Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space #GamingHourGlass EP11: Enhancing Player Loyalty and Retention through SocialFi in Gaming hosted by GameOnForge. In the bustling world of gaming, #GamingHourGlass EP11 sheds light on how SocialFi initiatives are revolutionizing player loyalty and retention strategies. From token rewards to community-building features and blockchain integration, the space explores a myriad of tactics aimed at enhancing user engagement and long-term satisfaction. Collaborations with brands, data analytics, and personalized experiences play pivotal roles in fostering player loyalty. By delving into the depths of gamification, in-game events, and sustainable economies, the space unveils the keys to creating an immersive and enduring gaming experience.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does SocialFi change player engagement in gaming?
A: SocialFi introduces a social and financial layer to gaming, fostering deeper connections and incentivizing player loyalty.

Q: What role do token rewards play in enhancing player retention?
A: Token rewards incentivize players to engage more, complete quests, and stay loyal to the game.

Q: Why are community-building features crucial in gaming?
A: Community features create a sense of belonging, encourage collaboration, and enhance overall player retention.

Q: How can blockchain technology benefit player experiences in games?
A: Blockchain ensures transparent rewards, verifiable ownership of in-game assets, and secure transactions, enhancing player trust.

Q: What strategies can boost long-term player retention in games?
A: Implementing sustainable in-game economies, play-to-earn mechanics, and engaging content updates can drive lasting player satisfaction.

Q: Why are collaborations with brands and influencers valuable in gaming?
A: Partnerships with brands and influencers expand the player base, increase community interaction, and improve player loyalty.

Q: How important is data analytics in optimizing player retention?
A: Data-driven insights help game developers understand player behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns to tailor retention strategies effectively.

Q: What impact do gamification elements have on player engagement?
A: Leaderboards, achievements, and events increase player motivation, competition, and overall enjoyment of the gaming experience.

Q: How do in-game events contribute to player retention?
A: Dynamic events and seasonal updates maintain player interest, offer new challenges, and prevent gaming fatigue.

Q: Why is personalization crucial for player loyalty?
A: Tailored rewards, challenges, and interactions make players feel valued, leading to stronger connections, loyalty, and ongoing engagement.


Time: 12:05:17
SocialFi Impact on Gaming Engagement Exploring how SocialFi initiatives enhance player interactions and engagement levels.

Time: 12:15:40
Token Rewards and Player Incentives Understanding the role of token rewards in incentivizing player actions and loyalty.

Time: 12:25:55
Community-Building for Player Loyalty The importance of community features in creating a strong player base and fostering loyalty.

Time: 12:35:18
Blockchain Integration in Gaming Discussing the benefits of blockchain technology in offering transparent rewards and secure ownership.

Time: 12:45:22
Sustainable In-Game Economies Strategies to develop lasting player retention through sustainable in-game economies and play-to-earn mechanics.

Time: 12:55:30
Brand Collaborations and Community Growth How partnerships with brands and influencers drive community expansion and enhance player loyalty.

Time: 13:05:42
Data Analytics for Player Insights Utilizing data-driven analytics to gain valuable insights into player behavior and preferences.

Time: 13:15:50
Gamification Strategies for Engagement Incorporating gamification elements to boost player motivation, competition, and overall enjoyment.

Time: 13:25:58
Dynamic In-Game Events for Long-Term Retention The significance of dynamic events and periodic updates in maintaining player interest and engagement.

Time: 13:35:10
Personalized Player Experiences and Loyalty The impact of personalized rewards, challenges, and interactions on strengthening player loyalty and engagement.

Key Takeaways

  • SocialFi is reshaping gaming by offering social interactions and financial incentives to increase player loyalty.
  • Incorporating unique quests and token rewards can significantly boost user engagement and retention rates in games.
  • Community-building features such as guilds and collaborative challenges are vital for creating a sense of belonging and fostering player loyalty.
  • The integration of blockchain technology in gaming allows for transparent reward systems and asset ownership, improving player experiences.
  • Developing a sustainable in-game economy with tokenomics and play-to-earn mechanics can drive long-term player retention and satisfaction.
  • Collaborations with brands and influencers through SocialFi initiatives can help expand the gaming community and enhance player loyalty.
  • Data-driven insights and analytics play a crucial role in understanding player behavior and optimizing retention strategies in the gaming sector.
  • Implementing gamification elements like leaderboards, achievements, and in-game events can increase player engagement and retention.
  • Creating dynamic in-game events and seasonal content updates can keep players invested and excited about the gaming experience.
  • Personalizing player experiences through tailored rewards, challenges, and interactions can establish strong connections and improve loyalty.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings

Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Hello? Hello. Hey, Jensen. Hey, guys. Ayush, same, I sent you the request pro. Hey, John. Awesome. Yeah, I'm just waiting for Chad and Jared as well as Tom from Gptverse. Phocion from Aflat. Johnson is here. Kazuna guys met from Kazuna. I usually you are here. So the only person is such a. By the way, how is it going? Aish? How is it going in Gary and what are you guys doing on Saturdays? Sam Johnson. You guys hear me, right? I hope. Yeah, I can hear you. Yeah, I can hear you. I can hear you. Awesome.

