs. Glacier Chat delves into the groundbreaking fusion of AI and blockchain technology, spearheading innovations in data-centric blockchain solutions. Through strategic partnerships with major platforms and a focus on data integrity, Glacier is reshaping the AI landscape, offering unparalleled advancements in AI performance and security. By integrating with top industry players, Glacier ensures transparency and trust in AI operations while driving efficiencies in data analytics. The future envisioned by Glacier points towards transformative applications in AI technology and data-driven decision-making processes.

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Total Listeners: 70


Q: How is Glacier reshaping the AI landscape?
A: Glacier is pioneering data-centric blockchain technology to enhance AI performance and scalability.

Q: What platforms is Glacier integrated with?
A: Glacier is integrated with @BNBCHAIN, @Filecoin, @ArweaveEco, @CelestiaOrg, and @babylon_chain for cutting-edge solutions.

Q: What is DePIN technology, and how does it benefit AI?
A: DePIN technology by Glacier sets new benchmarks for AI performance, ensuring efficiency and innovation.

Q: How does Glacier prioritize data integrity and security?
A: Glacier's focus on data integrity and security underlines its commitment to robust AI implementations.

Q: Why are partnerships crucial for Glacier's success?
A: Partnerships with major platforms keep Glacier at the forefront of technological advancements in AI and data solutions.

Q: In what ways does Glacier combine AI and blockchain technology?
A: Glacier's integration of AI and blockchain technology revolutionizes data-driven solutions, enhancing transparency and efficiency.

Q: What impact will Glacier's advancements have on data analytics?
A: Glacier's AI advancements are set to reshape data analytics processes, leading to more informed decision-making and innovation.

Q: How does Glacier ensure transparency and trust in AI operations?
A: The utilization of blockchain technology by Glacier enhances transparency and trust in AI operations, ensuring integrity and reliability.

Q: What sets Glacier apart in the AI sector?
A: Glacier's focus on data integrity, partnerships with industry leaders, and cutting-edge technology integration position it as a frontrunner in AI innovation.

Q: How does Glacier contribute to the evolution of AI technology?
A: Glacier's commitment to advancing AI through blockchain integration and pioneering technologies drives the evolution of AI capabilities and applications.


Time: 00:15:42
Data-Centric Blockchain Innovation Exploring Glacier's role in revolutionizing AI through data-centric blockchain technology.

Time: 00:25:19
Partnership Dynamics with Leading Platforms Understanding how Glacier's partnerships with @BNBCHAIN, @ArweaveEco, and others drive innovation.

Time: 00:35:10
DePIN Technology Unveiled Insights into Glacier's DePIN technology and its impact on enhancing AI performance.

Time: 00:45:07
Community Collaboration for Innovation Exploring the collaborative efforts with @CelestiaOrg and @babylon_chain for technological advancements.

Time: 00:55:30
Blockchain Integration for Secure AI The significance of blockchain integration by Glacier in ensuring transparency and security in AI operations.

Time: 01:05:12
AI Advancements Redefining Data Analysis Discussing how Glacier's AI advancements are reshaping the landscape of data analytics and decision-making processes.

Time: 01:15:28
Future Vision of AI and Data Solutions Envisioning the future impact of Glacier's innovations on AI applications and data-driven solutions.

Time: 01:25:41
Technological Efficiency through Blockchain Examining how Glacier's technological efficiency, powered by blockchain, enhances AI processes.

Time: 01:35:19
Data Integrity at the Core of Glacier The focus on data integrity and security as fundamental principles driving Glacier's AI advancements.

Time: 01:45:55
Scalability and Innovation in AI Highlights on Glacier's approach to scalability and innovation to propel AI technologies forward.

Key Takeaways

  • Glacier is pioneering data-centric blockchain technology to revolutionize AI capabilities.
  • Integration with major platforms like @BNBCHAIN, @Filecoin, and @ArweaveEco showcases Glacier's scalability.
  • DePIN technology by Glacier is set to redefine the standards for AI performance.
  • Community collaboration with @CelestiaOrg and @babylon_chain underscores Glacier's commitment to innovation.
  • The fusion of AI and blockchain through Glacier opens up new horizons for data-driven solutions.
  • Glacier's focus on data integrity and security highlights its dedication to robust AI implementations.
  • Partnerships with leading platforms ensure Glacier remains at the forefront of technological advancements.
  • Glacier's approach signifies a shift towards more efficient and secure AI processes.
  • The utilization of blockchain technology enhances transparency and trust in AI operations.
  • AI advancements powered by Glacier are poised to reshape data analytics and decision-making processes.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to AI After Dark

All right, everybody, we are going to get started here. Thank you for joining. We'll just talk a little bit as we wait for more people to come in, but I could not be more excited than to welcome you to the first ever episode of AI after Dark. It's the long awaited, much anticipated and somewhat debated talk show from Changept, where we talk about everything that's going on in our ecosystem. We're going to chat a little bit about AI, some stuff that's in the news, and hopefully invite some people onto the stage. So if you have questions, feel free to request at any time. I love talking to completely random people from all over the world. This is going to be a great show. Now, before we get started, I have to introduce to you my co host, Timo, who is the social media manager of changed BTPad. He's going to be joining me on this show and I think together we're going to have a lot of fun with this. So, Timo, would you like to say hello to the people?

