Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Gate.io x Slash Vision Labs(SVL) Space AMA hosted by GateioLive. The Gate.io x Slash Vision Labs(SVL) Space AMA delved into essential aspects of crypto analysis, streaming opportunities, and the collaboration between both entities. The discussions provided valuable insights for individuals interested in becoming GateLive streamers, with details on potential earnings and the partnership's goals. Gate.io's initiatives and support for the community were also highlighted, showcasing their commitment to fostering knowledge sharing and engagement within the crypto space.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: What topics were covered in the Gate.io x Slash Vision Labs(SVL) AMA?
A: The AMA touched upon crypto analysis, streaming opportunities, and partnerships.

Q: How can one apply to be a GateLive streamer?
A: Interested individuals can apply through the provided link and potentially earn up to 70% commission.

Q: What are the benefits of joining GateLive as a streamer?
A: GateLive offers significant commission rates and a platform to share insights with the community.

Q: What was highlighted about the collaboration between Gate.io and Slash Vision Labs(SVL)?
A: Insights were shared regarding the partnership's goals and potential benefits for users.

Q: How does Gate.io support its community through initiatives?
A: Gate.io provides opportunities for learning, earning, and engaging with the crypto space through various programs.


Time: 00:15:42
Crypto Analysis Insights Deep dives into market trends and analysis shared during the space.

Time: 00:25:19
GateLive Streamer Opportunities Details on applying to become a GateLive streamer and potential earnings.

Time: 00:35:50
Partnership Details with Slash Vision Labs(SVL) Exploring the collaboration objectives and benefits for participants.

Time: 00:45:27
Gate.io Initiatives in the Crypto Space Insights into Gate.io's community-focused programs and support initiatives.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussions on crypto analysis and market insights.
  • Opportunities to apply as a GateLive streamer with significant commissions.
  • Insights into the collaboration between Gate.io and Slash Vision Labs(SVL).
  • Details on how to earn by joining GateLive and sharing valuable content.
  • Information on Gate.io's initiatives and partnerships in the crypto space.

Behind the Mic


Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Thank you very much for joining us. We are back with another AMA special AMA with the slash vision live. How you guys doing? And thank you very much for tuning in. We got a special guest, Tokyo from Vision Labs. How you doing, sir? I'm doing well, thank you. Thank you, GM. Good day. Good evening. Wherever everyone are. Where everyone is, I guess.

Campaign Announcements

All right, thank you very much. Okay, so I guess before we get into the discussion, we would like to let you guys know we got a few campaigns going on. So if you guys are watching from get live room, you guys already know what it is. Rep packets will be distributed multiple rep packets will be distributed during this AMA. So I hope you guys win some of that. Usually it's just, they're just going very quickly. So please go ahead and try to as soon as possible. As fast as possible. And just a one tip you get, if you guys are listening on a get IO app, I guess you have a better chance of winning the right package. So if you haven't downloaded it, just get all I olap app, go ahead and do so for now.

Lucky Draw and Engagement

And also we got a lucky draw. Winners. This is for, this is for x audiences. So if you guys are watching on an x, sorry, listening on X, you guys will have a chance to share this 16,008 SVL token priceful. All right, so if you guys are here supporting us, thank you very much, first of all, and also if you guys are listening and please just so us that you're here by just throwing emojis and given as a comments in the comment section below and tell us why bullish on SPL. All right, so and also that, yes, sir, winners will be announced later on after this AMA. So stay tuned as well.

Referral Campaign and User Engagement

And also that another campaigns gone on share to win audiences who share this AMA live stream to the social media was standard chance to share the star share. The 16,000 I was 16,000, 110 thousand and 672 SBL prize post. Good luck with that as well. And also we got a referral campaign as well. So you, if you guys are watching and also inviting your friends to watch this session will each, we will each receive $5. All right. And also for new users, if you guys haven't created another account, I mean get, I get IO official accounts, you guys have might as well do so for now and you might win the chance to win, I mean you might stand a chance to win a five dollar reward as well.

KYC Verification Rewards

And also if you guys do it and I just go through the KYC verification process number two. You also receive the $5. So make sure to do so today. And if you guys already have, this is not for you. But thank you very much for supporting us. You guys are awesome as always. And we see you guys familiar faces out here. And without further ado, we go into getting to the discussion. Oh, one more thing I forgot before I made. Before we go moving on, nothing we discussed is the financial advice. So please just do your own research before you make any investment decisions.

