Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Geopolitical Headlines and Open Discussion hosted by EndGameWW3. Delve into a thought-provoking Twitter space discussing geopolitics, global conflicts, and national/international news led by a knowledgeable U.S. Navy Veteran. Gain insights into current events, strategic military perspectives, and the impact of geopolitical tensions on global relations. Stay informed on potential conflict triggers, the role of media, and ways to promote peace through dialogue. Discover why understanding geopolitical headlines is crucial for individuals and governments to navigate the complex landscape of international affairs.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: Why is it crucial to follow geopolitical headlines?
A: Being informed helps understand global dynamics and potential conflicts.

Q: What role do current events play in shaping international relations?
A: Current events influence foreign policies and diplomatic engagements.

Q: How can insights from a U.S. Navy Veteran add value to the discussions?
A: Veteran perspectives offer strategic military insights and experiences.

Q: What are the key factors contributing to global conflicts?
A: Tensions, power struggles, and historical disputes often fuel global conflicts.

Q: How does national news impact international affairs?
A: National news can reflect domestic policies that influence global perceptions and actions.

Q: What can individuals do to stay informed about global affairs?
A: Regularly reading news sources, following geopolitical experts, and analyzing diverse viewpoints are recommended.

Q: In what ways can discussions on global conflicts help promote peace?
A: By raising awareness, understanding root causes, and fostering dialogue, discussions can contribute to conflict resolution.

Q: What are the risks of ignoring geopolitical developments?
A: Neglecting geopolitical events can lead to misunderstandings, miscalculations, and potential conflicts.

Q: How does the media influence public perceptions of international affairs?
A: Media coverage can shape public opinions, influence policies, and impact global narratives.

Q: What strategies can governments employ to prevent global conflicts?
A: Diplomacy, conflict resolution mechanisms, and international cooperation are essential in preventing conflicts.


Time: 00:10:45
Geopolitical Analysis on Recent Conflicts Examining recent conflicts and their geopolitical implications.

Time: 00:24:19
National News Impact on Global Relations Exploring how national news can influence international affairs.

Time: 00:35:50
Insights from a U.S. Navy Veteran Gaining unique perspectives on military strategies and international security.

Time: 00:47:12
Discussion on Potential Triggers of Global Conflict Analyzing factors that could lead to global conflicts in the current geopolitical landscape.

Time: 01:02:30
Importance of Diplomacy in Global Stability Emphasizing the role of diplomacy in maintaining peace and stability across nations.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding current geopolitical events and their implications
  • Insights into potential global conflict triggers
  • Importance of staying updated on national and international news
  • Perspectives from a U.S. Navy Veteran on strategic military matters
  • Discussing geopolitical tensions and their impact on global relations

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Discussion

Welcome, everybody, to ingame ww three live here on spaces on this Monday evening in the wonderful us of a. Hope you're doing well wherever you're at on this planet. Nice to see everybody. Hope everybody had a great weekend. Hope everybody had a great day. Got some news to go over, and as soon as I'm done, I'll open it up to anybody that wants to speak. And we can talk about whatever I brought up. Whatever you want to talk about. Be about geopolitics, economics, politics, earth changes, societal issues, war, peace, anything that matters in this world. So everything I got is in no certain order. I'll jump around from place to place and thing to thank. So just bear with me.

Updates from the Conflict Zones

Some news just coming out about the past 15 minutes out of Israel saying that initial reports of 15 Hamas members have been killed in con units, possibly including senior officials. You know, there's reports saying that Israel used high precision bombs for this. And they. There's some Palestinian reports saying that they seen at least 20 tents that were just automatically sunk into the ground from these strikes. I guess they were huge strikes. And, you know, Hamas controls the injury and death numbers over there pretty much. So. I hate reporting, you know, not that it shouldn't. At the palace, you know, there's civilians that were hurt in these strikes. And, you know, they're saying up to 65 so far, civilians have been having pretty much what they say, injured or killed. And again, you know, in a strike like this, yeah, there's going to be civilian deaths, man. You know. You know, Israel went after 15 Hamas members, you know, and it's just the way they do things, unfortunately. But, yeah, they're saying up to anywhere. I've seen anywhere from 40 to 60, 65. They're saying Palestinian injuries, deaths, the numbers keep going up every time I look for updates on it.

International Tensions and Responses

Yeah, they're saying that, you know, this is what the civil defense out of. Out of Gaza saying. They're saying entire families disappeared in the Elmwassi massacre in the sands. Again, I'm reading where they said at least 2010 were just sunk into this huge freaking crater, man. Israel just, you know, they must have seen some high value targets there and just did it. So I'm sure those names will be coming out of who it was. Be good if it was. Send more. I don't know if we could be that. That lucky, but we'll see what names come out later on. The Brent's governor in Russia claimed that so far, 21 UAVs were shot down over the region a little while ago that Ukraine did a massive drone attack on Brian was a Bryansk. And they said there were over 21 UAVs that were used, or at least the ones that were shot down. There may be a few that hit their targets. I haven't heard.

Continued Developments and Warnings

About an hour ago, Israeli airstrikes were reported to cross southern Lebanon talking about targeting Hezbollah assets. You know, that's getting ready to kick off any day now. I think we're damn close to Israel moving into southern Lebanon. It could happen at any minute now. I don't believe any of that has changed at all. You know, I think was it earlier this morning over there or this morning over here? You know, Hezbollah hit a building over there. I forgot what city it was in up in northern Israel with the suicide drone. I think I got some news on that further down. KCNA came out North Korea state media and says the North Korean leader announced its implementation of nuclear force building policy to dramatically increase the number of weapons. Says North Korea leader says the country should boost nuclear capabilities.

Geopolitical Alliances and Military Moves

I don't even know why they say anything to anybody. He's doing it no matter what. So it ain't like anybody's gonna go in there and stop. He wants to build more nukes. He's gonna build more nukes. You know, this is a good enough reason not to let the Iranian regime get a hold of nuclear weapons because then we're gonna have a second North Korea in the Middle East, Cyprus in the US sign of defense deal outlining ways to tackle regional crisis. Cyprus and the US of Standard Defense Cooperation Framework agreement that outlines ways the two countries can enhance their response to regional humanitarian crisis and security concerns, including those arising from climate change. Says the Republic of Cyprus is a strong partner in the United States and Europe and the eastern Mediterranean and plays a pivotal role at the nexus of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East since the US official praised Cyprus for acting as a safe haven for American civilians evacuated from Sudan and Israel last year.

Situation in Israeli and Regional Context

And this is in for its key role in setting up a maritime corridor to Gaza through which more than 20 million pounds of humanitarian natives ship to the Palestinian territory. Then the US came out and says that it is evident Cyprus is aligned with the west and I believe they are. They're a good ally to have good countries sign a military cooperation agreement with. Says a short while ago, during operational activity in the area of the Egypt border, IDF troops identified a suspicious vehicle accelerating toward them and then conducted standard operating procedures. The troops began a pursuit after the terrorists and are conducting searches in the area. I think it was someone trying to smuggle drugs or something like that. And I don't know if they caught him or not, but we'll see. I think the car, you know, that the smugglers were driving tried to run over some Israeli troops and I don't think anybody was hurt from it. Israeli officials tell us Israel can't wait long for diplomatic deal in Lebanon before taking military action.

Ongoing Conflict Analysis

This is the IDF estimates that Hezbollah collects intel info on Syria Israel border in recent months to plan attacks on Israel since Hezbollah operatives deployed the Syrian military post and border area. Moving on. This is the US is ready to take serious actions against Iran due to its supply of missiles to Russia, according to US State Department deputy spokesperson Patel, since while specific measures were not detailed, Patel emphasized the US deep concern in order that the G seven partners are prepared to act, which could lead to significant consequences. You know, just sounds like to me they're probably just going to put more sanctions on Iran. You know, you get the G seven involved and you're talking about economic stuff, you know, whether we do anything military wise about it. You know, the US keeps dodging the question on whether these missiles have been delivered from Iran to Russia.

International Relations and Future Considerations

1 minute they said, yeah. Next minute they said, we're not for certain. You know, so it's either they know for sure that Iran did or they really don't. I think they know. You know, who knows if they'll actually ever say anything to Iran. You know, they're probably just trying to look tough. Oh, I ran. We're gonna get you. And probably not doing anything about it in the background. Hard to say, but, you know, it's. It's going back and forth. Whether Iran delivered these missiles to Russia or not, I've heard yes, and I've heard null, over. Maybe. All right, coming out. Says NATO, concerned about Russian nuclear attack in space that would send out gigantic waves of electronic magnetic pulses that came out from Welt we Ltd. This is at NATO headquarters.

Rising Global Tensions

Concern is growing about a Russian nuclear attack in space. Says according to US findings, Moscow has launched several killer satellites into space that can be equipped with nuclear weapons, since if they were used, they would send out gigantic waves of electronic magnetic pulses with devastating consequences. I believe it. I'm sure we got stuff up there just like it. I'm sure China does, too. You know, most of us don't realize what weapons we have over our heads right now. There's probably weapons floating above our heads right now that would blow our minds. That's a fact the White House came out says China holding naval air drills with Russia a sign of deepening cooperation.