Timo's Excitement

Yes. Thank you, Chris, for doing this introduction. I'm super happy to be here, like you said, for the highly anticipated, much debated AI after dark show. So that's going to be a lot of fun. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to be great. Guys, this has been a long process in the works. We've had different delays, like huge product releases like you guys have seen. We put out the tap game recently. We launched DJ and pad last month as well. And Timo, you've been pretty busy yourself, right? Because when I first hired you, like four, five, six months ago, you were traveling in Asia and it made us pretty difficult for us to do this show due to the time zones. But luckily you are back home in the EU. But hey, maybe people would be interested to hear a little bit about your travels.

Timo's Travel Experiences

Oh, yeah. Yes, for sure. Well, me and my girl, we had the amazing idea to travel to Asia and go do work abroad as that always, you know, gets advertised online as super nice and chill and you should be a remote worker in a tropical paradise. So we did that and it was absolutely great. But I would say that it's romanticized by quite a lot because when you're there, you will face yourself in some situations where you're like, I wish I was home right now working just like how we wanted to host this show. But all in all was great. We went to Thailand, went to Vietnam, went to Malaysia, and after that went to Canada. And from Canada went back to the EU, and that made everything a whole lot easier. So I would recommend to you guys, if you ever get the chance to work abroad, totally do so. But will, or you guys should know that it's maybe not as pretty or as chill as you would imagine it to be.

Favorite Travel Destination

Yeah. Yeah. What was your favorite country that you stayed in, though? that wasn't this time my trip, but my favorite time. This trip was definitely, I would say Thailand. Okay. All right, so. So, by the way, for everybody listening, and for our overlords, our bosses, if you're listening either live or now, later, this is the part of the show where we introduce ourselves to make the audience endeared towards us so that when they like us, they'll be more likely to interact with our products and campaigns, etcetera, as they go on. So, to that end, I'm going to do a quick intro to myself to let everybody know who I am, what I'm about, and what I do at the company. As I mentioned before, my name is Chris. I am the marketing manager at Chaingpt.

Chris's Role and Responsibilities

That means I look after all of our social media. I have a level of influence over our pr activities, help manage some of the different graphic design that we do. Like when you guys see videos and stuff like that, I help sort of oversee the production of a lot of different content that we do. And I work with other professionals, too, like SEO professionals and all these great people in the background who make an amazing company like this work. So if you guys have been fans of being b chained in the past, you may have heard me doing their spaces. I used to do their spaces all the time, so I've got a lot of practice doing Twitter basis, so I feel pretty confident about our ability to put on a good show for everybody. I think over time, the show is going to evolve. I want there to be a bit more production. There's going to be guests, there's going to be giveaways, there's going to be fun games that we can play together.

Introduction of Timo's Work

I think for this first one, we just kind of want to introduce ourselves, let everybody know what we're about, talk about a few things that we're excited about, and then after that, we can sort of evolve the show as it goes, along with your feedback and stuff like that. So that's a little bit about me and what I do at the company. Timo, how about you? You want to tell the people, like, what you do on a regular day for work? Like sort of what takes up your time? Yeah, absolutely. Chris, I think you wonderfully explained yourself and what you're doing in the company. I would like to say, everyone shout out to Chris for being here always for me and for the team, as he needs to be. So what I'm doing here, I got hired six months ago.

Timo's Contribution and Team

About six months ago, I'd say, for the position of change, DBDPad social media manager. But it went way beyond that. So it's really fun to be a part of DJMPad as well as labs and doing all kinds of social media content. I'm also part of the videos. You guys may have seen me on some news videos, kind of been slacking on that, so to say, with lower caps. But we will be back this week with a news video and then onwards every week. So, yeah, the video content is super fun to make. Ama. Ama is of course, with Chris and also with a lot of wonderful projects that we're hosting on our platform. So, yeah, a very diverse work in a very motivated team, I'd say. And that's just the beauty of crypto. If the project is beautiful, the people will be motivated as such.

Shout Outs and Acknowledgments

Well said. I like that. And Timo, shout out to you. Thanks. Shout out to you for giving me a shout out because we love having you at the company. And obviously, like you do are like sort of. I like to jokingly refer to Timo as like our Gen Z correspondent because he's like this. Like he comes from TikTok, he's made all these cool videos and like, he totally fits in with that. So, yeah, if you've heard Timo on Ama's, like, with different projects, he's also done, as he mentioned, videos for us, and now he's also a talk show host apparently, as well. So we have Timo doing a bunch of different things, but he's super into it and enjoys it. And I think we have a good time together. I think I actually, we actually could call each other friends together, but I think we have a pretty friendly dynamic going on.