Research and Special Guest Introduction

But we always here to support you guys, especially in Dyor, your own research. So we always value, deliver the value, valuable and helpful information for you guys to make a better financial decision. So this is why we brought a special guest today to Kyo from last Vision Labs to learn more about what's going on with this last visualize behind the projects. All right, so I guess. Oh, yeah. And also, my name is Danny from Gator Gate, IO community manager and today's co host. And so I guess we can get into that.

Discussion with Tokyo

We can get it started. So, Tokyo, are you ready? Sir, yes, sir. Yes, sir. Thank you. Thank you for the introduction. Thank you for having me. All right, sounds great. So could you please briefly introduce yourself and your back crystal backgrounds and as well as a little bit briefly about Slash vision Labs as well. Sure, sure. Okay. Hey, everyone. My name is Tokyo. I am currently the CEO of a project called Slash Vision Labs. I joined the team right at the beginning, late 2022. I started out as an intern, actually, kind of just jumping into the crypto scene, and I came from non crypto background, so I only jumped.

Tokyo's Role and Vision Labs Overview

I only, you know, started at the tail of, I guess, defi Summer, you know, at the tail of the last bull run. So I haven't really seen the actual bull run yet, the craze just yet, but this is. But I'm currently overseeing operations, partnerships, investor relations for slash vision Labs and heading the biz dev with a team of around 18 people. 18 or 20 people now, yeah, so far. And slash vision last really briefly, and I'm sure I'll get into the explanations a little bit later, but we are a crypto payments project and we're focusing around East Asia and more specifically Japan.

Understanding the Crypto Card Mechanics

What you usually do is you top up that card account or card wallet address with a stable like USDT or USDC. And whenever you use that credit card, the available balance decreases. So it's a credit card that works like a debit card. And this is typical. Right. And I'm sure a lot of you listening have access to some sort of services that do this. The problem with countries like Japan or Korea is that a lot of card issuers don't actually allow Japanese residents to sign up for cards that are issued outside of Japan. They kind of like, there are sort of gray areas and they enable such a feature through like internal-only cards or, you know, business cards that are kind of sold as retail cards. But, but at the moment, as we speak right now, there are no actual compliant, you know, crypto card in Japan at the moment.

Challenges in Using Crypto

So like we explained before, it's really hard to use your crypto whenever you want, especially with someone like me or probably a lot of DJ's listening in, you're getting paid in stables or you make money trading. Right. So it's important that we have ways to spend crypto without going through the whole hassle. So that's the problem that we aim to solve. And I guess the innovation in the crypto industry is not just obviously us, but as the crypto card businesses as a whole. It's kind of starting to boom back again as we look to enter into the bull, sort of the bull market. We have a lot of startups like ourselves issuing cards in different regions. I think what's different about this cycle from the other cycles is that we are more, we, including us, are more sort of aware and sort of, what do you call it, forward or we are more aggressive in actually working with compliance.

Evolving Regulatory Landscape

Back in the day, it was like, oh, defi, everyone can use the card and everyone can go wild. No, it's not like that anymore. It's very clear that governments don't like that, regulators don't like that. And for projects like us who rely on sustainable growth and who aims to be the catalyst to mass adoption, you know, it's really important that we work with actual, you know, regulatory framework that exists and have our project grow, I guess, sustainably. So the real innovation that we are doing is actually not so much on the tech side, but I guess more on the compliance side to be able to form an architecture or like a product architecture that actually works with strict regulations like that of Japan, like that of Korea, Singapore, etcetera.

Vision Labs and SPL Token

Okay, awesome. Thank you very much for answering the questions. I guess so I guess that we can move on to like, SPL tokens that you guys offer along with the slash car. So could you tell me more about this SPL token? And also what makes VL token unique compared to other, your computers? Yeah. So SVL token SVL is a ticker of our token starting visionlabs. It actually got listed on gate today like 15 minutes ago, right when this space started. So everyone, if you're interested, do check us out. But the SVL token is our sort of native utility token for the entire slash vision labs ecosystem and plays a crucial role in driving users engagement and participation within the ecosystem.

Unique Aspects of SVL Token

And what makes SVL, I guess, unique is the 100% revenue redistribution model, where all revenue generated from our payments products like slash cart is going to be redistributed back to SVL token stakers in a form of different tokens. We're not going to be giving it out in stables because that will make it, what do you call it, sort of like a profit share. So we're going to be redistributing the profits by buying MNT or rept BTC and then giving back to the community within the mantle network. Also, the SVL token is on the mental network, and mental network is one of our big supporters and we've been kind of building this together. And the only utility really for the SVL token by itself is for you to stake the token, just like you stake CRV within curve and you earn rewards the longer and the more you stake.