Conflict Impact on Regional Dynamics

The White House came out and said that Hamas is the main obstacle to reaching a ceasefire agreement in Gaza. Hezbollah has positioned hundreds of rocket launchers in southern Lebanon hidden below ground or in buildings. Says IDF says rocket fire can't be stopped with airstrikes alone says Iran continues to ship Rakus to Hezbollah to replenish stockpiles. An Israeli officer said today the IDF presented an extensive preparations plan for full scale war versus Hezbollah to us. General Kurilla says the Centcom chief visited IDF Northern Command headquarters, met with the senior Israeli officers. So this is key. The IDF has presented the whole plan now to General Kirilla of Centcom for war with Hezbollah.

Regional Warfare and Broader Implications

So again it's common. It could happen any day now man lobbyists has crashed Russian drone with Shahid style it says lobbyists top military commander said a Russian drone that crashed on the Baltic nation's territory was an Iranian design model. Authorities called on says as authorities called on NATO allies to bolster air defenses. Military commander Collins said debris from the unmanned aerial vehicle that veered into lobby and airspace showed that it was a Shahead style drone. Says the UAV crossed into Latvian airspace from Belarus and crashed in the. Was it the Brzezinki municipality, Latvia said yesterday says the armed UAV was meant to be deployed in attacks in Ukraine.

Continued Military Engagements

He told reporters in Riga on Monday this is the defense ministers in the neighboring Lithuania also call for more defense systems in NATO's eastern flank and a stronger mandate for the air policing mission in the Baltic region. So again, another Russian drone goes down in NATO territory and NATO fucking doesn't do anything like they were. But still, you know, they sit there and cower to the feet of fucking, oh, we don't want to escalate shit. The IDF said earlier today says two soldiers lightly wounded from Hezbollah drone attack says three explosive laden drones launched from Lebanon struck near the border community of Shlomi earlier today, lightly injuring two soldiers since Hezbollah took responsibility for the attack, saying it targeted a military base in the area.

Casualty Reports and Military Actions

The IDF said the soldiers were taken to a hospital in good condition, says meanwhile, the IDF says Israeli fighter jet struck several buildings and observation posts belonging to Hezbollah in southern Lebanon's Kafar killah. It says another drone strike targeted a Hezbollah opportunity and Talisa, the military says and it says separately, Israeli tanks show the Hezbollah observation post in Kafar Shuba. IDF added Erdogan came out and says the Turkey to take every legal step to ensure that slain activists. What was her name? IjI's blood does not go in vain, including by appealing to the Hague, says President Erdoan, talking about that American Turkish activist that Israel killed over in West bank the other day.

Geopolitical Reactions and Responses

And, you know, she was part Turkish. So everyone's all up in arms about this and said he's going to take this to the Hague. So we'll see what happens with that. All right, what else here? Says Ukraine summons Iranian diplomat as Tehran denies missile transfer to Russia. Says Ukraine warned Iran of severe consequences if reports of ballistic missile transfers to Russia are confirmed. Firms citing potential war escalation since Ukraine's foreign ministry said today it has summoned a senior Iranian diplomat to warn of devastating and irreparable consequences for bilateral relations if reports that Tehran has supplied Russia with ballistic missiles were correct, because the senior Iranian official denied the reports on Monday, describing them as psychological warfare.

Ongoing Diplomatic Engagements

A European Union spokesperson described the information as credible, says CNN and the Wall Street Journal reported last week, citing unidentified sources, that Iran had transferred short-range ballistic missiles to rush. And it says, the Ukrainian foreign ministry said on telegram it has summoned Iran's charge to and warned him in harsh form about the consequences for relations if delivery of the missiles was confirmed. And then Iran came out and says no missiles were sent to Russia. And this claim is kind of psychological warfare. It says Iran does not support any of the parties to the Ukraine Russia conflict except for all the drones that it's given to Putin. You know, they're trying to act like that. The world doesn't know these fucking drones are coming from Iran. Are you kidding me?

Discussion on Geopolitical Trends

You know, but what if I told everybody to? All the old people have been coming here for a long time. You know, I always said that what's. Going to happen, you know, in the. European theater and the Middle eastern theater, I said, one day is going to blend together. People remember me saying that have been coming to my show for a long time. I've been saying that for a long time. You're gonna have the European theater and the Middle east theater, and they're gonna end up merging down the road. This is what we're doing. Like I said, we're in World War three. We're in it, and it's just gonna keep escalating again. You got your European theater, you got your Middle east theater, and then you're gonna have your Asia Pacific theater.

Future Global Trends

You got other theaters setting up in Africa right now. You've got theaters setting up in South America here. Soon, when people try to house Maduro, you've got theaters setting up everywhere, but you got three main ones, Europe, Mideast, and Asia Pacific. And I've always said for the longest time, eventually the European theater in the. Middle Eastern theater are going to blend together. And this is exactly what's starting to happen right now. I'm not trying to pat myself on the back. I'm just simply saying I seen this coming. And again, I've been doing these shows since 2007. Not on all on spaces, but way before this, I've been doing that. You know, it's gonna come.

Escalating Conflicts and Preparedness

Unfortunately, it may take a little while. It's not gonna happen overnight. Eventually, you're going to have these two. Theaters blend together, and you're just going to have war from Ukraine all the. Way over to the Middle East. NATO, NATO. You know, some NATO nations will eventually. Get it, get directly involved in what's. Going on in Ukraine. You can bet your money on that, too. You're going to see some NATO nations. Get directly involved in what's going on. And I don't care who the next. President is, it's not going to stop, you know? TRUMp oh, I'll stop it with a phone call with and no, you're not. Trump. Come on, man.

Economic Influence in Warfare

This war is a lot bigger than one fucking man. You know, the military and industrial complex. Again, is already setting up shop in Ukraine. They're already building in, you know, factories over there so they can make weapons right there in Ukraine and give it right to. You're not going to shut down the mic. I don't give a fuck if you're Trump or Santa Claus or fucking Kamala Harris. You're not going to, you know, you're not going to fucking shut down this war. Just making too much money off this. This war is bigger than any fucking president, any political party. The wheels are in motion. You know, for anybody thinks that there's going to be de-escalation with all these wars, you're fucking wrong.

Projections of Ongoing Conflicts

It's just going to keep escalating and escalating until it reaches a certain point, and then we're going to have to decide, do we want to take this fucking world off the cliff? Are we going to back away a little bit? But right now it's full speed ahead. This is just the beginning of everything. This could go on for another ten years. You know, so, you know, people. Need to be prepared for this kind of stuff. All right? Following Hezbollah drone attack, hobby says IDF ready for any mission in the north. Syria says Israel strikes leave 18 dead in the biggest toll since the war in Gaza began. Israel did some strikes over in Syria yesterday.

Analyzing the Broader Impact of Strikes

They hit the scientific research center with these chemical weapons and missiles there and everything. It's been hit before. Israel hit it again, but this time they killed 18 people with dozens more wounded. Again, it's the. It's the largest scale attack with Syria since this war with Gaza has warren. Gaza's begun. So again, escalation. Things are picking up. Bear with me here for a second. The IRGC chief came out, it says, nightmare of Iran's inevitable response shaking Israel day and night, says the authorities in Tehran continue to warn of a severe and widespread response.

Anticipating Military Responses

This is Iranian revolutionary guards. Commander Hossein Salami stated that the nightmare of Iran's inevitable response is shaking Israel day and night. He added that Israeli leaders are in a state of imbalance and tension, anticipating an Iranian response that will be painful and different from what you expected. So I ran, keeping it going. One day we'll see this response they keep talking about, but I think that's all I got. I'll go ahead and let anybody that wants to speak. Just be respectful of each other.

Listener Engagement and Rules

Use a hand emoji if you want to talk, so I don't pass you by. you know, I can go to 10:00 p.m. eastern with this. Shows, you know, if I got enough speakers, anytime I run out of speakers, I end the show where it's at. So it's up to you if you want to keep this show going the full 2 hours. Doesn't matter to me either way. Just be respectful of each other, you know? And if you can't be respectful, just don't fucking ask to speak. It's that simple. If you can't be a civil, mature adult, don't ask to speak.

Concluding Remarks

You know, don't waste your fucking time. It'll save me trouble from kicking you out, and it'll save you trouble from being a dumbass. Go ahead. Mister Chase, how you doing in game? What's happening, buddy? What's happening, man? Yeah, I'm doing good, man. I agree with what you said. I think it's going to kind of blend in, you know, the middle eastern front and the east European front. But what you said kind of sparked my interest, man.

Concerns about Police Inaction

That's messed up. Those police should be doing something. Oh, man. The police doesn't have a say when the government says these people. Just like with the riots, like last year, when was it? When they injured NATO forces in Kosovo, they sent these people with buses from Serbia to the north of Kosovo to confront them. And. Yeah. How many were injured? Like 40 of them. And some of them got amputated because of these violence acts. But these are. These are like trained people that know how to deal with these situations, but they are just covered like civilians.

