Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space focused on various AI topics such as ethics, algorithmic challenges, and the real-world impact of AI technologies. Discussions highlighted the necessity for context awareness and ethical considerations in AI development. Participants engaged in debates on free speech, moderation challenges, and interpreting intent in digital content. The space provided insights into the limitations of AI algorithms in understanding nuanced context and the implications of misjudging content online. Overall, it shed light on the complexity of AI ethics and its influence on digital interactions.


Q: How important is understanding ethics in AI and technology?
A: Understanding ethics in AI and technology is crucial to ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI systems.

Q: What are the challenges associated with AI algorithms misinterpreting content?
A: Challenges include the potential for biased decisions, misjudgment of intent, and the misinterpretation of context in AI-generated outputs.

Q: Can AI effectively differentiate context in online interactions?
A: AI’s ability to effectively differentiate context in online interactions is often limited due to the complexities of human communication and interpretation.

Q: What are the implications of balancing free speech with moderation on social media platforms?
A: Balancing free speech with moderation involves navigating issues of censorship, harmful content removal, and ensuring respectful online discourse while upholding individual freedoms.

Q: How do AI algorithms interpret intent and context in real-world scenarios?
A: AI algorithms interpret intent and context by processing data patterns, which may sometimes lead to misinterpretations or misjudgments, especially in nuanced situations.

Q: Is there a need for greater context awareness in AI algorithms?
A: Yes, there is a need for greater context awareness in AI algorithms to enhance their ability to understand the subtleties and nuances of human communication and interactions.

Q: What are the limits of AI in understanding nuances and complexities in online content?
A: AI faces challenges in understanding the nuances and complexities of online content due to the intricacies of language, cultural references, and the dynamic nature of human expression.

Q: How do ethic…
A: Ethical considerations guide AI algorithm decisions by influencing the development, implementation, and outcomes of AI systems to align with moral principles and societal values.


Time: 01:10:14
Ethical Communication Necessity, Discussion on the importance of using ethical language and behavior as the crypto community expands.

Time: 01:29:07
Encouraging Critical Thinking, Urging community members to be critical thinkers and analyze information deeply.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of understanding AI and ethics in technology was emphasized.
  • Real-life examples showcased AI algorithm impacts on decisions.
  • AI’s capability to differentiate context effectively was questioned.
  • The delicate balance between free speech and censorship on social media platforms was explored.
  • Challenges in AI algorithms misinterpreting intentions were discussed.
  • Complexities of freedom of speech and potential censorship online were debated.
  • Ethical considerations and interpreting intent in online content were focal points.
  • Limitations in AI algorithms understanding context nuances were highlighted.
  • Navigating moderations and AI algorithms complexities online was a central theme.
  • The impact of AI algorithms on distinguishing context was examined.