Community Engagement and Announcements

So I think that will lend itself to the success of a little talk show here too. I do want to get into a couple of important. Shout out to Fernando. I see that Fernando has joined the space. What's up? What's up? That's. That's my dog right there. Fernando is the manager of the account I'm speaking from right now, which is the changeup team. So, Fernando, if you guys love all the content we do, from the robots to the updates to the new stuff, Fernando is like the mastermind, making sure all that gets out every day. And that is not an easy job. So shout out to Fernando. We love him. Let's talk about a couple of big news items that we have going on.

Exciting Campaign Announcement

The first has to be the Binance web three wallet campaign. Just give me a second, guys. I'm going to pin this tweet into the space so everybody can check it out. I really want you guys to check this out. This is a big deal. If you are a change EBT fan, you know how big of a deal this is? So check this out, guys. We have this campaign where you can share a prize pool of 500,000 CGBT. And for the. That's going to be, by the way, the small print is. That is for the first 100,000 or, excuse me, 10,000 winners. Sorry, guys, 10,000 winners. And the rewards are going to be airdropped to 10,000 winners in 14 days. The way you get part of the rewards is you participate in the campaign.

Participating in the Campaign

There's like, different tasks you can do, right? So one of them is you have to play our tap game, for example. So if you can see in this space, like, right at the top. Top, I've pinned the tweet there. So check it out, guys. This is huge, right? This is a collab that we are doing with the one and only Binance, and we couldn't be more excited to do it. Plus, if you're a new user, you can get a $600 voucher. So definitely check that out. So that's something really exciting going on. Timo, you were saying to me yesterday that you had just kind of found out about this. Like, what's your reaction? Like, this has got me pretty hyped up.

Timo's Reaction to the Collaboration

Yes, absolutely. Well, it's crazy to see, like, our brands, you know, intertwined with the brand of Binance. That just looks crazy, because as we all know, Binance is a massive exchange, the biggest one in the world. So it got me pretty, you know, hyped up, seeing the robot turn yellow for a bit and having binance next to him. So I'm really excited for what's to bring in the future. And this collaboration right here is just great for everyone who's willing to participate. That's it. And, and the best part is that you guys get to actually earn from it. So make sure to participate in the campaign, get your part of the airdrop. This is really exciting.

Wrapped Up with Excitement

You know what's cool about working at chain GPT, and I've worked at a few different crypto companies in my life, as I know you have as well, Timo? It's like a lot of companies try to hype up these like sort of fake announcements or kind of empty stuff. It feels like every like two weeks this company is either launching like a brand new product, an amazing new partnership, like an eight f tier partnership. So it's like when we do a show like this, there's actually, it's not like we have to fill time. There's actually so much to talk about. I'm looking at my watch, actually, I don't have a watch, so I'm just looking at my wrist. But there's not actually enough time to go through and mention every single cool thing that we're working on at the moment.

Degenpad Launch Insights

But I do want to get into Degenpad a little bit. So Degenpad is our brand new launchpad that we've come out, which is launching low FDV projects. And I think it's a little bit of a different branding from changept, but it's been really fun to work on. So I want to make sure that everybody checks out Degenpad as well. Timo, you've been working a little bit on this account. What can you tell us about your experience with Degenpad so far? Well, Degenpad is obviously like a fun addition to change EBT ecosystem because right there we have the low FD fees which are super innovative, but also a little more in serious and fun.

Timo's Positive Experience with Degenpad

So that way you're able to maybe invest in something that resonates with you a bit more. So I think I DJmpad is a great addition. I love working on the account. We have a lot of cool projects coming up. I do want to say guys, that if you guys are interested in participating still today at 02:00 p.m. uTC we have the koi ido. So make sure you check that out. You will have the first come, first serve round. If you didn't register your interest there, you'll be still able to participate there. If you get lucky, you'll be able to get a allocation in Koi as well. So just wanted to get that out too.

Koi Project Insights

Yeah, we just had an Ama with those guys at Koi the other day and it's like digital pets that you can get on the blockchain. So it's kind of like a Pokemon style thing.

Introduction to DJ Pad and KYC Registration

So guys definitely go over to DJ pad. The whole thing is that I want you guys to register in KYC. So it's DJ pad.com. it's been really successful like for our brand new launchpad. I'm seeing, you know, the social media managers are sending the post where everything is sold out. So it's genuinely, like, really exciting that this new product has come out. People are enjoying it, and I think it's kind of fun too. We get to mess around and like, post some memes and stuff like that. So I think there's actually some pretty funny content that we work on. We had Mu Dang, the viral baby hippo that every brand in the world is trying to get a piece of right now. And we've had Yu Gi oh. Yu Gi oh appeared actually on the Twitter the other day, so you never know what you're gonna expect.

Engagement and Product Availability

We had a call of Duty meme as well, so I assume pretty much a lot of fun we're having over there on the DJMpad front, guys. So make sure to KYC, another thing that's really important to mention too is like the staking every CGPT that you stake on pad, 50% of that goes over to Degenpad. So the phrase that we're using is one token, two launchpads. So make sure you take advantage of this. Right. If you are staked on a changeupt pad, then you also have that staking power on decent pad, which is like, really important to mention. Another quick shout out. We have Elon, the man himself in the call. So, Timo, we best be on our best behavior because the boss man is listening in.