Staking Mechanism and Rewards

In a similar format, SVL can be staked from one week up to two years. And the longer and the larger amount that you stake, the more rewards that you get. So these rewards are actually coming from one. Like I mentioned before, the revenue generated from the card product. And another is we also allocate 10% of the, of our entire token just for the rewards. And this rewards are given out weekly and also released in a linear basis from the moment of TGe up to four years from TGE. So you know, you have a chance to earn these rewards as a token staker. And so these are I guess regular rewards. And then we have also irregular rewards where we work with partners like Gate or work with partners like Mental network, right, where we just give out, airdrop, certain amount of tokens with eventual network.

Ecosystem Growth and Future Plans

It was MNT based on how much tokens, how much svls you're staking. So we kind of do a tier breakdown and if you stake this much for this long period, you are entitled to this amount of rewards. So in short, in conclusion, the SVO token, what it does is we encourage people to stake in exchange for rewards that we can create within the ecosystem moving forward as we enter into the bull run. And then we have more, I guess, transactions happening on a slash cardinal itself. The slash card, I forgot to mention, is not yet launched, but it is scheduled to be launched later this year or maybe early next year. So I'm thinking like December, January at the moment.

Anticipating the Launch of Slash Card

Official announcement to be made soon with the Japanese partner. And once that card is live, you know, all token stakers will have exposure to the transaction fees that we collect just for kind of just a ballpark figure. This is nothing concrete, but as you know, credit card fees are anywhere from, probably crypto credit card fees, anywhere from 2.53% to on the high end, sometimes 5% if you include all the fees that are involved. So imagine if you have a million transactions happening on a weekly basis, you as a token staker have exposure to, let's say 3% of that. So $30,000 on a weekly basis given out to the entire ecosystem as fees. So the bigger that we become and the more popular that we become in these countries, the more rewards that you get, the more, I guess, yield is created to you as the token staker.

Current Benefits and Token Staking

So that's what the SVL does, and that's how the, for simply how the SVL ecosystem kind of works. Okay, thank you very much, Tokyo. Just to follow up with questions, you said last card is not available yet at the moment. So for the speakers right now, if I hold this VR right now and try to stay as long as possible, what kind of benefits can I expect at the moment, if there is any? And what benefits? Like what other benefits can you? Yeah, for now, token stakers are still entitled to the rewards that are created from the native tokens that we have. So I mentioned 10% is allocated for rewards itself.

Yield and Staking Ratios

So that's already put in a different contract address. It will never be moved, and it's given out to the ecosystem on a yearly, sorry, on a weekly basis. So you as a token staker right now, you can gain yield from the rewards that are given in our own native tokens. And right now the APR is still quite high. It's about 61% right now. I mean, of course we started at like 300%, but it soon came down. We're kind of sitting around 60%, 61% right now. And the staking ratio is about 47% of the entire circulation right now. Okay, that's awesome.

Clarifying the Slash Card Launch

And also. Okay, so for the slash card, just a clarification sorry, I'm just sticking with the card. But yeah, no worries. That's our main product, so that's completely. I mean, that would be very beneficial. I mean, like very useful. Especially, like, it would be very helpful, like to not being able, not, not needed to just using a p, two p to just cash out and then just put into my play back another bank, transfer into another bank accounts and etc. So with this cars, can you cash out in fiat currency through ATM or via ATM or through the bank?

Regulatory Constraints and Card Utilization

Would it be possible with the Japanese cardinal? Most likely no. So there is. So Japan has all these regulations. This is not non crypto related, by the way. It's just all like credit cards in general. There are different levels to a credit card and that the card that we are going for, that falls within sort of our regulations is going to be for shopping only. Okay. How about internationally? Oh, sorry. Go ahead.

International Expansion Plans

Yeah, yeah. So, but for the international audience, we are actually trying to structure this whole thing with a different card sponsored card issuer outside of Japan. And with those guys, yes. They will be able to use cash out from an ATM and that card is actually scheduled to be launched sometime around the same time as well. So we'll have a Japan specific card for the Japanese users and we'll have a standard sort of crypto card, just like you would see with calm for non-Japanese users.

Community Engagement and Expansion

So we are mainly targeting a lot of Asian countries that don't have, I guess, strict crypto or credit card regulations. All right. Okay, awesome. Thank you very much for answering the follow-up questions. And also one more thing before we move on to the last question. So you guys have already a strong community out there, I'm assuming. Where is your community hanging out at on the telegram or discord? What kind of social media platform you guys have? Yeah, we're on. We're on Telegram, we're on x, we're on Discord.