Upcoming Discussions

Yeah, because I'm. This is like, you know, the two fears. When you're doing Twitter spaces on Saturday, you need to understand like sometimes Saturdays are crazy. Some people like want to take like really long rests and all these things. And then you have this Twitter last few days. Yesterday I got rugged two times. Day before yesterday I got rugged few times as well. So this tooth here you have, I believe Chad is gonna come in two minutes. He said he's coming in two minutes. Gerard Ezwell is coming. Okay. Chad is here. Chad sends you the request, bro. Chad, how are you? How was your Saturday, bro? Yes, perfect. Okay, nice. I have a new mic, so I think it just had some issues, but. Yeah. All right, I'm here now. Good, good.

Team Introductions

How, how are you doing, Timfy? Good, doing good. You know, Saturdays, I see afl also here down. I think phocion is coming with official account. One moment in which speak. AFl sent this request to speak Nd from jihad games is here. Ayush is here from Kangari, gari application and Johnson from Alphant. Fantastic, fantastic. All right, all right, so let's go, let's begin. So is Gerald here or. Not yet. Gerald, I think coming a little bit later and gar fell down. Metacraft, I sent a request. Cool cool cool. All right, so let's begin with a quick intro of the speakers today. So Johnson, how's it going? Hey. Hello, hello. Yeah, I'm Johnson. So very glad to attain space. And I'm Johnson, the CMO and also the co founder of Elephant.

Project and Beta Testing

And we are a certified project which integrate with some environments, also the AI technology and nearly. We are at a beta testing page. So if anybody is interested to join our beta. Yeah, just click our official account and have some from your. Thank you. All right, cool. Thank you. Nice. Jobson, nice to see you. Brilliant. And who's speaking for Metacraft today? Hey. Hi, I'm Abshi. I'm founder at Metacraft. At Metacraft, we are building a platform for creating games and integrating ugc content inside games so people can build launch game in form of token gated experiences. And we have already completed our beta. We are soon doing the product launch and also planning for token launch in a few months.

Excitement for Upcoming Launches

Nice, nice, amazing few months. Token launch. Brilliant, brilliant, fantastic. We have Gerald. Hello. Hello, Chad. Hello, friends. Hello, listeners. It's great. Today is a wonderful weekend. At least we get to have a little green relief, feeling good, hope everybody's okay, and looking forward to the discussion. Brilliant. Yeah, it's good to be green again, even though I got nearly completely wrecked. But it's okay. I, I don't know. I don't know what I did. I freaked out and I sold, like, I'm such an idiot. Why? Like, this is, like, not my first, like, dip, but I don't know.

Market Reflections

I bought your dip, bro. Except the fact probably you did the. You did the short and took a leverage of 50, or did the long. I bought your dip. But thank you, Chad. Thank you for that. I love you. And I don't know, like, I don't know. I saw my bags go down, I think, because I don't want to be like, oh, yeah. But, like, now, like, I have. Most of my net worth is in crypto. Like, most of it's in crypto. And, like, I don't know, like, no stocks, nothing. Like, I'm just like, hey, crypto, maxi, crypto will be fine.

Navigating Market Challenges

And then it started to dip, and I'm like, oh, damn, what do I do? All the pools that I were in, they were all out of range. Everything was going down, down. And I'm like, oh, crap. All right, yeah, so my portfolio got a big hit, but I bought it back, so. So it's all right. You never bought it off again, did you? Nearly, nearly. No. So, like, yeah, a few of my pool positions, I switched it. Yeah. So, yeah, lost a bit, but it's okay. But it would teach me. I think it's because I've been farming so much over the last, like, three months, but I've never.