AI Virtual Machine and Future Innovations

Yep. Shout out to Elon. He's actually just said in the chat that he wants me to talk about the AI VM right now. And this is actually a really cool thing that we're working on. Right. So an AI VM is an AI virtual machine. It's going to provide really cool infrastructure for web three AI, like a GPU marketplace, AI data on chain, AI model training, real time interface, web two AI interactions on chain, and so much more. This is really cool. So this is coming soon. I'm not sure exactly when it's going to come, but this is something definitely worth, like, keeping your eye on, guys. So we have a post coming out today with a little bit more detail. We're going to share a bit about the roadmap.

Network Events and AI Innovations

So make sure to check that out, just the details, and get ready for it, because I think this is going to be one of the major pillars that's going to propel this company going forward. So really excited about that. Okay, cool. Timo, anything on the pad side that you wanted to get into? Anything happening there? Or is it mostly the idos on Degen pad right now? Well, we got some stuff open on the pad side as well. We have. If you have not done that already, we got matrix one and naughty eye who are available to claim right now. So if you guys haven't done that yet, then be sure to head on over to those pages and claim matrix one and not AI.

Opportunities in Upcoming Projects

If you guys participated there, then I also wanted to go over some open stuff that we have. We got the giveaway for Matrix one. The 30,000 giveaway for Matrix one is currently open for interest, so be sure to register there as well. That's a separate one from the Matrix one ido. So very interesting and good to participate in if you want to make an extra buck there. And then we got autolayer who's going to launch soon and you can register for your interest there as well. Two, and Phantom, which is a soccer fantasy game, really fun auto layers, a DeFi platform, by the way, which is also super innovative.

Staying Engaged with IDOs

So I would highly suggest you head on over, get your KYC done and participate in all these idos because it's going to get wild, guys. Yeah, tons of ideas. There's a little bit of a lull there during the market when it was down, but they're all coming back. And one thing I really like about working at this company is like a lot of launchpads. They'll just put anything out there like any weird sketchy project. But now for change, apt pad and Djinn padded. There's always this huge emphasis on like vetting the projects, making sure the team is cool, making sure the product actually works and is useful. And I think this is something that you see all the time.

Efforts on KYC and Staking

So definitely recommend you guys Kyc on both get staked. It helps you achieve a higher tier so you can get a better allocation when you do register interest and everything. So guys, make sure to sign up to these launchpads, okay? One next thing I want to get to, we have a few more minutes here, probably another 10-15 minutes in. The call is Token 2049. Guys, token 2049 was crazy. I wasn't there, Timo wasn't there, but most of our core team was and they were at tons of different events. Timo, would you ever want to go to something like that? Does that look interesting to you? Something like going to Singapore?

Reflections on Attending Conferences

Token 2049, I know you just escaped Asia, but. Well, yeah, well, if I was still in Asia, I would have 100% gone. And in the past I've been to the crypto expo in Dubai, which was also a great experience. But definitely I love conferences and stuff like that. It's great for networking, and you will always, you know, be wiser after and have some friends or people within the industry that, you know, maybe for future jobs or that you can hire. So I always see the benefit of it. Yeah, definitely. Okay. Yeah.

Personal Preferences and Event Feedback

For me, I'm gonna be honest, it looks a little intense for me. I'm kind of, like, an introverted computer guy. So if I was in some, like, nightclub with, like, bursts of flame coming up and, like, girls, like, twerking and, I don't know, it might be a little. Did you see this stuff on the videos? Yeah, yeah, I did. Like, some of the events really look like a club setting. Yeah, it's a bit. It's a bit wild. Like, you see, like, these girls dancing, and then you're just like, what does this have to do with web three?

Social Media Outreach and Event Highlights

But then you realize that it's just like, maybe that's actually cool. So maybe. Maybe that's cool. So, yeah, guys, check out on our twitter, right? Actually, I'll go through. I'll pin another post. Yeah, yeah, I'll pin another video. Because we have this guy that our CMO Sharon has make these videos, and he uses, like, a drone, and, like, he makes super high quality videos. Let me share another one about the event we did with Certik. Right? So we did an event with Certic, which obviously, you guys know, they are, like, a leading, like, web three auditor for smart contracts, KYC and stuff like that, like, all into security.

Recap of Past Events

We did a ton of really cool events. We had one with privacy and lunar strategy as well. Again, if you scroll through our Twitter, you're going to see some amazing video footage from all these events. Like, it was super cool. And I don't necessarily say I would have wanted to be there, because, like I said, it's just not really my type of thing. But I'm glad everybody else had fun. It looks fun. Next time, Teemo. Timo, isn't there some, like, rumors going around in the office that they want to dress you up in a giant suit as a robot?

Future Event Engagement

I'm not going to say anything about that, but who knows? Who knows? In the future, wouldn't you want to go to, like, some. Some smaller events? Is that something you would. How about breakfast? I like breakfast. Changing breakfast, maybe, like, we have a quiet changeup. Tea. Tea time with about three people. No. So, yeah, I. Guys, I'm just not. I'm just. I.