Governmental Control and Public Safety

That's interesting. Didn't know any of the. Yeah, yeah, but. But I don't know. It's been, especially this year, the government has urged people to not pass through Serbia if they go, for example, to another country in Europe, not use Serbia as a country to pass through, just use another alternative and avoid Serbia at all costs, because they either gonna, you know, just put yourself through some shit and try to make it as worse as possible. People, for example, most of the people that go through Serbia, and they see that you're Albanian, they make you wait for, like, hours, let's say three, four, up to 8 hours. Some people even pass out on buses just to. Just because of these things. Because you have to wait for fucking hours, maybe half a day for nothing, just for paper check.

Personal Reflections on Travel Through Serbia

And I wouldn't pass for Serbia, man. I would just find an alternative or just fly with the plane instead of going through that shithole, because I know what they would do. So why would I go there? Yeah, it's not on my bucket list. To go to before I leave this world. Definitely, man. You're not missing out on anything there. But, yeah, man, I just wanted to stop by and say hi to you. I miss. I miss the spaces, man. I miss all of you. So it's been fun, and I'm just gonna listen to you guys. Peace out, man.

Ongoing Conversations about Political Tensions

Thank you for Tom, appreciate hearing your buddy. Thank you for staying up. Who's next here? Who was first, cannabis or Nick Lewin paying attention? I'm sorry? Cannabis was next. Hello, cannabis. Thanks, Nicolette. Hey, I'm game. How are you? What's happening, bro? Oh, what I do to listen to your space, man? I'm at a casino in Vegas with misses cannabis and mother in law. Get up. Where the fuck you going? Oh, you're going to talk to your little friend? Fucking endgame. You don't even know his real goddamn name. Will you get back here? True story. Good to hear, Fatan. Hope you're doing well.

Analyses of Military Capabilities

So I want to bring a couple things. The last, I don't know, two days that we've seen, one touched a nerve. Everybody. It touched a nerve with endgame. And it was this. I don't believe it either, but that this is what Israel was saying. They were saying that they're preparing the IDF to go to war with Hezbollah. And all the assessments of 100,000 rockets, a million rockets, is all wrong. And they believe, and I think it said, like, they believe Hezbollah only has 40,000 mortar shells and less than, like, I don't know, it was some smaller number of rockets. And they did. They didn't mention missiles either end game. They didn't say like, oh yeah, Hezbollah's got missiles. It was like, no, all they got is about 40,000 mortar shells and they got a couple rockets and they all suck anyway because they got a low range.

Contrasting Views on Military Assessments and Strategies

So if this comes to a head, and I hope it does because I want Hamas to get their ass beat, we're going to find out I think pretty quick what they actually have. Would you, what do you think they're thinking and game, do you think they believe that? I don't believe it, but maybe they know something. Not at all, man. I mean, it's been proven even like I said, our ex-secretary of defense back Robert Gates back when he was with Obama said that Hezbollah had more rockets and missiles than most modern militaries. And that was back in what? 2000 era? 2008, 2000, 910. And so there's been reports they could have up to a million. And I would believe that before saying they don't have anything.

Strategic Ramifications of Military Alliances

You know, this can't be a true Israel source saying that, man, because that's just not correct that, you know, they've got a lot. They've got about, you know, they've got missiles, too. And I've heard maybe a number of, maybe a thousand of them long-range ones. But then they've got what they lack in them. They've got in other things, too, though. They've got drones now. And so, no, I don't believe that at all, man. I would stick between again, I'd say 175 to at least 200,000. And again, some estimates are saying a million. Again, I believe 200,000 because Iran just keeps them going. Yeah, I think. I think that if their case is okay, now is the time because they don't have much.

Historical Military Context

It could be. It could wind up as one of the most disastrous military miscalculations in the history of mankind. Like almost on par with General Custer. The Indians are friendly, right? So I don't know why they think that. And like you said, maybe it wasn't really the government of Israel saying it, but I saw, like, I think one of them was like, yeah, and Channel Twelve says this or something, but who knows? So. Well, find out. The other thing that I, you know, I still can't figure out is like, yesterday Israel just had their fucking way with everybody. Yesterday.

Military Action and Its Global Implications

Nobody could do anything about it. They went after Syria. They hit up and down in Syria. They were fucking hitting shit in Gaza. And it was basically unchallenged, like completely unchallenged. What happened was Hezbollah shot off a bunch of their ghetto rockets, right. With no guidance systems, no anything. And then it was kind of like the same story. Oh, it landed in, you know, this part of the desert. Oh, these three. Rocket alert. Rocket alert. Oh, yeah, they shot ten, but none of them. They didn't hit anything. So I don't know why.

The Complex Dynamic of Military Engagement

Blew up the Iranian. Whatever fucking facility, whatever kind of, you know, poison they're dealing with. Right? Same thing. Not a word out of Iraq. Nothing. And I just find it curious that they all talk a good game, but Israel has just kicked the fuck out of people. There wasn't even a word said, nothing. Why do you think like, that is just do nothing? Who knows, man? You know, there's a lot of stuff going on that, you know. I don't know, that just don't make. Maybe not make sense to us, but it makes sense to everybody else behind the scenes.

Predictions and Speculations on Military Operations

Yeah, no, that's, you know, like I said, and I think. I think we'll see some. Some other bombing campaigns night, or that's what they're saying. Our night. So, anyway, appreciate it on the game. Thank you. Cannabis? Go in. Go win some money and send me some, man. I only lose. All right, man. You take care of yourself, buddy. Go ahead, Nicola. When you were talking about Tomas in Israel, in my opinion, even if Israel agreed to every demand that Hamas has right now, they would move the goalposts.

The Duality of Humanitarian Efforts and Conflict

I mean, because they don't really want. You know, they wanted to be the martyrs. They want to be whatever. And so. And. That'S why I know there's all these protests and all these people, because sure, they want. You know, they want the people back, you know, for their remains, but Hamas really. Sorry. Sorry, I'm outside and, yeah, it's a residential neighborhood, but some people like to make a lot of noise when they're driving, but, yeah, no, they. You know, they use human shields and they claim they're the victims and everything else, and it's just like, no, they don't.

Understanding Hamas and Its Operational Tactics

Why did they want these people who are in prison free? So then they can create more habit and they really. Hamas does not want peace. And the only way you can put pressure on Hamas is you have to pressure Iran, and nobody has any power to pressure them. So then that's why everybody's picking on Israel. It's like, oh, no, you have to cave. No, we don't. Because they understand. They either finish it now, and I'm sorry, you know, if people. People are dying, they're going to die anyway on both sides.

The Cyclical Nature of Warfare

So it's a lose, but in the long term, if you don't take care of Hamas now, then they're just going to fester, then come back again. But that's my opinion, and I'm going to go have dinner, but I'll be listening. Thank you, Nicola. Appreciate all that. Nice hearing. Go ahead, Wolf. In game. How you doing, my friend? Hey, how you doing? I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. I just wanted to, you know, ask if any of you got to check out the, Pierce debate that was with Candace Owens and Rabbi Shmuley.

Analyzing PoliticalDebates and Their Impact

And what you thought about it? I haven't seen it myself, so I couldn't get my opinion. It was a. It was a pretty good debate. They were both throwing some low blows. If you get an opportunity, definitely check it out. It's entertaining stuff. There's some entertaining stuff there. Right on, man. Did anybody else that's a speaker get to check it out? I didn't see it. No, I didn't see it. I heard that she got banned off of YouTube, though, for what she said.

The Controversial Nature of Political Discourse

Yeah, you should check it out, man. It's pretty. It's pretty crazy. Both of them. Both of them were just. They were both out of line is all I can say. And it's definitely. It's definitely some entertainment there. Take. Take 30 minutes out of your day and watch that little debate. It was good. Yeah, I'll check that out, man. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Have a good night. You, too. Anybody else want to speak? Yeah, I can go another hour, man.

Changes in Speaker Participation

What the fuck? Is Kale from the port? He was here earlier than I guess he thought he was too good for everybody and fucking laughed. My theory is he says at the port with a banner and asked people for change. Very well. Could be no one else. I really don't have much more to say, man. And I've been out of loop, man. Usually, I just. I never take much time, and especially in geopolitical spaces, but I've really been out of loop.

Reflections on Current Events

And that's why I stayed up to see where whatever was happening. But I missed the intro, I missed the rundown on articles, so. But, yep, Kale is here. Kill. Talk about your mother, man. All right, give me 1 second, man. This bitch is tripping. Don't talk like. Don't talk that way about your mom. I got China. It's expensive china, man. My girlfriend's shipping. She just broke with my china pieces.

Light-Hearted Humor in Serious Discussions

I broke your mother last night. Give him out of here. That guy kicked out of the show left a fucking comment, calling us a bunch of inbred hillbillies and said every time we fucking try give PT, we wouldn't give him a chance to fucking talk. And he's glad he didn't waste his fucking times. We're a bunch of idiots. If you hear me, if you hear me, buddy, you're a pure cocksucker. He said you.

