Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter space focused on discussions surrounding the crypto market, emphasizing the importance of identifying valuable projects amidst market fluctuations. Participants delved into the significance of wise investment choices, acknowledged positive outcomes of the recent bear market, and encouraged community collaboration. Notable developments in sectors like gaming were highlighted, showcasing diverse opportunities for investors. The session also touched on upcoming events, fostering a supportive and growth-oriented atmosphere in the crypto space. Participants engaged in discussions related to getting $PAID on PAID Network, emphasizing the importance of engagement, community, crowdfunding, due diligence, and projects.


Q: What was highlighted about the recent bear market?
A: It had positive outcomes for committed project builders.

Q: What was emphasized during the quiet market period?
A: Clarity for identifying projects was significant.

Q: Which sector is experiencing rapid developments according to the discussion?
A: Gaming sector is witnessing notable growth.

Q: What trend was observed in the space mentioned during the session?
A: Multiple launches and activities indicating a dynamic environment.

Q: How was the importance of evaluating projects discussed?
A: Wise investment decisions were urged with the ongoing market dynamics.

Q: What community aspects were evident during the space?
A: Collaboration and support within the community were noticeable.

Q: How were the different market phases perceived for investors?
A: Diverse opportunities were highlighted for investors.

Q: What action was encouraged regarding networking?
A: Following and engaging with key players in the industry was suggested.

Q: Any specific event mentioned for the community?
A: Commonwealth launch pool event was promoted.

Q: What positive sentiments were shared towards the end?
A: Encouragement and well wishes were extended for upcoming launches and success in the industry.


Time: 00:04:26
Community Engagement Kickoff, Initiating community engagement through retweets and comments.

Time: 00:05:10
Introduction to Paid Network, Overview of Paid Network's crowdfunding platform.

Time: 00:09:22
Project Launch Discussion, Insights into the recent launch of the Commonwealth project.

Time: 00:13:34
New Model for Projects, Transitioning away from traditional launchpad models.

Time: 00:16:29
Marketing Adaptation, Adapting traditional marketing methods to Web3.

Time: 00:22:14
Transparency and Due Diligence, Importance of transparency and thorough due diligence.

Time: 00:28:43
Web3 Gaming Caution, Cautionary advice regarding investments in Web3 gaming.

Time: 00:41:06
Trust in Platforms, Highlighting the significance of trust in crowdfunding platforms.

Time: 00:44:24
Future of Crowdfunding, Predictions on the upcoming trends in the crowdfunding space.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussion highlighted positive outcomes of recent bear market for committed project builders.
  • Quiet market period provided clarity for focused project identification.
  • Rapid developments observed
  • particularly in the gaming sector.
  • Numerous launches indicated a vibrant market.
  • Decision-making importance stressed for wise investments in evolving market dynamics.
  • Community displayed collaboration and support.
  • Diverse investor opportunities noted in contrasting market phases.
  • Encouraged networking and following key industry players.
  • Commonwealth launch pool event for community mentioned.
  • Positive wishes and encouragement shared for upcoming launches and industry success.