Reflections and Forward Thinking

I'm not used to, like, having such a dip in my precision, so it's like, a weird thing. But anyway, enough about. About everyone making money from me. I hope everyone bought the diphthere. I hope everyone, carried on and huddled. But yeah, nice. Nice to see. Oh, Gerald. Looks like Gerald. Oh, no, Gerald dropped. Or is that me? Yeah, that's called laughing on the floor, bro. Okay, no worries. Yeeha. Who's here for Yeeha today? Hey. Perfect. Yes, yes. How's it going? Yeah, yeah. Glad to be here again. I'm Andy speaking behind the ehow account. And then, yeah, we're basically a game incubation platform backed bybit.

Current and Future Projects

We're currently incubating metasene. And then, yeah, I mean, we've been, you know, we've been here for several episodes, and we're happy to, you know, introducing what we are doing right now. Basically, we're supporting these projects that are from, you know, multiple perspectives, including, you know, their tech investment as well as marketing promotion. And then, yeah, we're currently expanding the market for medicine as well. And then. Glad to see everyone's helping us. And especially special thanks for Cynthia.

Project Growth & Recent Progress

And also, Matt is also helping out with the project growth. So. Yeah. And then we're happy to be here and sharing some thoughts and recent progress and then, yeah, looking forward.

Welcoming Remarks

Brilliant, brilliant. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Andy. Nice to see you again. I think it's been a few weeks, but, yeah, wonderful. Nice to have you again. Fantastic. Yeah, we need to hear your line, your starting line. Come on. Yeehaw. All right. I did it. I did it, right? Yeehaw. Yes. At the very beginning and the end of every speech. Haha. Brilliant. Wonderful, wonderful. And, yeah, we have Matt. Go for it, Matt.

Engagement and Updates

Hello. Yeehaw. Yes. Yes, yes. That's the inventor of the sound. Yeah. Your resident Yeehaw guy is in. That is in the town. Is in the, is in the space. What's up, everyone? Happy Saturday. Yeah, I was supposed to go to the gym this morning, and I'm just so tired from this week. I'm chilling. And I was playing medicine before I jumped on this call and my power went out. And so now I'm sitting here in a dark, cool room, at least because it's like 30 degrees celsius outside. But, man, medicine is, like, really nice. I just, like, can't stop playing it. I'm really enjoying it.

Gaming Experiences

I think it's about to break the most amount of hours I've spent in a game in web three. So that's a cool. Not that it's a lot. I've only spent, like, a few hours playing, you know, the other game, that I maxed out, which, by the way, is medieval empires. So, like, yeah, it's I'm starting to make my rounds here. It's pretty nice. Brilliant, brilliant. Nice, nice. Whereabouts are you quoting from, Matt? Lisbon, Portugal. Oh, nice. Lisbo.

Cultural Appreciation & Local Life

Brilliant. I love, I love portugal. Wonderful place. Cool, cool. Good old lizard. Yeah. Wonderful Ronaldo reference. Hello, Aniborgs, who's from Anniebox today? Hey, guys. Hey, it's Nicholas speaking from Annie box today. It's a very nice day, evening or afternoon, depending on where you are. I'm feeling super amazing and happy because I have been in my village, basically a country house for a week now, and every single mythic I have taken from the nature.

Project Insights & Engagement with Nature

So that is kind of keeping me in a high dopamine clarity just to give like a quick rundown of us for everybody who is first time seeing us. Here we are, Aniborgs. We have moved to our mobile application and also we are the first move to earn telegram application on the market. So if that is something that you enjoy to run and at the same time gather some assets and you love some cute animals, well, it's an application for you. So we are waiting for you.

Discussion and Collaboration

And today is gonna be a wonderful discussion with more than wonderful people. So I am definitely ready. And I also have to do this. Yeehaw. Amazing, amazing. Whereabouts are you calling from? Where's your village? From Georgia to Shetty? It's actually, I think it was like five years ago or something. There was a BBC program and it went top five most dangerous roads in the world. So, yeah, I'm calling from top five most dangerous roads. Amazing, amazing.

Travel Experiences and Observations

Yeah, I remember there was also a documentary, I believe, on Georgia about there's a valley and people live like a very long time, like a blue zone in Georgia, in this like, valley. I thought that was quite cool. I think maybe Svaneti, you are referring to possibly? Yes, yes, that's, yeah, possibly, yeah. And, yeah. And a friend of mine actually recently moved to Georgia and he loves it. Like, he's in Tbilisi and he's like, wow, it's absolutely amazing.

Beauty of Nature & Shared Experiences

And myself, I landed in Tbidisi and took the bus to Armenia because I had a, like a project over there in Armenia at the time and the roads were absolutely beautiful. Like, I've never seen so beautiful mountains in my life. And Bandat region in Georgia, Armenia, it's just so beautiful. But yeah, really nice. All right, fantastic. And we have Afel. Hello, hello. Yo. So episode today, everyone, I'm for seven from AFL.