Defending Dismissed Participants

He said the. Chase, you sounded like an inbred hillbilly. Exactly what he said. But that's what cracked me up. I think he's sad. Sadio, calm down. Chase, commentate, man. Go goddamn. Do some yoga. I think what the problem was, he's a little bit too old. You know, once old people figure out Twitter spaces for time, they don't know how to raise their hand or, you know, speak.

Generational Divides in Communication

I think that's what the problem was. Kicked him for the right reason, but just cracked me up out. Chase guy. That's it. Fucking idiot. Fucking idiot. Well, I told the guy the rules, man. I said, listen, this is how it is. And then I give him another chance, and then he does it again. You know, they had no one can say I didn't give the dude a chance.

Navigating Conflict in Conversations

He obviously had a problem with something. I said, if he. If you got a problem, buddy, you can. I'll give you my address and my name. I don't know. I gave the dude a second chance, and he fucking blew it. So I kicked him out, man. You know, like I said, I believe in second chances, so I gave one. Then he gave me the finger. So fuck you.

Responses to Challenging Interactions

Oh, yeah, yeah. I would have kicked Chase, though. In that case, if that was my space, I would have kicked Chase. But, I do. What? That proves your ass backwards, buddy. I do want to get back on the geopolitics. Just like I got back on Chase's mother last night with this whole, you know, wish, you little fucking snake. Fuck you, little snake.

Shifts in Focus Towards Geopolitical Issues

With this whole Iranian ballistic missiles going to Russia, what was the. I don't see, like, a valid reason why we would deny it and then, you know, deny it. I mean. I mean, they're already sending, like, Shahid drones. They're not the sending drones, but they're allowing or giving Russia technology to build their own Shahid drone manufacturing plants. I think they built, like, one already with a second one coming back up, but with these ballistic missiles.

Iran's Political Maneuvers

I know Rand specializes in ballistic missiles, but don't Russia have their own fucking ballistic missiles? What's a big deal? I'm missing something. Well, that's it. That's what I've been saying. The last show. I said, you know, I think you're missing something. You know, I support Ukraine in this war, as everybody knows. Not ashamed to say, but I will say this.

International Dynamics and Support

Ukraine's getting funded by about at least 40 or more different nations, you know, getting weapons and stuff from. So this is war. So that, you know, as much as I dislike Putin and dislike that the Ayatollah dislike little Kim, they all have the right to send weapons to Russia if they want to. I mean, this is just allies. We've got our allies, Ukraine's got their allies, and Russia's got theirs.

The Nature of Geopolitical Alliances

And so, you know, how we have the nerve to come out and point it at Iran and say, you get these missiles to run, you know, there's going to be problems. What right do, really, do we have to say that? I mean, Russia has the right to get, you know, sure, they're all circumventing UN sanctions. That just shows you how useless sanctions are these days.

The Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions

I mean, some economic sanctions do work, but after a while, you know, countries like North Korea and Iran and Russia find a way to skirt around them. And this is what they're doing. And there's no enforcement for these sanctions. I mean, the UN can't enforce these sanctions that they're around. We're not going to enforce anything, you know, and so Russian and Iran are like, fuck this.

Countries' Responses to Sanctions

Fuck these sanctions. Fuck America, fuck the west. We're going to deal fucking weapons with each other. And as being logical, they have the right to do that. Yeah, yeah, no doubt. I agree with you there. But I'm just, I guess I'm missing the strategic importance of these ballistic missiles. Because, well, there's no strategic importance.

The Dynamics of Bullying in Politics

It's just us being a bully. I'm sorry, why would we deny, like, you, I saw the things you said that were they. At first they said, yes, they're saying, yeah, now they denied it. So, like, our. Why would we deny it, though? Is it because we don't you think if we want to punch, punish them more, we know, kind of busted out.

The Politics of Acknowledgment

They were like, yeah, they're going to send it to them. But I just don't understand the reason for our denying it. Yeah, it's, you know, it's hard to say. Maybe there are political reasons why. Maybe we're afraid that if we come out and say, oh, you know, because Iran's denying that they're giving any weapons to Russia right now, even the shahid drones, Iran's like, we're not giving anybody.

Diplomacy Through Denial

We want peace talks. We're not for either fucking side. And the this war, when the. We full well know. Everybody knows where Putin's getting these drones from. But yet Iran hasn't admitted it. It gives them plausible deniability saying, women, we're not giving them any fucking weapons. And they can play that game if they want to.

Iran's Strategic Positioning

I mean, even if they just come out and said, hey, America, we're giving Russia these shahed drones, what the fuck you gonna do about it? We wouldn't do anything. Those more sanctions on that they can skirt around. You know, so Iran's just playing kind of a stupid game here. They might as well just come out and admit that they're given Russia weapons.

The Unenforced Consequences of Denial

And because America is not. We're not going to go over there to attack them. You know, we're not at least, you know, we're just not going to go do that lease. Not right now, you know, unless we're looking for an absolute reason to hit. No, we don't need a reason to have Iran's new program. We can just say, hey, you got a fucking new program.

Potential Military Action Against Iran

You're going to build a new. We're going to attack you. So, I mean, I don't know. I don't know why Iran is. Won't just come out and admit it. The UN is not going to do anything to him for skirting around sanctions. I wonder if it has something to do with the split between the IRGC or the rumored split. I don't know if it's confirmed yet, but there's a possible stripe between the IRGC and the mullahs, right?

Internal Conflicts Within Iranian Governance

I'm guessing maybe. That's probably why. Maybe the mullah is doing this secretly behind the IRGC's back. Because the IRGC wants those ballistic missiles. For fucking Israel forward and join so. That they could fly these planes. And it got me. Well, you're lagging. Is she lagging? Yeah, she went back to listen. Now she disappeared.

Technological Developments

She must. She's having a come back up signal. Some kind of seizure. That was like a delay of like ten minutes. That was fucking weird. There she is. Alien after all. But, yeah, maybe there's something, because I've been hearing rumors that you sell it, but, yeah, I've been hearing that. That the IRGC is upset with fucking the mullahs right now because the mullah fucking.

Military Leadership and Political Tensions

I told whatever the fuck his name is, he's, like, older than Biden. So sorry about that, guys. Elon and I have been fighting all. Day I guess I need to stop. Tagging him and accusing him of being a liar. It might help. Yeah. So it got me thinking about how are. Because what the Ukrainians don't have is.

Resources in Warfare

Manpower, like as much as the Russians do. And I'm wondering how the foreign legion. Is going, if you have any information on that endgame. Are governments becoming more lenient or helpful towards citizens, their own citizens joining the Ukrainian foreign legion. Thank you. Maybe kill more than that. To me, I really don't know much, but I know more about the Middle east than you train.

Perceptions of Ukrainian Military Capacity

Okay. Yeah. I've heard that Ukrainian manpowers is not as bad as a lot of people are making it out to be right now. I mean, that's from what I've heard. I don't know anything specific, but yeah, a few Asian guys that I listened to broke it down pretty good about the reality of Ukraine's manpower. And they're not in that bad of a shape.

The State of Military Forces

I mean, they're not in a good position overall, but it's not as bad. It's not all doom gloom as a lot of people make it out to be. Russia on their hand, that even though they got a figure population, their quality is not there, man. They're really not. But they never really focused on that. They're the kind of military where they're like, they'll take anyone, old fucking 65 year olds and, you know, dumb people and just throw them in there as, you know, flesh sort of thing.

Conclusions on Military Practices

But yeah. Yeah. If you like that, just give me a follow and subscribe. I'm probably one of the most intelligent people on there. Thank you. Pleasure. One more thing before I. What do you think of that possible split between the IRGC and ayatollah? You know, I've heard very little about that. I mean, I heard a while back there was some kind of issues going on, but I never heard that was confirmed or not.

Speculations on Shifts within Iranian Leadership

It kind of makes sense to me, man. We've seen this throughout history. Like, especially dictators like that. Now they get a very powerful military, and IRGC has become very powerful, especially after intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan. It kind of allowed them to build up all these proxy forces in Syria and Iraq. And now they're. They're fucking powerful.

Potential Changes in Power Dynamics

Fuck. And now you got this old Ayatollah who's fucking older in Biden. You know, it wouldn't surprise me if they got a little froggy and tried to overthrow the ayatollah and become a military regime. What happened with you in dissing Biden, man? You were his strongest supporter. I'm not dissing. I'm just saying he's older than Biden, and I think with age comes with them.

Reflections on Leadership and Age

That's why I never talk shit about boomers or, you know, I respect my elders. That wasn't a shade at Biden. But. But he is, though. People don't realize that. No one is like, people barely know that Ayatollah is fucking older than Biden by a long shot. So. So how lucid is he really? Is he really calling the shot?

Leadership Effectiveness in Context

Whereas the IRGC took over. You know that the whole thing kind of started circulating after the president crashed into that fucking mountain. And I guess he was supposed to be the runner up to replace the Ayatollah. But the Ayatollah wants his son to replace him. So, you know, there's little rumors going there. Like, did the Ayatollah sabotage a helicopter? You know, whatnot?