Behind the Mic

And the team has a crazy background in web two gaming. I knew the team actually from a friend that was working in the gaming space, non crypto related. So it's good to see those projects finally coming and trying to build something real in the web three space. Let's fucking go, Justin. Like, that's the type of shit you need to be looking for. If I jump into a project's web page and then I go to the team page and I see that they're digging in, that they're head of development or like all of the team players that are in the gaming department that are actually developing the game. If they are Xdev, web two major AAA company, like Blizzard or like from GTA. I forgot what the name of the company is. It's like revolutionized or something. But it's like they have the Rockstar games. If they're coming from like, Rockstar games. Like, those are massive companies. And if they have 1015, 2025 years of experience in those companies, like, of course they know what they're doing. Like, yeah, okay, I'll look into this game and maybe buy into it, like, not the other way around. Tracto's had his hand raised very patiently. Also, Charlie, like, if you guys ever want to pop up, please just raise your hand, but I'll kick it over to you, man. What's going on? What's going on? I just wanted to throw in there real quick because you were talking about the testing, and there's a ton of scams that'll go around where people will reach out and they'll say, hey, I want you to go ahead and test this game. And they'll try to get you to download an executable on your computer that will compromise your entire computer and drain your wallets. Like, it is not. It's no joke. So when he talks about that, you just got to really be careful. Nine times out of ten, it's just somebody trying to get your money and get access to whatever you have on your computer. There is that one in ten chance that it's actually a decent project that wants you to try out their game, because I've had that as well. And, you know, those are really cool opportunities. But just be really careful when you're dealing with anything that someone's reaching out to you with online. You've got to really do your due diligence and make sure that the project's legit. Yeah. Yeah. You could also say the same thing about a lot of things. Yeah, you really got me thinking about that terminator concept now. This is a little micro, but if you can plant the core in-game to plant a transaction, like a signing transaction of an arbitrary message, then we could go sign an email and push it somewhere. Like, that platform could be used in so many ways. Definitely going to reproduce. Yeah, absolutely. You've got to be aware for scams. Just in terms of games, if you want to build something, like, see what other builders are doing and get into the space. Seeing what they're doing right, seeing what they're doing wrong. And again, the learning aspect of it is to start building. I mean, that's always going to be evolving, right? And you're always going to have to take extra measures and just have that skepticism and be aware that people are just trying to target everyone for their money online. But, hey, let's see, man, do you want to come back up and provide some commentary there? If you can hear us. Yeah, can you hear me? Cool. Look, the advice is sound, right? Like. Really, really great advice. So I'll give you a perfect example of this. We used to work for us on the legacy banking side, right? We used to actually have people that would go into the network, high valued targets that would go into high. Uh, companies try no different roles, uh, specifically for that purpose like so. So this does happen in the industry trying to get potential ransom, to get them to sign things which is critical for this space because ultimately with sites that seems legitimate could still be not quite with Microsoft's tight security standards. So the advice that you're giving everyone at this point is really just research at a micro scale. Please bring as much security as you can. All right? Well, what does it Bryant ask your next question? If you've got it lined up, there's just these concepts on how you guys plan to add some governance to Future Earth. Yeah. Actually, so governance for us. And from the very beginning, you have to be decentralized. And since 60% of our token supply is going to eventually migrate into this protocol. So as such we created a government system too. Just literally keep that on lock and we've got a significant council able to vote with different voting categories, different smart contracts executed. It provides a lot of value not only to the consumer, but it keeps the market space safe as well. So really tight controls really helps maintain that process. The council members have already posted their contracts contingent on all community funds that have been raised for the IG. So there's a multitude of mechanisms in place for compliance. So it sounds like you guys have a solid system. Are there any more facets of this you'd like to touch on? No, not so much I've touched on those. Okay, thanks. Understood. Well, I think you know where the development needs to put the majority of its emphasis. Whatever your next question is, Brian, let's get into it. Sure, we need clarity on liquidity pools. Like what percentage actually needs to be sourced? Sure, the last possession that we have, I can say Normal we kept it between five. Okay, we'll keep building on Everything else. It brings more value. Okay, well, great. Let's move on. But last question that we've got before we tie things off, we just want to acknowledge the elephant in the room, which is the merge and the protocol layer. We're super interested to know, you know, how are you approaching that as well as validating changes? Look, that's a subjective question. It's going to really rely on the community validation. It can't be primary methods used. There's nodes, essentially node blocks that have to be synced in. Then everything else follows suit. So it's not just a combination of proof of stake, replication, contract compliance, but it's also security on the ledger. So for you, what you're saying it's essentially a recompilation, right? Essentially yes, just blocking the security date, dispelling the ledger. So super in depth via config structuring a majority of it. Cool. I appreciate the intensity of your answer. I think that's as comprehensive as we're going to get from a technical point of view. Let's wrap things up unless anyone else has got anything to add. Well, now that we covered everything, absolutely happy that you provided commentary today and really a huge thanks for everyone being in this call. Absolutely. The community is great. Yeah. We have such a cooperative environment here. It's exceptional. Everyone involved, really appreciate the time and effort you all put in. I think we're standing on mutual ground, right? Yeah, it does feel like it. And of course, we'll continue working to benefit everyone involved. Let's push things forward for the betterment of all. Awesome. Let's see where our progress takes us. Looking forward to all the exciting developments, right? For sure. See you guys on the next call next week. Bye for now. Bye, guys. Take care. Bye `}

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