Introduction to AFL

Loud and clear. Great. So I have a current sore throat, you know, for too much talking spaces right now, sorry, you cannot hear me properly. Well, so what aiful is that? Like we are basically an ecosystem connecting five different projects under one token and NFT, we are connecting both the, you know, the community, the emotional side of the NFTs with the systematic utilities and we have two gaming projects, one social five project, one development and you know, cybersecurity for web three project and one airdrop service for founders who wants to do, you know, engagement farming for their projects we are integrating with which we are integrating with the Twitter API.

Project Collaboration and Services

All of these projects are working with our token and our NFTs are offering benefits, utilities, features and plus the community and networking. Amazing, amazing. And what's the, sorry, out of interest, what's the cyber security project? What's the name of that one? So yeah it's called Iron Node. You can maybe check that out from Twitter. So actually as a founder my background is cybersecurity and development and for like I'm doing this for over ten years now and for the last three years I'm working in completely web three development and security.

Founder's Experience & Insights

I was the team lead in Hallborn security which is one of the most noticeable security firms in the industry of web three. And yeah basically after that I started my company. It went really well after. Right now we recently found that AFL and we actually connected the Irel node under AFL as well and we are accepting right now. Soon I will be expecting our payments with our token moment. Token for security audits, any kind of penetration tests or any kind of web three development. Amazing, amazing.

Backgrounds in Cybersecurity

Yeah, me too. I come from a security background, not ten years, but I have a good, yeah, a good five years or so experience in the cybersecurity industry. So that's cool. Fellow. Fellow security. Yeah, we should connect. Yes, definitely. I don't do web free security but well, web free I do mainly. So yeah, like traditional cybersecurity and like you know, just simple blue hat stuff, some pen tests, some, yeah, just general like protections, writing policies and other stuff.

Importance of Web 3 Security

So yeah, let's connect. Definitely. Really cool. Yeah, like especially that kind of stuff is really important in the web three gaming, you know, and tokens are involved and such kind of things. Yeah, 100%, 100%. Yeah, really really super important. Rick. So cool. Samuel Obi, how's it going? Yeah, good day guys. Good day guys. All good, all good.

Community Engagement and Excitement

Happy weekend to all our speakers and our listeners. Really excited to be on this space. Yeah. And also let me just give a brief rundown of what Masterpop is all about. And by the way, I'm a representative of Masterpop and I'm part of the business development committee. And also we know that Masterpop is like game and it's also like vibrant and in an inclusive ecosystem that is powered by the blockchain technology.

Game Development and Economic Opportunities

And also despite being a gaming platform, our mission is to redefine the gaming system by merging and engaging gameplay with real economic opportunities. And also we believe in the future where every action in the game not only bring fun but also financial reward and just wrap it up. In Masterpop, your skill and your strategy, they like translate directly into value and empowering you as you play.

Play for Fun and Rewards

So you also like benefits more as you play. Not just as you play, just play for the phone. You play for the phone, you play to end and you just pick to like socialize. Because actually now we are actually in the a test date where we are testing our games to make it more confident and more ready to play for our users. And also I would like to adhere all of us to try the game because actually playing the game before we had this space and I was just really into the game because now there are various steps of levels.

Game Testing and Player Engagement

When you pass this level, you have to strive again and as you are playing the game, you're earning more points and all of that. So I'll just stop here so the other speakers can give an insight of themselves and their projects. Thank you. Amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Samuel from social pop. Really cool. Nice to have you on. And we have Ayush.

Final Contributions and Introduction

Ayush Kumar. How's it going to yo guys.

Introduction and Partnership Announcement

Am I audible? Yes. Hey you. Loud and clear. Amazing. Amazing. So this is my first time in Ama with you guys. I'm so happy to be in partnership with you. So let me introduce myself. Myself, I was from Gary network. We are the largest web three live streaming platform on Solana and Aptos. Currently we have Gary is a utility token of Chingari app and Chingari app is literally the largest in South Asia live streaming platform with 200 million downloads on Apple Store and on Google Play Store. Currently we also shifted in gaming with $7 million in revenue. And also we have a trading board which has right now hit at the all time high of $10 million in revenue. So yeah, we are so happy to with you guys. And we both are actually working in same areas of live streaming and all.

