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Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Geopolitical Headlines and Open Discussion hosted by EndGameWW3. Delve into an insightful discussion on geopolitical headlines, global conflicts, and the significance of diverse viewpoints with a U.S. Navy veteran's input. Explore the impact of geopolitical tensions on global stability, the role of military perspectives, and the importance of staying informed about national and international news. Gain valuable insights into triggers for potential conflicts and the media's influence on public perception. Appreciate the nuances of complex geopolitical issues through engaging with diverse perspectives within the Alpha Group niche.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: How do geopolitical tensions affect global stability?
A: Geopolitical tensions can lead to economic instability, diplomatic conflicts, and regional power struggles, impacting global peace.

Q: Why is it crucial to be well-informed about national and international news?
A: Being informed helps individuals grasp the context of events, make informed decisions, and participate in civic engagement.

Q: What are some factors that could escalate into global conflicts?
A: Factors like territorial disputes, resource competition, ideological differences, and power struggles can escalate into global conflicts.

Q: How does a military perspective contribute to analyzing geopolitical situations?
A: Military insights offer strategic assessments, threat analysis, and considerations of national security in geopolitical discussions.

Q: What unique insights can a U.S. Navy veteran provide in these discussions?
A: A U.S. Navy veteran brings firsthand experiences, knowledge of maritime operations, and a specialized perspective on defense matters.

Q: Why is it essential to consider diverse viewpoints on geopolitical issues?
A: Diverse perspectives enrich discussions, foster critical thinking, and highlight nuances often overlooked in geopolitical analyses.

Q: How can engagement with current events enhance understanding of global dynamics?
A: Engaging with news and events fosters awareness, promotes dialogue, and empowers individuals to analyze complex global interrelations.

Q: What role does the media play in shaping public perception of geopolitics?
A: Media coverage influences public opinion, frames narratives, and impacts how people interpret and respond to geopolitical developments.


Time: 00:15:47
Geopolitical Tensions and Global Stability Exploring the interconnectedness of geopolitical tensions and their implications on international peace.

Time: 00:30:22
Informed Citizenship and Civic Engagement Discussing the role of informed citizenship in promoting responsible participation in society.

Time: 00:45:10
Triggers for Global Conflicts Analyzing potential triggers that could escalate into large-scale military confrontations.

Time: 01:00:55
Military Perspectives in Geopolitical Analysis Understanding how military expertise contributes to geopolitical decision-making processes.

Time: 01:20:40
Insightful Discussions with a U.S. Navy Veteran Gaining valuable insights from a veteran's experiences and knowledge in maritime operations.

Time: 01:40:17
Importance of Diverse Viewpoints in Debates Emphasizing the value of considering diverse opinions to arrive at comprehensive understandings of complex geopolitical issues.

Time: 01:55:29
Media Influence on Geopolitical Narratives Exploring how media portrayal shapes public perceptions and responses to global geopolitical events.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on geopolitical tensions and their impact on global stability.
  • Importance of staying informed about national and international news for a holistic view.
  • Discussion on potential catalysts for future global conflicts.
  • Understanding the significance of military perspectives in analyzing geopolitical situations.
  • Appreciation for the U.S. Navy veteran's unique insights and experiences.
  • Exploring diverse viewpoints on complex geopolitical issues.
  • Engagement with current events to understand global dynamics.
  • Recognizing the role of media in shaping public perception of geopolitical events.

Behind the Mic


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Welcome Everyone

Welcome everybody to Endgame. Ww three live here on spaces on this Wednesday evening in the wonderful us of a. Hope you're doing well wherever you're at in this world. Nice to see everybody. Hope everybody had a great day. Got some news to go over and then as soon as I'm done, I'll open it up to speakers and we can talk about whatever I brought up. Whatever you want to talk about.

Topics of Discussion

Be about geopolitics, politics, economics, war, peace, societal issues, earth changes, anything that matters in this world. So I'm going to jump around from place to place and thing to thing. I got a little bit other things I want to talk about other than Israel and Iran. That's getting kind of old. Alright, first thing here.

Ukraine's Territorial Gains

Ukraine's territory gains in Russia in just a week nearly matched Moscow's advances, which took eight months. Says Ukraine is in control of 74 settlements in Russia's Kursk region after only a week of fighting, nearly on par with what the Kremlin has spent the last eight months taking from leading an incursion that experts say has revealed Moscow's weakness. Zelensky said that his troops has seized the scores of settlements in Kursk as of Tuesday, more than double what it had the day before. With Ukraine's forces continuing their advances, they occupy about 400 sq mi of russian territory.

Shifts in Control

Says the surprise incursion gives Kyiv nearly as much territory in Russia as the 450 sq mi of Kremlin has managed to take from Ukraine since the start of 2024. And that's according to calculations by the institute, the study of war. Zelensky said we continue to advance further into the Kursk region from one to 2 km in various areas since the start of the day. What else here? But anyway, yeah, big advances for Ukrainian.

Ukraine's Momentum

The curse, you know, Putin's trying to play it off like it's just a minor inconvenience when it's a major fucking embarrassment for him. And, you know, I hope Ukraine just keeps going all right President Biden and Vice President Harris got new situation room briefing this afternoon on the Middle east. Says President Biden and Vice President Harris were briefed in the White House situation run by their national security team on developments in the Middle east.

Military Support and Diplomacy

They were updated on us military efforts to support the defense of Israel. They were also briefed on continued diplomatic efforts to de escalate regional tension and to bring the ceasefire and hostage release deal to a conclusion. The president and vice president will continue to receive regular updates from the national security team. Yay.

Legal Issues in the US

The US has arrested american iranian national Jeffrey Chance Nader, 66, of Arcadia, California, on an indictment of charging him with crimes related to the procurement of US made aircraft components, including components used on military aircraft in violation of us economic sanctions and other federal laws. The Justice Department announced on Wednesday that dude's going away for a while.

Conflict in Syria

What else here? About an hour ago, the syrian regime broke the ceasefire and have launched attacks against the SDF in a couple different places, with the SDF bringing in reinforcements and striking back. As I've been saying, need to keep an eye over there and Syria and stuff with this SDF stuff. I think that's just going to get bigger over there as the SDF engages more iranian backed proxy groups over there.

The New York Times Report

All right, the New York Times came out with a story today. This is some of the highlights from it are. The New York Times, quoting supposedly american officials, says Israel's achieved everything it can achieve militarily in Gaza. It says the hostages held in Gaza cannot be recovered by military means. These american officials also said Israel tried to damage the tunnel network in Gaza but failed to destroy it.

Challenges in Gaza

Also said the tunnel network has proven to be larger than Israel expected and is an effective means for Hamas. Also said Pentagon officials believe that Israel has not yet proven its ability to secure its areas of control in Gaza since diplomacy is the only way that will enable Israel to recover the hostages. And then they said the chances of weakening Hamas have diminished further.

Pressure on Israel

So whoever these american officials are throwing Israel under the bus in these talks coming up, basically telling Israel to surrender and sign the ceasefire, that you've done all that you can do, that the only way to get these hostages back are going to be through diplomacy. You know, and that, again, depends on how many are still alive. I think Israel says there's athlete least 31 of them that they want back right away, that they. That they're pretty sure are alive right now.

Biden Administration's Stance

But either way, you know, with these talks, you know, it seems like to me, and this is just me, the Biden administration is putting a lot of pressure on Israel to sign this. Regardless, right or wrong, indifferent. They're telling Israel, you need to sign this. You need to get this over with. Let these know you need. This will avoid a region of war. Just go ahead and fucking sign.

America's Influence

And now, again, you know, you have to question, you know, how much, say, does America have on this ceasefire deal with Israel? You know, it's debatable. You know, we did just release, what, $3.4 billion worth of money to them to buy weapons and stuff the other day. But it seems there's a real pressure on his pressure campaign by the Biden administration to get this deal signed.

Hamas' Involvement

You know, Hamas is going back and forth. It depends on what you read. There's some stories saying Hamas isn't going to show up to it. There's other stories saying they are. There's other stories where Hamas said, well, we're not going to show up to these talks, but the mediators are still going to brief us after the talks, whatever the deal is. It's supposed to be a two-day, you know, two days summit deal to talk, you know, to get all this worked out.

Expectations for Ceasefire Talks

But it, you know, in reality, it's going to take a couple weeks to get everything hammered down. There's going to be some back and forth between Israel and Hamas over this and that. And, you know, the same old that's been going on for the last ten months. So, you know, don't expect anything to get signed within the next couple days, whatever. That's just not going to happen.

Iran's Position

There's going to be a lot of back and forth going on for the next couple weeks. You know, the question is Iran going to hold out that long? I think they will. You know, I think I know. It's just weird. It's almost like that Iran and the Biden administration working hand in hand on this, like a good cop bad cop scenario on Israel, you know?

Observations on the Summit

I don't know, man. It just all seems weird to me, man. You know, how, you know, the ayatollah is the one that suggested this summit to stop their retaliation, and then America came right out the next day and said, all right, let's do this summit. You know. You know, it just. America's going back and forth with this.

US and Israeli Relations

You know, it's like I said yesterday in my other shows, Israel had to get a soft green life from the Biden administration to do those attacks on Hanye and the Shakur dude over in southern Beirut. They had to. America had to somewhat greenlight for Israel to do something like that. I firmly believe that.

Contradictory Policy

But then you look at this and it's like, all right, say America did give a green light for them to do those, you know, those two assassinations. Why is America being so fucking hard on Israel now? Oh, you got to sign those deals. You know, maybe America told it and Yahoo. All right, we'll let you kill these two guys, but then you got to sign this ceasefire deal.

Political Dynamics

You know, who knows what kind of dirty deeds have been discussed? But it just seems all very weird to me how we approve these attacks, but now we're telling Israel to sign the fucking paper. You know, I know, you know, the Biden still wants political points even though he's not running for president. He would love to say that he got the ceasefire and all this other stuff.

Future of Negotiations

I get that. I would love for there to be a ceasefire, too. I would love for Israel to get all their hostages back, but I don't think it's going to happen. And even if they do sign a ceasefire, I think it's going to be a very tenuous one that probably won't last too long.

Iran's Retaliation

You know, I don't think, you know, I think, you know, Iran feels that they have to do something. I've talked about this multiple times. I think Iran feels they have to retaliate for what Israel did, but at the same time, if they can find an out, they'd much rather take that. I think Iran looks at this cease fires and out.

Concern of Regional Conflict

And I think even though America gave Israel the permission to knock those two guys off, America would rather avoid a regional war, too. You know, if we can find a way not to have a regional war with Iran, then we're going to do it, too. Why? Who knows?

