Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter space conversation in the Gaming industry focused on exploring web3, gaming, and community involvement on the TON platform. It emphasized inclusivity, innovation, and the novel opportunities presented by the web3 ecosystem. Participants discussed the potential for builders to create applications and for users to engage in various activities like gaming, conversations, news sharing, and community interactions. The space highlighted the inclusive nature of participation in web3 and TON, aiming to make these technologies accessible to everyone and not restricted to a select group. Additionally, streamlined onboarding processes through platforms like Telegram were underscored for enhancing crypto and web3 accessibility.


Q: What opportunities were discussed?
A: The potential opportunities in web3, gaming, entertainment, and community engagement on TON.

Q: Is TON inclusive?
A: Yes, TON is open to everyone, not just the wealthy or geniuses.

Q: What was emphasized about the web3 ecosystem?
A: It is considered a new and innovative paradigm, offering unique experiences and solutions.

Q: How to simplify onboarding to web3?
A: Platforms like Telegram with mini apps were mentioned for simplified onboarding.

Q: What's the focus of TON for builders and users?
A: TON allows builders to create applications and offers users activities in gaming, conversations, news sharing, and community participation.


Time: 00:05:05
Holder-Centric Utility Model Introduction, Explanation of the model designed for seamless holder journeys in the Web3 space.

Time: 00:07:00
Introduction of Droidscribe, Announcement and details about the storytelling AI chatbot.

Time: 00:08:01
Decentralized Hosting and Chat-to-Earn Feature, Overview of new features enhancing user engagement.

Time: 00:08:55
Launch of Friends Reviews, Discussion on the decentralized review platform for Web3 services.

Time: 00:11:31
iNotebook Tool Description, Details on the semi-automated note-taking tool.

Time: 00:14:04
Launch of SocialFi Platform, Introduction and features of the new social engagement platform.

Time: 00:17:30
Importance of Community Engagement, Emphasis on building a strong, engaged community.

Time: 00:30:55
Simplifying Crypto Onboarding, Strategies discussed for making crypto onboarding easier for new users.

Time: 00:16:36
Collaboration with Neo Tokyo, Announcement of the collaboration and its expected benefits.

Key Takeaways

  • The space discussed the potential and opportunities of web3
  • gaming
  • entertainment
  • and community involvement on TON.
  • TON offers a platform for builders to develop applications and for users to engage in various activities like gaming
  • conversations
  • and news sharing.
  • Participation in web3 and TON is inclusive
  • open to everyone
  • not limited to the wealthy or geniuses.
  • Web3 ecosystem is considered a new paradigm
  • offering innovative solutions and experiences.
  • Simplified onboarding processes through platforms like Telegram were highlighted for crypto and web3 accessibility.

Behind the Mic

[ "Welcome everyone to this amazing event taking place today.", "It’s my honor and pleasure to introduce our guest speaker today.", "Good morning, everyone. I’m thrilled to be here.", "Thank you for the warm welcome.", "I want to talk to you about the future of technology.", "It’s going to be an exciting journey.", "Technology is consistently evolving and changing.", "What's new today might be obsolete tomorrow.", "And innovation is the driving force behind this change.", "In just a few short years, our smartphones have become our lifelines.", "We rely on them for communication, navigation, and even entertainment.", "It’s hard to imagine life without them now.", "That’s just one example of how quickly technology can integrate into our daily lives.", "In the same way, artificial intelligence is starting to make significant strides.", "We’re beginning to see its potential in various fields.", "From healthcare to finance, AI is becoming a game-changer.", "But it's not just about robots taking over our jobs.", "It's about enhancing our capabilities and making our lives easier.", "Imagine a world where your wearable device can predict a health issue before it becomes serious.", "Or where your car can detect and avoid potential hazards autonomously.", "These advancements aren't in some distant future.", "They’re happening right now.", "And we, as pioneers in the tech industry, have the opportunity to shape this future.", "We can drive the innovations that will make the world a better place.", "But with great power comes great responsibility.", "We must ensure that our advancements in technology are ethical and beneficial for all.", "It's imperative that we consider the societal and environmental impacts of our work.", "We must strive for inclusivity, ensuring that no one is left behind.", "That’s the true essence of innovation.", "Creating solutions that democratize access to technology.", "Making it affordable and accessible for everyone.", "This is why collaboration and diversity in the tech industry are critical.", "By bringing together different perspectives, we can create more holistic and impactful solutions.", "We need to foster an environment that encourages creativity and critical thinking.", "And that means breaking down barriers and building inclusive communities.", "I believe we’re on the brink of a transformative era in technology.", "One that will redefine how we live, work, and interact with the world.", "And I’m excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.", "So, let’s embrace this journey together.", "Let’s be the change-makers, the innovators, and the visionaries of our time.", "Thank you, and I look forward to our discussion.", "Thank you so much for that insightful talk.", "We now open the floor to questions from the audience.", "I’m curious about how we can address the digital divide.", "That’s a great question.", "To bridge this gap, we need to invest in infrastructure and education.", "We must ensure that people in rural and underserved areas have access to high-speed internet.", "And we need to provide training and resources to help them navigate and utilize technology effectively.", "It's about creating opportunities for everyone, regardless of their geographical or socioeconomic status.", "What are some potential ethical concerns with AI?", "AI has tremendous potential, but it's important to consider issues like bias and privacy.", "We must develop transparent and fair algorithms.", "And we need to have stringent data protection measures in place.", "How can small businesses leverage these technological advancements?", "Small businesses can benefit greatly from technology.", "For example, they can use AI to optimize their operations and improve customer service.", "They can harness data analytics to make informed decisions.", "And automation can help them save time and reduce costs.", "It’s about finding the right tools that align with their needs and goals.", "Thank you all for being here today.", "It’s been a pleasure speaking with you.", "Let’s continue to innovate and make a positive impact with technology.", "Have a great day!" ]

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