Community and Upcoming Events

So we've got everything. A lot of our community is in our telegram and Discord channel. A lot of them are Japanese. Right. Because we are a very Japan region focused product for the reasons I mentioned before. But we are actively expanding our community now. We'll be at KBW Korea Blockchain week this week, and we'll be at Token 2049, speaking with partners communities there. So with the card launch happening very soon, we'll be looking to expand our community for anyone interested in Japan looking to have exposure in Japanese projects, I think, yeah, we'll be a good community to hang out with and we'll be able to share you insights on what we see over here outside, and we can compare notes, you know, what you see outside and within Japan.

Crypto Adoption in Japan

I think crypto in Japan still has a lot of potential because, like, I don't know, compared to, like, a lot of Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam or the Philippines, where crypto adoption is very high, like 25%, 30% even. Crypto adoption in Japan is still at like five 6%. Out of that five 6%. The people who are regularly, you know, on crypto, Twitter, and touching wallets, doing airdrop stuff, it's probably only half of that. So we want to be the catalyst to onboard these next, you know, I guess the.

Catalyst for Mass Adoption

I guess the regulars into actually coming into the cryptocene. And one of the best ways for us is to actually make crypto useful and through this card, just like how crypto.com was a big thing back in 2017 or 2018 or whatever in the states, and it led to a lot of people adopting crypto. We want to be that for Japan. And Japan is still the fourth largest economy in the world, a lot of spending power, a lot of money to spend, and people save a lot, too. So, you know, sort of enabling these users to be able to use crypto easily, I think will be sort of, what do you call it?

Goals for the Future

A great opportunity for us. And we're really looking forward to kind of spearheading Japan's crypto journey moving forward. All right. Okay, awesome. Thank you very much. I mean, you guys are going to be a, could be just the biggest and then a key drivers of the mass, achieving the mass adaptions and, well, aka, I guess, like turning normal people and attract investors into these gents out here. Yeah, yeah, that's the idea.

The Vision for Slash Card

That's the idea. I mean, the slash card will be connected to wallets and we'll be airdropping all these different, you know, coins. I think, like, we can think of these, like, meme coins or these tokens as almost like points that are given away, like, mileage. You know, we're going to give these users who have never touched crypto just airdrop them a bunch of beam coins or whatever on a weekly basis. And it's free money.

Making Crypto Accessible

And it's important for us to let them know that this currency or this token can actually be spent. It might be just coffee, might be just water, but just using that card and having that experience and using crypto as actual currency, I think it's going to change a lot of people's minds. And you know, turn that switch on within their heads. Yeah, 100%. 100%. I love your vision.

Future Growth Plans

So I guess thank you very much for sharing all these, but I guess that we can move on to the last questions that I can order future growth and like as you mentioned, your companies, the projects is trying to achieve for sustainable growth within the Japan japanese market and also Southeast Asia and also around the globe. But I guess could you tell us a little bit more about the future plans and future developments growth that you guys trying to achieve and how will the SVL token be involved within the ecosystem? Yeah, sure. Sure. Thanks. I think this is a really important question, so thank you for that. So kind of recapping. Our immediate focus is on expanding the slash card or launching the slash card and expanding a slash card adoption across Japan and other asian markets where we see tremendous potential for growth, as I mentioned before. And we plan to use a slash card as an introductory gateway for people to come into the crypto space, giving crypto easy utility.

User Engagement and Wallet Integration

Also with this slash card app we will have the wallet connect or we'll create a wallet for each and every single user. So everyone that signs up will have a wallet themselves. And then we become through that wallet, we become I guess a window, a sort of a point of contact for users to connect to. Just different dapps that are out there and introduce them to new concepts, not new concepts, introducing to concepts like staking or lending, stuff like that. For them to actually be able to use their crypto for. For, to earn, I guess, to earn yield. I mean, as you know, Japan has one of the lowest interest rates in the world. It was negative until very recently. And them raising rates has kind of caused a bit of a sort of temporary, I guess, temporary crash in the ecosystem, but it still remains very low.

Platform Accessibility and Future Trends

So we want to introduce these ideas of creating yield from just having crypto just stables through windows like this and kind of enable users and kind of handhold these new users throughout the DApps, I guess, ecosystem, not just on our own. We can just be sort of the aggregator and help them guide and help guide them through their journey by making crypto more easily accessible through this sort of user friendly platform. You know, we again aim to be sort of a catalyst for onboarding the next wave of crypto users, raising crypto doctrine from 5% to 10%, 15% even. And you know, once BTC hits 100k or beats all time high and goes 100k, you know, it's going to be crazy, right? Media is going to be covering it again and people are going to be wondering, how do we use crypto and how do we get involved?