Implications of Nuclear Developments

You know, with Iran getting as close as they are with their nuclear program, you know, this would be the time to do it. I mean, last April when Iran attacked Israel, you know, american. Israel could have had every reason right there and then to go after Iran's nuclear program, and they didn't do it.

US Stance on Nuclear Weapons

You know, if, you know, right now they could make up a reason to go after. You know, for some reason, I'm just starting to believe that the US doesn't care if Iran actually has nuclear weapons. It's astounding to me, you know, we've let Iran come way too far with their nuclear program.

Perspective on Nuclear Proliferation

Maybe we look at it this way, maybe we're like, all right, you can have nukes. Israel's got nukes. It's mad. Mutually assured destruction. You know, just like what we have with Russia and China and North Korea. Maybe we look at the same thing with Israel.

Iran's Nuclear Capability

Maybe Israel's to the point where, I guess that's fine, the Ayatollah can have nukes, but we've got them, too. So if he ever does anything stupid, we're gonna nuke the fuck out of him right back. There's something going on. Because if were really that concerned about Iran not getting nuclear weapons, we would have done something devastating to them a while back.

Analysis of Recent Events

And it's just quite funny that we have, you know, so who knows, man? But it's. There's a lot at play right here. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's like Biden's trying to play both sides of the fence.

Diplomatic Efforts and Concerns

He's trying to appease Israel, but yet he's trying to appease the ayatollah, too. You know, if America wanted to avoid a regional war, they could have easily told Ned and Yahoo, no, we don't support you killing Hanye.

Hezbollah and War Considerations

No, we don't support you killing Shakur over in southern Beirut. That'll start a war. You would think we would have told Netanyahu that if we didn't want a regional war, we would have been like a bro, don't do that.

Escalation Risks

You know, that could start a fire that gets out of control. But the deal is, we told them to do it. We're like, yeah, go ahead. But now we're saying, oh, we don't want a war, though. You know?

US Diplomatic Strategy

So who knows what game America's playing right now, you know? We're fucking with Iran's head as much as they're fucking with ours, it seems all right. A couple hours ago, russian authorities declared the mandatory evacuation of the entire Klushkowski district in Kurzko Blaskhouse.

Ukraine's Initiative

Ukrainian Ministry of reintegration has opened a 24 hours hotline for residents of the Kursk region who needs humanitarian assistance or who want to evacuate to Ukraine. Now, Zelensky did say today in an interview, he said that after this war, he does not plan on keeping this territory.

Post-War Considerations

That's what he said. He said, I did not plan to keep this territory that we've taken. You know, he wants to use it as a bargaining ship. But then again, like I said, Putin has come out and said, I'm not going to talk with anybody as long as they're in my. In my country.

Ceasefire Negotiations

I don't know how that's going to work. You know, Zelensky seems to think he can use it for peace talks. And Russia's like, there ain't going to be any peace talks as long as you're sitting in my land.

US Military Testing

So, again, who knows how that could go? Us forces conducted a test of a newly arrived sea ram system at the RLZ base in Khorab Algier, northeast Syria, tonight. This is. The test comes amid expectations. If possible, Iran linked regional strikes in the next 24 to 36 hours.

Cybersecurity Concerns

Again, we'll see. The IRGC linked hacking group Apt 42 has been targeting the personal accounts of individuals connected to President Biden, VP Harris, and former President Trump, including current and former government officials as well as those involved with the campaigns.

Ongoing Cyber Threats

Google said today since Google Ad, that the hacking group had gained access to the personal gmail account of a high profile political consultant. Google described Apt 42 as a sophisticated, persistent threat actor that shows no signs of stopping its activities.

Political Interference

This spring and summer, the group has conducted numerous simultaneous phishing campaigns, particularly focusing on Israel and the US. Amid escalating tensions, Google said it expects to see increased campaigns from Apt 42.

Hezbollah's Losses

Hezbollah identified two of their fighters, terrorists, who were eliminated earlier by an israeli airstrike on their cardinal within the town of Marjaoun in southern Lebanon. That story came out today.

Data Breaches

It says every american Social Security number address may have been stolen in hack. Says a hacking group called UsDod claims to have stolen 2.7 billion records of personal information from Americans, including their Social Security numbers and physical addresses.

Implications of Personal Data Theft

Says UsDod offered to sell the stolen records, which included personal data for everyone in the US, UK and Canada, to a forum of hackers, since the data was stolen from national public data, a platform that offers personal information to employers, private investigators, staffing agencies and others doing background checks.

Information Security

So if your information wasn't on the dark web yet, it is now. This came out today from the Times out of the UK. It says Ukraine is free to use british weapons on russian soil, confirms the Ministry of Defense.

Support for Ukraine

Ben Wallace, the former defense secretary, says he gave the order during his tenure, and the UK's position remains unchanged in light of Ukraine's incursion in the Kursk, that's a good deal. In Lebanon, there were a number of Israel strikes today.

Casualties from Strikes

In all those strikes, 27 were injured, nine seriously. There were four deaths. Two islamic jihad members were two. Of those four deaths. I think the other two were Hezbollah members.

Lebanon's Political Response

Lebanon speaker of parliament Barry said the next few days will determine whether there is a major war in reference to Gaza ceasefire negotiations. New radar gives Israel extra time to prepare for missile attacks.

Military Enhancements

It says an american radar system providing the IDF with critical minutes to prepare for an attack arrived in Israel last week. And it says an american radar system capable of detecting iranian missiles from thousands of kilometers away and providing the IDF for critical minutes to prepare for an attack, arrived in Israel last week.

Advanced Surveillance

The radar system was brought to Israel on twelve transport planes, together with a crew of 120 soldiers who will assemble and activate it in the Negev. It says the high powered radar is called the FDA FBX T and will be hooked up to the us military's joint tactical ground station, which tracks ballistic missiles around the world.

Missile Tracking Capabilities

The data will be processed and transferred to an IDF command center where the arrow missile system is operated. It says the FBX T can detect a ballistic missile shortly after launch and estimates the time and exact location of its impact.

Impact Analysis

It says those capabilities will cut the arrows response time, saying, this is an extremely advanced system and only three exist in the world. It goes on and on here.

Domestic Context

Oh, yeah. So that's a good deal for Israel, it says. Israel has reportedly drawn up a list of names of 33 living hostages that is demanding be released in the first phase of a deal.

Negotiations on Hostages

Says in May, Hamas tried to change the proposal to commit to releasing 33 hostages, alive or dead, in phase one. And then today, I'll wait for that anyway.

Hamas Communication Challenges

All right. One of the Hamas leaders came out today, Osama Hamdan, and says that we face difficulty in communicating with Sinmar. Of course, he's fucking ten stories underground surrounded by hostages and civilians.

US Observations on Negotiations

US State Department came out, said that we do not believe Hamas is dealing fairly with negotiations. Then a Hamas official came out and says, what we have heard from Iran is that their retaliation has nothing to do with the ceasefire negotiations.

Separation of Issues

They are two separate files because the retaliation is a response to an attack on Iran's sovereignty, it says. But it is possible that if there were serious efforts to for a ceasefire deal, the overall situation could improve.

Warnings from Khamenei

The Hamas official, Sin Khomeini, warns of divine wrath if Iran backs down amid Israel tensions. It says. Iran's supreme leader Khomeini condemned enemy psychological warfare aimed at forcing the country to reconsider retaliation against Israel in the wake of the killing of the Hamas political leader in Tehran.

Khamenei's Expectations

It says. Speaking today, Khomeini underscored that any non tactical retreat, be it military, political, or economic, invites divine wrath, as per the Holy Quran.

Consequences of Weakness

So, you know, he's basically saying he'll go against the Quran if he doesn't retaliate. You know what it is Muhammad gonna think? Are all. They're gonna think that he's a pussy if he doesn't do something.

Broader Implications

I don't know, man. But either way, he says it's against the. It's against the good word for him not to retaliate. Haifa emergency command center moves underground to a fortified bomb shelter, enabling it to respond to any crisis amid the threat of an attack from Hezbollah or Iran.

Israeli Negotiation Mandate

Israeli Prime Minister Ned Nyahu slightly expanded the mandate given to the israeli negotiations team on the Gaza hostage deal, according to two senior israeli officials. Since the israeli officials said that Netanyahu gave a reasonable mandate that justifies traveling to the round of talks in Qatar tomorrow.

Room for Negotiation

They added that the flexibility that Ned and Yahoo is given regarding the positions that is what will present makes it possible to conduct negotiations and move forward. But it is not clear whether this flexibility will be enough to reach a deal.

Uncertain Outcomes

So see what happens. Israel's fighter yesterday struck some Hezbollah rocket launchers in southern Lebanon's Hula and said that they were prime for an attack in northern Israel and Israel picked them up ahead of time and blew them up, they said.

Ongoing Military Operations

The military said the jets also struck buildings used by Hezbollah and a couple other places over there today. Then it says another building used by Hezbollah, Nakora, was struck by ground troops.

International Responses

IDF added. French foreign minister will reportedly visit Lebanon tomorrow. Lebanon caretaker government met to discuss an emergency response plan should war break out. It says.

Preparation for Crisis

Minister Nasir Yasin, who leads emergency response plan told the AP 200 schools being prepared as makeshift shelters says estimate 1 million displaced from towns and cities in case of attack.

Support from Other Nations

Poland and Finland came out. They fully supported Ukraine's actions in the kursk region. All right.

Cyber Attacks on Iranian Banks

What else there? Oh, yeah, there was that big cyber attack on iranian banks today that shut down their central bank and several other banks.

Technological Threats

It says the hackers stole some data from Iran's central bank in the major cyber attack. And then a top Hamas official came out today and told the AP that the group is losing faith in us ability to mediate a Gaza ceasefire ahead of NU talks back to this cyber attack over in Iran.

Impact of Cyber Attacks

It says that this cyber attack targeted the central bank of Iran and several other banks, leading to widespread disruptions in the country's banking system. Says initial assessments indicate this could be one of the largest cyberattacks ever against iranian state infrastructure.

Speculations on Attack Origins

It was probably a massage CIA combo hit, I'm sure. Hamas came out earlier today and said they will not renegotiate what was agreed upon in previous stages.

Ukrainian Military Action

Overnight, ukrainian forces conducted one of the largest single night drone attacks into Russia, targeting multiple russian air force bases. Israel came out earlier today and they said they estimated that Hezbollah is determined to respond to the assassination of Fuad Shakur says unlike Iran, which is still hesitant, Ukraine plans to open humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians from the Kursk region.

