Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Gangwars: ICON X BASE hosted by helloiconworld. In the Gangwars: ICON X BASE Twitter space, the focus was on the transformative potential of ICON's interoperability in revolutionizing cross-chain app development. The discussions highlighted the significance of collaboration, connectivity, and seamless communication in enhancing blockchain networks' effectiveness. ICON's role as an infrastructure backbone for cross-chain transactions, innovative solutions, and scalability was emphasized throughout the space. The event underscored the importance of embracing interoperability technologies like ICON to overcome industry challenges, foster collaboration, and drive innovation in the blockchain ecosystem. Participants explored the future outlook for cross-chain developments and the impact of ICON on enhancing user experiences within decentralized ecosystems.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: What is the primary function of ICON in the blockchain space?
A: ICON serves as an interoperability layer that enables seamless communication and collaboration across different blockchain networks.

Q: How can developers benefit from using ICON's cross-chain capabilities?
A: Developers can leverage ICON to overcome the limitations of individual blockchains and create cross-chain applications with enhanced functionality.

Q: Why is interoperability crucial for the success of decentralized ecosystems?
A: Interoperability fosters collaboration, scalability, and efficiency by allowing different blockchain networks to communicate and share resources.

Q: What advantages does ICON X BASE offer for cross-chain projects?
A: ICON X BASE showcases the potential for innovative solutions, efficient transactions, and enhanced connectivity in cross-chain development.

Q: How does ICON contribute to advancing blockchain technology?
A: ICON plays a key role in driving innovation, improving scalability, and promoting broader adoption of blockchain applications through interoperability.

Q: In what ways does ICON empower teams and developers in the blockchain space?
A: ICON provides tools and infrastructure that enable developers to build cross-chain applications, collaborate effectively, and create interconnected blockchain solutions.

Q: What challenges does ICON help address in the blockchain industry?
A: ICON addresses issues of fragmentation, lack of connectivity, and limited scalability by offering a seamless interoperability solution for building cross-chain applications.

Q: How does ICON support the growth of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications?
A: ICON enhances the functionality and efficiency of DeFi platforms by facilitating cross-chain transactions, enabling broader asset accessibility, and promoting interoperability among various protocols.

Q: What role does ICON play in fostering collaboration among blockchain networks?
A: ICON acts as a bridge that connects different blockchains, enabling them to exchange data, assets, and services, fostering a more interconnected and collaborative blockchain ecosystem.

Q: How does ICON contribute to the overall scalability and efficiency of blockchain solutions?
A: By offering seamless cross-chain communication and interoperability, ICON enhances the scalability, efficiency, and usability of blockchain applications, paving the way for broader adoption and innovation in the space.


Time: 00:15:10
The Power of Interoperability in Blockchain Exploring how ICON's interoperability solutions revolutionize cross-chain communication and collaboration.

Time: 00:30:45
Creating Seamless Cross-Chain Applications Understanding how ICON's technology empowers developers to build efficient and scalable cross-chain apps.

Time: 00:45:20
Collaborative Development with ICON X BASE Insights into the collaborative potential of ICON X BASE for driving innovation in cross-chain projects.

Time: 01:00:55
Scalability and Efficiency Through Connectivity Discussing how ICON enhances the scalability and efficiency of blockchain applications through seamless connectivity.

Time: 01:15:30
Innovative Solutions with ICON Exploring the possibilities of creating groundbreaking solutions using ICON's cross-chain capabilities.

Time: 01:30:10
Future Outlook for Cross-Chain Development Looking ahead at the transformative potential of cross-chain projects facilitated by ICON's interoperability.

Time: 01:45:25
Enhancing User Experiences in Decentralized Ecosystems Examining how ICON contributes to improving user experiences by providing seamless cross-chain interactions.

Time: 02:00:40
Efficient Transactions and Connectivity Highlighting the efficiency and connectivity benefits of utilizing ICON for cross-chain transactions.

Time: 02:15:55
Building a Connected Blockchain Ecosystem Exploring the role of ICON in fostering a more connected and collaborative blockchain environment.

Time: 02:30:20
Overcoming Fragmentation with ICON Discussing how ICON addresses blockchain fragmentation and promotes a more cohesive blockchain industry.

Time: 02:45:35
ICON's Impact on Innovation and Adoption Analyzing how ICON's technology drives innovation, adoption, and collaboration in the blockchain space.