Conspiracies Surrounding Political Leadership

It's very important to think about, though, because if these rumors are true and they do overthrow the Ayatollah, how does that affect Israel? How does that affect their nuclear program? You know, does that accelerate our invasion into Iran? You know, what are you thinking? You know, that was to happen. Be nice.

Discussion about the IRGC and Ayatollah

I mean. Well, it wouldn't be nice. I mean, you know, we'd like to get a western back government in there. You know, the IRGC ever did anything that probably become more of a fucking crazy fucking country. Probably more hardline than we've ever seen. You don't want the IRGC fucking taking over, I'll tell you that much. Yeah. Wouldn't that be like a coup d'etat? Wouldn't they try topple the government and remove the ayatollahs? That would be the end of today's Aranda. Well, yeah, I mean, but how hard would it be to overthrow the ayatollah if he's fucking old as fuck and he's, like, senile, you know, boom. I think, as powerful as the IRGC is, I think they can pull it off. But, like. Like Endgame said, I agree with that game. I think they'd be far worse. IRGC, Denya tellers. Aren't you spreading yourself a little thin, though? I mean, considering how many potential little wars are going to be coming up, whether it's with us in China or whether the UN has to go in and help.

IRGC's Position on International Relations

So that's more troops or the Middle east or. Gosh. Yeah. But I think that's why they want to do this, because, you know, they seen Iran's weak, like, very weak response to Israel on what was that without 200 ballistic missiles? And now there's hesitation to even respond to taking out the Hamas leader in Tehran and. And that dude in Lebanon. So my thinking is that IRGC is kind of fed up with Dieto because he's being a pussy just like every fucking world leader right now is. And I think the IRGC is more hardline. They're like a hardline group that want the shit to move and move right now. And this might be the rock. You know who's not being a pussy, kill? Who? Ukraine. The jewish. The jewish president. The real jewish president. The tough one.

Military Developments and Comments

Moscow airport is under attack right now with all kinds of ukrainian drone storms. Like, shit's blowing up left and right. All the flights are canceled. They started hitting them, like, ten minutes ago. It's wild. Yeah, yeah. Keep debating. Kill. Keep debating. But. But I think even he was a pussy at the beginning, right? I mean, America kept telling them back before the invasion, like, Putin's gonna invade. Putin's gonna invade. And fucking Zelinsky is like, oh, America's just being fear mongers. They're not gonna do. Remember that shit? Like, I mean, they. Yeah, he denied it. Yeah. I mean, so he was kind of being a pussy until fucking invasion happened. And when. When you get invaded like that, you tend not to be a pussy anymore. But, you know, prior to the invasion, he was being a pussy about it.

Political Maneuvering and Strategy

I think you're being a pussy, kill. The truth was told. I don't know what Chase is talking about. Yeah, you do. Yeah. Chase, what are you talking about, man? I'm out of loop. I have nothing. There's nothing wrong with being a pussy, man. That's why I kind of like Jake Sullivan's moves right now. You know, I think if you look at it, everyone's being a pussy. I already been to this endgame, heard me say this a million times, but I'll say it quickly one more time. There's a reason why everyone's being pussy. Because the global economy is on very shaky legs, and any kind of destabilization will fucking ruin it for everyone. China, Russia and America, Iran, Israel. Every fucking one in the global economy or community. So I think that's why maybe.

Military Actions in Context

I don't know, man. Seems like you're full of shit. Maybe PK would like to come up here and debate me about that because went back and forth a couple of times. No, you're right. Kills, right? Oh, shit. He's here. I thought on my screen. You're listening. No, I'm here. Yeah, but well, PK, let me ask you this. I don't want to debate you because I already beat you plenty of times, but what do you think of this IRGC Ayatollah split had? What do you heard about it? Says you're Curtis. You probably have, like, your ear in the street. Closer than I. Well, I just know this president coming in office there, parliament and stuff. Don't agree with the ministers or not. He's appointed.

Political Climate and Future Implications

They like. What's the other president fucking a receipt. What's his name? Rosizi. They liked him more than the president they have in now. So they like that, the one that died? Better. Yeah, they like the one that died. Yeah. Who's they? The Italians or the IRGC? Yeah, the IRGC officials under army generals, man. They preferred him because he was working towards their goals and not. And this president here has been. Well, he's been a pussy, man. The IRGC want to strike Israel back in retaliation for the killing of Hani in Tehran. But this president in charge knows it'll be the end of their regime if Iran responds.

Internal Political Dynamics

But. But I thought the president didn't really have that much authority. I thought was the fucking Ayatollah. That's basically. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Two of them do, though. Two of them do. I thought he was just like a talking head. Like the queen in England, like you're just a figurehead. I didn't think the president had any real fucking authority. Yeah, well, Brazy Brzeez hard had a big seaman. He was advancing himself. He was actually. He was actually. After the Ayatollah died, it was going to be out of him. And what's his name? What's his name? Khomeini's son. That was gonna replace, well, Ali Khamenei, the old fuck. When he's older man. When he passes, I mean.

Analyzing the Ceasefire and Military Actions

Interesting. Mandy, I digress. And game. I digress. This is your show. All right. Well, anybody else want to talk or. When do you think hes blind Israel and has gone to war. Endgame. After that building was struck by a drone today. I'm going with a. The prediction of sometime before the end of this year. I think it's going to happen for sure. I think we're probably closer to it, probably within days. Who knows? The way things are going. Yeah. Benny Gantz, man. He. He was being a bit outspoken.

Military Strategies and Considerations

Do you think he has a. Well, I don't know. I don't think he has a say. But, like, he was talking about, if there's no, If there's no hostage deal agreed on by the next few days or weeks, which there isn't going to be a deal. He's saying by, he's saying by taking the pressure off Netanyahu, you better go to war in the north. Yeah, and they will too. They're going to go to war. They're going to do that ground invasion of southern Lebanon. I mean, that's a fact. You know, they're saying that big strike in Syria yesterday was help knocking some stuff out so they could go ahead and get started here soon. Yeah.

Preemptive Military Actions

What was it? Like, 350,000 troops demobilized before the end of the year? Yeah, yeah. Well, I don't know. Like that facility that they bombed, it was like some chemical. Chemical weapons sent that they bombed and there was a manufacturing of guided missiles. They bombed Israel. And it was a pretty big strike, wasn't it? Destroyed most of the base and the. Manufacturing facility killed 18 people there, too. It's the biggest strike that Israel's done since this Gaza wars began. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Military Preparations and Expectations

Well, I don't know, man. It's just, I think now we're just. They just can't hold back anymore, can they? Because like, I, yesterday there was just nonstop, alerts going off and now they need to get their people back, don't they, into the north. It's taking too much money away from their economy. Well, you know, Biden keeps trying to hold out other. We're gonna keep trying to get a deal, and I understand why. One, you gotta keep trying. I mean, there's human lives involved here and there's, you know, there's families wanting their loved ones back if they're still alive.

The Ceasefire Situation

I still don't believe too many are still alive. I think the majority ones that are still alive are all running around with sin work. You know, they're using them as human shields. But, you know, Biden and the Democrats, again, they're looking for political points of this. You know, Biden firmly believes we can get some kind of ceasefire deal before the election, that it's going to, you know, go in the Democrats favor. They can go ahead and tout that, oh, we got the ceasefire deal. And so he's more after political points.

Hostage Negotiations and Political Tensions

Plus he's got, you know, five of, you know, five, you know, israeli american families, you know, that they have their loved ones still over there that are, you know, coming at Biden going, you know, they're trying to put, you know, there was rumors they were trying to put pressure on Biden to do a solo opera just to get out the american ones. And Biden to them denied it. They're like, there ain't any plan going down for that. We're not sending our troops in there to do anything. Yeah, but, you know, so this is, you know, it's political points for the Democrats, but it's also, you know, Biden knowing that there's five american Israeli, you know, families that, you know, they want Biden to do whatever he possibly can to get their loved ones back.

The Role of Hamas in Negotiations

He's done all he can do, you know. You know, we've even come out today and we said that Hamas's demand of wanting more prisoners released is what's hurting at the most. It isn't just, you know, Netanyahu and the Philadelphia corridor. It's also that Hamas up this. They want more. Higher power. Yeah, release. They want, you know, they want some high level ones release a lot of. And Israel's like, no way. We're not fucking doing that. And I don't blame Israel. You know, I mean, just release, you know, no, releasing the average fighter, that ain't a big deal.

Final Thoughts on the Negotiation Stalemate

But when Hamas wants, you know, 60 or 100 high level, you know, commanders and stuff, release, that ain't gonna happen. And so there isn't going to be a ceasefire deal, you know, I mean, fortunately, you know, for those families that want their loved ones back, you know, it. What can you say? It's horrible. Yeah, but, you know, the steel with Hasbullah, you know, they're trying to say that the ceasefire agreement over in Gaza, you know, could stop any kind, but, you know, they know, again, Israel knows that they're going to have to go into southern Lebanon.