Crisis Management Plans

The minister of reintegration said today. So the corridors will operate both towards Russia and Ukraine since humanitarian operations are also planned to support russian civilians in the border areas.

Communication Blockages

This one report came out today and said the contacts between the lebanese government and Starlink to provide Internet services to Lebanon in the event of an all out war have failed.

US Citizen Arrested

According to the report, not only did Starlink refuse to provide new communication lines, but it also stopped the existing lines. A us citizen was detained in Moscow on suspicion of assaulting a police officer, the interfax news service reported Wednesday, citing russian investigators.

Prisoner Exchange Dynamics

You know, so here we get some us citizens back the other day in that trade, and now we, they got another one here. We'll give you these couple back, but then we're going to arrest another us citizen over here and charge them with some stupid crime so we can lock him up.

Blinken's Postponed Trip

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has now reported fully canceled his trip to Israel after it was postponed yesterday due to the threat of an iranian attack.


That's pretty much all I got. I've gone far enough. I'll let anybody else that wants to speak again, just be respectful of each other. If you want to speak, no B's, use the hand emoji so I know to call on you so I don't pass you by.

Upcoming Discussion

And again, I can go to 10:00 p.m. eastern as always. And anytime I run on the speakers, I just end the show where it's at because pretty much put all the news out that I.

Introduction of a Speaker

Welcome to the show, mister Chase. How you doing in game? I'm not doing too bad. How you doing? I'm doing good, man. I hope you're doing good, bro.

Discussion on Current Events

Yeah, I saw it kind of flew under the radar. There's a lot of news coming out. You said it. Something about the, you know, Social Security cards or system getting hacked or something about, you know, numbers and people's info.

Concerns About Cybersecurity

I think that's pretty serious, man. There's a lot of, like, cyber attacks that are definitely ramping up said military base in NATO, that is in Germany. They were hit by cyber attacks, too.

Escalating Cyber Threats

And it's kind of ironic because a day ago, Brussels, they accused the EU bureaucrat of, quote unquote, going rogue by sending a threatening letter to Elon Musk. And then I guess, like Europeans, kind of European Union and what's going on over there is kind of like spiraling out of control because I've been kind of, like, following it.

Escalation of Tensions in Europe

But it says german authorities. They said that their federal prosecutor issues an arrest warrant for ukrainian diver, but he has reportedly disappeared without a trace. Says the soldiers are urged not to drink tap water under any circumstances in military bases in Germany.

Health Warnings for Military Personnel

Says based in Cologne, put on lockdown due to sabotage. Says potential contamination of water supply. Says Defcon 32 hosts the DArpa run Pentagon competition.

Technological Innovations

Pushing, pushing to embed AI and quote unquote, critical infrastructures. Quietly automating, quote unquote bug fits, bug fixes and operating systems, energy and water supplies.

Serious Issues in Infrastructure

So that's pretty serious what's going on. But Japan's prime minister, he's stepping down. And that says right here, South Korean, they're launching their new spy satellite.

International Developments

It's on a quote unquote full fledged mission by South Korea and another base in Germany, several bases got put on lockdown due to cyber attacks.

Concluding Remarks

But, hey, man, that's all I really got. Appreciate you let me speak in game.

Acknowledgement of Contribution

Hey, thank you for that, Chase. You know, this is an interesting bit of news that just came out.

Former President's Communication

Says according to axios, former US President Donald J. Trump spoke earlier today with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding tomorrow's ceasefire and hostage negotiations in Qatar.

Negotiations Insight

During the call, it is believed that Trump encouraged Netanyahu to take the deal decided on tomorrow by the delegations from the US, Qatar, Egypt and Israel.

Trump's Influence

So now Trump's coming out and telling Ned and Yahoo. To sign the deal. That's crazy, man. You know, it seems like no one wants a major war with Iran.

Avoiding Escalation

That's why they're pushing, you know, this isn't just to get the hostages back. This is just, you know, to stop a war with Iran. And again, I don't understand.

Internal Conflicts

I don't want a war with Iran, but at the same time, they're coming close to a nuclear weapon, man, and it's going to be do or die for the further, for the west to decide what to do here, like within months.

Urgency in Decision Making

And so I don't understand the game that America's playing here, you know, and then we're getting, I just got some rocket and drone alerts over in northern Israel just now.

Security Alerts

But, yeah, you know, Trump, like I said, when Trump was presidente, he wouldn't even give the green light for Israel to attack Iran. Israel asked Trump like two times, and both times Trump told Netanyahu no.

Diplomatic Stances

So, I mean, it's just the craziest thing, man. I mean, I understand no one wants a major war, but I guess we're willing to allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon. It's what it's looking more and more like to me.

Implications of Nuclear Capabilities

I just find that a hard thing to believe. But it seems true because no one's rushing in to stop Iran. I mean, we've had several opportunities where we could jump in right now.

Analysis of US Strategy

So I don't know what's going on, man. There's all kinds of drone alerts going on right now in northern Israel. We're lacking the cyber attacks phase of, like, the war, I think the cyber attacks are definitely going to start ramping up, you know, definitely with the upcoming elections, just.

Upcoming Election Dynamics

Yeah, I would definitely keep an eye out with the infrastructure, man, our president, or I guess our vice president that's running the country. It's a major failure.

Concluding Thoughts

But that's really all I have in game. I ain't got a whole lot of shit to say, man. I'm just smoke my weed and chime back in, man.


All right. Thank you, Chase. Appreciate you, brother. Go ahead. Miss Tara.

Introduction of a New Speaker

Hello. I just have two quick tidbits, and then I actually have more questions or what you guys think or something.

Personal Experience

One, I will say today I took my teenage daughter who wasn't necessarily going down the right path, but she all of a sudden wanted to register for the military, which is awesome.

Experiences at Recruitment Office

So we walk in and, you know, all four branches are there, and they're like, come to us, come. But we settled. She went to the army today.

Recruitment Challenges

And all I can say is that they are doing anything and everything to make people eligible to be able to join. I mean, you don't even have to have a high school degree. Like, they're finding all these ways around it, which I guess only tells me they are having a recruitment problem.

Education Standards

I'm not sure. It was just a tidbit from what I. What I saw today on the debt. On the flip side, I actually think, you know, maybe our american high school not being so good right now is going to.

Military Alternatives for Youth

A lot of kids are turning to the military because that's like, kind of their only path because they didn't learn a lot in high school and they don't know what to do next and all that.

Insights on American Education

I don't know. There was just. It was an interesting day. The only other thing that I like, quickly give tidbit, one of my really good friends, she's been staying with us this week.

Work Environment Insights

She works at Lenovo. The big, you know, Lenovo was the. It's the laptops, basically, and they were bought from IBM, that division, but it's just China bought that division.

Commercial Operations

So she's telling me about her conference calls. And they basically. So they would have 30 chinese people one of their conference calls, and not one single one of them ever shows up.

Communication Barriers

They have these literal, like, firewalls. The rest of the world shares all their information, and the rest of the world shares their information with China, but China's not sharing any information back.

Cybersecurity Observations

And so, you know, talk about cyber attacks and all that. Kind of stuff. I just think it's quite interesting that we're still giving all of our cards away and they're very protective.

Discussion Points

These are just two things I observed today. But some more questions, back to when we get to discussions, etcetera.

Questions on Ceasefire

Is okay with a ceasefire, do we really think Iran will honor it, etcetera? We know there's different ways of thinking about it.

Curiosity About Dynamics

I don't know. And I joined late endgame. So I apologize if I miss this, but I've seen with the Iran cyber attacks, there's been some notes to people or whatever saying that Iran's basically saying we took all your money because we need it for the war chest.

Economic Context

I'm paraphrasing. I don't know if that's true or nothing. I do understand that now. There's a lot of blackouts there, too.

Observational Insights

So I just, I think that's kind of interesting. And then I am really interested on your guys thoughts on why Ukraine's going into Russia now.

Analytical Questions

At this time. I think it's kind of cool and I think it's right. And we've had no response from Putin yet.

Strategic Evaluations

I just feel like there's so many big things happening right now and we're waiting for people's responses and are they coordinating? Are they waiting for us to get into theater and then there's going to be a bigger attack.

Tactics of Warfare

I know one strategy of Russia has been, even in Ukraine, it's you wait for all the first responders to get there and then they bomb again.

Contemplating Outcomes

So I don't know, just silly things. Not silly, but things that I've been going through my mind. So those are questions.

Final Reflections

My first were tidbits, but then I kind of wonder on everybody's take, ceasefire, do you really think Iran will honor it? And then Ukraine, why at this time and why is Putin not responding as of yet?

Expressing Gratitude

But thank you. Thank you, Tara. Appreciate that. I really don't have nothing to add that except, you know, like I said, now that Trump's telling up Netanyahu to sign and see spire deals gonna be interesting because they're buddy. And, you know, I don't think Trump wants a major war in the Middle east to run, especially if he thinks he's gonna win the election, which, whatever, who knows? But, you know, like I said, there's a lot more going on behind the scenes and what we're privy to, that's all that can be said.

Ceasefire Deal Insights

Like I said, I think this ceasefire deal will get signed. I think it'll be a very fragile ceasefire. Will it last? Who knows? You know, the first one didn't, but, you know, I think it will be signed. I think Iran's looking for it to be signed so they can say, well, maybe we can sit back a little bit. I mean, you got the Ayatollah saying, well, it's against the Quran. If I don't retaliate, I look like a punk. But then you got him saying, well, if there's a ceasefire sign, maybe we can rethink our retaliation.

Iran's Position on War

You know, Dyatollah doesn't want all that war. He doesn't want his nuclear program destroyed. And so no matter what he's saying, he knows what the outcome would be. If he did any kind of major attack on Israel, it would lead to the destruction of his nuclear program. And he has sunk billions into that. And they're getting closer and closer. And the last thing they want to do is risk it right now at this critical time for them. So I don't think there's going to be a war with Iran simply for that future.

Conflicting Viewpoints on Iranian Actions

I think Iran, even though they're trying to say they're going to do something. And up to last night, I was pretty sure that Iran's might do something back. But I'm starting to think that I totally would like to find a way completely out of this. And he's going to use this cease fire agreement as the scapegoat. And it seems like everybody's going to use this ceasefire as escape go. Biden's going to use it as escape goat and all this shit again.

Reflection on War

No one wants a war. I get that. You know, I understand that. No one should want war. That's got a brain in their head, you know, we should all hope that there's fucking peace in this fucking world, no matter what part of the world it's in. That's. That's number one, man. Anybody that wants a war, you really? Should I talk about war? Because I've made it my job to talk about it. But do I want war? No, I don't want war.