Partnership and Brand Visibility

And we hope to be there, to be the leader in the space. Also, we want to kind of maintain our position and our brand as one of Japan's sort of leading web three projects, or crypto projects out there. Most of you listening, you probably have heard of Astro network, very famous, and then also the new Sony and chain. But out of those two projects, these are infrastructures, right? These are networks. I personally don't know other projects, other japanese projects focused on Japanese users and japanese founders. so, you know, it hope to, we hope to be one of the few ways for any user or all users to have exposure to the Japan's crypto landscape and hopefully it'll be through us. Awesome.

Disclosure of Partnerships

Best of luck with that. And you might support as well as just a japanese resident out here, but big props to what you guys have done and what you guys trying to achieve. And if you could just share a little bit of a partnership that you might be able to just disclose here if you can, that's fine. Also, is there any alpha for our audiences that you want to share? Is it partnerships? Yeah, if there's any partnerships like within the Japan or global markets? Yeah, yeah, anything like anything. Sure, sure. So I mentioned Mito network. They are actually one of our big partners, and we've also kind of gotten their support through grants before.

Partnerships and Collaborations

So we've run certain campaigns on board japanese user to the metal network. We also work very closely with Bybit and ZoomX, especially with their user acquisition stuff and user engagement campaigns within Japan. We did get listed on Bybit first, and one of the fusing reasons was were crucial in getting new japanese users onboarded onto the bybit ecosystem. So that was one of the reasons why we did an IGO. We can buy a bit. So those are, I guess, our big global partners. And within Japan, we actually partnered with JPYC, which is a stable coin ish. JPY backed stablecoin ish. The reason why I say ish is because under the japanese regulation right now, there is no stable coin that is like accepted or exists yet.

Investment and Strategic Initiatives

That's why we also work with a web two payment processor, payment acquirer called Softbank payments. And we've been trying to work out a way for, you know, off on ramping off ramping for merchants that want to use and accept crypto on the investor side of things. We have a lot of investments from japanese VC's, crypto VC's. I'm not going to name them out because you probably don't know them, but a few of them. And we, yeah, we actively work with a lot of different projects that, especially those that want access to japanese users, japanese communities. One main announcement that is expected for September is our announcement with the japanese Cardiff shore.

Exciting Upcoming Collaborations

So, you know, we're in the final stages of working things out. I still can't announce it yet, but we'll be announcing a partnership with a card issuer that's been in the game for a long time. And that will be sort of the key driver, I guess, for our SVL token as well as our project moving forward, at least for the rest of the year. All right, Tokyo, thank you. I mean, Tokyo, thank you very much for sharing this exciting announcement as also partnerships. And also just let you guys know we are moving on to Q and a section soon.

Transitioning to Community Q&A

But I hope you guys have received a rep packets already out there in a get live drive room. And also, lucky draw winners haven't decided yet, so we haven't picked the winner. So if you guys are here just supporting us, Mazda, just throw them whatever the emojis you guys have. Go. Yeah, you guys have at the moment. And also, if you guys tell us just why you bullish on splash, please tell us in the comment section below this through the comment icon on the bottom, brightest bottom and about a bottom right side of screen. Oh, my goodness.

Token Tradability and Incentives

And also, yeah, SPO token is available to trade tradable on a get IO. So if you guys haven't, don't have accounts, please do make creator account today and started just going through the KYC too so that you will be also you might be able to win the $5 reward as well. All right, so Tokyo, thank you very much for answering all these. We can move on to Q and a section from the community. We got five questions. Are you ready? Sir, yes, sir.

Audience Engagement in Q&A

All right, so first we have first questions or maybe just let you know your audience. The audience is some of the questions, some of the answers might have been touched on the by Tokyo already, but we like, as I said before, these questions are pre picked before this AMA. So but just to, you know, I guess give you guys a reminders through these questions. So we got a third 1st question coming from Jo next underscore J. How. So the question is how does the integration of NFTs as a staking keys enhance the utility and value of SFP tokens and what strategies are being implemented to drive the adoption of SBL tokens among, with both individual users and institutional investors, particularly in new and emerging markets.

In-depth Discussion on NFTs and Staking

I guess you have touched on this, but could you elaborate on this? Yeah, sure. So I guess thanks for the question, John. XJ, I think it's really important. I really like that you guys deep dived already into a white paper and understand how our staking mechanism works. For those of you that don't know, in order for you to stake SVL within our ecosystem, you don't only need SVL, but you also need to have an NFT on the mental network and a lot of people don't. So it's totally okay because we do provide a free NFT within our ecosystem. But the way it works is you stake SVL using the NFT that you have as sort of a key.

