Geopolitical Headlines and Open Discussion


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Geopolitical Headlines and Open Discussion hosted by EndGameWW3. The Twitter space ‘Geopolitical Headlines and Open Discussion’ provided a deep dive into global conflicts, news impacts, and security considerations, featuring valuable insights from a U.S. Navy Veteran. Discussions revolved around the importance of understanding geopolitical events, media influences, and conflict resolution strategies. The space highlighted the significance of open dialogues, intelligence gathering, and diplomatic efforts in promoting peace and stability in volatile regions. Participants explored the role of individuals in contributing to global peace and the challenges of discerning credible information from misinformation in media coverage.

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Q: How do global conflicts impact international relations?
A: Conflicts can strain alliances, affect trade agreements, and lead to shifts in diplomatic strategies.

Q: Why is it essential to analyze geopolitical headlines?
A: Understanding global events helps in forecasting economic impacts and preparing for security challenges.

Q: What insights can a U.S. Navy Veteran provide on security matters?
A: Veterans offer unique perspectives on defense strategies, military capabilities, and national security policies.

Q: How does the media influence public perceptions of global conflicts?
A: Media coverage can shape public opinion, impact government decisions, and influence international responses to crises.

Q: What are the key considerations in conflict resolution strategies?
A: Effective diplomacy, peacekeeping efforts, and negotiation skills play vital roles in resolving conflicts peacefully.

Q: How can individuals contribute to promoting peace in geopolitics?
A: By staying informed, supporting diplomatic initiatives, and advocating for peaceful resolutions, individuals can contribute to global stability.

Q: What role does intelligence gathering play in preventing conflicts?
A: Timely and accurate intelligence helps in identifying potential threats, understanding adversaries, and formulating preemptive strategies.

Q: Why are open discussions crucial in addressing geopolitical challenges?
A: Open dialogues foster transparency, exchange of ideas, and collaborative problem-solving approaches in complex geopolitical contexts.

Q: How can news consumers discern credible sources from misinformation in global news?
A: Fact-checking, cross-referencing information, and verifying sources are essential in navigating the vast media landscape.

Q: What are the repercussions of misinterpretation of geopolitical events on public policy?
A: Misinterpretations can lead to misinformed decisions, flawed policy-making, and escalations of tensions in international relations.


Time: 00:15:42
Global Conflict Triggers Exploring potential triggers and warning signs of global conflicts.

Time: 00:30:19
Security Challenges in Volatile Regions Analyzing security threats in politically unstable regions.

Time: 00:45:56
Media Influence on Public Opinion Discussing the impact of media narratives on public perceptions of global events.

Time: 01:02:34
Diplomacy in International Relations Examining the role of diplomacy in resolving conflicts and maintaining peace.

Time: 01:18:03
The Importance of Intelligence Agencies Highlighting the contributions of intelligence agencies in national security and conflict prevention.

Time: 01:35:47
Peacebuilding Efforts in Conflict Zones Exploring initiatives aimed at promoting peace and stability in conflict-affected areas.

Time: 01:50:21
Debunking Geopolitical Myths Addressing common misconceptions and myths surrounding global politics and conflicts.

Time: 02:05:14
Collaborative Solutions for Global Challenges Emphasizing the need for international cooperation in addressing complex geopolitical issues.

Time: 02:20:39
Preventive Diplomacy Strategies Discussing proactive diplomatic approaches to prevent conflicts before they escalate.

Time: 02:35:02
Promoting Peace Through Dialogue Highlighting the role of open discussions and dialogues in resolving conflicts peacefully.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on global geopolitical tensions and potential conflict triggers.
  • Consideration of national and international news impacts on world events.
  • Perspectives from a U.S. Navy Veteran on security and defense matters.
  • Importance of staying informed on geopolitical issues for a broader understanding.
  • Discussion on recent events shaping the global landscape and political relationships.
  • Awareness of emerging trends in international politics and security concerns.
  • The significance of open dialogues in understanding complex geopolitical challenges.
  • Exploration of potential scenarios leading to future global conflicts.
  • Acknowledgment of the role of news media in shaping public perceptions and policy decisions.
  • Highlighted the need for diplomacy and conflict resolution strategies in volatile regions.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Channel Purpose

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Welcome Message

Welcome, everybody, to endgame. Ww three live here on spaces on this Monday evening in the wonderful us of a. Hope you’re doing well wherever you’re at on this planet. Nice to see everybody. Hope everybody had a great weekend. Everybody had a great day.

News Overview

Got some news to go over here. Most of it’s got to do with Israel and what’s going on over there, but there’s, I think I might have one or two other headlines of somewhere else, but I’ll kind of go through some stuff here and go from there. Then after I’m done, I’ll open it up to speakers and we can talk about everything.

Iranian Military Exercises

There’s reports here that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is currently conducting an air exercise in the city of Ishpahan. That’s where the Natanz nuclear facility is located, saying that they’re testing air defense systems, you know, just in case they have to use them. You know, there was, you know, reports of explosions over, you know, you would know if Israel attacked Iran. It wouldn’t just be some couple little reports.

Israeli Attacks and Murmurs

When Israel attacks Iran, you’ll know these reports coming out. There’s an explosion. It was, it wasn’t Israel. You will know when it’s Israel. You know, I’ve had ten people send me reports of exploit. It’s. It wasn’t Israel. You know, it’d be all over the news and everything else. Plus, you’d know there’d be multiple explosions, you know, and also the rumor about Iran tested a nuclear weapon.

Skepticism About Iranian Nuclear Capabilities

I don’t fucking buy that for no amount of money. I still personally see no indication that Iran has nuclear weapons myself. You know, the IAEA would be all over that. The Mossad would be all over that. The CIA would be all over that. It’d be well known. Iran wouldn’t be able to hide something like that. There’s too many eyes and ears over in Iran right now that would know.

Satellite Intelligence

There’s satellite imagery above Iran and stuff. Well, we know the massage got ears all over Iran. They proved it when they killed Hanya that they would know if Iran had a nuclear weapon. So the. All these people report, oh, Iran has nukes. No, they don’t. They don’t. They might be close to one, but they don’t have one yet.

Rumors and Reality

Plus they would have to do testing of it before they could even do anything. And we would know if they were, you know, if they were actually testing in that earthquake the other day was. It was too small. And it’s just ridiculous, man. Some of these rumors that people start out there are absolutely ridiculous. And the people that believe them are even more ridiculous.

Call for Rationality

You know, no one wants to live in reality anymore. You know, they want to live in whatever narrative serves their purpose. You know, if you don’t think that. That Israel doesn’t have Mossad agents all over Israel, well, you’re just not fucking paying attention.

U.S. and Israel Relations

All right, here, CNN quoting us officials, it says the Biden administration fears that Israel’s promise of a limited operation in Iran will turn into a broad, long term conflict. You know, and this is other stuff, too, that the media is putting out. You know, and I keep saying this because it’s the truth. Israel and America are tied to the hip.

Long-standing Alliances

We don’t go anywhere without each other. That’s just the way it’s always been since Israel’s been a country. You know, were one of the first. We were the first country, I think, to recognize Israel. And we’ve been best friends ever since. And it doesn’t matter what Biden says publicly.

Future Military Actions

It’s there’s behind the scenes stuff is what really matters. And I’m telling you what, America is all in on this with Israel. You know, people keep wondering, oh, they’re not going to hit Iran. Believe me, I’m almost 100% certain. Almost. They will hit Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Conflict Escalation

They will get taken down. And it may not be in the first strike. It may be the retaliatory strike after Iran because Iran saying they’re going to strike back, and I believe that they will. You know, this is going into all that war, number one, this is going into all our war with Iran in Iran’s program.

Resistance Continuation

Israel didn’t come this far. They didn’t fight through Hamas. They didn’t. They’re not fighting through Hezbollah, the Houthis, the fucking iranian militias, just to stop at Iran’s fucking front door. They don’t know. Biden’s not telling them to stop, believe me.

Underlying Intentions

Maybe publicly he’s putting on a fucking front. But behind the scenes, American, Israel’s been planning this for probably well over 20 fucking years. We’re not stopping. We’re not stopping, unfortunately, no. I mean, you know, if you’re against war, well, I understand want it to stop.

Nuclear Weapon Restrictions

But the reality is Iran’s not going to be allowed to have a nuclear weapon, period. And they’re knocking on the fucking door of it. And both Israel and America is not going to allow that to happen. I don’t give a fuck who the president is.

Political Perspectives

That’s just my opinion. You may not agree with it, and I don’t have to fucking care. That’s just my opinion. You know, it would be ridiculous. Ridiculous for Israel to fight through all these fucking iranian proxy groups just to stop at Iran.

Strategic Focus

Let’s defeat Hamas. Let’s defeat Hezbollah. Let’s bomb the shit out of the Houthis. Let’s bomb the shit out. Let’s stop in fucking Iran, though. We can’t stop Ira, Israel. And America speaks in the. Cut the head off the fucking snake.

Calls for Regime Change

Yeah. You had the exile prince come out today of Iran that lives in America saying, you know, calling for a fucking regime change. And I believe there’s going to be one. I believe that this is the time we’re going to bring in a new regime over there.

Continuing Conflicts

This is going to be long. This is going to be a long conflict. You know, I just firmly believe this is where we’re at. It’s just common sense. Common sense that you’re not going to defeat your enemies, you know, proxies, and then stop at the main fucking enemy.

Inevitability in Warfare

And that’s. That’s stupidity. You know, and everybody, you know, people ask me, well, when’s this going to happen? It’ll happen. It’ll happen when Winnett and Yahoo and fucking Biden and the rest of the group want it to fucking happen.