Key Takeaways

  • ICON facilitates cross-chain communication to enhance interoperability among different blockchains.
  • The use of ICON's interoperability layer can lead to the development of successful cross-chain applications.
  • Collaboration and connectivity are paramount for the effectiveness of blockchain networks.
  • Interoperability solutions like ICON play a crucial role in the evolution of decentralized ecosystems.
  • Teams and developers can leverage ICON to create innovative solutions that transcend individual blockchain limitations.
  • Seamless cross-chain transactions are possible with ICON, promoting efficiency and scalability in decentralized applications.
  • Understanding the significance of interoperability is vital for advancing blockchain technology and enhancing user experiences.
  • ICON X BASE demonstrates the potential for cross-chain projects to drive innovation and adoption in the blockchain space.
  • Embracing interoperability technologies like ICON can foster a more connected and efficient blockchain ecosystem.
  • The future of blockchain development relies on cross-chain solutions like ICON to overcome fragmentation and enhance collaboration.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings

Hi there, Saleh. I just sent you a speaker request. Should have it now. There we go. Hello. Hi there, Soleil. How's it going? Hello. It's good. How about you? I'm doing good. I'm good. Have I got your pronunciation right? Solaire, right? Yep, yep. Solaire. Perfect. And where are you from? Our team is based around South Asia. Oh, nice. Same here. Let me add players to join as well. Let me just add him. Invite him to speak. And rp PJ there as well. Let me invite him.

Missing Members

So I guess the only one missing at the moment is Laki. Yeah, he's going to be joining via the main account. Okay. Hey, guys. A few people joining in. Just waiting for a couple more people to join and we'll get things on the road. Yep, PG is. Hey, Fizzenhouse, we can't hear you first. Also, I think lucky sent a request. Did you receive that? Oh, let me check. No. Oh, yeah. Okay. Is it Sadeep has request to speak? No, no, it's not Sadip. Okay. It's supposed to come from the gangster verse account.

Technical Issues

Okay, I've got a request from Sadeep. Should I. I don't see gangsta verse on the. Yeah, it's not showing up as listeners, right? Yep. Not showing. Nope. Don't see. I see PJ and Soleil and Fez. I mean, it's probably one of those issues where he's joining from his side, but it's not showing up on our side. This has. Yeah, yeah, tell me about it. Is Sadeep from your team as well? He is, but I think he probably just mistakenly. Okay. All right. Okay. Is listening. Okay. He's showing up as a listener. Not showing on my.

Joining Issues Resolved

Let me check on the mean white gangsters. Should work there. Makeup. Okay, there we are. Let me just add. There we go. I sent an invite just now. Finally. Okay, I can see him. Perfect. Let me approve him. All right. Hi, lucky. Finally. I was using my mobile phone. It didn't work. I just switched to desktop laptop, and now it allows me. So weird. Yeah. Needs to get into this. Sometimes it's the laptop that does not work. Sometimes the phone.

Device Preferences

Yeah, it's opposite for me, actually. It's doesn't work on my desktop, but it works on my laptop, so on my phone, so. Yeah. And the last time it didn't work on. It didn't work on my PC. It worked on my la and on my phone, but now it's the opposite, so it's gonna try again. Okay. Okay, let's. Let's start. Yeah, just gonna cover it. Yep. Is Fez speaking? Yeah, that's what I want to check. Fez is listening in. Ted, I. Yes.

Introduction to Key Members

It's saying hello. Thank you so much. Hey guys. Hey, guys. I don't know why it didn't work on the desktop. I finally got power back and. Yeah, anyway, that's the first. All right. So yeah, I don't want to take too much of you guys time, so I guess we can start if everyone's good to go. Yes. All right. Welcome everyone. Today we have a very special episode where we post a few key members from the gangster verse team. And of course we have Fez, who's the head of product at Icon. Welcome guys.

Discussion Goals

Thank you. Thank you for having us. Thank you for having us. Thank you. Well, we mainly convened today to talk about especially on the gang wars tournament on icon and base. And we'll be talking of course, on icon GMP tech. That obviously helps power this tournament. So guys, before I start bombarding you guys with questions, I think it would be good to know a bit about you guys since it's been a while. You know, your roles are gangsta verse, a bit about your background.

Team Introductions

Yeah, sure. Let me go first. So my name is Soleil. I've been working with the Gangsta verse team for around two years now and I mainly focus on the community and the creative sides. I do graphic stuff and music stuff and help out with the game design. And stuff as well. That's where I fall into place in the whole gangster verse thing. And right now, of course, multi team tournament, I'm helping with the marketing and the creative efforts. That's probably from me.

Technical Lead Introduction

Hi guys, I'm PJ from Gangsterverse. I'm the technical lead on Gang wars tournament and yeah, it's really awesome seeing you all here. Hello. Yeah, this is Lake. I'm one of the co-founders of Gangsterverse. We launched Gangsterverse as I would say one of the first popular NFT projects on icon. This was back in Q 120 21. I still remember a lot of the icon users buying their first NFTs in icon as gangster verse. So it's been a long ride.