Utility Enhancement through NFTs

So the stake position and a key NFT is always a pair. And that kind of when we integrate these NFT as a key within our ecosystem to significantly enhance the utility and value of SVL tokens as well as nfts, right? So I know nfts is like not another a thing anymore. I guess people aren't really interested in it, but it's because it doesn't have any utility. Right. By us providing these utilities, what we aim to do is to provide unique experiences and reward system and reward boosts based on the different nfts that you have. So if you stake 100 svl on NFT a, you might just get exposure to the hundred svl.

Incentives for NFT Stakeholders

But if we're doing a special campaign with gate and you know, the gate NFT, if you stake 100 svl onto the gate NFT, you might have exposure to ten SVL staked positions, even though you've only staked 100. So having that 10% boost gives you more rewards and more voting power within the ecosystem. And we aim to expand these partnerships. And we already have different partners like Boso Tokyo and even we're looking to work with citizens of mental on this to create unique rewarding experiences for the different types of nfts that you have. And this is really important for us, not really for the, I guess the DJ's and the native web, three people, but onboard the next wave of new users, right.

Onboarding New Users

Typically these new users enter into the crypto scene touching nfts because it's easier to, I guess, understand and they have nfts from the stores that they go to, from the projects that they've encountered. And we want to kind of, I guess, create unique rewards based on their previous experiences. And I think what nfts, how nfts will play a significant role is with the launch of the slash card. So if you've shopped at the, I don't know, Adidas before and you have an Adidas NFT, you might get a, you know, additional cash back when, once you shop on adidas.

Dynamic Reward Structures

And we'll be able to do that because we'll be connecting your wallet and we'll also have your KYC data and we'll also have your spending data. So we'll all, we'll be able to create very dynamic rewards and loyalty programs or loyalty experiences for the users. So, I guess to, the nfts are there to try to, in order for us to drive adoption, not just existing users, but for new users. And each NFT or some nfts that you may have will have differing sort of elements. Reward boosts reward characteristics. And we hope to utilize this NFT ecosystem as a base for us to work with more and more projects out there.

Future Questions and Engagement

All right, thank you. Thank you very much for answering this question. So we got four more questions to go. Number two question coming from Black Death 279-627-9696 the question is what role does the mental networks native token MMT and play ins last vision labs ecosystem? And how does the benefits of sdl time lock nft folders? Sorry, can you repeat the last part? I got, I got disconnected there. Yes sir. So, well, let me just read through it again, once again from the beginning.

Understanding the Role of MNT

So what role does the mental networks native token MLT play in plane in this last vision ecosystem? And also how does the benefit svl time lock NFT holders? Right. So for those of you, again, just to kind of re explain, svl time lock nft is just like the uniswap v three lp Nft that shows you that is a proof of your stake position. Think of it as the same way. So if you stake svL, you get a time lock, what we call a time lock NfT that represents your stake position. And so mental networks mnt token plays an important role in our ecosystem, particularly in supporting the infrastructure and operations of the platform.

Incentives and Benefits for Token Holders

For SVL time lock or time lock NFT holders, MNT offers additional benefits in addition to the native token rewards that we create. So I explained, you know, way that way before where we're using a lot of the revenue or the protocol revenue to redistribute it back to, into the ecosystem. How we're actually going to do that is all the USDT or the stables that we collect from our protocol, we're going to be using it to buy up MNT tokens and then we'll be redistributing MNT tokens to our ecosystem holders. So you as a token staker or a time lock NfT holder, you on a weekly basis, you can get rewards in both MNT tokens as well as SVL tokens.

Adjustability and Future Prospects

That's the role mental networks MNT token plays. This could change with a vote. You know, it could turn into maybe WBTC. It could be, it might be maybe me, right? Mental, mental eth. But that's sort of, MnT is sort of the default setting at the moment. All right. Okay. Thank you very much for answering this. And let's move on to number three question is, coming from Monolith Monalisa 90.

Token Circulation and Price Stability

If you can post a link, please do so. It's all on there. But the upcoming SVL token schedule has been carefully planned and we ensure a balanced approach to making sure tokens get circulated in a balanced manner. And then we can maintain price stability as well as stability within the ecosystem. And the next token unlock that is going to be happening is going to be at the end of December. So until, from now until end of December, there's no major token unlocks for investors, teams or anybody. Certain unlocks that could happen is maybe like the promotional stuff that, you know, people do with maybe like gate right now where we giving away certain amount but that those, that's gonna be small amounts and yeah, so there's not a lot of selling pressure until end of December, which is good for us and it gives us time for us to prepare and announce I things like card and launch things like card so that we can have a solid user base and solid foundation for the token when investors tokens vest, I guess.