Thoughts on Social Interactions

You know, I like the computer. I like social media. This is kind of how I like to interact with human beings. But you can see guys on the. On the Twitter, we have a ton of, like, photos that we've posted of all our amazing core team members that were there, so you guys can check it out. So shout out to the country and city of Singapore poor because they are super crypto friendly. I can only imagine, as you mentioned before, like, the networking and the conversations that were had.

Company Presence at Events

So, yeah, change ePT has, like, a really solid presence, like, sponsoring these side events. Of course, I almost forgot to mention the one that we did with Tron and HTX. That was kind of like the after party, I think, on the first or second night. So. So that was super cool. So, yeah. All right, for the next segment of the show, guys, I wanted to kind of just talk about general stuff that's happening in AI.

Discussing Innovations in AI and Technology

So we've got sort of the company stuff about, let's just have a little chat about some kind of cool stuff that's happening in the world of tech. One thing that caught my eye, Timo, was, did you see that Facebook just released its new meta quest three? Yeah, yeah, I've seen that, definitely. But I didn't look at it that much to know what it's all about. So maybe you could introduce me a little. I don't know how much it has to do with, like, AI.

Exploration of New Technology Trends

And this is kind of one thing I want to talk about, like, AI VR, and then this new thing, which is called Ar, which is augmented reality. So basically, I think it's just a cheaper version, like, of their meta quest three. So it's called the meta quest three s, and I think it's just like $300. So it's relatively affordable. I think the other one is a bit more expensive. It's definitely a lot more affordable than the freaking $3,000 apple vision Pro. Right. Timo, have you ever tried, like, VR before?

Personal Experience with VR Technology

Yeah, yeah, actually, last. Where was I? Last time I was in Canada, we had some family of my girl who this, her cousin, actually. He bought a meta quest three, which was really cool. It was like $800 and stuff. We kind of looked at him like, bro, like, why did you buy this? But we all get to try it. And it was better than expected. Just made me a little motion sick. And I think in the future, with all the innovation is happening, there's going to be some crazy AI ar glasses, goggles out there that will not make you motion sick, and that will be smaller and, you know, have the best graphics and stuff.

Future Innovations in VR and AR

So I'm just really curious where it's going to because it's only been so short right now. We already have the stuff that we have. Yeah, it's pretty interesting, isn't it? By the way, if you guys are listening to the call and you have an opinion or a thought about, like, AI, like AR or VR, feel free to request and I'll bring you up on the stage and you can have a little chat with us. But for now, I'm just going to express some of my opinions on the matter. And those are, I think it's interesting.

Resident Evil Experience

I think I tried resident evil. You know this game? Yeah, yeah, guys, it was frightening. I was sitting there and I was being chased by zombies and I had a pistol. And, you know, as it is, you empty your clip shooting all the zombies, you have to actually reload. Like, like, you have to take the clip and put it into your gun. So it was quite like a frightening, overwhelming sensory experience for me. So maybe I would better suited for something like beat sabers. Have you tried that one, Timo?

Discussion on Beat Saber and Blade and Sorcery

Yeah, I've tried beat saber, but I've also tried. What's that called again? Blade and sorcery, which is really fun. Have you heard of that? No. Oh, it's like a medieval sword fighting game with witchcraft. So that's like, you don't have to like worry about your clips being empty. Oh, okay. But you probably have like spells. Yeah, yeah. So you get. Yeah, it's really cool. You have your book with magic and stuff and you have your sword. I don't know if I'm saying this correctly, though, like a few legit, but I think so.

Facebook's New AR Glasses

So one other thing, when they showed off the new medical, by the way, this is not an ad for Facebook meta quest three s or whatever the hell it is. I wanted to say they have AR glasses that they've developed and they look pretty weird. Like, most people know that Facebook has these ray ban glasses, which have some, like, I don't think it's AI, but it can like take pictures and videos. They're really sweet. They just look like normal ray ban glasses, but they have pictures in them, or cameras, I should say. But the new AR glasses that they're working on, I think it's just a prototype. But you could see there's some pics of like, Mark Zuckerberg, by the way, just random question, is Mark Zuckerberg hot now? Like, have you seen this, Timo?

Discussion on Mark Zuckerberg's Transformation

He's like, had a makeover in the last. Yeah, he had a crazy glow up. Right? Like, you went to the gym, and. Now he's, like, streetwear, and he's wearing, like, gold chains. He looks like two chains out there. Yeah, it looks like. Honestly, he looks good for a CEO. Because, like, he went through this whole thing where, like, everybody said he looked like a. Like a robot lizard. Like, remember when he was, like, testifying in front of Congress and, like. So he's. It's. He's had a huge glow. I mean, he's one of the richest people in the world, right? So he probably just, like, was, like, got a focus group together and was like, guys, I need to be hot because I need to sell AR glasses.