Roles and Responsibilities

I can definitely speak about this more, but my role is especially on the strategy, also on the execution and this coming up with new plans for gangster verse, new games events. And I just support our team members. They are especially based in South Asia and also in the US. Nice. Yeah, of course. Like obviously I remember all the iron icon episodes, especially Laki has been interviewed in obviously Rainbow Gangster bed as well. A fantastic project.

Grateful Acknowledgment

And then you guys have obviously grown. Yep. Can you? Hello? Yeah, you're on mute, but I'm here. Can you guys.


No. Hello, Fez? Yes, we can hear you. We can hear you. Should I be doing intros as well? Yep. Okay, Fez. I am head of product at icon. That's getting used to that title. So yes, I was in the early days, community member, huge fan of gangster bet. Tried to encourage. I loved its unique aspect of, you know, leveling up the characters and the token associated to it and a deflationary token. All that just was just right up my alley. So loving that gangster bet have stuck around. The team's been building constantly in the background and, you know, excited to hear how the cross chain tournament is going to work, what it's about and. Yeah, yeah, just happy that we're at this phase where no promises of building things. It is like stuff has been built. And now we're here to show, you know, showcase the product. Yeah, I'm excited as well to do this interview because I really want to hear more about, you know, about icon.

Technical Issues

GB Powersh, especially if he's talking. I'll just go. Yeah, can you guys hear me? Yeah, yeah, we can hear you, but I think it's something. Yeah, I can hear y'all. I just can't hear if Auroche is talking or not. Oh, maybe mute the mic. Oh, good, all good. I'll go and meet Kerry. Maybe, maybe you can reconnect. Yeah, yeah, maybe reconnecting my work. All right, so while Fez reconnects, first couple of questions are for gangster verse team. I know you spoke a bit lakh about the origins of the project, but originally it was ganks a bit. Could you talk to us about how gangster bit transformed to gangster verse? Sure, sure, aras. I mean, first of all, thank you for hosting this. I think this is, I guess our first time in today's space with icon. I think we did some podcast with Fez long time ago on ionicon the first time, so. And I think during that time were gangster bet as a collection.

Evolution of the Project

So I think as Fez mentioned, I think there's some. Someone can read the mic, so. Hello. Yeah, we can hear you. Yeah, so gangster bet launched as a NFT collection on icon like three plus years ago. During that time, like Fez mentioned, we are a very, like. It was a unique NFT in that time because like a fixed number of NFTs with token generation which with a deflationary emission. And the tokens can be used for like upgrading our characters, changing the names, writing stories. So it was a very unique during that time. But as things progressed, I mean gangsta verse evolved as I would say one, a very unique project because we launched Emerald City. We have, and we have, there's some feedback. Someone is eating. Can you mute the mic? Yeah, there's. Everyone's on mute.

Emerald City and Developments

I. Yeah. So, so gangster bit. so after gangster bed, we launched the Emerald City, which is a city in, in icon, a gangster detective city with 11,111 lands with unique properties, with unique things that you can do on the land. But, but for some reason we have, I mean we have kind of paused that project. But as we saw things progress on the NFT space, on the gaming space, we launched multiple games. One is gang wars in icon and then some minigames like rock, paper, scissors on the Emerald City. The eventual plan is the Emerald City hosting several games, user generated games in Emerald City by using the assets like crown, like nfTs, and also their own assets if need be. So we did some experiments around that. Then we launched gang wars on base as well with a very unique approach by staking the NFTs on icon being characters being generated on base.

Partnerships and Future Plans

We did a partnership with Animocar Brands Tower ecosystem using the term, we're using their tower and token on gang wars on base. So things have progressed a lot. So just probably a month or two back we revamped the entire gangster verse website. Now you can see gangsters as a collection of games, collection of digital assets or collectibles, events around gangsters and detectives theme across different blockchains. So base scale. We also plan to launch on sui but different games, different collections under the brand of gangster verse. So the last three years has been a very, like a wild ride, like transforming ourselves from us NFT collection to a whole brand with presence and multiple chains, multiple networks and multiple games. I'm definitely going to talk more about our games, but today let's talk about multi chain tournament. We got a grant from icon to build this tournament where like people from an icon and base can participate in a common game.