The Cost of War

You know, I seen. I seen shit when I was in the military. I don't want war. I don't wish that on anybody, you know, so, you know. You know, it's easy to sit back and cheer for war when it's not you getting fucking shot at, when it's not your family getting killed, when it's not your fucking house getting blown up. It's it's real easy to cheer for war. You know, you can sit back and watch CNN or Fox News and eat your fucking popcorn.

Cyclical Violence and its Consequences

Watching Israelis get killed, watching Lebanese get killed, watching Iranians get killed, that's pretty cool, as long as it's not you. And it seems that's the way a lot of people look at. And it kind of. It's really kind of sick, you know, like I said, I've made it my job to talk about geopolitics, but I don't support war. I fully am against, you know, I don't think it solves a fucking thing.

Long-term Implications of Conflict

It just, you know, violence, it's like the same. Violence breeds more violence, hate breeds more hate. That's the most truthful things ever said. You know, this ten months of fighting between Israel and Hamas, the only thing this has accomplished other than a destruction of Hamas is that it's breeding more terrorists, though. There's a lot of kids going to grow up over in Gaza with a vengeance toward the Jews because their parents got killed by Israel.

Desperate Measures for Peace

And then we're going to start the cycle all over again, you know? So war is not the answer to anything. You know, sometimes, do you have to make deals with the devil not to have a war? I guess you do. You know, I think this deal Israel's fixing, the sign is. I don't know what to think. I haven't seen it all. They'll have to put it out in public. But if it's like the one in July that Hamas is talking about, you know, in any kind of negotiations between two groups, neither side is going to get exactly what they're what they want.

Negotiation Dynamics

You know, you. It's like I've always said, you got to give to get, and Israel's going to have to give up some. They don't want to give, but they're going to get back, hopefully some live hostages. Hamas is not going to get everything that they fucking want. But, you know, it is what it is, man. Well, that's my opinion to her.

Discussion on Global Perception

Yeah. No, I just. I. It's. It's interesting to think about what the people are thinking. And even in Russia, what they're thinking. Supposedly, like, you know, people like questioning, oh, was Putin lying to us? I don't know. You know, you hear, I talk to people in Ukraine on a very regular basis and you hear some firsthand accounts, but who knows what's happening in the rest of the country, just as an example.

Ukraine's Actions and Global Response

But, like, I. So Ukraine went into Russia this week. Israel, you know, killed some of their top leaders and the likes of the leaders of Iran and Russia, to think that they wouldn't do something back to save face. I don't know. I just, I mean, I hope not. I absolutely hope not. And I think hopefully, you know, maybe this can, they're like, oh, we are, you know, we are tougher.

Political Dynamics and Their Impact

We're gonna call your bluff. And then they fold. But it's just, I think it's just interesting. And I can't see them not doing something. I don't know. Like you said, we don't know. We have no idea. It's just, it's just an interesting time, I guess. That'S for sure. Tara. Well, thank you for everything.

Election Motivations

Who we got next here? Go ahead. go ahead for Tom. Hey, thank you, bro. How you doing, man? Good, good. How are you, man? Yeah, I'm doing good. Staying up late. Wanted to ask a few questions about these things. But first of all, this peace deal you mentioned, Biden is trying to, let's say, appease both countries, Iran and Israel, to try and make a deal.

Complex Negotiations

Do you think this is because obviously a lot of things come to play, but also the us elections. Do you think Biden is trying to not piss off the weird leftists, the US that try to, you know, that wave the flags of fucking every terrorist organization there is in the Middle east, but also try to, you know, just try to take Israel out of this mess as well? And what do you think will be included in this peace deal?

Addressing Netanyahu's Legal Issues

Because just the hostess situation is not enough, I think, for Netanyahu because he's, he has an arrest warrant, if I'm not mistaken, by the ICJ International Court of Justice. Do you think they will somehow try and strike a deal with the ICJ to remove Netanyahu from this list and drop the charges against him in order to broke a peace deal? Do you think that would be a possibility? Or is just my imagination going in a different place right now?

Current Uncertainties

Again, it's hard to say. There's just so many moving pieces right now. It's just hard to know what to believe, you know? Oh, yeah, definitely. But to me that seemed like a, maybe the most plausible idea because Netanyahu has nothing to lose. Because if the war ends, there's gonna be new elections. He's gonna probably lose the elections even if he runs again and even if he tries to go to certain countries, they're gonna arrest him in war crime charges, though.

Potential Outcomes

I think that would be, I don't know, I'm just saying. But to me, that seems like the only. One of the only deals that he would accept. And. And Israel isn't in the losing side, so they might just make demands, you know, whatever they want, because, you know, they're winning and they, the others stand no chance. So. You there?

Pressure Amidst Political Turmoil

You were cutting out on me, man. I don't know what was going on. Yeah, I was saying Israel isn't in the losing side, so they might just make demands for this peace deal. And what is Iran gonna demand? Like, there's nothing for them to demand. It's just Israel that has to make demands and try to make the best deal possible. And Netanyahu has nothing to lose. He's wanted by the ICJ.

Political Consequences of War

And when the war ends, you know, there's going to be probably new elections, if I'm not mistaken. And he is not very popular. If you look at the political scene in Israel nowadays. Yeah, he's had a decision to make. I mean, if he signs that deal, that could be the end of him, man, after, you know, but. But who knows, you know, again, it's gonna take a couple weeks, get everything hammered out with this deal.

The Complexity of Negotiations

Exactly right. And so, you know, if anybody's expecting anything immediately, that ain't gonna happen. You know that the talks in on Friday night, but then, you know, there's more backdoor talks that are gonna happen right after that. So, you know, I don't know. You know, Netanyahu's getting a lot of pressure now. Know if it's true with Trump calling them up and telling them to sign the deal, you know, it's crazy.

Trump's Influence on Current Affairs

But then again, like I've said, I'm arguing with people right now online. You know, it was a known fact when Trump was president that Netanyahu asked him at least twice for the green light to go after Iran. And both times Trump told him no. Now I got these motherfuckers. where's your source? You're making this up. You can't say this about the orange.

Fact vs. Belief

Jesus. It was a fucking known fact when Trump was presidente. It was all over the, you know, it was on the news, you know, and now you get these cocksuckers trying to say, oh, you're fucking lying. You're insulting our fucking messiah. You know, it wasn't a stab at Trump, it's just a plain fucking fact. God damn fucking people. Sorry, faton, I carried away.

Persisting Political Dynamics

It's okay. Yeah, yeah. A lot of things matter. Politics and the US elections are playing a big role in geopolitics nowadays. A lot of things are happening just before the us elections because they know how. How important that is and how important it is, whoever's gonna be the next president of the United States.

Strategic Movements in Global Politics

So most of these countries are trying to, you know, make the most of it before the elections and before the new administration. So a lot of things, man. And, yeah, obviously it's not going to happen immediately, the peace deal in Middle east, but even in Ukraine, I think, because Tara asked, why now? Why they move now in Okursk.

Anticipating Future Negotiations

And I think this might, this actually might be why. Because, you know, Trump said that he will end the war as soon as he is in office, if I'm not mistaken. And obviously, when you go to the negotiation table, you're gonna have. You need to have upper hand. And if you don't have anything to say there, you might lose something.

Implications of Territorial Control

And if they take Kursk and control it in some other areas because it's going well for Ukraine with the Kursk thing and some other settlements near it, you know, they might just say, well, if you want your fucking trash cities back, you have to give our cities back and we might have a deal and this might be it. But I don't know.

Further Analysis on War Actions

I'm. I was thinking the same thing. And, like, Trump or not, I feel like this kind of happened right after they had the conversation, and it is, for him, it's always about having the upper hand at the negotiation table. Sorry, I had to reconnect because I didn't see hands and all that. But that's. I agree with you, Faitan.

Shared Perspectives

It's a theory, but I agree with you. Yeah, well, yeah, again, it's just a theory, but I think, to me, this sounds like the only theory that I can think of. But then again, Russia didn't expect Ukraine to make any friends inside Russia, so they left their own cities vulnerable, and they took advantage of it. So, you know, good on Ukraine.

Reflecting on Past Strategies

That was masterpiece. I don't have anything else for now. Endgame. I'm just gonna listen to the fellas. Thank you. I think it's, you know, pretty well. Can I go ahead and take my turn? I'm sorry. I had. I had my hand up. I don't know why it disappeared.

Discussing Infrastructure Improvements

Yeah, just a second here. you know, I think baton. You know, it's kind of weird the way Ukraine moved in right now, right at this time. Maybe they figure they could go ahead and do this with the Middle east taking the heat off of them. You know, maybe they figure the Middle east is some kind of COVID so, like, let's do this now.

Hope for Future Developments

And I think it has to do a lot with the election too, you know? but either way, I'm glad they did it. I wish they would have did this sooner and again. I can't wait for the day that the Ukrainians are dancing in fucking red square, ripping down the fucking russian flag and putting up the ukrainian.

Military Movements and Strategies

That. That's my fucking vision. Didn't Russia as well, like, move troops outside of Ukraine to now defend its own territory inside Russia from Ukraine? Yeah, they moved him out of Kaliningrad. They took some off the front lines and some other places. Well, like I said yesterday, their troops are fucking giving up like Saddam Hussein's troops did when America went in there in 2003.

Desertion and Morale Issues

You know, these guys would much rather be captured and taken to a fucking ukrainian camp and, you know, probably get treated a lot better than what fucking Putin treats them on the fucking front lines. Most of these kids were fucking conscripts that were forced to fuckin and join. They don't want to be there. Like, I fuck it, you know?

Embarrassment for Russian Leadership

So I think it's a total embarrassment for Putin. He's trying to say, oh, it's just a minor inconvenience. Well, it's a real fucking major embarrassment is what it is. You know, if they don't get. If they don't find a fix for this, you're gonna start seeing Shoigu and all the other fucking clowns getting tossed out the fucking windows, which, hey, that probably wouldn't be so bad.

Anticipating Consequences

Yeah, I think any day now they're gonna start and play ballet on russian television. I hope so, man. Thank you, man. That was all I got. Thank you for Don. Pleasure. Anybody? Thank you for staying up. Appreciate it.

Discussion Continuation

Go ahead, Amir. All right, thank you very much. Faton still? Yeah, Fatan still. I can hear. There's someone else. Okay, thank you. There's someone else talking. You'll probably have to log out and log back in.