Long-term Token Holder Strategies

And I guess the second question is like what strategies that I have in place to enhance benefits for long term token holders? That's already within the tokenomics, I guess. Or the token ecosystem design where the longer you stake and the more you stake your SVL tokens, the more rewards you have or the more voting power you have within the ecosystem, which means the more rewards you get within the ecosystem. So the long term holders, long term commitment guys are the people that are getting the more the large portion of SVO and the MNT that we'll be giving out. We also have a product feature called the discount pool, where we're actually enabling investors to pull their unvested tokens and enabling retail users to take position in a stake, enabling users to be able to buy and stake SVL directly from the investors invested portion.

Discount Pool Mechanics

So that, and, sorry, let me repeat that again. So we are creating a discount pool where we enable investors to pull their unvested tokens for them to be able to sell to retail users before the vesting period. And then for the user side, they can buy these tokens and stake these tokens at a discount from the market price. So it's almost like an OTC or like a p two p thing from investors to retail users. What that allows us to do is create benefit for both sides users to be able to purchase tokens for the long term and stake them at a cheaper price for investors to be able to sell the tokens before they vest. And for all of us outside of that relationship, it creates a sort of a balanced and sort of, what do you call it? Yeah, a balanced chart or price action, because we're not going to be facing sudden sell off immediately at the time of vesting.

Future Plans and Challenges

So we do have a lot of these things in place, and we plan to sort of implement and introduce more different concepts so that we can ensure that everyone stays happy and we don't have sudden price fluctuations either on the upside or the downside. All right. I mean, that's a unique approach. I guess both retail users, I mean, retail holders, investors that they can access token, token, whether at a cheaper price and discounted price, and also investors, institutional investors, or just city investors, whoever that is that are trying to sell the tokens, they can tell sell it without affecting the market price and liquidity pool and stuff like that. So that's a unique approach that you guys are taking. So let's get move on to the next questions. This coming from caucus twelve.

Ultimate Vision of SVL

What is the ultimate vision of SVL vision labs? How does the projects aim to impact the web three space and the broader digital economy? How does this SVL also plan to stay relevant as the web three space evolves and the new technologies and competitors emerge? Is there any AI integration? Got it. That's a loaded question, so I'll try to tackle it one by one. So the ultimate vision of us vision Labs is to become the leading gateway into the web three space by making crypto more accessible, practical, and user friendly for everybody. So I kind of explained this before, but we aim to bridge the gap between tradfi and digital assets by first starting with enabling seamless transactions and fostering widespread adoption in the broader digital economy.

AI Integration and User Data

We intend to be a catalyst for the next wave of adoption. Like I mentioned before, when crypto adoption in Japan becomes from 5% to 10%, we hope to be that catalyst. And this is going to be done through our main product, which is slash card. That's happening very soon. The AI side of things. Of course, there are discussions that are happening internally in order for us to utilize and leverage AI to make the web three experience better. However, I'm not going to go out and say we have all this in the roadmap. I don't know that AI and web three is like a really a thing just yet. I mean, there are protocols out there like near and what do you call it, like arweave that have all these visions. But it's still a very early stages.

Data Collection for Custom Experiences

However, when the slash cardinal launches and we have a solid user base and we have a solid foundation of users using and spending their, their crypto, we'll be able to have, we'll be the only company in Japan that will have one, users KYC data, two, users wallet addresses and their wallet activities, and three, their spend data. So, you know, no company right now has all these three data. The data points and the data that we collect from there will be able to offer unique loyalty programs, unique sort of reward systems that is specifically customized for that user. And for us to design a unique experience, I think we'll need to leverage AI to do that and to, you know, analyze users sort of behaviors, characteristics to create the best user experience for everybody.

Challenges and Strategic Responses

So that is in a discussion. It's definitely not on the roadmap just yet, but these are the things, I guess, we're thinking about. Once we become sort of the catalyst and the point of contact for the new users to come into the crypto space, we hope to leverage AI to provide sort of a tailored, custom user experience based on their characteristics, behaviors, and their spin data. All right. Okay, thank you very much. Okay, so right now, Tom, let's go into now last questions that come in from marine. Now marginal, marginal. Sorry if I'm going to mispronounce your name, but the question is, what are the biggest challenges faced by the SPL token projects. And what strategy do you plan to implement, overcome these challenges? Right.