Tempo of Operations

You know, it doesn’t matter if they strike tomorrow or the next day. It’s coming and it is eminent. It may take a. No. You’ve got Galant, the. The minister of defense, going to DC on Wednesday.

Timing Concerns

He’s going to be there for 24 fucking hours. He’s meeting with our secretary of defense. They’re hammering out the final fucking details. And then he’s going to fly back to Israel. And the question there is this is, they’ve got a big holiday coming up again starting next weekend.

Holidays and Operations

I think it’s like a ten day holiday. Now, that’s not saying that they won’t fight Iran during those ten days, but we’ll see. You know, it may not be till after that ten day holiday. I. You know, it’s hard to say, but it’s definitely not going to be until Galant gets back, and that won’t be till Thursday.

Uncertain Prospects

And then I think this holiday in Israel starts on, like, Friday night or something like that. Now, again, the holiday may not mean shit this time around, but then again, you don’t want to think Israel wants to put all of its people in jeopardy when they’re all with their families and everything else celebrating this holiday and them having to run for bomb shelters, too, you know, so it’s hard to say.

Anticipated Operations

But either way, it’s coming, and it’s coming in the near future. Just fucking keep your pants on. Stop getting your panties in a fucking bunch, you know? It is coming. Just got to be patient.

Past Milestones

You know, Israel’s not the one to say they’re going to do something than not fucking do it. Israel has proven for over a fucking year that they’re not to be fucked with. Ask Hamas, ask Hezbollah, ask the fucking Houthis, ask the iranian militias.

Military Resolve

When Israel says they’re going to do something, they fucking do it. They’ve proven it. They don’t talk to talk. They fucking walk the walk. Israel just not going to sit here after getting their military bases struck, forcing millions of Israelis to run in shelters for 180 iranian ballistic missiles just to sit back and not do nothing.

Consequences of Provocation

Israel’s not about that. You fuck with Israel, you’re going to get a fucking black eye and a broken nose. That’s just the facts. What I ran did was the largest attack ever on Israel’s territory from them.

Response and Retaliation

Israel’s not going to let this stand. They don’t give a fuck what anybody says. You know? And then another thing that I talked. Israel cannot strike all these nuclear facilities without us help.

Military Resources

That’s just the way it is. Israel doesn’t have all the capabilities that it fully needs that America has. For one, they’ve got, like, seven fuel tankers, but only five of them work. They need more than that up in the air.

Operational Limitations

To strike all of Iran’s nuclear facilities, they would have to have us refuelers up in the air with. They would need USL bombing the facilities. They’d want to get this done as fast as possible. And there’s a lot of facilities that have to be hit, and some of them are pretty hard to hit.

Strategic Strikes

Some of them are going to take multiple strikes to try to knock down the ones that are built in the side of mountains. That’s going to be a challenge, and that’s all their main ones. So, like I said, America is going to be involved again.

Continued Assistance

I don’t give a fuck what Biden says. He’s just publicly out looking like a fucking clown. He is a clown. But behind the scenes, the us government is in lockstep with Israel, Republican and Democrat.

International Updates

What else? In Ukraine today, they took some pretty big strikes to their. To the port? No, desta, today, Ukraine earlier this morning hit some russian oil facilities pretty good. That’s still moving on now.

Financial Insights

I tell you what, some interesting news from Financial Times I’ve seen a little while ago. I haven’t posted it yet because I’m still kind of trying to look around on it. Let me see. Just give me a second here so I can find that for you.

Peace Negotiations in Ukraine

The Financial Times came out this evening. It says, as Ukraine is holding private negotiations on a peace agreement under which the russian federation would retain control over the occupied territories without recognizing their sovereignty, but allowing for the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO.

Military Versus Diplomacy

I don’t know what people think about that, but that’s what Financial Times is reporting. That’s not saying if Putin’s going along with it or not. You know, he is. He has vehemently said that he would not allow Ukraine to be a NATO.

End of Conflict Speculations

This is kind of what, the war is over, too. And so we’ll see, you know, Ukraine trying to say, all right, you can have the territory you kept as long as you don’t claim it, but we got to be allowed to be a native.

Open Dialogue

I don’t know, Mandy. But anyway, that’s pretty much all I got. I’ll open it up.

Rules for Participation

Anybody that wants to speak, you know, those that haven’t been here before, if you want to speak, there’s simple rules. Number one, don’t be an asshole. Number one rule, if you’re an asshole, I’m just going to kick you out.

Encouraging Respect

You’re just going to embarrass yourself. Number two, be respectful of each other. If you can’t be respectful of each other, don’t ask to fucking speak. Number three, use the hand emoji if you want to speak.

Waiting for Turns

So I know to call on you. So I just don’t fucking pass you by. Number four, don’t interrupt people when they’re talking. You’ll get your chance. And number five, just be a decent fucking human being.

Respectful Discourse

Is that so hard? It shouldn’t be. We’re not going to all agree with each other’s opinions, but if you don’t agree with somebody, you know, try to keep it to yourself, because no one wants to hear two people arguing over fucking opinions.

Ending Hostility

You’re not going to change each other’s mind with your bullshit. That’s it. Simple rules. Go ahead.

Discussion on Wellness

UFO’s. Hey, thank you, bro. How are you, Engie? How was your day today?

Personal Health Experiences

Well, beside almost dying last night, I’m doing all right today. Well, what happened? I was laying in bed, and I’m on this. This experimental medication, and I’m laying in bed sound asleep.

Health Challenges

All of a sudden, this huge amount of acid just shot up into the back of my throat, and it seized my throat completely up. And, I mean, I shot up, and I was gasping for air. I’m grabbing my throat. I fell on the floor.

Life-threatening Situations

My wife’s freaking out. I couldn’t speak to her. So I’m trying to get to the bathroom and get water or do something, and it just went on. I passed out for a couple seconds, and then I came back to real fast, and my throat started slowly easing it up, and I’m cramming, like, you know, trying to get some kind of acid reducer in me.

Health Recovery

Anything, Mandy. It was scary. I did. I actually. That was the closest to death that I’ve ever been. I thought I was checking out last night. I didn’t think I would be here right now talking to anybody.

Common Health Experiences

That. That happened to me, too. Last night, I fucking ordered a pizza from Domino’s, and I got all this acid reflux in the middle of the fucking night, and my throat seized up, bro. The same exact shit.

Sharing Empathy

I was choking. I was scared. I’m glad you’re okay, bro. I love you. You’re the best on the Internet.

Community Support

No, I got your back, homie. I’ll let other people talk. I just wanted to say hi, and you’re the coolest.

Continuing the Discussion

Hey, thank you, UFO’s. Always appreciate hearing your brother and as much love back to you, buddy. All right, who’s next here? Go ahead.

Queue to Speak

I’ll just go in order here, I guess. Go ahead. Xander, you there? Xander, do you want to speak?

Apologies and Clarifications

Oh, yeah, sorry. Alexa, shut up. Sorry. Trying to my Alexa off.

Questions on Sentiments

So one of my questions was about the, like, what do you keep telling people that? Because they’re asking why.

Perceptions of U.S.-Israel Relations

They keep asking why. I. We’re letting Israel walk all over us. And I’m like, that’s. I feel like that’s more of just an optical thing, obviously, like, as you mentioned, because, like, I mean, not that Joe says anything very forcefully, but he hasn’t said, like, when Joe’s forceful.

Proxy Dynamics

Like, it’s almost like you kind of know, because he sounds like an old man who hasn’t had his Sunday brunch special or whatever, but I keep, like, referring to it as Israel and now Ukraine are basically our proxies, and we’re using them to fight two wars that, theoretically, we could be in.

Funding Awareness

And I don’t think some people necessarily see that, especially the ones that get mad about, oh, look how much money we’re sending over there. And it’s like, you already know that. They don’t understand how military funding works.

Threat evaluations

But then they’re like, they don’t understand that it could, that these both could very well be us, especially if they tiptoe and they mess up around, you know, either NATO or one of our allies.

Regional Politics

I think that the saving grace for Israel was the killing of the Hezbollah leadership because they were, I think they were in the relatively deep water, not necessarily with us, but with, like, public opinion.

Shifting Alliances

But that kind of saved them. And then, you know, like you said, they’re kind of all in, and now it’s time to see what Iran’s got.

Intelligence Dynamics

And I think, for me, I think one of the things that I think about is the fact that Israel is supposed to be the intelligence hub and they are like our sort of little brother, if you will, in this whole thing.

Rebuilding Trust

And their intelligence was compromised allegedly due to the documents that Trump had. But, like, they have to get their bearings back in terms of all of us finding out, like, what’s going on in the Middle east.

Strategic Presence

They’re our only footprint in there. And some people don’t realize that, like, as much as you may hate them for the way they’re carrying things out of, it doesn’t matter.

Dependence on Allies

Like you said, we’re attached at the hip to them. So whatever they do, we have to look at it as if they break it. Like, basically we’re buying it, too, but if they break it, they buy it.

Post-war Reconstruction

So, you know, they’re gonna have to basically rebuild Gaza and to whatever. I heard it’s gonna turn into some resort, like a resort town, because it’s like, that’s what they wanted to level it for.

Geopolitical Relations

And then there’s one other thing I had to comment on, but it was mainly just to say that, like, for people to understand how it works, the way that Israel is attacking Iran’s proxies, like, Russia is technically attacking our proxy and all of those places, the Middle east is attacking Israel, our proxy.