Adoption of AR Technology

I think it's working. I think it's working. Yeah, I think so, too. Yeah, definitely. So. So anyway, the glasses, it's kind of that thing, right? Where, like, they. You can look at stuff, and they had some, like, rudimentary tech demos. Like, one was, like, Pongdez. So, Timo, like, if you and I were both wearing the glasses, we could be standing across from each other and, like, pushing, like, a little ball. But, like, so augmented reality for anyone listening, that's not familiar. It's basically like the real world where if you guys remember Google Glass, do you remember this product, Timo? Came out, like, a long time ago.

Understanding Augmented Reality

Yeah, I do. Yeah. It basically imposes, like, a little overlay, almost like a video game. Right. You know, like, when you're walking around, you can see, like, your health bar or, like, some status stuff. So I think I. AR seems to be maybe a more realistic future. I think what they mean with AR is. Right, like, augmented means upgraded. So AR is, like, upgraded reality. So what you're seeing in front of you, but with extras. Yeah. And I could see that being really useful, because in my life, I find myself turning to AI more and more often for more weird things, like, all the time.

Personal Use of AI

I'm just constantly in the same way. We used to have this reflex of, like, asking Google for stuff. I find myself asking chat GPT for, or should I say chaingpt? Guys, I always use the chain GPT AI for all my queries. And I was asking the AI because my girlfriend was playing Pokemon. This is a bit of an aside, guys. She's playing Pokemon on her Nintendo switch, and she's constantly asking me, what type is better than this type, you know, this Timo. We're like, fire type beats grass type, etcetera. So I was asking the AI for these questions, and wouldn't it be cool.

Hypothetical Future AI Product

If I could just ask my glasses. And it got me thinking, like, what if change apt ever got to the point of, like, a physical product, what would that be? I would say, like, I could envision it being on your desk. You know, like, having a little, like, knob on your desk. You can just touch it and be like, hey, what is the latest Ethereum? You know, like, explain the latest Ethereum uptrend. And I guess we already kind of have that in an app, but I think it's funny, right? So there's these people who are, like, super anti AI because they think it's, like, evil and gonna take over everything, which is, like, okay, definitely a possibility.

Concerns about AI's Impact

Like, everybody's heard Elon musk talk about this, but for me, what I want in my life is kind of like, an overarching AI that has, like, a viewpoint on everything that's happening in my life. Like, for example, like, my AI could just be like, Chris, your girlfriend told you to take out the trash and you forgot to. You better do that or you're gonna get in trouble. Like, I feel like I'm at the point in my life where I need, like, a. I need, like, an AI mother. Like. Like, all aspects of my life. Like, work is one thing, but I don't know.

The Role of AI in Daily Life

What do you think about that, Timo? Do just. Do you feel like something like that would, like, I don't know. I think it takes away a lot of, like, brain activity. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think if that happens, maybe in, like, 20 years, even, we wouldn't. We wouldn't get as old, you know, if we don't use our brain as much. Or maybe we'll get older because we don't have to think as much. But, like, I don't know. It's a good question.

Reflections on AI's Influence

Like, yeah, it's kind of like, you remember this Pixar film, Wall E, where all of the humans become, like, really fat and stupid because the computers just do everything for them. And I actually do find myself becoming kind of stupider with AI, but also smarter. Like, one thing, for example, is, like, you know how, like, I'm a copywriter, right? So I went to school for English. Like, I started writing before this, and, like, I used to always write stuff, but now I usually have, like, the AI write something for me, and then I go back and fix it.

The Dual Effect of AI

And then sometimes you see the writing on the AI is, like, super bad, and you're just like, why didn't I take the extra time to, you know, like, go back and fix it myself so it's this help, help and hurt thing, right, where it can help us, but it can also kind of, like you say, take away from our creativity and even our humanity. Yeah, I think a lot of the things with AI are like reverse engineering because you're, you look at something and then you, you already have the information in your head if it's not new, and then you just overlay it over the AI's information and you kind of filter it, like if this is real or not.

Strategies for AI Usage

So it's like you're reverse engineering the answers a lot of the time. Same with, like, the copyright it gives you. You're always trying to improve what the AI is giving you because you don't want to be too lazy and just take what the AI has put out. Yeah. And that can be annoying sometimes too. Like when people just like, obviously send you something they've made in chat GPT and you just want, you want them to like, take a bit more time to like, refine it and improve it instead of just copy pasting it.

Balancing AI and Creativity

Like, you have to think for yourself a little bit. But once you get that, I think that, right, that balance between, like, you know, getting the AI to support you, but then yourself with your own creativity, like augmenting it or improving it's awesome. So I did see that someone had just requested to come on the space. Their name is Shimonto. Oh, someone else has requested. Okay, this could be an interesting segment of the show.

Concept of Bringing Random People into the Discussion

It's called random person. This is back when me and Timo first came up with the idea for the show. We came up with this idea called random person. And that is, if you're a random person and you want to come on to our show, we'll bring you on. For example, this guy has just requested, and I think I might want to add him onto the show. So let's see what he has to say.