Curriculum and Prize Structure

So it's been a long ride. Arush. We are excited and we're happy that we're still here, still building and we promise to build for years to come. No, that's great to hear. I think you guys have been one of the core contributors to the icon ecosystem for many years now. And yeah, I'm looking forward to it when you guys launch, hopefully at some point this week with the gang wars cross chain tournament. So on that. What was the. Just the. Before we go to the tech side of things, just the overview of the gang wars tournament, is there a specific kind of game that is right now being worked on in the crypto ecosystem or where did the idea come from? Hello? Yeah, maybe I can ask Lucky or Soleil. I can go first, but this. I can hear someone speak.

Gang Wars Tournament Insights

Is that only me? Yeah, I can hear it as well, but I don't know who's. I think everyone. From what I see, everyone's on mute, so apart from myself. Okay, so I can go first and then Don Solar can take this. So I. So I think the. Our whole idea with gangster versus gangster bet was always the experiment to Orlando, to build something on the web three crypto space, because we see this as a big milestone for. For, consumers, for. For the whole tech ecosystem, for digital asset ownership. So we've always been experimenting with, digital assets. And gang wars was a very unique game during that time when we wanted to experiment or build on icon. Like, it's a very strategic game.

Gameplay Mechanics

It's not a single player, it's a multiplayer. Multiple people can participate at the same time. There's also this. This element of earning from the game and there's so much strategy that people have to apply that goes into this game. Hence when we first came up with the idea of gang wars was let's build a game on Emerald City with gangster, with NFTs and set an example where others can build similar games on the Emerald City. So I think that was the very high level, like, I would say background or premise on building gang wars. But, but as you can see, that, that has just evolved from being from one chain to base now multi chain. But our north star is always, we want to have some asset that people can own and use that asset in games that I would say where they can, where there is a potential for them to earn via that asset.

Sustainable Game Development

A very organic way, not from, I would say, an artificial way of like inflationary way of earning. But we want to create a very sustainable game where people have fun, people participate, people have a sense of identity with the game by using their nfts and also just participate in this whole web three, I would say, movement from games to collectibles to various initiatives across this industry. Yeah, well said. Sole, you want to add to that? I mean, that was basically how we started out, but I think I would rather want to go more detail into the whole tournament, how we reach the tournament phase and what we're how the tournament works currently. So yeah, as Laki mentioned, we started out with gangster pets and then there was gangster Emerald City and then Emerald City sort of made the whole background.

Battle Mechanics and Tournament Structure

Of where gang wars will take place. And gang Soviets were battling each other in gang in Emerald City using all the weapons and sneak moves that we. Have in the market right now. Right. And we basically expanded out to other blockchains base namely. And we had this eureka moment when we realized that there was this thing called x call being implemented and we just decided that what about having a game wars tournament which you wanted to do from the start, by the way. How, what about having that tournament across two different blockchains and just happened in the right time, I guess with XCol and all that thing. And we signed up for the CPS and we got the approval. So yeah, gangwars multi scene is definitely a very ambitious project for us and we have been working for it for quite a while.

Tournament Entry and Team Structure

So I'm gonna go about the whole structure of how the tournament is gonna work out. The tournament will allow players to join from base and icon. So players can either choose to join from base or choose to join from icon. So if you are joining from icon like you are, that's our home ground of a lot of people hold their nfts. So what we have decided is we're going to make it free entry for anyone who holds against NFT and joins using their NFT. So it's going to be completely free for them. But for base side, we have this unique system that we introduced back when we introduced gang wars on base where players can choose from a list of characters.

Tournament Logistics

So if they pay a certain fee then they will have a list of characters to select from and they will be able to join the tournament using that. So after all that is done, the players will be able to join teams where they can team up with their friends. So for example, they can join our discord and they can talk about which team they want to join and they can all join that one or they can switch teams. But yeah, after all that is done, then there will be a qualification round where the teams from both icon and base, they will fight and they will be paired against each other in gang wars matches where they'll be using assets that are already available, by the way.

Qualification Rounds and Ranking

So they will be fighting against each other and based on their wins, loss and how many kills they do, how many damage they deal the opponent that based on that, they'll be ranked in the table. And then the top 16 teams will be qualifying to the final stage, which is going to be a double racket elimination stage. So every team which qualifies will get two chance at loss. If they lose the second time, then they are out of the tournament. But if they make it to the end, then they get a piece of the huge prize move. So that's basically the flow of the tournament. How it's gonna go about. It's probably going to be running for two to three weeks based on the number of players that join.

Tournament Duration and Prize Pool

Because the number of teams will determine the length of the group stays. So yeah, that's going to be the basic structure of the whole tournament. I went a bit of a monologue there. No, it was fantastic. That was a fantastic explanation. Because, you know, John and I, we community managers over at Icon Discord. And we see community members always asking, join the gangster verse. It's a fantastic project and we've seen how you guys have been progressing. So I mean, we are looking forward to seeing playing in this tournament and all the best on that front. I actually, one thing I forgot to say about the price pool.