Strategic Decisions

And I agree that we should just go for the head of the snake. I mean, I’m not talking attack their nuclear. I mean, I don’t even think they have, they may have facilities, but I don’t know that those facilities are full with anything.

Opportune Strikes

But I think they should go for the head of the snake and cut it right off because at this point, it’s like it’s now or never.

Urgent Realizations

And I think it’s kind of getting that way for, I think everybody else is realizing that, the same way that internally the GOP is realizing it’s now or never and literally throwing everything in the fucking kitchen sink at the wall.

Frustrated Sentiment

Anyways, all on my plane because I’m just like, I’m a in a frustrated mode right now. But I just wanted to comment on those things.

Closing Discussion

Thanks. In game. Thank you, Xander. Appreciate all that, buddy. Appreciate all that. And like I said, people need to understand where Israel goes, we go, you know, that’s just the way it works out, man.

Concurrent Analysis

And, you know, and if not. Them, us, pretty much.

Engagement with Participants

All right, go ahead, Chase. How you doing in game? What’s happening, bro?

News and Updates

Yeah, I just wanted to read you some headlines, man. And I saw, I guess, and get your thoughts or anybody else’s thoughts on it.

Natural Disasters

Shit, man. Yes. Says Hurricane Milton is due to make a landfill in Florida, landfall in Florida on Wednesday. It says it is expected to bring heavy rainfall and storm surges as high as the 12ft.

Aftermath of Recent Storms

And, you know, they’re still recovering, it says, from Hurricanes Helene and Debbie. And then, yeah, I saw Netanyahu, Benjamin Netanyahu said it says.

Political Remarks

Right. He says Israel is, quote unquote, changing the security reality in the region.

Global Discourse

And there’s some news that Elon Musk, he came out and he says there were, they were trying, quote unquote, they were trying to shut down x by any means possible if Kamala Harris wins.

Political Support

It says Elon Musk plans to campaign for Donald Trump in Pennsylvania this month. And I don’t, I just saw like where Trump, he visited the tomb of, I guess, like a Holocaust or not a survivor, but a dead person in the Holocaust.

Ceremonial Events

And I in Queens, New York, and they had a ceremony with, I guess he ain’t spoke yet, but other people were speaking.

Tributes to Survivors

I guess they had some Holocaust survivors. It was like in Miami, Florida, they had like a jewish ceremony, like a candle lit thing and. Yeah, like basically, I guess the Holocaust survivors, like the old women, old ladies, they’re like so old that they couldn’t hardly, you know, I guess, speak or whatever, but they relayed the message and they’re like, tell, they should tell them that I said, God bless Trump.

Commemorative Comments

That’s what the Holocaust survivor said. And then some other guy spoke and he said, yeah, he said, it’s kind of a shame that it’s 2024 and we’re here doing a Holocaust memorization thing.

Reflections on History

It says, just kind of sad, but the real thing, I wanted to get to you in game that I saw, it’s been a few reports that over the past few days, but it was confirmed today, I guess, from the Wall Street Journal.

Cyber Security Concerns

It says that China hacked Verizon and at and t may have access us wiretap systems. What’s your thoughts on that?

Potential Responses

And what do you think we could do in response? Say, if, like, china does, like, hack our satellites or some shit like that, what do you think about audit?

Escalating Cyber Warfare

We could do the same thing to them in return. Probably already have, you know, but, you know, those cyber attacks are just gonna get worse and worse as time goes along, especially with AI.

Increasing Vulnerabilities

Now, you know, I was reading where some big city almost got their water turned off and everything earlier from a cyber attack, you know, so they’re just gonna be, you know, gonna be more and more frequent around all of our infrastructure.

Factual Reporting

Well, yeah, it says right here. It says. What do you. What’s your thoughts on this?

Israeli Security Statements

I guess, and I’ll show it up. It says, Prime Minister Benjamin who said on Monday Israel was changing the security reality in the region to ensure an attack like the October 7 does not ever happen again.

Future Preparedness

It says, quote unquote, were changing the security reality in our region for the sake of our children, for the sake of our future, to ensure that what happened will never happen again.

Historical Reminders

Never forget never again. Netanyahu said in the cabinet addressed. That’s really all I had to say, man. Thank you for letting me speak, man.

Outcomes of Ongoing War

And he is in the beginning of this war with Hamas. He said, by the time this war is said and done, the Middle east is going to look completely different than what it looks like right now.

Netanyahu’s Forecast

He come out and said it right at the beginning of this war. He said, by the time I get done with this place, the Middle east is going to look completely different. And he ain’t fucking lying.

Identifying Common Enemies

You know, and again, Israel and America both know who the main culprit is. The fucking iranian regime. And they’re not going to be around soon.

Targeting Iranian Officials

Know, I think there’s going to be targeting of high level IRGC and then, you know, iranian government officials coming up. I think that’s definitely going to be part of Israel’s retaliation.

Speculation around Strategy

Who knows? Maybe there’s a bomb underneath Khomeini’s bed right now getting ready to fucking go off.

Israel’s Strategic Tactics

Maybe there’s a bomb underneath that. You know, leader of the IRGC, maybe. You don’t know with Israel, man. They could have explosives planted all over those fucking places right now.

Operational Readiness

You know, all that. Maybe they just got to do is push a button and you’re going to have 20 fucking bombs go off and 20 different officials fucking dead over there.

Impending Actions

I wouldn’t put it past them after what they did with as well.

Looking into Future Engagements

We got. Let me ask you one last thing.

Political Commentary

Why do you think Trump is visiting and commemorating the jewish people on October 7 and Kamala isn’t? And why do you think the people say Hitler is against?

Comparing Ideologies

The people say, like, Trump is the next Hitler? You know, it’s obvious that Trump is for Jiu, Jews for Israel, and it’s obvious that Hitler wasn’t.

Closing Remarks

I just wanted to land my plane right there. Thank you. Let me speak.

Final Thoughts

Thank you, Chase. You know, like I said, I don’t care for Trump or Biden or Harris or any of them fucking political clowns. You know, to me, they’re all trying to fuck the people over.

Political Critique

They’re doing whatever they can to get political points right now. You know, it ain’t the Trump actually cares about the jewish people. He’s just trying to gain fucking political points right now.

Political Gamesmanship

It’s the same with Harris. It’s. You know, it’s just like, DeSantis won’t take Harris’s phone call about, you know, hurricane relief and everything.

Crisis Politics

He’s playing a political game out of this. Oh, I can’t talk to you because it would make me fucking look bad. And you’re a Democrat, and I can’t talk.

Call for Unity

You know, these politicians need to put aside their fucking bullshit. When an emergency situation happens.

Unified Challenges

You know, when an emergency situation happens in this country, it isn’t just a left problem. It isn’t just a right problem.

National Issues

It’s an american fucking problem. And this is the problem with Americans right now. I can’t help you because you’re a Republican and I’m a Democrat and vice versa.

End of Political Divide

Go fuck yourselves. You want to play that fucking childhood? Just go fuck yourself. I’m fucking so sick of it.

Disheartened Sentiments

Oh, my God. Better than your God? My God’s better than your fucking God. Shut the fuck up.

Conclusion and Transition

Who’s next here? Go ahead.

Reconvening the Discussion

District. Yeah, yeah, sorry. Sorry. I was eating, and I had to put my sandwich down and freaking get the phone open.

Welcoming Participation

Sorry about that. How you doing tonight, district? Excuse me?

Health Concerns

End game. I’m doing good, man. Are you, brother? Sorry to hear about your acid reflux, brother. Man, I’ll tell you what, if you’re on a medication like that, you know, the big problem with continued acid reflux is what’s called esophageal varices. Right? You might want to talk to your doctor about what happened. I hope you do, because he’ll probably tell you what to do, or she’ll tell you what to do. You know, usually if you take some anti acids before you go to bed, like tums or something like that. It’ll help you, but. Yeah, that’s scary as shit. Especially when you wake up and you feel that it’s going down your lungs and you’re coughing, you know, like anything. Yeah, that. That’s a. That’s a real bad feeling. I’m sorry that happened to you, brother.

Personal Anecdotes

I appreciate it, man. Yeah. I thought my wife was choking me in my sleep. I thought she was trying to put me out of my misery. For once, man. I hope that’s not the case. I thought she finally just had enough of me and was just said, hello, I’m going to kill that dude. Yeah, yeah, I hear you. You know, I’m kind of wide open tonight, but, you know, you said something to begin with the Financial Times article, and I. I really wish you. You’d link that off your. Off your site. That’s real interesting, because. Because what you said, you know, I tell people, I often get, people ask me, what are good books to read for government and business? And I always tell them two books.

Recommended Readings

One of them is by Dale Carnegie, and it’s how to win friends and influence people. I mean, that was years ago that was written, but it’s just as relevant today as it was when it was written. And the second one, I gotta tell you, is the art of the deal by Donald Trump. Again, written years ago, before all this political bullshit started. Okay? And when you started talking about the Financial Times article, that struck me as a blueprint for what Donald Trump would consider the midway for a deal. Okay? It just struck me, I’ve read that book several times. And essentially what it says is that, you know, you got to come through to the middle, through negotiation. You have to determine what’s important, and you have to make a position from each side.

Negotiation Insights

And then you essentially put it out there, then try to get to that, and you stick to what you said. And I don’t know if Donald Trump had any influence in what that was, but, boy, that man, that just struck me as something that. As a blueprint for something he would work out. That. That’s. That’s interesting. That’s real interesting. Just to follow up on the last few nights. You know, I’ve agreed with you, and I think it’s the way forward. I don’t think Israel is going to act on anything until they tamp down what they need to in Lebanon. And, boy, they’re still working on it. I don’t. I don’t see how they could engage Hezbollah forces in Lebanon with air support. The way they are now and then still somehow do some type of strike on Israel simultaneously.