Facilitating Communication and Sharing Information

Guys, fossil, I pinned your tweets from the iron node. Sorry Chad. To break in Metacraft Aisha from Gary. Also since the Gary official profile is not here, guys. Also others who have announcement that you want the speakers as well as the listeners to go through, please feel free to pin the post that you want to share. Yeah. Yeah, guys. Am I audible? Yeah, perfectly. Perfectly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So this is my first time I'm coming to this ama with you guys. So yeah, I introduced myself. Amazing, amazing. Brilliant. Nice to have you on. And yeah, please. Yeah, send the post and that will be pinned so we can have everyone here and all of the info there. So that's really cool. All right, so, yeah, brilliant. Let's, let's begin. I think it's all good. All speakers here. Wonderful, wonderful.

Discussion on Social Fire in Gaming

So today we're going to talk about social fire in gaming. Social fire. Really cool at the moment. So I don't usually shield my projects or my project that I work with ever. But we have a huge social fi platform game that we're working on that will come out in a few weeks time. I'll talk more about it then. However, I really like it. It's warpcast platform that we're working on. And I really like it. It's like a social fi kind of network. You can't really earn on it, but you can, it kind of facilitates exchanging and I really like the idea. So wondering how you guys, how do you feel about social fire? So other social projects, not just warpcast, but other ones, of course. And how does it contribute to improving player loyalty in the gaming industry? So I absolutely love it because it makes it easier to, you know, reward creators and really to set up some really nice engagement.

Impact of Social Fi on Player Engagement

But really curious what you guys would like to talk about it. So, Matt, go for it. Yeah, so really interesting topic. And it's so early in this social fi. Social fi already is so fresh. It's really, it really hasn't even been around for maybe it's been a year. Like, I'm thinking as far back as I can remember, friend tech started. Then the avalanche thing came out. I don't even remember what it was called. I think it's called the arena now. I know they rebranded because there was a bunch of, like, internal, call it disagreements. I think it's called. Oh, yeah, it was called Star arena, I think. And then they rebranded to the arena. So that's live on Avalanche now. That had a really cool component to it. Honestly, like during the book, during the bear market, people were just trying to figure out anything to make money.

Brief History of Social Fi

All of the influencers jumped onto Friendtech and Star arena or the arena I think there were a few more. There's one made on Solana. I don't, I never even like, got into that one, but neither did I get into Friendtech. But you can. The way it works just to give any listeners, you know, live or in the future, is like you create an account and then if you push valuable content, people can effectively buy tickets or shares of your handle, and people can buy and sell it on the open market in order to effectively bid on a market price for your profile and you as the creator, the more content you push out, the more kind of valuable information you push out, the higher potentially youre, the value of your ticket goes up of your share. Right.

Concerns Around Ponzi-like Structures

There's a few like, ponzinomics components into the way these things are set up because if a creator just like stops or, you know, he can be using his or her network to pump up the value of the shares and then you can effectively rug your own community. So, yeah, I'm not really sure what the state of friendtech or the arena are right now. I know that the TVL and average daily users went through a massive spike in the beginning of all of this and then they dropped 90%. So I don't even know if people are on these apps anymore. But to set level, set and set the stage, I guess, for this discussion, that is like the brief history of the status quo of what socialfi has been tying it into gaming, because web three gaming, I think, is a little bit more mature in terms of its time being developed in the crypto space.

Integration of Gaming and Social Elements

It's probably, you know, there might be some components that you could link into this to incentivize people, but the gamers to stay. But I think the overarching theme of create fun game first, deliver web tech later is kind of like the overall, the main theme that web three gaming is focusing on right now. And I think I, if there's some sort of tech that gets introduced into the game that allows this sort of pay to engage with creator kind of economy, that would be cool. But I think we're pretty far off from it. So I'll just stop there because I know I just said a lot, but I think it's good to kind of level set and give people background on social fi and its existence and web three.

Discussion on Platforms and User Rewards

Yeah, like, definitely, yeah. Friend tech, I think, was the first social firing, but like boomed, right? It was massive at one point. Like it was quite huge. I think there were a few before, but none of them really made it, like, mainstream. There was, I know there's like a subsocial. There was maybe a few other ones I even know like during the ICO period of like 2017, 2018 there were many like yeah, 20 1617. There were like many projects saying oh yeah, this is Facebook but this, this, but they never really kept it out. The only, yeah, so the only, right, yeah, real user platform was, yeah, I would say that, yeah, Friendtech.