Behind the Mic

That’s not how the process goes, it’s not unreasonable. You’re disconnected so that’s not unreasonable, you say, show me the papers you have for the payments? Otherwise, hello. Hey, I’m glad you told that story because I’m sitting here fuming thinking, that’s not exactly how the IRS process goes. Yeah, no, especially. That’s the problem. There’s no consistency. There’s no accountability. They don’t even know what’s going on and they just start sending out letters, presumably, to squeeze money out of people. Makes me mad. Did you know that there was a 60-minute story a week ago? I think it was produced the week before last, where the IRS has been targeting the lowest income earners in America because it’s easier for them to generate revenue by auditing them than trying to take on people who have lawyers in their corporate taxes. Yes. Yeah, I think Diane was saying that they received funds too, right? For that particular program? What the hell does a program like that have to offer an IRS agent? Who goes to sleep at night saying— Well, it’s easy audits. They don’t—they’re not going to lawyer up and fight you with their IRS. They know exactly what they’re getting as far as compliance. Exactly, which makes them even lazier because these agents won’t even go into criminal cases to make sure the statutes are in place. And then they can go and shut down decent people who made simple mistakes, which ties into their family’s merits. Well, make sure your mom gets online and gets her IRS identity locked down. It costs you about $20 a year to do it, and you can free—make sure that she doesn’t ever become victim to this kind of thing again. I don’t think that was a problem. The issue was they literally had her payment on credit card, couldn’t find it. And instead of researching and fixing their processing, they just continued to screw it up. And they’re like that now. Imagine what’s going to happen when they get their— what did they get—$80 billion this year put in for 80,000 new agents or something insane like that? Yes, something like that. But maybe things like that will get addressed. Maybe, or they’ll just make it worse. So, there’s been situations where the IRS has found processing issues within their systems. And that’s essentially what they did. They basically just overhauled. They changed their whole processing system without telling anyone. Think about it. We’re arguing about the process of the IRS here. Now, a criminal within the IRS, he literally could take people’s tax returns and turn them in, change the addresses, falsify the POAs. And all this person has to do when they get a check now is just disappear the evidence. He can run away because no one’s keeping—no one’s even watching him. Because of changes in the system, they literally made it easier for criminals within the IRS to falsify information and commit crimes. So, you got to have confidence that some aspect of the IRS is actually making it better for people. But it’s going to be really difficult to do if they can’t even— Well, I haven’t seen any accountability there, my friend. I haven’t ever seen it. I think we’ve lost Jackie again. Hey, you know, I got—I went on a rant there, but it frustrates me because when people don’t realize—especially in crypto, you think the IRS is bad? At least in the United States, you have some sort of legal recourse. Try arguing with an exchange that’s not your exchange, like Binance or something, and try to get money back that was taken from you. It’s almost impossible. Whenever you’re dealing with crypto, that’s one of the biggest problems the IRS is going to try to look into. But until then, we’re going to be faced with it. So, speaking about that, though, here’s another question. At what point is the IRS going to recognize your crypto taxes and create a fair policy for it? Or are they just going to screw with us the whole time? When they recognize that all the BTs are selling phony LLCs. Right, and that’s the same problem. These same BTs that are running these schemes—that’s the entire problem with crypto right now. It’s the schemers. It isn’t the real people wanting to make the moves. It’s literally MLM Pyramid nationwide. And we really have to—they need to start thinking about that stuff. Well, the only way they’re going to clean it up is by self-regulating. Let me tell you, 100%, if you think the IRS is ever going to be—for something that’s going to track it and fair to that, you’re absolutely crazy. Because they don’t give two—no, they’re always—There she goes again. As much as I don’t like taxes, as much as they don’t make any sense, I have to pay them. And the fact of the matter is, as long as that’s here, I’m going to keep them. But businesses need to have a way to recognize real value. They need to have a way to keep their people employed. What we really need to do is make it fair across all businesses, and all fields of employment. Not just mercenary bit-tier guys, who go out and open companies and open taxes. Well, let’s jump to more information on IRL topics on how the tax code works in conjunction with each other. Because if it doesn’t work that way, you’re going to destroy this whole economy. We—We had an acquaintance of our family who got away with a long crime, and got away for a while. Well, how he got away was he applied for—he did tax returns. He filled out regular tax returns, signed off on his own name, and then used a fake name and company, and got nearly $30,000 back a year from tax returns. That long, long gone now. So when you have somebody with that knowledge, that goes down to a whole—Well, actually, Donna, you may have already jumped into it. Do you have something you want to say? Dolores, don’t give up the platform. What? You got something? Don’t give up the platform? Are you sure? Yeah! IRL related. No? It wasn’t me? Somebody else? You, Donna? Hey! Do you know how to do it? Is it something on IRL? Do you know what he’s talking about? You want