Middle East Dynamics

So I think the sign there would be that air to ground in Lebanon would start to decrease, which we haven’t seen any sign of, followed by something that potentially could occur in Iran. The other thing I find interesting about what’s going on in the last couple days, there was that United States general that visited Israel for a face to face. I think his name is Korilla or something like that. But, but there’s, his nickname is Gorilla, which is kind of interesting. Anyhow, he was in Israel for a few days. They did some face to face. Now you got the defense minister traveling to the United States several days afterward for another face to face. So usually when they do face to faces like this is something really important, right.

Significant Meetings

Because they can hop on, you know, any secure video feed and blah, blah and all that other stuff anytime they want to. Usually when they do face to faces, it’s because it’s something very important and they want to resolve it. And keyword there, and there’s disagreement about something. So I don’t know exactly what’s going on there, but there’s, there’s, you know, some back and forth that’s occurring. And like you said, I just don’t see any action by Israel with the defense minister out of the country. I could certainly be wrong, but I just, I just don’t think that’s the case. And last thing I saw tonight, there’s a couple videos out there floating around of that explosion in Iran.

Explosion in Iran

One of them was a different angle than the one that’s the most popular right now. It was, it was kind of a different angle. Whatever that explosion was, it occurred on the ground. It wasn’t all that big, and it had secondaries. Right. That sure struck me, and I’m certainly no expert, but that sure struck me as a surface to air missile exploding on the ground, not from impact, but just exploding on the ground. Like, you know, somebody was doing a test and all sudden, kaboom. That’s kind of interesting, too, because if that’s the case, you got to wonder what’s going on there. And I, and last thing, I add in one thing here, you know, that, all that back and forth about nuclear weapons and, you know, all this other stuff and Tehran or, excuse me, Iran test, detonating a nuclear weapon.

Nuclear Concerns

Yeah, that’s a, that’s 100% bullshit. If you go look at the United States Geological Survey info on that earthquake, it was way deep. I believe the depth on. Of the. Of the epicenter was. Was. Was 10 km. Yeah, that’s a. That’s a long way down. Second thing, anytime you detonate a nuclear weapon underground, it creates a geological pulse. Because what happens is when you detonate something underground, or I should say nuclear weapon underground, it atomizes all. All of the material where it detonates. So it creates a vacuum filled crater which creates a specific pulse and it resonates through the rock and everything else. And if you.

Detection of Nuclear Events

If you look at it’s a. It’s. It’s a clear signature. And there’s been no indication that’s happened. God knows, I don’t know how many scientific institutions across the. Across the world that monitor that stuff on an hourly basis would be screaming. They’ll literally be screaming that a nuclear detonation occurred in Iran. So I think. I think that’s just way outside the possibility of truth. Anyhow, that’s what I got tonight. Any thoughts? Yeah, like I said, I don’t. I don’t believe they have nuclear weapons yet. And I don’t believe they did any kind of test of one. And, you know, like I said, there’s too many eyes and ears out there that would pick up on that kind of stuff.

Reactions and Political Points

So. Yeah, I agree with all. Yeah, that’s cool. All right, well, hey, thanks for letting me speak. I’ll shut up and let somebody else. Thank you. Thank you, district. Appreciate you, buddy. Who’s next? Go ahead. Israel. Hey, endgame. How’s it going? Hey, angel. Pretty good. Sorry to. Sorry to hear about last night. Sounds like you had quite an episode there. It was a near death experience. I’m not exaggerating either. I think it was a near death experience, man. God didn’t want me gone just yet, for whatever reason.

Discussing Current Affairs

That’s scary stuff. I’m glad you’re good. But yeah, I just wanted to hop on and comment on a couple things. 1st, 1st thing I want to mention is Xander that spoke first mentioned something about Israel. Israel wanting to make Gaza a resort or something like that. I think that was kind of a crazy take. I don’t think Israel has any intention on staying in Gaza. So. Yeah, just wanted to say that felt like, I don’t know, maybe a politically motivated comment. I think they’re just fighting because they have to right now and seems like they’re pretty much hoping to get out anyways.

Reflections on Recent Events

Yeah. Tough day today. Obviously you guys are all aware it was. It was October 7, so just really hard day. And yeah, obviously a lot of us here in the states are very upset about that. Can’t even relate to be honest. You know, it’s like Israel’s 911, but really that’s not even a good comparison because the scale of it was way more than 911. And then, I mean compared to the amount of people in Israel, it was 30 911s. But I think more. So 911 was a plane, two planes crashing, which is horrendous. I’m not downplaying 911 at all. I’m american and that was one of the worst events in history and it’s horrendous.

The Nature of Terrorism

But this was different. You have terrorists breaking into civilian homes and you guys know. So yeah, it was a tough day but yeah, all eyes now are on the response. And I’ll tell you one thing I disagree with is endgame. You say that Israel can’t take out their nuclear sites alone. And I mean you’re right in the sense that, you know, the US has more capabilities obviously, and a lot more of these penetrating bombs and it’s a job that can be done much easier with the US’s support. But I mean it seems like everyone seems to forget just because Israel is a small country.

Israel’s Nuclear Capability

Israel has at least 80 nuclear weapons. So if you put Israel into the corner, if they activated all their proxies, if Iran shot thousand 2000 missiles, I mean those programs can be taken out by Israel alone. They got nukes. And if you nuke that mountain, the whole fucking mountain is gone. Look, I’m not saying it’s going to happen and it would be a big mistake for Israel to use a nuke and it’s not realistic. But I’m just saying Israel does have the capabilities and Israel is doing about 100th of what they can do right now. They’re being massively held back.

A Cautionary Note

And yeah, so I hope Iran doesn’t get any bad at like stupid ideas because they see, you know, what’s going on right now and we’re sort of just playing defense. This shit can be over in a week if, you know, there wasn’t political considerations. So I feel like, you know, you guys got to remember that like Israel’s playing the political game right now. Iran has what, 3000 ballistic missiles. I mean they can do major damage to Israel, no doubt. They use their navy as well, they use their air force, but I mean Israel can finish them and finish them in a week.

Strategic Military Insights

And if someone disagrees, I’d love to hear why. But if we’re talking about an all out war without political considerations, without, you know, the fact that you can’t just use your whole arsenal, you know, it’s not a fair match. Iran’s big, they have a lot of geography, but I mean they’re, they have an air force that’s, you know, filled with planes from the 1980s and they have what, 2000 ballistic missiles, 3000 ballistic missiles. I mean, look, that’s a big deal, but Israel has all that too, plus modern weaponry and a lot more of it.

Outlook on Conflict

So yeah. Anyways, the truth is I think what we’re going to see here is I think Israel is going to just strike some of their military bases, maybe some of the ones that were involved with the missile launches. And I think if they play it right, they’ll strike, they’ll do some damage, but nothing too crazy. So that the US is still in support, that everyone’s still in support and it’s not considered an escalation per se. And then it’s all eyes on Iran. If they want to respond, then the real big guns will come out and we’ll take out the nuclear sites.

U.S. Military Involvement

And I totally agree. I think the US would be involved with that. They definitely have, the US definitely has more of an arsenal conventionally to take out these sites. So yeah, there’s no doubting that. But my only point was, I know it’s not going to happen unless, God forbid, it has to. But Israel does have the capability to do basically whatever they want. The only issue is if you use nukes, you can’t. We all get that. You can’t use nukes. They’re not supposed to be used. And also Israel would probably never recover from that if they used nuclear weapons.

Global Perspective

The US pulled it off, but I don’t see another country being able to use nukes and not, you know, being banished from the international community. So anyways, that was just what I had to say. It was a really tough day. I’m an american, but, you know, my heart’s with Israel. And, yeah, for everyone here who’s an american and, you know, lived through 911 and understands, you know, what happened there, I mean, just hopefully you can sort of imagine what’s going on with the Israeli people right now. It’s, it’s tough.

Anniversaries and Ongoing Tensions

And, and for it to be the one year anniversary and they’re still sending missiles, it’s bullshit. It’s fucked up, but Israel’s just playing it smart. you know, we could wipe out Hezbollah. You know, they’re not really fighting a large scale war against Hezbollah right now. You know, this is all the political game controlling everything. So, yeah, that was all curious to hear everyone else’s. Everyone else’s takes. But, yeah, it was a hard day. And hopefully. Hopefully we can take these guys out. I mean, I think everyone can agree and hear that Iran needs to go, so.

Israel’s Military Strategy

Yeah, they’re going to expand. They got to create a buffer zone, man, until they can un or somebody can get some kind of mechanism push. And, you know, every time Israel advances, they’ve got to leave troops behind to make sure Hezbollah don’t come back. And so, you know, they’re creating a buffer zone is what they’re doing. And once they get it up to the Latani, then, you know, Israel’s going to control that area until there’s some kind of organization or somebody that can do something. I don’t trust the UN. They were supposed to do something since 2006.

UNIFIL and Military Engagement

Yeah, there was a crazy photo that came out today of an Israeli tank right beside the UNIFIL convoy. And their tank was just pointing at them saying, oh, you have to move out here. We’re going to just fire at you, basically. So UNIFIL’s not moving their forces or their convoys as well, right over the Latani. So they might just get hit in the crossfire. Yeah. You know, I’ve seen the White House came out today and, you know, told Israel not to, you know, not to injure any UNIFIL members, that they’re part of the UN resolution 1701. So they have a right to be there, you know, but I don’t know, man. It’s.