Technical Difficulties

Reset. Somebody's talking over me now. Average was trying to. I told him that you were talking. He's going to have to probably log out and log back in so we can hear you. Okay.

Seeking Clarifications

My question was, Tara, you should. You had made a couple of comments, and also Faton had made a couple of comments, and I wanted to know what your opinion was of the conversation. Endgame. Yeah, there's someone else talking right now.

Connectivity Challenges

All right. Yeah, I'm losing connection. Yeah, you're gonna log in, probably log back in. Okay, cool. I wanted to know what your opinions was of the conversation on Monday night, because I thought a couple of things did perk up in my ears when Elon said that he was volunteering his services, as in the sector of, you know, business services economics.

Insights on Economic Strategies

And he sat there for a little while and actually broke down what. You know, what the economics, what that position would be and what inflation actually is so that some people would understand. And also he talked about, you know, if the United States started tightening our belt, that we could start having better infrastructure and even underground rail.

Infrastructure Development Vision

So I thought that was something that would be good for us to have better infrastructure across the country. So I appreciated that. And, you know, I liked when Trump was president because we didn't have to worry about all these, you know, little country breakouts across the world, and I'll end my plane.

War Ethics and Military Strategy

One instance when Byron Donald was in a conference with Taliban leadership, there was another congressperson that was in the meeting at the same time and the translator for the Taliban leader. And Donald said that Trump had told the gentleman that if one hair of any one of our soldiers was injured, was touched, Trump pulled out a satellite photo of the man's house.

Demonstrating Resolve

He said, you know, I know where you live. And he handed the satellite photo to the Taliban leader and he translated, he said, I'll have you killed if one hair of any of our soldiers is touched. And in the whole period of the rest of the time that Trump was the president, none of our soldiers was injured.

Leadership Comparisons

So the look on the guy's face when he was, when the translator told him what Trump had said, and Trump had just gotten up and walked out of the room after giving him the photo, you know, that was just it, you know, and so, yeah, and then what happened after our evacuation, I saw today they had a parade of whatever military equipment they were able to salvage.

Different Approaches to Foreign Policy

So, yeah, that just shows you the difference in the administrations, how they would handle these other countries. So I, you know, I've made my choice. But, Tara, what did you think about the conversation? I mean, I see hands up, I'll just make one quick comment and then other people want to come into it.

Engagement in Geopolitical Affairs

That would be great. I did, I was really appreciative because they seemed to both want to talk a lot about geopolitics. You know, they know, people want to know about domestic and all that, but they really both understood that there's such a danger in the geopolitical arena.

Recognition of Threats

And Trump even made the statement again, like him or not, he said this new, they were talking about the climate change and all that. And I don't know how they phrased it, but it was like, nuclear warming is our biggest, biggest threat right now. So I think I was encouraged to hear that both of them really understood that was a major threat.

Focus on Education and Vulnerabilities

And I like that they were also talking about education. The education was a big, you know, that was a big point that they needed to work on, you know, because some of the people, some kids and I, schools in Chicago, they said, can't even read, you know, so even when they graduate, they can't fill out a job application.

Concerns for Future Generations

So these are big things that they need to start working on is education, education. So, well, yeah, Mira, like, as it pertains to this geopolitical, like, the recruiters today at the, like, they are doing anything and everything to dumb down things because they realize these kids are coming out. They can't pass.

Education and Preparedness

They can't even pass the AsVab. And, yeah, that's dangerous. It's dangerous and it's scary. Yeah. I will go back to the other hands, but if it comes back full circle, I can add comments.

Continuing the Discussion on Military and Foreign Relations

You know, I will say one thing, mirror about Trump and troops. You know what? You know what's funny is that after Iran attacked our troops over there, you know, when Trump, Solomon and Iran responded and gave how many dozens of our troops TBI and stuff, he didn't do a fucking thing.

Analyzing Military Actions

Back to Iran after that, you know, so 118. And he later said that nobody was injured. Yeah. Tried to cover it up, didn't do a fucking thing. So, you know, that's, that. I mean, that's a fact, too. So, you know, in game also, there were 45 combat in Afghanistan during Trump's term.

Discrepancies in Reporting

So to hear there were none was interesting. I mean, I don't know how we just randomly take, you know, falsities from people and don't fact check them. Yeah, it's. Oh, I don't know, man. That's why I don't support left or right.

Critique of Political Figures

I think, you know, you got biden, that's got his issues. You got Trump got his issues, you know, and Elon Musk, you know, whatever about him, I don't give a fuck about the dude myself. I think he's kind of obnoxious, but whatever, you know, he's made a lot of money in this world somehow, some way.

Reflections on Intelligence and Leadership

So there must be something intelligent about him. What it is, I'm not for sure, but maybe one day I'll realize it. So moving. Moving on here. I gotta move on to some man. Go ahead, Fatanz. You gonna say something?

The Situation in Ukraine

And I think, yeah, Ukraine, they finally have had enough time to make a plan and gather enough equipment and troops to actually execute the plan, because you have to remember the last couple of years, they were promised all kinds of stuff and it all wasn't delivered. And they didn't have the resources to have the supply chains to get the bullets to the front. They might have been in the warehouse, but they didn't have the vehicles or whatever else. And so I think over time, they've learned really hard lessons. I mean, which means cost, lies to figure out, hey, this is the way we have to do an operation. If things go south, we have to have a backup plan. And I think they're getting there. Well, seems that way. It's possible, for sure.

Ceasefire Perspectives

Not the moment. Thank you. Thank you, Nicola. It's always a pleasure to hear you. Who's next here? Go ahead, am. What's up? Endgame. Thank you. So, listen, man, I'll just tell you, like, I was born in Israel. I was actually born in Haifa. I came to the states after Desert storm war. So I'll tell you, like, you know, politics in Israel is mirrored to what politics in the states are. Right? You got the far left, you got the far right, and you got the middle. When it comes to the ceasefire, the far left wants to cease fire. The far right are getting relentless, saying, hey, we're just sitting like dogs here waiting for Iran to attack us and we're not doing anything preemptive. Right? And then if you ask somebody in the middle, they're saying is, if we're going to accept the ceasefire, what happens with the people that may not be found, the hostages? Right. We're being told anywhere from 31 to 33 people are still alive. Right.

Hostage Concerns

But the question really is for the middle people and, you know, in between are saying, well, what's the guarantees that more bodies are not buried? How we're going to find them. And then what's the goal of the ceasefire? Right? What's the guarantees that all the hostages come back? There is no guarantees because Hamas may not even know where everybody is. So, and on the politics side, you got Netanyahu, who's done, he's done, listen, he's done a lot for the country, good, bad and different. But after this, he's done, going to go for elections. And really, Israel doesn't have a clear leader for the future. Right? They've tried Benny Gantz, they tried Lapid, they've tried, you know, Naftali Bennett, nobody's really worked out. So we can all talk about ceasefires and the politics and all that, but in the end, there is no guarantees that every individual, every hostage that's there is ever going to come back.

Iran and Foreign Policy

Right. And my other point on Iran is going to be is that status quo will never be the same anymore. Meaning if you're not going to go for the, you know, the snake's head, which is Dyatollah, then America's really got to look at the foreign policy and say, well, are we going to keep troops in Iraq? Are we going to keep troops in Syria and prolong this getting attacked constantly from, you know, the IRGCs and their proxies and all that thing? So status quo is just, I think we're at an infliction point where status quo just can't continue because if you're not going to go after Iran, then you really got to make a decision what you're going to do with the troops in the Middle east because they're just going to consistently get attacked. They don't want them there. So you got to figure that out.

Political Climate in the U.S.

And I'll just say this, and I'm done with the left. I'm done with the right, with the Democrats, the Republicans. You know, there's no more common sense in America. But what I will say is that we just gotta figure out, as John McCain said, right, if Anthony Blinken was ever going to be secretary of state, that would be detrimental to the national security of America. And I think it's showing right now as we speak, right. He's not the ultimate decision maker, but he does put some policies forward for the president. So, you know, we can look at in many different ways, there's never going to be a guarantee that ever hostage comes back. We wish that they will. And, you know, I mean, say what you want about Trump, good, bad and different. He talks a big game. Sometimes he doesn't show up to that big game. But what we've seen in the past couple of years, pretty scary what the next few years will be, you know, with the same quote unquote type of administration.

The Future of Geopolitics

So I really want you to tell me what your thoughts are. If you don't go for the snake's head, what happens with the troops in Iraq? What happens to the troops in Syria? Do they stay there and we're going to do another 10, 15, 20 years of this? Well, it's hard to say. I guess my question back to you is what's Israel going to do when Iran gets a nuclear weapon? It doesn't seem the US nor Israel have any kind of appetite to militarily do anything thing to stall their program anymore. And I agree 100% with you. Listen, I'm sure they have intelligence, obviously more than we do, and they know at what point they're at or somewhat, listen, I think that Netanyahu is at the point where he's trying to poke the bear. I think he understands that his time is over as leader of Israel.

Netanyahu's Leadership

Right. I'm saying in actual power, he's going to always be in the background. Obviously, he's going to stay as a Likud member in the whole nine yards and be a leader in that party. He's trying to poke the beer and America is trying to stop him. But like, listen, I'm all for preemptive strike. I'm not into war. I'm an israeli, I'm an american. I feel terrible for the innocent kids that are getting killed. Gaza, right? That's just same thing like other speakers have said. When you're killing innocent kids and their brothers or sisters or they see their parents getting killed, what do you think they're going to grow up to be? Hatred. I get that they're going to end up wanting retribution for what they saw.

The Broader Consequences of Conflict

You can't blame them for that. It just force of nature, right. Any one of us would probably be upset if we saw something like that. What I'm saying is that either we go extreme and just do the preemptive strikes, take out their nuclear weapons program and then get to the table, or you're going to take the ceasefire. And I'm telling you now I'm calling it, there is zero guarantees. And I think that's what the sticking point is. I think that Netanyahu understands that if he's going to take this ceasefire deal and not every single hostage comes back that is really detrimental to Israel, you. Know, then you got Trump coming out saying hey, I talked to Netanyahu day and I told him to sign the deal that's on the table.

Regional War Scenarios

Because he knows that the only other solution is a regional war. Right? So do you want to go into a brand new term? I'm not saying that he's going to get, you know, the presidency, that Trump's going to get it, but does he want to walk in during a regional war if he does get it? I don't think so. I think he wants to play his. He's like, take the ceasefire deal now, then let me get into office. We'll put up our policies of putting financial constraints on them, push them back against the wall, let them poke us, and then we do what we got to do. That's my, that's my honest opinion, that I think he's just concerned about a regional war and walking into office with a bag of shit.