Advertising Dynamics in Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0

So yeah, 100%. And just to add on what a bit more of what you said is. So yeah, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, all of these companies, they earn huge, huge, huge amounts in like advertising. But they don't give it all back to creators, right? They give maybe, I mean they say they give like 40% but I doubt it. Like when you take into account all of their expenses and everything it a lot less. So I think that a web free platform of that could like could incentivize creators a lot more than traditional ones. But yeah, enough with me. Cynthia or Gerald would like to jump on yo.

Concerns Around Data Privacy and Creator Economy

If you think they're making a lot from advertising wait till you see how much they'll make from training AI with all our social media profiles and all our chats and all that data that they've been hoarding for so many years. I just shudder to think like how powerful meta's AI is going to be like in actual language production in multiple languages because Facebook is huge around the world, especially with old people. So yeah, that's something to watch out for. I wish we can opt out for that nonsense because I wouldn't want the AI to be able to recreate my language and people can use it to cheat or to scam whatever that is.

Integrating Social Elements into Web 3 Games

And also I want to say something about Gamefi and the social elements to games. I think I haven't seen many web three games that have that where let's say you play a match, let's say it's a three v three. I don't see the option of like you know liking or following and then that person is able to promote let's say their ex or their Twitter stream on in the game itself in a profile of some sort because I think that would be something really good for games to integrate this social fi elements into the game. And also like sometimes when I play with people and I think they're really good, I want to have them as a friend. So if we happen to be online again together maybe we could work together rather than kill each other.

Using Smart Contracts for Enhanced Player Interaction

So I think games should integrate social fight into the game itself. That would be really cool and to add another step, like with smart contracts and all of that thing, like all of those things and into integrations and API calls, it would be good to have a platform and you can actually see live from the contracts, like who's playing what game, you know, what are they doing? Did they get a kill? Wow, that could be so dope. I just got a cool idea there. I think that was quite good. But yeah, like you can see what they're doing and then you can jump on, play with them, send them messages.

Reflections on Financial Incentives in Platforms

Synfi, I see your hands up. Do you want to go for it? Yeah, actually, you know, we are all the time seeing the number of amount of money that involves in certain things. But fronttech was never the first one. It was steam. Steam it. And when it comes to number of users, they're ignoring the total value locked because total value can be done. For example, if we have like 20 or 100 and people with few million in the pocket that can be manipulated. For example, talk about this very moment. Go to the bitcoin ecosystem. Like bitcoin layer twos. I don't want to pinpoint anybody. You find a lot of tvls and the TVL comes from on the bitcoin mainnet.

Concluding Thoughts on Creators and Profit Sharing

We will not be able to find it on the EVM network EVM chain. But go to the bitcoin. How the bitcoin comes from. Where does the bitcoin come from? Is it a custodial provider or few other wallets? So leave the tv aside. But if I'm not wrong, it was steamy steam. It was 2016, that camp as a source of height. And then if you have heard about, hive blockchain, you remember the Hive, anybody, they allow users to engage, write socials, write articles, and then users to on. And look, I don't like web too, but realistically, YouTube provides much more better benefits to the. I know a lot of people who are creating on YouTube.

Revenue Distribution on Various Platforms

They give much more royalty to the users than any other platform. For example, I think 50% was 55. 50 or 55, but yeah, 55%. They are only keeping 45% from ad revenue from the YouTube itself. And if you are they now recently they integrated. This whole thing is actually giving better benefits than even the so called Roblox. Roblox actually takes 770 percent of the creators while giving 30%. But YouTube gives actually user 70% if anybody doesn't know about that. So YouTube is an evil devil, whatever we can call it. But actually YouTube is much better when it comes to revenue generation and creating revenue and kicking back to the users better than I would say.

Final Remarks on Frontech and Its Users

I'm sorry. If anybody likes front tech, I like Frontech. But front tech fund users, let's pinpoint and see from this listeners. We have only a few listeners, so if anybody down here listening, feel free to Satoy send you the invites. Bro, I saw the message, I sent you the invite. Feel free to retweet and please bring me somebody at even hundred people in your circle who made a lot of money in front of. So then I will keep my case. I will rest my case. That's a, that's it. When it comes to frantic, yes.

The Influence of Social Media Profiles in Gaming

A lot of people who are having big bags, who would be having high profiles, like number of followers, high number of followers might have generated a lot, but individual users, when it comes to, even if they have a huge profile on YouTube, when they come in, they were unable to make it. But if you have a huge profile, they were able to make it. On the frantic, basically on the platform. But again, nothing against the people. But in web three, we are all very focused on making revenue, but actually that have to be a revenue generating platform to give back to the users. But these other ways that we are basically elevating and people getting points and all these things is a very evil way.