Military Actions in Syria

Israel’s just cleaning house over there, man. They don’t seem to care who’s in their way. No, no, quite rightly so, man. I need to get the people back to their home, so. Well, what’s your thoughts on that? Russia moving? I think there are forces 5 km away from the Golden Heights. Seems like there’s like, I think there’s like a hill up there. What analysts were saying Israel’s going to target. There might be like underground tunnels or something there that Israel is going to target soon. I’m sure Netanyahu got on the phone with Putin, or at least someone in the Israeli government did, said, listen, we want to target that area. We want to let you know so you can move your guys back, you know, and if you don’t move your guys back, I guess they’re going to be buried where they stand.

Regional Tensions and Military Movements

Yeah, quite right. Well, well, like in Dal Azor, Assad’s forces have moved back over, like, to Idlib and Aleppo. It looks like Turkey’s gonna launch a limited invasion there against the SDF and stuff. And there’s like these tribes that the SDF have been going back and forth with since September last year. Just looks like shit’s gonna go down with Turkey and the SDF and Assad’s forces. Then you got in Del Azor, these tribes that Iran is supporting are trying to escalate against us troops and trying to get them to leave the area, which is going to be fucking confusing when you go, like, NATO allies fighting against each other.

Assad’s Position and Potential Outcomes

Yeah. You know who was that? There was a big Israeli politician come out today that told Assad that if you don’t know, clear off so much your land from all these different terrorist groups over there firing is we’re going to come over there and annex part of Syria. Yeah. And he was serious too. And he told, dude, we’re going to come over and take part of Syria. You don’t get these groups fucking out of here. Yeah, they’re still launching drones from the Golden Heights. I think it’s just homes era. They’ve been targeting a lot Israel. That’s an area like most of us.

Military Strategy and Israeli Goals

Southern Syria is probably where they might go in. But I thought they were gonna go in, like, when they were gonna go when they were in at serving Lebanon at the same time, but they’ve just not entered into the Golden Heights. Well, I’m sorry they are in the Golden Heights, but I mean, like, enter into serving Syria. I thought they were gonna enter at the same time when they went into serving Lebanon, but that’s not the case. Yeah. You know something else interesting? I want to bring up. You know, people are talking about how, you know, Azerbaijan would allow Israel to use a base over there, and that’s true.

Geopolitical Complications

But what people don’t realize is that Israel would have to fly over Turkish territory to get there. And I don’t know if Erdogan is going to be that nice with what’s going on. If Israel was heading for Azerbaijan, you know, that would be a big problem for Israel trying to get there, because there’d be no way to get. They’d have to fly around the world to avoid going. Going through Turkish airspace. I mean, literally around the fucking world, that they’re not going to fucking do that, you know? And so that’s kind of.

Challenges of Military Coordination

That’s a hard thing for Israel, knowing. Yeah. They could be right there in Iran’s doorstep with some F-16s, but Erdogan is not going to allow Israel to fly through Turkish airspace to get to Azerbaijan, even though they both support. You know, that’s the funny thing, is that both Israel and Turkey both support, you know, Azerbaijan, whereas, you know, Armenia and, you know, America and supports Armenia, you know. Yeah. Like, for, like, all the weapons, and there’s a lot of.

Erdogan’s Influence on Military Developments

I think it’s like, oil or gas they get from there. What? Which they rely on. It’s a crazy situation. And you got Erdogan coming out praising Hamas and everybody on the anniversary of October 7. So that’s a no go for letting them. Israel. Israel fighter jets using Turkey’s airspace to get to Iran. Yeah. I try to explain to this fucking simpleton over on X Man, some of these stupid cocksuckers that just want to fucking argue with me.

Geopolitical Misunderstandings

My dude, look at a fucking map. He’s trying to tell me that Israel’s border was by Azerbaijan. I’m like, are you a fucking clown? You failed fucking geography fucking class. I’m like, fucking look at a map. He throws a map up. See, I told you. I said, what? He’s still got to fly through Turkish airspace. What the fuck you talking about? And the dude just kept arguing with me, and he knew. Either he knew he was wrong and he didn’t want to admit, or he’s just an absolute fucking dumbass. These are some of the people I have to deal with on this fucking site.

Turkey’s Position in the Region

Yeah. Just trolls, man. Trolls are fucking idiots. Trolls is one thing. Being a stupid motherfucker, that’s a whole different ballgame. Yeah. What? What do you think Turkey is going to be up to end game if, like, this equips into a sorry erupts into a region of war. Can you see them taking any action against Israel? I don’t will. But he’s fucking threatening, in a way, how he wants to form a coalition and stuff.

The Balance of Power

Yeah. I mean, when it comes to the Palestinians, he’s pretty hardline against Israel with that stuff, you know? And I don’t know, Erdogan. You know, he’s walking a fine line between being a NATO ally, being a fucking jerk. Yeah. Told he was waiting to election. Yeah. He has a lot of their problems in Syria with his factions over the Syrian. Well, sorry, what the. The free Syrian army and how he’s trying to have this rapprochement with Assad.

Normalization of Relations

And it looks like all the factions are supporting northeastern Syria are falling apart because he wants to. What do you fucking. What am I wanting to say here? Normalize ties at Wal Assad and send the 1.3 million refugees back into Syria. And these proxies he’s supporting are basically saying, you’re selling us out to Assad, which could obviously spill out of control for Turkey and make them withdraw their forces out of Syria.

Potential Military Engagements

Yeah. Good. You know, I see something big going down with Turkey when this war kicks off fully with Iran. I see Turkey making some moves somewhere. Wasn’t it. Wasn’t it Putin’s birthday today? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Hopefully get a heart attack for a present. Yeah, I know. Erdogan was on the phone, too. Interesting, man. Yeah. You know, we’re going to see some shit kick off with the SDF and stuff over there.

Future Geopolitical Conflicts

Yeah, yeah. Do you think? Do you think we’re fair going for a book of male endgame? We should. Yeah, that’s a choke spot, man. We need to choke that spot. Offering and making sure no weapons get transferred and everything else. I don’t know how they’ve not made their move yet, man, because Assad and that’s been a redeploying of forces and putting them up to, like, homes and Idlib and stuff, and that’s making the militias more weaker.

Strategies of SDF

So you think America would be telling the SDF moving them quickly because air power and artillery fire and use the SDF just going on foot across the Euphrates river with the special forces and their infantry fighters and stuff, to capture the air? It would be easier because they’re outnumbered with the militias moving their commanders and I forces, back over to, near, fucking Lebanon and, Italy because there’s a. There’s going to be an offensive there where the ATS and, Assad forces near Ridlub.

Hamas and Regional Movements

Yeah. I also seen stories where they’re saying that a lot of Hamas fighters that were over in Lebanon and some Hamas or Hezbollah people are all fleeing over to Syria, too. Yeah. Yeah. Even militias in Iraq going to Iran to hide as well. Israel’s gonna. You know, I think eventually this goes off with Iran, which it is just, you know, sometime here.

Geopolitical Projections

you know, I think it goes down with Assad, too. I don’t. You know, even though Israel kind of likes him there, I still think that he ends up getting drug into it somewhere along the line, you know? Yeah. Especially Damascus, wherever he is. Is he in the underground tunnel or is he hiding in his palace? Where Israel. Israel have the intel where he is? Oh, yeah. They know where he is at all times.

Intelligence Operations

Exactly. There was even a report a few months ago saying Israel had multiple chances to kill him, but they just chose not to. So I’ve seen reports where, you know, we’re so out of you. Where some reports say Israel wants Assad and power for whatever reason, because he keeps everything under control. Another part saying that Israel would like to knock him off and everything else.

Conclusion on Israeli Strategy

And so I don’t know what to believe. Yeah, there’s a lot of reports around that. Yeah. I don’t know. But they must want him in power. They would have took him out by now. Yeah. He’d have been gone a long time ago. Well, thanks, endgame. I appreciate. Thank you, big. I appreciate you, too, buddy. Go ahead, Mister Joe Schmuckatelli.

Engagement and Discussion

And game. Great space, as always. I couldn’t hear a word PK was saying, so I hope you guys can hear me if you don’t let me. Yeah, we can hear you. I can hear you. Oh, great. Yeah. Look, I just. A couple things. Not to. Not to nitpick, but, you know, earlier, I think district dog was talking art of the deal.

Critique of Political Figures

I mean, Tony Schwartz was the ghostwriter on that, and he’s been quoted several times in the press, as well as on TV interviews, that Donald Trump had nothing to do with that book. So if you’re impressed with Donald Trump because of that book, you might want to revise and reconsider your position there. Also, he’s the one that got rid of the JCPOA, which effectively allowed Iran.

Impact of JCPOA

Now, we all know they were bringing their oil to the market, but it really let them bring the oil to the market without any kind of restriction and regenerate their nuclear development in earnest. I’m not saying they weren’t already perhaps doing that. Although a lot of noted politicians, very respected diplomats, had said that more or less the JCPOA was working.

Criticism of Diplomatic Strategies

So I don’t think. I don’t think Trump gets any credit on Iran. Even though he’s trying to say that he would strike a great deal. He’s not a very good negotiator and he had four years to rejigger the JCPOA. He didn’t do it. So I just wanted to enter that into the record. Look, the main reason why I wanted to talk endgame, first of all, you always have the best geopolitical spaces instead of having all these raining lunatic, fucking biased, fucking terrorist lovers and shit like that.