Incentives for Participation

So we actually want to encourage as much players to join. So we have a pretty hefty price pool which is starting at $3,000. Like the whole prize pool is going to be $3,000 which is going to be distributed among the winners. So if the price pool starts is price pull at island 3000, then per team, the winning team will get around $300 person. But there's a twist that we're introducing. Like as new players join the tournament, we're going to be increasing the price pools from our own treasury.

Tournament Participation Announcement

So yeah, we want as much players to join. So I just wanted to put that out there. The price pool is going to could possibly go crazy around like starting with 3000 to how much ever. Nice guys. If you're listening in, the ones, the guys who are listening in, you know, more the merrier. So make sure you join in. Obviously we'll share more information once the tournament goes live. And also follow the gangster verse account as well for the latest updates. And when they're launching the tournament, I just want to get just. Fez is having some issues, but until he joins, I just want to know from the gangsters team, how was it? I just want to get an idea of the implementation side.

Implementation Experience with X Call

An idea on the x call tech side, how it was the experience of utilizing XCol for the multi chain tournament. Maybe PJ can shed some light on that? Yeah, sure. So okay, so we're basically using x calls throughout the entire tournament period from stage one, cross in NFT minting of tournament pass which allows user to join tournament for absolutely free, to stage two where you're able to pick weapons, items, sneak moves from either of the chains icon as well as base, and then take them inside the world to the final stage. Stage three, reward distribution to the users in their respective native chain. So this is a very high level implementation of x call from outside from the day we open up tournament till the day it ends. So there are a lot of actual transactions that are going to happen and in fact we will talk about the feedbacks since we're one of the first teams in icon to indicate ax call.

Technical Challenges and Improvements

When he started out with it, there were a lot of technical challenges. I have to admit. Initially the Xcode relay was not stable and was undergoing a lot of changes which significantly caused delays in our tournament completion time. However, if I talk about the current situation, all of those issues are resolved and it has gotten very stable. The documentation is also way clearer than it used to be. We do still face some occasional RPC issues in testnet and delays in transaction propagation, but I'm hoping that will not be the case in mainnet with dedicated RBC's. And yeah, I don't have much feedback on X Call for the short term, but for the long term it would be really cool to see X call being used in a fully decentralized way instead of relying in a centralized delay. Right.

Benefits of Using X Call

So however, the XCol at this current stage is a big game changer and this made the crazy idea of running gang wars on multiple chains way easier. So yep, all in all it was awesome. It was awesome building with it. I'm really glad to hear that. And also like the way you honestly said about the experiences, that's fantastic. I think if you guys know, a few of the community members have been asking what are the implementations? Because we are used to icon GP implemented in balanced and community wants to know okay, what other applications are there? And it's great to hear that the gangster was also implementing it. And also I think in terms of relays as well, you hit the nail on there.

Need for Decentralized Relays

I think that the icon team also constantly mentions how the need for more decentralized relays as well. Yeah fez, are you listening? Yeah. Can, am I coming through? Yeah, perfect. I know you great. You're very excited about this application of xcode, so love to hear your thoughts on it? Yeah, I think so. A few things there. Yeah, it's good one. I feel like larko has intentionally kept the tech lead off gangster bethehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe away from me.

Feedback on X Call

So, like, I'm going to be having a side conversation. The fact that I'm first time hearing his voice on this call. So it's good to hear and hear some of the challenges he faced. So I just want to clear the air, though, on a couple of things. Is xcol itself is just a contract, a smart contract, right? It has no interoperable properties, nothing. It's a contract that listens to messages it receives. Those messages can come from wherever, whether it's on the actual blockchain. It could send messages to the contract, and the contract could relay to another path on the same chain, if that's how someone wants to use it, which makes no sense, but to just give context there.

Focus on Message Passing

And then the second aspect that we have built to enable the use of our general message passing platform, Xcall, is at the moment, focus on the relay. So it's good to hear feedback. Yes, there has been a lot of streamlining and optimization of the relay with a lot of updates shipping over and over with a lot of the feedback, first coming from balanced. It's funny when I reflect. Just recently, actually, I was talking to the team, and there's certain stability issues that we've worked through, but there's certain components, like, for example, when you use wormhole. I don't know.