some stamps? You’re scaring her away. She was serious. Hey, everyone. How about a self-tax audit instead of an IRL event? Yeah, what do you got? We got rugged. Okay, what’s going on here? What are you talking about? Yep. You can instantly integrate all this crypto right into your tax return, right? Okay. Well, let’s. The platform’s yours. Come on. OK. He has no idea. It’s his time on the platform, and he’s gone. He’s gone? Don, did you walk away? No. I’m responsive now. OK. Who else is here? Nobody else, but I’m still building. My understanding is we’re still building. Oh, here. I hear Esteban. Hey, JC. How are you doing? Even if I’m rugging left and right? Well, you’re doing good. I feel like I’m in my own space with you. You heard that story a little earlier? What’s that? What a benefit to everybody. You know, Donna, you may have already jumped into the IRL event topic, so I think that might be the next focus. And again, this wasn’t one when. When we first started this. IRL? Yeah. Washington? No, but they just figured they had a captive audience. They were going to use our test dummies. Oh, you’re in Riverside? Borderline, you’d essentially feel as if it was a difference approach. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Don’t get me started on this. Remember, we talked yesterday. As long as he’s happy. Got no problem. Well, at least that’s consistent. Yeah. She’s still on. in West Coast time. Where’s the clock West Coast Time? Who? Yeah, here. I’m here. By the way, thanks. Did we get Chuck? Not sure. We lost him. Okay. Is back. I’m back. I’m back. You’re right. I’m totally fuming. I’m pretty upset. You’re talking about IRL events? Well, no, not IRL events. You want—what? I can—don’t give it to me to cover any IRL events. Are you talking about paying tax in IRL events? What was that all about? Yeah, with her situation. OK, go ahead. Well, it’s because they moved right onto the tax topic. Well, let’s do it this way. My mom paid taxes in 2019, in 2021. They said they never got her payment, although I sent them a copy of the credit card that we used to pay the taxes off. We didn’t hear anything from. They said, well, since you haven’t paid, we’re going to fine you $89. And so my mother said, does not argue with them. Just pay the $89. Then the next year, we get a bill. You didn’t pay your $89. Now, you know, owes $98. And mom said, just pay the $98. Then we get another bill for the $693 she owed in taxes. And she said, just pay it. And so what I did is I wrote on the bill they sent us, this is a 94 year old blind woman that you’re screwing over. When are you going to get your shit together? And three months later, we get a letter in the mail from a person in the IR’s saying, oh, we found the error. We’re really sorry about all of this. You won’t hear from us again. Well, that’s my requirement. Okay? That’s what it’s going to take to shut them down. They don’t like it when you curse. I bet. when you curse. No, but it’s—you know—you should—anyway. I think you just have to always cover IRL events. They could potentially use it. And trust me, you can’t mess around with the IRS. When next ms. wildcarding after the train spreadsheet, you know they will mess with people’s minds, which they are going to have to address. That’s me. OK, by phone and via call. JC Logic. Yes, Donna was right, OK. We need to have more IRL events at that point. Hang on a second. Is that the new plan? Or was that just—I think that was leading into your argument earlier? About displacement. Who could start talking about it? You can start figuring out how. He’s disconnected again. IM just going to put an end on it, so everyone can jump on it right away. I’m ready now, can you start at Central? JC, what do you mean by coming back? You were on the West Coast? Niadala, you start adapting to the coast. Okay? On this particular chain to the district of Maxwell? Today. Now you’re eastern is. How does 08:00 p.m. work for you? It’s not bad, really, but I’m still. My body’s still on west coast time, so. Is it really? Yeah. So when I stay up till west coast time, ten, I’m right up here with all the degens. They’re all awake. Oh, God. So are you going to become a djen? Well, I am. When I’m on the east coast, I sit right in. Okay, so. So remember, you know what happens on the east coast stays on the east coast, right? Yes, that is very true. I want everyone to know that. Okay, good. I do want everyone to know they can go get some stamps today and tell all your friends, too, because. You. Want to see how many people can get those little lightning bolts today. Excellent. Hopefully a ton of them. You’ll get a ton if you hop in there. But, you know, you’re, you work with Smith river equipment, so it’s called an ass load. All right, well, right now I’m working for us, so we’re doing. I do. I do want to report that everyone has abandoned me out here, so they may be already on a. An event run or something. Who knows? Well, what’s the temperature sitting right there now? I don’t know, 90 something, 80 something. Oh, well, you know, right now it’s like 60, 66 degrees outside. We’re gonna have a scorcher. Damn. You’re gonna have a great day. Okay, bus, it’s all yours. All right. Thank you, everybody, for being here. By the way, the monsters are running wild. So grab a hold of whatever you can and have fun. And I’m going to close it out with. On the day when the tuning is done we’ll take our leave and go soon may the watermen come to bring us sugar and tea and run one name at a time we’ll take our leave and go we take our leave and thank you, everybody. We’ll be back next week, same time, same channel. And thank you all for being here. Thank you, Jej. Thank you, Mama Donna. And remember, if you get arrested for getting stamps without a license. I will help bail you out. Hey, everyone, have an amazing weekend. Tune into telegram so you can keep track of all these crazy mobbers.

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