Political Strategy and Negotiation

Get a platform. You kind of shut people down real quick. I might want to. Just as an editorial comment, you missed your calling. You’d have been a great high school teacher. As soon as a kid asks a stupid question, you’d tell them to shut the fuck up. I would. I think it would have brought. I think it would have brought order to the classroom.

Military Considerations

It would have been good for all the kids. So I’m sorry that. That you didn’t do that. You missed your calling. Okay. Main point of why I wanted to speak here, Iran strike on. Excuse me? Israel strike on Iran. There’s a little bit of misunderstanding here that I’ve heard some. Some things that, you know, I know you were in the Navy. Endgame.

Strategic Military Planning

I was in the Navy. We could talk offline about what I did, but I know a little bit about strike planning and targeteering and target development, weaponeering. And the layperson really does have a mistaken understanding of the difficulty of striking some of these targets. The problem with Iran is that they have what we call deeply buried targets.

Challenges in Targeting

And we’re not talking, you know, under ten or 20 or 30ft of earth. We’re talking literally. Literally, facilities that go a mile into the earth. And those are not. Those are not reachable with conventional munitions, not even with bunker busters. Would we do some damage? Of course. Could we take out their ventilation, their auxiliary, you know, the input, the electrical, the water?

Limitations of Conventional Warfare

Yes, of course we could. And I’m sure that’s all part of the target development, weaponeering, of the strike planning that’s gone on to date on these targets. So, yes. Could we incapacitate them for a short period of time? Of course we could. But could we take out one of their nuclear development facilities that’s deeply buried underground? Nothing short of a tactical nuclear weapon would do that.

Risk Assessment in Nuclear Strategy

And to the point made earlier, that would be a horrendous strategic blunder by Israel. And I think they’re aware of that. And they will not. They will not, you know, the reason why Israel has those nuclear weapons is it’s an, you know, it’s for their very existence. And I believe they only use those weapons if they believe that the very existence of the state of Israel is at risk and not in any other circumstance.

Intersection of Politics and Warfare

What we often forget in these spaces. And I know I’m preaching the question here, but war is politics by other means. Wars, politics. So when people say, oh, politics is interfering with the war is politics. War is politics. You’re just using your military might to exact your political objective. And you’re certainly not doing that if you turn yourself into a pariah state by using tactical nuclear weapons in an offensive manner against a country that’s a thousand miles away.

Geographical Challenges in Military Engagement

So I get to my, I get to the point here. It’s a thousand miles away. See, people forget that. But Tel Aviv to Tehran is over 1000 miles, okay. F35 range is just beyond 1000 miles, okay. But not heavy, not heavily laden with big bombs. And there’s only so many big bombs. They can carry maybe 4000 underwing. I don’t have it in front of me. A lot of you guys are military geeks.

Operational Capacity and Limitations

You can probably give me the number off the top of your head, but the more you’re flying with, the lower your range. Furthermore, you’re flying in a very fuel intensive profile. You’re flying in a low altitude under radar profile. You’re probably doing some zigzags around known ground rate radar sites, whether you’re flying through Saudi or wherever you’re flying. All right.

Navigating Airspace Challenges

You’re probably not going to fly through a NATO country as per your earlier point. They’re not flying at Azerbaijan through Turkey because Turkey’s got a very capable air force, very capable IADs, which is their integrated air defense system. And they’re not going to do that. They’re not going to get an Israeli aircraft shot down over Turkey. That, again, war is politics by other means.

Strategic Partnerships and Military Alliances

They’re not going to do that. Okay. So to your point, so the option would be to use Azerbaijan basically as an aircraft carrier, but as you so aptly laid down, that’s not an option. It’s not an option. Okay. So the only option left is with us help because they’re going to need tanker support. You’re going to need a KC 135, drilling racetracks over the Persian Gulf ready for those F, suck up that hose and top off their tank.

Implications of Military Actions

That’s direct US involvement. Biden has shown that he’s apprehensive about them really kicking the living fuck out of Iran like what we all want. So it’s my personal belief that’s the hang-up. This is going to be a very complex mission. You may not think it’s complex. It’s very complex to fly a strike mission from Tel Aviv or thereabouts to Tehran.

Strategic Military Operations

It’s very complex. Over a thousand miles with weapons. How many aircraft, what’s your support aircraft? What’s your counter signal aircraft support package, if any? You know, what is your airborne command and control? Are you gonna have an American AWACs again, that’s American involvement. Looks to me like Joe wants to stay at arm’s length away from this.

The Political Landscape

He’s. He’s probably fine with Israel doing whatever the fuck they want, but if they want tankers and AWACS, now we got a problem here. And I suspect that might be part of the negotiation. After all, the Israeli defense minister happens to be in Washington. Is that a coincidence? I don’t think so.

Evaluation of Strategic Actions

So everybody needs to put away their far-flung, kind of, like, fantastical ideas of Iran. Completely carp. Excuse me, I keep making that mistake. Israel carpet bombing Iran, they do not have that capability. It’s going to be a strike on vital assets, probably leadership, probably extremely high-priority military, perhaps oil.

Targeting Priorities

But maybe they don’t even want to fuck with that because they’ve got limited resources. So what are your top priorities? You know, you want to send a miss it message. You want to break their nose? You know, you’re not going to break their face. You’re going to break their nose. So. So what are your priorities? You’ve got to limit your priorities.

Strategic Limitations

The wish list is probably a thousand targets long, but at the end of the day, maybe they can only hit 25 or 30 targets. So what are those targets? Okay, are they going after the nukes? No, they can’t. They just don’t have the capability. Can they lay down a bunker buster on Natanz and fuck up their. Their ventilation for a couple of months? They absolutely can, and maybe they will, but that’s about it.

Analyzing Military Capabilities

That’s about it, because that shits deep. And yes, even the United States with tactical nuclear weapons would have a very difficult time doing that. So I also believe that Mossad has shown what ninja black fucking warlock motherfuckers they are, and. And I fully believe and expect that they have special operations and Mossad footprints on the ground and deeply inserted people that are ready to go as soon as they send the signal.

Covert Operations Strategies

So I do believe there will be a special operations, covert operations aspect to this. Maybe not dissimilar from what happened with the pagers. Okay. But that’s a separate part of it. That’s not a long-range military strike against political and military targets. So I guess that’s really all I wanted to say. Unless somebody has a question about it.

Debating Military Limitations

Well, I’d like to jump in there on a few things that you said, respectfully. First off, if you’re going against a granite or some other high-density mountain target, there’s no way that you could get it with a 50 kiloton yield nuclear device. You would need probably much larger, probably in the range of maybe one to upwards of five megatons minimum.

Nuclear Capability Insights

And I don’t think there’s too many aircraft that carry one to five megatonous nuclear weapons. There’s, there’s some dial a nukes that, that could be used that might get. We’re wasting time. We don’t need to talk about nukes. Well, so, but you said 50 kiloton, okay. You can’t, you can’t take out.

Further Discussion

I did, I did not say that. I did not say that. What I said was that a nuclear strike is absolutely, positively out of the question. That’s what I said. Well I’m pretty sure you said 50 kiloton tactical nuclear weapon. I can tell you what I said and I did. I mentioned nothing about level of nuclear kill a tonnage.

Clarifying Military Statements

Because I do not consider a nuclear strike to be anywhere within the realm of possibility. I would not waste your time with that. Okay, well then the second thing that you didn’t mention, okay. Is the possibility of conventional ICBMs. So Jericho, or excuse me, Israel has both Jericho two and Jericho three missiles that are in their current inventory. They have a full conventional warhead system to them.

Missile Capabilities and Specifications

The question is, you know, are they equipped with that or are they equipped with nuclear weapons? Good question. Nobody knows those types of weapons at that speed. I seriously doubt could be designed for bunker busting but they could certainly take out other targets. Maybe one of the reasons why Israel is going face to face with the United States is because they want to use ICBMs in the response.

ICBMs and Response Strategies

But by using ICBMs you open up a potential for people thinking that they’re using nuclear weapons. What do you think about that? I don’t believe nuclear weapons are within the realm of possibility. I didn’t say that. What I said is that they would use conventional ICBMs but countries around them would get scared that they’re using nuclear weapons instead.

Geopolitical Dynamics and Misunderstandings

You don’t know when the thing is in the air right. Especially if there’s only a few of them with priority targets. Yeah. Well, I think that the countries that would be monitoring for that namely China, Russia and the United States would definitely see those missiles, would definitely see their origin point, would definitely understand that it’s go time and would definitely see that those are missiles from Israel headed to Iran.

Monitoring Military Movements

So I don’t think that there would be a risk of false alarm by one of the major nuclear powers who would feel the need to retaliate because there’s international ICBMs being launched. But to your point. But to your point, yes indeed you are correct and I appreciate that you added that point of information because Jericho two missiles would probably be part of the package.

Strategic Military Priorities

But again you’ve got a limited payload right. So you’re looking at 500 to 1000 pound devices that will do damage and can definitely hit their aim point within 50 meters and are definitely very capable and are a good solution for this very difficult problem of a thousand mile strike. But again you’re limited with your ordinance you’re going to have one bomb, one target per missile.

Constraints in Military Operations

And how much of your missile inventory are you willing to expend for this? So you’re probably going to be going again after some very, maybe a dozen or two very extremely high priority targets which would really expand the lethality of your strike. But, but it wouldn’t ten exit by any means or anything like that. Yeah I agree with that.

Payload Limitations of Jericho Missiles

I think the actual payload capacity, conventional mode for the Jericho two or Jericho three is about 2500 pounds. So it might be a little higher than you think it is. But yeah, I would say that if Israel was going to use ICBMs that they would use several in a limited area. Right. So they might target two or three to one target. Question is how many do they have?