Transaction Issues and Solutions

For me personally, every 10th transaction, if I do a transfer or something like that, I'll have to manually claim that transaction doesn't appear. And this is not a rub on wormhole or anything like that. It's just, it is just the state of messages being relayed to other chains that rely on RPCs or use some kind of multisig solution to relay the messages, but also rely on various RPC providers to provide that data to the relays. At odd times, bits of block data, a random block will get skipped by the RPC provider, which then causes this issue of, hey, this transaction is missing.

Understanding of Fund Transactions

I didn't get my funds, but actually all that's happened is that data hasn't been passed across from the RPC. And in wormhole scenario, that's where you can manually intervene and go, hey, here's my transaction. Hit, hit, pay a transaction fee, and it will go call for that specific bit of information and then it gets delivered. So my, the reason I'm giving such a long rant is, I guess that's the phase we're at as well. Right. We've got a mainstream product and now gangster bet using it as well.

Centralization of Relays

And some of the learnings we're taking away. Okay. These seem to be common issues that happen. And if it's more context once it's happening to you, realize why it happens on the other platforms as well. So we've been optimizing that and it's gotten a lot better. The relays, yes, they are centralized, but they're centralized if you're running one. Right. So like just with wormhole a relay, they can have 20 relays running and that is their multi seat, like a multi sig setup for their relays and their essential.

Exploring X Call Setup

Oops. I think. I think we lost Fez. Faiz, you there? Was it just me? No. Hello. Chris, is it? Oh yeah, we got you. We got you. Yeah. Oh God damn. Okay. Where did I go? What did you lose me at? Anyway? I won't, I won't go my wrong rant. Really? Yeah, yeah. So the relay, like in the case of gainst event, yeah, you're using one relay. So yeah, it's very centralized and then the options to, you know, use a.

Centralized vs Decentralized Relays

A couple of relays and source information. But, but again, in the context of how gangster bet is using it, that's just not required for the moment. Right. Like unless actual funds and things are getting transferred across chains, then that's where then you need to start thinking, okay, how do I make sure that this setup is more robust? But yeah, so X goal is. Oh, maybe you lost me. Nope. Yeah. X call is it.

X Call Contract and Functionality

Xcoll has its own contract and the relays are kind of that set up that help relay the messages. That's what they call relays to various chains. So yeah, overall over the moon that gangster bets here we've got this cross chain tournament. I love that we've got nfts, something else other than token transfers and things like that. Using cross chain messages to.

Emerging Use Cases of X Call

As a solution. Right. Generally even across other platforms what you're seeing is the standard use case of either token transfer or protocols doing some kind of token distribution via messages to other chains, but nothing to do with nfts. So it's really cool to see this happen. Thanks. Yeah, I just want to get to know since you kind of made the distinction between Xcode as a messaging protocol and obviously it needs an interoperability tech to obviously pass those messages for the sake of people who aren't aware.

Future Interoperability Plans

So there's base and this icon, what is intravuetech? And in terms of the future. What other protocols are you hoping for Xcode to leverage on? So we built xcall to be compatible. So for a long time, for 3456 months we built all these adapters for layer zero, wormhole and a few more I can't remember because we've shipped them a while back, but a learning out of that is again until we got a few more products on other chains there's and showcasing how it works then you're not going to get people using it.

Challenges with Product Integration

The underlying issue as well is for products like layer zero that we've integrated onto EVM chains and various other chains, it's not connecting back to icon. So our core product like balance can't actually utilize and show how XCol is being used via other, how we're using it via other interoperable protocols. But the goal with the messages is to just make it compatible with anything. It shouldn't matter.

Development Goals for X Call

We're not trying to lock, it shouldn't matter to adapt or anyone who's building what interoperable protocol they choose to secure, how they send messages or data. Let's just messages and data, same thing. Data from each chain. And that's kind of was the goal, is still the goal and was and has been with Xcol wherever I here's a standard. We're not telling you to use the original gold BTP.

Understanding Current Implementation

No, we're not telling you that. We're actually telling you use the solution you want, but use this standard because you can then reuse it on any of the compatible solutions we've done that's been built. Like I said, it's more. We're back to square one in terms of hey flagship Dap, let's get more use cases and show people using the infrastructure which is now predominantly based around the relay setup.

Expanding Use Cases with X Call

obviously BTP and IBC use xcol as well that we have implemented and connected to icon. But a majority of the EVM expansions, especially with layer two, is being pushed through our relay, setup, which in the case of balanced is set up through dual verification and things like that. Cool. Fantastic. Just one more question I wanted to ask you. Well, it came from a couple of community members yesterday.

Community Inquiries on Icon's Use Cases

They wanted to know, obviously they wanted to know Gangsta versus I mentioned that to join the space to get more information on use cases of icon gap. But can you tell us at this stage is anything else that is being implemented or especially on the balance side of things that icon GMP is expanding towards? I feel like being pretty vocal and transparent on all that stuff.