Long Term Military Considerations

They've been putting it off for ten months. And that's simply because, you know, they wanted to take care of Hamas. They wanted to go into northern West bank there and clean that out. And they pretty much done that now. So now they don't feel. They don't feel threatened from behind now they don't feel threatened from Hamas now. They don't feel threatened from some of these palestinian terrorists over in the northern West bank. So now they can concentrate on the northern front. And this is why I say it's coming probably any day now, because they took, they took care of their rear.

Assessment of Impending Conflicts

I mean, literally, they took care of their rear. They don't have to worry about getting launched on when they go forward up in southern Lebanon. And so I think it's common. I think we're within days of. Yeah, I was looking back at the 2006 one. It's unbelievable. The numbers were killed there. I think it was over. I don't know how true it is, but there were stats all of different, like organizations like from the Lebanese Ministry of Defense and Israel's numbers.

Comparative Analysis of Past Conflicts

There was all calculated numbers going around and the number of, I think lebanese army kill Hezbollah operatives kill under members and commanders and there was like a thousand or 500 during a war. And now we not even, I mean, like there is a war going on, but it's only a back and forth war going on with Hezbollah. Israel, like, look how many people is going to be killed in this war. It's going to be up to 4000 Hezbollah fighters and more of them killed, man. There might be even more.

Casualties and Combatant Actions

Like there's. How many fighters of Hezbollah and PMF and other militias from Syria and Iraq gonna be there? Israel, Israel's killed like 500 members of these fighters already and they've not even stepped foot into Lebanon. They've only killed them by drone strikes and fucking airstrikes. It's quite unbelievable how they've killed like 500 members of Hezbollah and I commanders and all that, isn't it? When they've not even stepped foot yet in a, in operation in southern Lebanon.

Military Operations Insights

Yeah, it is, man. I mean, that's a big number for going on 1011 months, you know, and, you know, the deal with Israel, as soon as they move in and into southern Lebanon on the ground, you know, you're going to start having these iraqi militias and they're going to start firing on our troops over there and over in Iraq and Syria a lot worse than what they're doing already. And they're going to start firing on Israel. I mean, all these, you know, and Israel's been watching them and you get reports by some of these people over there how all these iranian backed militias are all moving into southern Syria, closer to the border toward the Golan Heights area.

Strategic Military Assessments

You know, Israel, I think they've been putting off this war. There's several reasons and much one of them is in 2006 when they fought, both sides started taking heavy casualties. And that's why they both like, yeah, we're done with this, man. We're both, we're not getting anywhere. And all we're doing is losing people. And so they ended that war after 34 days. This will be different, though. This will be a lot worse than what it was in 2006 simply because both sides are more technologically advanced and got more weapons.

Recognition of Challenges Ahead

And so Israel knows and this is what they're afraid of. They're going to take some heavy losses in the IDF. This ain't going to be like Hamas. They're going to take some loss as soon as they cross into southern Lebanon. I mean, yet, you know, it's, you know, they've got a lot of it, you know, cleared out with fires and stuff, but there's a lot of places that these Hezbollah fighters, you know, Fox News did a good story today and they showed on a map the massive tunnel system that Hezbollah has.

Current Combat Strategies

And it's just absolutely massive. It blows, it blows hamas away. And they said that there's so many places where Hezbollah fighters can pop out of these holes to the entrance of these tunnels and do, you know, hit and run attacks on the IDF soldiers crossing over. You know, plus Hezbollah's got a shitload of anti tank guided missiles. And that was one of the reasons, too, why Israel and Hezbollah ended the war in 2006. Israel's like, fuck, Israel didn't even really know at the time that Hezbollah had anti tank guided missiles, or at least they didn't think they had that many.

Preparedness for Counterattacks

And Israel started losing tanks fucking right and left in 2006. They had there like, oh, fuck, we didn't see this coming. But now they know that Hezbollah has them and, you know, and israeli tanks now have, you know, sensors on them where they can, you know, try to blow them up before they get hit. But the deal israel's going to lose a lot of tanks, a lot of armored vehicles in this war. They know this. They're going to lose their troop casualties that are going to be a lot of hired in 2006 this time around. They know it's going to be a fight.

The Nature of Future Conflicts

Hezbollah is not going to go across, you know, across the river on their own free will. They're going to put up a fight. And Hezbollah has known that this is coming for a while now. So they've been preparing at the same time. Definitely. Yeah, just them on you tonk missile system. As you put money. Israel have over a thousand of these tanks, man, because that's going to be Hezbollah's main focus, blowing up these tanks, isn't it? When they step foot over the boat, when they step foot over their border on the tanks, when they go over there, fan, fuck.

Speculations about Military Actions

Israel have a lot of these tanks because if they had like 400 of these, fuck, man, Hezbollah would destroy them all. They're no slouches. Hezbollah, man. It's just like with these, I'm worried about. What I'm worried about is these special forces, the Ragman special forces if they conduct. What was I thinking? You're back in the 2006 where they conducted a raid in northern Israel and what they did is I can't remember what they did, I think was anti tank missile attack. They blew up my tank when they were just patrolling around the border.

Triggers and Warfare Dynamics

They took, I think, was it like five or six israeli soldiers captured back over into Lebanon and that's what triggered the 2006 war because I think the israeli prime minister back then, he, I don't know what his name was, but he's still living, man. He did a good interview, I think a few months ago how it triggered the full war. So like Israel, I think we're more prepared man for the north than what they were in Gaza. That's just, that just that shit just blows my mind because what they've done after the 2006 were, is they're patrolling well around their border than what they did in 2006.

Military Capabilities and Strategy Changes

And I think both of Hezbollah and Israel are more advanced now than fucking what they were back in 2006. That'll be a huge difference. Look at Israel's naval fleet. Like, if they're destroyers, which they can fire ballistic missiles off them and they can hit Hezbollah targets in Beirut from their naval fleet. They got their submarines. I can't remember what you call them. It's like, I can't remember what their names is. But they have multiple of them, what they can use.

Evaluation of Tactical Approaches

But Israel have a lot of options. What they have them they did in 2006 and it will be more deadly because they'll need to blow, I hate saying this because a lot of these people over there are going to lose their lives. But Israel need to blow up the airport. But that will take time. It's mostly going to be taking out missile launches, like coming out of bunkers. Hopefully they can detect them through USS satellite imagery like they did before their inam and response, which they blew.

Anticipations for Future Military Engagements

They blew up. So Hezbollah is no slouchman. I'm just waiting to see when they're going to use the FATA cruise missile. That's the one they sent over to Russia. And this is what's going to trigger the war with Iran. And the US has sent these two carriers over there I think now for like a month or two. So I think Biden, Kamala Harris and other intelligent people, intelligence people and their officials know this is coming under, this is what it is, man.

Strategic Military Preparedness

You need to take a. You need to take a. Well, I'm not calling Iran a powerhouse, but they are kind of a powerhouse when it comes to missiles. And that's so it's about taking our power off the fucking paper, man. Because if you can do that, then overthrow their regime, it won't be easy, but it's. It's free of them. That's going to be the war against the, obviously, NATO and Europe in the future.

Perspectives on Future Relations

So you need to take one off the fucking board. So I think Iran needs to go. Well, not Iran itself, but their fucking regime needs to go. And that's taken something off the border and it will be down to Russia and China in the future. Yeah, that's very possible. I mean, you know, everybody thought we brought those two carriers over there in case Iran attacked Israel.

Military Readiness and Actions

Maybe that was one of the reasons. But I think, you know, several other reasons is when Israel goes for Hezbollah, we want to make sure that Iran can't do anything with those two carriers sitting there will allow, you know, it'll give Israel some breathing room with us sitting over there with those two carriers, making sure, you know, Iran doesn't get froggy while they're beating. And trying to beat the shit out of Hezbollah. Yeah, you know, that's, you know, that's one of the first things I thought, too.

International Agreements and Military Support

And they sent those carriers is they, you know, it becomes to the point where Israel does go into Lebanon, those two carriers sitting there trying to isolate Iran to make sure they can't jump in to help their buddies over there. Yeah, that was a big thing today, endgame, wasn't it? That defense agreement today with Cyprus on the US, which that was signed for humanitarian purposes and even probably to maybe build up the Cyprus military, giving them more air defense capabilities, which I think Israel.

Navigating Humanitarian Efforts

We're going to provide them with, I think an iron dome. Iron Dome, air defense batteries. I don't know. I don't know if they've delivered them yet. But with the US signing that agreement with Cypress, man, that's a huge deal, isn't it, as well, for humanitarian purposes, how they're going to be withdrawing their, you know, their citizens out of Lebanon with the UK and send them over to Cyprus because they've already set up. What was it like? They set up, what was it, a 1000 and 1300?

Preparing for Evacuations

I don't know if it was like houses or something, but hotels over there. So they can evacuate most of their citizens and take them over to Cyprus. Yeah. You know, I'm sure we wanted to get that sign before this war kicks up. That way we can get everything done with them. We can, you know, we can give them money to take care of refugees over there, we can no help them, you know, ship out foreign citizens back to their countries and everything else.