The Role of Social Factors in Gaming

But coming back to leaving that topic aside, but coming back to the gaming. Gaming. Since ever the gaming online gaming exists, social factor is a very, plays a very big role in gaming. Every single game, whether it's in game chat, or whether it's in game voice chat, or typing, or even sharing stuff. Now, even most of the games that are outside, like mostly widely spread or played games, they are even going an extra mile and allowing users to take screenshots, even save the videos of their gameplay and share it. And they go ahead and even start popularity campaigns. For example.

Popularity Campaigns in Games

Yes, dead yesterday, the PUBG popularity campaign season five started, for example, just to let you all know. So if you are getting popularity of, let's say, after every battle, whatever you do, you're gonna be getting a lot of money within the game that you can actually, typically you can sell your profile for a few hundred thousand bucks. So that's the reality in web two, the social media integration of games that exist from the day one. So I believe in web three also. When we see the games that are integrating web three in social media and chatting and all these things.

Conversations and Connections in Gaming

For example, in gaming Forge, we will be allowing chatting in our quest platform. That means the majority of the users that we are forgetting to address in web three is we are talking about decentralization, bringing decentralization, but we are not talking about the wide range of users who are spending money into the games. Like for example, if we have 3000 people investing in a web three project, but still the people who are actually putting the money and consuming is those millions or billions people who silently doesn't say a word. Like if you are playing a game from Ubisoft, there are millions of people who doesn't say a word, but they simply consume the data from that platform.

Engaging Users in Web Three Gaming

So the best thing is you provide them a platform. That means, for example, if Chad is holding an asset from one game, but he doesn't speak or say a word, he's silently there. And then from the same game, let's say Gerald is holding an asset. Now, the best thing is bring in a solution for these two people to talk without knowing each other. So this kind of social media we need to talk about, I personally believe and I think it will come up. Let's see, maybe it's a gaming on podcast platform. We might have this kind of thing.

Importance of Socializing in Gaming

Let's see. It's a hint. Anything is possible. Nice, brilliant. And yeah, we have. Sorry, I'm just. All right, yeah, forcion. There we go. Phocion from April. Sorry, I was just checking here at the answer. Go for it. Okay, it's fine. You can just call me aiful, you know. So yeah, socializing is everything, you know, great for the gaming. Like it's at competition or you know, just regular socializing.

Strategies for Enhancing Player Engagement

You know, the one of the problems with the players that they generally feel lonely, but all of them are actually doing the same thing in the same platform. But why cannot they socialize? So it always increases the engagement within. So because, you know, humans are social creatures and we both need to socialize and we also need to competition as well. And if you know, just include them inside the game, that's the best perfect world for them. For the web three games or web three anything which is going to be connected with social fi in web three, any application.

Integrating APIs for Enhanced Community Building

In my personal opinion, I think they should do that by integrating with, you know, discord API and Twitter API they like in european. Of course they can do their own application. But you know, most of the socialization and networking goes already through the discord and Twitter right now. So if we just integrate with their APIs, it's really hard to do, by the way, but we can do really creative stuff there, both in terms of social and both in terms of finance.

Possibilities with Social Platforms and APIs

Just social high. Yeah, definitely. I think it would be a lot better if, like, a lot of these social platforms would provide a lot more, you know, possibilities to build. Right. So APIs and not make them crazy expensive, like Twitter. Like, Twitter's crazy expensive APIs at the moment. But yeah, it'll be really good to have a kind of platform that's, you know, open for this kind of stuff. Yeah. Frost.

Connecting with Key Players in the Industry

Sorry. I believe you just joined. 100%. Chad. Yes. Was out of power. Sorry for that, brother. You know, on third world countries like Colombia, where I'm based, heavy rain and early morning can take out the power. So I got back as soon as possible. Happy to be here. With all the legends on the panel. I could hear Cynthia dropping some big bums and good take to Eiffel.

Building a Decentralized Social Platform

Definitely resonate. Senior choice behind the account, representing trustops, we give a quick intro. So you guys know what we are about. We're building a social by platform, but it's fully decentralized. So we call it the web three discord alternative. But imagine you've got the roles on chain. You've got community first tokens that you can launch for your community that follow the concept of meme coins, but not just the regular meme coins.

Opportunities in Tokenization and Community Engagement

Talking about the meme coins that are launched under the concept of the fair launch, which means that there are not seed rounds or there are no specific good chances for Kols or all of the things that we are already used to in the industry. But instead, if somebody buys, it's adding liquidity. If somebody sells the token, then it's taking liquidity out of the pool. So it's like automatic market making and it gives same opportunities, equal opportunities to all of the community members.