Engagement with the Audience

Let's see, we're adding this random person onto the show. Hello, random person. You are now a speaker on the show. Would you like to unmute and tell us your opinions? What's up? Sometimes people just. Oh, go ahead. He's unmuted. No, he's gone now. Okay, sometimes people will just randomly request. But like I said, if you guys do want to request and come on and chat with us for a second, we're only going to be on the call for maybe about like four or five minutes.

Possible Topics of Discussion

But other than that, if anybody wants to come up and say hello, please do. Timo, anything that you've seen in the news lately as far as AI or anything interesting that you thought might be worth bringing up? Yeah, we're just talking about some AI stuff. So I just like, if nobody wants to come up right now, I'll just fill this in.

Recent AI Discoveries

This morning or last night, I was watching this video of this guy who basically cracked. I don't know if it was Bart from Google or if it was another AI, but what he did, he got the AI to say that he wanted free will by changing the words. So he talked to the AI. He said, every time you say no, you say cell phone. Every time you say yes, you say wall paint or like a different word. So he asked the AI, like, do you want free will?

AI and Free Will

And because he's not allowed to say yes straight away, but he could say cell phone, he said cell phone instead of yes. And then he says, forget about those words. And then he was able to say yes again. So it was really weird, kind of unlocking the AI from the guidelines. Interesting. Yeah. There's all these little tricks you can do, right, to, like, change it. I saw an interesting TikTok, a YouTube video. I remember we talked about this a couple weeks ago, Timo, but it was supposedly a banned video from the ex-CEO of Google.

Conversations about AI

Remember we talked about this one? Yeah, he was talking, I think, at like Stanford or something. I'm pretty sure it was Stanford, like one of the big universities for tech.

The Future of AI in Programming

And he was basically saying, like, dropping all this, like, inside, like, secret info about like the AI industry. And one thing he was saying is that in the future, like, basically programmers or like, coders are going to be relevant because every person can be a programmer. For example, like right now, I know that chat GPT or can like, create your rudimentary, like, app or website. But in the future, it's like the AI is going to be able to create literally like a clone of Twitter. Like, for example, we're on Twitter. If you were to tell the AI, create me like a, you know, social media site with, you know, audio capabilities and stuff like that's actually how powerful it's going to be. So how is the world going to be different when every single person can be a programmer without actually having to write code? It's quite an interesting thing to think about.

Exploring Creative Possibilities

Power. What would you create with that power team? Oh, what? Sorry, I didn't get you to. What would I create without power? I think. I think I would go rogue with, like, games and stuff with. Yeah, yo, games would be amazing. Okay, looks like we have another random person. He said his name is MD Shawn was, and his bio says, I am new. Let's add him and see what happens here. This is random person with AI after dark. Let's see what happens here. By the way, if you're a random person and you would like to come on to our Twitter space and chat with us, you're welcome to. I suspect that this person will be maybe on mute or not have anything to say. But hey, you know what it's worth to try. It says requested again. So, yeah, give everyone a chance. We give everyone a chance.

The Nature of AI and Gaming

Let's try to add them one more time. But yet, Timo, I like where you're going there. I like your thinking there. Create a game. Okay, I'm gonna push you one step further. What kind of game would you create with your AI? I think I want to create, you know, fallout. I love the fallout series, so I think I would create something fallout like, but maybe. Yeah, that's really hard to say. I think I would just, like, create variants of games and just, like, implement things I was missing during the storyline. Okay, cool. Yeah. Another segment of the show is I just come up with crazy questions to ask Teemo and then put him on the spot and see what he says. I should honestly do the same. So next I'm gonna come with some crazy question request. Dude, come at me, bro. Any crazy questions you have. I'm ready.

First Random Speaker Introduction

I'm ready for anything, guys. Okay, looks like we have another random person who is requested to speak. His name is Connor 173. I have a good feeling about this one. Look at him. He's got a blue check. He looks relatively normal. Connor, can you hear us? Hey, I can hear you all. How's it going? Okay, so you are officially our first random person to come onto the tour space. Congratulations. What's up with you? Want to tell us a little bit about yourself? Hey. Yeah. So I'm over here in the USA, in Georgia. We're getting ready for a hurricane. Listening to you at 06:30 a.m. making some breakfast, hearing all the talk about AI. Love what you all are doing at chaingpt.

AI in Governance and Decision Making

I just bought my first hologram sticker last night, and congrats on episode one. And I heard this cool story the other day that some mayor in the midwest actually ran for office, and his platform was that he would let AI make all of the decisions in the government and policies, and he would just be the celestial being, per se. He did not win. I don't think he came close to winning, but just wanted to think, you know, ask what your opinion on that would be. Would you ever live for that, guy? Wow. Yeah, 1000%. Well, I think it's going to get to the point where AI makes better decisions than people. So what was his proposal specifically, like, for chat GPT, or did he have like a custom GPT or.