Geopolitical Dynamics

But, yeah, you know, Cyprus is a good partner. A good partner with us. They're a good partner with Israel. At least one part is. The other parts like partners with Turkey? Oh, fuck them. Yeah. I don't trust Erdoan, man. Like, you see him coming out today and not today. Sorry. I think it was on Friday. And he says, oh, we need to. We need to hold an islamic meeting with all the arab countries and we need to go against Israel.

The Complexities of International Relations

That's a bit fucking crazy. Erdoan keeps coming out with this kind of stuff, but there must be something to it, Martin. He keeps bringing out something. I think the reason is fucking economy sucks. I mean, they're in the private inflation. They're like 200%. That turkish lira is one of the worthless fucking currencies on the planet right now. So I think the reason why, because they're more secular.

Economic Realities and Political Decisions

But I think he's drumming up this whole islamic unity kind of thing. It's kind of pieces. Fucking people keep them distracted so they don't fucking overthrow erdoganous in the government because they're all fucking broke right now. Yeah. Yeah. Because I remember held elections and he lost Istanbul. They held elections, I think, in June. And he looks like he will be, as you said, he might be overthrown eventually when he holds elections.

Reflections on Political Turmoil

I think, 2026. Didn't he already had, like, a coup attempt? Yeah, I think there was one as well, back in 2016. I don't know if that was between Erdogan and his government, but, yeah, when the Kurdish there was election, there was kurdish. What do you call Turk, kurdish mayors there that won their cities over there, he started illegally arresting them because he knows his time is coming to an end, man.

Political Tensions in Turkey

And he tried to. If he won Istanbul, he would have been fully in power until he died, but that doesn't look likely, so he's probably going to take more risks now. And if he fucks Israel, man, that's what the US will do. I don't think he'll do anything, man. Like he says, when he's in Surrey, he's gonna fucking go and crush the SDF and that. He's not gonna do that at all, because the US is only right beside Russia and the US.

Future Implications of Political Moves

So he's. He has his hands tied behind his back. He's only talking, I think. But you can just never tell where tomorrow. You know, there's some news coming out right now. Videos are coming out all kinds of explosions at the Moscow airport getting hit by drones over in the airport in Moscow. That's crazy, man. That's crazy. Yeah.

Ukrainian Missions and Military Strategy

I mean, Ukraine's just like saying, fuck it, man. You know, it's either we're giving Ukraine the green light to do this stuff, or Ukraine just, you know, which I think we are. I don't think Ukraine would do these kind of attacks without western green light. Just don't. Because hitting the Moscow International airport with fucking drones, that's a big fucking escalation, man.

Concerns Over Escalation

Ukraine's not going to do that without us and Europe fucking knowing this first. Yeah. Like Lloyd Austin put it perfectly, man. I know Ukraine should be allowed more. They should be allowed more chance to strike into Russia. But he said it, man. Ukraine have a lot of capabilities that they can use with their own weapons, with their own drones, man, striking Russia depots and now they're blowing up the airport and stuff.

Future of Ukrainian Military Actions

But the US will eventually give Ukraine the green light to start attacking warehouses over there, which are hosting the, was it the Fata missiles Iran delivered through the Caribbean Sea? So Ukraine has a lot of capabilities, just not from western weapons that they can do damage to Russia from. I know they should be allowed to strike deep into Russia, but Lloyd Austin put it out perfectly, man.

Evaluations of Capabilities

They still have a lot of capabilities than what they're doing. And they're invading fucking Russia. Well, I see, you know, how America's playing and we're like, you know, we're not going to give you know, permission to use our weapons to attack Russia, you know, to their, you know, to their further areas. But you can use your long range drones that you got.

Operational Strategies in Conflict

That's yours. You, we have no say over that. So that's how we're playing. And we're like, yeah, you can't use ours, but you can, you got your long range drones. Go ahead. We won't say nothing. You know, that you're, that's your, you know, that's your drones. We didn't give them to you, so you can do whatever you want with them. And I see that's how we're playing and that's what we're telling Putin to.

Conclusive Remarks on the Current Events

We're like, Ukraine's making their own decision to strike these long distance targets. We're not giving them, you know, that's they're their own boss when it comes to their own weapons, you know. But still, I still believe that Zelensky talks to us before they do. So because, you know, hitting Moscow's airport, you just not, you know, it could be, that could be a red line we're looking at right now.

Implications of Military Escalation

You know, Ukraine's not going to do anything that could lead us into a fucking nuclear war unless they ask America first, you know, and I just don't see Ukraine saying, oh, let's go fucking hit the Kremlin and then we'll tell the Us the fucking next day later that ain't gonna happen, man. You know, when you start doing stuff like hitting the Moscow airport, even with their own drones, believe me, they're talking to, they're talking to Austin first.

Final Thoughts on Strategic Decisions

They're talking over to Europe first before they dudes. Because hitting the airport like this could bring on some kind of huge fucking escalation. I'm glad Ukraine did it, don't get me wrong. But you're rolling the dice when you're doing something like this. Yeah. Yeah.

Discussion on Ukraine's Capabilities and US Support

It's just like that. But I'm talking too much here. But funks and game. Thank you, BK. Appreciate you, buddy. Go ahead, Nikola. Well, thanks. Yeah, and I had a nice dinner, so I'm back. But, you know, I mean, Lloyd Austin can talk all he wants about the capabilities Ukraine has, but did they need the capabilities to win and not just stay even? And that's where the us weaponry comes in because if we would lift all the restrictions, no limits, you know, just like when they hit the oil depots. And stuff like that. It's like, oh, well, gee, you shouldn't do that. I mean, this kind of. Well, yeah, we support Ukraine, but only half assed, and so lift all the restrictions. Give them whatever weapons we have that are, you know, I know we have to keep certain stuff.

Military Needs and US Aid

You know, if you ever ask any military person, do you have enough bullets? They'll say no. Do you have enough of whatever they say? No. But there's plenty of stuff that we have that we're not going to be using in the near future. And you know that 61 billion, most of that stayed in the United States to build new factories and produce more weaponry. So why not give it to Ukraine? We got time to backfill. That's never going to happen. It's never going to happen. This is what you guys don't get. It's like, listen, you guys are our proxy, right? But we not only have Russia to worry about, right? But we have other fucking theaters. We got the Pacific and the Middle east. So we're not going to dump our load on fucking Ukraine. That's what Putin wants, right? But, you know, we're not going to give them everything, right?

Proxy Warfare and Resource Distribution

Yes, we spit this. I know it's in America, but, you know, that means fucking Europe has to step up and send them in their shit. Shit. But we're not going to give them shit to start a nuclear war. Russia. We're just not. It's not going to happen. I get it. You love Ukraine. I love Ukraine. I want him to win, too. But at the end, they. They are just a proxy at the end. Right? And we sacrifice proxies all the goddamn time. We did with fucking the South Vietnamese. We did with the, you know, fucking the ANA. It was just how warfare works. But that this whole thing. Oh, you're doing a half assed job of supporting. Nah, fuck no. We're giving them intelligence. We're allowing them to fucking. If it wasn't for us, they would have been in this war this long.

The Nature of Intelligence Sharing and Expectations

So that pisses me off when people say we're half assing. Well, but why do you think that Ukraine didn't tell the United States that, hey, we're going to go and take curse? Yeah, I believe that they knew. They knew it linked to the Russians. You got. And they say that. Say that you got David E. That says, we. They did that with our. No, we. I mean, there was exactly what they're. Gonna do about how we didn't. We didn't know. I mean, the US came out. I mean, State Department defense, whatever, said no, we didn't know they were going to do this. Of course they said publicly. What you say in public is one thing, but I guarantee you backdoor is we need. I mean, to say that America, and they did that with America's permission, without our permission.

Intelligence Handling and Public Statements

That's just retarded. I guarantee we knew. But publicly, of course, because, you know, again, you don't want to escalate so publicly. I didn't know nothing about that. You know, it wasn't me. But, yeah, we. They fucking had our permission 100% to do that. They're not that fucking badass. Go all, you know, rogue on fucking America right now. Oh, believe me, there's a lot of people I know that I follow and respect their opinion about the whole escalation thing. Well, you know, what happens, you know, if, you know, Russia falls apart. We have loose nukes. What if Putin gets put too much in a corner and then he gets desperate? No, I understand all the arguments, and believe me, I think we have enough ammo and store.

Military Resources and Global Distribution

I mean, you have to look at how many bases and how much stuff we have stored, literally all over the world. I don't think we're going to run out anytime soon. It's better to be safe, though, just in case. Yeah, you just gotta be careful, because a lot of people like David out there pushing for political reasons, this administration's actions in Ukraine, and that's all it is for political reasons. Right? They want Maga to win. So they're like, hey, Biden's not doing this. He's not doing that. But, yeah, we just passed an aid package. Other european countries are passing aid packages. So it's not this America that has a responsibility for. That's really not. Or getting the job done. We're supporting them. We're giving them intelligence strategies.