Trump's Approach

Well, you know, Trump's Trump. He cares more about himself than anybody fucking else. You know, it's probably more. Yeah, he did one walk into a war, but other than that, he probably didn't give one fuck, wasn't it? You know, who does? You know, you know that. So I don't support politicians because they all, both, all, both Biden, Harris, all. They all have their own fucking agendas. And, and, you know, you would think with APEC in our government, the largest american jewish commission there is, that they'd be prodding Biden toward attacking Iran, but they're not doing that either. So that seems to me that both Israel and American have conceded to it to the point of we're going to let Iran have nuclear weapons.

The Path Forward

There's nothing we can do about it. Listen, honestly, out of this space right now, I would love to hear from all the speakers to see where they are, right? Because when you talk to other people, I'm from New York, so I get to talk to so many different type of people. Some people can care less. Some people like, oh, I don't want a war. Some people like, effort, just take the snake's head out already. We're tired of it. You know, I'm not even talking about jews, just any ordinary person, you know, because eventually it's going to come to our shores, you know what I mean? So, like, I just want to know from the other speakers, like, where's everybody else like today? What do they feel about what should be done with Iran?

Diverse Opinions on Military Action

Right on. Well, you know how I fucking feel. I think we should have took out fucking Iran a long fucking time. Not the people, not the civilians. I think they. That they like the western cultures, the fucking regime that needs to fucking go. And I would have done it a long time ago, you know, but we haven't. Yeah, absolutely, man. We got what we got now. And the way it is. Listen, you take out the regime, you put in the crown prince in there, you'd only. The Middle east will be the new. Honestly, if you take out Ayatollah regime and you put in the crown prince in there, you. The Middle east could really become the next Europe.

Political Ramifications

And Europe is going to be the shit show of what the Middle east was. I agree with that. I like that prince. We've already got him tapped to take the place, but yet we're not ready to yet still pull the trigger on the ayatollah. So there must be more behind it that we're not privy to. So whatever. Thank you, brother. Thank you for the. Thank you, brother. Nice talking to you. Go ahead, professor. Yo. You know, honestly, I think the greatest thing Trump is good at is pissing on his supporters. And he doesn't even have to tell them it's rain. They just think it's rain. That just blows me away. I've never seen another politician in 60 years that has had that capability.

Critical Examination of Politicians

Right? It's like, what Mira brings up is, I wonder if Elmo happened to discuss how detrimental Trump's 100% tariff or replacing the us income tax with tariffs would be to the us economy. Right? No, we gloss over the stupid shit. This man says to focus on other stupid shit that just isn't true because we like the way it sounds. You know, for example, I posted up in the nest Donald Trump, Putin and I discussed forming an impenetrable cybersecurity unit so that election hacking and many other negative things will be guarding. You're going to work with the world's largest state sponsor of cybersecurity hacking to stop cyber security hacking. Stable genius, I swear to God.

Controversial Statements

Like, the. The stuff this man says that makes abject stupidity sound intelligent is mind boggling. And we eat this stuff alive and require no evidence of the fact. Like, no deaths in Afghanistan under Trump wholesale nut tree. 100% documented, easy to verify. And, like, I think there was something else that I wanted to go over. I just can't even remember this point because it's hard to keep track of everything. So, you know, I think this is also like day 796 that BRICS hasn't managed to solve its liquidity issue when it wants to issue a currency as well. But, you know, I'll keep my eyes on that in the near future as well.

Conversation on Inflation

Thank you, professor. Can I have a question to professor real quick? Yeah, go ahead. Who do you think is, has the merit for this CPI? Did you see the report? It's 2.9% now. Inflation. Who do you think has the merit for it. As the marriage for merit? Merit? Who's who? Well, in getting it down, the Fed really, because reduced liquidity. But the economy is pretty tight right now, and it's going to continue to be that, especially in tech and things like that. But, you know, ultimately, the cause of inflation was 80% of Trump's policies. Right.

Blame and Accountability

If they go, oh, no, it happened under Joe Biden. Really? Joe Biden took office January 20 of 2021. Inflation hit in March of 2021. Now, if anybody wants to point me to what specific policy that Congress passed and Joe Biden signed in those, like, 45 days that caused the inflation, and you can explain it in economic terms, I'd be happy to listen to you because that would be a great explanation I would love to hear. Thank you, professor. You know, another thing Trump said, was it yesterday or today or. I forgot. He always says like crazy. He said if he's president, he's gonna get rid of the Department of Education and allow states control the way schools mandate education.

State Control Over Education

You know, kind of like abortion. You know, let the states decide how they teach your kids. Oh, in game, you just reminded me of something else I wanted to talk. Right. Oh. If we just, if we just cut the budget, you know, we can afford more infrastructure. There are eight budget categories that account of 100% of federal receipts, and all eight are untouchable. Nobody is going touch them. So if we cut, you know, all of the other government spending by 100%, we are break even. So if by all means, like Social Security, health, national defense, Medicare, income security, interest, veterans benefits, transportation, tell me which one of these budget categories that you would like to cut by a significant amount, and I'll listen to it.

Government Spending and Accountability

But we run a $1.6 trillion deficit on top of that to pay for everything else. So, like, I love to hear, like, all these politicians talk about cuts, but they say, we're not going touch Medicare, we're not going touch Social Security, we're not going touch the military. You ain't cutting shit. Like all of the, all this is lip service. When people start talking about cutting shit because it's not going to fucking happen. And anybody in this room says we need to cut, by all means. Which one of those eight categories are you going to cut? That's what I want to hear.

Budget Mismanagement

Well, for one thing, maybe they need to stop paying $400 for a toilet seat, and maybe they need to stop paying, you know, $300 for a nail, $600 for a hammer. You know, this is, you know, when they just blindly pay bills for subcontractors or contractors and they have these. These cost overruns and, you know, present these bills for supplies that are just absolutely ridiculous, you know, that, you know, they need to get that in check. You know, any other person on this call that's building a house or you're building a chicken coop or something, you wouldn't pay $600 for a nail or $800 for a hammer if you went to Home Depot.

The Taxpayer's Burden

I mean, that's not even rational thinking. So why should we, as taxpayers, say, okay, we, the people say that it's okay to pay contractors, you know, this. This why it's okay to pay that bill? No, it's not. It's just. It's tragic. It's pathetic that we, you know, that you guys should pay that bill in our name. Well, I agree. It's actually tragic to equivocate military spending with running down to Home Depot to buy a hammer, because when they do that, what they're doing is guaranteeing that they can have delivery of certain parts and anywhere in the world within a certain timeframe that is baked into that actual cost.

Military Budget Discussions

Yeah, but that's not. That's not 100% how it happens. Just from being on the other side and writing the proposals and seeing how it happens on the. On the back. If you are not their number one preferred provider who can, you know, just name their price, you don't win. And because of all the lobbies and all that kind of stuff, they get away with murder. And they are paying a lot for stupid ass services. And even if you say you're going to guarantee this, guarantee that half of that crap doesn't, great, let's just cut. 50% off of the top of the military budget, all right?

Debate Over Overspending

I'm not talking about military. I'm just talking about. I was on the pharmacide. I'm talking about, like, the gazillions of dollars that's just thrown out there for whatever reason, they do need to be negotiated better being from the other side of it, and we don't need to have. Right. Why? Why are you against saving money? I think we're missing the point. But what, like, I'll just stick to the military for right now. That is the point. Why are you against saving money? Mirror. Let me.

The Ineffective Budgeting

Let me show you my point. I'm not. You're misconstruing my point. Let's say 50% of the military budget is waste. Not even remotely true. That's $400 billion. Okay? Now we only have to cut another $1.2 trillion to get down to even. To even not. Not making bills with. Have you never seen bills with. With cost, you know, where they were, the cost accounting? Have you never seen bills that have, you know, $600, $600 plumbing supplies and.

Misallocation of Funds

So how much the $800 million. How much of the $800 billion military. Budget do you think I'm talking about? Just. Just bills. Yeah. They do it on military. How much of the entire budget do you think is waste? I mean, when you're talking about actual. When they've got supplies that they can bury their. They can bury their. Caught their overruns in, then, yeah, there is a lot of white government pork. A lot of it.

Budget Accountability

So what I'm saying, you know, do you feel that we should keep going ahead and just saying to our supplier contractors out here, do you think it's okay if we keep telling them, okay, it's business as usual, we're going to keep paying your pork? Is that rational thinking mirror, or do you think security. Tighten the belt. Social Security and interest payments or $2.4 trillion? I'm trying to explain something to you. I'm talking Social Security and interest payments.

Government Spending Insights

Why is it so difficult for you to actually listen and try to understand what I'm saying? Out of $4 trillion security. There'S $4 trillion in tax receipts. That's our, you know, enough arguing, man. I got 25 minutes left, and I got two people to go to. If you two want to argue over politics or economics, you can do it in your DM's. Nothing against either one of you. I like both of you, but I got to move on.

Conclusion of Arguments

There now. Hold up. I wasn't arguing. No mirror. Just. Just enough. I got to move on here. I got two hands up. I've got 20 minutes left. I got to give other people their air time to. If you were speaking. I wasn't arguing. I was just making a point and then jumps in and. I get it. I get it. If you two got shit, why are. You getting on me? Was not arguing. I'm not going to argue with you now, so I'm just moving on.

Wrapping up the Discussion

Mira, I'm not saying anyone's arguing. You're debating. Let's put it this way. I don't have. I wasn't even arguing. I was just saying a point. And the guy jumps in and starts, how was I arguing? I used the wrong word. Debating. Then. Put it that way, man. I was just making my point and the. Dude, you made your point. Now I got to move on here. I'm running out of time. God damn. I'm sorry you feel that way.

Addressing the Audience

Go ahead. I do. I do. I feel that you were, you know, jumping on me for something that I hadn't even done. Professor in on it. I see. Let him jump in, you know, and when I'm trying to finish my point. And then, you know, Mira, I've got to move on. I'm sorry if it offended you. It wasn't meant that way. Accept my apology now. Go ahead. Go ahead. Cannabis.

Overall Atmosphere

Hey, man, how are you just trying. To maintain the peace in this fucking town? You used to have a rule, right? And then you, like, slacked on the rule. And ever since I've been listening to you for, I think, two and a half years, for probably two years and three months, you'd be like, I'm so happy. I don't love anybody spoke about domestic politics. This is a geopolitics show. And you. You would brag about how you learned your fucking lesson over the years.