Unlocking Potential in Web Three Gaming

And we're talking about lifetime royalties whenever you onboard users, regardless of what, how do they join and wherever are they receiving or transacting within the platform. So we're really unlocking opportunities for all the profiles that we currently have on web three. Embracing the DJ's, embracing the gamers, embracing community builders with great benefits to all of them, because we believe on an on chain future.

Innovative Approaches to Community Management

So like you guys were saying, I haven't seen yet regular web two platform that helps you curate community or that has been integrating fully with onchain technology. So we're funded by Chris Cicec. He was the CTA and co founder of Cryptomon. You guys probably heard of it. They were cooking even before Axie Infinity was cooking. And we're coming in hot.

Personal Connections in a Digital Age

We are going to start with testing soon since it's going to be probably one of the lucky ones that will start testing since the very early days. But we've been building a very beautiful network, and we're here to stay. And in terms of the platform where you can connect and interact with others, the topic of the day, it truly resonates with me because definitely we see it happening from my generation and the most recent ones, where technology and video games and the digital life are playing a key role in most of humanity, people has found connections and relatability on digital spaces, where in the past, it was all just in real life things.

The Impact of Digital Platforms on Relationships

So now it's like we're moving towards this metaverse where, for example, me, I was able to meet my wife in the other side of the world. I'm in Colombia. She's from the Philippines. I had to travel, like, two days on a plane to be able to get there. And green for six years before I was able to get to her. But there, you see, this is the beautiful things that the digital area and social platforms can bring you.

Transformative Nature of Gaming

You're connecting people that maybe wouldn't have a single chance to meet each other if it was not because of the technology that we have available. And you've seen so many crazy things and connections being made by gaming, because one of the things that definitely gets the people out of the toxicity of the world and the daily life. You know, one of the things that, like, the two most beautiful things, after being in some spaces with legends that we could recap, gaming can deliver best is the connections you make along the way.

Building Meaningful Relationships Through Gaming

The friends you build, the relationships you build that are with people, that maybe you spend more time than with your own family, that probably you don't get know in real life, but that you can build deeper connections than with a lot of people that is surrounding you and, you know, gives you so many opportunities to interact. The potential is just endless. And definitely people wants to belong to something and wants to relate to something.

The Organic Formation of Communities in Gaming

So there you see the creation of clans, the creation of guilds. It all came very natural when the games had the opportunities, and then it keep moving and evolving. So it's just, you know, we do need to communicate. We do need to connect with people. And in web three, for example, right now, we do need to curate communities because we kind of get entire destructive behavior of a lot of people that thinks that they can make a fortune just by doing nothing.

Finding Value in Community Engagement

Like, they want to retweet on, like, and they want to get $1,500 or more. So it's people that is not adding any value. So we need to find ways to curate community and add points or add roles that will help those users build their reputation and will help projects identify who valuable users are. That's one of the things that we deliver in our platform. Happy to chat with a lot of you guys and ready for the bumps and for the questions.

Invitation for Further Discussion

So shoot whenever you guys want. Brilliant. Amazing. Wonderful. Thank you. Thank you for joining. Brilliant. Brilliant. All right, so let's move on with the next part. So what are effective social fire strategies to improve player retention across different gaming platforms? So I would like to just intro that a little bit and talk about my experience with Habo hotel when I was 15 years old.

Personal Experience with Gaming Platforms

I loved it. Why did I love it? I could talk to people. I could, you know, say bobber. I don't know if there's any. Remember that? And, yeah, I loved it. I could create my own room. I could create my own rules in my room. I could, you know, engage with people. I could play games. I could, you know, have my own club create it. So, yeah, I mean, that's kind of on the. On the extreme, but, yeah, there were, you know, people that came in every day.

Building Communities in Online Spaces

You know, we would talk, we'll get to know each other and, you know, this is a lot of. Part of the new world, right? We have our online identities. We have our, you know, real person identities, I'd like to say. And, yeah, it definitely does keep people coming and coming when they love it. But enough with me. Let's see. So who has their hands up? We have many hands. Some from before, some from after. So let me.

Participant Engagement during Discussions

Okay. Ayush, Kumar, go for it. Yeah, man. Am I audible. Loud and clear? Loud and clear. Yeah, yeah. So I believe if you want to increase the community, I believe the best way is to incentivize it. You know, like, literally there are many games coming on taunt chain. And just by giving tattoo earned and many other stuff, they are just giving referendum things, like they are giving some coins on adding more people.

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