Updates on Implementations

I don't know if I have anything new to add there. I do think like I highlighted before, your general use case is some kind of token, like a great pancake swap, for example. They for a while now have been their pancake token for ethereum users. They were distributing that via messages, sending messages from binance smart chain to Ethereum to do the distribution.

Balance's Functionality Expansion

So what I was trying to highlight here is generally that is the default use case and balance kind of is you doing all of that on steroids, right? So it's not just for token distributions. Every swap and loans now that happen actually uses XCol. So we've got two variations where being swaps and actually loans where you can take out on your assets on all these various chains that balance support.

Future Prospects of Cross-Chain Transactions

So I think it's pretty good dual use case to showcase how Xcore works. And I think the final part like I'm pretty excited about and it just keeps sticking to this narrative is, you know, the guys actually savinch 23 itself through CPS, the cross chain token standard, which is just in the final phase of internal audits at the moment as we work through finished off the Sui and Solana audit.

Upcoming Final Steps

So when that gets done, then we're going to see it evolve a little bit where sicx and balance move from being just an icon token and hopefully crown, which is something.

Market Dynamics and Token Ecosystem

God, I hope I haven't released the alpha, but essentially any of the icon ecosystem tokens that have been struggling. I'm not going to sit here and say, hey, all is well. But now the opportunity exists, especially if you're LP imbalanced, you can quickly migrate across to this cross chain token standard, which we will do for Sicx and balance. And just like BNUSC is available, basically anyone can deploy their tokens of on any of the chains balance is deployed on. And as we have more and more of that and more of these assets go across chain or get newer players, newer teams on different chains that are building choose, hey, you know what, we'll put our liquidity on balance because we want to launch on base and three at the same time and have the unified liquidity. They can do that. So we'll just, as that gets released and more tokens go that way and we get more partners, we should just see the use of Xcol ramp up.

The Role of Xcol and Community Engagement

Look, but at the end of the day, you know what? And something I've also, me and Lark have been talking in the background. It's not about Xcol use like at this point, like any of that stuff generates volume. And I know it's very balanced centric, but Gainsabek creates this very unique use case to kind of show this wider NFT community. Hey, you can do this cool stuff as well, right? If you're happy building one chain, you build on that chain and you can use messaging just the way these defi apps are doing it at the moment to expand your audience. Because that's what it comes down to, right? Blockchain is very tribal. You can try to expand, people generally aren't interested. They stick to their chains. But what if you can take your dapp in a unified way to new chains and attract that crowd? And they wouldn't even realize that, hey, this belongs to that chain or this chain. They're just using application because it's on their chain and sharing the user base with every other chain that uses it. So yeah, it's pretty exciting.

Future Use Cases and Crow Games

You definitely dropped a bit of alpha. I want to hear a bit more about this crown future use case. Maybe lucky can shed some light on it in terms of. Sorry. Yeah, definitely. I think like Fez mentioned earlier, with this new token, standards like crown token can actually exist in multiple networks at the same time with one unified liquidity. That is in. That would be an icon. And this has been, this has always been a challenge for us and especially for other projects. We, I mean we work with other projects and they have liquidity on multiple chains. Like they have to consolidon, let's say, torn, and they have to have liquidity in every other chain. But this really solves the issue. And when this goes live, I think it's almost there. I guess first we can. We can definitely have this asset. I mean, the crown across different chain.

Dynamic Game Development in Blockchain

We do have plans to launch crown on a new chain. And I. Maybe in the future, our initial plan of having multiple games, multiple mini games on top of. On top of. On top of Emerald City can also exist like behind the scene. I mean, right now what. Whatever we do is. I feel like it's an experiment we did. Rock, lever, scissors, a very small experiment of building a minigame on top of Emerald City. But. But who knows? In the future, you can have minigames on base on Sui, on torn, on Solana, on Sui. And these can reside on the Emerald City. And people need not know which chain it is on. They can just come and play as regular games. So I think that's our ultimate vision of having multiple games, multiple assets on top of gangster verse. On gangster verse. And I feel like this technology really helps I mean it helps us come close to that vision.

Cross-Chain Experience in Gaming

Multi gen tournament. I feel like it's one of the first 1st things that we can do cross chain, multi chain across different networks. I mean this is a huge, huge milestone. Like I can, I think a metaphor or I would say resemblance is a game that exists in PlayStation and Xbox. People can play it together, right? Right now even some games are exclusive to one particular console. But what if people can play across two different consoles without worrying about what other players is on? There are very limited number of games that do this, but this technology x call can actually make it possible for. I mean it has made possible for us and it can make it possible for other games and other apps as well. So very excited about this new launch and how the people are going to perceive this.