Engagement with the Audience

I've got answer to the people that want to come to my show, too. I've had other people say, can we talk about other things other than geopolitics, like economics? He had a rule where people couldn't break in and be nasty, but he hasn't been because I can't. You know, I try. I put it out there and I try to enforce it, but so many fucking people don't want to listen. It's hard to enforce. I don't have co host. I do this on my fucking own.

Conclusion on Show Management

And so people don't want to respect me, that I don't respect anybody fucking else. Respect me, and I'll respect you, all right? This is my show. I'll run it however the fuck I want. And if anybody doesn't like it, there's a goddamn door. Now, go ahead. Cannabis.

Google Reviews Hilarity

Still. I don't know if you saw it, but, like, they were. They were putting Google reviews on local businesses in Kursk. And, like, the shit was hilarious. It was like I drove my used Bradley fighting vehicle over to the cursed car wash, and they didn't have any employees. This is worth only one star review. And then like, another one, like, was put on. It was like I went down to, you know, whatever, the Kursk diner, and the service was horrible because they didn't have any employees either. Like, it was crazy. Did you, did you see that?

Insane Decisions and Responsibility

Yeah, I laughed when I saw that. Man, that was insane. And then just with, you know, this thing tomorrow, I don't like it when other, I don't like it when we stick our nose and trying to make a decision on whether it's Israel or whether it's Ukraine. Right, fate. Because there's no skin in the game on us making a decision. I'll give you an example. So I'd probably be brazen enough to tell Trump and Biden for that matter, and anybody else in the us administration. Okay, we're going to listen to you. So number one, by the us representatives telling us we need to take this, you're guaranteeing everybody around us is going to love Jews at that moment and that nobody moving forward for at least the next five years will get killed by any palestinian or anybody from Hamas.

Consequences and Fighting

And when they say, no, we're not going to guarantee that, I would then say, okay, let's up the ante. If we do this and one person in Israel dies, you have to kill yourself, you'd be like, fuck no. Right? And that's because then they don't believe in it, right? They just want it off their, up their fucking plate, all of them, right now, because none of that's going to happen. Even if they sign a peace deal, they're not going to stop fighting. The fighting didn't start on October 7. The fighting started way before October 7. I was listening to some space and they counted up the number of Israelis who died in the twelve months before October 7 by rockets or gunmen. It was like 400 people. Right? So this isn't going to solve anything. And sometimes you just got to fight, right? Which apparently nobody's willing to do.

Iran's Nuclear Weapon Concern

I have no idea why the US doesn't care if Iran gets a nuclear weapon either. I think it's downright bizarre. I don't know, if they do get one and they do something, there's like nothing we can do, right. To the former presidents for allowing it. Right? So again, they have no skin in the game whatsoever. So it'll be interesting tomorrow to see what happens and, you know, what they agree to, you know, and what, you know, what could happen is both BB and Trump wind up in jail, because if Trump doesn't get elected, right, there's all these other cake, like that shit's not gonna get dropped. You're probably not gonna go to prison. I read house arrest. But anyway, there's no skin in that.

Pressure on Israel's Decisions

What do you, what do you think about that? Like us telling them, you need to do this, but we won't take responsibility if then they do it and a bunch of people die. Well, I agree. We shouldn't be telling anybody anything, you know, we don't let anybody tell us what to do, you know, and, you know, we're the big, you know, and we're not the bully, I wouldn't put it that way, where we're the big guy in the room that no one wants to fuck with because we're 3ft taller and 200 pounds heavier than everybody else. But, you know, I think it's bullshit. I mean, then some people say, well, Israel has to listen to us. They get there, they get 3.4 billion a year from us, and they get all kinds of ways, weapons and, you know, look at all the ships right now that we're putting at risk to save their asses and all this other shit.

Israel and Defense Relationships

And people say stuff like that and it's like, it's just the way it is our little brother and, you know, we're, it's like Iran says, we're big Satan, Israel's little Satan. And so we, you know, we'll defend our little brother just like anybody would defend their little brother, but at the same time, our little brother has to listen to us or we're not going to fucking defend them. And it just comes down to that. You know, there's no way Israel could take on Hezbollah and Iranian backed proxies and the Houthis on their fucking own over there if all of them decide to attack Israel at the same time. So Israel has to listen to us. I mean, like I said, $3.4 billion a year. They're, they're the high that we give the most money to Israel than any other country in the world on a yearly basis for defense needs. And so Israel has a total obligation to have to list it.

U.S. Influence Through Funding

I don't like that. But that's how we get people to listen to us as we fucking give them a lot of money. And then we turn around and say, hey, listen, motherfuckers, we just gave you a billion fucking dollars. You're going to fucking listen to us with that billion dollars isn't ever coming back again. That that's our pool. We're like the godfather. We do that. We do that kind of mafia shit on other countries, even our own allies. So if I was running Israel and I listened to our advice, the US, and something bad happened, I'll tell you what I would do, and nobody could stop me. The US couldn't fucking stop me. I would cut a deal with China. I would give China a fucking military base as big as they want on my land.

Military Alliances and Choices

I tell the US, take all your fucking equipment and get the fuck out. We roll with China. Now, they could do that. There's no. Right. There's nothing that would stop them from doing that. They could. Right. And I'm saying if we take. If they're forced into bad advice, they could do that whether they will or not. Probably not. But at some point, China wouldn't make that deal. Well, and that. That could be true, too. But if they did, if they wanted to, right, they could. Not that they would. You could also go to the Russians. That would be a bad mistake, but they could do that, too. Hey, Russia, you want a base? You got one in Syria? Why don't we build the biggest fucking military base in the entire Middle east? No, why don't we build the biggest military base in the fucking world? Right? So there are things they can do.

Power Dynamics and Opinions

If our advice goes sideways. Anyway, with that, I'll let other people speak endgame. Appreciate it. Thank you, cannabis. Nice hearing you, buddy. And don't put no more Google reviews and curse. I give them a one star and yell, go ahead, Nicolette. Well, first of all, in game, yes, it is your space and yes, you had rules and you bent them to give people a little more stretch. But yeah, people abuse it. Then, yes, you have every right and reason and appreciate you for reeling it in. And so just here to back you up a thousand percent and agree 1000%. But anyway, moving on. Thank you.

International Relations and Obligations

You have to realize, well, first of all, I think the US and Israel do have certain signed agreements about defense, so might have to check that part of it. Cannabis. But, yeah, and Israel, you have to remember there's still a lot of old Israelis who escaped from Russia, so that's not an option. And I don't think China is either. But yeah, there's. And there's. The problem is us. There's push and pull from both fire and both edges. But I think because I'm a moderate, I'm in the middle. You know, there's good and bad on both sides. We have to meet in the middle. And I know several people that I've heard from, and I really wish the other guy who was from Israel was still on here.

Internal Politics

But, you know, there's a whole lot of people who, you know, I mean, in their minds, Netanyahu's a criminal, and the only reason he's doing this is to stay in power because otherwise he'd be in jail. So there is a whole lot of internal and external internal politics going on along with it's just all very messy. And we are only seeing the glimpses that we do from the outside. We have no idea what negotiations are going on, what bargaining or bartering is going on. And although Israel and their history has shown, they will basically do about, I mean, I can't remember what the trade was, but it was like, even just to get the bodies back, they gave, they released x amount of prisoners or to get some hostages.

Trade and Hostage Situations

Israel has always given up more than they gave. And I think this time they're playing a lot harder ball. At least that's just my. And I would like to hear other thoughts. Thank you, Nicolette. Appreciate that. Go ahead, Tara. Yeah, I suppose on that one I am, and maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. But, like, there is that deepest religious history that I don't know if everybody's always taking into consideration, and I don't know if those are their true motivations or not. I don't know any of them. But when you really do practice religion and when you read the Old Testament, I don't know, you know, for any christians or whatever, you read the Old Testament, it's very different than the New Testament.

Historical Context in Religion

And the Old Testament is all about battling for. You can look at all the old timelines and all that, but I'm just going to keep it simple. But battling for Israel, God wants you to battle for Israel. That because he's, you know, whatever you have to do. And there's so many chapters in the Old Testament about battles, like fierce on battles, destroying the other side of, because they're pagans or whatever, the false gods, etcetera. So I have to imagine that's part of their mindset. I mean, even me reading the Old Testament and reading the New Testament, I got that really good sense. If you're going to fight for God, you fight for God and you wipe out the enemy.

Religious Honor in Time of Wars

So, and it's honorable. You must get the body back. You know, they deserve proper burials, all that kind of stuff. So. So I wouldn't be surprised. And that's actually nice. I think it's following in the tradition but if it's beyond that, then I can't say it's right. But if they are fighting in the spirit of the Old Testament, which most jewish people, that's, that's what they learn, then I understand what they're doing. You know, and even in the Old Testament, it's. There was the scripture today, you know, I go to kind of mass a lot, but the scripture today was wipe out the old, the young, the children, the everything, because that's their mindset, you know, and for better or for worse, I did adopt kids from Ukraine, and their brains are wired differently.

Cultural Perspectives and Parenting

When you grow up in some kind of communist place or some kind of deep seated religious history and stuff, that's generational and their brains think differently. Well, that's part of my argument. Right? Which is I'm not arguing not to protect Israel. I'm arguing because we are giving the appearance a, we don't want to fight. B, we don't want to fight Iran. See, we're pushing them into it. And I don't know if the deal is good or bad. I just don't like us telling them what they have to do. And then, you know, I agree. Right. And there's no ramification. No ramification whatsoever.

Consequences of External Pressure

If they take the deal and then 10,000 Israelis are wiped out because everyone's going to look the other way and go, well, that's not my problem. Why did you listen to us? You shouldn't have listened to us. That's. That's the problem. Right? That's the problem where the Ukrainians would be like, fuck you. Right? Yeah. I'll be sure. I'll be curious to see if Israel, like, listens to him or not. Unless there's, like, a backup plan. Because I do believe everything that I've watched Netanyahu do, I do believe he's fighting.

Netanyahu's Leadership and Decisions

I don't know. Like, I'm very naive, but just reading the Bible and seeing how he's fighting, that's the kind of, it's like the David, you know, just look at the whole kings sections. But, like, he calls his kings, God calls his kings to just destroy the opposition, just wipe it all out. And that's the way I see him fighting. And for him to sign a peace agreement, I don't know, there has to be something more to it. Just, you know, my take on it.