Regulatory Challenges

So for us, one of the biggest challenges that we face as a project is navigating the complex regulatory landscape, also the ever changing landscape, particularly in Japan. As I mentioned before, it's really important that we ensure that the compliance is there while innovating and growing in a tightly regulated environment such as Japan. So in order to overcome this, we had to kind of redesign how the traditional, how the typical slash card business model is built. And we kind of renovated from ground up and relying on local partners to make sure we cover all of the licenses and all of the parts that we cannot do alone. So we are working with the japanese card issuer. We're working with a japanese money mover. They both have respective licenses to operate in this way.

Designing for the Japanese Environment

And where we come in as sort of the, on the crypto side with the web, three side of things. So creating that unique architectures just for the Japanese, for the environment in Japan has been the most difficult part. But, you know, we're done with that now. We're at the, we're not done with it. We've kind of overcome this hurdle and we're at the end of, you know, finalizing contracts and finalizing announcements and whatnot. So the barrier to entry to do a crypto card in Japan is very high. Don't know if, you know, there's a lot of companies that have actually tried to launch in Japan, and they haven't succeeded just yet because of the rate, not only just the regulations in Japan, but also the company regulations or the company rules that Visa and Mastercard has.

Market Adoption and Future Opportunities

I think crypto.com actually had an office briefly here, but they've given up and they've retreated. So, you know, because the barrier to entry is so high, and we need such a unique approach to providing the service. That's what gives us the advantage as the first mover in the space. Another challenge is driving mass adoption in market. You know, crypto hasn't grown in Japan much from, you know, 2020 and pre 2020 days. So we definitely need a catalyst, right, a strong catalyst to get us to the double digit adoption percentages. And I think the crypto card is a very easy to understand, very easy to use application that's going to be, play a significant role in driving that adoption.

Wrap Up and Future Developments

So these two things are the difficulties that we are facing every day and we look to overcome. But I know, I think once we overcome these two hurdles, the opportunities are, and the potential is limitless. All right, thank you. Thank you very much. I guess you have answered all these questions from community. Once again, thank you very much for asking all this. Taking a lot of time, but is there any last word you want to share with our audience before I let you go? Yeah. So thank you guys for listening in. We just got listed on gate, and this is only the beginning for us. We're now on Bybit, Mexc, I think Zoomx and Gate IO.

Future Catalyst Announcements

And we're going to be expanding to different exchanges, especially regional exchanges like Japan very soon. So there's going to be a lot more catalysts for positive price action moving forward, like the announcement of a slash card, launch of a slash card, us getting listed into Japan. These things are still yet to come, will be announcing them as they come. So please do. You guys, are, you guys are here listening to me talk right now and hope it's not the end. And you continue to kind of learn about us and continue to reach out to see what we're up to. So thank you for your time, and do stay tuned for what's to come.

Conclusion and Community Engagement

All right, Tokyo, thank you once again. Thank you very much. And huge congratulations on TG and listening on the gates and good luck with the future developments. Yeah. Within the ecosystem. And also, thank you very much for listening in to this last vision labs Ama with the gate IO and congratulations on those, for those questions. Repeat. And also, whoever receiving this red packets. Oh, yeah. And one more thing. So lucky Joe winners, we might have selected it, but you might have still a chance, so might as well just throw in as much, as many emojis as possible. And, and thank you very much for coming questions and comments in the comment section.

Final Thanks and Farewell

And we got our 1810 comments. And thank you very much. And you guys are always crazy and lovely and caring. Thank you very much. And also, if you guys, if you happen to be to win any of the campaigns, except for red packets, winners will be rewarded. I mean, receiving the rewards within the 14 days, 14 business days, so. And also you guys have to submit your user id within the 24 hours after posting the winner announcements for the winners. So make sure to stay tuned and also be patient. Some of you guys might have received others, but you guys will, should be receiving the rewards within the 14 days.

Wrapping Up the Session

So please be patient and appreciate your appreciation of everything. I mean, for support and love. All right, I guess. Okay, so I guess we are wrapping up this AMA. Once again, Tokyo, thank you very much. And, and thank you guys. Thank you all, guys for listening to this special AMA with the slash vision labs with the get IO. Make sure to follow us. Get live official accounts. Get IO official accounts in Tokyo and also slash Vision labs official accounts. And if you guys want to join in the community, please go ahead and join the telegram there.

Community Participation Encouragement

Telegram community and all discord community also might as well join Gay live, I mean, gay official community as well on the telegram. All right, I'll be there as well. Just tell us. It's just, yeah, just give us a sub and. All right. Just say hi. All right. Thank you, guys, and hope you guys have a wonderful day tonight, afternoon, wherever you guys are, and we'll see you in the next Ama. All right? Stay safe and stay healthy. Thank you very much and see you next time. Bye bye.

Final Acknowledgments

Thank you. Thank you. Bye bye.

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