Evaluating Military Capabilities

And that’s up in the air because they’re not too forthcoming with what their capability. I’m sure it’s compartmented information within the Ministry of Defense of Israel. I’m sure that, I’m sure that not more than a few dozen people know that answer and you know rightfully so but yeah, I think that the large majority of those are reserved for national defense in the event of an existential threat discussed.

Initial Thoughts

Sorry to hear about last night, man. But you know what mister lady would say when you get impounded by shit balls, you got to be the shit back. Damn, dude. That’s the way I look at it, man. He was my fucking role model. But, you guys pretty much talked about everything I talked about.

Discussion on Erdogan and Turkey

I think, first of all, with that whole Erdogan, the question is, what is he gonna do? I don’t think he’s gonna do shit. And look at the state of the turkish economy right now. I mean, they’re fucked. They got one of the worst inflations in the world right now. So I think he’s just using this rhetoric, this. This jihadist rhetoric, to kind of. Distract. His people from their shit economy and keep them, you know, tame a little bit. So. But I think at the end day, I think he’s just bluffing. I don’t think he’s gonna do shit. What matters most to him is being part of NATO, right? And, you know, they’re more secular, but he’s not stupid.

Rhetoric and Distraction

He’s gonna use this whole rhetoric, this whole Palestinian cause rhetoric to benefit him and distract his people. So I think that’s what’s happening there with this whole Israel Iran thing. You mentioned that, Jericho, and they haven’t used those. Yeah, I don’t believe. But I think that would be great. I think they’re, you know, if they just launched massive ICBM’s on Iran and kind of showed them, you know, hey, you’re fucking, ballistic missile sucks. This is what real ones look like.

Military Opinion

This tear up military, targets. I agree with Mucatelli. I’ve been saying that for a long time. I think that they’re basically a mountain fortress. So I don’t think anyone could really test their nukes. As far as the people saying the oil, I think that’s off limits, too, because I’d fuck everyone’s economy up at this point, devastate Iran. But it fucked everyone up, including China. I mean, the only person that benefit from that would probably be Putin, right? Because price of rural. Help them, you know, avoid or overcome the sanctions and put a little money in his pocket.

The Future of Military Engagement

So. You know, so I think there’s. Gonna be a leadership and, you know, military targets, strictly as that’s my opinion. I don’t know. I don’t got crystal ball, but, yeah. I don’t think China would fucking be too happy with that either. So it’s gonna be interesting to see what they would say if Israel did take out some of Iran’s oil facilities. All right, you got any thoughts on that or anyone? Well, bring somebody mentioned to me, Taiwan and China.

China’s Military Exercises

China is getting ready to start a large scale drill around Taiwan here in the next couple days to go along with some big holiday they got going on in China. So that’s going to be interesting because October is one of the months where they can cross the Taiwan Strait without. Without a lot of issues. So it’ll be interesting to watch this to see, you know, I don’t think they’re going to do anything, but it’s going to be entering. It’s going to be interesting to see what they do.

Taiwan and China’s Future

Trilast drill. They had. They had roll on roll offs. They had amphibious ships all out. They were practicing troop landings on some islands over there. So China, you know, China’s still, you know, and Taiwan’s president came out the other day and says, you know, China will never be the fucking motherland for us, you know, Xi Jinping go fucking pack rice up his ass. So other than that, you know, like I said, I, you know, I hear everybody talk, and I don’t claim to be a guru of anything.

Israel’s Stance on Iran’s Nuclear Program

I’m just a regular person like everybody else in this room. I’m nothing special. But, you know, I don’t believe that Israel’s coming this far to allow Iran’s nuclear programs to stand. And I understand they’re, you know, they’re buried in the side of mountains. I’ve always talked about that. And we’ve sat back for 20 something years in America and watched them fucking do it. Even Trump didn’t fucking do anything about it.

Trump’s Inaction Regarding Iran

You know, so, you know, everybody thinking, well, Trump’s going to do something. Trump didn’t do anything before 2016, 2020. Trump didn’t do a fucking thing to take care of Iran nuclear program. All he did was drop out of the JCPOA. You know, that. That was it. He didn’t do anything to stop Iran. So for you, all these Trumpers had her out. Trump’s gonna fucking do it. I don’t know.

Discussion of Iran and Future Political Dynamics

He didn’t do it for four fucking years before. You think he’s fucking God and gonna do it now. He don’t care about anybody but himself. They actually do think he’s God, which is weird. I. Well, is what it is. People think he’s Antichrist. I don’t know. I don’t really want to get into political discussion over there, but I just get so sick of people saying, all Trump’s going to do it.

Trump’s Presidency and Its Impact

He had four years. He was the most pro Israeli president we’ve had. He made Jerusalem the capital of Israel, but yet he wouldn’t go and attack Iran. There’s reports that maybe asked him three times within those four years, baby. Even went to the points in. Trump can easily stick up, you know, fuel tankers in the air, and we’ll go try to fucking do it. And Trump said no, you know, so it wasn’t until Briden was president that Biden actually allowed fuel tankers to do practice drills with Iran.

Personal Health Challenges

So I don’t put any faith in fucking Trump. It’s just political fucking talking points. That’s all it fucking is. You know. Endgame. I just. My God, man, I just preach. It’s so fucking true. And we need more common sense like that. It’s just political talking points. But every time one of these fuck nuts says a word, it’s like a Rorschach test as to who you already support, you know, and it’s like they’re all just fucking looking for talking points and everybody wants to bring it up.

The Impact of Personal Experience

I mean, Trump’s a fuck. I’ll leave it alone. We’re not going to go there. I’m just going to say I really appreciate you saying that because that’s the truth. Since we know we’re in an election season, everything’s political talking points from both sides. And it’s just. It’s a shame it has to be like that. It really, truly is, because, you know, I sit back and, you know, I follow all this geopolitical stuff and I. And I stop and think, you know, who’s going to.

Concerns Over Future Relations

You know, who’s going to take us out? Russia, China? Are we going to take you? You know, who’s going to take America out? We are the american citizen. We’re going to take America out with all fucking division, all. We’re fucking stupid. Fighting over whose idol is better. Oh, my idols better. Oh, no, my fucking idols fucking better. You know, it’s. It’s, it’s. It’s the same thing they had in the fucking roman times.

Personal Beliefs and Views on Death

You know, as a Christian, I don’t worship fucking human beings. I worship God above. I’d worship the old tree in my backyard before I worshiped a fucking human being. Human beings will let you fucking down every single fucking time. Human beings are not fucking perfect people. And they will fuck you over any chance they fucking get. Just read the fucking newspaper. So if you want to put your trust in a fucking human being, even worse is a punitive politician.

The Role of Politicians

A politician is a subhuman being. They’re just out for fucking power and fucking control. So every time you’re cheering for fucking Harris, every time you’re cheering for Trump, all you’re saying is, please control me. Please control me. I can’t put my fucking underwear on without you telling me how to fucking put them on. Fucking sheep. Zombies. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves. I got one more thing I gave, if you don’t mind.

Climate Change and Geopolitical Impact

Just inject that right into my veins. Go ahead, kill. Yeah, well, one more thing. I got a question for everyone that was in the navy. Buffer. Yeah. If I agree with you. Well said. Except for I do. I do worship Gabadoosa, man. I think he’s a great politician. I don’t think he’s evil. But that’s just my two cent Gabadoo, some 2028.

Hurricane Concerns

But my question regarding this fucking monster of a hurricane, right? That is fucking ginormous, right? I’ve been screaming about this, like, climate change. This shit’s a fucking monster. But my question to anyone in the navy, does. Would this affect anything if shit pops off in the Middle east? Like, I know we got a lot of naval bases out there and military infrastructure.

Naval Bases and Military Presence

Well, look, the major base down there is Jacksonville, and there’s not. It’s a. It’s an air station. It’s not a. It’s not a naval base. The big naval base, as you know, kill, is Norfolk. Norfolk is one of the largest naval bases on the planet. Norfolk is relatively unaffected by this, although they might have to practice hurricane avoidance as soon as this thing gets out in the Atlantic.

Implications of Climate Change on Geopolitics

So the short answer to the question is not really. All right, man. Appreciate that. Yeah, that was. Just wonder about that, because it’s gonna be interesting, man, as this fucking climate change wraps up and these hurricanes get bigger and bigger, it’s gonna be interesting to see how that affects geopolitics. But that’s all I got a gang, rich. I’ll fucking let my play, Nick. Thank you, Gill.

Personal Health Concerns

Appreciate hearing you, buddy. You and your sexy voice. Appreciate it, man. Subscribe to my ASMR. Do ASMR. If you like, you can buy me a copy for giving you a fucking compliment. Will do, bro. All right, go ahead, PK or. Yeah, go, whoever. Go.

The Future of Politics

Zonda can go first. Xander. Go ahead. Either one. Oh, so I was just gonna agree with you on the whole, like, political thing in terms of, like. I mean, what. What you said about Trump, because he is an egotistical, self centered person. And speaking of which I wanted to tie this back to the israeli guy or the guy with the israeli, like, flags and stuff, who called me out earlier and that said the Gaza thing must have been a joke.

Trump’s Proposal

Well, in fact, not only was it not a joke, the reason I bring it up is because the joke, which is Trump, is the one who proposed it, January 2020. It was called the peace to prosperity. And basically his idea was to turn Gaza’s oceanfront property, quote, unquote, into, like, all Trump casinos and Trump towers. And he wanted.