Political Dynamics and Negotiations

Nothing saying it's right or wrong, but that's where I'm. What's even more bizarre. And I don't know what everybody else thinks of this either. Today. Today there was a lot of articles out that Iran hacked into, not only the Trump campaign, also the Harris campaign, and is stealing all kinds of shit. And again, our leaders, Trump, Biden, are, like, fucking totally cool. Mandy, like, sign your shit with Hamas. We're not worried about it. It's all good, right? You would think you'd be like, we're not taking a fucking. We're not doing any deal after you've broken, like, the two campaigns.

Iranian Hacking and American Policy

But no one's really outraged about it. Well, that's what I've been saying. There's something hinky going on between Iran and America, man. I mean, this has been happening for a long time. This just didn't start happening now. This has been happening for ever since Iran started building this nuclear program. We've just been turning a blind fucking eye and letting them, you know, like I said, they've built their sites in the side of the fucking mountains. And we've sat here and watched them fucking do that for decades, not doing a damn thing.

Political Inaction and Legacy

And that's both republican presidents and Democrat presidents fucking just sitting there twirling their fucking fingers. I go ahead and do, you know, make it harder. And so I think there's something going on between us and Iran. I really do. I don't know exactly what it is. And it ain't just to do with the Biden administration or Trump or Obama. It goes way back. And so I can't put my finger on what exactly do we get out of being allies with fucking Iran, you know, because it seems like behind the scenes, that's what we are.

Iran and American Relations

And I hate to fucking say that makes me sick to my stomach. I shouldn't say. I keep saying iranian regime. Again, I got friends that are over in Iran, and they're decent fucking people, man. They like western music, they like to wear fucking, you know, our type of clothes and shit. And so I'm, again, the iranian regime, they're the ones that need to go, not the fucking people, man. But there's something going on between our government and their government.

Suspicion of Underlying Deals

And what that is, who knows? Maybe they're giving us fucking gold or something. Who in the fuck knows, man? You know? Go ahead, Nicola. Well, and the word is called oil. And professor might be able to back me up on this, but if there is a huge, major disruption and oil flow and even though there are sanctions on Iran or whatever else, we all know that they provide x amount of oil into the market. And if shit really blows up in the mideast that spreads, that could really disrupt the whole oil flow throughout the whole wide world and will make everything you have by cost a zillion.

Economic Implications of Oil Disruption

You think there's inflation now? I mean, although they say it's coming down, but I'm not seeing at the grocery store or anywhere else yet. But that's why all this is about when it comes to ramp and sort of being hard, but not hard. But when it comes to Israel, one thing, and I've learned this Shana, who I follow, she lives in, like, a suburb of Jerusalem, and she's been on many spaces and Aaron's space on like, Sunday and Wednesday, which his will start at about like seven, but that she'll say it's like there's. And I can't remember exactly the name, but this one type of jewish sect, and they have been exempt from military service because of whatever sect they are where everybody else, you know, they all have to spend so much time doing, well, military or service to the country, you know, after high school.

Military Service Exemptions and Controversies

And they've been. It's like 28% of the people of this country have been exempt from this mandatory service for everybody else. Well, finally that got revoked, and they said, no, you got to join the rest of us because we're at a crisis time, so your party's over. And you. There was like, so there's some people, and this is part of the religious thing. Just because they're jewish doesn't mean they're all the same type of Jewish. Just like, you know, if you're Islam, you're not all the same type of Islam. Just like if you're Christian, you're not all the same type of Christian.

Religious Diversity in Communities

And that's where it gets really tricky. So thank you very much, Jay. To answer your point, Iran has the capability to interdict about 15% to 8% of the global oil supply, which would push the price of oil to about $250 to $300 a barrel. Yeah, that's what I've always heard, too, you know, but my question is, I understand the oil thing. I've talked about that numerous times on my shows. I get that, you know, I push that a lot. That that's the main reason. But on the other side, so is America and Israel supposed to turn a blind eye to Israel's nuclear program because we're afraid of high oil prices? That's my question.

Nuclear Concerns and Economic Interests

Well, I mean, from a geopolitical standpoint, there may be a better way to do it than, you know, thermonuclear warfare. But, you know, hey, this is why they get paid the big dollars and we don't. Oh, this goes into, like, a whole circular, too, with. And we heard this during the ukrainian war, right. From people. Now, none of us believed it, but. Right. Well, if we. If we do that, it's going to be nuclear war and we don't want nuclear war. If this happens, it'll be, you know, could be nuclear war.

Escalation Threats in Global Relations

So then I would always, you know, my question was, so then if Russia said, we're taking Texas or you're going to get nuclear war, then we would have to because we don't want nuclear war. Okay, you can take Texas, and that's the same thing with the iranian oil, right? Like, hey, we're going to go slaughter 19,000 people. And if you cross us, oil is going to double. And we'd be like, yeah, we don't want that. Go for it. Right? Like, some point you got to make a stand.

Long-term Strategy vs Short-term Solutions

Yeah, I agree with cannabis here. Like, you know, I think if we had just done it 20 years ago, it's short term pain versus long term gain. But that's the problem with the us political system. Whichever party does that is going to be smoked for eight years. So who, like new Republicans, want to take that? The Democrats want to take that. I mean, we keep hearing out of republican dumb fucks, oh, drill, baby, drill. Donald Trump's going to bring back an oil revolution. We can cut off the rest of the war world from us oil.

Political Manipulations in Energy Discussions

And it's utter and stupid nonsense that I keep having to explain why it doesn't work that way. But, like, it's just gonna suck for whoever does it. But I wish we would have done it 20 years ago. Yeah, or what just winds up in another big terrorist attack, like the first one where basically Osama bin Laden was like, you know what? These Americans are fucking stupid and they're weak. Let's fucking hit them. Right? That could also happen, right? Like, yeah.

The Rise of BRICS and Future Projections

The only thing I'm curious, and I know people get triggered by the word bricks, but for better, for worse, there is a meeting right before the us presidential election, I think. You know, like, Russia and Iran, they just signed a major oil deal, already starting to build pipelines, all that kind of stuff. And I'm thinking they're scared shitless if any of that infrastructure gets blown up. Their whole economic plan that they're trying to build. I'm not saying it will win or not. And to build the multipolar polar world, they don't want that screwed up.

Concerns Over Infrastructure in Global Politics

But I am. I still try to have a word of caution. I don't know what they're telling us, not telling us, but they have planned a big meeting with all, even Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, they're totally protecting Venezuela right now. All these oil countries to come there right before the US election. Hopefully it'll be a nothing burger. But I'm just still trying to flag it as maybe that's what they're saving up for. I don't know, it's just something to watch in my mind.

World War III Speculations

I think we're setting up for a war. Venezuela down the road here to get Maduro out of there. You know, Biden was on the phone with the panamanian president today and they both agree that Maduro needs to go and that the election was a sham. And so I think there's something militarily wise coming down the road from Maduro here. If he doesn't leave, like right now, man, I really, truly do. I think it's going to be Panama and probably about six other countries. But Russia just sent, I don't know if it's there or not, a nuclear sub to hang out right outside of Venezuela.

Geopolitical Pressures Surrounding Venezuela

I don't know. You know, like I said, I still believe we're in the beginning stages of World War three, so that wouldn't surprise me. But, you know, I don't think we're going to allow Maduro to sit there much longer. Going to do a Gaddafi? I hope not. We're going to do a Gaddafi on them. You watch and see. But anyway, I'm already running overtime. I got two people who want to speak here, so you'll be my last two.

Debate on International Strategy

Go ahead, Carlos. Hey, good evening. Always a great conversation here. So. And sitting here listening for a while and enjoying it, I think it's kind of twofold. The way I look at it. You know, the role of government here in the United States that we have is not to necessarily produce industries. It's more around the role of government is to create the environment that's conducive to businesses being successful.

The Role of Government

And every bit of what our government has done has been counter to that, not only in terms of environmental regulation, but also the wages. The wages. And that's what has really made things challenging for our country is to really a new industrial revolution, to create a new manufacturing revolution here in our country. And that's not taking place. So we have offshored a significant amount of our manufacturing capabilities. And I think that's where the rubber hits the road, is that when the United States companies that are manufacturing here are dependent upon whether it's rare earth minerals, whether it's parts that are manufactured offshore and then brought in to bring a finished product that they deem that's made in the USA.

Manufacturing Dependencies

That's where the difficulty is. I think the energy sector, the energy portion of it is definitely a major portion of it that's going to drive the cost. But I think the major concern is that what happens when these countries that do have the rare earth minerals, they do have manufacturing capabilities, because us companies have offshored so much manufacturing. What happens at that point? And we are very much a service driven economy and also consumer. Those are the things that drive our economy.

Service Economy Challenges

I think the ideal around government is to not necessarily have so much regulation, but then also the environment that warrants companies investing manufacturing capabilities here in the United States. But unfortunately, a lot of our companies have found that counterproductive because they found third world countries with cheap labor and cheap manufacturing. And so it's been one of those things that we've kind of done it upon ourselves in terms of where this is evolving. And an interesting take was I heard someone talked about the BRICs and how they're evolving.

Shifts in Global Trade Dynamics

So the comparison to that is when you look at the g seven was for the most part, the European Union, the West, United States, and that was like the economic development platform of future indices and trade. So the brics is counter to that. The BRICS is a whole new evolution of trade, of manufacturing, of those. So it's a matter of this is the United States join and participate in a multinational type system that's based upon different means of trade, even outside the dollar, or do we remain isolated because that's where we're landing?

Geopolitical Isolation Concerns

We're becoming more and more isolated through this, where we're depending upon the g seven, the European Union that's slowly dying, or do we evolve? And my fear is this, is that I'm waiting for the adults to enter the room. The adults enter the room to say, hey, look, we can all play in this space, right? It's a huge world, it's a huge globe that we can all be successful. We can all manufacture, we can all dictate certain terms and be successful, but not leveraging the us military and sanctions and weaponizing the dollar as a means to the ends that they've done for several years.

The Need for a New Approach

So hopefully we can evolve and get some perspectives to people understand what that may look like. But if not, we run the risk of what the european unit is doing right now, where it's dying a slow death, right now. And that's not what we want here for our republic at all. And that's what leads to war. So we need to get there. Thank you, Carlos. Appreciate that. But like I said, I got to wrap this up.

Conclusion and Closing Remarks

I'm already over time here. But, appreciate everybody. Sorry I got upset earlier. But, hey, you know, sometimes I got to rain shit in, man. You don't rain shit in, then you get fucking pissed. So it is what it is. I'll be back Friday night with another show. Should be more news to talk about by then. So everybody have a great morning, afternoon, evening. Do something positive in this world, and I'll talk to everybody on Friday. Take care.

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