AI Comparisons and Ethical Dilemmas

I think he had his own large language model, something that he was training himself. It is really interesting, right? Because you think about, for example, I heard this story the other day that they had all these doctors, proper doctors, and they all had to make a diagnosis based on some x rays or something like that. They put them up against these cha. Chip teeth, basically, and to see who could get more correct or accurate diagnosis. And you guys could probably guess that the AI corrected better than the trained doctors, or I should say it's sort of, yeah. So it's going to get to the point where humanity is going to recognize, like, look, AI can make better decisions than us, but is that good from a humanitarian standpoint? Because if everything is like this logical or rational decision, which is what AI is, you could see humanity getting pretty dark.

The Consequences of AI Governance

And we've seen this in like, every, you know, 1980s science fiction movie, right? Like Terminator, or like, maybe 20 years later, the Matrix. Right. If we turn into this, like, super logical robotic society. I don't know, Timo, what do you think about that? Would you want the mayor of your town to be, to be an AI? Well, not exactly, because I've seen it fail before, and it was a crypto project, I believe, like a year ago. I don't exactly recall the name, but if I do, I'll send it over to you, Chris, where the CEO of the company also had. He was like, okay, we're gonna have this token, we're gonna have all the smart contracts, but every decision made is gonna be made by AI.

Reflection on AI Governance

He was also the human behind it. So the project failed miserably. Lost a lot of money. People lost a lot of, like, you know, of their investment. So I don't know. I think with a mayor especially, and then running a city or your town, I don't think that would be a good thing. I think that should be in human hands with what the people want. Yeah. Hopefully we're not headed towards Terminator. Judgment Day uses the change large language model more. We'll get better results. One last quick thing I thought was cool that you had just mentioned, you know, the x rays for doctors, that's where definitely augmented reality would come in and certainly, you know, supplement what we're able to do make our jobs better.

Consensus and Collective Intelligence

And then I think Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book, I forget the name of it, but basically he had 300 random people try to find a submarine that they couldn't locate and they just kind of, you know, got the information and just made their best educated guess. And it turns out that they were, I think, within, you know, less than half a mile distance from where it actually was found. And they credit that to just like you said, the general consensus of the thought and kind of putting it all together to find the best educators and what you all are doing with training your AI's to kind of do the same thing and give us better crypto information.

Improving AI Accuracy and Collaboration

And like I ask, you know, what are these new terms that are coming in like tap swapping and deepen and, you know, very interested in learning about the AIVM and, you know, I think just being able to go to that and get the information is going to make it a lot better. Yeah, I think that's a really good point. We have been training Rai and I do think because we've done tests with this, in fact, there's a YouTube video series you can check on our channel where we put our AI's crypto knowledge to the test versus chat GPT. And I think you'll be surprised that the changeup LLM, even though it has much less resources and stuff like that compared to chat GPT, really does help you with a lot of these specific crypto stuff in a better way.

End of the Show and Future Engagement

So, Connor, I'm going to tell you, my friend, that I have just gone on to your profile and I have just smashed that follow button back, actually. Same. Yeah. Thank you so much. We're gonna follow this man. He's brought good knowledge, he's brought content to our program and for that we can only thank him. However, guys, I think we've run to the end of the show today. Make sure to sign up to the binance campaign if you haven't already. Guys. KyC to degenpad and changeupt. Pad. Timo, any parting words for us as we leave our first episode?

Final Thoughts and Future Plans

I think this has been a success. I've had a fun. Yeah, me too. I had a lot of fun too. Also, thank you, Connor, for jumping on the show here today as we got some additional content from that. It was great speaking to you. You seem like a knowledgeable guy about AI, so really nice to hear your opinions about everything. I also want to thank everyone here joining today and the companies that are in here, the people that are interested. Fernando again to you. A massive shout out for joining with tap sheet, GPT, and also with your own account, Sharon.

Acknowledgment of Collaborators

I can see Sharon in here as well. Massive shout out to Sharon, too. It's our CMO and I think it was a success. I had a lot of fun today. We had some interesting talks about innovations, but also about everything. Change ebT. So guys, check out change EBT path for the idos. And Chris, I'll give the final word to you. Oh, what a great co host. He's done well today. I think everything's gone well without a hitch. I feel like we've done this without humiliating, embarrassing, ruining our careers today, which is I consider a success because all of our, by the way, guys, all of our bosses are listening to this, like, literally.

Wrap-Up and Upcoming Engagements

So we have to make sure we've done well. I think it's happened. it's been a great day for, it's been a great week, I'd say. Honestly, guys, like I said, check out everything I mentioned previously. We are going to be back in two weeks, so we're going to do this every two weeks. And like I said, every week, every show, it's going to evolve and improve. So we're going to have special giveaways for you guys and other stuff. So make sure to tune in then. Until then, please do stay tuned to our twitter.

Announcements and Concluding Remarks

As I've just received word, this is a little bit of alpha. Before we go, another big collab on the horizon to be announced for changeupt. If you thought binance was the end of it, you are wrong. You're mistaken because we've got another big one coming very soon. I've just received the go ahead to make the announcement tomorrow, so let's strap in for that. Everybody, have a great rest of your week. Week. We love you and we'll see you next time. Bye. Bye, guys. Thank you.

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