Economic Development Plans

He wanted to be the developer of it, and he wanted to. He was proposing it as a piece accord type of thing after they settled out what happens in Gaza and a two state solution, et cetera. There’s a million reasons why it’s not feasible, but I’m saying that it was a proposal. I actually saw renderings of it. So that’s why I said that I wasn’t being an asshole, and I certainly wasn’t being anti semitic by saying that.


So I just wanted to wait long enough to make sure that my anger wasn’t misplaced or mistaken for where it was at. But, like, you can look up his peace to prosperity agreement January 20th. It’s a. It’s in farcical nonsense because he’s a megalomaniac, but, like, it was true. So there’s that. Right on, man. How are you, BK?

Global Military Dynamics

Yeah, I was just going to ask you about the troops in Iraq pulling out in, I think, 2026, and they’re going to keep some in the Kurdistan region. How do you think that will affect Syria? Do you think the US still has any goals in Syria? I know they got the oil and gas, but do you think. Yeah, they’ll pull out a sir in 2026?

Military Withdrawal from the Middle East

Well, who knows where things are going, man? The Middle east might still be on fire in the next two fucking years. You know, we might be sending thousands of fucking troops over there before it all. Before it all fucking goes to shit, you know, it’s. It’s hard to say. You know, it. I understand we want to get out of Iraq, and I.

Political Relations

But at the same time, you know, yeah, we’ve got the biggest fucking embassy over there, consulate in the fucking world, you know, so we won’t ever completely leave Iraq. We’ll always have a small group of troops there, you know, in Syria. I don’t see us leaving there because soon as we pull out like that, the Conoco fucking conical gas station that we’re running.

Consequences of Military Actions

Running over there, Putin’s gonna move in and take. Yeah, and, you know, that’s what happened when Trump was president. And he gave up all those fucking bases and all those Russian fucking troops moved right in there. Yeah. And we got out of there so fast, we even left shit behind. The Russian troops were fucking taking pictures of it and everything fucking else, you know, trucking.

Current State of Crises

Trump, he loves us while he gives our fucking bases to the Russian fucking troops. It was even bombing his own warehouses, the ones that the US troops were staying on. Shit. So, yeah, I think that was in. Fuck, where was it again? Raqqa, fucking Cabani and all that places. But he still. They still have good presence in.

Future Dynamics

I think they’re establishing their bases outside Raqqa and all places again, where, like, they’re still in, like, not contact, but, like, they’re telling Turkey to back off, like, the STF and stuff, not to bomb the sites because. Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know what the future relationship with the SDF and Amer is going to be, man.

Military Partnerships

It’s just. It looks like one official came out and was saying it looks like they’ll continue the relationship through 2026 if they reduce forces here, but it’s hard to say, man. Well, what’s your thoughts on the SDFN game? Do you think they should continue supporting them or what? 100%, man.

Support for Allies

They’re some of the best fighters. We got overdose there, man. And we’d be stupid to fucking take off and leave them hanging. You know? Trump did that too. He left them fucking hanging for a while. I mean, that was the most dirtiest thing I’ve ever fucking seen, man. A lot of those people fucking fighting terrorists with the sacrifice in their lives, they were like, fuck you.

Consequences of Actions Taken

We’re out of here. You’re on your own. Yeah, it’ll be interesting, man. It’s just like, back in 2019. Imagine if, like, that whole control of northeastern Syria was still under control. I think they would be pushing for a state there right now if Trump never made that fucking decision, man. But you never know what’s going to happen in the future.

Reflections on Life

We’ll see. But thanks, man. Excuse me. Thanks, BK. Appreciate that, man. Oh, let me see if there’s any more news coming out here real fast. And I might have to end the show early, man. I’m not feeling too good right now. But hope he feels better. Endgame.

Health Challenges Faced

When they bury me, I’ll feel great. Does it burn still or no. That’S all right now, but I’ve got it. I’m on experimental medication for colon cancer and so it’s been affecting me different ways. I basically turned myself into a lab rat so I wouldn’t have to do radiation and chemotherapy. And we’ll be praying for you.

Family Support

Hope you feel better. Hey, thank you man. Appreciate it. Yeah, my uncle just finished his chemo and he’s now like cancer free from testicular cancer. But man is he like his nerve endings are shot and you like, he basically can’t stop convulsing because every like his whole body is like throbbingly sensitive.

Alternative Treatments

I didn’t know they had, what’s the, it’s like an alternative to chemo, you said. Because I could never do chemo either. Like I couldn’t do it. Well see I’ve got severe nerve damage already from breaking my neck in two places. I got complex regional pain syndrome. And it said in me bad.

Health Limitations

And I got, like I said, I can’t go outside if the wind was all in hard enough. It feels like the nerves are on the outside of my skin, like in different parts of my body. My right arm, my right hand, my left hand, my leg. And they was, you know, they fixed my neck. But my nerves were so badly damaged that it gave me permanent nerve damage, permanent irreversible nerve damage.

Long-term Health Risks

And so, you know, that’s why I couldn’t even take the COVID vaccine because the doctors, they couldn’t tell me not to take it. But they said that, you know, with your nerves the way they are in the way that this MRA mRNA latches on the nerve endings and stuff, it might be, it might make your nerve pain worse. So I never took the COVID vaccine I got.

Survival and Resilience

Covid almost fucking died from it. I survived it barely. But but yeah, I couldn’t do that. And then, you know, the same with this, you know, with that, you know, the level of colon cancer that I have, it’s, you know, it’s not at the death stage yet. They caught it at an early stage. I’ve had two different things over two procedures on me already.

Medical Procedures

They found some, they took it out and then about six, seven, eight months later it came back again. They went in, they took that out and then it came back again. But now this medication is showing some, you know, it’s fighting it back again, but it’s fucking my body up. Like my voice, it’s make me tired. I’m on like probably five different medications right now.

Future Treatment Plans

And so, you know, it’s, they’re like, you know, we don’t think you’re at the point where you need radiation, chemo, we think with this new medication at the level you’re at, we can try to take care of it this way. And so far, it looks like it’s working, thank God. But it’s. It’s got a lot of side effects to it. You know, my balls might fall off, my dick, my shrivel up.

Sacrifices for Health

I might go blind in death, but I won’t have cancer, you know? So you got. You gotta weigh the fucking odds, man. And so, you know, I agreed to this and stuff, and they’re like, we’re just letting you know there’s all kinds of side effects and stuff isn’t, you know, it is. It’s experimental and, you know, we’ll basically check on you and see what side effects you get.

Expressing Frustration

You might get something that we. Yeah, red alert. And, Lebadon. Yeah. So the key. So keep pounding. In game, bro. How old are you? In game? I’m 58. Okay.

Reflections on Age

58 years young, right? They say sixties. The new 30. Yeah. You know, if it wasn’t for all this shit going on with me, health was, I’d be in good shape. That’s a joke. Hope he make it. Life is live, man.

Philosophical Views

You know, we all check out at different times. See, that’s why I look at it. I don’t look at death as a bad thing. I look at death as another aspect of life. I look at it as weird. We’re in the physical, and then we go into the non physical.

Beliefs on Reincarnation

I believe our souls are reincarnated a million fucking times over. Hopefully next time I come back, I’m like fucking Elon Musk or somebody. But it’s. That’s just what I believe, man. I mean, it’s. It’s. It’s like they say, the only thing we know about death is, you know, that’s for certain, is that the ones that love you will miss you.

The Nature of Life and Death

It’s just like, you know, Keanu Reeves says, that’s the thing we do know about death. The ones that love you will miss you. But that. But other than that, I don’t fear it. I don’t fear it. I’ve never feared it. I didn’t fear it in the military. I don’t fear it now. It’s all part of life.

Acceptance and Positivity

We all leave at different fucking times. You know, I talk about some gloomy fucking shit, but I’m a pretty positive person, man, you know? I’m pretty fucking positive, you know? And you don’t realize how tough you are until your fucking backs against the wall. That’s how, that’s when you realize how tough you are.

Resilience in Adversity

When you go through your problems in life, you’re, you know, the good times in life don’t make you a strong person. It’s the bad times in life that make you a strong person. And believe me, since I’ve had all this going on with me, else wise, my broken neck and everything fucking else I’ve had, it’s made me a strong motherfucker.

Living Life on One’s Own Terms

And that’s why I don’t have no fucks to give. That’s what makes me different from everybody on x, you know, I come off as an asshole, but I’m a cool guy, man, until you cross my fucking shit line that I’m a fucking raging asshole. And that’s just the way I play it.

Interpersonal Relations

You’re cool to me, I’m cool to you. You come out and you call me an asshole, I’m going to call you an asshole fucking back. I don’t give a fuck. You know, I got all kinds of health issues. I’m close to my deathbed. I have zero fucks to fucking give. I have zero fucks to fucking give, man.

Final Reflections

It’s just the way I live my life now. That’s just it. It’s the way I live. When you have zero fucks to give, that makes you a dangerous fucking person. It does. That makes you one of the most dangerous motherhood fuckers on this planet when you don’t fucking care, you know? Well, me and my family can’t pray for you.

Support and Well Wishes

I hope you make it. Appreciate, I’m gonna, like I said, I’m not, you know, I’m not physically on my deathbed yet. I was close last night, but, other than that, I’m still here, so. But anyway, I gotta wrap this up. Everybody take care. God bless.

Ending Statement

Be well. I’ll be back Friday night, hopefully for another show and do something good in this world. Like I always say, take care of yourselves. Thank you. See you later. Have a good night, brother.

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