Gaming Experience Over Blockchain

That's great to hear. I mean the holy grail for a lot of gaming crypto gaming ecosystem is how do you get that traditional PlayStation user to come on a blockchain based gaming system. So yeah, it was great here to make it, you know, the user experience, you know, not knowing which chain you're there, you know, it's another less of a step for people to like the non crypto community who's big in gaming, you know, to come in and play. They don't really care, you know, which chain it is. They just want to have a good experience on a game. I think from what I've little I've seen is a lot of people focus on the crypto part of it and not focus on the gaming experience. And I think to get more gamers you need to have a good game first of all. And then you know, have the crypto side of it as you know, on the background. So with Thanksgiving and icon GP, hopefully we go to the next step.

The Ruby Valley Game Update

So it's great to hear and yeah, just on the topic of games on Soleil, I know in your future pipeline the Ruby Valley game is something that you guys are working on. I just want to get a status for the gangsterverse community on that front. Yep, yep. So before that I just want to give a bit of context on Ruby Valley. So we, I think the whole web three space, especially gaming, is such a news new field that we have to keep on iterating. We have to keep on coming up with new stuff because things move very fast and people in the crypto space are not, I mean they have less patient. Right. So Dhruvi Valley, we pre announced this last like few months. I mean I guess a couple of months ago we did an internal testing with some community members.

Game Testing and Feedback

I see Voltari here. So I think Voltari was also one of our community testers. I think people really enjoyed the game, but from the takeaway from that game was, it was. It was fun. Like short term, people could earn. I mean, but we felt that the earning part was not very organic. So went back to our drawing boards to kind of see what. What things we can change as we speak. We have kind of changed the game, the whole Ruby Valley game, from a web game to a mobile first and a telegram first game. We. So we plan to actually have another, like a closed testing session with our community members. Probably by next week, or I would say end of next week.

Game Mechanics and Future Plans

It's gonna be. It's gonna. I think the. The Beatdown game was one versus one, battling between characters. But now this game is gonna be more of a land capture, or I would say expand your land. Not, not the Emerald City land, but it's a very different kind of land. You build your army, you expand your land, you fight against another army. So I would say a very simplified version of Age of Empires, but with gangsters theme and gangsters assets. We plan. So we still have not decided which chain to launch this through. We are definitely going to pick one of the chains. That icon is connected so that we can make use of XCol and the different crown is to be. Crown is to go there.

Focus on Enjoyment and Distribution

But our goal right now is gaming. Have fun. People should enjoy the game. It should have a very strong distribution, and a part of it should also be where people can earn organically, so a lot of users where they can spend on some assets and that asset or some tokens can be distributed to people who play the game. So very early days and internally test. Internally we have kind of. We have tested players and we kind of enjoy the game. Yeah, we hope that people kind of would love that this game as well. Very excited to share this with our broader community. Members are very, very alpha. And so this would come under gangster verse and crown. And even NFTs could be the commonality between gangster versa.

Conclusion and Community Reception

I mean, Emerald City and this Ruby Valley. Thank you for that. It's good that you guys are focusing on the right areas in terms of use acquisition, and making the gaming experience the key feature of the game. So, yeah, fantastic. Any other questions? Does the community have any questions I can bring you guys on if you do, but if there isn't solaire, any other aspects of the gangster versus you think is important to mention at this point? No. I think I'm good. Lucky pretty much covered everything from what's the history to the future like.

Upcoming Developments and Community Involvement

Nice. So on the cross chain tournament with icon and base. Where these uses. What kind of timeline can we expect for us to get in it? Yeah, so the cross chain is set to. The multi chain tournament is set to this week, sometimes this week. So we will have our registrations open by then. And for the registrations, we are also going to give away some free pass. To some of our listeners right here at the tournament. So, yeah, we will reach out to the accounts through our maximus account. Okay, great.

Closure and Future Steps

So, yeah, we'll keep our eyes peeled. Obviously, we'll share on our icon handle as well once the tournament launches. Guys, thank you so much for your time. Fez, you obviously went through storms to kind of be with us. So really appreciate that. And all the best guys on the cross ten tournament. Yeah, I think there's no questions at the moment. I'm checking. Yep. So, yeah, all the best with everything. And we'll be obviously in touch once the game does launch.

Acknowledgements and Goodbyes

Thank you, guys. Thank you so much. Thanks, everyone. Thank you for having us. Pleasure, guys. Bye. Pleasure.

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