Conversations on Political Influence and Perspectives

You fucking damn it. But, you know, to say we're doing a half assessment. No, and I agree. Part of it is, I mean, Europe has really stepped up. Well, not all countries, but most countries. And I like somebody with, and I can't remember who it was and which space I was in, but they said, you look at, the closer you get to Russia, the less fear those countries have about Russia. In other words, they know how dangerous they are. And like the Baltics, you know. Anyhow, you look at how much Poland has left their defense budget, and other countries, you know, for what they. I mean, they're like three, four, 5%, you know, defense spending to GDP, because they know if Ukraine doesn't win, they're going to be next.

Reflections on Personal Heritage and Accents

So it's just. It's very different perspectives and experiences and, you know, I just wish the world could be peaceful, but somehow it seems to be determined not to be. That's for sure, man. How's everything on game hunt? Have you taken any edibles tonight? I always do. Every now. Mandev. I don't have a choice. I do it for medical reasons. Yeah, good for you, man. Do you want to speak, Shannon? Well, that shit's all fucked up. Half of these people, Nicolette, Shannon, they're all shown listeners. Pknorth well, you better send a DM. DM to Elon. Twitter.

Discussion on Communicating in Spaces

Spaces are weird, you know that? I mean, sometimes I can request speakers and I get brought up. Other times I don't. They don't even see me. And, you know, sometimes there'll be blank spaces in a space and I just wait a few minutes or seconds. All of a sudden I can hear people again. We have a fake wannabe. Check to. Who is Shannon? Yeah, I was kind of agreeing with. I can't remember who was talking about the fact that, you know, the psyops and everything. Like, I know that we've probably been involved a lot more than anyone's alluding to, but, Nicola, I could not hear what you were saying about people, you know, oh, you're.

Navigating Different Perspectives on Conversations

Okay, cool. You're agreeing with it. And I hope we are, because that means they're finally kind of listening to us more than they were before, or, I mean, we're just all in it. I mean, it just makes me feel better. Well, and, I mean, I have followers on both sides of the aisle and I really don't like to get into the political stuff because we don't know who's going to get elected or what's going to happen. But that's why I just try to keep my focus on Ukraine and also support Israel. Yeah, me too. But. But I have lots of different people that I follow and follow me, and actually they're people you can have a discussion with that you can say, I think this, and they say, well, I think that.

Concerns on Intel and Special Ops

Here's what I'm worried about, or here's what I'm worried about. And it doesn't have to be. It's just an intelligence. Do you remember, do you remember when the initial Ukraine spaces said, leave politics out of it, and things went a little bit smoother? Unfortunately, that's just how it works now because of where we're at in time. But, yeah, it seemed that things went a little bit better that way. But I just. I get the frustration that people have, but I always have to remind myself that there's an undercurrent of intel and special ops and, you know, like, psyops and in warfare that we're never going to know until after the fact, maybe years after the fact.

Final Thoughts and Acknowledgments

Yeah. To have that, like, divide us, I'm kind of to the point where I'm sick of the division because, you know, we can talk about it to blue in the face. I mean, it's like, you know, I think, like, now it's just we support who we support and we can have those conversations, you know, with our. Within our communities and within communities here, you know? But, you know, I have to keep my stress level to it to a certain amount because at this point, Chase. Anyway, it's just, you know, I feel like just keep our eye on the ball and know that. I mean, I still love having conversations about this because at least you guys have really, like, helped me understand more, you know, coming from not being around too many military people and people just from all walks of life that just are.

Concluding the Show and Future Discussions

Just have a lot to give and so intelligent. It's. It's been a. It's been a gem for me. Or else I would have gotten. I would have left this place in a heartbeat after. Until I found spaces. There's people I kill who don't add too much to the conversation, but that's bullshit, man. I come up here and I know you guys say, oh, it's not political, but God damn it, man, don't gain spaces was to debunk fucking retarded people. Right? And that's the whole. My whole purpose here. But you're. But like you said, with respect, partisanship is dumb, but that's the reality in the world we're living in.

Clarifications on Military Decisions

And when I hear respect it, you know, even former us military members on spaces say, oh, Biden and Jake Sullivan want Russia to win. They want Iran the win. They're pro, you know, Hamas. I mean, come on. I don't give a fuck about your military record. You say stupid shit like that, you're a retarde, right. And I gotta call you out on it, right? Well, you had that mega brain rock. Jake Sullivan does such a good job. At managing escalation, you're willing to wipe. Away all the bad shit that he. Does on a whim and provide no evidence. And your own counterpoint is you're not in the DOD.

Point by Point Arguments on Military Policies

You don't know. You don't know. Well, yeah, good. I mean, you have a good point because we are still. We vote for the people who put these people in charge. And we had. That's the one good thing about us, is we do have our voice. So I don't know. I acknowledge his mistakes, but, you know, when I say you don't fucking know, you don't know. Even some of these intelligent people that have, you know, specialization fucking in, you know, missile defense or, you know, intelligence or blah, blah, like Jake, bro. Who said Jake Sullivan has done a bad job? Cause he was formerly in missile defense?

Discussions on Accountability and Strategy

I mean, Jake Sullivan didn't do anything for over 100 days after the first Houthi strike in the Red Sea. But kill, go. Oh, there's still ships going through the Red Sea. Jake Sullivan's doing a great job. Absolutely not to say he didn't do nothing for a hundred days. It's completely false. That's not true. We lit shit. There was no military action. There was no military action against the Houthis for 100 days after the first hootie strike. Oh, Jake Sullivan hit empty warehouses. There. Nothing in there.

Houthi Actions and Military Responses

It's like, all right, fucking. Where's your proof for that? They're empty. Great. Fucking, you know, come on. But the proof is in the pudding, man, at the end day, you know? Yes. Is Jake Sullivan a little unorthodox? Absolutely. But there's a reason for that, because our orthodoxy and geopolitics for the last 20 years has got us in the position where we're at. So why fucking keep doing the same thing over again? He's trying something different, and it's working.

Global Perspectives on Military Relations

The proof is in the pudding, man. China. That economically, Russia's getting invaded, and Iran scared the fucking do anything because they know they got three fucking aircraft carrier strike groups. Yeah, they just sent Russia a bunch of missiles. They weren't scared to do that. Allegedly, we don't even know if that happened. There's. We said it happened. We said, we said. We said it didn't happen. Now where's. Iranians won't even fucking admit it earlier. Where's the link?

Source Credibility in Global Discussions

I mean, and that's the other thing. You know, the Ukraine spaces used to be, like, pretty strict on providing credible sources, and, you know, they got made fun of a lot about that. But. I'm sorry, but credible sources did help, because now a lot of it's like, I take everything, and then I have to. I source out. Like, you know, if I'm. We're talking about venezuelan problems with people that are here. I ask the people that I. That I've become friends with or I, or that I know. And you know, to me that's a credible source.

Interactions and Conversations in Spaces

So, you know, it's a lot of it's just people are talking out of their mouth. I mean, it's like, who'd you hear that from? I've got a special clearance, so, you know, everything I report is true. Nice. Clarence on holy man. Clarence, how your mom? That's not special. We all have that. Keep talking to your blue rumor. Keep talking to your bluer. You're what? Keep talking until you're bluer. The fuck is bluer? Is that even English? Blew her in the face. Jesus.

The Atmosphere of the Discussion

Thank you. Now. Thank you. I thought he said, keep talking until you blew her. But anyway, hey, in game, I heard you guys got inundated with a fake professor that blew his top or something. When was this? Her earlier. Oh, there's some guy like complaining in the comments. Oh, yeah, yeah. He's crying. He's crying because I stood up to him. He didn't like that. He's crying like chase. Yeah. You roasted Chase? Hey, y'all gotta watch out for those imitators if they're not the real professor, you know?

Interactions and Impersonations

Just don't let them up. Well, I would know you by your voice. Professors. A professor. Professor in skin care products. That's what he definitely is, man. You should take it. Take a note on that. He even upped. He made me up my game. I know, metro sexual. Get wrecked, you lizard fuck. I know metro sexual. Well, yeah, that dude. You know, like I said, I don't like kicking people out like that. Like looking like the bad guy, man.

Discussing Respect and Communication

But he was, you know, he was being disrespectful. I told him the rules, man. And then he come back and it was still, oh, you're only allowed to say six things. So now I can fucking interrupt you and tell you to shut up. And I can, you know, that's just not how it works, man. I let, I let people talk in here as long as they want. I don't give a fuck, you know, long as you're saying, you know, anything that's somewhat sensible. I don't care how long you talk, man.

Reflections on Heritage and Identity

Some people just don't like to hear the truth slip off your tongue. Well, some people have a problem with people's accents. And like this dude had a problem with yours and mine. He called us the fucking hillbilly army or whatever, you know. And the deal is, I'm proud of my fucking heritage. Yeah. I was born in the fucking south. I love the fucking south, you know? That's just where my heritage is, man. And. And if you're an american and you can't handle other people's accents and get the fuck out of America.

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